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package io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.parser
import better.files.File
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.{ATN, ATNConfigSet}
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Try
/** A consumable wrapper for the RubyParser class used to parse the given file and be disposed thereafter.
* @param inputDir
* the directory of the target to parse.
* @param filename
* the file path to the file to be parsed.
class AntlrParser(inputDir: File, filename: String) {
private val charStream = CharStreams.fromFileName(filename)
private val lexer = new RubyLexer(charStream)
private val tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(RubyLexerPostProcessor(lexer))
val parser: RubyParser = new RubyParser(tokenStream)
def parse(): (Try[RubyParser.ProgramContext], List[String]) = {
val errors = ListBuffer[String]()
parser.addErrorListener(new ANTLRErrorListener {
override def syntaxError(
recognizer: Recognizer[?, ?],
offendingSymbol: Any,
line: Int,
charPositionInLine: Int,
msg: String,
e: RecognitionException
): Unit = {
val errorMessage =
s"Syntax error on ${filename.stripPrefix(s"${inputDir.pathAsString}$separator")}:$line:$charPositionInLine"
override def reportAmbiguity(
recognizer: Parser,
dfa: DFA,
startIndex: Int,
stopIndex: Int,
exact: Boolean,
ambigAlts: util.BitSet,
configs: ATNConfigSet
): Unit = {}
override def reportAttemptingFullContext(
recognizer: Parser,
dfa: DFA,
startIndex: Int,
stopIndex: Int,
conflictingAlts: util.BitSet,
configs: ATNConfigSet
): Unit = {}
override def reportContextSensitivity(
recognizer: Parser,
dfa: DFA,
startIndex: Int,
stopIndex: Int,
prediction: Int,
configs: ATNConfigSet
): Unit = {}
(Try(parser.program()), errors.toList)
/** A re-usable parser object that clears the ANTLR DFA-cache if it determines that the memory usage is becoming large.
* Once this parser is closed, the whole cache is evicted.
* This is done in this way since clearing the cache after each file is inefficient, since the cache must be re-built
* every time, but the cache can become unnecessarily large at times. The cache also does not evict itself at the end
* of parsing.
* @param clearLimit
* the percentage of used heap to clear the DFA-cache on.
class ResourceManagedParser(clearLimit: Double) extends AutoCloseable {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
private val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime
private var maybeDecisionToDFA: Option[Array[DFA]] = None
private var maybeAtn: Option[ATN] = None
def parse(inputFile: File, filename: String): Try[RubyParser.ProgramContext] = {
val inputDir = if inputFile.isDirectory then inputFile else inputFile.parent
val antlrParser = AntlrParser(inputDir, filename)
val interp = antlrParser.parser.getInterpreter
// We need to grab a live instance in order to get the static variables as they are protected from static access
maybeDecisionToDFA = Option(interp.decisionToDFA)
maybeAtn = Option(interp.atn)
val usedMemory = runtime.freeMemory.toDouble / runtime.totalMemory.toDouble
if (usedMemory >= clearLimit) {
logger.debug(s"Runtime memory consumption at $usedMemory, clearing ANTLR DFA cache")
val (programCtx, errors) = antlrParser.parse()
/** Clears the shared DFA cache.
private def clearDFA(): Unit = if (maybeDecisionToDFA.isDefined && maybeAtn.isDefined) {
val decisionToDFA = maybeDecisionToDFA.get
val atn = maybeAtn.get
for (d <- decisionToDFA.indices) {
decisionToDFA(d) = new DFA(atn.getDecisionState(d), d)
override def close(): Unit = clearDFA()