replpp.shaded.os.ResourcePath.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package replpp.shaded
package os
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object ResourcePath {
def resource(resRoot: ResourceRoot) = {
new ResourcePath(resRoot, Array.empty[String])
* Represents path to a resource on the java classpath.
* Classloaders are tricky:
class ResourcePath private[os] (val resRoot: ResourceRoot, segments0: Array[String])
extends BasePathImpl with ReadablePath with SegmentedPath {
def getInputStream = resRoot.getResourceAsStream(segments.mkString("/")) match {
case null => throw ResourceNotFoundException(this)
case stream => stream
def toSource = new Source.WritableSource(getInputStream)
val segments: IndexedSeq[String] = segments0.toIndexedSeq
type ThisType = ResourcePath
def lastOpt = segments0.lastOption
override def toString = resRoot.errorName + "/" + segments0.mkString("/")
protected[this] def make(p: Seq[String], ups: Int) = {
if (ups > 0) {
throw PathError.AbsolutePathOutsideRoot
new ResourcePath(resRoot, p.toArray[String])
def relativeTo(base: ResourcePath) = {
var newUps = 0
var s2 = base.segments
while (!segments0.startsWith(s2)) {
s2 = s2.dropRight(1)
newUps += 1
new RelPath(segments0.drop(s2.length), newUps)
def startsWith(target: ResourcePath) = {
* Thrown when you try to read from a resource that doesn't exist.
* @param path
case class ResourceNotFoundException(path: ResourcePath) extends Exception(path.toString)
* Represents a possible root where classpath resources can be loaded from;
* either a [[ResourceRoot.ClassLoader]] or a [[ResourceRoot.Class]]. Resources
* loaded from classloaders are always loaded via their absolute path, while
* resources loaded via classes are always loaded relatively.
sealed trait ResourceRoot {
def getResourceAsStream(s: String): InputStream
def errorName: String
object ResourceRoot {
private[this] def renderClassloader(cl: java.lang.ClassLoader) = {
cl.getClass.getName + "@" + java.lang.Integer.toHexString(cl.hashCode())
implicit def classResourceRoot(cls: java.lang.Class[_]): ResourceRoot = Class(cls)
case class Class(cls: java.lang.Class[_]) extends ResourceRoot {
def getResourceAsStream(s: String) = cls.getResourceAsStream(s)
def errorName = renderClassloader(cls.getClassLoader) + ":" + cls.getName
implicit def classLoaderResourceRoot(cl: java.lang.ClassLoader): ResourceRoot = ClassLoader(cl)
case class ClassLoader(cl: java.lang.ClassLoader) extends ResourceRoot {
def getResourceAsStream(s: String) = cl.getResourceAsStream(s)
def errorName = renderClassloader(cl)