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replpp.shaded.scopt.ORunner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package replpp.shaded.scopt
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.collection.{ Seq => CSeq }
import scala.collection.immutable.{ Seq => ISeq }
import OptionDef._
import OptionDefKind._
import OEffect._
private[scopt] object ORunner {
private[scopt] def renderUsage[C](
mode: RenderingMode,
options: List[OptionDef[_, C]]
): (String, String) = {
def heads: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == Head }
def arguments: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == Arg }
def commands: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == Cmd }
def programNames: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == ProgramName }
def programName: String = programNames.headOption match {
case Some(option: OptionDef[_, C]) => option.desc
case _ => ""
def optionsForRender: List[OptionDef[_, C]] = {
val unsorted = options filter { o =>
o.kind != Head &&
o.kind != Check &&
o.kind != ProgramName &&
val (remaining, sorted) = unsorted partition { _.hasParent } match {
case (p, np) => (ListBuffer() ++ p, ListBuffer() ++ np)
var continue = true
while (!remaining.isEmpty && continue) {
continue = false
for {
parent <- sorted.toList
} {
val childrenOfThisParent = remaining filter { _.getParentId == Some( }
if (childrenOfThisParent.nonEmpty) {
remaining --= childrenOfThisParent
sorted.insertAll((sorted indexOf parent) + 1, childrenOfThisParent)
continue = true
def itemUsage(value: OptionDef[_, C]): String = {
def indentDescription(desc: String): String = desc.split(NL).mkString(NLTB)
value.kind match {
case ProgramName => value.desc
case Head | Note | Check => value.desc
case Cmd =>
"Command: " + commandExample(Some(value)) + NL + value.desc
case Arg => WW + + NLTB + value.desc
case Opt if == 2 =>
WW + (value.shortOpt map { o =>
"-" + o + ":" + value.keyValueString + " | "
} getOrElse { "" }) +
value.fullName + ":" + value.keyValueString + NLTB + indentDescription(value.desc)
case Opt if == 1 =>
WW + (value.shortOpt map { o =>
"-" + o + " " + value.valueString + " | "
} getOrElse { "" }) +
value.fullName + " " + value.valueString + NLTB + indentDescription(value.desc)
case Opt | OptHelp | OptVersion =>
WW + (value.shortOpt map { o =>
"-" + o + " | "
} getOrElse { "" }) +
value.fullName + NLTB + indentDescription(value.desc)
lazy val header = (heads map { itemUsage }).mkString(NL)
def usageColumn1(value: OptionDef[_, C]): String =
value.kind match {
case ProgramName => value.desc
case Head | Note | Check => ""
case Cmd =>
"Command: " + commandExample(Some(value)) + NL
case Arg => WW +
case Opt if == 2 =>
WW + (value.shortOpt map { o =>
"-" + o + ", "
} getOrElse { "" }) +
value.fullName + ":" + value.keyValueString
case Opt if == 1 =>
WW + (value.shortOpt map { o =>
"-" + o + ", "
} getOrElse { "" }) +
value.fullName + " " + value.valueString
case Opt | OptHelp | OptVersion =>
WW + (value.shortOpt map { o =>
"-" + o + ", "
} getOrElse { "" }) +
def usageTwoColumn(value: OptionDef[_, C], col1Length: Int): String = {
def spaceToDesc(str: String, description: String) = {
if (description.isEmpty) str
else {
if ((str.length + WW.length) <= col1Length)
str + (" " * (col1Length - str.length)) + description
.mkString(NL + " " * col1Length)
str + NL + description.split(NL).map(s => (" " * col1Length) + s).mkString(NL)
value.kind match {
case ProgramName => value.desc
case Head | Note | Check => value.desc
case Cmd => usageColumn1(value) + value.desc
case Arg => spaceToDesc(usageColumn1(value), value.desc)
case Opt if == 2 => spaceToDesc(usageColumn1(value), value.desc)
case Opt if == 1 => spaceToDesc(usageColumn1(value), value.desc)
case Opt | OptHelp | OptVersion => spaceToDesc(usageColumn1(value), value.desc)
def renderOneColumnUsage: String = {
val descriptions = optionsForRender map { itemUsage }
(if (header == "") "" else header + NL) +
(usageExample match {
case "" => ""
case x => "Usage: " + x + NLNL
}) +
def renderTwoColumnsUsage: String = {
val xs = optionsForRender
val descriptions = {
val col1Len = math.min(
xs map { x =>
usageColumn1(x).length + WW.length
} match {
case Nil => 0
case list => list.max
xs map { x =>
usageTwoColumn(x, col1Len)
(if (header == "") "" else header + NL) +
(usageExample match {
case "" => ""
case x => "Usage: " + x + NLNL
}) +
def commandExample(cmd: Option[OptionDef[_, C]]): String = {
def commandName(cmd: OptionDef[_, C]): String =
(cmd.getParentId map { x =>
(commands find { == x } map { commandName } getOrElse { "" }) + " "
} getOrElse { "" }) +
val text = new ListBuffer[String]()
text += cmd map { commandName } getOrElse programName
val parentId = cmd map { }
val cs = commands filter { c =>
c.getParentId == parentId && !c.isHidden
if (cs.nonEmpty) text += cs map { } mkString ("[", "|", "]")
val os = options.toSeq filter { case x =>
(x.kind == Opt || x.kind == OptVersion || x.kind == OptHelp) &&
x.getParentId == parentId
val as = arguments filter { _.getParentId == parentId }
if (os.nonEmpty) text += "[options]"
if (cs exists { case x => arguments exists { _.getParentId == Some( } })
text += "..."
else if (as.nonEmpty) text ++= as map { _.argName }
text.mkString(" ")
def usageExample: String = commandExample(None)
val usg = mode match {
case RenderingMode.OneColumn => renderOneColumnUsage
case RenderingMode.TwoColumns => renderTwoColumnsUsage
(header, usg)
/** parses the given `args`.
private[scopt] def runParser[C](
args: CSeq[String],
init: C,
options: List[OptionDef[_, C]],
setup: OParserSetup
): (Option[C], List[OEffect]) = {
var i = 0
import setup._
def heads: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == Head }
def nonArgs: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { case x =>
x.kind == Opt ||
x.kind == Note ||
x.kind == OptHelp ||
x.kind == OptVersion
def arguments: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == Arg }
def commands: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == Cmd }
def checks: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == Check }
lazy val helpOptions: ISeq[OptionDef[_, C]] = options filter { _.kind == OptHelp }
val pendingOptions = ListBuffer() ++ (nonArgs filterNot { _.hasParent })
val pendingArgs = ListBuffer() ++ (arguments filterNot { _.hasParent })
val pendingCommands = ListBuffer() ++ (commands filterNot { _.hasParent })
var occurrences: Map[OptionDef[_, C], Int] = ListMap[OptionDef[_, C], Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
var _config: C = init
var _error = false
lazy val (header0, usage0) = ORunner.renderUsage(renderingMode, options)
val effects = ListBuffer[OEffect]()
def displayToOut(msg: String): Unit = effects.append(DisplayToOut(msg))
def displayToErr(msg: String): Unit = effects.append(DisplayToErr(msg))
def reportError(msg: String): Unit = effects.append(ReportError(msg))
def reportWarning(msg: String): Unit = effects.append(ReportWarning(msg))
def terminate(exitState: Either[String, Unit]): Unit = effects.append(Terminate(exitState))
def pushChildren(opt: OptionDef[_, C]): Unit = {
// commands are cleared to guarantee that it appears first
pendingOptions insertAll (0, nonArgs filter { x =>
x.getParentId == Some( &&
pendingArgs insertAll (0, arguments filter { x =>
x.getParentId == Some( &&
pendingCommands insertAll (0, commands filter { x =>
x.getParentId == Some( &&
def handleError(msg: String): Unit = {
if (errorOnUnknownArgument) {
_error = true
} else reportWarning(msg)
lazy val helpAction: C => C = { (c: C) =>
lazy val versionAction: C => C = { (c: C) =>
def handleArgument(opt: OptionDef[_, C], arg: String): Unit = {
// version and help are dependent on runner results, so the actions are provided here
val runnerAction = opt.kind match {
case OptHelp => Some(helpAction)
case OptVersion => Some(versionAction)
case _ => None
opt.applyArgument(arg, _config, runnerAction) match {
case Right(c) =>
_config = c
case Left(xs) =>
_error = true
xs foreach reportError
def handleFallback[A](opt: OptionDef[A, C], arg: A): Unit = {
// version and help are dependent on runner results, so the actions are provided here
val runnerAction = opt.kind match {
case OptHelp => Some(helpAction)
case OptVersion => Some(versionAction)
case _ => None
opt.applyFallback(arg, _config, runnerAction) match {
case Right(c) =>
_config = c
case Left(xs) =>
_error = true
xs foreach reportError
def handleOccurrence(opt: OptionDef[_, C], pending: ListBuffer[OptionDef[_, C]]): Unit = {
if (occurrences.contains(opt)) {
val o = occurrences(opt) + 1
occurrences += (opt -> o)
} else {
occurrences += (opt -> 1)
if (occurrences(opt) >= opt.getMaxOccurs) {
pending -= opt
def findCommand(cmd: String): Option[OptionDef[_, C]] =
pendingCommands find { == cmd }
// greedy match
def handleShortOptions(g0: String): Unit = {
val gs = (0 to g0.size - 1).toSeq map { n =>
g0.substring(0, g0.size - n)
gs flatMap { g =>
pendingOptions map { (g, _) }
} find { case (g, opt) =>
opt.shortOptTokens("-" + g) == 1
} match {
case Some(p) =>
val (g, option) = p
handleOccurrence(option, pendingOptions)
handleArgument(option, "")
if (g0.drop(g.size) != "") {
handleShortOptions(g0 drop g.size)
case None => handleError("Unknown option " + "-" + g0)
def handleChecks(c: C): Unit = {
Validation.validateValue(checks flatMap { _.checks })(c) match {
case Right(c) => // do nothing
case Left(xs) =>
_error = true
xs foreach reportError
def showUsageAsError(): Unit = {
def showTryHelp(): Unit = {
def oxford(xs: List[String]): String = xs match {
case a :: b :: Nil => a + " or " + b
case _ => (xs.dropRight(2) :+ xs.takeRight(2).mkString(", or ")).mkString(", ")
if (helpOptions.nonEmpty) {
displayToErr("Try " + oxford(helpOptions.toList map {
}) + " for more information.")
var processOptions = true
while (i < args.length) {
if (args(i) == "--") {
processOptions = false
} else {
pendingOptions find {
_.tokensToRead(i, args) > 0
} match {
case Some(option) if processOptions =>
handleOccurrence(option, pendingOptions)
option(i, args) match {
case Right(v) => handleArgument(option, v)
case Left(outOfBounds) => handleError(outOfBounds)
// move index forward for gobbling
if (option.tokensToRead(i, args) > 1) {
i += option.tokensToRead(i, args) - 1
} // if
case _ =>
def isShortOpt(arg: String): Boolean =
arg.startsWith("-") && arg.length > 1 && arg(1) != '-'
args(i) match {
case arg if processOptions && arg.startsWith("--") =>
handleError("Unknown option " + arg)
case arg if processOptions && isShortOpt(arg) => handleShortOptions(arg drop 1)
case arg if findCommand(arg).isDefined =>
val cmd = findCommand(arg).get
handleOccurrence(cmd, pendingCommands)
handleArgument(cmd, "")
case arg if pendingArgs.isEmpty => handleError("Unknown argument '" + arg + "'")
case arg =>
val first = pendingArgs.head
handleOccurrence(first, pendingArgs)
handleArgument(first, arg)
i += 1
pendingOptions.filter(_.hasFallback).foreach { opt =>
val fallback = opt.getFallback
if (fallback != null) {
handleOccurrence(opt, pendingOptions)
handleFallback[Any](opt.asInstanceOf[OptionDef[Any, C]], fallback)
(pendingOptions filter { opt =>
opt.getMinOccurs > occurrences(opt)
}) foreach { opt =>
if (opt.getMinOccurs == 1) reportError("Missing " + opt.shortDescription)
opt.shortDescription.capitalize + " must be given " + opt.getMinOccurs + " times"
_error = true
(pendingArgs filter { arg =>
arg.getMinOccurs > occurrences(arg)
}) foreach { arg =>
if (arg.getMinOccurs == 1) reportError("Missing " + arg.shortDescription)
arg.shortDescription.capitalize + "' must be given " + arg.getMinOccurs + " times"
_error = true
if (_error) {
if (showUsageOnError.getOrElse(helpOptions.isEmpty)) showUsageAsError()
else showTryHelp()
(None, effects.toList)
} else (Some(_config), effects.toList)
private[scopt] def runEffects[C](effects: List[OEffect], setup: OEffectSetup): Unit = {
effects foreach {
case DisplayToOut(msg) => setup.displayToOut(msg)
case DisplayToErr(msg) => setup.displayToErr(msg)
case ReportError(msg) => setup.reportError(msg)
case ReportWarning(msg) => setup.reportWarning(msg)
case Terminate(exitState) => setup.terminate(exitState)