replpp.shaded.geny.Writable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package replpp.shaded
package geny
import{ByteArrayInputStream, InputStream, OutputStream, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder
* A [[Writable]] is a source of bytes that can be written to an OutputStream.
* Essentially a push-based version of ``, that allows an
* implementation to guarantee that cleanup logic runs after the bytes are
* written.
* [[Writable]] is also much easier to implement than ``: any
* code that previously wrote output to an `ByteArrayOutputStream` or
* `StringBuilder` can trivially satisfy the [[Writable]] interface. That makes
* [[Writable]] very convenient to use for allowing zero-friction zero-overhead
* streaming data exchange between different libraries.
* [[Writable]] comes with implicit constructors from `Array[Byte]`, `String`
* and `InputStream`, and is itself a tiny interface with minimal functionality.
* Libraries using [[Writable]] are expected to extend it to provide additional
* methods or additional implicit constructors that make sense in their context.
trait Writable extends Any{
def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit
def httpContentType: Option[String] = None
def contentLength: Option[Long] = None
object Writable extends LowPriWritable {
implicit class StringWritable(s: String) extends Writable{
def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit = {
s.grouped(8192).foreach(ss => out.write(ss.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))
override def httpContentType = Some("text/plain; charset=utf-8")
override def contentLength = Some(Internal.encodedLength(s))
implicit class ByteArrayWritable(a: Array[Byte]) extends Writable{
def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit = out.write(a)
override def httpContentType = Some("application/octet-stream")
override def contentLength = Some(a.length)
implicit class ByteBufferWritable(buffer: java.nio.ByteBuffer) extends Writable {
def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit = {
// TODO: there is room for optimization here. We could match on the output
// stream and in case it has an underlying NIO channel, write the buffer
// directly to it. E.g.
// out match {
// case fs: => fs.getChannel().write(buffer)
// case _ =>
// }
// This optimization however is not available on ScalaJS, and hence
// requires a restructuring of this source file.
val bb = buffer.duplicate().order(buffer.order())
var tmp = new Array[Byte](8192)
val length = bb.remaining()
var count = 0
while (count < length) {
val l = math.min(tmp.size, length - count)
bb.get(tmp, 0, l)
out.write(tmp, 0, l)
count += l
override def httpContentType = Some("application/octet-stream")
override def contentLength = Some(buffer.remaining())
trait LowPriWritable{
implicit def readableWritable[T](t: T)(implicit f: T => Readable): Writable = f(t)
* A [[Readable]] is a source of bytes that can be read from an InputStream
* A subtype of [[Writable]], every [[Readable]] can be trivially used as a
* [[Writable]] by transferring the bytes from the InputStream to the OutputStream,
* but not every [[Writable]] is a [[Readable]].
* Note that the InputStream is only available inside the `readBytesThrough`, and
* may be closed and cleaned up (along with any associated resources) once the
* callback returns.
trait Readable extends Writable{
def readBytesThrough[T](f: InputStream => T): T
def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit = readBytesThrough(Internal.transfer(_, out))
object Readable{
implicit class StringReadable(s: String) extends Readable{
def readBytesThrough[T](f: InputStream => T): T = {
f(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))
override def httpContentType = Some("text/plain; charset=utf-8")
override def contentLength = Some(Internal.encodedLength(s))
implicit class ByteArrayReadable(a: Array[Byte]) extends Readable{
def readBytesThrough[T](f: InputStream => T): T = f(new ByteArrayInputStream(a))
override def httpContentType = Some("application/octet-stream")
override def contentLength = Some(a.length)
implicit class ByteBufferReadable(buffer: java.nio.ByteBuffer) extends Readable{
def readBytesThrough[T](f: InputStream => T): T = {
val bb = buffer.duplicate().order(buffer.order())
val is = new InputStream {
override def read(): Int = if (!bb.hasRemaining()) {
} else {
bb.get() & 0xff
override def read(bytes: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) = if (!bb.hasRemaining()) {
} else {
val l = math.min(len, bb.remaining())
bb.get(bytes, off, l)
override def httpContentType = Some("application/octet-stream")
override def contentLength = Some(buffer.remaining())
implicit class InputStreamReadable(i: InputStream) extends Readable{
def readBytesThrough[T](f: InputStream => T): T = f(i)
override def httpContentType: Option[String] = Some("application/octet-stream")