replpp.shaded.mainargs.Result.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package replpp.shaded.mainargs
* Represents what comes out of an attempt to invoke an [[Main]].
* Could succeed with a value, but could fail in many different ways.
sealed trait Result[+T] {
def map[V](f: T => V): Result[V] = this match {
case Result.Success(v) => Result.Success(f(v))
case e: Result.Failure => e
def flatMap[V](f: T => Result[V]): Result[V] = this match {
case Result.Success(v) => f(v)
case e: Result.Failure => e
object Result {
* Invoking the [[Main]] was totally successful, and returned a
* result
case class Success[T](value: T) extends Result[T]
* Invoking the [[Main]] was not successful
sealed trait Failure extends Result[Nothing]
object Failure {
sealed trait Early extends Failure
object Early {
case class NoMainMethodsDetected() extends Early
case class SubcommandNotSpecified(options: Seq[String]) extends Early
case class UnableToFindSubcommand(options: Seq[String], token: String) extends Early
case class SubcommandSelectionDashes(token: String) extends Early
* Invoking the [[Main]] failed with an exception while executing
* code within it.
case class Exception(t: Throwable) extends Failure
* Invoking the [[Main]] failed because the arguments provided
* did not line up with the arguments expected
case class MismatchedArguments(
missing: Seq[ArgSig] = Nil,
unknown: Seq[String] = Nil,
duplicate: Seq[(ArgSig, Seq[String])] = Nil,
incomplete: Option[ArgSig] = None
) extends Failure
* Invoking the [[Main]] failed because there were problems
* deserializing/parsing individual arguments
case class InvalidArguments(values: Seq[ParamError]) extends Failure
sealed trait ParamError
object ParamError {
* Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter
case class Failed(arg: ArgSig, tokens: Seq[String], errMsg: String)
extends ParamError
* Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter;
* the thrown exception is stored in [[ex]]
case class Exception(arg: ArgSig, tokens: Seq[String], ex: Throwable)
extends ParamError
* Something went wrong trying to evaluate the default value
* for this input parameter
case class DefaultFailed(arg: ArgSig, ex: Throwable) extends ParamError
sealed trait ParamResult[+T] {
def map[V](f: T => V): ParamResult[V] = this match {
case ParamResult.Success(v) => ParamResult.Success(f(v))
case e: ParamResult.Failure => e
def flatMap[V](f: T => ParamResult[V]): ParamResult[V] = this match {
case ParamResult.Success(v) => f(v)
case e: ParamResult.Failure => e
object ParamResult {
case class Failure(errors: Seq[Result.ParamError]) extends ParamResult[Nothing]
case class Success[T](value: T) extends ParamResult[T]