replpp.shaded.os.Path.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package replpp.shaded
package os
import java.nio.file.Paths
import collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait PathChunk {
def segments: Seq[String]
def ups: Int
object PathChunk {
implicit class RelPathChunk(r: RelPath) extends PathChunk {
def segments = r.segments
def ups =
override def toString() = r.toString
implicit class SubPathChunk(r: SubPath) extends PathChunk {
def segments = r.segments
def ups = 0
override def toString() = r.toString
implicit class StringPathChunk(s: String) extends PathChunk {
def segments = Seq(s)
def ups = 0
override def toString() = s
implicit class SymbolPathChunk(s: Symbol) extends PathChunk {
def segments = Seq(
def ups = 0
override def toString() =
implicit class ArrayPathChunk[T](a: Array[T])(implicit f: T => PathChunk) extends PathChunk {
val inner = SeqPathChunk(a.toIndexedSeq)(f)
def segments = inner.segments
def ups =
override def toString() = inner.toString
implicit class SeqPathChunk[T](a: Seq[T])(implicit f: T => PathChunk) extends PathChunk {
@deprecated("never used, really shouldn't exist, kept for bincompat")
var segments0 = Nil
@deprecated("never used, really shouldn't exist, kept for bincompat")
var ups0 = 0
private val rel = { case (current, chunk) => current / chunk }
val (segments, ups) = (rel.segments,
override def toString() = segments.mkString("/")
* A path which is either an absolute [[Path]], a relative [[RelPath]],
* or a [[ResourcePath]] with shared APIs and implementations.
* Most of the filesystem-independent path-manipulation logic that lets you
* splice paths together or navigate in and out of paths lives in this interface
trait BasePath {
type ThisType <: BasePath
* Combines this path with the given relative path, returning
* a path of the same type as this one (e.g. `Path` returns `Path`,
* `RelPath` returns `RelPath`
def /(chunk: PathChunk): ThisType
* Relativizes this path with the given `target` path, finding a
* relative path `p` such that base/p == this.
* Note that you can only relativize paths of the same type, e.g.
* `Path` & `Path` or `RelPath` & `RelPath`. In the case of `RelPath`,
* this can throw a [[PathError.NoRelativePath]] if there is no
* relative path that satisfies the above requirement in the general
* case.
def relativeTo(target: ThisType): RelPath
* Relativizes this path with the given `target` path, finding a
* sub path `p` such that base/p == this.
def subRelativeTo(target: ThisType): SubPath = relativeTo(target).asSubPath
* This path starts with the target path, including if it's identical
def startsWith(target: ThisType): Boolean
* This path ends with the target path, including if it's identical
def endsWith(target: RelPath): Boolean
* The last segment in this path. Very commonly used, e.g. it
* represents the name of the file/folder in filesystem paths
def last: String
* Gives you the file extension of this path, or the empty
* string if there is no extension
def ext: String
* Gives you the base name of this path, ie without the extension
def baseName: String
* The individual path segments of this path.
def segments: TraversableOnce[String]
object BasePath {
def checkSegment(s: String) = {
def fail(msg: String) = throw PathError.InvalidSegment(s, msg)
def considerStr =
"use the Path(...) or RelPath(...) constructor calls to convert them. "
s.indexOf('/') match {
case -1 => // do nothing
case c => fail(
s"[/] is not a valid character to appear in a path segment. " +
"If you want to parse an absolute or relative path that may have " +
"multiple segments, e.g. path-strings coming from external sources " +
def externalStr = "If you are dealing with path-strings coming from external sources, "
s match {
case "" =>
"OS-Lib does not allow empty path segments " +
externalStr + considerStr
case "." =>
"OS-Lib does not allow [.] as a path segment " +
externalStr + considerStr
case ".." =>
"OS-Lib does not allow [..] as a path segment " +
externalStr +
considerStr +
"If you want to use the `..` segment manually to represent going up " +
"one level in the path, use the `up` segment from `os.up` " +
"e.g. an external path foo/bar/../baz translates into 'foo/'bar/up/'baz."
case _ =>
def chunkify(s: java.nio.file.Path) = {
import collection.JavaConverters._
s.iterator() != ".").filter(_ != "").toArray
trait SegmentedPath extends BasePath {
protected[this] def make(p: Seq[String], ups: Int): ThisType
* The individual path segments of this path.
def segments: IndexedSeq[String]
override def /(chunk: PathChunk): ThisType = make(
segments.dropRight( ++ chunk.segments,
math.max( - segments.length, 0)
def endsWith(target: RelPath): Boolean = {
this == target || ( == 0 && this.segments.endsWith(target.segments))
trait BasePathImpl extends BasePath {
def /(chunk: PathChunk): ThisType
def ext = {
lastOpt match {
case None => ""
case Some(lastSegment) =>
val li = lastSegment.lastIndexOf('.')
if (li == -1) ""
else last.slice(li + 1, last.length)
override def baseName: String = {
val li = last.lastIndexOf('.')
if (li == -1) last
else last.slice(0, li)
def last: String = lastOpt.getOrElse(throw PathError.LastOnEmptyPath())
def lastOpt: Option[String]
object PathError {
type IAE = IllegalArgumentException
private[this] def errorMsg(s: String, msg: String) =
s"[$s] is not a valid path segment. $msg"
case class InvalidSegment(segment: String, msg: String) extends IAE(errorMsg(segment, msg))
case object AbsolutePathOutsideRoot
extends IAE("The path created has enough ..s that it would start outside the root directory")
case class NoRelativePath(src: RelPath, base: RelPath)
extends IAE(s"Can't relativize relative paths $src from $base")
case class LastOnEmptyPath()
extends IAE("empty path has no last segment")
* Represents a value that is either an absolute [[Path]] or a
* relative [[RelPath]], and can be constructed from a
* java.nio.file.Path or
sealed trait FilePath extends BasePath {
def toNIO: java.nio.file.Path
def resolveFrom(base: os.Path): os.Path
object FilePath {
def apply[T: PathConvertible](f0: T) = {
val f = implicitly[PathConvertible[T]].apply(f0)
if (f.isAbsolute) Path(f0)
else {
val r = RelPath(f0)
if ( == 0) r.asSubPath
else r
* A relative path on the filesystem. Note that the path is
* normalized and cannot contain any empty or ".". Parent ".."
* segments can only occur at the left-end of the path, and
* are collapsed into a single number [[ups]].
class RelPath private[os] (segments0: Array[String], val ups: Int)
extends FilePath with BasePathImpl with SegmentedPath {
def lastOpt = segments.lastOption
val segments: IndexedSeq[String] = segments0.toIndexedSeq
type ThisType = RelPath
require(ups >= 0)
override protected[this] def make(p: Seq[String], ups: Int): RelPath = {
new RelPath(p.toArray[String], ups +
def relativeTo(base: RelPath): RelPath = {
if ( < ups) new RelPath(segments0, ups + base.segments.length)
else if ( == ups) SubPath.relativeTo0(segments0, base.segments)
else throw PathError.NoRelativePath(this, base)
def startsWith(target: RelPath) = {
this.segments0.startsWith(target.segments) && ==
override def toString = (Seq.fill(ups)("..") ++ segments0).mkString("/")
override def hashCode = segments.hashCode() + ups.hashCode()
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case p: RelPath => segments == p.segments && == ups
case p: SubPath => segments == p.segments && ups == 0
case _ => false
def toNIO = java.nio.file.Paths.get(toString)
def asSubPath = {
require(ups == 0)
new SubPath(segments0)
def resolveFrom(base: os.Path) = base / this
object RelPath {
def apply[T: PathConvertible](f0: T): RelPath = {
val f = implicitly[PathConvertible[T]].apply(f0)
require(!f.isAbsolute, s"$f is not a relative path")
val segments = BasePath.chunkify(f.normalize())
val (ups, rest) = segments.partition(_ == "..")
new RelPath(rest, ups.length)
def apply(segments0: IndexedSeq[String], ups: Int) = {
new RelPath(segments0.toArray, ups)
import Ordering.Implicits._
implicit val relPathOrdering: Ordering[RelPath] = RelPath) => (, rp.segments.length, rp.segments.toIterable))
val up: RelPath = new RelPath(Internals.emptyStringArray, 1)
val rel: RelPath = new RelPath(Internals.emptyStringArray, 0)
implicit def SubRelPath(p: SubPath): RelPath = new RelPath(p.segments0, 0)
* A relative path on the filesystem, without any `..` or `.` segments
class SubPath private[os] (val segments0: Array[String])
extends FilePath with BasePathImpl with SegmentedPath {
def lastOpt = segments.lastOption
val segments: IndexedSeq[String] = segments0.toIndexedSeq
override type ThisType = SubPath
override protected[this] def make(p: Seq[String], ups: Int): SubPath = {
require(ups == 0)
new SubPath(p.toArray[String])
def relativeTo(base: SubPath): RelPath =
SubPath.relativeTo0(segments0, base.segments0.toIndexedSeq)
def startsWith(target: SubPath) = this.segments0.startsWith(target.segments)
override def toString = segments0.mkString("/")
override def hashCode = segments.hashCode()
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case p: SubPath => segments == p.segments
case p: RelPath => segments == p.segments && == 0
case _ => false
def toNIO = java.nio.file.Paths.get(toString)
def resolveFrom(base: os.Path) = base / this
object SubPath {
private[os] def relativeTo0(segments0: Array[String], segments: IndexedSeq[String]): RelPath = {
val commonPrefix = {
val maxSize = scala.math.min(segments0.length, segments.length)
var i = 0
while (i < maxSize && segments0(i) == segments(i)) i += 1
val newUps = segments.length - commonPrefix
new RelPath(segments0.drop(commonPrefix), newUps)
def apply[T: PathConvertible](f0: T): SubPath = RelPath.apply[T](f0).asSubPath
def apply(segments0: IndexedSeq[String]): SubPath = {
new SubPath(segments0.toArray)
import Ordering.Implicits._
implicit val subPathOrdering: Ordering[SubPath] = SubPath) => (rp.segments.length, rp.segments.toIterable))
val sub: SubPath = new SubPath(Internals.emptyStringArray)
object Path {
def apply(p: FilePath, base: Path) = p match {
case p: RelPath => base / p
case p: SubPath => base / p
case p: Path => p
* Equivalent to [[os.Path.apply]], but automatically expands a
* leading `~/` into the user's home directory, for convenience
def expandUser[T: PathConvertible](f0: T, base: Path = null) = {
val f = implicitly[PathConvertible[T]].apply(f0)
if (f.subpath(0, 1).toString != "~") if (base == null) Path(f0) else Path(f0, base)
else {
Path(System.getProperty("user.home"))(PathConvertible.StringConvertible) /
RelPath(f.subpath(0, 1).relativize(f))(PathConvertible.NioPathConvertible)
def apply[T: PathConvertible](f: T, base: Path): Path = apply(FilePath(f), base)
def apply[T: PathConvertible](f0: T): Path = {
val f = implicitly[PathConvertible[T]].apply(f0)
if (f.iterator.asScala.count(_.startsWith("..")) > f.getNameCount / 2) {
throw PathError.AbsolutePathOutsideRoot
val normalized = f.normalize()
new Path(normalized)
implicit val pathOrdering: Ordering[Path] = new Ordering[Path] {
def compare(x: Path, y: Path): Int = {
val xSegCount = x.segmentCount
val ySegCount = y.segmentCount
if (xSegCount < ySegCount) -1
else if (xSegCount > ySegCount) 1
else if (xSegCount == 0 && ySegCount == 0) 0
else {
var xSeg = ""
var ySeg = ""
var i = 0
var result: Integer = null
while ({
xSeg = x.getSegment(i)
ySeg = y.getSegment(i)
i += 1
val compared =, ySeg)
if (i < xSegCount && compared == 0) true // continue
else {
result = compared
}) ()
trait ReadablePath {
def toSource: os.Source
def getInputStream:
* An absolute path on the filesystem. Note that the path is
* normalized and cannot contain any empty `""`, `"."` or `".."` segments
class Path private[os] (val wrapped: java.nio.file.Path)
extends FilePath with ReadablePath with BasePathImpl {
def toSource: SeekableSource =
new SeekableSource.ChannelSource(java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel(wrapped))
require(wrapped.isAbsolute, s"$wrapped is not an absolute path")
def segments: Iterator[String] = wrapped.iterator()
def getSegment(i: Int): String = wrapped.getName(i).toString
def segmentCount = wrapped.getNameCount
override type ThisType = Path
def lastOpt = Option(wrapped.getFileName).map(_.toString)
override def /(chunk: PathChunk): Path = {
if ( > wrapped.getNameCount) throw PathError.AbsolutePathOutsideRoot
val resolved = wrapped.resolve(chunk.toString).normalize()
new Path(resolved)
override def toString = wrapped.toString
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case p: Path => wrapped.equals(p.wrapped)
case _ => false
override def hashCode = wrapped.hashCode()
def startsWith(target: Path) = wrapped.startsWith(target.wrapped)
def endsWith(target: RelPath) = wrapped.endsWith(target.toString)
def relativeTo(base: Path): RelPath = {
val nioRel = base.wrapped.relativize(wrapped)
val segments = nioRel.iterator() match {
case Array("") => Internals.emptyStringArray
case arr => arr
val nonUpIndex = segments.indexWhere(_ != "..") match {
case -1 => segments.length
case n => n
new RelPath(segments.drop(nonUpIndex), nonUpIndex)
def toIO: = wrapped.toFile
def toNIO: java.nio.file.Path = wrapped
def resolveFrom(base: os.Path) = this
def getInputStream = java.nio.file.Files.newInputStream(wrapped)
sealed trait PathConvertible[T] {
def apply(t: T): java.nio.file.Path
object PathConvertible {
implicit object StringConvertible extends PathConvertible[String] {
def apply(t: String) = Paths.get(t)
implicit object JavaIoFileConvertible extends PathConvertible[] {
def apply(t: = Paths.get(t.getPath)
implicit object NioPathConvertible extends PathConvertible[java.nio.file.Path] {
def apply(t: java.nio.file.Path) = t
implicit object UriPathConvertible extends PathConvertible[URI] {
def apply(uri: URI) = uri.getScheme() match {
case "file" => Paths.get(uri)
case uriType =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"""os.Path can only be created from a "file" URI scheme, but found "${uriType}""""