replpp.shaded.os.SubProcess.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package replpp.shaded
package os
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Represents a spawn subprocess that has started and may or may not have
* completed.
class SubProcess(
val wrapped: java.lang.Process,
val inputPumperThread: Option[Thread],
val outputPumperThread: Option[Thread],
val errorPumperThread: Option[Thread]
) extends java.lang.AutoCloseable {
val stdin: SubProcess.InputStream = new SubProcess.InputStream(wrapped.getOutputStream)
val stdout: SubProcess.OutputStream = new SubProcess.OutputStream(wrapped.getInputStream)
val stderr: SubProcess.OutputStream = new SubProcess.OutputStream(wrapped.getErrorStream)
* The subprocess' exit code. Conventionally, 0 exit code represents a
* successful termination, and non-zero exit code indicates a failure.
* Throws an exception if the subprocess has not terminated
def exitCode(): Int = wrapped.exitValue()
* Returns `true` if the subprocess is still running and has not terminated
def isAlive(): Boolean = wrapped.isAlive
* Attempt to destroy the subprocess (gently), via the underlying JVM APIs
def destroy(): Unit = wrapped.destroy()
* Force-destroys the subprocess, via the underlying JVM APIs
def destroyForcibly(): Unit = wrapped.destroyForcibly()
* Alias for [[destroy]]
def close() = wrapped.destroy()
* Wait up to `millis` for the subprocess to terminate, by default waits
* indefinitely. Returns `true` if the subprocess has terminated by the time
* this method returns.
def waitFor(timeout: Long = -1): Boolean = {
if (timeout == -1) {
} else {
wrapped.waitFor(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
* Wait up to `millis` for the subprocess to terminate and all stdout and stderr
* from the subprocess to be handled. By default waits indefinitely; if a time
* limit is given, explicitly destroys the subprocess if it has not completed by
* the time the timeout has occurred
def join(timeout: Long = -1): Boolean = {
val exitedCleanly = waitFor(timeout)
if (!exitedCleanly) {
object SubProcess {
* A [[BufferedWriter]] with the underlying [[]] exposed
* Note that all writes that occur through this class are thread-safe and
* synchronized. If you wish to perform writes without the synchronization
* overhead, you can use the underlying [[wrapped]] stream directly
class InputStream(val wrapped:
extends with DataOutput {
val data = new DataOutputStream(wrapped)
val buffered = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(wrapped))
def write(b: Int) = wrapped.write(b)
override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = wrapped.write(b)
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = wrapped.write(b, off, len)
def writeBoolean(v: Boolean) = data.writeBoolean(v)
def writeByte(v: Int) = data.writeByte(v)
def writeShort(v: Int) = data.writeShort(v)
def writeChar(v: Int) = data.writeChar(v)
def writeInt(v: Int) = data.writeInt(v)
def writeLong(v: Long) = data.writeLong(v)
def writeFloat(v: Float) = data.writeFloat(v)
def writeDouble(v: Double) = data.writeDouble(v)
def writeBytes(s: String) = data.writeBytes(s)
def writeChars(s: String) = data.writeChars(s)
def writeUTF(s: String) = data.writeUTF(s)
def writeLine(s: String) = buffered.write(s + "\n")
def write(s: String) = buffered.write(s)
def write(s: Array[Char]) = buffered.write(s)
override def flush() = {
override def close() = wrapped.close()
* A combination [[BufferedReader]] and [[]], this allows
* you to read both bytes and lines, without worrying about the buffer used
* for reading lines messing up your reading of bytes.
* Note that all reads that occur through this class are thread-safe and
* synchronized. If you wish to perform writes without the synchronization
* overhead, you can use the underlying [[wrapped]] stream directly
class OutputStream(val wrapped:
extends with DataInput with geny.ByteData {
val data = new DataInputStream(wrapped)
val buffered = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(wrapped))
def read() =
override def read(b: Array[Byte]) =
override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) =, off, len)
def readFully(b: Array[Byte]) = data.readFully(b)
def readFully(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) = data.readFully(b, off, len)
def skipBytes(n: Int) = ???
def readBoolean() = data.readBoolean()
def readByte() = data.readByte()
def readUnsignedByte() = data.readUnsignedByte()
def readShort() = data.readShort()
def readUnsignedShort() = data.readUnsignedShort()
def readChar() = data.readChar()
def readInt() = data.readInt()
def readLong() = data.readLong()
def readFloat() = data.readFloat()
def readDouble() = data.readDouble()
// def readLine() = data.readLine()
def readUTF() = data.readUTF()
def readLine() = buffered.readLine()
def bytes: Array[Byte] = synchronized {
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
Internals.transfer(wrapped, out)
override def close() = wrapped.close()
* Represents the configuration of a SubProcess's input stream. Can either be
* [[os.Inherit]], [[os.Pipe]], [[os.Path]] or a [[os.Source]]
trait ProcessInput {
def redirectFrom: ProcessBuilder.Redirect
def processInput(stdin: => SubProcess.InputStream): Option[Runnable]
object ProcessInput {
implicit def makeSourceInput[T](r: T)(implicit f: T => Source): ProcessInput = SourceInput(f(r))
implicit def makePathRedirect(p: Path): ProcessInput = PathRedirect(p)
case class SourceInput(r: Source) extends ProcessInput {
def redirectFrom = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE
def processInput(stdin: => SubProcess.InputStream): Option[Runnable] = Some {
new Runnable {
def run() = {
* Represents the configuration of a SubProcess's output or error stream. Can
* either be [[os.Inherit]], [[os.Pipe]], [[os.Path]] or a [[os.ProcessOutput]]
trait ProcessOutput {
def redirectTo: ProcessBuilder.Redirect
def processOutput(out: => SubProcess.OutputStream): Option[Runnable]
object ProcessOutput {
implicit def makePathRedirect(p: Path): ProcessOutput = PathRedirect(p)
def apply(f: (Array[Byte], Int) => Unit) = ReadBytes(f)
case class ReadBytes(f: (Array[Byte], Int) => Unit)
extends ProcessOutput {
def redirectTo = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE
def processOutput(out: => SubProcess.OutputStream) = Some {
new Runnable { def run(): Unit = os.Internals.transfer0(out, f) }
case class Readlines(f: String => Unit)
extends ProcessOutput {
def redirectTo = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE
def processOutput(out: => SubProcess.OutputStream) = Some {
new Runnable {
def run(): Unit = {
val buffered = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(out))
while ({
val lineOpt =
try {
buffered.readLine() match {
case null => None
case line => Some(line)
} catch { case e: Throwable => None }
lineOpt match {
case None => false
case Some(s) =>
}) ()
* Inherit the input/output stream from the current process
object Inherit extends ProcessInput with ProcessOutput {
def redirectTo = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT
def redirectFrom = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT
def processInput(stdin: => SubProcess.InputStream) = None
def processOutput(stdin: => SubProcess.OutputStream) = None
* Pipe the input/output stream to the current process to be used via
* `java.lang.Process#{getInputStream,getOutputStream,getErrorStream}`
object Pipe extends ProcessInput with ProcessOutput {
def redirectTo = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE
def redirectFrom = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE
def processInput(stdin: => SubProcess.InputStream) = None
def processOutput(stdin: => SubProcess.OutputStream) = None
case class PathRedirect(p: Path) extends ProcessInput with ProcessOutput {
def redirectFrom = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.from(p.toIO)
def processInput(stdin: => SubProcess.InputStream) = None
def redirectTo =
def processOutput(out: => SubProcess.OutputStream) = None
case class PathAppendRedirect(p: Path) extends ProcessOutput {
def redirectTo = ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(p.toIO)
def processOutput(out: => SubProcess.OutputStream) = None