replpp.shaded.pprint.Renderer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package replpp.shaded.pprint
import replpp.shaded.fansi
object Renderer{
* Basically like mkString, but for nested iterators. Used whenever
* you want to put stuff "in between" the elements of the larger
* iterator
def joinIter[T](it0: Iterator[Iterator[T]], joiner: => Iterator[T]) = {
new Util.ConcatIterator(it0, () => joiner)
val openParen = fansi.Str("(")
val closeParen = fansi.Str(")")
val commaSpace = fansi.Str(", ")
val newLine = fansi.Str("\n")
val commaNewLine = fansi.Str(",\n")
private[this] val cachedIndents = Array.tabulate(64)(n => fansi.Str(" " * n))
def indent(n: Int) = if (n < 64) cachedIndents(n) else fansi.Str(" " * n)
class Renderer(maxWidth: Int,
colorApplyPrefix: fansi.Attrs,
colorLiteral: fansi.Attrs,
indentStep: Int){
def rec(x: Tree, leftOffset: Int, indentCount: Int): Result = x match{
case Tree.Apply(prefix, body) =>
val nonEmpty = body.hasNext
// Render children and buffer them until you fill up a single line,
// or you run out of children.
// Even before rendering any children, the indentation, prefix
// and the two open/close parens already take up a few characters
var totalHorizontalWidth = leftOffset + prefix.length + 2
val buffer = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[collection.Seq[fansi.Str]]
var lastChildIter = Iterator[fansi.Str]()
var childCompletedLineCount = 0
while(body.hasNext && totalHorizontalWidth <= maxWidth && childCompletedLineCount == 0){
val child =
val childRes = rec(child, (indentCount + 1) * indentStep, indentCount + 1)
val childBuffer = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[fansi.Str]
while(childRes.iter.hasNext && totalHorizontalWidth < maxWidth){
val next =
childBuffer += next
totalHorizontalWidth += next.length
if (body.hasNext) {
totalHorizontalWidth += 2
if (!childRes.iter.hasNext){
childCompletedLineCount = childCompletedLineCount + childRes.completedLineCount
lastChildIter = childRes.iter
buffer += childBuffer.toSeq
def applyHeader = Iterator(colorApplyPrefix(prefix), Renderer.openParen)
val indentPlusOne = Renderer.indent((indentCount + 1) * indentStep)
def separator = Iterator(Renderer.commaNewLine, indentPlusOne)
if (
totalHorizontalWidth <= maxWidth &&
childCompletedLineCount == 0 &&
) {
val iter = Util.concat(
() => applyHeader,
() => Renderer.joinIter(,
() => Iterator(Renderer.closeParen)
val length: Int =
new Result(iter, 0, length)
}else if (!nonEmpty && totalHorizontalWidth > maxWidth) {
val iter = Util.concat(
() => applyHeader,
() => Iterator(
Renderer.indent(indentCount * indentStep),
val length: Int =
new Result(iter, 0, length)
} else {
def bufferedFragments = Renderer.joinIter(
for((v, i) <- buffer.iterator.zipWithIndex) yield{
if (i < buffer.length-1) v.iterator
else v.iterator ++ lastChildIter
def nonBufferedFragments = Renderer.joinIter( => rec(c, (indentCount + 1) * indentStep, indentCount + 1).iter),
def allFragments =
if (buffer.isEmpty) nonBufferedFragments
else if (!body.hasNext) bufferedFragments
else Renderer.joinIter(Iterator(bufferedFragments, nonBufferedFragments), separator)
def iter = Util.concat(
() => applyHeader,
() => Iterator(Renderer.newLine, indentPlusOne),
() => allFragments,
() => Iterator(
Renderer.indent(indentCount * indentStep),
new Result(iter, childCompletedLineCount + 2, indentCount * indentStep + 1)
case Tree.Infix(lhs, op, rhs) =>
rec(lhs, leftOffset, indentCount).flatMap{ (lhsNewline, lhsLastLineLength) =>
Result.fromString(" " + op + " ").flatMap((_, _) =>
rec(rhs, lhsLastLineLength, indentCount)
case t: Tree.Lazy =>
lazy val str = t.body0(Tree.Ctx(
maxWidth, leftOffset, indentCount,
indentStep, colorLiteral, colorApplyPrefix
new Truncated(, maxWidth, height = 99999999).toResult
case t: Tree.Literal => Result.fromString(colorLiteral(t.body))
case Tree.KeyValue(k, v) =>
val prefix = s"$k = "
.flatMap((_, _) => rec(v, leftOffset + prefix.length, indentCount))