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replpp.shaded.scopt.OptionDef.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package replpp.shaded.scopt
import scala.collection.{ Seq => CSeq }
private[scopt] sealed trait OptionDefKind {}
private[scopt] object OptionDefKind {
case object Opt extends OptionDefKind
case object Note extends OptionDefKind
case object Arg extends OptionDefKind
case object Cmd extends OptionDefKind
case object Head extends OptionDefKind
case object Check extends OptionDefKind
case object ProgramName extends OptionDefKind
case object OptVersion extends OptionDefKind
case object OptHelp extends OptionDefKind
class OptionDef[A: Read, C](
_id: Int,
_kind: OptionDefKind,
_name: String,
_shortOpt: Option[String],
_keyName: Option[String],
_valueName: Option[String],
_desc: String,
_action: (A, C) => C,
_validations: CSeq[A => Either[String, Unit]],
_configValidations: CSeq[C => Either[String, Unit]],
_parentId: Option[Int],
_minOccurs: Int,
_maxOccurs: Int,
_isHidden: Boolean,
_fallback: Option[() => A],
_defCallback: OptionDefCallback[C]
) {
import platform._
import OptionDef._
import OptionDefKind._
def this(kind: OptionDefKind, name: String, defCallback: OptionDefCallback[C]) =
_id = OptionDef.generateId,
_kind = kind,
_name = name,
_shortOpt = None,
_keyName = None,
_valueName = None,
_desc = "",
_action = { (a: A, c: C) =>
_validations = CSeq(),
_configValidations = CSeq(),
_parentId = None,
_minOccurs = 0,
_maxOccurs = 1,
_isHidden = false,
_fallback = None,
_defCallback = defCallback
def this(kind: OptionDefKind, name: String) =
this(kind, name, OptionDefCallback.nullCallback[C])
private[scopt] def copy(
_id: Int = this._id,
_kind: OptionDefKind = this._kind,
_name: String = this._name,
_shortOpt: Option[String] = this._shortOpt,
_keyName: Option[String] = this._keyName,
_valueName: Option[String] = this._valueName,
_desc: String = this._desc,
_action: (A, C) => C = this._action,
_validations: CSeq[A => Either[String, Unit]] = this._validations,
_configValidations: CSeq[C => Either[String, Unit]] = this._configValidations,
_parentId: Option[Int] = this._parentId,
_minOccurs: Int = this._minOccurs,
_maxOccurs: Int = this._maxOccurs,
_isHidden: Boolean = this._isHidden,
_fallback: Option[() => A] = this._fallback,
_defCallback: OptionDefCallback[C] = this._defCallback
): OptionDef[A, C] =
new OptionDef(
_id = _id,
_kind = _kind,
_name = _name,
_shortOpt = _shortOpt,
_keyName = _keyName,
_valueName = _valueName,
_desc = _desc,
_action = _action,
_validations = _validations,
_configValidations = _configValidations,
_parentId = _parentId,
_minOccurs = _minOccurs,
_maxOccurs = _maxOccurs,
_isHidden = _isHidden,
_fallback = _fallback,
_defCallback = _defCallback
private[scopt] def read: Read[A] = implicitly[Read[A]]
private[this] def fireChange[A: Read](value: OptionDef[A, C]): OptionDef[A, C] = {
/** Adds a callback function. */
def action(f: (A, C) => C): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_action = (a: A, c: C) => { f(a, _action(a, c)) }))
/** Adds a callback function. */
def foreach(f: A => Unit): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_action = (a: A, c: C) => {
val c2 = _action(a, c)
override def toString: String = fullName
/** Adds short option -x. */
def abbr(x: String): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_shortOpt = Some(x)))
/** Requires the option to appear at least `n` times. */
def minOccurs(n: Int): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_minOccurs = n))
/** Allows the argument to appear at most `n` times. */
def maxOccurs(n: Int): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_maxOccurs = n))
/** Requires the option to appear at least once. */
def required(): OptionDef[A, C] = minOccurs(1)
/** Changes the option to be optional. */
def optional(): OptionDef[A, C] = minOccurs(0)
/** Allows the argument to appear multiple times. */
def unbounded(): OptionDef[A, C] = maxOccurs(UNBOUNDED)
/** Hides the option in any usage text. */
def hidden(): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_isHidden = true))
/** Adds description in the usage text. */
def text(x: String): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_desc = x))
/** Adds value name used in the usage text. */
def valueName(x: String): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_valueName = Some(x)))
/** Adds key name used in the usage text. */
def keyName(x: String): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_keyName = Some(x)))
/** Adds key and value names used in the usage text. */
def keyValueName(k: String, v: String): OptionDef[A, C] =
/** Adds custom validation. */
def validate(f: A => Either[String, Unit]) =
fireChange(copy(_validations = _validations :+ f))
/** provides a default to fallback to, e.g. for System.getenv */
def withFallback(to: () => A): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_fallback = Option(to)))
private[scopt] def validateConfig(f: C => Either[String, Unit]) =
fireChange(copy(_configValidations = _configValidations :+ f))
private[scopt] def parent(x: OptionDef[_, C]): OptionDef[A, C] =
fireChange(copy(_parentId = Some(
/** Adds opt/arg under this command. */
def children(xs: OptionDef[_, C]*): OptionDef[A, C] = {
xs foreach { _.parent(this) }
private[scopt] val kind: OptionDefKind = _kind
private[scopt] val id: Int = _id
val name: String = _name
private[scopt] def action: (A, C) => C = _action
def getMinOccurs: Int = _minOccurs
def getMaxOccurs: Int = _maxOccurs
private[scopt] def shortOptOrBlank: String = _shortOpt getOrElse ("")
private[scopt] def hasParent: Boolean = _parentId.isDefined
private[scopt] def getParentId: Option[Int] = _parentId
def isHidden: Boolean = _isHidden
def hasFallback: Boolean = _fallback.isDefined
def getFallback: A = _fallback.get.apply()
private[scopt] def checks: CSeq[C => Either[String, Unit]] = _configValidations
def desc: String = _desc
def shortOpt: Option[String] = _shortOpt
def valueName: Option[String] = _valueName
// apply the option with the passed in value
private[scopt] def applyArgument(
arg: String,
config: C,
onOption: Option[C => C]
): Either[CSeq[String], C] =
try {
val x = read.reads(arg)
Validation.validateValue(_validations)(x) match {
case Right(_) =>
onOption match {
case Some(f) => Right(f(config))
case _ => Right(action(x, config))
case Left(xs) => Left(xs)
} catch applyArgumentExHandler(shortDescription.capitalize, arg)
private[scopt] def applyFallback(
x: A,
config: C,
onOption: Option[C => C]
): Either[CSeq[String], C] =
try {
Validation.validateValue(_validations)(x) match {
case Right(_) =>
onOption match {
case Some(f) => Right(f(config))
case _ => Right(action(x, config))
case Left(xs) => Left(xs)
} catch applyArgumentExHandler(shortDescription.capitalize, x.toString)
// number of tokens to read: 0 for no match, 2 for "--foo 1", 1 for "--foo:1"
private[scopt] def shortOptTokens(arg: String): Int =
_shortOpt match {
case Some(c) if arg == "-" + shortOptOrBlank => 1 + read.tokensToRead
case Some(c) if arg startsWith ("-" + shortOptOrBlank + ":") => 1
case Some(c) if arg startsWith ("-" + shortOptOrBlank + "=") => 1
case _ => 0
private[scopt] def longOptTokens(arg: String): Int =
if (arg == fullName) 1 + read.tokensToRead
else if ((arg startsWith (fullName + ":")) || (arg startsWith (fullName + "="))) 1
else 0
private[scopt] def isOptLike: Boolean =
(kind == Opt || kind == OptHelp || kind == OptVersion)
private[scopt] def tokensToRead(i: Int, args: CSeq[String]): Int =
if (i >= args.length || !isOptLike) 0
args(i) match {
case arg if longOptTokens(arg) > 0 => longOptTokens(arg)
case arg if shortOptTokens(arg) > 0 => shortOptTokens(arg)
case _ => 0
private[scopt] def apply(i: Int, args: CSeq[String]): Either[String, String] =
if (i >= args.length || !isOptLike) Left("Option does not match")
args(i) match {
case arg if longOptTokens(arg) == 2 || shortOptTokens(arg) == 2 =>
token(i + 1, args) map { Right(_) } getOrElse Left("Missing value after " + arg)
case arg if longOptTokens(arg) == 1 && read.tokensToRead == 1 =>
Right(arg drop (fullName + ":").length)
case arg if shortOptTokens(arg) == 1 && read.tokensToRead == 1 =>
Right(arg drop ("-" + shortOptOrBlank + ":").length)
case _ => Right("")
private[scopt] def token(i: Int, args: CSeq[String]): Option[String] =
if (i >= args.length || !isOptLike) None
else Some(args(i))
private[scopt] def keyValueString: String =
(_keyName getOrElse defaultKeyName) + "=" + valueString
private[scopt] def valueString: String = (_valueName getOrElse defaultValueName)
def shortDescription: String =
kind match {
case k if isOptLike => "option " + fullName
case Cmd => "command " + fullName
case _ => "argument " + fullName
def fullName: String =
kind match {
case k if isOptLike => "--" + name
case _ => name
private[scopt] def argName: String =
kind match {
case Arg if getMinOccurs == 0 => "[" + fullName + "]"
case _ => fullName
private[scopt] object OptionDef {
val UNBOUNDED = Int.MaxValue
val NL = platform._NL
val WW = " "
val TB = " "
val NLTB = NL + TB
val NLNL = NL + NL
val column1MaxLength = 25 + WW.length
val defaultKeyName = ""
val defaultValueName = ""
val atomic = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
def generateId: Int = atomic.incrementAndGet
def makeSuccess[A]: Either[A, Unit] = Right(())
abstract class OptionDefCallback[C] {
private[scopt] def onChange[A: Read](value: OptionDef[A, C]): Unit
object OptionDefCallback {
def nullCallback[C] = new OptionDefCallback[C] {
override private[scopt] def onChange[A: Read](value: OptionDef[A, C]): Unit = ()