Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Set of static functions to help the serializer.
public class ParserUtility
private static final String DATEFORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss";
private static final String OFFSETFORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX";
private static final String TIMEZONE = "UTC";
private static final String SELECT = "select";
private static final String FROM = "from";
private static final int NO_MILLISECONDS_IN_DATE = 0;
private static final int DATE_AND_TIME_IN_DATE = 0;
private static final int MILLISECONDS_IN_DATE = 1;
private static final int EXPECTED_PARTS_IN_DATE = 2;
private static final int MAX_MILLISECONDS_LENGTH_IN_DATE = 3;
private static final double MILLISECONDS_NUMERIC_BASE = 10;
private static final String MILLISECONDS_REGEX = "[.,Z]";
* Helper to validate if the provided string is not null, empty, and all characters are UTF-8.
* @param str is the string to be validated.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string do not fit the criteria.
public static void validateStringUTF8(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_002: [The validateStringUTF8 shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided string is null or empty.] */
if((str == null) || str.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter is null or empty");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_003: [The validateStringUTF8 shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided string contains at least one not UTF-8 character.] */
if(str.getBytes("UTF-8").length != str.length())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter contains non UTF-8 character");
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter contains non UTF-8 character");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_001: [The validateStringUTF8 shall do nothing if the string is valid.] */
* Validates if query contains select and from keywords and also if it is a valid utf-8 string
* @param query query to be validated
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if query does not contain "select" or "from" or is not a valid utf-8 string
public static void validateQuery(String query) throws IllegalArgumentException
Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_25_031: [The validateQuery shall do nothing if the string is valid.]
Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_25_032: [The validateQuery shall throw IllegalArgumentException is the provided query is null or empty.]
Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_25_033: [The validateQuery shall throw IllegalArgumentException is the provided query contains non UTF-8 character.]
Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_25_034: [The validateQuery shall throw IllegalArgumentException is the provided query does not contain SELECT and FROM.]
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided query is not valid");
if (!query.toLowerCase().contains(SELECT) || !query.toLowerCase().contains(FROM))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query must contain select and from");
* Helper to validate if the provided blob name is not null, empty, and valid.
* @param blobName is the blob name to be validated.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the blob name do not fit the criteria.
public static void validateBlobName(String blobName) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_005: [The validateBlobName shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided blob name is null or empty.] */
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_006: [The validateBlobName shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided blob name contains at least one not UTF-8 character.] */
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided blob name is not valid");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_007: [The validateBlobName shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided blob name contains more than 1024 characters.] */
if(blobName.length() > 1024)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided blob name exceed maximum size of 1024 characters");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_008: [The validateBlobName shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided blob name contains more than 254 path segments.] */
if (blobName.split("/").length > 254)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided blob name exceed 254 path segments");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_004: [The validateBlobName shall do nothing if the string is valid.] */
* Helper to validate if the provided object is not null.
* @param val is the object to be validated.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the object do not fit the criteria.
public static void validateObject(Object val) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_009: [The validateObject shall do nothing if the object is valid.] */
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_010: [The validateObject shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided object is null.] */
if(val == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter is null");
* Helper to validate if the provided map in terms of maximum
* levels and optionally if the keys ar not metadata.
* @param map the {@code Map} to be validate. It can be {@code null}, and it will succeed in this case.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the Map contains more than maxLevel levels or do not allow metadata
* but contains metadata key.
public static void validateMap(Map map) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_048: [The validateMap shall do nothing if the map is null.] */
if(map != null)
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_047: [The validateMap shall do nothing if the map is a valid Map.] */
private static void validateMapInternal(Map map) throws IllegalArgumentException
for(Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet())
Object value = entry.getValue();
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_051: [The validateMap shall throws IllegalArgumentException if any value contains illegal type (array or invalid class).] */
if((value != null) && ((value.getClass().isArray()) || (value.getClass().isLocalClass())))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map contains illegal value type " + value.getClass().getName());
if((value != null) && (value instanceof Map))
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_052: [The validateMap shall throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided map contains more than maxLevel levels and those extra levels contain more than just metadata.] */
validateMapInternal((Map) value);
private static boolean mapOnlyContainsMetaData(Map map)
for (String key : map.keySet())
if (!(key.equals(TwinMetadata.LAST_UPDATE_TAG)) && !(key.equals(TwinMetadata.LAST_UPDATE_VERSION_TAG)))
return false;
return true;
* Validate if a provided ID is valid using the follow criteria.
* A case-sensitive string (up to 128 char long)
* of ASCII 7-bit alphanumeric chars
* + {'-', ':', '.', '+', '%', '_', '#', '*', '?', '!', '(', ')', ',', '=', '@', ';', '$', '''}.
* @param id is the ID to test
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the ID do not fits the criteria
public static void validateId(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_026: [The validateId shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided string is null or empty.] */
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_027: [The validateId shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided string contains at least one not UTF-8 character.] */
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided ID is not valid");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_028: [The validateId shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided string contains more than 128 characters.] */
if(id.length() > 128)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided ID is bigger than 128 characters");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_029: [The validateId shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided string contains an illegal character.] */
byte[] chars = id.getBytes();
for (byte c:chars)
if(!(((c>='A') && (c<='Z')) || ((c>='a') && (c<='z')) || ((c>='0') && (c<='9')) ||
(c=='-') || (c==':') || (c=='.') || (c=='+') || (c=='%') || (c=='_') || (c=='#') || (c=='*') || (c=='?') ||
(c=='!') || (c=='(') || (c==')') || (c==',') || (c=='=') || (c=='@') || (c==';') || (c=='$') || (c=='\'')))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided ID is not valid");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_030: [The validateId shall do nothing if the string is a valid ID.] */
* Validate if a provided host name is valid using the follow criteria.
* A case-sensitive string (up to 128 char long)
* of ASCII 7-bit alphanumeric chars
* + {'-', ':', '.', '+', '%', '_', '#', '*', '?', '!', '(', ')', ',', '=', '@', ';', '$', '''}.
* Contains at least one separator '.'
* @param hostName is the host name to test
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided host name do not fits the criteria
public static void validateHostName(String hostName) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_044: [The validateHostName shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided string is not a valid host name.] */
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_045: [The validateHostName shall do nothing if the string is a valid host name.] */
if (hostName.split(Pattern.quote(".")).length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostName is incomplete");
* Helper to convert the provided string in a UTC Date.
* Expected format:
* "2016-06-01T21:22:43.7996883Z"
* @param dataTime is the string with the date and time
* @return Date parsed from the string
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the date and time in the string is not in the correct format.
public static Date getDateTimeUtc(String dataTime) throws IllegalArgumentException
Date dateTimeUtc;
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_020: [The getDateTimeUtc shall parse the provide string using `UTC` timezone.] */
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_021: [The getDateTimeUtc shall parse the provide string using the data format `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss`.] */
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATEFORMAT);
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_022: [If the provide string is null, empty or contains an invalid data format, the getDateTimeUtc shall throw IllegalArgumentException.] */
if((dataTime == null) || dataTime.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("date is null, empty, or invalid");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_040: [If the provide string contains more than 3 digits for milliseconds, the getDateTimeUtc shall reduce the milliseconds to 3 digits.] */
String[] splitDateTime = dataTime.split(MILLISECONDS_REGEX);
int milliseconds;
if(splitDateTime.length > EXPECTED_PARTS_IN_DATE)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid time:" + dataTime);
else if((splitDateTime.length == EXPECTED_PARTS_IN_DATE) && !splitDateTime[MILLISECONDS_IN_DATE].isEmpty())
int millisecondsLength = splitDateTime[MILLISECONDS_IN_DATE].length();
if(millisecondsLength > MAX_MILLISECONDS_LENGTH_IN_DATE)
milliseconds = Integer.parseInt(splitDateTime[MILLISECONDS_IN_DATE].substring(0, millisecondsLength)) *
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_041: [The getDateTimeUtc shall accept date without milliseconds.] */
dateTimeUtc = new Date(dateFormat.parse(splitDateTime[DATE_AND_TIME_IN_DATE]).getTime() + milliseconds);
catch (ParseException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid time:" + dataTime);
return dateTimeUtc;
* Helper to convert the provided string in a offset Date.
* Expected format:
* "2016-06-01T21:22:41+00:00"
* @param dateTime is the string with the date and time
* @return Date parsed from the string
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the date and time in the string is not in the correct format.
public static Date stringToDateTimeOffset(String dateTime) throws IllegalArgumentException
Date dateTimeOffset;
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_023: [The stringToDateTimeOffset shall parse the provide string using `UTC` timezone.] */
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_024: [The stringToDateTimeOffset shall parse the provide string using the data format `2016-06-01T21:22:41+00:00`.] */
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(OFFSETFORMAT);
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_025: [If the provide string is null, empty or contains an invalid data format, the stringToDateTimeOffset shall throw IllegalArgumentException.] */
if((dateTime == null) || dateTime.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("date is null or empty");
dateTimeOffset = dateFormat.parse(dateTime);
catch (ParseException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid time:" + e.toString());
return dateTimeOffset;
* Helper to convert the provided Date UTC into String.
* Expected result:
* "2016-06-01T21:22:43.799Z"
* @param date is the {@code Date} with the date and time
* @return the {@code String} with the date and time using the UTC format.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided date is {@code null}.
public static String dateTimeUtcToString(Date date) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_053: [The dateTimeUtcToString shall throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided Date is null.] */
if(date == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("date cannot be null");
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_054: [The dateTimeUtcToString shall serialize the provide Date using `UTC` timezone.] */
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATEFORMAT);
StringBuilder dateStr = new StringBuilder();
int milliseconds = (int)(date.getTime() % 1000L);
milliseconds = milliseconds < 0 ? milliseconds + 1000 : milliseconds;
return dateStr.toString();
* Convert from a date object back into a string representation
* Expected format of returned string:
* "2016-01-21T11:05:21"
* @param date the date to convert into a string
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided date is null
* @return the date represented as a string
public static String getDateStringFromDate(Date date) throws IllegalArgumentException
if (date == null)
//Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_042: [If the provided date is null, an IllegalArgumentException shall be thrown.]
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided date cannot be null");
//Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_34_043: [The provided date shall be converted into this format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss".]
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATEFORMAT).format(date);
* Helper to convert a provided map in to a JsonElement, including sub-maps.
* @param map is the map to serialize
* @return a JsonElement that represents the content of the map.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided map is null.
public static JsonElement mapToJsonElement(Map map) throws IllegalArgumentException
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_035: [The mapToJsonElement shall serialize the provided map into a JsonElement.] */
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_036: [The mapToJsonElement shall include keys with null values in the JsonElement.] */
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls().create();
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_038: [If the map is empty, the mapToJsonElement shall return a empty JsonElement.] */
JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
if(map == null)
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_039: [If the map is null, the mapToJsonElement shall throw IllegalArgumentException.] */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null map to parse");
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet())
if (entry.getValue() == null)
json.addProperty(entry.getKey(), (String)null);
else if(entry.getValue() instanceof Map)
/* Codes_SRS_PARSER_UTILITY_21_037: [If the value is a map, the mapToJsonElement shall include it as a submap in the JsonElement.] */
json.add(entry.getKey(), mapToJsonElement((Map) entry.getValue()));
json.add(entry.getKey(), gson.toJsonTree(entry.getValue()));
return json;
public static Object resolveJsonElement(JsonElement jsonElement)
if (jsonElement == null || jsonElement.isJsonNull()) {
return null;
else if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive())
return getJsonPrimitiveValue(jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive());
else if (jsonElement.isJsonObject())
return getJsonObjectValue(jsonElement.getAsJsonObject());
else if (jsonElement.isJsonArray())
return getJsonArrayValue(jsonElement.getAsJsonArray());
// shouldn't be here
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid DeviceMethodResponse payload: unknown payload type: " + jsonElement.getClass());
public static Object getJsonPrimitiveValue(JsonPrimitive jsonPrimitive)
if (jsonPrimitive.isNumber())
return jsonPrimitive.getAsNumber();
else if (jsonPrimitive.isBoolean())
return jsonPrimitive.getAsBoolean();
else {
return jsonPrimitive.getAsString();
public static Map getJsonObjectValue(JsonObject jsonObject)
Map map = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : jsonObject.entrySet())
map.put(entry.getKey(), resolveJsonElement(entry.getValue()));
return map;
public static List
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