Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
import java.util.Map;
* Representation of a single Twin.
* The TwinState can contain one {@link TwinCollection} of Tags, and one
* {@link TwinCollection} of properties.desired.
Each entity in the collections can contain a associated {@link TwinMetadata}.
These metadata are provided by the Service and contains information about the last
* updated date time, and version.
For instance, the following is a valid TwinState, represented as
* {@code initialTwin} in the rest API.
* {@code
* {
* "initialTwin": {
* "tags":{
* "SpeedUnity":"MPH",
* "$metadata":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4,
* "SpeedUnity":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4
* }
* },
* "$version":4
* },
* "properties":{
* "desired": {
* "MaxSpeed":{
* "Value":500,
* "NewValue":300
* },
* "$metadata":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4,
* "MaxSpeed":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4,
* "Value":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4
* },
* "NewValue":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4
* }
* }
* },
* "$version":4
* },
* "reported": {
* "MaxSpeed":{
* "Value":500,
* "NewValue":300
* },
* "$metadata":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":5,
* "MaxSpeed":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4,
* "Value":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":5
* },
* "NewValue":{
* "$lastUpdated":"2017-09-21T02:07:44.238Z",
* "$lastUpdatedVersion":4
* }
* }
* },
* "$version":6
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* @see Understand and use device twins in IoT Hub
* @see Device Twin Api
public class TwinState extends RegisterManager
// the twin tags
private static final String TAGS_TAG = "tags";
@Expose(serialize = false, deserialize = true)
private TwinCollection tags;
// the twin desired properties
private static final String PROPERTIES_TAG = "properties";
@Expose(serialize = false, deserialize = true)
private TwinProperties properties;
// the twin configurations
private static final String CONFIGURATION_TAG = "configurations";
@Expose(serialize = false, deserialize = true)
private Map configurations;
* This constructor creates an instance of the TwinState with the provided {@link TwinCollection}
* tags and desired properties.
When serialized, this class will looks like the following example:
* {@code
* "initialTwin": {
* "tags":{
* "SpeedUnity":"MPH",
* "$version":4
* }
* "properties":{
* "desired":{
* "MaxSpeed":{
* "Value":500,
* "NewValue":300
* },
* "$version":4
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* @param tags the {@link TwinCollection} with the initial tags state. It can be {@code null}.
* @param desiredProperty the {@link TwinCollection} with the desired properties. It can be {@code null}.
* @param reportedProperty the {@link TwinCollection} with the reported properties. It can be {@code null}.
public TwinState(TwinCollection tags, TwinCollection desiredProperty, TwinCollection reportedProperty)
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_001: [The constructor shall store the provided tags, desiredProperty, and reportedProperty.] */
if(tags != null)
this.tags = TwinCollection.createFromRawCollection(tags);
if((desiredProperty != null) || (reportedProperty != null))
{ = new TwinProperties(desiredProperty, reportedProperty);
* Serializer
* Creates a {@code JsonElement}, which the content represents
* the information in this class and its subclasses in a JSON format.
* This is useful if the caller will integrate this JSON with JSON from
* other classes to generate a consolidated JSON.
* @return The {@code JsonElement} with the content of this class.
public JsonElement toJsonElement()
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_002: [The toJsonElement shall return a JsonElement with the information in this class in a JSON format.] */
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_003: [If the tags is null, the toJsonElement shall not include the `tags` in the final JSON.] */
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_004: [If the property is null, the toJsonElement shall not include the `properties` in the final JSON.] */
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().serializeNulls().create();
JsonElement json = gson.toJsonTree(this).getAsJsonObject();
//since null values are lost when building the json tree, need to manually re-add properties as reported properties
// may have contained a property with a null value. Those must be preserved so users can delete properties
if (json != null && != null)
//Codes_SRS_TWIN_STATE_34_024: [The json element shall include all null desired and reported properties.]
return json;
* Getter for the tags.
* @return The {@code TwinCollection} with the tags content. It can be {@code null}.
public TwinCollection getTags()
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_005: [The getTags shall return a TwinCollection with the stored tags.] */
return new TwinCollection(this.tags);
* Getter for the desired property.
* @return The {@code TwinCollection} with the desired property content. It can be {@code null}.
public TwinCollection getDesiredProperty()
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_006: [The getDesiredProperty shall return a TwinCollection with the stored desired property.] */
if( == null)
return null;
* Getter for the reported property.
* @return The {@code TwinCollection} with the reported property content. It can be {@code null}.
public TwinCollection getReportedProperty()
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_007: [The getReportedProperty shall return a TwinCollection with the stored reported property.] */
if( == null)
return null;
* Getter for the configurations
* @return The configurations. It can be {@code null}.
public Map getConfigurations()
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_007: [The getReportedProperty shall return a TwinCollection with the stored reported property.] */
return configurations;
* Creates a pretty print JSON with the content of this class and subclasses.
* @return The {@code String} with the pretty print JSON.
public String toString()
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_008: [The toString shall return a String with the information in this class in a pretty print JSON.] */
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
JsonObject jsonObject = gson.toJsonTree(this).getAsJsonObject();
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_009: [If the tags is null, the JSON shall not include the `tags`.] */
if(this.tags != null)
jsonObject.add(TAGS_TAG, this.tags.toJsonElementWithMetadata());
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_010: [If the properties is null, the JSON shall not include the `properties`.] */
if( != null)
return jsonObject.toString();
* Factory
* Create a new instance of the TwinState parsing the provided string as a JSON with the full Twin information.
* @param json the {@code String} with the JSON received from the service. It cannot be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The new instance of the {@code TwinState}.
public static TwinState createFromTwinJson(String json)
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_011: [The factory shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the JSON is null or empty.] */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON with result is null or empty");
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_012: [The factory shall throw JsonSyntaxException if the JSON is invalid.] */
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_013: [The factory shall deserialize the provided JSON for the twin class and subclasses.] */
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
TwinState result = gson.fromJson(json, TwinState.class);
* During the deserialization process, the GSON will convert both tags and
* properties to a raw Map, which will includes the $version and $metadata
* as part of the collection. So, we need to reorganize this map using the
* TwinCollection format. This constructor will do that.
result.tags = new TwinCollection(result.getTags());
if( != null)
{ = new TwinProperties(,;
return result;
* Factory
Create a new instance of the TwinState parsing the provided string as a JSON with only desired properties information.
* @param json the {@code String} with the JSON received from the service. It cannot be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The new instance of the {@code TwinState}.
public static TwinState createFromDesiredPropertyJson(String json)
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_014: [The factory shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the JSON is null or empty.] */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON with result is null or empty");
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_015: [The factory shall throw JsonSyntaxException if the JSON is invalid.] */
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_016: [The factory shall deserialize the provided JSON for the Twin class and subclasses.] */
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
TwinCollection result = gson.fromJson(json, TwinCollection.class);
return new TwinState(null, result, null);
* Factory
Create a new instance of the TwinState parsing the provided string as a JSON with only reported properties information.
* @param json the {@code String} with the JSON received from the service. It cannot be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The new instance of the {@code TwinState}.
public static TwinState createFromReportedPropertyJson(String json)
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_017: [The factory shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the JSON is null or empty.] */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON with result is null or empty");
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_018: [The factory shall throw JsonSyntaxException if the JSON is invalid.] */
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_019: [The factory shall deserialize the provided JSON for the Twin class and subclasses.] */
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
TwinCollection result = gson.fromJson(json, TwinCollection.class);
return new TwinState(null, null, result);
* Factory
Create a new instance of the TwinState parsing the provided string as a JSON with only desired properties information.
* @param json the {@code String} with the JSON received from the service. It cannot be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The new instance of the {@code TwinState}.
public static TwinState createFromPropertiesJson(String json)
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_020: [The factory shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the JSON is null or empty.] */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON with result is null or empty");
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_021: [The factory shall throw JsonSyntaxException if the JSON is invalid.] */
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_022: [The factory shall deserialize the provided JSON for the Twin class and subclasses.] */
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
TwinProperties result = gson.fromJson(json, TwinProperties.class);
return new TwinState(null, result.getDesired(), result.getReported());
* Get the connection state
* @return the connection state
public String getConnectionState()
if (this.connectionState == null)
return null;
return this.connectionState.toString();
* Empty constructor
* Used only by the tools that will deserialize this class.
/* SRS_TWIN_STATE_21_023: [The TwinState shall provide an empty constructor to make GSON happy.] */