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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
class PartitionManager extends Closable {
private static final Logger TRACE_LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionManager.class);
// Protected instead of private for testability
protected final HostContext hostContext;
private final Object scanFutureSynchronizer = new Object();
private final int retryMax = 5;
protected PumpManager pumpManager = null;
protected volatile String[] partitionIds = null;
private ScheduledFuture> scanFuture = null;
PartitionManager(HostContext hostContext) {
this.hostContext = hostContext;
CompletableFuture cachePartitionIds() {
CompletableFuture retval = null;
if (this.partitionIds != null) {
retval = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
} else {
// This try-catch is necessary because EventHubClient.create can directly throw
// EventHubException or IOException, in addition to whatever failures may occur when the result of
// the CompletableFuture is evaluated.
try {
final CompletableFuture cleanupFuture = new CompletableFuture();
// Stage 0A: get EventHubClient for the event hub
retval = this.hostContext.getEventHubClientFactory().createEventHubClient()
// Stage 0B: set up a way to close the EventHubClient when we're done
.thenApplyAsync((ehClient) -> {
final EventHubClient saveForCleanupClient = ehClient;
cleanupFuture.thenComposeAsync((empty) -> saveForCleanupClient.close(), this.hostContext.getExecutor());
return ehClient;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 1: use the client to get runtime info for the event hub
.thenComposeAsync((ehClient) -> ehClient.getRuntimeInformation(), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 2: extract the partition ids from the runtime info or throw on null (timeout)
.thenAcceptAsync((EventHubRuntimeInformation ehInfo) -> {
if (ehInfo != null) {
this.partitionIds = ehInfo.getPartitionIds();"Eventhub " + this.hostContext.getEventHubPath() + " count of partitions: " + ehInfo.getPartitionCount()));
for (String id : this.partitionIds) {"Found partition with id: " + id));
} else {
throw new CompletionException(new TimeoutException("getRuntimeInformation returned null"));
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 3: RUN REGARDLESS OF EXCEPTIONS -- if there was an error, wrap it in IllegalEntityException and throw
.handleAsync((empty, e) -> {
cleanupFuture.complete(null); // trigger client cleanup
if (e != null) {
Throwable notifyWith = e;
if (e instanceof CompletionException) {
notifyWith = e.getCause();
throw new CompletionException(new IllegalEntityException("Failure getting partition ids for event hub", notifyWith));
return null;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
} catch (EventHubException | IOException e) {
retval = new CompletableFuture();
retval.completeExceptionally(new IllegalEntityException("Failure getting partition ids for event hub", e));
return retval;
// Testability hook: allows a test subclass to insert dummy pump.
PumpManager createPumpTestHook() {
return new PumpManager(this.hostContext, this);
// Testability hook: called after stores are initialized.
void onInitializeCompleteTestHook() {
// Testability hook: called at the end of the main loop after all partition checks/stealing is complete.
void onPartitionCheckCompleteTestHook() {
CompletableFuture stopPartitions() {
// If the lease scanner is between runs, cancel so it doesn't run again.
synchronized (this.scanFutureSynchronizer) {
if (this.scanFuture != null) {
// Stop any partition pumps that are running.
CompletableFuture stopping = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
if (this.pumpManager != null) {"Shutting down all pumps"));
stopping = this.pumpManager.removeAllPumps(CloseReason.Shutdown)
.whenCompleteAsync((empty, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
Throwable notifyWith = LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null);
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHost("Failure during shutdown"), notifyWith);
if (notifyWith instanceof Exception) {
this.hostContext.getEventProcessorOptions().notifyOfException(this.hostContext.getHostName(), (Exception) notifyWith,
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
// else no pumps to shut down
stopping = stopping.whenCompleteAsync((empty, e) -> {"Partition manager exiting"));
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
return stopping;
public CompletableFuture initialize() {
this.pumpManager = createPumpTestHook();
// Stage 0: get partition ids and cache
return cachePartitionIds()
// Stage 1: initialize stores, if stage 0 succeeded
.thenComposeAsync((unused) -> initializeStores(), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 2: RUN REGARDLESS OF EXCEPTIONS -- trace errors
.whenCompleteAsync((empty, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
StringBuilder outAction = new StringBuilder();
Throwable notifyWith = LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, outAction);
if (outAction.length() > 0) {
"Exception while initializing stores (" + outAction.toString() + "), not starting partition manager"), notifyWith);
} else {
TRACE_LOGGER.error(this.hostContext.withHost("Exception while initializing stores, not starting partition manager"), notifyWith);
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 3: schedule scan, which will find partitions and start pumps, if previous stages succeeded
.thenRunAsync(() -> {
// Schedule the first scan immediately.
synchronized (this.scanFutureSynchronizer) {
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHost("Scheduling lease scanner first pass"));
this.scanFuture = this.hostContext.getExecutor().schedule(() -> scan(true), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
private CompletableFuture> initializeStores() {
ILeaseManager leaseManager = this.hostContext.getLeaseManager();
ICheckpointManager checkpointManager = this.hostContext.getCheckpointManager();
// let R = this.retryMax
// Stages 0 to R: create lease store if it doesn't exist
CompletableFuture> initializeStoresFuture = buildRetries(CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null),
() -> leaseManager.createLeaseStoreIfNotExists(), "Failure creating lease store for this Event Hub, retrying",
"Out of retries creating lease store for this Event Hub", EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CREATING_LEASE_STORE, this.retryMax);
// Stages R+1 to 2R: create checkpoint store if it doesn't exist
initializeStoresFuture = buildRetries(initializeStoresFuture, () -> checkpointManager.createCheckpointStoreIfNotExists(),
"Failure creating checkpoint store for this Event Hub, retrying", "Out of retries creating checkpoint store for this Event Hub",
EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CREATING_CHECKPOINT_STORE, this.retryMax);
// Stages 2R+1 to 3R: create leases if they don't exist
initializeStoresFuture = buildRetries(initializeStoresFuture, () -> leaseManager.createAllLeasesIfNotExists(Arrays.asList(this.partitionIds)),
"Failure creating leases, retrying", "Out of retries creating leases", EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CREATING_LEASES, this.retryMax);
// Stages 3R+1 to 4R: create checkpoint holders if they don't exist
initializeStoresFuture = buildRetries(initializeStoresFuture, () -> checkpointManager.createAllCheckpointsIfNotExists(Arrays.asList(this.partitionIds)),
"Failure creating checkpoint holders, retrying", "Out of retries creating checkpoint holders",
EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CREATING_CHECKPOINTS, this.retryMax);
initializeStoresFuture.whenCompleteAsync((r, e) -> {
// If an exception has propagated this far, it should be a FinalException, which is guaranteed to contain a CompletionException.
// Unwrap it so we don't leak a private type.
if ((e != null) && (e instanceof FinalException)) {
throw ((FinalException) e).getInner();
// Otherwise, allow the existing result to pass to the caller.
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
return initializeStoresFuture;
// CompletableFuture will be completed exceptionally if it runs out of retries.
// If the lambda succeeds, then it will not be invoked again by following stages.
private CompletableFuture> buildRetries(CompletableFuture> buildOnto, Callable> lambda, String retryMessage,
String finalFailureMessage, String action, int maxRetries) {
// Stage 0: first attempt
CompletableFuture> retryChain = buildOnto.thenComposeAsync((unused) -> {
CompletableFuture> newresult = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
try {
newresult =;
} catch (Exception e1) {
throw new CompletionException(e1);
return newresult;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
for (int i = 1; i < maxRetries; i++) {
retryChain = retryChain
// Stages 1, 3, 5, etc: trace errors but stop normal exception propagation in order to keep going.
// Either return null if we don't have a valid result, or pass the result along to the next stage.
// FinalExceptions are passed along also so that fatal error earlier in the chain aren't lost.
.handleAsync((r, e) -> {
Object effectiveResult = r;
if (e != null) {
if (e instanceof FinalException) {
// Propagate FinalException up to the end
throw (FinalException) e;
} else {
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHost(retryMessage), LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null));
} else {
// Some lambdas return null on success. Change to TRUE to skip retrying.
if (r == null) {
effectiveResult = true;
return (e == null) ? effectiveResult : null; // stop propagation of other exceptions so we can retry
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stages 2, 4, 6, etc: if we already have a valid result, pass it along. Otherwise, make another attempt.
// Once we have a valid result there will be no more attempts or exceptions.
.thenComposeAsync((oldresult) -> {
CompletableFuture> newresult = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(oldresult);
if (oldresult == null) {
try {
newresult =;
} catch (Exception e1) {
throw new CompletionException(e1);
return newresult;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
// Stage final: trace the exception with the final message, or pass along the valid result.
retryChain = retryChain.handleAsync((r, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
if (e instanceof FinalException) {
throw (FinalException) e;
} else {
throw new FinalException(LoggingUtils.wrapExceptionWithMessage(LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null), finalFailureMessage, action));
return r;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
return retryChain;
// Return Void so it can be called from a lambda.
// throwOnFailure is true
private Void scan(boolean isFirst) {
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHost("Starting lease scan"));
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
(new PartitionScanner(this.hostContext, (lease) -> this.pumpManager.addPump(lease), this)).scan(isFirst)
.whenCompleteAsync((didSteal, e) -> {
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHost("Scanning took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)));
if ((e != null) && !(e instanceof ClosingException)) {
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHost("Lease scanner got exception"), e);
// Schedule the next scan unless we are shutting down.
if (!this.getIsClosingOrClosed()) {
int seconds = didSteal ? this.hostContext.getPartitionManagerOptions().getFastScanIntervalInSeconds()
: this.hostContext.getPartitionManagerOptions().getSlowScanIntervalInSeconds();
if (isFirst) {
seconds = this.hostContext.getPartitionManagerOptions().getStartupScanDelayInSeconds();
synchronized (this.scanFutureSynchronizer) {
this.scanFuture = this.hostContext.getExecutor().schedule(() -> scan(false), seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHost("Scheduling lease scanner in " + seconds));
} else {
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHost("Not scheduling lease scanner due to shutdown"));
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
} catch (Exception e) {
TRACE_LOGGER.error(this.hostContext.withHost("Lease scanner threw directly"), e);
if (!this.getIsClosingOrClosed()) {
int seconds = this.hostContext.getPartitionManagerOptions().getSlowScanIntervalInSeconds();
synchronized (this.scanFutureSynchronizer) {
this.scanFuture = this.hostContext.getExecutor().schedule(() -> scan(false), seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHost("Forced schedule of lease scanner in " + seconds));
return null;
// Exception wrapper that buildRetries() uses to indicate that a fatal error has occurred. The chain
// built by buildRetries() normally swallows exceptions via odd-numbered stages so that the retries in
// even-numbered stages will execute. If multiple chains are concatenated, FinalException short-circuits
// the exceptional swallowing and allows fatal errors in earlier chains to be propagated all the way to the end.
static class FinalException extends CompletionException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4600271981700687166L;
FinalException(CompletionException e) {
CompletionException getInner() {
return (CompletionException) this.getCause();