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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
class PartitionPump extends Closable implements PartitionReceiveHandler {
private static final Logger TRACE_LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionPump.class);
protected final HostContext hostContext;
protected final CompleteLease lease; // protected for testability
private final CompletableFuture shutdownTriggerFuture;
private final CompletableFuture shutdownFinishedFuture;
private final Object processingSynchronizer;
private final Consumer pumpManagerCallback;
private EventHubClient eventHubClient = null;
private PartitionReceiver partitionReceiver = null;
private CloseReason shutdownReason;
private volatile CompletableFuture> internalOperationFuture = null;
private IEventProcessor processor = null;
private PartitionContext partitionContext = null;
private ScheduledFuture> leaseRenewerFuture = null;
PartitionPump(HostContext hostContext, CompleteLease lease, Closable parent, Consumer pumpManagerCallback) {
this.hostContext = hostContext; = lease;
this.pumpManagerCallback = pumpManagerCallback;
this.processingSynchronizer = new Object();
this.partitionContext = new PartitionContext(this.hostContext,;
// Set up the shutdown futures. The shutdown process can be triggered just by completing this.shutdownFuture.
this.shutdownTriggerFuture = new CompletableFuture();
this.shutdownFinishedFuture = this.shutdownTriggerFuture
.handleAsync((r, e) -> {
return cancelPendingOperations();
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenComposeAsync((empty) -> cleanUpAll(this.shutdownReason), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenComposeAsync((empty) -> releaseLeaseOnShutdown(), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.whenCompleteAsync((empty, e) -> {
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
// The CompletableFuture returned by startPump remains uncompleted as long as the pump is running.
// If startup fails, or an error occurs while running, it will complete exceptionally.
// If clean shutdown due to unregister call, it completes normally.
CompletableFuture startPump() {
// Do the slow startup stuff asynchronously.
// Use whenComplete to trigger cleanup on exception.
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> openProcessor(), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenComposeAsync((empty) -> openClientsRetryWrapper(), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenRunAsync(() -> scheduleLeaseRenewer(), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.whenCompleteAsync((r, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
// If startup failed, trigger shutdown to clean up.
internalShutdown(CloseReason.Shutdown, e);
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
return shutdownFinishedFuture;
private void openProcessor() {, "Creating and opening event processor instance"));
String action = EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CREATING_EVENT_PROCESSOR;
try {
this.processor = this.hostContext.getEventProcessorFactory().createEventProcessor(this.partitionContext);
action = EventProcessorHostActionStrings.OPENING_EVENT_PROCESSOR;
} catch (Exception e) {
// If the processor won't create or open, only thing we can do here is pass the buck.
// Null it out so we don't try to operate on it further.
this.processor = null;
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "Failed " + action), e);
this.hostContext.getEventProcessorOptions().notifyOfException(this.hostContext.getHostName(), e, action,;
throw new CompletionException(e);
private CompletableFuture openClientsRetryWrapper() {
// Stage 0: first attempt
CompletableFuture retryResult = openClients();
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
retryResult = retryResult
// Stages 1, 3, 5, etc: trace errors but stop exception propagation in order to keep going
// UNLESS it's ReceiverDisconnectedException.
.handleAsync((r, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
Exception notifyWith = (Exception) LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null);
if (notifyWith instanceof ReceiverDisconnectedException) {
// TODO: Assuming this is due to a receiver with a higher epoch.
// Is there a way to be sure without checking the exception text?
// DO NOT trace here because then we could get multiple traces for the same exception.
// If it's a bad epoch, then retrying isn't going to help.
// Rethrow to keep propagating error to the end and prevent any more attempts.
throw new CompletionException(notifyWith);
} else {
"Failure creating client or receiver, retrying"), e);
// If we have a valid result, pass it along to prevent further attempts.
return (e == null) ? r : false;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stages 2, 4, 6, etc: make another attempt if needed.
.thenComposeAsync((done) -> {
return done ? CompletableFuture.completedFuture(done) : openClients();
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
// Stage final: on success, hook up the user's event handler to start receiving events. On error,
// trace exceptions from the final attempt, or ReceiverDisconnectedException.
return retryResult.handleAsync((r, e) -> {
if (e == null) {
// IEventProcessor.onOpen is called from the base PartitionPump and must have returned in order for execution to reach here,
// meaning it is safe to set the handler and start calling IEventProcessor.onEvents.
this.partitionReceiver.setReceiveHandler(this, this.hostContext.getEventProcessorOptions().getInvokeProcessorAfterReceiveTimeout());
} else {
Exception notifyWith = (Exception) LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null);
if (notifyWith instanceof ReceiverDisconnectedException) {
// TODO: Assuming this is due to a receiver with a higher epoch.
// Is there a way to be sure without checking the exception text?
"Receiver disconnected on create, bad epoch?"), notifyWith);
} else {
"Failure creating client or receiver, out of retries"), e);
// IEventProcessor.onOpen is called from the base PartitionPump and must have returned in order for execution to reach here,
// so we can report this error to it instead of the general error handler.
this.processor.onError(this.partitionContext, new ExceptionWithAction(notifyWith, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CREATING_EVENT_HUB_CLIENT));
// Rethrow so caller will see failure
throw LoggingUtils.wrapException(notifyWith, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CREATING_EVENT_HUB_CLIENT);
return null;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
protected void scheduleLeaseRenewer() {
if (!getIsClosingOrClosed()) {
int seconds = this.hostContext.getPartitionManagerOptions().getLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds();
this.leaseRenewerFuture = this.hostContext.getExecutor().schedule(() -> leaseRenewer(), seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(, "scheduling leaseRenewer in " + seconds));
private CompletableFuture openClients() {
// Create new client, "Opening EH client"));
CompletableFuture startOpeningFuture = null;
try {
startOpeningFuture = this.hostContext.getEventHubClientFactory().createEventHubClient();
} catch (EventHubException | IOException e2) {
// Marking startOpeningFuture as completed exceptionally will cause all the
// following stages to fall through except stage 1 which will report the error.
startOpeningFuture = new CompletableFuture();
this.internalOperationFuture = startOpeningFuture;
// Stage 0: get EventHubClient
return startOpeningFuture
// Stage 1: save EventHubClient on success, trace on error
.whenCompleteAsync((ehclient, e) -> {
if ((ehclient != null) && (e == null)) {
this.eventHubClient = ehclient;
} else {
TRACE_LOGGER.error(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "EventHubClient creation failed"), e);
// this.internalOperationFuture allows canceling startup if it gets stuck. Null out now that EventHubClient creation has completed.
this.internalOperationFuture = null;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 2: get initial offset for receiver
.thenComposeAsync((empty) -> this.partitionContext.getInitialOffset(), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 3: set up other receiver options, create receiver if initial offset is valid
.thenComposeAsync((startAt) -> {
long epoch =;,
"Opening EH receiver with epoch " + epoch + " at location " + startAt));
CompletableFuture receiverFuture = null;
try {
ReceiverOptions options = new ReceiverOptions();
receiverFuture = this.eventHubClient.createEpochReceiver(this.partitionContext.getConsumerGroupName(),
this.partitionContext.getPartitionId(), startAt, epoch, options);
this.internalOperationFuture = receiverFuture;
} catch (EventHubException e) {
TRACE_LOGGER.error(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "Opening EH receiver failed with an error "), e);
receiverFuture = new CompletableFuture();
return receiverFuture;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 4: save PartitionReceiver on success, trace on error
.whenCompleteAsync((receiver, e) -> {
if ((receiver != null) && (e == null)) {
this.partitionReceiver = receiver;
} else if (this.eventHubClient != null) {
if (e instanceof ReceiverDisconnectedException) {, "PartitionReceiver disconnected during startup"));
} else {
TRACE_LOGGER.error(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "PartitionReceiver creation failed"), e);
// else if this.eventHubClient is null then we failed in stage 0 and already traced in stage 1
// this.internalOperationFuture allows canceling startup if it gets stuck. Null out now that PartitionReceiver creation has completed.
this.internalOperationFuture = null;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 5: on success, set up the receiver
.thenApplyAsync((receiver) -> {
"EH client and receiver creation finished"));
return true;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
private CompletableFuture cleanUpAll(CloseReason reason) { // swallows all exceptions
return cleanUpClients()
.thenRunAsync(() -> {
if (this.processor != null) {
try {
synchronized (this.processingSynchronizer) {
// When we take the lock, any existing onEvents call has finished.
// Because the client has been closed, there will not be any more
// calls to onEvents in the future. Therefore we can safely call onClose.
this.processor.onClose(this.partitionContext, reason);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Failure closing processor"), e);
// If closing the processor has failed, the state of the processor is suspect.
// Report the failure to the general error handler instead.
this.hostContext.getEventProcessorOptions().notifyOfException(this.hostContext.getHostName(), e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CLOSING_EVENT_PROCESSOR,;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
private CompletableFuture cleanUpClients() { // swallows all exceptions
CompletableFuture cleanupFuture = null;
if (this.partitionReceiver != null) {
// Disconnect the processor from the receiver we're about to close.
// Fortunately this is idempotent -- setting the handler to null when it's already been
// nulled by code elsewhere is harmless!
// Setting to null also waits for the in-progress calls to complete, "Setting receive handler to null"));
cleanupFuture = this.partitionReceiver.setReceiveHandler(null);
} else {
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "partitionReceiver is null in cleanup"));
cleanupFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
cleanupFuture = cleanupFuture.handleAsync((empty, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
"Got exception when ReceiveHandler is set to null."), LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null));
return null; // stop propagation of exceptions
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenApplyAsync((empty) -> {, "Closing EH receiver"));
PartitionReceiver partitionReceiverTemp = this.partitionReceiver;
this.partitionReceiver = null;
return partitionReceiverTemp;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenComposeAsync((partitionReceiverTemp) -> {
return (partitionReceiverTemp != null) ? partitionReceiverTemp.close() : CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.handleAsync((empty, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
"Closing EH receiver failed."), LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null));
return null; // stop propagation of exceptions
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenApplyAsync((empty) -> {, "Closing EH client"));
final EventHubClient eventHubClientTemp = this.eventHubClient;
this.eventHubClient = null;
if (eventHubClientTemp == null) {
"eventHubClient is null in cleanup"));
return eventHubClientTemp;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenComposeAsync((eventHubClientTemp) -> {
return (eventHubClientTemp != null) ? eventHubClientTemp.close() : CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.handleAsync((empty, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "Closing EH client failed."),
LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null));
return null; // stop propagation of exceptions
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
return cleanupFuture;
protected Void cancelPendingOperations() {
// If an open operation is stuck, this lets us shut down anyway.
CompletableFuture> captured = this.internalOperationFuture;
if (captured != null) {
ScheduledFuture> capturedLeaseRenewer = this.leaseRenewerFuture;
if (capturedLeaseRenewer != null) {
return null;
private CompletableFuture releaseLeaseOnShutdown() { // swallows all exceptions
CompletableFuture result = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
if (this.shutdownReason != CloseReason.LeaseLost) {
// Since this pump is dead, release the lease. Don't care about any errors that may occur. Worst case is
// that the lease eventually expires, since the lease renewer has been cancelled.
result = PartitionPump.this.hostContext.getLeaseManager().releaseLease(
.handleAsync((empty, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
"Failure releasing lease on pump shutdown"), LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null));
return null; // stop propagation of exceptions
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
// else we already lost the lease, releasing is unnecessary and would fail if we try
return result;
protected void internalShutdown(CloseReason reason, Throwable e) {
this.shutdownReason = reason;
if (e == null) {
} else {
CompletableFuture shutdown(CloseReason reason) {,
"pump shutdown for reason " + reason.toString()));
internalShutdown(reason, null);
return this.shutdownFinishedFuture;
private void leaseRenewer() {
TRACE_LOGGER.debug(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(, "leaseRenewer()"));
// Theoretically, if the future is cancelled then this method should never fire, but
// there's no harm in being sure.
if (this.leaseRenewerFuture.isCancelled()) {
if (getIsClosingOrClosed()) {
// Stage 0: renew the lease
// Stage 1: check result of renewing
.thenApplyAsync((renewed) -> {
Boolean scheduleNext = true;
if (!renewed) {
// False return from renewLease means that lease was lost.
// Start pump shutdown process and do not schedule another call to leaseRenewer., "Lease lost, shutting down pump"));
internalShutdown(CloseReason.LeaseLost, null);
scheduleNext = false;
return scheduleNext;
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor())
// Stage 2: RUN REGARDLESS OF EXCEPTIONS -- trace exceptions, schedule next iteration
.whenCompleteAsync((scheduleNext, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
// Failure renewing lease due to storage exception or whatever.
// Trace error and leave scheduleNext as true to schedule another try.
Exception notifyWith = (Exception) LoggingUtils.unwrapException(e, null);, "Transient failure renewing lease"), notifyWith);
// Notify the general error handler rather than calling this.processor.onError so we can provide context (RENEWING_LEASE)
this.hostContext.getEventProcessorOptions().notifyOfException(this.hostContext.getHostName(), notifyWith, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.RENEWING_LEASE,;
if ((scheduleNext != null) && scheduleNext.booleanValue() && !this.leaseRenewerFuture.isCancelled() && !getIsClosingOrClosed()) {
}, this.hostContext.getExecutor());
public int getMaxEventCount() {
return this.hostContext.getEventProcessorOptions().getMaxBatchSize();
public void onReceive(Iterable events) {
if (this.hostContext.getEventProcessorOptions().getReceiverRuntimeMetricEnabled()) {
// This method is called on the thread that the Java EH client uses to run the pump.
// There is one pump per EventHubClient. Since each PartitionPump creates a new EventHubClient,
// using that thread to call onEvents does no harm. Even if onEvents is slow, the pump will
// get control back each time onEvents returns, and be able to receive a new batch of events
// with which to make the next onEvents call. The pump gains nothing by running faster than onEvents.
// The underlying client returns null if there are no events, but the contract for IEventProcessor
// is different and is expecting an empty iterable if there are no events (and invoke processor after
// receive timeout is turned on).
Iterable effectiveEvents = events;
if (effectiveEvents == null) {
effectiveEvents = new ArrayList();
// Update offset and sequence number in the PartitionContext to support argument-less overload of PartitionContext.checkpoint()
Iterator iter = effectiveEvents.iterator();
EventData last = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
last =;
if (last != null) {
try {
// Synchronize to serialize calls to the processor.
// The handler is not installed until after onOpen returns, so onEvents cannot overlap with onOpen.
// onEvents and onClose are synchronized via this.processingSynchronizer to prevent calls to onClose
// while an onEvents call is still in progress.
synchronized (this.processingSynchronizer) {
this.processor.onEvents(this.partitionContext, effectiveEvents);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: do we pass errors from IEventProcessor.onEvents to IEventProcessor.onError?
// Depending on how you look at it, that's either pointless (if the user's code throws, the user's code should already know about it) or
// a convenient way of centralizing error handling.
// In the meantime, just trace it.
"Got exception from onEvents"), e);
public void onError(Throwable error) {
if (error == null) {
error = new Throwable("No error info supplied by EventHub client");
if (error instanceof ReceiverDisconnectedException) {,
"EventHub client disconnected, probably another host took the partition"));
} else {
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "EventHub client error: " + error.toString()));
if (error instanceof Exception) {
TRACE_LOGGER.warn(this.hostContext.withHostAndPartition(this.partitionContext, "EventHub client error continued"), (Exception) error);
// It is vital to perform the rest of cleanup in a separate thread and not block this one. This thread is the client's
// receive pump thread, and blocking it means that the receive pump never completes its CompletableFuture, which in turn
// blocks other client calls that we would like to make during cleanup. Specifically, this issue was found when
// PartitionReceiver.setReceiveHandler(null).get() was called and never returned.
final Throwable capturedError = error;
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> PartitionPump.this.processor.onError(PartitionPump.this.partitionContext, capturedError), this.hostContext.getExecutor())
.thenRunAsync(() -> internalShutdown(CloseReason.Shutdown, capturedError), this.hostContext.getExecutor());