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// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
import{HasInputCol, HasOutputCol}
import{BinaryFileSchema, ImageSchemaUtils}
import{FeatureNames, SynapseMLLogging}
import{ArrayMapParam, DataTypeParam}
import org.apache.spark.injections.UDFUtils
import{DefaultParamsReadable, Identifiable}
import{ComplexParamsWritable, ImageInjections, Transformer}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Row}
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse
import org.opencv.core._
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/** Image processing stage.
* @param params Map of parameters
abstract class ImageTransformerStage(params: Map[String, Any]) extends Serializable {
def apply(image: Mat): Mat
val stageName: String
object ImageTransformerStage {
// every stage has a name like "resize", "normalize", "unroll"
val stageNameKey = "action"
def apply(stage: Map[String, Any]): ImageTransformerStage = {
stage(stageNameKey) match {
case ResizeImage.stageName => new ResizeImage(stage)
case CropImage.stageName => new CropImage(stage)
case ColorFormat.stageName => new ColorFormat(stage)
case Blur.stageName => new Blur(stage)
case Threshold.stageName => new Threshold(stage)
case GaussianKernel.stageName => new GaussianKernel(stage)
case Flip.stageName => new Flip(stage)
case CenterCropImage.stageName => new CenterCropImage(stage)
case unsupported: String => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"unsupported transformation $unsupported")
/** Resizes the image. The parameters of the ParameterMap are:
* "height" - the height of the resized image
* "width" - the width of the resized image
* "stageName"
* "size" - the shorter side of the resized image if keep aspect ratio is true, otherwise,
* the side length of both height and width.
* "keepAspectRatio" - if true, then the shorter side will be resized to "size" parameter
* Please refer to [[ OpenCV]]
* for more information
* @param params ParameterMap of the parameters
class ResizeImage(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
override val stageName: String = ResizeImage.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val resized = new Mat()
val sz = if (params.isDefinedAt(ResizeImage.size)) {
val specifiedSize = params(ResizeImage.size).asInstanceOf[Int]
if (params(ResizeImage.keepAspectRatio).asInstanceOf[Boolean]) {
val (originalWidth, originalHeight) = (image.width, image.height)
val shorterSize = math.min(originalWidth, originalHeight)
val ratio = 1.0 * specifiedSize / shorterSize
val (targetWidth, targetHeight) = (math.round(ratio * originalWidth), math.round(ratio * originalHeight))
new Size(targetWidth, targetHeight)
} else {
new Size(specifiedSize, specifiedSize)
} else {
val height: Double = params(ResizeImage.height).asInstanceOf[Int].toDouble
val width: Double = params(ResizeImage.width).asInstanceOf[Int].toDouble
new Size(width, height)
Imgproc.resize(image, resized, sz)
/** Resize object contains the information for resizing;
* "height"
* "width"
* "stageName" = "resize"
object ResizeImage {
val stageName = "resize"
val height = "height"
val width = "width"
val size = "size"
val keepAspectRatio = "keepAspectRatio"
/** Crops the image for processing. The parameters are:
* "x" - First dimension; start of crop
* "y" - second dimension - start of crop
* "height" -height of cropped image
* "width" - width of cropped image
* "stageName" - "crop"
* @param params ParameterMap of the dimensions for cropping
class CropImage(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
val x: Int = params(CropImage.x).asInstanceOf[Int]
val y: Int = params(CropImage.y).asInstanceOf[Int]
val height: Int = params(CropImage.height).asInstanceOf[Int]
val width: Int = params(CropImage.width).asInstanceOf[Int]
override val stageName: String = CropImage.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val rect = new Rect(x, y, width, height)
new Mat(image, rect)
object CropImage {
val stageName = "crop"
val x = "x"
val y = "y"
val height = "height"
val width = "width"
class CenterCropImage(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
val height: Int = params(CropImage.height).asInstanceOf[Int]
val width: Int = params(CropImage.width).asInstanceOf[Int]
override val stageName: String = CenterCropImage.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val (cropWidth, cropHeight) = (math.min(width, image.width), math.min(height, image.height))
val (midX, midY) = (image.width / 2, image.height / 2)
val rect = new Rect(midX - cropWidth / 2, midY - cropHeight / 2, cropWidth, cropHeight)
new Mat(image, rect)
object CenterCropImage {
val stageName = "centercrop"
val height = "height"
val width = "width"
/** Converts an image from one color space to another, eg COLOR_BGR2GRAY. Refer to
* [[ OpenCV]]
* for more information.
* @param params Map of parameters and values
class ColorFormat(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
val format: Int = params(ColorFormat.format).asInstanceOf[Int]
override val stageName: String = ColorFormat.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val dst = new Mat()
Imgproc.cvtColor(image, dst, format)
object ColorFormat {
val stageName = "colorformat"
val format = "format"
/** Flips the image
* @param params Map of parameters and values
class Flip(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
val flipCode: Int = params(Flip.flipCode).asInstanceOf[Int]
override val stageName: String = Flip.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val dst = new Mat()
Core.flip(image, dst, flipCode)
object Flip {
val stageName: String = "flip"
val flipCode: String = "flipCode"
val flipUpDown: Int = 0
val flipLeftRight: Int = 1
val flipBoth: Int = -1
/** Blurs the image using a box filter.
* The params are a map of the dimensions of the blurring box. Please refer to
* [[ OpenCV]] for more information.
* @param params Map of parameters and values
class Blur(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
val height: Double = params(Blur.height).asInstanceOf[Double]
val width: Double = params(Blur.width).asInstanceOf[Double]
override val stageName: String = Blur.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val dst = new Mat()
Imgproc.blur(image, dst, new Size(height, width))
object Blur {
val stageName: String = "blur"
val height: String = "height"
val width: String = "width"
/** Applies a threshold to each element of the image. Please refer to
* [[ threshold]] for
* more information
* @param params Map of parameters and values
class Threshold(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
val threshold: Double = params(Threshold.threshold).asInstanceOf[Double]
val maxVal: Double = params(Threshold.maxVal).asInstanceOf[Double]
val thresholdType: Int = params(Threshold.thresholdType).asInstanceOf[Int]
override val stageName: String = Threshold.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val dst = new Mat()
Imgproc.threshold(image, dst, threshold, maxVal, thresholdType)
object Threshold {
val stageName: String = "threshold"
val threshold: String = "threshold"
val maxVal: String = "maxVal"
val thresholdType: String = "type"
/** Applies gaussian kernel to blur the image. Please refer to
* [[ OpenCV]] for detailed information
* about the parameters and their allowable values.
* @param params Map of parameter values containg the aperture and sigma for the kernel.
class GaussianKernel(params: Map[String, Any]) extends ImageTransformerStage(params) {
val appertureSize: Int = params(GaussianKernel.apertureSize).asInstanceOf[Int]
val sigma: Double = params(GaussianKernel.sigma) match {
case d: Double => d
case i: Int => i.toDouble
override val stageName: String = GaussianKernel.stageName
override def apply(image: Mat): Mat = {
val dst = new Mat()
val kernel = Imgproc.getGaussianKernel(appertureSize, sigma)
Imgproc.filter2D(image, dst, -1, kernel)
object GaussianKernel {
val stageName: String = "gaussiankernel"
val apertureSize: String = "apertureSize"
val sigma: String = "sigma"
/** Pipelined image processing. */
object ImageTransformer extends DefaultParamsReadable[ImageTransformer] {
override def load(path: String): ImageTransformer = super.load(path)
/** Convert Spark image representation to OpenCV format. */
private def row2mat(row: Row): (String, Mat) = {
val path = ImageSchema.getOrigin(row)
val height = ImageSchema.getHeight(row)
val width = ImageSchema.getWidth(row)
val ocvType = ImageSchema.getMode(row)
val bytes = ImageSchema.getData(row)
val img = new Mat(height, width, ocvType)
img.put(0, 0, bytes)
(path, img)
/** Convert from OpenCV format to Dataframe Row; unroll if needed. */
private def mat2row(img: Mat, path: String = ""): Row = {
val ocvBytes = new Array[Byte]( * img.elemSize.toInt)
img.get(0, 0, ocvBytes) //extract OpenCV bytes
Row(path, img.height, img.width, img.channels(), img.`type`, ocvBytes)
* Convert Spark image representation to OpenCV format.
def decodeImage(decodeMode: String)(r: Any): Option[(String, Mat)] = {
Option(r).flatMap {
row =>
(row, decodeMode) match {
case (row: Row, "binaryfile") =>
val path = BinaryFileSchema.getPath(row)
val bytes = BinaryFileSchema.getBytes(row)
//early return if the image can't be decompressed
ImageInjections.decode(path, bytes).map(_.getStruct(0))
case (bytes: Array[Byte], "binary") =>
//noinspection ScalaStyle
ImageInjections.decode(null, bytes).map(_.getStruct(0)) //scalastyle:ignore null
case (row: Row, "image") =>
case (_, mode) =>
throw new MatchError(s"Unknown decoder mode $mode")
} map row2mat
* Apply all OpenCV transformation stages to a single image. Break on OpenCV errors.
def processImage(stages: Seq[ImageTransformerStage])(image: Mat): Mat = {
stages.foldLeft(image) {
case (imgInternal, stage) => stage.apply(imgInternal)
* Extract channels from image.
def extractChannels(channelOrder: String, autoConvertToColor: Boolean)(image: Mat): Array[Mat] = {
// OpenCV channel order is BGR - reverse the order if the intended order is RGB.
// Also remove alpha channel if nChannels is 4.
val channelOrderIsRgb = channelOrder.toLowerCase == "rgb"
val converted = if (image.channels == 4) {
// remove alpha channel and order color channels if necessary
val dest = new Mat(image.rows, image.cols, CvType.CV_8UC3)
val colorConversion = if (channelOrderIsRgb) Imgproc.COLOR_BGRA2RGB else Imgproc.COLOR_BGRA2BGR
Imgproc.cvtColor(image, dest, colorConversion)
} else if (image.channels == 3 && channelOrderIsRgb) {
// Reorder channel if nChannel is 3 and intended tensor channel order is RGB.
val dest = new Mat(image.rows, image.cols, CvType.CV_8UC3)
Imgproc.cvtColor(image, dest, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
} else if (image.channels == 1 && autoConvertToColor) {
// Duplicate channels if nChannel is 1 and user indicated to auto-convert.
val dest = new Mat(image.rows, image.cols, CvType.CV_8UC3)
val colorConversion = if (channelOrderIsRgb) Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2RGB else Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2BGR
Imgproc.cvtColor(image, dest, colorConversion)
} else {
val channelLength = converted.channels
val channelMats = ListBuffer.fill(channelLength)(Mat.zeros(converted.rows, converted.cols, CvType.CV_8U))
Core.split(converted, channelMats.asJava)
* Normalize each channel.
def normalizeChannels(means: Option[Array[Double]], stds: Option[Array[Double]], scaleFactor: Option[Double])
(channels: Array[Mat]): Array[Mat] = {
val channelLength = channels.length
val meansLength = if (means.isDefined) means.get.length else -1
val stdLength = if (stds.isDefined) stds.get.length else -1
require(means.forall(channelLength == _.length), s"channelLength: $channelLength, means length: $meansLength")
require(stds.forall(channelLength == _.length), s"channelLength: $channelLength, stds length: $stdLength")
.map {
case ((matrix: Mat, m: Double), sd: Double) =>
val t = new Mat(matrix.rows, matrix.cols, CvType.CV_64F)
matrix.convertTo(t, CvType.CV_64F)
Core.multiply(t, new Scalar(scaleFactor.getOrElse(1d)), t) // Standardized
Core.subtract(t, new Scalar(m), t) // Centered
Core.divide(t, new Scalar(sd), t) // Normalized
private def to2DArray(m: Mat): Array[Array[Double]] = {
val array = Array.ofDim[Double](m.rows, m.cols)
array.indices foreach {
i => m.get(i, 0, array(i))
* Convert channel matrices to tensor in the shape of (C * H * W)
def convertToTensor(matrices: Array[Mat]): Array[Array[Array[Double]]] = {
* Convert from OpenCV format to Dataframe Row.
def encodeImage(path: String, image: Mat): Row = {
mat2row(image, path)
/** Image processing stage. Please refer to OpenCV for additional information
* @param uid The id of the module
class ImageTransformer(val uid: String) extends Transformer
with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging {
import ImageTransformer._
import ImageTransformerStage._
override protected lazy val pyInternalWrapper = true
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("ImageTransformer"))
val stages: ArrayMapParam = new ArrayMapParam(this, "stages", "Image transformation stages")
def setStages(value: Array[Map[String, Any]]): this.type = set(stages, value)
def setStages(value: java.util.ArrayList[java.util.HashMap[String, Any]]): this.type =
def setStages(jsonString: String): this.type = {
implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = DefaultFormats
this.setStages(parse(jsonString).extract[Array[Map[String, Any]]])
val emptyStages: Array[Map[String, Any]] = Array[Map[String, Any]]()
def getStages: Array[Map[String, Any]] = if (isDefined(stages)) $(stages) else emptyStages
private def addStage(stage: Map[String, Any]): this.type = set(stages, getStages :+ stage)
val toTensor: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(
"Convert output image to tensor in the shape of (C * H * W)"
def getToTensor: Boolean = $(toTensor)
def setToTensor(value: Boolean): this.type = this.set(toTensor, value)
val ignoreDecodingErrors: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(
"Whether to throw on decoding errors or just return null"
setDefault(ignoreDecodingErrors -> false)
def getIgnoreDecodingErrors: Boolean = $(ignoreDecodingErrors)
def setIgnoreDecodingErrors(value: Boolean): this.type = this.set(ignoreDecodingErrors, value)
private lazy val validElementTypes: Array[DataType] = Array(FloatType, DoubleType)
val tensorElementType: DataTypeParam = new DataTypeParam(
parent = this,
name = "tensorElementType",
doc = "The element data type for the output tensor. Only used when toTensor is set to true. " +
"Valid values are DoubleType or FloatType. Default value: FloatType.",
isValid = ParamValidators.inArray(validElementTypes)
def getTensorElementType: DataType = $(tensorElementType)
def setTensorElementType(value: DataType): this.type = this.set(tensorElementType, value)
val tensorChannelOrder: Param[String] = new Param[String](
parent = this,
name = "tensorChannelOrder",
doc = "The color channel order of the output channels. Valid values are RGB and GBR. Default: RGB.",
isValid = ParamValidators.inArray(Array("rgb", "RGB", "bgr", "BGR"))
def getTensorChannelOrder: String = $(tensorChannelOrder)
def setTensorChannelOrder(value: String): this.type = this.set(tensorChannelOrder, value)
val normalizeMean: DoubleArrayParam = new DoubleArrayParam(
"The mean value to use for normalization for each channel. " +
"The length of the array must match the number of channels of the input image."
def getNormalizeMean: Array[Double] = $(normalizeMean)
def setNormalizeMean(value: Array[Double]): this.type = this.set(normalizeMean, value)
val normalizeStd: DoubleArrayParam = new DoubleArrayParam(
"The standard deviation to use for normalization for each channel. " +
"The length of the array must match the number of channels of the input image."
def getNormalizeStd: Array[Double] = $(normalizeStd)
def setNormalizeStd(value: Array[Double]): this.type = this.set(normalizeStd, value)
val colorScaleFactor: DoubleParam = new DoubleParam(
"The scale factor for color values. Used for normalization. " +
"The color values will be multiplied with the scale factor.",
def getColorScaleFactor: Double = $(colorScaleFactor)
def setColorScaleFactor(value: Double): this.type = this.set(colorScaleFactor, value)
val autoConvertToColor: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(
"Whether to automatically convert black and white images to color"
setDefault(autoConvertToColor -> false)
def getAutoConvertToColor: Boolean = $(autoConvertToColor)
def setAutoConvertToColor(value: Boolean): this.type = this.set(autoConvertToColor, value)
inputCol -> "image",
outputCol -> (uid + "_output"),
toTensor -> false,
tensorChannelOrder -> "RGB",
tensorElementType -> FloatType
def normalize(mean: Array[Double], std: Array[Double], colorScaleFactor: Double): this.type = {
* For py4j invocation.
def normalize(mean: java.util.List[Double], std: java.util.List[Double], colorScaleFactor: Double): this.type = {
def resize(height: Int, width: Int): this.type = {
require(width >= 0 && height >= 0, "width and height should be non-negative")
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> ResizeImage.stageName,
ResizeImage.width -> width,
ResizeImage.height -> height))
* If keep aspect ratio is set to true, the shorter side of the image will be resized to the specified size.
def resize(size: Int, keepAspectRatio: Boolean): this.type = {
require(size >= 0, "size should be non-negative")
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> ResizeImage.stageName,
ResizeImage.size -> size,
ResizeImage.keepAspectRatio -> keepAspectRatio
def crop(x: Int, y: Int, height: Int, width: Int): this.type = {
require(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && width >= 0 && height >= 0, "crop values should be non-negative")
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> CropImage.stageName,
CropImage.width -> width,
CropImage.height -> height,
CropImage.x -> x,
CropImage.y -> y))
def centerCrop(height: Int, width: Int): this.type = {
require(width >= 0 && height >= 0, "crop values should be non-negative")
stageNameKey -> CenterCropImage.stageName,
CenterCropImage.width -> width,
CenterCropImage.height -> height
def colorFormat(format: Int): this.type = {
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> ColorFormat.stageName, ColorFormat.format -> format))
def blur(height: Double, width: Double): this.type = {
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> Blur.stageName, Blur.height -> height, Blur.width -> width))
def threshold(threshold: Double, maxVal: Double, thresholdType: Int): this.type = {
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> Threshold.stageName,
Threshold.maxVal -> maxVal,
Threshold.threshold -> threshold,
Threshold.thresholdType -> thresholdType))
/** Flips the image
* @param flipCode is a flag to specify how to flip the image:
* - 0 means flipping around the x-axis (i.e. up-down)
* - positive value (for example, 1) means flipping around y-axis (left-right)
* - negative value (for example, -1) means flipping around both axes (diagonally)
* See OpenCV documentation for details.
* @return
def flip(flipCode: Int): this.type = {
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> Flip.stageName, Flip.flipCode -> flipCode))
def gaussianKernel(apertureSize: Int, sigma: Double): this.type = {
addStage(Map(stageNameKey -> GaussianKernel.stageName,
GaussianKernel.apertureSize -> apertureSize,
GaussianKernel.sigma -> sigma))
override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
// load native OpenCV library on each partition
// TODO: figure out more elegant way
val df = OpenCVUtils.loadOpenCV(dataset.toDF)
val inputDataType = df.schema(getInputCol).dataType
val decodeMode = getDecodeType(inputDataType)
val transforms =
val outputColumnSchema = if ($(toTensor)) tensorUdfSchema else imageColumnSchema
val processStep = processImage(transforms) _
val extractStep = extractChannels(getTensorChannelOrder, getAutoConvertToColor) _
val normalizeStep = normalizeChannels(get(normalizeMean), get(normalizeStd), get(colorScaleFactor)) _
val toTensorStep = convertToTensor _
val convertFunc = if ($(toTensor)) {
inputRow: Any =>
getDecodedImage(decodeMode)(inputRow) map {
case (_, image) =>
} else {
inputRow: Any =>
getDecodedImage(decodeMode)(inputRow) map {
case (path, image) =>
val encodeStep = encodeImage(path, _)
val convert = UDFUtils.oldUdf(convertFunc, outputColumnSchema)
if ($(toTensor)) {
df.withColumn(getOutputCol, convert(df(getInputCol)).cast(tensorColumnSchema))
} else {
df.withColumn(getOutputCol, convert(df(getInputCol)))
}, dataset.columns.length)
private def getDecodedImage(decodeMode: String)(r: Any): Option[(String, Mat)] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: MatchError =>
throw e
case e: Throwable =>
if (getIgnoreDecodingErrors) {
logWarning("Error decoding image", e)
} else throw e
private def getDecodeType(inputDataType: DataType): String = {
inputDataType match {
case s if ImageSchemaUtils.isImage(s) => "image"
case s if BinaryFileSchema.isBinaryFile(s) => "binaryfile"
case s if s == BinaryType => "binary"
case s =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"input column should have Image or BinaryFile type, got $s")
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): Transformer = defaultCopy(extra)
private lazy val tensorUdfSchema = ArrayType(ArrayType(ArrayType(DoubleType)))
private lazy val tensorColumnSchema = ArrayType(ArrayType(ArrayType($(tensorElementType))))
private lazy val imageColumnSchema = ImageSchema.columnSchema
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
assert(!schema.fieldNames.contains(getOutputCol), s"Input schema already contains output field $getOutputCol")
val outputColumnSchema = if ($(toTensor)) tensorColumnSchema else imageColumnSchema
schema.add(getOutputCol, outputColumnSchema)
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