com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.vw.VowpalWabbitContextualBandit.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.
package com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.vw
import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.core.utils.ParamsStringBuilder
import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.io.http.SharedVariable
import com.microsoft.azure.synapse.ml.logging.{FeatureNames, SynapseMLLogging}
import org.apache.spark.ml.ParamInjections.HasParallelismInjected
import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.SQLDataTypes.VectorType
import org.apache.spark.ml.param._
import org.apache.spark.ml.util._
import org.apache.spark.ml.{ComplexParamsReadable, ComplexParamsWritable, PredictionModel, Predictor}
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{struct, udf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.vowpalwabbit.spark.{VowpalWabbitExample, VowpalWabbitNative}
import vowpalWabbit.responses.ActionProbs
import java.util
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.math.max
object VowpalWabbitContextualBandit extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitContextualBandit]
class ExampleStack(val vw: VowpalWabbitNative) {
val stack = new ListBuffer[VowpalWabbitExample] // new mutable.Stack[VowpalWabbitExample]
def getOrCreateExample(): VowpalWabbitExample = {
val ex = if (stack.isEmpty)
else {
def returnExample(ex: VowpalWabbitExample): Unit = {
def close(): Unit = {
// https://github.com/VowpalWabbit/estimators/blob/master/ips_snips.py
class ContextualBanditMetrics extends Serializable {
var snipsNumerator: Double = 0
var totalEvents: Double = 0
var snipsDenominator: Double = 0
var offlinePolicyEvents: Double = 0 // the number of times the policy had a nonzero probability on the action played
var maxIpsNumerator: Double = 0
// r is a reward
def addExample(probLoggingPolicy: Double, reward: Double, probEvalPolicy: Double, count: Int = 1): Unit = {
totalEvents += count
if (probEvalPolicy > 0) {
val pOverP = probEvalPolicy / probLoggingPolicy
snipsDenominator += pOverP * count
offlinePolicyEvents += count
if (reward != 0) {
snipsNumerator += reward * pOverP * count
maxIpsNumerator = max(maxIpsNumerator, reward * pOverP)
def getSnipsEstimate: Double = {
snipsNumerator / snipsDenominator
def getIpsEstimate: Double = {
snipsNumerator / totalEvents
trait VowpalWabbitContextualBanditBase extends VowpalWabbitBaseSpark {
override protected lazy val pyInternalWrapper = true
val sharedCol = new Param[String](this, "sharedCol", "Column name of shared features")
setDefault(sharedCol -> "shared")
def getSharedCol: String = $(sharedCol)
def setSharedCol(value: String): this.type = set(sharedCol, value)
val additionalSharedFeatures = new StringArrayParam(this, "additionalSharedFeatures",
"Additional namespaces for the shared example")
setDefault(additionalSharedFeatures -> Array.empty)
def getAdditionalSharedFeatures: Array[String] = $(additionalSharedFeatures)
def setAdditionalSharedFeatures(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(additionalSharedFeatures, value)
//noinspection ScalaStyle
class VowpalWabbitContextualBandit(override val uid: String)
extends Predictor[Row, VowpalWabbitContextualBandit, VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel]
with VowpalWabbitContextualBanditBase
with HasParallelismInjected
with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging {
override protected lazy val pyInternalWrapper = true
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("VowpalWabbitContextualBandit"))
val probabilityCol = new Param[String](this, "probabilityCol",
"Column name of probability of chosen action")
setDefault(probabilityCol -> "probability")
def getProbabilityCol: String = $(probabilityCol)
def setProbabilityCol(value: String): this.type = set(probabilityCol, value)
val chosenActionCol = new Param[String](this, "chosenActionCol", "Column name of chosen action")
setDefault(chosenActionCol -> "chosenAction")
def getChosenActionCol: String = $(chosenActionCol)
def setChosenActionCol(value: String): this.type = set(chosenActionCol, value)
val epsilon = new DoubleParam(this, "epsilon", "epsilon used for exploration")
setDefault(epsilon -> 0.05)
def getEpsilon: Double = $(epsilon)
def setEpsilon(value: Double): this.type = set(epsilon, value)
def setParallelism(value: Int): this.type = set(parallelism, value)
// Used in the base class to remove unneeded columns from the dataframe.
protected override def getAdditionalColumns: Seq[String] =
Seq(getChosenActionCol, getProbabilityCol, getSharedCol) ++ getAdditionalSharedFeatures
protected override def appendExtraParams(sb: ParamsStringBuilder): ParamsStringBuilder = {
.appendParamValueIfNotThere("epsilon", "epsilon", epsilon)
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
val allActionFeatureColumns = Seq(getFeaturesCol) ++ getAdditionalFeatures
val allSharedFeatureColumns = Seq(getSharedCol) ++ getAdditionalSharedFeatures
val actionCol = getChosenActionCol
val labelCol = getLabelCol
val probCol = getProbabilityCol
// Validate args
val allArgs = getPassThroughArgs
if (allArgs.matches("^.*--(cb_explore|cb|cb_adf)( |$).*$")) {
throw new NotImplementedError("VowpalWabbitContextualBandit is only compatible with contextual bandit problems" +
" with action dependent features which produce a probability distributions. These are problems which are " +
"used with VowpalWabbit with the '--cb_explore_adf' flag.")
// Validate action columns
for (colName <- allActionFeatureColumns) {
val dt = schema(colName).dataType
assert(dt match {
case ArrayType(VectorType, _) => true
case _ => false
}, s"$colName must be a list of sparse vectors of features. Found: $dt. Each item in the list corresponds to a" +
s" specific action and the overall list is the namespace.")
// Validate shared columns
for (colName <- allSharedFeatureColumns) {
val dt = schema(colName).dataType
assert(dt match {
case VectorType => true
case _ => false
}, s"$colName must be a sparse vector of features. Found $dt")
val actionDt = schema(actionCol).dataType
assert(actionDt match {
case IntegerType => true
case _ => false
}, s" $actionCol must be an integer. Found: $actionDt")
val labelDt = schema(labelCol).dataType
assert(labelDt match {
case IntegerType => true
case DoubleType => true
case FloatType => true
case _ => false
}, s"$labelCol must be an double. Found: $labelDt")
val probDt = schema(probCol).dataType
assert(probDt match {
case IntegerType => true
case DoubleType => true
case _ => false
}, s"$probCol must be an double. Found: $probDt")
protected override def
trainFromRows(schema: StructType,
inputRows: Iterator[Row],
ctx: TrainContext
): Unit = {
val allActionFeatureColumns = Seq(getFeaturesCol) ++ getAdditionalFeatures
val allSharedFeatureColumns = Seq(getSharedCol) ++ getAdditionalSharedFeatures
val actionNamespaceInfos = VowpalWabbitUtil.generateNamespaceInfos(
val sharedNamespaceInfos = VowpalWabbitUtil.generateNamespaceInfos(schema, getHashSeed, allSharedFeatureColumns)
val chosenActionColIdx = schema.fieldIndex(getChosenActionCol)
val labelGetter = getAsFloat(schema, schema.fieldIndex(getLabelCol))
val probabilityGetter = getAsFloat(schema, schema.fieldIndex(getProbabilityCol))
val exampleStack = new ExampleStack(ctx.vw)
for (row <- inputRows) {
VowpalWabbitUtil.prepareMultilineExample(row, actionNamespaceInfos, sharedNamespaceInfos, exampleStack,
examples => {
// It's one-based but we need to skip the shared example anyway
val selectedActionIdx = row.getInt(chosenActionColIdx)
if (selectedActionIdx == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chosen action index is 1 based - cannot be 0")
val cost = labelGetter(row)
val loggedProbability = probabilityGetter(row)
// Set the label for learning
// Learn from the examples
val pred = ctx.vw.learn(examples)
// collect predictions
ctx.predictionBuffer.append(row, pred)
// Update the IPS/SNIPS estimator
val prediction: ActionProbs = examples(0).getPrediction.asInstanceOf[ActionProbs]
val probs = prediction.getActionProbs
val selectedActionIdxZeroBased = selectedActionIdx - 1
probs.find(item => item.getAction == selectedActionIdxZeroBased) match {
case Some(evalProb) =>
ctx.contextualBanditMetrics.addExample(loggedProbability, cost, evalProb.getProbability())
case None => log.warn(s"No action found for index: $selectedActionIdxZeroBased " +
s"in ${probs.mkString("Array(", ", ", ")")}.")
override protected def train(dataset: Dataset[_]): VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel = {
val model = new VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel(uid)
trainInternal(dataset, model)
}, dataset.columns.length)
override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_], paramMaps: Seq[ParamMap]): Seq[VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel] = {
transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true)
log.info(s"Parallelism: $getParallelism")
// Create execution context based on $(parallelism)
val executionContext = getExecutionContextProxy
val modelFutures = paramMaps.toArray.zipWithIndex.map { case (paramMap, paramIndex) =>
Future[VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel] {
log.info(s"Future $paramIndex started with params: $paramMap")
val result = fit(dataset, paramMap)
log.info(s"Future $paramIndex ended")
awaitFutures(modelFutures).map(model => model.setParent(this))
}, dataset.columns.length)
def parallelFit(dataset: Dataset[_], paramMaps: util.ArrayList[ParamMap]):
util.List[VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val convertedArray: Array[ParamMap] = new Array[ParamMap](paramMaps.size())
fit(dataset, paramMaps.toArray(convertedArray)).asJava
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): VowpalWabbitContextualBandit = defaultCopy(extra)
//noinspection ScalaStyle
class VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel(override val uid: String)
extends PredictionModel[Row, VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel]
with VowpalWabbitBaseModelSpark
with VowpalWabbitContextualBanditBase
with ComplexParamsWritable with SynapseMLLogging {
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel"))
override protected lazy val pyInternalWrapper = true
val exampleStack: SharedVariable[ExampleStack] = SharedVariable {
new ExampleStack(vw)
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
schema.add(getPredictionCol, ArrayType(DoubleType))
override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
val allActionFeatureColumns = Seq(getFeaturesCol) ++ getAdditionalFeatures
val allSharedFeatureColumns = Seq(getSharedCol) ++ getAdditionalSharedFeatures
val schema = dataset.schema
val actionNamespaceInfos = VowpalWabbitUtil.generateNamespaceInfos(
val sharedNamespaceInfos = VowpalWabbitUtil.generateNamespaceInfos(schema, getHashSeed, allSharedFeatureColumns)
val predictUDF = udf { (row: Row) =>
VowpalWabbitUtil.prepareMultilineExample(row, actionNamespaceInfos, sharedNamespaceInfos, exampleStack.get,
examples => {
.sortBy {
.map {
// We're intentionally not using map partition here because there is only a single model instance.
// Eventually it would be good to be able to send the model to each partition.
predictUDF(struct(dataset.columns.map(dataset(_)): _*)))
}, dataset.columns.length)
override def predict(features: Row): Double = {
throw new NotImplementedError("Predict is not implemented, as the prediction output of this model is a list of " +
"probabilities not a single double. Use transform instead.")
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): this.type = defaultCopy(extra)
//noinspection ScalaStyle
object VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[VowpalWabbitContextualBanditModel]
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