
com.microsoft.bingads.v13.campaignmanagement.ObjectFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.microsoft.bingads.v13.campaignmanagement;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
* This object contains factory methods for each
* Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the com.microsoft.bingads.v13.campaignmanagement package.
* An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
* construct new instances of the Java representation
* for XML content. The Java representation of XML
* content can consist of schema derived interfaces
* and classes representing the binding of schema
* type definitions, element declarations and model
* groups. Factory methods for each of these are
* provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {
private static final QName _TextAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TextAd");
private static final QName _Ad_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Ad");
private static final QName _AdEditorialStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdEditorialStatus");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAppUrl_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAppUrl");
private static final QName _AppUrl_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AppUrl");
private static final QName _AdStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdStatus");
private static final QName _AdType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdType");
private static final QName _CustomParameters_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomParameters");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCustomParameter_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCustomParameter");
private static final QName _CustomParameter_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomParameter");
private static final QName _ProductAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProductAd");
private static final QName _HotelAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelAd");
private static final QName _AppInstallAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AppInstallAd");
private static final QName _ExpandedTextAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ExpandedTextAd");
private static final QName _DynamicSearchAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DynamicSearchAd");
private static final QName _ResponsiveAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ResponsiveAd");
private static final QName _CallToAction_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CallToAction");
private static final QName _LanguageName_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "LanguageName");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAssetLink_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAssetLink");
private static final QName _AssetLink_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetLink");
private static final QName _Asset_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Asset");
private static final QName _TextAsset_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TextAsset");
private static final QName _ImageAsset_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImageAsset");
private static final QName _VideoAsset_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "VideoAsset");
private static final QName _AssetLinkEditorialStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetLinkEditorialStatus");
private static final QName _ResponsiveSearchAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ResponsiveSearchAd");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCampaign_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCampaign");
private static final QName _Campaign_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Campaign");
private static final QName _BiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BiddingScheme");
private static final QName _MaxClicksBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MaxClicksBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _Bid_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Bid");
private static final QName _MaxConversionsBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MaxConversionsBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _TargetCpaBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TargetCpaBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _ManualCpcBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ManualCpcBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _ManualCpvBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ManualCpvBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _ManualCpmBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ManualCpmBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _InheritFromParentBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "InheritFromParentBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _TargetRoasBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TargetRoasBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _MaxRoasBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MaxRoasBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _PercentCpcBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PercentCpcBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _CommissionBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CommissionBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _ManualCpaBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ManualCpaBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _CostPerSaleBiddingScheme_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CostPerSaleBiddingScheme");
private static final QName _BudgetLimitType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BudgetLimitType");
private static final QName _CampaignStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignStatus");
private static final QName _CampaignType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfSetting");
private static final QName _Setting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Setting");
private static final QName _ShoppingSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ShoppingSetting");
private static final QName _DynamicFeedSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DynamicFeedSetting");
private static final QName _DynamicSearchAdsSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DynamicSearchAdsSetting");
private static final QName _DynamicSearchAdsSource_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DynamicSearchAdsSource");
private static final QName _TargetSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TargetSetting");
private static final QName _ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail");
private static final QName _TargetSettingDetail_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TargetSettingDetail");
private static final QName _CriterionTypeGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CriterionTypeGroup");
private static final QName _CoOpSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CoOpSetting");
private static final QName _BidOption_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BidOption");
private static final QName _VerifiedTrackingSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "VerifiedTrackingSetting");
private static final QName _DisclaimerSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DisclaimerSetting");
private static final QName _HotelSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelSetting");
private static final QName _HotelAdGroupType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelAdGroupType");
private static final QName _ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting");
private static final QName _PerformanceMaxSetting_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PerformanceMaxSetting");
private static final QName _ApplicationToken_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ApplicationToken");
private static final QName _AuthenticationToken_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AuthenticationToken");
private static final QName _CustomerAccountId_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomerAccountId");
private static final QName _CustomerId_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomerId");
private static final QName _DeveloperToken_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DeveloperToken");
private static final QName _Password_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Password");
private static final QName _UserName_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "UserName");
private static final QName _ArrayOfBatchError_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfBatchError");
private static final QName _BatchError_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BatchError");
private static final QName _EditorialError_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EditorialError");
private static final QName _TrackingId_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "TrackingId");
private static final QName _ApiFaultDetail_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ApiFaultDetail");
private static final QName _ArrayOfOperationError_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfOperationError");
private static final QName _OperationError_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "OperationError");
private static final QName _CampaignAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites");
private static final QName _CampaignNegativeSites_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignNegativeSites");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdGroup");
private static final QName _AdGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroup");
private static final QName _AdRotation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdRotation");
private static final QName _AdRotationType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdRotationType");
private static final QName _RateBid_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "RateBid");
private static final QName _CriterionBid_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CriterionBid");
private static final QName _FixedBid_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "FixedBid");
private static final QName _BidMultiplier_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BidMultiplier");
private static final QName _RateAmount_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "RateAmount");
private static final QName _Date_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Date");
private static final QName _ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings");
private static final QName _FrequencyCapSettings_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "FrequencyCapSettings");
private static final QName _FrequencyCapTimeGranularity_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "FrequencyCapTimeGranularity");
private static final QName _Network_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Network");
private static final QName _AdGroupPrivacyStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupPrivacyStatus");
private static final QName _AdGroupStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupStatus");
private static final QName _AdGroupAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites");
private static final QName _AdGroupNegativeSites_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupNegativeSites");
private static final QName _CompressionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CompressionType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAd_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAd");
private static final QName _EditorialApiFaultDetail_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EditorialApiFaultDetail");
private static final QName _ArrayOfEditorialError_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfEditorialError");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdType");
private static final QName _AdAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfKeyword_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfKeyword");
private static final QName _Keyword_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Keyword");
private static final QName _KeywordEditorialStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "KeywordEditorialStatus");
private static final QName _MatchType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MatchType");
private static final QName _KeywordStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "KeywordStatus");
private static final QName _ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation");
private static final QName _EntityIdToParentIdAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EntityIdToParentIdAssociation");
private static final QName _EntityType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EntityType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection");
private static final QName _EditorialReasonCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EditorialReasonCollection");
private static final QName _AppealStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AppealStatus");
private static final QName _ArrayOfEditorialReason_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfEditorialReason");
private static final QName _EditorialReason_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EditorialReason");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo");
private static final QName _AccountMigrationStatusesInfo_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AccountMigrationStatusesInfo");
private static final QName _ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo");
private static final QName _MigrationStatusInfo_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MigrationStatusInfo");
private static final QName _MigrationStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MigrationStatus");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAccountProperty_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAccountProperty");
private static final QName _AccountProperty_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AccountProperty");
private static final QName _AccountPropertyName_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AccountPropertyName");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAccountPropertyName_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAccountPropertyName");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdExtension");
private static final QName _AdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtension");
private static final QName _Schedule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Schedule");
private static final QName _ArrayOfDayTime_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfDayTime");
private static final QName _DayTime_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DayTime");
private static final QName _Day_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Day");
private static final QName _Minute_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Minute");
private static final QName _AdExtensionStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionStatus");
private static final QName _LocationAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "LocationAdExtension");
private static final QName _Address_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Address");
private static final QName _BusinessGeoCodeStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BusinessGeoCodeStatus");
private static final QName _GeoPoint_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "GeoPoint");
private static final QName _CallAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CallAdExtension");
private static final QName _ImageAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImageAdExtension");
private static final QName _AppAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AppAdExtension");
private static final QName _ReviewAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ReviewAdExtension");
private static final QName _CalloutAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CalloutAdExtension");
private static final QName _SitelinkAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "SitelinkAdExtension");
private static final QName _ActionAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ActionAdExtension");
private static final QName _ActionAdExtensionActionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ActionAdExtensionActionType");
private static final QName _StructuredSnippetAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "StructuredSnippetAdExtension");
private static final QName _PriceAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PriceAdExtension");
private static final QName _PriceExtensionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PriceExtensionType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfPriceTableRow_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfPriceTableRow");
private static final QName _PriceTableRow_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PriceTableRow");
private static final QName _PriceQualifier_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PriceQualifier");
private static final QName _PriceUnit_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PriceUnit");
private static final QName _PromotionAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PromotionAdExtension");
private static final QName _PromotionDiscountModifier_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PromotionDiscountModifier");
private static final QName _PromotionOccasion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PromotionOccasion");
private static final QName _FilterLinkAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "FilterLinkAdExtension");
private static final QName _AdExtensionHeaderType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionHeaderType");
private static final QName _FlyerAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "FlyerAdExtension");
private static final QName _VideoAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "VideoAdExtension");
private static final QName _DisclaimerAdExtension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DisclaimerAdExtension");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity");
private static final QName _AdExtensionIdentity_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionIdentity");
private static final QName _ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection");
private static final QName _BatchErrorCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BatchErrorCollection");
private static final QName _EditorialErrorCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EditorialErrorCollection");
private static final QName _AdExtensionsTypeFilter_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionsTypeFilter");
private static final QName _AdExtensionAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation");
private static final QName _AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation");
private static final QName _AssociationType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssociationType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection");
private static final QName _AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason");
private static final QName _AdExtensionEditorialReason_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionEditorialReason");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection");
private static final QName _AdExtensionAssociationCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionAssociationCollection");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation");
private static final QName _AdExtensionAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionAssociation");
private static final QName _AdExtensionEditorialStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdExtensionEditorialStatus");
private static final QName _ArrayOfMedia_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfMedia");
private static final QName _Media_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Media");
private static final QName _Image_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Image");
private static final QName _MediaEnabledEntityFilter_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MediaEnabledEntityFilter");
private static final QName _Paging_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Paging");
private static final QName _ArrayOfMediaMetaData_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfMediaMetaData");
private static final QName _MediaMetaData_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MediaMetaData");
private static final QName _ArrayOfMediaRepresentation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfMediaRepresentation");
private static final QName _MediaRepresentation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MediaRepresentation");
private static final QName _ImageMediaRepresentation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImageMediaRepresentation");
private static final QName _ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation");
private static final QName _ArrayOfMediaAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfMediaAssociation");
private static final QName _MediaAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "MediaAssociation");
private static final QName _AdGroupCriterionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupCriterionType");
private static final QName _CriterionAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CriterionAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion");
private static final QName _AdGroupCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupCriterion");
private static final QName _Criterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Criterion");
private static final QName _ProductPartition_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProductPartition");
private static final QName _ProductCondition_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProductCondition");
private static final QName _ProductPartitionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProductPartitionType");
private static final QName _HotelGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelGroup");
private static final QName _HotelListing_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelListing");
private static final QName _HotelListingType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelListingType");
private static final QName _HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion");
private static final QName _HotelCheckInDateCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelCheckInDateCriterion");
private static final QName _HotelCheckInDayCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelCheckInDayCriterion");
private static final QName _HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion");
private static final QName _HotelDateSelectionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelDateSelectionType");
private static final QName _HotelLengthOfStayCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "HotelLengthOfStayCriterion");
private static final QName _ProductScope_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProductScope");
private static final QName _ArrayOfProductCondition_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfProductCondition");
private static final QName _Webpage_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Webpage");
private static final QName _WebpageParameter_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "WebpageParameter");
private static final QName _ArrayOfWebpageCondition_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfWebpageCondition");
private static final QName _WebpageCondition_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "WebpageCondition");
private static final QName _WebpageConditionOperand_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "WebpageConditionOperand");
private static final QName _WebpageConditionOperator_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "WebpageConditionOperator");
private static final QName _AgeCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AgeCriterion");
private static final QName _AgeRange_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AgeRange");
private static final QName _DeviceCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DeviceCriterion");
private static final QName _DayTimeCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DayTimeCriterion");
private static final QName _GenderCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "GenderCriterion");
private static final QName _GenderType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "GenderType");
private static final QName _RadiusCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "RadiusCriterion");
private static final QName _DistanceUnit_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DistanceUnit");
private static final QName _LocationCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "LocationCriterion");
private static final QName _LocationIntentCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "LocationIntentCriterion");
private static final QName _IntentOption_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "IntentOption");
private static final QName _AudienceCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceCriterion");
private static final QName _AudienceType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceType");
private static final QName _ProfileCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProfileCriterion");
private static final QName _ProfileType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProfileType");
private static final QName _StoreCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "StoreCriterion");
private static final QName _AdGroupCriterionStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupCriterionStatus");
private static final QName _BiddableAdGroupCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BiddableAdGroupCriterion");
private static final QName _AdGroupCriterionEditorialStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupCriterionEditorialStatus");
private static final QName _CriterionCashback_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CriterionCashback");
private static final QName _CashbackAdjustment_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CashbackAdjustment");
private static final QName _NegativeAdGroupCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NegativeAdGroupCriterion");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdGroupCriterionAction_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAdGroupCriterionAction");
private static final QName _AdGroupCriterionAction_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AdGroupCriterionAction");
private static final QName _ItemAction_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ItemAction");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroupAction_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroupAction");
private static final QName _AssetGroupListingGroupAction_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetGroupListingGroupAction");
private static final QName _AssetGroupListingGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetGroupListingGroup");
private static final QName _AssetGroupListingType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetGroupListingType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroup");
private static final QName _BMCStoreAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BMCStoreAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfBMCStore_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfBMCStore");
private static final QName _BMCStore_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BMCStore");
private static final QName _BMCStoreSubType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BMCStoreSubType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfEntityNegativeKeyword_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfEntityNegativeKeyword");
private static final QName _EntityNegativeKeyword_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EntityNegativeKeyword");
private static final QName _ArrayOfNegativeKeyword_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfNegativeKeyword");
private static final QName _NegativeKeyword_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NegativeKeyword");
private static final QName _SharedListItem_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "SharedListItem");
private static final QName _NegativeSite_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NegativeSite");
private static final QName _ArrayOfIdCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfIdCollection");
private static final QName _IdCollection_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "IdCollection");
private static final QName _ArrayOfSharedEntity_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfSharedEntity");
private static final QName _SharedEntity_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "SharedEntity");
private static final QName _SharedList_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "SharedList");
private static final QName _NegativeKeywordList_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NegativeKeywordList");
private static final QName _PlacementExclusionList_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PlacementExclusionList");
private static final QName _EntityScope_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EntityScope");
private static final QName _ArrayOfSharedListItem_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfSharedListItem");
private static final QName _ArrayOfSharedEntityAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfSharedEntityAssociation");
private static final QName _SharedEntityAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "SharedEntityAssociation");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCampaignSize_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCampaignSize");
private static final QName _CampaignSize_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignSize");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCampaignCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCampaignCriterion");
private static final QName _CampaignCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignCriterion");
private static final QName _CampaignCriterionStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignCriterionStatus");
private static final QName _NegativeCampaignCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NegativeCampaignCriterion");
private static final QName _BiddableCampaignCriterion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BiddableCampaignCriterion");
private static final QName _CampaignCriterionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignCriterionType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfBudget_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfBudget");
private static final QName _Budget_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Budget");
private static final QName _ArrayOfBidStrategy_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfBidStrategy");
private static final QName _BidStrategy_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "BidStrategy");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAudienceGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAudienceGroup");
private static final QName _AudienceGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceGroup");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAudienceGroupDimension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAudienceGroupDimension");
private static final QName _AudienceGroupDimension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceGroupDimension");
private static final QName _AudienceGroupDimensionType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceGroupDimensionType");
private static final QName _AgeDimension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AgeDimension");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAgeRange_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAgeRange");
private static final QName _GenderDimension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "GenderDimension");
private static final QName _ArrayOfGenderType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfGenderType");
private static final QName _AudienceDimension_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceDimension");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAudienceInfo_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAudienceInfo");
private static final QName _AudienceInfo_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceInfo");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAssetGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAssetGroup");
private static final QName _AssetGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetGroup");
private static final QName _AssetGroupEditorialStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetGroupEditorialStatus");
private static final QName _AssetGroupStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AssetGroupStatus");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation");
private static final QName _AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAudience_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfAudience");
private static final QName _Audience_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Audience");
private static final QName _CustomerShare_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomerShare");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCustomerAccountShare_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCustomerAccountShare");
private static final QName _CustomerAccountShare_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomerAccountShare");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCustomerAccountShareAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCustomerAccountShareAssociation");
private static final QName _CustomerAccountShareAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomerAccountShareAssociation");
private static final QName _RemarketingList_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "RemarketingList");
private static final QName _RemarketingRule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "RemarketingRule");
private static final QName _PageVisitorsRule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PageVisitorsRule");
private static final QName _NormalForm_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NormalForm");
private static final QName _ArrayOfRuleItemGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfRuleItemGroup");
private static final QName _RuleItemGroup_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "RuleItemGroup");
private static final QName _ArrayOfRuleItem_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfRuleItem");
private static final QName _RuleItem_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "RuleItem");
private static final QName _StringRuleItem_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "StringRuleItem");
private static final QName _StringOperator_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "StringOperator");
private static final QName _NumberRuleItem_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NumberRuleItem");
private static final QName _NumberOperator_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "NumberOperator");
private static final QName _PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule");
private static final QName _PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule");
private static final QName _CustomEventsRule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomEventsRule");
private static final QName _CustomAudience_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomAudience");
private static final QName _InMarketAudience_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "InMarketAudience");
private static final QName _ProductAudience_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProductAudience");
private static final QName _ProductAudienceType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ProductAudienceType");
private static final QName _SimilarRemarketingList_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "SimilarRemarketingList");
private static final QName _CombinedList_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CombinedList");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCombinationRule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCombinationRule");
private static final QName _CombinationRule_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CombinationRule");
private static final QName _LogicalOperator_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "LogicalOperator");
private static final QName _CustomerList_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CustomerList");
private static final QName _AudienceAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AudienceAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfUetTag_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfUetTag");
private static final QName _UetTag_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "UetTag");
private static final QName _UetTagTrackingStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "UetTagTrackingStatus");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalType");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfConversionGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfConversionGoal");
private static final QName _ConversionGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoal");
private static final QName _AttributionModelType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AttributionModelType");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalCountType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalCountType");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalCategory_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalCategory");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalRevenue_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalRevenue");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalRevenueType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalRevenueType");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalStatus");
private static final QName _ConversionGoalTrackingStatus_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ConversionGoalTrackingStatus");
private static final QName _UrlGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "UrlGoal");
private static final QName _ExpressionOperator_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ExpressionOperator");
private static final QName _DurationGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "DurationGoal");
private static final QName _PagesViewedPerVisitGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "PagesViewedPerVisitGoal");
private static final QName _EventGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "EventGoal");
private static final QName _ValueOperator_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ValueOperator");
private static final QName _AppInstallGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "AppInstallGoal");
private static final QName _OfflineConversionGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "OfflineConversionGoal");
private static final QName _InStoreTransactionGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "InStoreTransactionGoal");
private static final QName _ArrayOfOfflineConversion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfOfflineConversion");
private static final QName _OfflineConversion_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "OfflineConversion");
private static final QName _ArrayOfOfflineConversionAdjustment_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfOfflineConversionAdjustment");
private static final QName _OfflineConversionAdjustment_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "OfflineConversionAdjustment");
private static final QName _ArrayOfOnlineConversionAdjustment_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfOnlineConversionAdjustment");
private static final QName _OnlineConversionAdjustment_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "OnlineConversionAdjustment");
private static final QName _ArrayOfLabel_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfLabel");
private static final QName _Label_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Label");
private static final QName _ArrayOfLabelAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfLabelAssociation");
private static final QName _LabelAssociation_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "LabelAssociation");
private static final QName _ArrayOfExperiment_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfExperiment");
private static final QName _Experiment_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Experiment");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCompany_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCompany");
private static final QName _Company_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Company");
private static final QName _ArrayOfImportJob_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfImportJob");
private static final QName _ImportJob_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImportJob");
private static final QName _Frequency_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Frequency");
private static final QName _ImportOption_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImportOption");
private static final QName _GoogleImportOption_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "GoogleImportOption");
private static final QName _ImportSearchAndReplaceForStringProperty_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImportSearchAndReplaceForStringProperty");
private static final QName _FileImportOption_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "FileImportOption");
private static final QName _GoogleImportJob_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "GoogleImportJob");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCampaignAdGroupIds_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCampaignAdGroupIds");
private static final QName _CampaignAdGroupIds_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignAdGroupIds");
private static final QName _FileImportJob_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "FileImportJob");
private static final QName _ImportAdditionalField_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImportAdditionalField");
private static final QName _ArrayOfImportResult_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfImportResult");
private static final QName _ImportResult_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImportResult");
private static final QName _ArrayOfImportEntityStatistics_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfImportEntityStatistics");
private static final QName _ImportEntityStatistics_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImportEntityStatistics");
private static final QName _ImportEntityType_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ImportEntityType");
private static final QName _ArrayOfVideo_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfVideo");
private static final QName _Video_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "Video");
private static final QName _ArrayOfCampaignConversionGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "ArrayOfCampaignConversionGoal");
private static final QName _CampaignConversionGoal_QNAME = new QName("https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", "CampaignConversionGoal");
private static final QName _ArrayOfstring_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays", "ArrayOfstring");
private static final QName _ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays", "ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring");
private static final QName _ArrayOflong_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays", "ArrayOflong");
private static final QName _ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Collections.Generic", "ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring");
private static final QName _KeyValuePairOfstringstring_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Collections.Generic", "KeyValuePairOfstringstring");
private static final QName _ArrayOfArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Collections.Generic", "ArrayOfArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring");
private static final QName _ArrayOfKeyValuePairOflonglong_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Collections.Generic", "ArrayOfKeyValuePairOflonglong");
private static final QName _KeyValuePairOflonglong_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Collections.Generic", "KeyValuePairOflonglong");
private static final QName _AnyType_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "anyType");
private static final QName _AnyURI_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "anyURI");
private static final QName _Base64Binary_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "base64Binary");
private static final QName _Boolean_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "boolean");
private static final QName _Byte_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "byte");
private static final QName _DateTime_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "dateTime");
private static final QName _Decimal_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "decimal");
private static final QName _Double_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "double");
private static final QName _Float_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "float");
private static final QName _Int_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "int");
private static final QName _Long_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "long");
private static final QName _QName_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "QName");
private static final QName _Short_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "short");
private static final QName _String_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "string");
private static final QName _UnsignedByte_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "unsignedByte");
private static final QName _UnsignedInt_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "unsignedInt");
private static final QName _UnsignedLong_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "unsignedLong");
private static final QName _UnsignedShort_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "unsignedShort");
private static final QName _Char_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "char");
private static final QName _Duration_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "duration");
private static final QName _Guid_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/", "guid");
private static final QName _ArrayOfNullableOflong_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System", "ArrayOfNullableOflong");
private static final QName _AdApiFaultDetail_QNAME = new QName("https://adapi.microsoft.com", "AdApiFaultDetail");
private static final QName _ApplicationFault_QNAME = new QName("https://adapi.microsoft.com", "ApplicationFault");
private static final QName _ArrayOfAdApiError_QNAME = new QName("https://adapi.microsoft.com", "ArrayOfAdApiError");
private static final QName _AdApiError_QNAME = new QName("https://adapi.microsoft.com", "AdApiError");
* Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.microsoft.bingads.v13.campaignmanagement
public ObjectFactory() {
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring }
public ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring createArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring() {
return new ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring();
* Create an instance of {@link Language }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Language }
public Language createLanguage() {
return new Language();
* Create an instance of {@link IDREFS }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link IDREFS }
public IDREFS createIDREFS() {
return new IDREFS();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTITIES }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ENTITIES }
public ENTITIES createENTITIES() {
return new ENTITIES();
* Create an instance of {@link NMTOKEN }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NMTOKEN }
public NMTOKEN createNMTOKEN() {
return new NMTOKEN();
* Create an instance of {@link NMTOKENS }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NMTOKENS }
public NMTOKENS createNMTOKENS() {
return new NMTOKENS();
* Create an instance of {@link Name }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Name }
public Name createName() {
return new Name();
* Create an instance of {@link NCName }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NCName }
public NCName createNCName() {
return new NCName();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTITY }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ENTITY }
public ENTITY createENTITY() {
return new ENTITY();
* Create an instance of {@link NonPositiveInteger }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NonPositiveInteger }
public NonPositiveInteger createNonPositiveInteger() {
return new NonPositiveInteger();
* Create an instance of {@link NegativeInteger }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NegativeInteger }
public NegativeInteger createNegativeInteger() {
return new NegativeInteger();
* Create an instance of {@link NonNegativeInteger }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NonNegativeInteger }
public NonNegativeInteger createNonNegativeInteger() {
return new NonNegativeInteger();
* Create an instance of {@link UnsignedLong }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UnsignedLong }
public UnsignedLong createUnsignedLong() {
return new UnsignedLong();
* Create an instance of {@link PositiveInteger }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PositiveInteger }
public PositiveInteger createPositiveInteger() {
return new PositiveInteger();
* Create an instance of {@link TextAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link TextAd }
public TextAd createTextAd() {
return new TextAd();
* Create an instance of {@link Ad }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Ad }
public Ad createAd() {
return new Ad();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAppUrl }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAppUrl }
public ArrayOfAppUrl createArrayOfAppUrl() {
return new ArrayOfAppUrl();
* Create an instance of {@link AppUrl }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AppUrl }
public AppUrl createAppUrl() {
return new AppUrl();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomParameters }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomParameters }
public CustomParameters createCustomParameters() {
return new CustomParameters();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCustomParameter }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCustomParameter }
public ArrayOfCustomParameter createArrayOfCustomParameter() {
return new ArrayOfCustomParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomParameter }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomParameter }
public CustomParameter createCustomParameter() {
return new CustomParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ProductAd }
public ProductAd createProductAd() {
return new ProductAd();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelAd }
public HotelAd createHotelAd() {
return new HotelAd();
* Create an instance of {@link AppInstallAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AppInstallAd }
public AppInstallAd createAppInstallAd() {
return new AppInstallAd();
* Create an instance of {@link ExpandedTextAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ExpandedTextAd }
public ExpandedTextAd createExpandedTextAd() {
return new ExpandedTextAd();
* Create an instance of {@link DynamicSearchAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DynamicSearchAd }
public DynamicSearchAd createDynamicSearchAd() {
return new DynamicSearchAd();
* Create an instance of {@link ResponsiveAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ResponsiveAd }
public ResponsiveAd createResponsiveAd() {
return new ResponsiveAd();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetLink }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetLink }
public ArrayOfAssetLink createArrayOfAssetLink() {
return new ArrayOfAssetLink();
* Create an instance of {@link AssetLink }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AssetLink }
public AssetLink createAssetLink() {
return new AssetLink();
* Create an instance of {@link Asset }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Asset }
public Asset createAsset() {
return new Asset();
* Create an instance of {@link TextAsset }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link TextAsset }
public TextAsset createTextAsset() {
return new TextAsset();
* Create an instance of {@link ImageAsset }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImageAsset }
public ImageAsset createImageAsset() {
return new ImageAsset();
* Create an instance of {@link VideoAsset }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link VideoAsset }
public VideoAsset createVideoAsset() {
return new VideoAsset();
* Create an instance of {@link ResponsiveSearchAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ResponsiveSearchAd }
public ResponsiveSearchAd createResponsiveSearchAd() {
return new ResponsiveSearchAd();
* Create an instance of {@link AddCampaignsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddCampaignsRequest }
public AddCampaignsRequest createAddCampaignsRequest() {
return new AddCampaignsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaign }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaign }
public ArrayOfCampaign createArrayOfCampaign() {
return new ArrayOfCampaign();
* Create an instance of {@link Campaign }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Campaign }
public Campaign createCampaign() {
return new Campaign();
* Create an instance of {@link BiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BiddingScheme }
public BiddingScheme createBiddingScheme() {
return new BiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link MaxClicksBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MaxClicksBiddingScheme }
public MaxClicksBiddingScheme createMaxClicksBiddingScheme() {
return new MaxClicksBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link Bid }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Bid }
public Bid createBid() {
return new Bid();
* Create an instance of {@link MaxConversionsBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MaxConversionsBiddingScheme }
public MaxConversionsBiddingScheme createMaxConversionsBiddingScheme() {
return new MaxConversionsBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link TargetCpaBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link TargetCpaBiddingScheme }
public TargetCpaBiddingScheme createTargetCpaBiddingScheme() {
return new TargetCpaBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link ManualCpcBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ManualCpcBiddingScheme }
public ManualCpcBiddingScheme createManualCpcBiddingScheme() {
return new ManualCpcBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme }
public EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme createEnhancedCpcBiddingScheme() {
return new EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link ManualCpvBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ManualCpvBiddingScheme }
public ManualCpvBiddingScheme createManualCpvBiddingScheme() {
return new ManualCpvBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link ManualCpmBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ManualCpmBiddingScheme }
public ManualCpmBiddingScheme createManualCpmBiddingScheme() {
return new ManualCpmBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link InheritFromParentBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link InheritFromParentBiddingScheme }
public InheritFromParentBiddingScheme createInheritFromParentBiddingScheme() {
return new InheritFromParentBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link TargetRoasBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link TargetRoasBiddingScheme }
public TargetRoasBiddingScheme createTargetRoasBiddingScheme() {
return new TargetRoasBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link MaxRoasBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MaxRoasBiddingScheme }
public MaxRoasBiddingScheme createMaxRoasBiddingScheme() {
return new MaxRoasBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme }
public MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme createMaxConversionValueBiddingScheme() {
return new MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme }
public TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme createTargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme() {
return new TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link PercentCpcBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PercentCpcBiddingScheme }
public PercentCpcBiddingScheme createPercentCpcBiddingScheme() {
return new PercentCpcBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link CommissionBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CommissionBiddingScheme }
public CommissionBiddingScheme createCommissionBiddingScheme() {
return new CommissionBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link ManualCpaBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ManualCpaBiddingScheme }
public ManualCpaBiddingScheme createManualCpaBiddingScheme() {
return new ManualCpaBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link CostPerSaleBiddingScheme }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CostPerSaleBiddingScheme }
public CostPerSaleBiddingScheme createCostPerSaleBiddingScheme() {
return new CostPerSaleBiddingScheme();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfSetting }
public ArrayOfSetting createArrayOfSetting() {
return new ArrayOfSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link Setting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Setting }
public Setting createSetting() {
return new Setting();
* Create an instance of {@link ShoppingSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ShoppingSetting }
public ShoppingSetting createShoppingSetting() {
return new ShoppingSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link DynamicFeedSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DynamicFeedSetting }
public DynamicFeedSetting createDynamicFeedSetting() {
return new DynamicFeedSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link DynamicSearchAdsSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DynamicSearchAdsSetting }
public DynamicSearchAdsSetting createDynamicSearchAdsSetting() {
return new DynamicSearchAdsSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link TargetSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link TargetSetting }
public TargetSetting createTargetSetting() {
return new TargetSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail }
public ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail createArrayOfTargetSettingDetail() {
return new ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link TargetSettingDetail }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link TargetSettingDetail }
public TargetSettingDetail createTargetSettingDetail() {
return new TargetSettingDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link CoOpSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CoOpSetting }
public CoOpSetting createCoOpSetting() {
return new CoOpSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link VerifiedTrackingSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link VerifiedTrackingSetting }
public VerifiedTrackingSetting createVerifiedTrackingSetting() {
return new VerifiedTrackingSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link DisclaimerSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DisclaimerSetting }
public DisclaimerSetting createDisclaimerSetting() {
return new DisclaimerSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelSetting }
public HotelSetting createHotelSetting() {
return new HotelSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting }
public ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting createResponsiveSearchAdsSetting() {
return new ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link PerformanceMaxSetting }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PerformanceMaxSetting }
public PerformanceMaxSetting createPerformanceMaxSetting() {
return new PerformanceMaxSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link AddCampaignsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddCampaignsResponse }
public AddCampaignsResponse createAddCampaignsResponse() {
return new AddCampaignsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfNullableOflong }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfNullableOflong }
public ArrayOfNullableOflong createArrayOfNullableOflong() {
return new ArrayOfNullableOflong();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfBatchError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfBatchError }
public ArrayOfBatchError createArrayOfBatchError() {
return new ArrayOfBatchError();
* Create an instance of {@link BatchError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BatchError }
public BatchError createBatchError() {
return new BatchError();
* Create an instance of {@link EditorialError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EditorialError }
public EditorialError createEditorialError() {
return new EditorialError();
* Create an instance of {@link ApiFaultDetail }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApiFaultDetail }
public ApiFaultDetail createApiFaultDetail() {
return new ApiFaultDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfOperationError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfOperationError }
public ArrayOfOperationError createArrayOfOperationError() {
return new ArrayOfOperationError();
* Create an instance of {@link OperationError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link OperationError }
public OperationError createOperationError() {
return new OperationError();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest }
public GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest createGetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest() {
return new GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse }
public GetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse createGetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse() {
return new GetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignsByIdsRequest }
public GetCampaignsByIdsRequest createGetCampaignsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetCampaignsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOflong }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOflong }
public ArrayOflong createArrayOflong() {
return new ArrayOflong();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignsByIdsResponse }
public GetCampaignsByIdsResponse createGetCampaignsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetCampaignsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteCampaignsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteCampaignsRequest }
public DeleteCampaignsRequest createDeleteCampaignsRequest() {
return new DeleteCampaignsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteCampaignsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteCampaignsResponse }
public DeleteCampaignsResponse createDeleteCampaignsResponse() {
return new DeleteCampaignsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateCampaignsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateCampaignsRequest }
public UpdateCampaignsRequest createUpdateCampaignsRequest() {
return new UpdateCampaignsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateCampaignsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateCampaignsResponse }
public UpdateCampaignsResponse createUpdateCampaignsResponse() {
return new UpdateCampaignsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsRequest }
public GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsRequest createGetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsRequest() {
return new GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsResponse }
public GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsResponse createGetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsResponse() {
return new GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites }
public ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites createArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites() {
return new ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites();
* Create an instance of {@link CampaignNegativeSites }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CampaignNegativeSites }
public CampaignNegativeSites createCampaignNegativeSites() {
return new CampaignNegativeSites();
* Create an instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsRequest }
public SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsRequest createSetNegativeSitesToCampaignsRequest() {
return new SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsResponse }
public SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsResponse createSetNegativeSitesToCampaignsResponse() {
return new SetNegativeSitesToCampaignsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetConfigValueRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetConfigValueRequest }
public GetConfigValueRequest createGetConfigValueRequest() {
return new GetConfigValueRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetConfigValueResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetConfigValueResponse }
public GetConfigValueResponse createGetConfigValueResponse() {
return new GetConfigValueResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBSCCountriesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBSCCountriesRequest }
public GetBSCCountriesRequest createGetBSCCountriesRequest() {
return new GetBSCCountriesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBSCCountriesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBSCCountriesResponse }
public GetBSCCountriesResponse createGetBSCCountriesResponse() {
return new GetBSCCountriesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfstring }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfstring }
public ArrayOfstring createArrayOfstring() {
return new ArrayOfstring();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdGroupsRequest }
public AddAdGroupsRequest createAddAdGroupsRequest() {
return new AddAdGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroup }
public ArrayOfAdGroup createArrayOfAdGroup() {
return new ArrayOfAdGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link AdGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdGroup }
public AdGroup createAdGroup() {
return new AdGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link AdRotation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdRotation }
public AdRotation createAdRotation() {
return new AdRotation();
* Create an instance of {@link RateBid }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link RateBid }
public RateBid createRateBid() {
return new RateBid();
* Create an instance of {@link CriterionBid }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CriterionBid }
public CriterionBid createCriterionBid() {
return new CriterionBid();
* Create an instance of {@link FixedBid }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link FixedBid }
public FixedBid createFixedBid() {
return new FixedBid();
* Create an instance of {@link BidMultiplier }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BidMultiplier }
public BidMultiplier createBidMultiplier() {
return new BidMultiplier();
* Create an instance of {@link RateAmount }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link RateAmount }
public RateAmount createRateAmount() {
return new RateAmount();
* Create an instance of {@link Date }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Date }
public Date createDate() {
return new Date();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings }
public ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings createArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings() {
return new ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings();
* Create an instance of {@link FrequencyCapSettings }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link FrequencyCapSettings }
public FrequencyCapSettings createFrequencyCapSettings() {
return new FrequencyCapSettings();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdGroupsResponse }
public AddAdGroupsResponse createAddAdGroupsResponse() {
return new AddAdGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupsRequest }
public DeleteAdGroupsRequest createDeleteAdGroupsRequest() {
return new DeleteAdGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupsResponse }
public DeleteAdGroupsResponse createDeleteAdGroupsResponse() {
return new DeleteAdGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByIdsRequest }
public GetAdGroupsByIdsRequest createGetAdGroupsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAdGroupsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByIdsResponse }
public GetAdGroupsByIdsResponse createGetAdGroupsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAdGroupsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdRequest }
public GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdRequest createGetAdGroupsByCampaignIdRequest() {
return new GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdResponse }
public GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdResponse createGetAdGroupsByCampaignIdResponse() {
return new GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupsRequest }
public UpdateAdGroupsRequest createUpdateAdGroupsRequest() {
return new UpdateAdGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupsResponse }
public UpdateAdGroupsResponse createUpdateAdGroupsResponse() {
return new UpdateAdGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsRequest }
public GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsRequest createGetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsRequest() {
return new GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsResponse }
public GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsResponse createGetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsResponse() {
return new GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites }
public ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites createArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites() {
return new ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites();
* Create an instance of {@link AdGroupNegativeSites }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdGroupNegativeSites }
public AdGroupNegativeSites createAdGroupNegativeSites() {
return new AdGroupNegativeSites();
* Create an instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsRequest }
public SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsRequest createSetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsRequest() {
return new SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsResponse }
public SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsResponse createSetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsResponse() {
return new SetNegativeSitesToAdGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetGeoLocationsFileUrlRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetGeoLocationsFileUrlRequest }
public GetGeoLocationsFileUrlRequest createGetGeoLocationsFileUrlRequest() {
return new GetGeoLocationsFileUrlRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetGeoLocationsFileUrlResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetGeoLocationsFileUrlResponse }
public GetGeoLocationsFileUrlResponse createGetGeoLocationsFileUrlResponse() {
return new GetGeoLocationsFileUrlResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdsRequest }
public AddAdsRequest createAddAdsRequest() {
return new AddAdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAd }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAd }
public ArrayOfAd createArrayOfAd() {
return new ArrayOfAd();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdsResponse }
public AddAdsResponse createAddAdsResponse() {
return new AddAdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link EditorialApiFaultDetail }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EditorialApiFaultDetail }
public EditorialApiFaultDetail createEditorialApiFaultDetail() {
return new EditorialApiFaultDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfEditorialError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfEditorialError }
public ArrayOfEditorialError createArrayOfEditorialError() {
return new ArrayOfEditorialError();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdsRequest }
public DeleteAdsRequest createDeleteAdsRequest() {
return new DeleteAdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdsResponse }
public DeleteAdsResponse createDeleteAdsResponse() {
return new DeleteAdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdsByEditorialStatusRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdsByEditorialStatusRequest }
public GetAdsByEditorialStatusRequest createGetAdsByEditorialStatusRequest() {
return new GetAdsByEditorialStatusRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdType }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdType }
public ArrayOfAdType createArrayOfAdType() {
return new ArrayOfAdType();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdsByEditorialStatusResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdsByEditorialStatusResponse }
public GetAdsByEditorialStatusResponse createGetAdsByEditorialStatusResponse() {
return new GetAdsByEditorialStatusResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdsByIdsRequest }
public GetAdsByIdsRequest createGetAdsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAdsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdsByIdsResponse }
public GetAdsByIdsResponse createGetAdsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAdsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdsByAdGroupIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdsByAdGroupIdRequest }
public GetAdsByAdGroupIdRequest createGetAdsByAdGroupIdRequest() {
return new GetAdsByAdGroupIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdsByAdGroupIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdsByAdGroupIdResponse }
public GetAdsByAdGroupIdResponse createGetAdsByAdGroupIdResponse() {
return new GetAdsByAdGroupIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdsRequest }
public UpdateAdsRequest createUpdateAdsRequest() {
return new UpdateAdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdsResponse }
public UpdateAdsResponse createUpdateAdsResponse() {
return new UpdateAdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddKeywordsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddKeywordsRequest }
public AddKeywordsRequest createAddKeywordsRequest() {
return new AddKeywordsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyword }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyword }
public ArrayOfKeyword createArrayOfKeyword() {
return new ArrayOfKeyword();
* Create an instance of {@link Keyword }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Keyword }
public Keyword createKeyword() {
return new Keyword();
* Create an instance of {@link AddKeywordsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddKeywordsResponse }
public AddKeywordsResponse createAddKeywordsResponse() {
return new AddKeywordsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteKeywordsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteKeywordsRequest }
public DeleteKeywordsRequest createDeleteKeywordsRequest() {
return new DeleteKeywordsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteKeywordsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteKeywordsResponse }
public DeleteKeywordsResponse createDeleteKeywordsResponse() {
return new DeleteKeywordsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusRequest }
public GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusRequest createGetKeywordsByEditorialStatusRequest() {
return new GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusResponse }
public GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusResponse createGetKeywordsByEditorialStatusResponse() {
return new GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetKeywordsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetKeywordsByIdsRequest }
public GetKeywordsByIdsRequest createGetKeywordsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetKeywordsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetKeywordsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetKeywordsByIdsResponse }
public GetKeywordsByIdsResponse createGetKeywordsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetKeywordsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdRequest }
public GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdRequest createGetKeywordsByAdGroupIdRequest() {
return new GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdResponse }
public GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdResponse createGetKeywordsByAdGroupIdResponse() {
return new GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateKeywordsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateKeywordsRequest }
public UpdateKeywordsRequest createUpdateKeywordsRequest() {
return new UpdateKeywordsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateKeywordsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateKeywordsResponse }
public UpdateKeywordsResponse createUpdateKeywordsResponse() {
return new UpdateKeywordsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AppealEditorialRejectionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AppealEditorialRejectionsRequest }
public AppealEditorialRejectionsRequest createAppealEditorialRejectionsRequest() {
return new AppealEditorialRejectionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation }
public ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation createArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link EntityIdToParentIdAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EntityIdToParentIdAssociation }
public EntityIdToParentIdAssociation createEntityIdToParentIdAssociation() {
return new EntityIdToParentIdAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link AppealEditorialRejectionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AppealEditorialRejectionsResponse }
public AppealEditorialRejectionsResponse createAppealEditorialRejectionsResponse() {
return new AppealEditorialRejectionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetEditorialReasonsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetEditorialReasonsByIdsRequest }
public GetEditorialReasonsByIdsRequest createGetEditorialReasonsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetEditorialReasonsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetEditorialReasonsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetEditorialReasonsByIdsResponse }
public GetEditorialReasonsByIdsResponse createGetEditorialReasonsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetEditorialReasonsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection }
public ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection createArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection() {
return new ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link EditorialReasonCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EditorialReasonCollection }
public EditorialReasonCollection createEditorialReasonCollection() {
return new EditorialReasonCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfEditorialReason }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfEditorialReason }
public ArrayOfEditorialReason createArrayOfEditorialReason() {
return new ArrayOfEditorialReason();
* Create an instance of {@link EditorialReason }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EditorialReason }
public EditorialReason createEditorialReason() {
return new EditorialReason();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAccountMigrationStatusesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAccountMigrationStatusesRequest }
public GetAccountMigrationStatusesRequest createGetAccountMigrationStatusesRequest() {
return new GetAccountMigrationStatusesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAccountMigrationStatusesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAccountMigrationStatusesResponse }
public GetAccountMigrationStatusesResponse createGetAccountMigrationStatusesResponse() {
return new GetAccountMigrationStatusesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo }
public ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo createArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo() {
return new ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo();
* Create an instance of {@link AccountMigrationStatusesInfo }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AccountMigrationStatusesInfo }
public AccountMigrationStatusesInfo createAccountMigrationStatusesInfo() {
return new AccountMigrationStatusesInfo();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo }
public ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo createArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo() {
return new ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo();
* Create an instance of {@link MigrationStatusInfo }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MigrationStatusInfo }
public MigrationStatusInfo createMigrationStatusInfo() {
return new MigrationStatusInfo();
* Create an instance of {@link SetAccountPropertiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetAccountPropertiesRequest }
public SetAccountPropertiesRequest createSetAccountPropertiesRequest() {
return new SetAccountPropertiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAccountProperty }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAccountProperty }
public ArrayOfAccountProperty createArrayOfAccountProperty() {
return new ArrayOfAccountProperty();
* Create an instance of {@link AccountProperty }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AccountProperty }
public AccountProperty createAccountProperty() {
return new AccountProperty();
* Create an instance of {@link SetAccountPropertiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetAccountPropertiesResponse }
public SetAccountPropertiesResponse createSetAccountPropertiesResponse() {
return new SetAccountPropertiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAccountPropertiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAccountPropertiesRequest }
public GetAccountPropertiesRequest createGetAccountPropertiesRequest() {
return new GetAccountPropertiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAccountPropertyName }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAccountPropertyName }
public ArrayOfAccountPropertyName createArrayOfAccountPropertyName() {
return new ArrayOfAccountPropertyName();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAccountPropertiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAccountPropertiesResponse }
public GetAccountPropertiesResponse createGetAccountPropertiesResponse() {
return new GetAccountPropertiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdExtensionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdExtensionsRequest }
public AddAdExtensionsRequest createAddAdExtensionsRequest() {
return new AddAdExtensionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtension }
public ArrayOfAdExtension createArrayOfAdExtension() {
return new ArrayOfAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link AdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdExtension }
public AdExtension createAdExtension() {
return new AdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link Schedule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Schedule }
public Schedule createSchedule() {
return new Schedule();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfDayTime }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfDayTime }
public ArrayOfDayTime createArrayOfDayTime() {
return new ArrayOfDayTime();
* Create an instance of {@link DayTime }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DayTime }
public DayTime createDayTime() {
return new DayTime();
* Create an instance of {@link LocationAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link LocationAdExtension }
public LocationAdExtension createLocationAdExtension() {
return new LocationAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link Address }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Address }
public Address createAddress() {
return new Address();
* Create an instance of {@link GeoPoint }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GeoPoint }
public GeoPoint createGeoPoint() {
return new GeoPoint();
* Create an instance of {@link CallAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CallAdExtension }
public CallAdExtension createCallAdExtension() {
return new CallAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link ImageAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImageAdExtension }
public ImageAdExtension createImageAdExtension() {
return new ImageAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link AppAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AppAdExtension }
public AppAdExtension createAppAdExtension() {
return new AppAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link ReviewAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ReviewAdExtension }
public ReviewAdExtension createReviewAdExtension() {
return new ReviewAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link CalloutAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CalloutAdExtension }
public CalloutAdExtension createCalloutAdExtension() {
return new CalloutAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link SitelinkAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SitelinkAdExtension }
public SitelinkAdExtension createSitelinkAdExtension() {
return new SitelinkAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link ActionAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ActionAdExtension }
public ActionAdExtension createActionAdExtension() {
return new ActionAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link StructuredSnippetAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link StructuredSnippetAdExtension }
public StructuredSnippetAdExtension createStructuredSnippetAdExtension() {
return new StructuredSnippetAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link PriceAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PriceAdExtension }
public PriceAdExtension createPriceAdExtension() {
return new PriceAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfPriceTableRow }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfPriceTableRow }
public ArrayOfPriceTableRow createArrayOfPriceTableRow() {
return new ArrayOfPriceTableRow();
* Create an instance of {@link PriceTableRow }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PriceTableRow }
public PriceTableRow createPriceTableRow() {
return new PriceTableRow();
* Create an instance of {@link PromotionAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PromotionAdExtension }
public PromotionAdExtension createPromotionAdExtension() {
return new PromotionAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link FilterLinkAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link FilterLinkAdExtension }
public FilterLinkAdExtension createFilterLinkAdExtension() {
return new FilterLinkAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link FlyerAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link FlyerAdExtension }
public FlyerAdExtension createFlyerAdExtension() {
return new FlyerAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link VideoAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link VideoAdExtension }
public VideoAdExtension createVideoAdExtension() {
return new VideoAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link DisclaimerAdExtension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DisclaimerAdExtension }
public DisclaimerAdExtension createDisclaimerAdExtension() {
return new DisclaimerAdExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdExtensionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdExtensionsResponse }
public AddAdExtensionsResponse createAddAdExtensionsResponse() {
return new AddAdExtensionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity }
public ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity createArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity() {
return new ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection }
public ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection createArrayOfBatchErrorCollection() {
return new ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link AdExtensionIdentity }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdExtensionIdentity }
public AdExtensionIdentity createAdExtensionIdentity() {
return new AdExtensionIdentity();
* Create an instance of {@link BatchErrorCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BatchErrorCollection }
public BatchErrorCollection createBatchErrorCollection() {
return new BatchErrorCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link EditorialErrorCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EditorialErrorCollection }
public EditorialErrorCollection createEditorialErrorCollection() {
return new EditorialErrorCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsByIdsRequest }
public GetAdExtensionsByIdsRequest createGetAdExtensionsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAdExtensionsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsByIdsResponse }
public GetAdExtensionsByIdsResponse createGetAdExtensionsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAdExtensionsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdExtensionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdExtensionsRequest }
public UpdateAdExtensionsRequest createUpdateAdExtensionsRequest() {
return new UpdateAdExtensionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdExtensionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdExtensionsResponse }
public UpdateAdExtensionsResponse createUpdateAdExtensionsResponse() {
return new UpdateAdExtensionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsRequest }
public DeleteAdExtensionsRequest createDeleteAdExtensionsRequest() {
return new DeleteAdExtensionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsResponse }
public DeleteAdExtensionsResponse createDeleteAdExtensionsResponse() {
return new DeleteAdExtensionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsRequest }
public GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsRequest createGetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsRequest() {
return new GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }
public ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation createArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }
public AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation createAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation() {
return new AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsResponse }
public GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsResponse createGetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsResponse() {
return new GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasonsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }
public ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection createArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection() {
return new ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }
public AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection createAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection() {
return new AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason }
public ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason createArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason() {
return new ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason();
* Create an instance of {@link AdExtensionEditorialReason }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdExtensionEditorialReason }
public AdExtensionEditorialReason createAdExtensionEditorialReason() {
return new AdExtensionEditorialReason();
* Create an instance of {@link SetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest }
public SetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest createSetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest() {
return new SetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link SetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse }
public SetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse createSetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse() {
return new SetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest }
public GetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest createGetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest() {
return new GetAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse }
public GetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse createGetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse() {
return new GetAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection }
public ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection createArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection() {
return new ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link AdExtensionAssociationCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdExtensionAssociationCollection }
public AdExtensionAssociationCollection createAdExtensionAssociationCollection() {
return new AdExtensionAssociationCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation }
public ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation createArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link AdExtensionAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdExtensionAssociation }
public AdExtensionAssociation createAdExtensionAssociation() {
return new AdExtensionAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest }
public DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest createDeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest() {
return new DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse }
public DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse createDeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse() {
return new DeleteAdExtensionsAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdRequest }
public GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdRequest createGetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdRequest() {
return new GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdResponse }
public GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdResponse createGetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdResponse() {
return new GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddMediaRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddMediaRequest }
public AddMediaRequest createAddMediaRequest() {
return new AddMediaRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfMedia }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfMedia }
public ArrayOfMedia createArrayOfMedia() {
return new ArrayOfMedia();
* Create an instance of {@link Media }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Media }
public Media createMedia() {
return new Media();
* Create an instance of {@link Image }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Image }
public Image createImage() {
return new Image();
* Create an instance of {@link AddMediaResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddMediaResponse }
public AddMediaResponse createAddMediaResponse() {
return new AddMediaResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteMediaRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteMediaRequest }
public DeleteMediaRequest createDeleteMediaRequest() {
return new DeleteMediaRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteMediaResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteMediaResponse }
public DeleteMediaResponse createDeleteMediaResponse() {
return new DeleteMediaResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdRequest }
public GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdRequest createGetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdRequest() {
return new GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link Paging }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Paging }
public Paging createPaging() {
return new Paging();
* Create an instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdResponse }
public GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdResponse createGetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdResponse() {
return new GetMediaMetaDataByAccountIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfMediaMetaData }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfMediaMetaData }
public ArrayOfMediaMetaData createArrayOfMediaMetaData() {
return new ArrayOfMediaMetaData();
* Create an instance of {@link MediaMetaData }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MediaMetaData }
public MediaMetaData createMediaMetaData() {
return new MediaMetaData();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfMediaRepresentation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfMediaRepresentation }
public ArrayOfMediaRepresentation createArrayOfMediaRepresentation() {
return new ArrayOfMediaRepresentation();
* Create an instance of {@link MediaRepresentation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MediaRepresentation }
public MediaRepresentation createMediaRepresentation() {
return new MediaRepresentation();
* Create an instance of {@link ImageMediaRepresentation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImageMediaRepresentation }
public ImageMediaRepresentation createImageMediaRepresentation() {
return new ImageMediaRepresentation();
* Create an instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByIdsRequest }
public GetMediaMetaDataByIdsRequest createGetMediaMetaDataByIdsRequest() {
return new GetMediaMetaDataByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetMediaMetaDataByIdsResponse }
public GetMediaMetaDataByIdsResponse createGetMediaMetaDataByIdsResponse() {
return new GetMediaMetaDataByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetMediaAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetMediaAssociationsRequest }
public GetMediaAssociationsRequest createGetMediaAssociationsRequest() {
return new GetMediaAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetMediaAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetMediaAssociationsResponse }
public GetMediaAssociationsResponse createGetMediaAssociationsResponse() {
return new GetMediaAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation }
public ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation createArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfMediaAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfMediaAssociation }
public ArrayOfMediaAssociation createArrayOfMediaAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfMediaAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link MediaAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link MediaAssociation }
public MediaAssociation createMediaAssociation() {
return new MediaAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsRequest }
public GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsRequest createGetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse }
public GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse createGetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAdGroupCriterionsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion }
public ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion createArrayOfAdGroupCriterion() {
return new ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link AdGroupCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdGroupCriterion }
public AdGroupCriterion createAdGroupCriterion() {
return new AdGroupCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link Criterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Criterion }
public Criterion createCriterion() {
return new Criterion();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductPartition }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ProductPartition }
public ProductPartition createProductPartition() {
return new ProductPartition();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductCondition }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ProductCondition }
public ProductCondition createProductCondition() {
return new ProductCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelGroup }
public HotelGroup createHotelGroup() {
return new HotelGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelListing }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelListing }
public HotelListing createHotelListing() {
return new HotelListing();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion }
public HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion createHotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion() {
return new HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelCheckInDateCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelCheckInDateCriterion }
public HotelCheckInDateCriterion createHotelCheckInDateCriterion() {
return new HotelCheckInDateCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelCheckInDayCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelCheckInDayCriterion }
public HotelCheckInDayCriterion createHotelCheckInDayCriterion() {
return new HotelCheckInDayCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion }
public HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion createHotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion() {
return new HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link HotelLengthOfStayCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link HotelLengthOfStayCriterion }
public HotelLengthOfStayCriterion createHotelLengthOfStayCriterion() {
return new HotelLengthOfStayCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductScope }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ProductScope }
public ProductScope createProductScope() {
return new ProductScope();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfProductCondition }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfProductCondition }
public ArrayOfProductCondition createArrayOfProductCondition() {
return new ArrayOfProductCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link Webpage }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Webpage }
public Webpage createWebpage() {
return new Webpage();
* Create an instance of {@link WebpageParameter }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link WebpageParameter }
public WebpageParameter createWebpageParameter() {
return new WebpageParameter();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfWebpageCondition }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfWebpageCondition }
public ArrayOfWebpageCondition createArrayOfWebpageCondition() {
return new ArrayOfWebpageCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link WebpageCondition }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link WebpageCondition }
public WebpageCondition createWebpageCondition() {
return new WebpageCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link AgeCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AgeCriterion }
public AgeCriterion createAgeCriterion() {
return new AgeCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link DeviceCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeviceCriterion }
public DeviceCriterion createDeviceCriterion() {
return new DeviceCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link DayTimeCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DayTimeCriterion }
public DayTimeCriterion createDayTimeCriterion() {
return new DayTimeCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link GenderCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GenderCriterion }
public GenderCriterion createGenderCriterion() {
return new GenderCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link RadiusCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link RadiusCriterion }
public RadiusCriterion createRadiusCriterion() {
return new RadiusCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link LocationCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link LocationCriterion }
public LocationCriterion createLocationCriterion() {
return new LocationCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link LocationIntentCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link LocationIntentCriterion }
public LocationIntentCriterion createLocationIntentCriterion() {
return new LocationIntentCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link AudienceCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AudienceCriterion }
public AudienceCriterion createAudienceCriterion() {
return new AudienceCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link ProfileCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ProfileCriterion }
public ProfileCriterion createProfileCriterion() {
return new ProfileCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link StoreCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link StoreCriterion }
public StoreCriterion createStoreCriterion() {
return new StoreCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link BiddableAdGroupCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BiddableAdGroupCriterion }
public BiddableAdGroupCriterion createBiddableAdGroupCriterion() {
return new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link CriterionCashback }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CriterionCashback }
public CriterionCashback createCriterionCashback() {
return new CriterionCashback();
* Create an instance of {@link CashbackAdjustment }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CashbackAdjustment }
public CashbackAdjustment createCashbackAdjustment() {
return new CashbackAdjustment();
* Create an instance of {@link NegativeAdGroupCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NegativeAdGroupCriterion }
public NegativeAdGroupCriterion createNegativeAdGroupCriterion() {
return new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdGroupCriterionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdGroupCriterionsRequest }
public AddAdGroupCriterionsRequest createAddAdGroupCriterionsRequest() {
return new AddAdGroupCriterionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse }
public AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse createAddAdGroupCriterionsResponse() {
return new AddAdGroupCriterionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupCriterionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupCriterionsRequest }
public UpdateAdGroupCriterionsRequest createUpdateAdGroupCriterionsRequest() {
return new UpdateAdGroupCriterionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupCriterionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAdGroupCriterionsResponse }
public UpdateAdGroupCriterionsResponse createUpdateAdGroupCriterionsResponse() {
return new UpdateAdGroupCriterionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupCriterionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupCriterionsRequest }
public DeleteAdGroupCriterionsRequest createDeleteAdGroupCriterionsRequest() {
return new DeleteAdGroupCriterionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupCriterionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAdGroupCriterionsResponse }
public DeleteAdGroupCriterionsResponse createDeleteAdGroupCriterionsResponse() {
return new DeleteAdGroupCriterionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyProductPartitionActionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyProductPartitionActionsRequest }
public ApplyProductPartitionActionsRequest createApplyProductPartitionActionsRequest() {
return new ApplyProductPartitionActionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroupCriterionAction }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdGroupCriterionAction }
public ArrayOfAdGroupCriterionAction createArrayOfAdGroupCriterionAction() {
return new ArrayOfAdGroupCriterionAction();
* Create an instance of {@link AdGroupCriterionAction }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdGroupCriterionAction }
public AdGroupCriterionAction createAdGroupCriterionAction() {
return new AdGroupCriterionAction();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyProductPartitionActionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyProductPartitionActionsResponse }
public ApplyProductPartitionActionsResponse createApplyProductPartitionActionsResponse() {
return new ApplyProductPartitionActionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyHotelGroupActionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyHotelGroupActionsRequest }
public ApplyHotelGroupActionsRequest createApplyHotelGroupActionsRequest() {
return new ApplyHotelGroupActionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyHotelGroupActionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyHotelGroupActionsResponse }
public ApplyHotelGroupActionsResponse createApplyHotelGroupActionsResponse() {
return new ApplyHotelGroupActionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsRequest }
public ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsRequest createApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsRequest() {
return new ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroupAction }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroupAction }
public ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroupAction createArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroupAction() {
return new ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroupAction();
* Create an instance of {@link AssetGroupListingGroupAction }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AssetGroupListingGroupAction }
public AssetGroupListingGroupAction createAssetGroupListingGroupAction() {
return new AssetGroupListingGroupAction();
* Create an instance of {@link AssetGroupListingGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AssetGroupListingGroup }
public AssetGroupListingGroup createAssetGroupListingGroup() {
return new AssetGroupListingGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsResponse }
public ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsResponse createApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsResponse() {
return new ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsRequest }
public GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsRequest createGetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsResponse }
public GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsResponse createGetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroup }
public ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroup createArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroup() {
return new ArrayOfAssetGroupListingGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdRequest }
public GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdRequest createGetBMCStoresByCustomerIdRequest() {
return new GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdResponse }
public GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdResponse createGetBMCStoresByCustomerIdResponse() {
return new GetBMCStoresByCustomerIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfBMCStore }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfBMCStore }
public ArrayOfBMCStore createArrayOfBMCStore() {
return new ArrayOfBMCStore();
* Create an instance of {@link BMCStore }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BMCStore }
public BMCStore createBMCStore() {
return new BMCStore();
* Create an instance of {@link AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesRequest }
public AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesRequest createAddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesRequest() {
return new AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfEntityNegativeKeyword }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfEntityNegativeKeyword }
public ArrayOfEntityNegativeKeyword createArrayOfEntityNegativeKeyword() {
return new ArrayOfEntityNegativeKeyword();
* Create an instance of {@link EntityNegativeKeyword }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EntityNegativeKeyword }
public EntityNegativeKeyword createEntityNegativeKeyword() {
return new EntityNegativeKeyword();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfNegativeKeyword }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfNegativeKeyword }
public ArrayOfNegativeKeyword createArrayOfNegativeKeyword() {
return new ArrayOfNegativeKeyword();
* Create an instance of {@link NegativeKeyword }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NegativeKeyword }
public NegativeKeyword createNegativeKeyword() {
return new NegativeKeyword();
* Create an instance of {@link SharedListItem }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SharedListItem }
public SharedListItem createSharedListItem() {
return new SharedListItem();
* Create an instance of {@link NegativeSite }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NegativeSite }
public NegativeSite createNegativeSite() {
return new NegativeSite();
* Create an instance of {@link AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesResponse }
public AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesResponse createAddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesResponse() {
return new AddNegativeKeywordsToEntitiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfIdCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfIdCollection }
public ArrayOfIdCollection createArrayOfIdCollection() {
return new ArrayOfIdCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link IdCollection }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link IdCollection }
public IdCollection createIdCollection() {
return new IdCollection();
* Create an instance of {@link GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsRequest }
public GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsRequest createGetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsRequest() {
return new GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsResponse }
public GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsResponse createGetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsResponse() {
return new GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesRequest }
public DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesRequest createDeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesRequest() {
return new DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesResponse }
public DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesResponse createDeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesResponse() {
return new DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntitiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdRequest }
public GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdRequest createGetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdRequest() {
return new GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdResponse }
public GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdResponse createGetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdResponse() {
return new GetSharedEntitiesByAccountIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfSharedEntity }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfSharedEntity }
public ArrayOfSharedEntity createArrayOfSharedEntity() {
return new ArrayOfSharedEntity();
* Create an instance of {@link SharedEntity }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SharedEntity }
public SharedEntity createSharedEntity() {
return new SharedEntity();
* Create an instance of {@link SharedList }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SharedList }
public SharedList createSharedList() {
return new SharedList();
* Create an instance of {@link NegativeKeywordList }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NegativeKeywordList }
public NegativeKeywordList createNegativeKeywordList() {
return new NegativeKeywordList();
* Create an instance of {@link PlacementExclusionList }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PlacementExclusionList }
public PlacementExclusionList createPlacementExclusionList() {
return new PlacementExclusionList();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesRequest }
public GetSharedEntitiesRequest createGetSharedEntitiesRequest() {
return new GetSharedEntitiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntitiesResponse }
public GetSharedEntitiesResponse createGetSharedEntitiesResponse() {
return new GetSharedEntitiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddSharedEntityRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddSharedEntityRequest }
public AddSharedEntityRequest createAddSharedEntityRequest() {
return new AddSharedEntityRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfSharedListItem }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfSharedListItem }
public ArrayOfSharedListItem createArrayOfSharedListItem() {
return new ArrayOfSharedListItem();
* Create an instance of {@link AddSharedEntityResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddSharedEntityResponse }
public AddSharedEntityResponse createAddSharedEntityResponse() {
return new AddSharedEntityResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetListItemsBySharedListRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetListItemsBySharedListRequest }
public GetListItemsBySharedListRequest createGetListItemsBySharedListRequest() {
return new GetListItemsBySharedListRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetListItemsBySharedListResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetListItemsBySharedListResponse }
public GetListItemsBySharedListResponse createGetListItemsBySharedListResponse() {
return new GetListItemsBySharedListResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddListItemsToSharedListRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddListItemsToSharedListRequest }
public AddListItemsToSharedListRequest createAddListItemsToSharedListRequest() {
return new AddListItemsToSharedListRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link AddListItemsToSharedListResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddListItemsToSharedListResponse }
public AddListItemsToSharedListResponse createAddListItemsToSharedListResponse() {
return new AddListItemsToSharedListResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateSharedEntitiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateSharedEntitiesRequest }
public UpdateSharedEntitiesRequest createUpdateSharedEntitiesRequest() {
return new UpdateSharedEntitiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateSharedEntitiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateSharedEntitiesResponse }
public UpdateSharedEntitiesResponse createUpdateSharedEntitiesResponse() {
return new UpdateSharedEntitiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteListItemsFromSharedListRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteListItemsFromSharedListRequest }
public DeleteListItemsFromSharedListRequest createDeleteListItemsFromSharedListRequest() {
return new DeleteListItemsFromSharedListRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteListItemsFromSharedListResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteListItemsFromSharedListResponse }
public DeleteListItemsFromSharedListResponse createDeleteListItemsFromSharedListResponse() {
return new DeleteListItemsFromSharedListResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link SetSharedEntityAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetSharedEntityAssociationsRequest }
public SetSharedEntityAssociationsRequest createSetSharedEntityAssociationsRequest() {
return new SetSharedEntityAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfSharedEntityAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfSharedEntityAssociation }
public ArrayOfSharedEntityAssociation createArrayOfSharedEntityAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfSharedEntityAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link SharedEntityAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SharedEntityAssociation }
public SharedEntityAssociation createSharedEntityAssociation() {
return new SharedEntityAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link SetSharedEntityAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetSharedEntityAssociationsResponse }
public SetSharedEntityAssociationsResponse createSetSharedEntityAssociationsResponse() {
return new SetSharedEntityAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsRequest }
public DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsRequest createDeleteSharedEntityAssociationsRequest() {
return new DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsResponse }
public DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsResponse createDeleteSharedEntityAssociationsResponse() {
return new DeleteSharedEntityAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsRequest }
public GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsRequest createGetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsRequest() {
return new GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsResponse }
public GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsResponse createGetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsResponse() {
return new GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest }
public GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest createGetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest() {
return new GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse }
public GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse createGetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse() {
return new GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntitiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntitiesRequest }
public DeleteSharedEntitiesRequest createDeleteSharedEntitiesRequest() {
return new DeleteSharedEntitiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntitiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteSharedEntitiesResponse }
public DeleteSharedEntitiesResponse createDeleteSharedEntitiesResponse() {
return new DeleteSharedEntitiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdRequest }
public GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdRequest createGetCampaignSizesByAccountIdRequest() {
return new GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdResponse }
public GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdResponse createGetCampaignSizesByAccountIdResponse() {
return new GetCampaignSizesByAccountIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignSize }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignSize }
public ArrayOfCampaignSize createArrayOfCampaignSize() {
return new ArrayOfCampaignSize();
* Create an instance of {@link CampaignSize }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CampaignSize }
public CampaignSize createCampaignSize() {
return new CampaignSize();
* Create an instance of {@link AddCampaignCriterionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddCampaignCriterionsRequest }
public AddCampaignCriterionsRequest createAddCampaignCriterionsRequest() {
return new AddCampaignCriterionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignCriterion }
public ArrayOfCampaignCriterion createArrayOfCampaignCriterion() {
return new ArrayOfCampaignCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link CampaignCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CampaignCriterion }
public CampaignCriterion createCampaignCriterion() {
return new CampaignCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link NegativeCampaignCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NegativeCampaignCriterion }
public NegativeCampaignCriterion createNegativeCampaignCriterion() {
return new NegativeCampaignCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link BiddableCampaignCriterion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BiddableCampaignCriterion }
public BiddableCampaignCriterion createBiddableCampaignCriterion() {
return new BiddableCampaignCriterion();
* Create an instance of {@link AddCampaignCriterionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddCampaignCriterionsResponse }
public AddCampaignCriterionsResponse createAddCampaignCriterionsResponse() {
return new AddCampaignCriterionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateCampaignCriterionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateCampaignCriterionsRequest }
public UpdateCampaignCriterionsRequest createUpdateCampaignCriterionsRequest() {
return new UpdateCampaignCriterionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateCampaignCriterionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateCampaignCriterionsResponse }
public UpdateCampaignCriterionsResponse createUpdateCampaignCriterionsResponse() {
return new UpdateCampaignCriterionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteCampaignCriterionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteCampaignCriterionsRequest }
public DeleteCampaignCriterionsRequest createDeleteCampaignCriterionsRequest() {
return new DeleteCampaignCriterionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteCampaignCriterionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteCampaignCriterionsResponse }
public DeleteCampaignCriterionsResponse createDeleteCampaignCriterionsResponse() {
return new DeleteCampaignCriterionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsRequest }
public GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsRequest createGetCampaignCriterionsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsResponse }
public GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsResponse createGetCampaignCriterionsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetCampaignCriterionsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddBudgetsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddBudgetsRequest }
public AddBudgetsRequest createAddBudgetsRequest() {
return new AddBudgetsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfBudget }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfBudget }
public ArrayOfBudget createArrayOfBudget() {
return new ArrayOfBudget();
* Create an instance of {@link Budget }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Budget }
public Budget createBudget() {
return new Budget();
* Create an instance of {@link AddBudgetsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddBudgetsResponse }
public AddBudgetsResponse createAddBudgetsResponse() {
return new AddBudgetsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateBudgetsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateBudgetsRequest }
public UpdateBudgetsRequest createUpdateBudgetsRequest() {
return new UpdateBudgetsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateBudgetsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateBudgetsResponse }
public UpdateBudgetsResponse createUpdateBudgetsResponse() {
return new UpdateBudgetsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteBudgetsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteBudgetsRequest }
public DeleteBudgetsRequest createDeleteBudgetsRequest() {
return new DeleteBudgetsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteBudgetsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteBudgetsResponse }
public DeleteBudgetsResponse createDeleteBudgetsResponse() {
return new DeleteBudgetsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBudgetsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBudgetsByIdsRequest }
public GetBudgetsByIdsRequest createGetBudgetsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetBudgetsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBudgetsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBudgetsByIdsResponse }
public GetBudgetsByIdsResponse createGetBudgetsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetBudgetsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsRequest }
public GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsRequest createGetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsRequest() {
return new GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsResponse }
public GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsResponse createGetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsResponse() {
return new GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddBidStrategiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddBidStrategiesRequest }
public AddBidStrategiesRequest createAddBidStrategiesRequest() {
return new AddBidStrategiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfBidStrategy }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfBidStrategy }
public ArrayOfBidStrategy createArrayOfBidStrategy() {
return new ArrayOfBidStrategy();
* Create an instance of {@link BidStrategy }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link BidStrategy }
public BidStrategy createBidStrategy() {
return new BidStrategy();
* Create an instance of {@link AddBidStrategiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddBidStrategiesResponse }
public AddBidStrategiesResponse createAddBidStrategiesResponse() {
return new AddBidStrategiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateBidStrategiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateBidStrategiesRequest }
public UpdateBidStrategiesRequest createUpdateBidStrategiesRequest() {
return new UpdateBidStrategiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateBidStrategiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateBidStrategiesResponse }
public UpdateBidStrategiesResponse createUpdateBidStrategiesResponse() {
return new UpdateBidStrategiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteBidStrategiesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteBidStrategiesRequest }
public DeleteBidStrategiesRequest createDeleteBidStrategiesRequest() {
return new DeleteBidStrategiesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteBidStrategiesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteBidStrategiesResponse }
public DeleteBidStrategiesResponse createDeleteBidStrategiesResponse() {
return new DeleteBidStrategiesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBidStrategiesByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBidStrategiesByIdsRequest }
public GetBidStrategiesByIdsRequest createGetBidStrategiesByIdsRequest() {
return new GetBidStrategiesByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetBidStrategiesByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetBidStrategiesByIdsResponse }
public GetBidStrategiesByIdsResponse createGetBidStrategiesByIdsResponse() {
return new GetBidStrategiesByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsRequest }
public GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsRequest createGetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsRequest() {
return new GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsResponse }
public GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsResponse createGetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsResponse() {
return new GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAudienceGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAudienceGroupsRequest }
public AddAudienceGroupsRequest createAddAudienceGroupsRequest() {
return new AddAudienceGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceGroup }
public ArrayOfAudienceGroup createArrayOfAudienceGroup() {
return new ArrayOfAudienceGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link AudienceGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AudienceGroup }
public AudienceGroup createAudienceGroup() {
return new AudienceGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceGroupDimension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceGroupDimension }
public ArrayOfAudienceGroupDimension createArrayOfAudienceGroupDimension() {
return new ArrayOfAudienceGroupDimension();
* Create an instance of {@link AudienceGroupDimension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AudienceGroupDimension }
public AudienceGroupDimension createAudienceGroupDimension() {
return new AudienceGroupDimension();
* Create an instance of {@link AgeDimension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AgeDimension }
public AgeDimension createAgeDimension() {
return new AgeDimension();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAgeRange }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAgeRange }
public ArrayOfAgeRange createArrayOfAgeRange() {
return new ArrayOfAgeRange();
* Create an instance of {@link GenderDimension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GenderDimension }
public GenderDimension createGenderDimension() {
return new GenderDimension();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfGenderType }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfGenderType }
public ArrayOfGenderType createArrayOfGenderType() {
return new ArrayOfGenderType();
* Create an instance of {@link AudienceDimension }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AudienceDimension }
public AudienceDimension createAudienceDimension() {
return new AudienceDimension();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceInfo }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceInfo }
public ArrayOfAudienceInfo createArrayOfAudienceInfo() {
return new ArrayOfAudienceInfo();
* Create an instance of {@link AudienceInfo }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AudienceInfo }
public AudienceInfo createAudienceInfo() {
return new AudienceInfo();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAudienceGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAudienceGroupsResponse }
public AddAudienceGroupsResponse createAddAudienceGroupsResponse() {
return new AddAudienceGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAudienceGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAudienceGroupsRequest }
public UpdateAudienceGroupsRequest createUpdateAudienceGroupsRequest() {
return new UpdateAudienceGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAudienceGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAudienceGroupsResponse }
public UpdateAudienceGroupsResponse createUpdateAudienceGroupsResponse() {
return new UpdateAudienceGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupsRequest }
public DeleteAudienceGroupsRequest createDeleteAudienceGroupsRequest() {
return new DeleteAudienceGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupsResponse }
public DeleteAudienceGroupsResponse createDeleteAudienceGroupsResponse() {
return new DeleteAudienceGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupsByIdsRequest }
public GetAudienceGroupsByIdsRequest createGetAudienceGroupsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAudienceGroupsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupsByIdsResponse }
public GetAudienceGroupsByIdsResponse createGetAudienceGroupsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAudienceGroupsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAssetGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAssetGroupsRequest }
public AddAssetGroupsRequest createAddAssetGroupsRequest() {
return new AddAssetGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAssetGroup }
public ArrayOfAssetGroup createArrayOfAssetGroup() {
return new ArrayOfAssetGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link AssetGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AssetGroup }
public AssetGroup createAssetGroup() {
return new AssetGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAssetGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAssetGroupsResponse }
public AddAssetGroupsResponse createAddAssetGroupsResponse() {
return new AddAssetGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAssetGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAssetGroupsRequest }
public UpdateAssetGroupsRequest createUpdateAssetGroupsRequest() {
return new UpdateAssetGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAssetGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAssetGroupsResponse }
public UpdateAssetGroupsResponse createUpdateAssetGroupsResponse() {
return new UpdateAssetGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAssetGroupsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAssetGroupsRequest }
public DeleteAssetGroupsRequest createDeleteAssetGroupsRequest() {
return new DeleteAssetGroupsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAssetGroupsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAssetGroupsResponse }
public DeleteAssetGroupsResponse createDeleteAssetGroupsResponse() {
return new DeleteAssetGroupsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByIdsRequest }
public GetAssetGroupsByIdsRequest createGetAssetGroupsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAssetGroupsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByIdsResponse }
public GetAssetGroupsByIdsResponse createGetAssetGroupsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAssetGroupsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdRequest }
public GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdRequest createGetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdRequest() {
return new GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdResponse }
public GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdResponse createGetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdResponse() {
return new GetAssetGroupsByCampaignIdResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest }
public SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest createSetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest() {
return new SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation }
public ArrayOfAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation createArrayOfAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation }
public AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation createAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation() {
return new AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse }
public SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse createSetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse() {
return new SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest }
public DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest createDeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest() {
return new DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse }
public DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse createDeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse() {
return new DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsRequest }
public GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsRequest createGetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsRequest() {
return new GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsResponse }
public GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsResponse createGetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsResponse() {
return new GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsRequest }
public GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsRequest createGetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsRequest() {
return new GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsResponse }
public GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsResponse createGetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsResponse() {
return new GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAudiencesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAudiencesRequest }
public AddAudiencesRequest createAddAudiencesRequest() {
return new AddAudiencesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAudience }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAudience }
public ArrayOfAudience createArrayOfAudience() {
return new ArrayOfAudience();
* Create an instance of {@link Audience }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Audience }
public Audience createAudience() {
return new Audience();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomerShare }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomerShare }
public CustomerShare createCustomerShare() {
return new CustomerShare();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCustomerAccountShare }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCustomerAccountShare }
public ArrayOfCustomerAccountShare createArrayOfCustomerAccountShare() {
return new ArrayOfCustomerAccountShare();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomerAccountShare }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomerAccountShare }
public CustomerAccountShare createCustomerAccountShare() {
return new CustomerAccountShare();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCustomerAccountShareAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCustomerAccountShareAssociation }
public ArrayOfCustomerAccountShareAssociation createArrayOfCustomerAccountShareAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfCustomerAccountShareAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomerAccountShareAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomerAccountShareAssociation }
public CustomerAccountShareAssociation createCustomerAccountShareAssociation() {
return new CustomerAccountShareAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link RemarketingList }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link RemarketingList }
public RemarketingList createRemarketingList() {
return new RemarketingList();
* Create an instance of {@link RemarketingRule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link RemarketingRule }
public RemarketingRule createRemarketingRule() {
return new RemarketingRule();
* Create an instance of {@link PageVisitorsRule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PageVisitorsRule }
public PageVisitorsRule createPageVisitorsRule() {
return new PageVisitorsRule();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfRuleItemGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfRuleItemGroup }
public ArrayOfRuleItemGroup createArrayOfRuleItemGroup() {
return new ArrayOfRuleItemGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link RuleItemGroup }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link RuleItemGroup }
public RuleItemGroup createRuleItemGroup() {
return new RuleItemGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfRuleItem }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfRuleItem }
public ArrayOfRuleItem createArrayOfRuleItem() {
return new ArrayOfRuleItem();
* Create an instance of {@link RuleItem }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link RuleItem }
public RuleItem createRuleItem() {
return new RuleItem();
* Create an instance of {@link StringRuleItem }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link StringRuleItem }
public StringRuleItem createStringRuleItem() {
return new StringRuleItem();
* Create an instance of {@link NumberRuleItem }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link NumberRuleItem }
public NumberRuleItem createNumberRuleItem() {
return new NumberRuleItem();
* Create an instance of {@link PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule }
public PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule createPageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule() {
return new PageVisitorsWhoVisitedAnotherPageRule();
* Create an instance of {@link PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule }
public PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule createPageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule() {
return new PageVisitorsWhoDidNotVisitAnotherPageRule();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomEventsRule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomEventsRule }
public CustomEventsRule createCustomEventsRule() {
return new CustomEventsRule();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomAudience }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomAudience }
public CustomAudience createCustomAudience() {
return new CustomAudience();
* Create an instance of {@link InMarketAudience }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link InMarketAudience }
public InMarketAudience createInMarketAudience() {
return new InMarketAudience();
* Create an instance of {@link ProductAudience }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ProductAudience }
public ProductAudience createProductAudience() {
return new ProductAudience();
* Create an instance of {@link SimilarRemarketingList }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SimilarRemarketingList }
public SimilarRemarketingList createSimilarRemarketingList() {
return new SimilarRemarketingList();
* Create an instance of {@link CombinedList }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CombinedList }
public CombinedList createCombinedList() {
return new CombinedList();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCombinationRule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCombinationRule }
public ArrayOfCombinationRule createArrayOfCombinationRule() {
return new ArrayOfCombinationRule();
* Create an instance of {@link CombinationRule }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CombinationRule }
public CombinationRule createCombinationRule() {
return new CombinationRule();
* Create an instance of {@link CustomerList }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CustomerList }
public CustomerList createCustomerList() {
return new CustomerList();
* Create an instance of {@link AddAudiencesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddAudiencesResponse }
public AddAudiencesResponse createAddAudiencesResponse() {
return new AddAudiencesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAudiencesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAudiencesRequest }
public UpdateAudiencesRequest createUpdateAudiencesRequest() {
return new UpdateAudiencesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateAudiencesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateAudiencesResponse }
public UpdateAudiencesResponse createUpdateAudiencesResponse() {
return new UpdateAudiencesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAudiencesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAudiencesRequest }
public DeleteAudiencesRequest createDeleteAudiencesRequest() {
return new DeleteAudiencesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteAudiencesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteAudiencesResponse }
public DeleteAudiencesResponse createDeleteAudiencesResponse() {
return new DeleteAudiencesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudiencesByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudiencesByIdsRequest }
public GetAudiencesByIdsRequest createGetAudiencesByIdsRequest() {
return new GetAudiencesByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetAudiencesByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetAudiencesByIdsResponse }
public GetAudiencesByIdsResponse createGetAudiencesByIdsResponse() {
return new GetAudiencesByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetUetTagsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetUetTagsByIdsRequest }
public GetUetTagsByIdsRequest createGetUetTagsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetUetTagsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetUetTagsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetUetTagsByIdsResponse }
public GetUetTagsByIdsResponse createGetUetTagsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetUetTagsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfUetTag }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfUetTag }
public ArrayOfUetTag createArrayOfUetTag() {
return new ArrayOfUetTag();
* Create an instance of {@link UetTag }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UetTag }
public UetTag createUetTag() {
return new UetTag();
* Create an instance of {@link AddUetTagsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddUetTagsRequest }
public AddUetTagsRequest createAddUetTagsRequest() {
return new AddUetTagsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link AddUetTagsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddUetTagsResponse }
public AddUetTagsResponse createAddUetTagsResponse() {
return new AddUetTagsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateUetTagsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateUetTagsRequest }
public UpdateUetTagsRequest createUpdateUetTagsRequest() {
return new UpdateUetTagsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateUetTagsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateUetTagsResponse }
public UpdateUetTagsResponse createUpdateUetTagsResponse() {
return new UpdateUetTagsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByIdsRequest }
public GetConversionGoalsByIdsRequest createGetConversionGoalsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetConversionGoalsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByIdsResponse }
public GetConversionGoalsByIdsResponse createGetConversionGoalsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetConversionGoalsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfConversionGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfConversionGoal }
public ArrayOfConversionGoal createArrayOfConversionGoal() {
return new ArrayOfConversionGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link ConversionGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ConversionGoal }
public ConversionGoal createConversionGoal() {
return new ConversionGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link ConversionGoalRevenue }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ConversionGoalRevenue }
public ConversionGoalRevenue createConversionGoalRevenue() {
return new ConversionGoalRevenue();
* Create an instance of {@link UrlGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UrlGoal }
public UrlGoal createUrlGoal() {
return new UrlGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link DurationGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DurationGoal }
public DurationGoal createDurationGoal() {
return new DurationGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link PagesViewedPerVisitGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link PagesViewedPerVisitGoal }
public PagesViewedPerVisitGoal createPagesViewedPerVisitGoal() {
return new PagesViewedPerVisitGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link EventGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link EventGoal }
public EventGoal createEventGoal() {
return new EventGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link AppInstallGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AppInstallGoal }
public AppInstallGoal createAppInstallGoal() {
return new AppInstallGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link OfflineConversionGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link OfflineConversionGoal }
public OfflineConversionGoal createOfflineConversionGoal() {
return new OfflineConversionGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link InStoreTransactionGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link InStoreTransactionGoal }
public InStoreTransactionGoal createInStoreTransactionGoal() {
return new InStoreTransactionGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsRequest }
public GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsRequest createGetConversionGoalsByTagIdsRequest() {
return new GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsResponse }
public GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsResponse createGetConversionGoalsByTagIdsResponse() {
return new GetConversionGoalsByTagIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddConversionGoalsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddConversionGoalsRequest }
public AddConversionGoalsRequest createAddConversionGoalsRequest() {
return new AddConversionGoalsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link AddConversionGoalsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddConversionGoalsResponse }
public AddConversionGoalsResponse createAddConversionGoalsResponse() {
return new AddConversionGoalsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateConversionGoalsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateConversionGoalsRequest }
public UpdateConversionGoalsRequest createUpdateConversionGoalsRequest() {
return new UpdateConversionGoalsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateConversionGoalsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateConversionGoalsResponse }
public UpdateConversionGoalsResponse createUpdateConversionGoalsResponse() {
return new UpdateConversionGoalsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionsRequest }
public ApplyOfflineConversionsRequest createApplyOfflineConversionsRequest() {
return new ApplyOfflineConversionsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfOfflineConversion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfOfflineConversion }
public ArrayOfOfflineConversion createArrayOfOfflineConversion() {
return new ArrayOfOfflineConversion();
* Create an instance of {@link OfflineConversion }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link OfflineConversion }
public OfflineConversion createOfflineConversion() {
return new OfflineConversion();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionsResponse }
public ApplyOfflineConversionsResponse createApplyOfflineConversionsResponse() {
return new ApplyOfflineConversionsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsRequest }
public ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsRequest createApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsRequest() {
return new ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfOfflineConversionAdjustment }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfOfflineConversionAdjustment }
public ArrayOfOfflineConversionAdjustment createArrayOfOfflineConversionAdjustment() {
return new ArrayOfOfflineConversionAdjustment();
* Create an instance of {@link OfflineConversionAdjustment }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link OfflineConversionAdjustment }
public OfflineConversionAdjustment createOfflineConversionAdjustment() {
return new OfflineConversionAdjustment();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsResponse }
public ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsResponse createApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsResponse() {
return new ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustmentsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsRequest }
public ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsRequest createApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsRequest() {
return new ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfOnlineConversionAdjustment }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfOnlineConversionAdjustment }
public ArrayOfOnlineConversionAdjustment createArrayOfOnlineConversionAdjustment() {
return new ArrayOfOnlineConversionAdjustment();
* Create an instance of {@link OnlineConversionAdjustment }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link OnlineConversionAdjustment }
public OnlineConversionAdjustment createOnlineConversionAdjustment() {
return new OnlineConversionAdjustment();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsResponse }
public ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsResponse createApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsResponse() {
return new ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustmentsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddLabelsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddLabelsRequest }
public AddLabelsRequest createAddLabelsRequest() {
return new AddLabelsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfLabel }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfLabel }
public ArrayOfLabel createArrayOfLabel() {
return new ArrayOfLabel();
* Create an instance of {@link Label }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Label }
public Label createLabel() {
return new Label();
* Create an instance of {@link AddLabelsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddLabelsResponse }
public AddLabelsResponse createAddLabelsResponse() {
return new AddLabelsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteLabelsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteLabelsRequest }
public DeleteLabelsRequest createDeleteLabelsRequest() {
return new DeleteLabelsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteLabelsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteLabelsResponse }
public DeleteLabelsResponse createDeleteLabelsResponse() {
return new DeleteLabelsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateLabelsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateLabelsRequest }
public UpdateLabelsRequest createUpdateLabelsRequest() {
return new UpdateLabelsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateLabelsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateLabelsResponse }
public UpdateLabelsResponse createUpdateLabelsResponse() {
return new UpdateLabelsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetLabelsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetLabelsByIdsRequest }
public GetLabelsByIdsRequest createGetLabelsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetLabelsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetLabelsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetLabelsByIdsResponse }
public GetLabelsByIdsResponse createGetLabelsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetLabelsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link SetLabelAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetLabelAssociationsRequest }
public SetLabelAssociationsRequest createSetLabelAssociationsRequest() {
return new SetLabelAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfLabelAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfLabelAssociation }
public ArrayOfLabelAssociation createArrayOfLabelAssociation() {
return new ArrayOfLabelAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link LabelAssociation }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link LabelAssociation }
public LabelAssociation createLabelAssociation() {
return new LabelAssociation();
* Create an instance of {@link SetLabelAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SetLabelAssociationsResponse }
public SetLabelAssociationsResponse createSetLabelAssociationsResponse() {
return new SetLabelAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteLabelAssociationsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteLabelAssociationsRequest }
public DeleteLabelAssociationsRequest createDeleteLabelAssociationsRequest() {
return new DeleteLabelAssociationsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteLabelAssociationsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteLabelAssociationsResponse }
public DeleteLabelAssociationsResponse createDeleteLabelAssociationsResponse() {
return new DeleteLabelAssociationsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest }
public GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest createGetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest() {
return new GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse }
public GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse createGetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse() {
return new GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsRequest }
public GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsRequest createGetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsRequest() {
return new GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsResponse }
public GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsResponse createGetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsResponse() {
return new GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddExperimentsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddExperimentsRequest }
public AddExperimentsRequest createAddExperimentsRequest() {
return new AddExperimentsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfExperiment }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfExperiment }
public ArrayOfExperiment createArrayOfExperiment() {
return new ArrayOfExperiment();
* Create an instance of {@link Experiment }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Experiment }
public Experiment createExperiment() {
return new Experiment();
* Create an instance of {@link AddExperimentsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddExperimentsResponse }
public AddExperimentsResponse createAddExperimentsResponse() {
return new AddExperimentsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteExperimentsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteExperimentsRequest }
public DeleteExperimentsRequest createDeleteExperimentsRequest() {
return new DeleteExperimentsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteExperimentsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteExperimentsResponse }
public DeleteExperimentsResponse createDeleteExperimentsResponse() {
return new DeleteExperimentsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateExperimentsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateExperimentsRequest }
public UpdateExperimentsRequest createUpdateExperimentsRequest() {
return new UpdateExperimentsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateExperimentsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateExperimentsResponse }
public UpdateExperimentsResponse createUpdateExperimentsResponse() {
return new UpdateExperimentsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetExperimentsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetExperimentsByIdsRequest }
public GetExperimentsByIdsRequest createGetExperimentsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetExperimentsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetExperimentsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetExperimentsByIdsResponse }
public GetExperimentsByIdsResponse createGetExperimentsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetExperimentsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetProfileDataFileUrlRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetProfileDataFileUrlRequest }
public GetProfileDataFileUrlRequest createGetProfileDataFileUrlRequest() {
return new GetProfileDataFileUrlRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetProfileDataFileUrlResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetProfileDataFileUrlResponse }
public GetProfileDataFileUrlResponse createGetProfileDataFileUrlResponse() {
return new GetProfileDataFileUrlResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link SearchCompaniesRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SearchCompaniesRequest }
public SearchCompaniesRequest createSearchCompaniesRequest() {
return new SearchCompaniesRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link SearchCompaniesResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link SearchCompaniesResponse }
public SearchCompaniesResponse createSearchCompaniesResponse() {
return new SearchCompaniesResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCompany }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCompany }
public ArrayOfCompany createArrayOfCompany() {
return new ArrayOfCompany();
* Create an instance of {@link Company }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Company }
public Company createCompany() {
return new Company();
* Create an instance of {@link GetFileImportUploadUrlRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetFileImportUploadUrlRequest }
public GetFileImportUploadUrlRequest createGetFileImportUploadUrlRequest() {
return new GetFileImportUploadUrlRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetFileImportUploadUrlResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetFileImportUploadUrlResponse }
public GetFileImportUploadUrlResponse createGetFileImportUploadUrlResponse() {
return new GetFileImportUploadUrlResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddImportJobsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddImportJobsRequest }
public AddImportJobsRequest createAddImportJobsRequest() {
return new AddImportJobsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfImportJob }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfImportJob }
public ArrayOfImportJob createArrayOfImportJob() {
return new ArrayOfImportJob();
* Create an instance of {@link ImportJob }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImportJob }
public ImportJob createImportJob() {
return new ImportJob();
* Create an instance of {@link Frequency }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Frequency }
public Frequency createFrequency() {
return new Frequency();
* Create an instance of {@link ImportOption }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImportOption }
public ImportOption createImportOption() {
return new ImportOption();
* Create an instance of {@link GoogleImportOption }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GoogleImportOption }
public GoogleImportOption createGoogleImportOption() {
return new GoogleImportOption();
* Create an instance of {@link ImportSearchAndReplaceForStringProperty }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImportSearchAndReplaceForStringProperty }
public ImportSearchAndReplaceForStringProperty createImportSearchAndReplaceForStringProperty() {
return new ImportSearchAndReplaceForStringProperty();
* Create an instance of {@link FileImportOption }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link FileImportOption }
public FileImportOption createFileImportOption() {
return new FileImportOption();
* Create an instance of {@link GoogleImportJob }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GoogleImportJob }
public GoogleImportJob createGoogleImportJob() {
return new GoogleImportJob();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignAdGroupIds }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignAdGroupIds }
public ArrayOfCampaignAdGroupIds createArrayOfCampaignAdGroupIds() {
return new ArrayOfCampaignAdGroupIds();
* Create an instance of {@link CampaignAdGroupIds }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CampaignAdGroupIds }
public CampaignAdGroupIds createCampaignAdGroupIds() {
return new CampaignAdGroupIds();
* Create an instance of {@link FileImportJob }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link FileImportJob }
public FileImportJob createFileImportJob() {
return new FileImportJob();
* Create an instance of {@link AddImportJobsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddImportJobsResponse }
public AddImportJobsResponse createAddImportJobsResponse() {
return new AddImportJobsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetImportResultsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetImportResultsRequest }
public GetImportResultsRequest createGetImportResultsRequest() {
return new GetImportResultsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetImportResultsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetImportResultsResponse }
public GetImportResultsResponse createGetImportResultsResponse() {
return new GetImportResultsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfImportResult }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfImportResult }
public ArrayOfImportResult createArrayOfImportResult() {
return new ArrayOfImportResult();
* Create an instance of {@link ImportResult }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImportResult }
public ImportResult createImportResult() {
return new ImportResult();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfImportEntityStatistics }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfImportEntityStatistics }
public ArrayOfImportEntityStatistics createArrayOfImportEntityStatistics() {
return new ArrayOfImportEntityStatistics();
* Create an instance of {@link ImportEntityStatistics }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ImportEntityStatistics }
public ImportEntityStatistics createImportEntityStatistics() {
return new ImportEntityStatistics();
* Create an instance of {@link GetImportJobsByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetImportJobsByIdsRequest }
public GetImportJobsByIdsRequest createGetImportJobsByIdsRequest() {
return new GetImportJobsByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetImportJobsByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetImportJobsByIdsResponse }
public GetImportJobsByIdsResponse createGetImportJobsByIdsResponse() {
return new GetImportJobsByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteImportJobsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteImportJobsRequest }
public DeleteImportJobsRequest createDeleteImportJobsRequest() {
return new DeleteImportJobsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteImportJobsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteImportJobsResponse }
public DeleteImportJobsResponse createDeleteImportJobsResponse() {
return new DeleteImportJobsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetImportEntityIdsMappingRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetImportEntityIdsMappingRequest }
public GetImportEntityIdsMappingRequest createGetImportEntityIdsMappingRequest() {
return new GetImportEntityIdsMappingRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetImportEntityIdsMappingResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetImportEntityIdsMappingResponse }
public GetImportEntityIdsMappingResponse createGetImportEntityIdsMappingResponse() {
return new GetImportEntityIdsMappingResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValuePairOflonglong }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValuePairOflonglong }
public ArrayOfKeyValuePairOflonglong createArrayOfKeyValuePairOflonglong() {
return new ArrayOfKeyValuePairOflonglong();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateImportJobsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateImportJobsRequest }
public UpdateImportJobsRequest createUpdateImportJobsRequest() {
return new UpdateImportJobsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateImportJobsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateImportJobsResponse }
public UpdateImportJobsResponse createUpdateImportJobsResponse() {
return new UpdateImportJobsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddVideosRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddVideosRequest }
public AddVideosRequest createAddVideosRequest() {
return new AddVideosRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfVideo }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfVideo }
public ArrayOfVideo createArrayOfVideo() {
return new ArrayOfVideo();
* Create an instance of {@link Video }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Video }
public Video createVideo() {
return new Video();
* Create an instance of {@link AddVideosResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddVideosResponse }
public AddVideosResponse createAddVideosResponse() {
return new AddVideosResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteVideosRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteVideosRequest }
public DeleteVideosRequest createDeleteVideosRequest() {
return new DeleteVideosRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteVideosResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteVideosResponse }
public DeleteVideosResponse createDeleteVideosResponse() {
return new DeleteVideosResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link GetVideosByIdsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetVideosByIdsRequest }
public GetVideosByIdsRequest createGetVideosByIdsRequest() {
return new GetVideosByIdsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link GetVideosByIdsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link GetVideosByIdsResponse }
public GetVideosByIdsResponse createGetVideosByIdsResponse() {
return new GetVideosByIdsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateVideosRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateVideosRequest }
public UpdateVideosRequest createUpdateVideosRequest() {
return new UpdateVideosRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link UpdateVideosResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link UpdateVideosResponse }
public UpdateVideosResponse createUpdateVideosResponse() {
return new UpdateVideosResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link AddCampaignConversionGoalsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddCampaignConversionGoalsRequest }
public AddCampaignConversionGoalsRequest createAddCampaignConversionGoalsRequest() {
return new AddCampaignConversionGoalsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignConversionGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfCampaignConversionGoal }
public ArrayOfCampaignConversionGoal createArrayOfCampaignConversionGoal() {
return new ArrayOfCampaignConversionGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link CampaignConversionGoal }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link CampaignConversionGoal }
public CampaignConversionGoal createCampaignConversionGoal() {
return new CampaignConversionGoal();
* Create an instance of {@link AddCampaignConversionGoalsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AddCampaignConversionGoalsResponse }
public AddCampaignConversionGoalsResponse createAddCampaignConversionGoalsResponse() {
return new AddCampaignConversionGoalsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsRequest }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsRequest }
public DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsRequest createDeleteCampaignConversionGoalsRequest() {
return new DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsResponse }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsResponse }
public DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsResponse createDeleteCampaignConversionGoalsResponse() {
return new DeleteCampaignConversionGoalsResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring }
public ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring createArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring() {
return new ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring();
* Create an instance of {@link KeyValuePairOfstringstring }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link KeyValuePairOfstringstring }
public KeyValuePairOfstringstring createKeyValuePairOfstringstring() {
return new KeyValuePairOfstringstring();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring }
public ArrayOfArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring createArrayOfArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring() {
return new ArrayOfArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring();
* Create an instance of {@link KeyValuePairOflonglong }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link KeyValuePairOflonglong }
public KeyValuePairOflonglong createKeyValuePairOflonglong() {
return new KeyValuePairOflonglong();
* Create an instance of {@link Char }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Char }
public Char createChar() {
return new Char();
* Create an instance of {@link Duration }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Duration }
public Duration createDuration() {
return new Duration();
* Create an instance of {@link Guid }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link Guid }
public Guid createGuid() {
return new Guid();
* Create an instance of {@link AdApiFaultDetail }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdApiFaultDetail }
public AdApiFaultDetail createAdApiFaultDetail() {
return new AdApiFaultDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link ApplicationFault }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ApplicationFault }
public ApplicationFault createApplicationFault() {
return new ApplicationFault();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfAdApiError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfAdApiError }
public ArrayOfAdApiError createArrayOfAdApiError() {
return new ArrayOfAdApiError();
* Create an instance of {@link AdApiError }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link AdApiError }
public AdApiError createAdApiError() {
return new AdApiError();
* Create an instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring.KeyValueOfstringstring }
* @return
* the new instance of {@link ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring.KeyValueOfstringstring }
public ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring.KeyValueOfstringstring createArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstringKeyValueOfstringstring() {
return new ArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring.KeyValueOfstringstring();
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TextAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TextAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TextAd")
public JAXBElement createTextAd(TextAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TextAd_QNAME, TextAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Ad }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Ad }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Ad")
public JAXBElement createAd(Ad value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Ad_QNAME, Ad.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdEditorialStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdEditorialStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdEditorialStatus")
public JAXBElement createAdEditorialStatus(AdEditorialStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdEditorialStatus_QNAME, AdEditorialStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAppUrl }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAppUrl }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAppUrl")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAppUrl(ArrayOfAppUrl value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAppUrl_QNAME, ArrayOfAppUrl.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppUrl }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppUrl }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AppUrl")
public JAXBElement createAppUrl(AppUrl value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AppUrl_QNAME, AppUrl.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdStatus")
public JAXBElement createAdStatus(AdStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdStatus_QNAME, AdStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdType")
public JAXBElement createAdType(AdType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdType_QNAME, AdType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CustomParameters }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CustomParameters }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CustomParameters")
public JAXBElement createCustomParameters(CustomParameters value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CustomParameters_QNAME, CustomParameters.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfCustomParameter }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfCustomParameter }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfCustomParameter")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfCustomParameter(ArrayOfCustomParameter value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfCustomParameter_QNAME, ArrayOfCustomParameter.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CustomParameter }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CustomParameter }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CustomParameter")
public JAXBElement createCustomParameter(CustomParameter value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CustomParameter_QNAME, CustomParameter.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ProductAd")
public JAXBElement createProductAd(ProductAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ProductAd_QNAME, ProductAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelAd")
public JAXBElement createHotelAd(HotelAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelAd_QNAME, HotelAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppInstallAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppInstallAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AppInstallAd")
public JAXBElement createAppInstallAd(AppInstallAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AppInstallAd_QNAME, AppInstallAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ExpandedTextAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ExpandedTextAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ExpandedTextAd")
public JAXBElement createExpandedTextAd(ExpandedTextAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ExpandedTextAd_QNAME, ExpandedTextAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicSearchAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicSearchAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DynamicSearchAd")
public JAXBElement createDynamicSearchAd(DynamicSearchAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DynamicSearchAd_QNAME, DynamicSearchAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ResponsiveAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ResponsiveAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ResponsiveAd")
public JAXBElement createResponsiveAd(ResponsiveAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ResponsiveAd_QNAME, ResponsiveAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CallToAction }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CallToAction }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CallToAction")
public JAXBElement createCallToAction(CallToAction value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CallToAction_QNAME, CallToAction.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LanguageName }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LanguageName }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "LanguageName")
public JAXBElement createLanguageName(LanguageName value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_LanguageName_QNAME, LanguageName.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAssetLink }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAssetLink }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAssetLink")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAssetLink(ArrayOfAssetLink value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAssetLink_QNAME, ArrayOfAssetLink.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AssetLink }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AssetLink }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AssetLink")
public JAXBElement createAssetLink(AssetLink value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AssetLink_QNAME, AssetLink.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Asset }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Asset }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Asset")
public JAXBElement createAsset(Asset value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Asset_QNAME, Asset.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TextAsset }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TextAsset }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TextAsset")
public JAXBElement createTextAsset(TextAsset value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TextAsset_QNAME, TextAsset.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ImageAsset }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ImageAsset }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ImageAsset")
public JAXBElement createImageAsset(ImageAsset value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ImageAsset_QNAME, ImageAsset.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VideoAsset }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VideoAsset }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "VideoAsset")
public JAXBElement createVideoAsset(VideoAsset value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_VideoAsset_QNAME, VideoAsset.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AssetLinkEditorialStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AssetLinkEditorialStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AssetLinkEditorialStatus")
public JAXBElement createAssetLinkEditorialStatus(AssetLinkEditorialStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AssetLinkEditorialStatus_QNAME, AssetLinkEditorialStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ResponsiveSearchAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ResponsiveSearchAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ResponsiveSearchAd")
public JAXBElement createResponsiveSearchAd(ResponsiveSearchAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ResponsiveSearchAd_QNAME, ResponsiveSearchAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfCampaign }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfCampaign }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfCampaign")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfCampaign(ArrayOfCampaign value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfCampaign_QNAME, ArrayOfCampaign.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Campaign }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Campaign }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Campaign")
public JAXBElement createCampaign(Campaign value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Campaign_QNAME, Campaign.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "BiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createBiddingScheme(BiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_BiddingScheme_QNAME, BiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxClicksBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxClicksBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MaxClicksBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createMaxClicksBiddingScheme(MaxClicksBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MaxClicksBiddingScheme_QNAME, MaxClicksBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Bid }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Bid }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Bid")
public JAXBElement createBid(Bid value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Bid_QNAME, Bid.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxConversionsBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxConversionsBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MaxConversionsBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createMaxConversionsBiddingScheme(MaxConversionsBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MaxConversionsBiddingScheme_QNAME, MaxConversionsBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetCpaBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetCpaBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TargetCpaBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createTargetCpaBiddingScheme(TargetCpaBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TargetCpaBiddingScheme_QNAME, TargetCpaBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpcBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpcBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ManualCpcBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createManualCpcBiddingScheme(ManualCpcBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ManualCpcBiddingScheme_QNAME, ManualCpcBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createEnhancedCpcBiddingScheme(EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme_QNAME, EnhancedCpcBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpvBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpvBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ManualCpvBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createManualCpvBiddingScheme(ManualCpvBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ManualCpvBiddingScheme_QNAME, ManualCpvBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpmBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpmBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ManualCpmBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createManualCpmBiddingScheme(ManualCpmBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ManualCpmBiddingScheme_QNAME, ManualCpmBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link InheritFromParentBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link InheritFromParentBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "InheritFromParentBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createInheritFromParentBiddingScheme(InheritFromParentBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_InheritFromParentBiddingScheme_QNAME, InheritFromParentBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetRoasBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetRoasBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TargetRoasBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createTargetRoasBiddingScheme(TargetRoasBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TargetRoasBiddingScheme_QNAME, TargetRoasBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxRoasBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxRoasBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MaxRoasBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createMaxRoasBiddingScheme(MaxRoasBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MaxRoasBiddingScheme_QNAME, MaxRoasBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createMaxConversionValueBiddingScheme(MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme_QNAME, MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createTargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme(TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme_QNAME, TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PercentCpcBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PercentCpcBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PercentCpcBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createPercentCpcBiddingScheme(PercentCpcBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PercentCpcBiddingScheme_QNAME, PercentCpcBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CommissionBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CommissionBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CommissionBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createCommissionBiddingScheme(CommissionBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CommissionBiddingScheme_QNAME, CommissionBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpaBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ManualCpaBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ManualCpaBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createManualCpaBiddingScheme(ManualCpaBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ManualCpaBiddingScheme_QNAME, ManualCpaBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CostPerSaleBiddingScheme }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CostPerSaleBiddingScheme }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CostPerSaleBiddingScheme")
public JAXBElement createCostPerSaleBiddingScheme(CostPerSaleBiddingScheme value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CostPerSaleBiddingScheme_QNAME, CostPerSaleBiddingScheme.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BudgetLimitType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BudgetLimitType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "BudgetLimitType")
public JAXBElement createBudgetLimitType(BudgetLimitType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_BudgetLimitType_QNAME, BudgetLimitType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CampaignStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CampaignStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CampaignStatus")
public JAXBElement createCampaignStatus(CampaignStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CampaignStatus_QNAME, CampaignStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link CampaignType }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link CampaignType }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CampaignType")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter2 .class)
public JAXBElement> createCampaignType(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CampaignType_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfSetting")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfSetting(ArrayOfSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfSetting_QNAME, ArrayOfSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Setting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Setting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Setting")
public JAXBElement createSetting(Setting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Setting_QNAME, Setting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ShoppingSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ShoppingSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ShoppingSetting")
public JAXBElement createShoppingSetting(ShoppingSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ShoppingSetting_QNAME, ShoppingSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicFeedSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicFeedSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DynamicFeedSetting")
public JAXBElement createDynamicFeedSetting(DynamicFeedSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DynamicFeedSetting_QNAME, DynamicFeedSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicSearchAdsSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicSearchAdsSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DynamicSearchAdsSetting")
public JAXBElement createDynamicSearchAdsSetting(DynamicSearchAdsSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DynamicSearchAdsSetting_QNAME, DynamicSearchAdsSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicSearchAdsSource }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DynamicSearchAdsSource }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DynamicSearchAdsSource")
public JAXBElement createDynamicSearchAdsSource(DynamicSearchAdsSource value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DynamicSearchAdsSource_QNAME, DynamicSearchAdsSource.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TargetSetting")
public JAXBElement createTargetSetting(TargetSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TargetSetting_QNAME, TargetSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfTargetSettingDetail(ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail_QNAME, ArrayOfTargetSettingDetail.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetSettingDetail }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TargetSettingDetail }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TargetSettingDetail")
public JAXBElement createTargetSettingDetail(TargetSettingDetail value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TargetSettingDetail_QNAME, TargetSettingDetail.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CriterionTypeGroup }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CriterionTypeGroup }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CriterionTypeGroup")
public JAXBElement createCriterionTypeGroup(CriterionTypeGroup value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CriterionTypeGroup_QNAME, CriterionTypeGroup.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CoOpSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CoOpSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CoOpSetting")
public JAXBElement createCoOpSetting(CoOpSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CoOpSetting_QNAME, CoOpSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BidOption }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BidOption }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "BidOption")
public JAXBElement createBidOption(BidOption value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_BidOption_QNAME, BidOption.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VerifiedTrackingSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VerifiedTrackingSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "VerifiedTrackingSetting")
public JAXBElement createVerifiedTrackingSetting(VerifiedTrackingSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_VerifiedTrackingSetting_QNAME, VerifiedTrackingSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DisclaimerSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DisclaimerSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DisclaimerSetting")
public JAXBElement createDisclaimerSetting(DisclaimerSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DisclaimerSetting_QNAME, DisclaimerSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelSetting")
public JAXBElement createHotelSetting(HotelSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelSetting_QNAME, HotelSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link HotelAdGroupType }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link HotelAdGroupType }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelAdGroupType")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter3 .class)
public JAXBElement> createHotelAdGroupType(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelAdGroupType_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting")
public JAXBElement createResponsiveSearchAdsSetting(ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting_QNAME, ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PerformanceMaxSetting }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PerformanceMaxSetting }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PerformanceMaxSetting")
public JAXBElement createPerformanceMaxSetting(PerformanceMaxSetting value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PerformanceMaxSetting_QNAME, PerformanceMaxSetting.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ApplicationToken")
public JAXBElement createApplicationToken(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ApplicationToken_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AuthenticationToken")
public JAXBElement createAuthenticationToken(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AuthenticationToken_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CustomerAccountId")
public JAXBElement createCustomerAccountId(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CustomerAccountId_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CustomerId")
public JAXBElement createCustomerId(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CustomerId_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DeveloperToken")
public JAXBElement createDeveloperToken(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DeveloperToken_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Password")
public JAXBElement createPassword(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Password_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "UserName")
public JAXBElement createUserName(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_UserName_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfBatchError }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfBatchError }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfBatchError")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfBatchError(ArrayOfBatchError value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfBatchError_QNAME, ArrayOfBatchError.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BatchError }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BatchError }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "BatchError")
public JAXBElement createBatchError(BatchError value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_BatchError_QNAME, BatchError.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialError }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialError }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EditorialError")
public JAXBElement createEditorialError(EditorialError value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EditorialError_QNAME, EditorialError.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link String }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "TrackingId")
public JAXBElement createTrackingId(String value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_TrackingId_QNAME, String.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ApiFaultDetail }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ApiFaultDetail }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ApiFaultDetail")
public JAXBElement createApiFaultDetail(ApiFaultDetail value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ApiFaultDetail_QNAME, ApiFaultDetail.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfOperationError }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfOperationError }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfOperationError")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfOperationError(ArrayOfOperationError value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfOperationError_QNAME, ArrayOfOperationError.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link OperationError }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link OperationError }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "OperationError")
public JAXBElement createOperationError(OperationError value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_OperationError_QNAME, OperationError.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link CampaignAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link CampaignAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CampaignAdditionalField")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter4 .class)
public JAXBElement> createCampaignAdditionalField(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CampaignAdditionalField_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites(ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites_QNAME, ArrayOfCampaignNegativeSites.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CampaignNegativeSites }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CampaignNegativeSites }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CampaignNegativeSites")
public JAXBElement createCampaignNegativeSites(CampaignNegativeSites value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CampaignNegativeSites_QNAME, CampaignNegativeSites.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdGroup }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdGroup }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdGroup")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdGroup(ArrayOfAdGroup value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdGroup_QNAME, ArrayOfAdGroup.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroup }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroup }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdGroup")
public JAXBElement createAdGroup(AdGroup value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdGroup_QNAME, AdGroup.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdRotation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdRotation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdRotation")
public JAXBElement createAdRotation(AdRotation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdRotation_QNAME, AdRotation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdRotationType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdRotationType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdRotationType")
public JAXBElement createAdRotationType(AdRotationType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdRotationType_QNAME, AdRotationType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RateBid }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RateBid }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "RateBid")
public JAXBElement createRateBid(RateBid value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_RateBid_QNAME, RateBid.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CriterionBid }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CriterionBid }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CriterionBid")
public JAXBElement createCriterionBid(CriterionBid value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CriterionBid_QNAME, CriterionBid.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FixedBid }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FixedBid }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "FixedBid")
public JAXBElement createFixedBid(FixedBid value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_FixedBid_QNAME, FixedBid.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BidMultiplier }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BidMultiplier }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "BidMultiplier")
public JAXBElement createBidMultiplier(BidMultiplier value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_BidMultiplier_QNAME, BidMultiplier.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RateAmount }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RateAmount }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "RateAmount")
public JAXBElement createRateAmount(RateAmount value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_RateAmount_QNAME, RateAmount.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Date }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Date }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Date")
public JAXBElement createDate(Date value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Date_QNAME, Date.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings(ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings_QNAME, ArrayOfFrequencyCapSettings.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FrequencyCapSettings }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FrequencyCapSettings }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "FrequencyCapSettings")
public JAXBElement createFrequencyCapSettings(FrequencyCapSettings value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_FrequencyCapSettings_QNAME, FrequencyCapSettings.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FrequencyCapTimeGranularity }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FrequencyCapTimeGranularity }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "FrequencyCapTimeGranularity")
public JAXBElement createFrequencyCapTimeGranularity(FrequencyCapTimeGranularity value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_FrequencyCapTimeGranularity_QNAME, FrequencyCapTimeGranularity.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Network }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Network }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Network")
public JAXBElement createNetwork(Network value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Network_QNAME, Network.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupPrivacyStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupPrivacyStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdGroupPrivacyStatus")
public JAXBElement createAdGroupPrivacyStatus(AdGroupPrivacyStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdGroupPrivacyStatus_QNAME, AdGroupPrivacyStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdGroupStatus")
public JAXBElement createAdGroupStatus(AdGroupStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdGroupStatus_QNAME, AdGroupStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdGroupAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdGroupAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdGroupAdditionalField")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter5 .class)
public JAXBElement> createAdGroupAdditionalField(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdGroupAdditionalField_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites(ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites_QNAME, ArrayOfAdGroupNegativeSites.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupNegativeSites }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupNegativeSites }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdGroupNegativeSites")
public JAXBElement createAdGroupNegativeSites(AdGroupNegativeSites value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdGroupNegativeSites_QNAME, AdGroupNegativeSites.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CompressionType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CompressionType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CompressionType")
public JAXBElement createCompressionType(CompressionType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CompressionType_QNAME, CompressionType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAd }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAd }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAd")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAd(ArrayOfAd value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAd_QNAME, ArrayOfAd.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialApiFaultDetail }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialApiFaultDetail }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EditorialApiFaultDetail")
public JAXBElement createEditorialApiFaultDetail(EditorialApiFaultDetail value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EditorialApiFaultDetail_QNAME, EditorialApiFaultDetail.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEditorialError }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEditorialError }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfEditorialError")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfEditorialError(ArrayOfEditorialError value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfEditorialError_QNAME, ArrayOfEditorialError.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdType")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdType(ArrayOfAdType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdType_QNAME, ArrayOfAdType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdAdditionalField")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter6 .class)
public JAXBElement> createAdAdditionalField(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdAdditionalField_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfKeyword }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfKeyword }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfKeyword")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfKeyword(ArrayOfKeyword value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfKeyword_QNAME, ArrayOfKeyword.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Keyword }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Keyword }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Keyword")
public JAXBElement createKeyword(Keyword value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Keyword_QNAME, Keyword.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link KeywordEditorialStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link KeywordEditorialStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "KeywordEditorialStatus")
public JAXBElement createKeywordEditorialStatus(KeywordEditorialStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_KeywordEditorialStatus_QNAME, KeywordEditorialStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MatchType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MatchType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MatchType")
public JAXBElement createMatchType(MatchType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MatchType_QNAME, MatchType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link KeywordStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link KeywordStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "KeywordStatus")
public JAXBElement createKeywordStatus(KeywordStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_KeywordStatus_QNAME, KeywordStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation(ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation_QNAME, ArrayOfEntityIdToParentIdAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EntityIdToParentIdAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EntityIdToParentIdAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EntityIdToParentIdAssociation")
public JAXBElement createEntityIdToParentIdAssociation(EntityIdToParentIdAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EntityIdToParentIdAssociation_QNAME, EntityIdToParentIdAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EntityType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EntityType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EntityType")
public JAXBElement createEntityType(EntityType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EntityType_QNAME, EntityType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection(ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection_QNAME, ArrayOfEditorialReasonCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EditorialReasonCollection")
public JAXBElement createEditorialReasonCollection(EditorialReasonCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EditorialReasonCollection_QNAME, EditorialReasonCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppealStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppealStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AppealStatus")
public JAXBElement createAppealStatus(AppealStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AppealStatus_QNAME, AppealStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEditorialReason }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfEditorialReason }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfEditorialReason")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfEditorialReason(ArrayOfEditorialReason value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfEditorialReason_QNAME, ArrayOfEditorialReason.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialReason }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialReason }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EditorialReason")
public JAXBElement createEditorialReason(EditorialReason value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EditorialReason_QNAME, EditorialReason.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo(ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo_QNAME, ArrayOfAccountMigrationStatusesInfo.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AccountMigrationStatusesInfo }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AccountMigrationStatusesInfo }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AccountMigrationStatusesInfo")
public JAXBElement createAccountMigrationStatusesInfo(AccountMigrationStatusesInfo value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AccountMigrationStatusesInfo_QNAME, AccountMigrationStatusesInfo.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo(ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo_QNAME, ArrayOfMigrationStatusInfo.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MigrationStatusInfo }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MigrationStatusInfo }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MigrationStatusInfo")
public JAXBElement createMigrationStatusInfo(MigrationStatusInfo value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MigrationStatusInfo_QNAME, MigrationStatusInfo.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MigrationStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MigrationStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MigrationStatus")
public JAXBElement createMigrationStatus(MigrationStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MigrationStatus_QNAME, MigrationStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAccountProperty }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAccountProperty }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAccountProperty")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAccountProperty(ArrayOfAccountProperty value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAccountProperty_QNAME, ArrayOfAccountProperty.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AccountProperty }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AccountProperty }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AccountProperty")
public JAXBElement createAccountProperty(AccountProperty value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AccountProperty_QNAME, AccountProperty.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AccountPropertyName }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AccountPropertyName }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AccountPropertyName")
public JAXBElement createAccountPropertyName(AccountPropertyName value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AccountPropertyName_QNAME, AccountPropertyName.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAccountPropertyName }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAccountPropertyName }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAccountPropertyName")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAccountPropertyName(ArrayOfAccountPropertyName value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAccountPropertyName_QNAME, ArrayOfAccountPropertyName.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdExtension(ArrayOfAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdExtension_QNAME, ArrayOfAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtension")
public JAXBElement createAdExtension(AdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtension_QNAME, AdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Schedule }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Schedule }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Schedule")
public JAXBElement createSchedule(Schedule value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Schedule_QNAME, Schedule.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfDayTime }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfDayTime }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfDayTime")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfDayTime(ArrayOfDayTime value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfDayTime_QNAME, ArrayOfDayTime.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DayTime }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DayTime }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DayTime")
public JAXBElement createDayTime(DayTime value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DayTime_QNAME, DayTime.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Day }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Day }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Day")
public JAXBElement createDay(Day value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Day_QNAME, Day.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Minute }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Minute }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Minute")
public JAXBElement createMinute(Minute value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Minute_QNAME, Minute.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionStatus")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionStatus(AdExtensionStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionStatus_QNAME, AdExtensionStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LocationAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LocationAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "LocationAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createLocationAdExtension(LocationAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_LocationAdExtension_QNAME, LocationAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Address }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Address }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Address")
public JAXBElement createAddress(Address value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Address_QNAME, Address.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BusinessGeoCodeStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BusinessGeoCodeStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "BusinessGeoCodeStatus")
public JAXBElement createBusinessGeoCodeStatus(BusinessGeoCodeStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_BusinessGeoCodeStatus_QNAME, BusinessGeoCodeStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GeoPoint }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GeoPoint }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "GeoPoint")
public JAXBElement createGeoPoint(GeoPoint value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_GeoPoint_QNAME, GeoPoint.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CallAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CallAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CallAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createCallAdExtension(CallAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CallAdExtension_QNAME, CallAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ImageAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ImageAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ImageAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createImageAdExtension(ImageAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ImageAdExtension_QNAME, ImageAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AppAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AppAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createAppAdExtension(AppAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AppAdExtension_QNAME, AppAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ReviewAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ReviewAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ReviewAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createReviewAdExtension(ReviewAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ReviewAdExtension_QNAME, ReviewAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CalloutAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CalloutAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CalloutAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createCalloutAdExtension(CalloutAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CalloutAdExtension_QNAME, CalloutAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link SitelinkAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link SitelinkAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "SitelinkAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createSitelinkAdExtension(SitelinkAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_SitelinkAdExtension_QNAME, SitelinkAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ActionAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ActionAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ActionAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createActionAdExtension(ActionAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ActionAdExtension_QNAME, ActionAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ActionAdExtensionActionType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ActionAdExtensionActionType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ActionAdExtensionActionType")
public JAXBElement createActionAdExtensionActionType(ActionAdExtensionActionType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ActionAdExtensionActionType_QNAME, ActionAdExtensionActionType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link StructuredSnippetAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link StructuredSnippetAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "StructuredSnippetAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createStructuredSnippetAdExtension(StructuredSnippetAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_StructuredSnippetAdExtension_QNAME, StructuredSnippetAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PriceAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createPriceAdExtension(PriceAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PriceAdExtension_QNAME, PriceAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceExtensionType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceExtensionType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PriceExtensionType")
public JAXBElement createPriceExtensionType(PriceExtensionType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PriceExtensionType_QNAME, PriceExtensionType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfPriceTableRow }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfPriceTableRow }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfPriceTableRow")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfPriceTableRow(ArrayOfPriceTableRow value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfPriceTableRow_QNAME, ArrayOfPriceTableRow.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceTableRow }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceTableRow }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PriceTableRow")
public JAXBElement createPriceTableRow(PriceTableRow value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PriceTableRow_QNAME, PriceTableRow.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceQualifier }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceQualifier }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PriceQualifier")
public JAXBElement createPriceQualifier(PriceQualifier value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PriceQualifier_QNAME, PriceQualifier.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceUnit }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PriceUnit }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PriceUnit")
public JAXBElement createPriceUnit(PriceUnit value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PriceUnit_QNAME, PriceUnit.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PromotionAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PromotionAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PromotionAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createPromotionAdExtension(PromotionAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PromotionAdExtension_QNAME, PromotionAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PromotionDiscountModifier }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PromotionDiscountModifier }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PromotionDiscountModifier")
public JAXBElement createPromotionDiscountModifier(PromotionDiscountModifier value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PromotionDiscountModifier_QNAME, PromotionDiscountModifier.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PromotionOccasion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PromotionOccasion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "PromotionOccasion")
public JAXBElement createPromotionOccasion(PromotionOccasion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_PromotionOccasion_QNAME, PromotionOccasion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FilterLinkAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FilterLinkAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "FilterLinkAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createFilterLinkAdExtension(FilterLinkAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_FilterLinkAdExtension_QNAME, FilterLinkAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionHeaderType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionHeaderType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionHeaderType")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionHeaderType(AdExtensionHeaderType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionHeaderType_QNAME, AdExtensionHeaderType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FlyerAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FlyerAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "FlyerAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createFlyerAdExtension(FlyerAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_FlyerAdExtension_QNAME, FlyerAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VideoAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VideoAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "VideoAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createVideoAdExtension(VideoAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_VideoAdExtension_QNAME, VideoAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DisclaimerAdExtension }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DisclaimerAdExtension }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DisclaimerAdExtension")
public JAXBElement createDisclaimerAdExtension(DisclaimerAdExtension value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DisclaimerAdExtension_QNAME, DisclaimerAdExtension.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity(ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity_QNAME, ArrayOfAdExtensionIdentity.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionIdentity }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionIdentity }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionIdentity")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionIdentity(AdExtensionIdentity value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionIdentity_QNAME, AdExtensionIdentity.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfBatchErrorCollection(ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection_QNAME, ArrayOfBatchErrorCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BatchErrorCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BatchErrorCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "BatchErrorCollection")
public JAXBElement createBatchErrorCollection(BatchErrorCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_BatchErrorCollection_QNAME, BatchErrorCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialErrorCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EditorialErrorCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "EditorialErrorCollection")
public JAXBElement createEditorialErrorCollection(EditorialErrorCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_EditorialErrorCollection_QNAME, EditorialErrorCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionsTypeFilter }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionsTypeFilter }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionsTypeFilter")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter7 .class)
public JAXBElement> createAdExtensionsTypeFilter(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionsTypeFilter_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionAdditionalField")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter8 .class)
public JAXBElement> createAdExtensionAdditionalField(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionAdditionalField_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation(ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation_QNAME, ArrayOfAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation(AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation_QNAME, AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AssociationType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AssociationType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AssociationType")
public JAXBElement createAssociationType(AssociationType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AssociationType_QNAME, AssociationType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection(ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection_QNAME, ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection(AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection_QNAME, AdExtensionEditorialReasonCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason(ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason_QNAME, ArrayOfAdExtensionEditorialReason.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionEditorialReason }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionEditorialReason }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionEditorialReason")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionEditorialReason(AdExtensionEditorialReason value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionEditorialReason_QNAME, AdExtensionEditorialReason.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection(ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection_QNAME, ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociationCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionAssociationCollection }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionAssociationCollection }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionAssociationCollection")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionAssociationCollection(AdExtensionAssociationCollection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionAssociationCollection_QNAME, AdExtensionAssociationCollection.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation(ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation_QNAME, ArrayOfAdExtensionAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionAssociation")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionAssociation(AdExtensionAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionAssociation_QNAME, AdExtensionAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionEditorialStatus }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdExtensionEditorialStatus }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdExtensionEditorialStatus")
public JAXBElement createAdExtensionEditorialStatus(AdExtensionEditorialStatus value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdExtensionEditorialStatus_QNAME, AdExtensionEditorialStatus.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMedia }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMedia }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfMedia")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfMedia(ArrayOfMedia value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfMedia_QNAME, ArrayOfMedia.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Media }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Media }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Media")
public JAXBElement createMedia(Media value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Media_QNAME, Media.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Image }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Image }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Image")
public JAXBElement createImage(Image value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Image_QNAME, Image.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link MediaEnabledEntityFilter }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link MediaEnabledEntityFilter }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MediaEnabledEntityFilter")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter9 .class)
public JAXBElement> createMediaEnabledEntityFilter(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MediaEnabledEntityFilter_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Paging }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Paging }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Paging")
public JAXBElement createPaging(Paging value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Paging_QNAME, Paging.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMediaMetaData }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMediaMetaData }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfMediaMetaData")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfMediaMetaData(ArrayOfMediaMetaData value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfMediaMetaData_QNAME, ArrayOfMediaMetaData.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MediaMetaData }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MediaMetaData }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MediaMetaData")
public JAXBElement createMediaMetaData(MediaMetaData value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MediaMetaData_QNAME, MediaMetaData.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMediaRepresentation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMediaRepresentation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfMediaRepresentation")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfMediaRepresentation(ArrayOfMediaRepresentation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfMediaRepresentation_QNAME, ArrayOfMediaRepresentation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MediaRepresentation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MediaRepresentation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MediaRepresentation")
public JAXBElement createMediaRepresentation(MediaRepresentation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MediaRepresentation_QNAME, MediaRepresentation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ImageMediaRepresentation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ImageMediaRepresentation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ImageMediaRepresentation")
public JAXBElement createImageMediaRepresentation(ImageMediaRepresentation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ImageMediaRepresentation_QNAME, ImageMediaRepresentation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation(ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation_QNAME, ArrayOfArrayOfMediaAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMediaAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfMediaAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfMediaAssociation")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfMediaAssociation(ArrayOfMediaAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfMediaAssociation_QNAME, ArrayOfMediaAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MediaAssociation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MediaAssociation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "MediaAssociation")
public JAXBElement createMediaAssociation(MediaAssociation value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_MediaAssociation_QNAME, MediaAssociation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdGroupCriterionType }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AdGroupCriterionType }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdGroupCriterionType")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter10 .class)
public JAXBElement> createAdGroupCriterionType(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdGroupCriterionType_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link CriterionAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link CriterionAdditionalField }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "CriterionAdditionalField")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter11 .class)
public JAXBElement> createCriterionAdditionalField(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_CriterionAdditionalField_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfAdGroupCriterion(ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion_QNAME, ArrayOfAdGroupCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AdGroupCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AdGroupCriterion")
public JAXBElement createAdGroupCriterion(AdGroupCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AdGroupCriterion_QNAME, AdGroupCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Criterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Criterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Criterion")
public JAXBElement createCriterion(Criterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Criterion_QNAME, Criterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductPartition }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductPartition }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ProductPartition")
public JAXBElement createProductPartition(ProductPartition value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ProductPartition_QNAME, ProductPartition.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductCondition }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductCondition }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ProductCondition")
public JAXBElement createProductCondition(ProductCondition value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ProductCondition_QNAME, ProductCondition.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductPartitionType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductPartitionType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ProductPartitionType")
public JAXBElement createProductPartitionType(ProductPartitionType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ProductPartitionType_QNAME, ProductPartitionType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelGroup }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelGroup }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelGroup")
public JAXBElement createHotelGroup(HotelGroup value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelGroup_QNAME, HotelGroup.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelListing }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelListing }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelListing")
public JAXBElement createHotelListing(HotelListing value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelListing_QNAME, HotelListing.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelListingType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelListingType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelListingType")
public JAXBElement createHotelListingType(HotelListingType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelListingType_QNAME, HotelListingType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion")
public JAXBElement createHotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion(HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion_QNAME, HotelAdvanceBookingWindowCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelCheckInDateCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelCheckInDateCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelCheckInDateCriterion")
public JAXBElement createHotelCheckInDateCriterion(HotelCheckInDateCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelCheckInDateCriterion_QNAME, HotelCheckInDateCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelCheckInDayCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelCheckInDayCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelCheckInDayCriterion")
public JAXBElement createHotelCheckInDayCriterion(HotelCheckInDayCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelCheckInDayCriterion_QNAME, HotelCheckInDayCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion")
public JAXBElement createHotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion(HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion_QNAME, HotelDateSelectionTypeCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelDateSelectionType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelDateSelectionType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelDateSelectionType")
public JAXBElement createHotelDateSelectionType(HotelDateSelectionType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelDateSelectionType_QNAME, HotelDateSelectionType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelLengthOfStayCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HotelLengthOfStayCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "HotelLengthOfStayCriterion")
public JAXBElement createHotelLengthOfStayCriterion(HotelLengthOfStayCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_HotelLengthOfStayCriterion_QNAME, HotelLengthOfStayCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductScope }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProductScope }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ProductScope")
public JAXBElement createProductScope(ProductScope value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ProductScope_QNAME, ProductScope.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfProductCondition }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfProductCondition }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfProductCondition")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfProductCondition(ArrayOfProductCondition value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfProductCondition_QNAME, ArrayOfProductCondition.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Webpage }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Webpage }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "Webpage")
public JAXBElement createWebpage(Webpage value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_Webpage_QNAME, Webpage.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageParameter }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageParameter }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "WebpageParameter")
public JAXBElement createWebpageParameter(WebpageParameter value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_WebpageParameter_QNAME, WebpageParameter.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfWebpageCondition }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ArrayOfWebpageCondition }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ArrayOfWebpageCondition")
public JAXBElement createArrayOfWebpageCondition(ArrayOfWebpageCondition value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ArrayOfWebpageCondition_QNAME, ArrayOfWebpageCondition.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageCondition }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageCondition }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "WebpageCondition")
public JAXBElement createWebpageCondition(WebpageCondition value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_WebpageCondition_QNAME, WebpageCondition.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageConditionOperand }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageConditionOperand }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "WebpageConditionOperand")
public JAXBElement createWebpageConditionOperand(WebpageConditionOperand value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_WebpageConditionOperand_QNAME, WebpageConditionOperand.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageConditionOperator }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link WebpageConditionOperator }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "WebpageConditionOperator")
public JAXBElement createWebpageConditionOperator(WebpageConditionOperator value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_WebpageConditionOperator_QNAME, WebpageConditionOperator.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AgeCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AgeCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AgeCriterion")
public JAXBElement createAgeCriterion(AgeCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AgeCriterion_QNAME, AgeCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AgeRange }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AgeRange }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AgeRange")
public JAXBElement createAgeRange(AgeRange value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AgeRange_QNAME, AgeRange.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DeviceCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DeviceCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DeviceCriterion")
public JAXBElement createDeviceCriterion(DeviceCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DeviceCriterion_QNAME, DeviceCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DayTimeCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DayTimeCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DayTimeCriterion")
public JAXBElement createDayTimeCriterion(DayTimeCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DayTimeCriterion_QNAME, DayTimeCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GenderCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GenderCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "GenderCriterion")
public JAXBElement createGenderCriterion(GenderCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_GenderCriterion_QNAME, GenderCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GenderType }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GenderType }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "GenderType")
public JAXBElement createGenderType(GenderType value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_GenderType_QNAME, GenderType.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RadiusCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RadiusCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "RadiusCriterion")
public JAXBElement createRadiusCriterion(RadiusCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_RadiusCriterion_QNAME, RadiusCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DistanceUnit }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DistanceUnit }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "DistanceUnit")
public JAXBElement createDistanceUnit(DistanceUnit value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_DistanceUnit_QNAME, DistanceUnit.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LocationCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LocationCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "LocationCriterion")
public JAXBElement createLocationCriterion(LocationCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_LocationCriterion_QNAME, LocationCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LocationIntentCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LocationIntentCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "LocationIntentCriterion")
public JAXBElement createLocationIntentCriterion(LocationIntentCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_LocationIntentCriterion_QNAME, LocationIntentCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IntentOption }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IntentOption }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "IntentOption")
public JAXBElement createIntentOption(IntentOption value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_IntentOption_QNAME, IntentOption.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AudienceCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AudienceCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AudienceCriterion")
public JAXBElement createAudienceCriterion(AudienceCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AudienceCriterion_QNAME, AudienceCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AudienceType }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link AudienceType }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "AudienceType")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter12 .class)
public JAXBElement> createAudienceType(Collection value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_AudienceType_QNAME, ((Class) Collection.class), null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProfileCriterion }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ProfileCriterion }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ProfileCriterion")
public JAXBElement createProfileCriterion(ProfileCriterion value) {
return new JAXBElement<>(_ProfileCriterion_QNAME, ProfileCriterion.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link ProfileType }{@code >}{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Collection }{@code <}{@link ProfileType }{@code >}{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13", name = "ProfileType")
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter13 .class)
public JAXBElement> createProfileType(Collection