Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
public class ChatMessage extends Entity implements Parsable {
* Instantiates a new {@link ChatMessage} and sets the default values.
public ChatMessage() {
* Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
* @param parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
* @return a {@link ChatMessage}
public static ChatMessage createFromDiscriminatorValue(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final ParseNode parseNode) {
return new ChatMessage();
* Gets the attachments property value. References to attached objects like files, tabs, meetings etc.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getAttachments() {
return this.backingStore.get("attachments");
* Gets the body property value. The body property
* @return a {@link ItemBody}
public ItemBody getBody() {
return this.backingStore.get("body");
* Gets the channelIdentity property value. If the message was sent in a channel, represents identity of the channel.
* @return a {@link ChannelIdentity}
public ChannelIdentity getChannelIdentity() {
return this.backingStore.get("channelIdentity");
* Gets the chatId property value. If the message was sent in a chat, represents the identity of the chat.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getChatId() {
return this.backingStore.get("chatId");
* Gets the createdDateTime property value. Timestamp of when the chat message was created.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getCreatedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("createdDateTime");
* Gets the deletedDateTime property value. Read only. Timestamp at which the chat message was deleted, or null if not deleted.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getDeletedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("deletedDateTime");
* Gets the etag property value. Read-only. Version number of the chat message.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getEtag() {
return this.backingStore.get("etag");
* Gets the eventDetail property value. Read-only. If present, represents details of an event that happened in a chat, a channel, or a team, for example, adding new members. For event messages, the messageType property will be set to systemEventMessage.
* @return a {@link EventMessageDetail}
public EventMessageDetail getEventDetail() {
return this.backingStore.get("eventDetail");
* The deserialization information for the current model
* @return a {@link Map>}
public Map> getFieldDeserializers() {
final HashMap> deserializerMap = new HashMap>(super.getFieldDeserializers());
deserializerMap.put("attachments", (n) -> { this.setAttachments(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(ChatMessageAttachment::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("body", (n) -> { this.setBody(n.getObjectValue(ItemBody::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("channelIdentity", (n) -> { this.setChannelIdentity(n.getObjectValue(ChannelIdentity::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("chatId", (n) -> { this.setChatId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("createdDateTime", (n) -> { this.setCreatedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("deletedDateTime", (n) -> { this.setDeletedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("etag", (n) -> { this.setEtag(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("eventDetail", (n) -> { this.setEventDetail(n.getObjectValue(EventMessageDetail::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("from", (n) -> { this.setFrom(n.getObjectValue(ChatMessageFromIdentitySet::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("hostedContents", (n) -> { this.setHostedContents(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(ChatMessageHostedContent::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("importance", (n) -> { this.setImportance(n.getEnumValue(ChatMessageImportance::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("lastEditedDateTime", (n) -> { this.setLastEditedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("lastModifiedDateTime", (n) -> { this.setLastModifiedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("locale", (n) -> { this.setLocale(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("mentions", (n) -> { this.setMentions(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(ChatMessageMention::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("messageHistory", (n) -> { this.setMessageHistory(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(ChatMessageHistoryItem::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("messageType", (n) -> { this.setMessageType(n.getEnumValue(ChatMessageType::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("onBehalfOf", (n) -> { this.setOnBehalfOf(n.getObjectValue(ChatMessageFromIdentitySet::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("policyViolation", (n) -> { this.setPolicyViolation(n.getObjectValue(ChatMessagePolicyViolation::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("reactions", (n) -> { this.setReactions(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(ChatMessageReaction::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("replies", (n) -> { this.setReplies(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(ChatMessage::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("replyToId", (n) -> { this.setReplyToId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("subject", (n) -> { this.setSubject(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("summary", (n) -> { this.setSummary(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("webUrl", (n) -> { this.setWebUrl(n.getStringValue()); });
return deserializerMap;
* Gets the from property value. Details of the sender of the chat message. Can only be set during migration.
* @return a {@link ChatMessageFromIdentitySet}
public ChatMessageFromIdentitySet getFrom() {
return this.backingStore.get("from");
* Gets the hostedContents property value. Content in a message hosted by Microsoft Teams - for example, images or code snippets.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getHostedContents() {
return this.backingStore.get("hostedContents");
* Gets the importance property value. The importance property
* @return a {@link ChatMessageImportance}
public ChatMessageImportance getImportance() {
return this.backingStore.get("importance");
* Gets the lastEditedDateTime property value. Read only. Timestamp when edits to the chat message were made. Triggers an 'Edited' flag in the Teams UI. If no edits are made the value is null.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getLastEditedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("lastEditedDateTime");
* Gets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. Read only. Timestamp when the chat message is created (initial setting) or modified, including when a reaction is added or removed.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getLastModifiedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("lastModifiedDateTime");
* Gets the locale property value. Locale of the chat message set by the client. Always set to en-us.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getLocale() {
return this.backingStore.get("locale");
* Gets the mentions property value. List of entities mentioned in the chat message. Supported entities are: user, bot, team, channel, and tag.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getMentions() {
return this.backingStore.get("mentions");
* Gets the messageHistory property value. List of activity history of a message item, including modification time and actions, such as reactionAdded, reactionRemoved, or reaction changes, on the message.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getMessageHistory() {
return this.backingStore.get("messageHistory");
* Gets the messageType property value. The messageType property
* @return a {@link ChatMessageType}
public ChatMessageType getMessageType() {
return this.backingStore.get("messageType");
* Gets the onBehalfOf property value. User attribution of the message when bot sends a message on behalf of a user.
* @return a {@link ChatMessageFromIdentitySet}
public ChatMessageFromIdentitySet getOnBehalfOf() {
return this.backingStore.get("onBehalfOf");
* Gets the policyViolation property value. Defines the properties of a policy violation set by a data loss prevention (DLP) application.
* @return a {@link ChatMessagePolicyViolation}
public ChatMessagePolicyViolation getPolicyViolation() {
return this.backingStore.get("policyViolation");
* Gets the reactions property value. Reactions for this chat message (for example, Like).
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getReactions() {
return this.backingStore.get("reactions");
* Gets the replies property value. Replies for a specified message. Supports $expand for channel messages.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getReplies() {
return this.backingStore.get("replies");
* Gets the replyToId property value. Read-only. ID of the parent chat message or root chat message of the thread. (Only applies to chat messages in channels, not chats.)
* @return a {@link String}
public String getReplyToId() {
return this.backingStore.get("replyToId");
* Gets the subject property value. The subject of the chat message, in plaintext.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getSubject() {
return this.backingStore.get("subject");
* Gets the summary property value. Summary text of the chat message that could be used for push notifications and summary views or fall back views. Only applies to channel chat messages, not chat messages in a chat.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getSummary() {
return this.backingStore.get("summary");
* Gets the webUrl property value. Read-only. Link to the message in Microsoft Teams.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getWebUrl() {
return this.backingStore.get("webUrl");
* Serializes information the current object
* @param writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
public void serialize(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final SerializationWriter writer) {
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("attachments", this.getAttachments());
writer.writeObjectValue("body", this.getBody());
writer.writeObjectValue("channelIdentity", this.getChannelIdentity());
writer.writeStringValue("chatId", this.getChatId());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("createdDateTime", this.getCreatedDateTime());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("deletedDateTime", this.getDeletedDateTime());
writer.writeStringValue("etag", this.getEtag());
writer.writeObjectValue("eventDetail", this.getEventDetail());
writer.writeObjectValue("from", this.getFrom());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("hostedContents", this.getHostedContents());
writer.writeEnumValue("importance", this.getImportance());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("lastEditedDateTime", this.getLastEditedDateTime());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("lastModifiedDateTime", this.getLastModifiedDateTime());
writer.writeStringValue("locale", this.getLocale());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("mentions", this.getMentions());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("messageHistory", this.getMessageHistory());
writer.writeEnumValue("messageType", this.getMessageType());
writer.writeObjectValue("onBehalfOf", this.getOnBehalfOf());
writer.writeObjectValue("policyViolation", this.getPolicyViolation());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("reactions", this.getReactions());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("replies", this.getReplies());
writer.writeStringValue("replyToId", this.getReplyToId());
writer.writeStringValue("subject", this.getSubject());
writer.writeStringValue("summary", this.getSummary());
writer.writeStringValue("webUrl", this.getWebUrl());
* Sets the attachments property value. References to attached objects like files, tabs, meetings etc.
* @param value Value to set for the attachments property.
public void setAttachments(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("attachments", value);
* Sets the body property value. The body property
* @param value Value to set for the body property.
public void setBody(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final ItemBody value) {
this.backingStore.set("body", value);
* Sets the channelIdentity property value. If the message was sent in a channel, represents identity of the channel.
* @param value Value to set for the channelIdentity property.
public void setChannelIdentity(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final ChannelIdentity value) {
this.backingStore.set("channelIdentity", value);
* Sets the chatId property value. If the message was sent in a chat, represents the identity of the chat.
* @param value Value to set for the chatId property.
public void setChatId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("chatId", value);
* Sets the createdDateTime property value. Timestamp of when the chat message was created.
* @param value Value to set for the createdDateTime property.
public void setCreatedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("createdDateTime", value);
* Sets the deletedDateTime property value. Read only. Timestamp at which the chat message was deleted, or null if not deleted.
* @param value Value to set for the deletedDateTime property.
public void setDeletedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("deletedDateTime", value);
* Sets the etag property value. Read-only. Version number of the chat message.
* @param value Value to set for the etag property.
public void setEtag(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("etag", value);
* Sets the eventDetail property value. Read-only. If present, represents details of an event that happened in a chat, a channel, or a team, for example, adding new members. For event messages, the messageType property will be set to systemEventMessage.
* @param value Value to set for the eventDetail property.
public void setEventDetail(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final EventMessageDetail value) {
this.backingStore.set("eventDetail", value);
* Sets the from property value. Details of the sender of the chat message. Can only be set during migration.
* @param value Value to set for the from property.
public void setFrom(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final ChatMessageFromIdentitySet value) {
this.backingStore.set("from", value);
* Sets the hostedContents property value. Content in a message hosted by Microsoft Teams - for example, images or code snippets.
* @param value Value to set for the hostedContents property.
public void setHostedContents(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("hostedContents", value);
* Sets the importance property value. The importance property
* @param value Value to set for the importance property.
public void setImportance(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final ChatMessageImportance value) {
this.backingStore.set("importance", value);
* Sets the lastEditedDateTime property value. Read only. Timestamp when edits to the chat message were made. Triggers an 'Edited' flag in the Teams UI. If no edits are made the value is null.
* @param value Value to set for the lastEditedDateTime property.
public void setLastEditedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("lastEditedDateTime", value);
* Sets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. Read only. Timestamp when the chat message is created (initial setting) or modified, including when a reaction is added or removed.
* @param value Value to set for the lastModifiedDateTime property.
public void setLastModifiedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("lastModifiedDateTime", value);
* Sets the locale property value. Locale of the chat message set by the client. Always set to en-us.
* @param value Value to set for the locale property.
public void setLocale(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("locale", value);
* Sets the mentions property value. List of entities mentioned in the chat message. Supported entities are: user, bot, team, channel, and tag.
* @param value Value to set for the mentions property.
public void setMentions(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("mentions", value);
* Sets the messageHistory property value. List of activity history of a message item, including modification time and actions, such as reactionAdded, reactionRemoved, or reaction changes, on the message.
* @param value Value to set for the messageHistory property.
public void setMessageHistory(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("messageHistory", value);
* Sets the messageType property value. The messageType property
* @param value Value to set for the messageType property.
public void setMessageType(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final ChatMessageType value) {
this.backingStore.set("messageType", value);
* Sets the onBehalfOf property value. User attribution of the message when bot sends a message on behalf of a user.
* @param value Value to set for the onBehalfOf property.
public void setOnBehalfOf(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final ChatMessageFromIdentitySet value) {
this.backingStore.set("onBehalfOf", value);
* Sets the policyViolation property value. Defines the properties of a policy violation set by a data loss prevention (DLP) application.
* @param value Value to set for the policyViolation property.
public void setPolicyViolation(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final ChatMessagePolicyViolation value) {
this.backingStore.set("policyViolation", value);
* Sets the reactions property value. Reactions for this chat message (for example, Like).
* @param value Value to set for the reactions property.
public void setReactions(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("reactions", value);
* Sets the replies property value. Replies for a specified message. Supports $expand for channel messages.
* @param value Value to set for the replies property.
public void setReplies(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("replies", value);
* Sets the replyToId property value. Read-only. ID of the parent chat message or root chat message of the thread. (Only applies to chat messages in channels, not chats.)
* @param value Value to set for the replyToId property.
public void setReplyToId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("replyToId", value);
* Sets the subject property value. The subject of the chat message, in plaintext.
* @param value Value to set for the subject property.
public void setSubject(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("subject", value);
* Sets the summary property value. Summary text of the chat message that could be used for push notifications and summary views or fall back views. Only applies to channel chat messages, not chat messages in a chat.
* @param value Value to set for the summary property.
public void setSummary(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("summary", value);
* Sets the webUrl property value. Read-only. Link to the message in Microsoft Teams.
* @param value Value to set for the webUrl property.
public void setWebUrl(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("webUrl", value);
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