Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* Contains properties for policy run state of the device health script.
public class DeviceHealthScriptPolicyState implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable {
* Stores model information.
protected BackingStore backingStore;
* Instantiates a new {@link DeviceHealthScriptPolicyState} and sets the default values.
public DeviceHealthScriptPolicyState() {
this.backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton.instance.createBackingStore();
this.setAdditionalData(new HashMap<>());
* Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
* @param parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
* @return a {@link DeviceHealthScriptPolicyState}
public static DeviceHealthScriptPolicyState createFromDiscriminatorValue(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final ParseNode parseNode) {
return new DeviceHealthScriptPolicyState();
* Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
* @return a {@link Map}
public Map getAdditionalData() {
Map value = this.backingStore.get("additionalData");
if(value == null) {
value = new HashMap<>();
return value;
* Gets the assignmentFilterIds property value. A list of the assignment filter ids used for health script applicability evaluation
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getAssignmentFilterIds() {
return this.backingStore.get("assignmentFilterIds");
* Gets the backingStore property value. Stores model information.
* @return a {@link BackingStore}
public BackingStore getBackingStore() {
return this.backingStore;
* Gets the detectionState property value. Indicates the type of execution status of the device management script.
* @return a {@link RunState}
public RunState getDetectionState() {
return this.backingStore.get("detectionState");
* Gets the deviceId property value. The Intune device Id
* @return a {@link String}
public String getDeviceId() {
return this.backingStore.get("deviceId");
* Gets the deviceName property value. Display name of the device
* @return a {@link String}
public String getDeviceName() {
return this.backingStore.get("deviceName");
* Gets the expectedStateUpdateDateTime property value. The next timestamp of when the device health script is expected to execute
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getExpectedStateUpdateDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("expectedStateUpdateDateTime");
* The deserialization information for the current model
* @return a {@link Map>}
public Map> getFieldDeserializers() {
final HashMap> deserializerMap = new HashMap>(19);
deserializerMap.put("assignmentFilterIds", (n) -> { this.setAssignmentFilterIds(n.getCollectionOfPrimitiveValues(String.class)); });
deserializerMap.put("detectionState", (n) -> { this.setDetectionState(n.getEnumValue(RunState::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("deviceId", (n) -> { this.setDeviceId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("deviceName", (n) -> { this.setDeviceName(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("expectedStateUpdateDateTime", (n) -> { this.setExpectedStateUpdateDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("id", (n) -> { this.setId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("lastStateUpdateDateTime", (n) -> { this.setLastStateUpdateDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("lastSyncDateTime", (n) -> { this.setLastSyncDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("@odata.type", (n) -> { this.setOdataType(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("osVersion", (n) -> { this.setOsVersion(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("policyId", (n) -> { this.setPolicyId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("policyName", (n) -> { this.setPolicyName(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("postRemediationDetectionScriptError", (n) -> { this.setPostRemediationDetectionScriptError(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput", (n) -> { this.setPostRemediationDetectionScriptOutput(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("preRemediationDetectionScriptError", (n) -> { this.setPreRemediationDetectionScriptError(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput", (n) -> { this.setPreRemediationDetectionScriptOutput(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("remediationScriptError", (n) -> { this.setRemediationScriptError(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("remediationState", (n) -> { this.setRemediationState(n.getEnumValue(RemediationState::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("userName", (n) -> { this.setUserName(n.getStringValue()); });
return deserializerMap;
* Gets the id property value. Key of the device health script policy state is a concatenation of the MT sideCar policy Id and Intune device Id
* @return a {@link String}
public String getId() {
return this.backingStore.get("id");
* Gets the lastStateUpdateDateTime property value. The last timestamp of when the device health script executed
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getLastStateUpdateDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("lastStateUpdateDateTime");
* Gets the lastSyncDateTime property value. The last time that Intune Managment Extension synced with Intune
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getLastSyncDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("lastSyncDateTime");
* Gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
* @return a {@link String}
public String getOdataType() {
return this.backingStore.get("odataType");
* Gets the osVersion property value. Value of the OS Version in string
* @return a {@link String}
public String getOsVersion() {
return this.backingStore.get("osVersion");
* Gets the policyId property value. The MT sideCar policy Id
* @return a {@link String}
public String getPolicyId() {
return this.backingStore.get("policyId");
* Gets the policyName property value. Display name of the device health script
* @return a {@link String}
public String getPolicyName() {
return this.backingStore.get("policyName");
* Gets the postRemediationDetectionScriptError property value. Error from the detection script after remediation
* @return a {@link String}
public String getPostRemediationDetectionScriptError() {
return this.backingStore.get("postRemediationDetectionScriptError");
* Gets the postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput property value. Detection script output after remediation
* @return a {@link String}
public String getPostRemediationDetectionScriptOutput() {
return this.backingStore.get("postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput");
* Gets the preRemediationDetectionScriptError property value. Error from the detection script before remediation
* @return a {@link String}
public String getPreRemediationDetectionScriptError() {
return this.backingStore.get("preRemediationDetectionScriptError");
* Gets the preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput property value. Output of the detection script before remediation
* @return a {@link String}
public String getPreRemediationDetectionScriptOutput() {
return this.backingStore.get("preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput");
* Gets the remediationScriptError property value. Error output of the remediation script
* @return a {@link String}
public String getRemediationScriptError() {
return this.backingStore.get("remediationScriptError");
* Gets the remediationState property value. Indicates the type of execution status of the device management script.
* @return a {@link RemediationState}
public RemediationState getRemediationState() {
return this.backingStore.get("remediationState");
* Gets the userName property value. Name of the user whom ran the device health script
* @return a {@link String}
public String getUserName() {
return this.backingStore.get("userName");
* Serializes information the current object
* @param writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
public void serialize(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final SerializationWriter writer) {
writer.writeCollectionOfPrimitiveValues("assignmentFilterIds", this.getAssignmentFilterIds());
writer.writeEnumValue("detectionState", this.getDetectionState());
writer.writeStringValue("deviceId", this.getDeviceId());
writer.writeStringValue("deviceName", this.getDeviceName());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("expectedStateUpdateDateTime", this.getExpectedStateUpdateDateTime());
writer.writeStringValue("id", this.getId());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("lastStateUpdateDateTime", this.getLastStateUpdateDateTime());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("lastSyncDateTime", this.getLastSyncDateTime());
writer.writeStringValue("@odata.type", this.getOdataType());
writer.writeStringValue("osVersion", this.getOsVersion());
writer.writeStringValue("policyId", this.getPolicyId());
writer.writeStringValue("policyName", this.getPolicyName());
writer.writeStringValue("postRemediationDetectionScriptError", this.getPostRemediationDetectionScriptError());
writer.writeStringValue("postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput", this.getPostRemediationDetectionScriptOutput());
writer.writeStringValue("preRemediationDetectionScriptError", this.getPreRemediationDetectionScriptError());
writer.writeStringValue("preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput", this.getPreRemediationDetectionScriptOutput());
writer.writeStringValue("remediationScriptError", this.getRemediationScriptError());
writer.writeEnumValue("remediationState", this.getRemediationState());
writer.writeStringValue("userName", this.getUserName());
* Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
* @param value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
public void setAdditionalData(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final Map value) {
this.backingStore.set("additionalData", value);
* Sets the assignmentFilterIds property value. A list of the assignment filter ids used for health script applicability evaluation
* @param value Value to set for the assignmentFilterIds property.
public void setAssignmentFilterIds(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("assignmentFilterIds", value);
* Sets the backingStore property value. Stores model information.
* @param value Value to set for the backingStore property.
public void setBackingStore(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final BackingStore value) {
this.backingStore = value;
* Sets the detectionState property value. Indicates the type of execution status of the device management script.
* @param value Value to set for the detectionState property.
public void setDetectionState(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final RunState value) {
this.backingStore.set("detectionState", value);
* Sets the deviceId property value. The Intune device Id
* @param value Value to set for the deviceId property.
public void setDeviceId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("deviceId", value);
* Sets the deviceName property value. Display name of the device
* @param value Value to set for the deviceName property.
public void setDeviceName(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("deviceName", value);
* Sets the expectedStateUpdateDateTime property value. The next timestamp of when the device health script is expected to execute
* @param value Value to set for the expectedStateUpdateDateTime property.
public void setExpectedStateUpdateDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("expectedStateUpdateDateTime", value);
* Sets the id property value. Key of the device health script policy state is a concatenation of the MT sideCar policy Id and Intune device Id
* @param value Value to set for the id property.
public void setId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("id", value);
* Sets the lastStateUpdateDateTime property value. The last timestamp of when the device health script executed
* @param value Value to set for the lastStateUpdateDateTime property.
public void setLastStateUpdateDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("lastStateUpdateDateTime", value);
* Sets the lastSyncDateTime property value. The last time that Intune Managment Extension synced with Intune
* @param value Value to set for the lastSyncDateTime property.
public void setLastSyncDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("lastSyncDateTime", value);
* Sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
* @param value Value to set for the @odata.type property.
public void setOdataType(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("odataType", value);
* Sets the osVersion property value. Value of the OS Version in string
* @param value Value to set for the osVersion property.
public void setOsVersion(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("osVersion", value);
* Sets the policyId property value. The MT sideCar policy Id
* @param value Value to set for the policyId property.
public void setPolicyId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("policyId", value);
* Sets the policyName property value. Display name of the device health script
* @param value Value to set for the policyName property.
public void setPolicyName(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("policyName", value);
* Sets the postRemediationDetectionScriptError property value. Error from the detection script after remediation
* @param value Value to set for the postRemediationDetectionScriptError property.
public void setPostRemediationDetectionScriptError(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("postRemediationDetectionScriptError", value);
* Sets the postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput property value. Detection script output after remediation
* @param value Value to set for the postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput property.
public void setPostRemediationDetectionScriptOutput(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput", value);
* Sets the preRemediationDetectionScriptError property value. Error from the detection script before remediation
* @param value Value to set for the preRemediationDetectionScriptError property.
public void setPreRemediationDetectionScriptError(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("preRemediationDetectionScriptError", value);
* Sets the preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput property value. Output of the detection script before remediation
* @param value Value to set for the preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput property.
public void setPreRemediationDetectionScriptOutput(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput", value);
* Sets the remediationScriptError property value. Error output of the remediation script
* @param value Value to set for the remediationScriptError property.
public void setRemediationScriptError(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("remediationScriptError", value);
* Sets the remediationState property value. Indicates the type of execution status of the device management script.
* @param value Value to set for the remediationState property.
public void setRemediationState(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final RemediationState value) {
this.backingStore.set("remediationState", value);
* Sets the userName property value. Name of the user whom ran the device health script
* @param value Value to set for the userName property.
public void setUserName(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("userName", value);
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