Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
public class PartnerSecurityAlert extends Entity implements Parsable {
* Instantiates a new {@link PartnerSecurityAlert} and sets the default values.
public PartnerSecurityAlert() {
* Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
* @param parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
* @return a {@link PartnerSecurityAlert}
public static PartnerSecurityAlert createFromDiscriminatorValue(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final ParseNode parseNode) {
return new PartnerSecurityAlert();
* Gets the activityLogs property value. Represents the activity by a partner and includes details of state transitions, who performed them, and when they occurred.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getActivityLogs() {
return this.backingStore.get("activityLogs");
* Gets the additionalDetails property value. A bag of name-value pairs that contain more details about an alert.
* @return a {@link AdditionalDataDictionary}
public AdditionalDataDictionary getAdditionalDetails() {
return this.backingStore.get("additionalDetails");
* Gets the affectedResources property value. Contains details of the resources affected by the security alert.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getAffectedResources() {
return this.backingStore.get("affectedResources");
* Gets the alertType property value. The type of vulnerability that impacts the customer due to this alert. For more information, see Security alerts reference guide.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getAlertType() {
return this.backingStore.get("alertType");
* Gets the catalogOfferId property value. The modern offer category ID of the subscription.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getCatalogOfferId() {
return this.backingStore.get("catalogOfferId");
* Gets the confidenceLevel property value. The confidenceLevel property
* @return a {@link SecurityAlertConfidence}
public SecurityAlertConfidence getConfidenceLevel() {
return this.backingStore.get("confidenceLevel");
* Gets the customerTenantId property value. The impacted customer tenant associated with the alert.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getCustomerTenantId() {
return this.backingStore.get("customerTenantId");
* Gets the description property value. The description for each alert.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getDescription() {
return this.backingStore.get("description");
* Gets the detectedDateTime property value. Time when the alert was detected or created. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getDetectedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("detectedDateTime");
* Gets the displayName property value. The display name of the alert.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getDisplayName() {
return this.backingStore.get("displayName");
* The deserialization information for the current model
* @return a {@link Map>}
public Map> getFieldDeserializers() {
final HashMap> deserializerMap = new HashMap>(super.getFieldDeserializers());
deserializerMap.put("activityLogs", (n) -> { this.setActivityLogs(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(ActivityLog::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("additionalDetails", (n) -> { this.setAdditionalDetails(n.getObjectValue(AdditionalDataDictionary::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("affectedResources", (n) -> { this.setAffectedResources(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(AffectedResource::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("alertType", (n) -> { this.setAlertType(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("catalogOfferId", (n) -> { this.setCatalogOfferId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("confidenceLevel", (n) -> { this.setConfidenceLevel(n.getEnumValue(SecurityAlertConfidence::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("customerTenantId", (n) -> { this.setCustomerTenantId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("description", (n) -> { this.setDescription(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("detectedDateTime", (n) -> { this.setDetectedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("displayName", (n) -> { this.setDisplayName(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("firstObservedDateTime", (n) -> { this.setFirstObservedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("isTest", (n) -> { this.setIsTest(n.getBooleanValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("lastObservedDateTime", (n) -> { this.setLastObservedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("resolvedBy", (n) -> { this.setResolvedBy(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("resolvedOnDateTime", (n) -> { this.setResolvedOnDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("resolvedReason", (n) -> { this.setResolvedReason(n.getEnumValue(SecurityAlertResolvedReason::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("severity", (n) -> { this.setSeverity(n.getEnumValue(SecurityAlertSeverity::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("status", (n) -> { this.setStatus(n.getEnumValue(SecurityAlertStatus::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("subscriptionId", (n) -> { this.setSubscriptionId(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("valueAddedResellerTenantId", (n) -> { this.setValueAddedResellerTenantId(n.getStringValue()); });
return deserializerMap;
* Gets the firstObservedDateTime property value. Time of the first activity associated with the alert. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getFirstObservedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("firstObservedDateTime");
* Gets the isTest property value. Indicates whether an alert is a test alert.
* @return a {@link Boolean}
public Boolean getIsTest() {
return this.backingStore.get("isTest");
* Gets the lastObservedDateTime property value. Time of the latest activity associated with the alert. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getLastObservedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("lastObservedDateTime");
* Gets the resolvedBy property value. The UPN of the partner user who resolved the alert.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getResolvedBy() {
return this.backingStore.get("resolvedBy");
* Gets the resolvedOnDateTime property value. Time when the alert was resolved. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getResolvedOnDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("resolvedOnDateTime");
* Gets the resolvedReason property value. The reason provided by the partner for addressing the alert. The possible values are: legitimate, ignore, fraud, unknownFutureValue.
* @return a {@link SecurityAlertResolvedReason}
public SecurityAlertResolvedReason getResolvedReason() {
return this.backingStore.get("resolvedReason");
* Gets the severity property value. The severity property
* @return a {@link SecurityAlertSeverity}
public SecurityAlertSeverity getSeverity() {
return this.backingStore.get("severity");
* Gets the status property value. The status property
* @return a {@link SecurityAlertStatus}
public SecurityAlertStatus getStatus() {
return this.backingStore.get("status");
* Gets the subscriptionId property value. The subscription associated with the alert for the customer.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getSubscriptionId() {
return this.backingStore.get("subscriptionId");
* Gets the valueAddedResellerTenantId property value. The value-added reseller tenant associated with the partner tenant and customer tenant.
* @return a {@link String}
public String getValueAddedResellerTenantId() {
return this.backingStore.get("valueAddedResellerTenantId");
* Serializes information the current object
* @param writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
public void serialize(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final SerializationWriter writer) {
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("activityLogs", this.getActivityLogs());
writer.writeObjectValue("additionalDetails", this.getAdditionalDetails());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("affectedResources", this.getAffectedResources());
writer.writeStringValue("alertType", this.getAlertType());
writer.writeStringValue("catalogOfferId", this.getCatalogOfferId());
writer.writeEnumValue("confidenceLevel", this.getConfidenceLevel());
writer.writeStringValue("customerTenantId", this.getCustomerTenantId());
writer.writeStringValue("description", this.getDescription());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("detectedDateTime", this.getDetectedDateTime());
writer.writeStringValue("displayName", this.getDisplayName());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("firstObservedDateTime", this.getFirstObservedDateTime());
writer.writeBooleanValue("isTest", this.getIsTest());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("lastObservedDateTime", this.getLastObservedDateTime());
writer.writeStringValue("resolvedBy", this.getResolvedBy());
writer.writeOffsetDateTimeValue("resolvedOnDateTime", this.getResolvedOnDateTime());
writer.writeEnumValue("resolvedReason", this.getResolvedReason());
writer.writeEnumValue("severity", this.getSeverity());
writer.writeEnumValue("status", this.getStatus());
writer.writeStringValue("subscriptionId", this.getSubscriptionId());
writer.writeStringValue("valueAddedResellerTenantId", this.getValueAddedResellerTenantId());
* Sets the activityLogs property value. Represents the activity by a partner and includes details of state transitions, who performed them, and when they occurred.
* @param value Value to set for the activityLogs property.
public void setActivityLogs(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("activityLogs", value);
* Sets the additionalDetails property value. A bag of name-value pairs that contain more details about an alert.
* @param value Value to set for the additionalDetails property.
public void setAdditionalDetails(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final AdditionalDataDictionary value) {
this.backingStore.set("additionalDetails", value);
* Sets the affectedResources property value. Contains details of the resources affected by the security alert.
* @param value Value to set for the affectedResources property.
public void setAffectedResources(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("affectedResources", value);
* Sets the alertType property value. The type of vulnerability that impacts the customer due to this alert. For more information, see Security alerts reference guide.
* @param value Value to set for the alertType property.
public void setAlertType(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("alertType", value);
* Sets the catalogOfferId property value. The modern offer category ID of the subscription.
* @param value Value to set for the catalogOfferId property.
public void setCatalogOfferId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("catalogOfferId", value);
* Sets the confidenceLevel property value. The confidenceLevel property
* @param value Value to set for the confidenceLevel property.
public void setConfidenceLevel(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final SecurityAlertConfidence value) {
this.backingStore.set("confidenceLevel", value);
* Sets the customerTenantId property value. The impacted customer tenant associated with the alert.
* @param value Value to set for the customerTenantId property.
public void setCustomerTenantId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("customerTenantId", value);
* Sets the description property value. The description for each alert.
* @param value Value to set for the description property.
public void setDescription(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("description", value);
* Sets the detectedDateTime property value. Time when the alert was detected or created. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @param value Value to set for the detectedDateTime property.
public void setDetectedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("detectedDateTime", value);
* Sets the displayName property value. The display name of the alert.
* @param value Value to set for the displayName property.
public void setDisplayName(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("displayName", value);
* Sets the firstObservedDateTime property value. Time of the first activity associated with the alert. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @param value Value to set for the firstObservedDateTime property.
public void setFirstObservedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("firstObservedDateTime", value);
* Sets the isTest property value. Indicates whether an alert is a test alert.
* @param value Value to set for the isTest property.
public void setIsTest(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final Boolean value) {
this.backingStore.set("isTest", value);
* Sets the lastObservedDateTime property value. Time of the latest activity associated with the alert. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @param value Value to set for the lastObservedDateTime property.
public void setLastObservedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("lastObservedDateTime", value);
* Sets the resolvedBy property value. The UPN of the partner user who resolved the alert.
* @param value Value to set for the resolvedBy property.
public void setResolvedBy(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("resolvedBy", value);
* Sets the resolvedOnDateTime property value. Time when the alert was resolved. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @param value Value to set for the resolvedOnDateTime property.
public void setResolvedOnDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("resolvedOnDateTime", value);
* Sets the resolvedReason property value. The reason provided by the partner for addressing the alert. The possible values are: legitimate, ignore, fraud, unknownFutureValue.
* @param value Value to set for the resolvedReason property.
public void setResolvedReason(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final SecurityAlertResolvedReason value) {
this.backingStore.set("resolvedReason", value);
* Sets the severity property value. The severity property
* @param value Value to set for the severity property.
public void setSeverity(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final SecurityAlertSeverity value) {
this.backingStore.set("severity", value);
* Sets the status property value. The status property
* @param value Value to set for the status property.
public void setStatus(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final SecurityAlertStatus value) {
this.backingStore.set("status", value);
* Sets the subscriptionId property value. The subscription associated with the alert for the customer.
* @param value Value to set for the subscriptionId property.
public void setSubscriptionId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("subscriptionId", value);
* Sets the valueAddedResellerTenantId property value. The value-added reseller tenant associated with the partner tenant and customer tenant.
* @param value Value to set for the valueAddedResellerTenantId property.
public void setValueAddedResellerTenantId(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("valueAddedResellerTenantId", value);
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