Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* Intune will provide customer the ability to run their Powershell Health scripts (remediation + detection) on the enrolled windows 10 Azure Active Directory joined devices.
public class DeviceHealthScript extends Entity implements Parsable {
* Instantiates a new {@link DeviceHealthScript} and sets the default values.
public DeviceHealthScript() {
* Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
* @param parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
* @return a {@link DeviceHealthScript}
public static DeviceHealthScript createFromDiscriminatorValue(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final ParseNode parseNode) {
return new DeviceHealthScript();
* Gets the assignments property value. The list of group assignments for the device health script
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getAssignments() {
return this.backingStore.get("assignments");
* Gets the createdDateTime property value. The timestamp of when the device health script was created. This property is read-only.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getCreatedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("createdDateTime");
* Gets the description property value. Description of the device health script
* @return a {@link String}
public String getDescription() {
return this.backingStore.get("description");
* Gets the detectionScriptContent property value. The entire content of the detection powershell script
* @return a {@link byte[]}
public byte[] getDetectionScriptContent() {
return this.backingStore.get("detectionScriptContent");
* Gets the detectionScriptParameters property value. List of ComplexType DetectionScriptParameters objects.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getDetectionScriptParameters() {
return this.backingStore.get("detectionScriptParameters");
* Gets the deviceHealthScriptType property value. Indicates the type of device script.
* @return a {@link DeviceHealthScriptType}
public DeviceHealthScriptType getDeviceHealthScriptType() {
return this.backingStore.get("deviceHealthScriptType");
* Gets the deviceRunStates property value. List of run states for the device health script across all devices
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getDeviceRunStates() {
return this.backingStore.get("deviceRunStates");
* Gets the displayName property value. Name of the device health script
* @return a {@link String}
public String getDisplayName() {
return this.backingStore.get("displayName");
* Gets the enforceSignatureCheck property value. Indicate whether the script signature needs be checked
* @return a {@link Boolean}
public Boolean getEnforceSignatureCheck() {
return this.backingStore.get("enforceSignatureCheck");
* The deserialization information for the current model
* @return a {@link Map>}
public Map> getFieldDeserializers() {
final HashMap> deserializerMap = new HashMap>(super.getFieldDeserializers());
deserializerMap.put("assignments", (n) -> { this.setAssignments(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(DeviceHealthScriptAssignment::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("createdDateTime", (n) -> { this.setCreatedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("description", (n) -> { this.setDescription(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("detectionScriptContent", (n) -> { this.setDetectionScriptContent(n.getByteArrayValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("detectionScriptParameters", (n) -> { this.setDetectionScriptParameters(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(DeviceHealthScriptParameter::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("deviceHealthScriptType", (n) -> { this.setDeviceHealthScriptType(n.getEnumValue(DeviceHealthScriptType::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("deviceRunStates", (n) -> { this.setDeviceRunStates(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(DeviceHealthScriptDeviceState::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("displayName", (n) -> { this.setDisplayName(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("enforceSignatureCheck", (n) -> { this.setEnforceSignatureCheck(n.getBooleanValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("highestAvailableVersion", (n) -> { this.setHighestAvailableVersion(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("isGlobalScript", (n) -> { this.setIsGlobalScript(n.getBooleanValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("lastModifiedDateTime", (n) -> { this.setLastModifiedDateTime(n.getOffsetDateTimeValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("publisher", (n) -> { this.setPublisher(n.getStringValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("remediationScriptContent", (n) -> { this.setRemediationScriptContent(n.getByteArrayValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("remediationScriptParameters", (n) -> { this.setRemediationScriptParameters(n.getCollectionOfObjectValues(DeviceHealthScriptParameter::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("roleScopeTagIds", (n) -> { this.setRoleScopeTagIds(n.getCollectionOfPrimitiveValues(String.class)); });
deserializerMap.put("runAs32Bit", (n) -> { this.setRunAs32Bit(n.getBooleanValue()); });
deserializerMap.put("runAsAccount", (n) -> { this.setRunAsAccount(n.getEnumValue(RunAsAccountType::forValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("runSummary", (n) -> { this.setRunSummary(n.getObjectValue(DeviceHealthScriptRunSummary::createFromDiscriminatorValue)); });
deserializerMap.put("version", (n) -> { this.setVersion(n.getStringValue()); });
return deserializerMap;
* Gets the highestAvailableVersion property value. Highest available version for a Microsoft Proprietary script
* @return a {@link String}
public String getHighestAvailableVersion() {
return this.backingStore.get("highestAvailableVersion");
* Gets the isGlobalScript property value. Determines if this is Microsoft Proprietary Script. Proprietary scripts are read-only
* @return a {@link Boolean}
public Boolean getIsGlobalScript() {
return this.backingStore.get("isGlobalScript");
* Gets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. The timestamp of when the device health script was modified. This property is read-only.
* @return a {@link OffsetDateTime}
public OffsetDateTime getLastModifiedDateTime() {
return this.backingStore.get("lastModifiedDateTime");
* Gets the publisher property value. Name of the device health script publisher
* @return a {@link String}
public String getPublisher() {
return this.backingStore.get("publisher");
* Gets the remediationScriptContent property value. The entire content of the remediation powershell script
* @return a {@link byte[]}
public byte[] getRemediationScriptContent() {
return this.backingStore.get("remediationScriptContent");
* Gets the remediationScriptParameters property value. List of ComplexType RemediationScriptParameters objects.
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getRemediationScriptParameters() {
return this.backingStore.get("remediationScriptParameters");
* Gets the roleScopeTagIds property value. List of Scope Tag IDs for the device health script
* @return a {@link java.util.List}
public java.util.List getRoleScopeTagIds() {
return this.backingStore.get("roleScopeTagIds");
* Gets the runAs32Bit property value. Indicate whether PowerShell script(s) should run as 32-bit
* @return a {@link Boolean}
public Boolean getRunAs32Bit() {
return this.backingStore.get("runAs32Bit");
* Gets the runAsAccount property value. Indicates the type of execution context the app runs in.
* @return a {@link RunAsAccountType}
public RunAsAccountType getRunAsAccount() {
return this.backingStore.get("runAsAccount");
* Gets the runSummary property value. High level run summary for device health script.
* @return a {@link DeviceHealthScriptRunSummary}
public DeviceHealthScriptRunSummary getRunSummary() {
return this.backingStore.get("runSummary");
* Gets the version property value. Version of the device health script
* @return a {@link String}
public String getVersion() {
return this.backingStore.get("version");
* Serializes information the current object
* @param writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
public void serialize(@jakarta.annotation.Nonnull final SerializationWriter writer) {
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("assignments", this.getAssignments());
writer.writeStringValue("description", this.getDescription());
writer.writeByteArrayValue("detectionScriptContent", this.getDetectionScriptContent());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("detectionScriptParameters", this.getDetectionScriptParameters());
writer.writeEnumValue("deviceHealthScriptType", this.getDeviceHealthScriptType());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("deviceRunStates", this.getDeviceRunStates());
writer.writeStringValue("displayName", this.getDisplayName());
writer.writeBooleanValue("enforceSignatureCheck", this.getEnforceSignatureCheck());
writer.writeStringValue("highestAvailableVersion", this.getHighestAvailableVersion());
writer.writeBooleanValue("isGlobalScript", this.getIsGlobalScript());
writer.writeStringValue("publisher", this.getPublisher());
writer.writeByteArrayValue("remediationScriptContent", this.getRemediationScriptContent());
writer.writeCollectionOfObjectValues("remediationScriptParameters", this.getRemediationScriptParameters());
writer.writeCollectionOfPrimitiveValues("roleScopeTagIds", this.getRoleScopeTagIds());
writer.writeBooleanValue("runAs32Bit", this.getRunAs32Bit());
writer.writeEnumValue("runAsAccount", this.getRunAsAccount());
writer.writeObjectValue("runSummary", this.getRunSummary());
writer.writeStringValue("version", this.getVersion());
* Sets the assignments property value. The list of group assignments for the device health script
* @param value Value to set for the assignments property.
public void setAssignments(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("assignments", value);
* Sets the createdDateTime property value. The timestamp of when the device health script was created. This property is read-only.
* @param value Value to set for the createdDateTime property.
public void setCreatedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("createdDateTime", value);
* Sets the description property value. Description of the device health script
* @param value Value to set for the description property.
public void setDescription(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("description", value);
* Sets the detectionScriptContent property value. The entire content of the detection powershell script
* @param value Value to set for the detectionScriptContent property.
public void setDetectionScriptContent(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final byte[] value) {
this.backingStore.set("detectionScriptContent", value);
* Sets the detectionScriptParameters property value. List of ComplexType DetectionScriptParameters objects.
* @param value Value to set for the detectionScriptParameters property.
public void setDetectionScriptParameters(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("detectionScriptParameters", value);
* Sets the deviceHealthScriptType property value. Indicates the type of device script.
* @param value Value to set for the deviceHealthScriptType property.
public void setDeviceHealthScriptType(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final DeviceHealthScriptType value) {
this.backingStore.set("deviceHealthScriptType", value);
* Sets the deviceRunStates property value. List of run states for the device health script across all devices
* @param value Value to set for the deviceRunStates property.
public void setDeviceRunStates(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("deviceRunStates", value);
* Sets the displayName property value. Name of the device health script
* @param value Value to set for the displayName property.
public void setDisplayName(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("displayName", value);
* Sets the enforceSignatureCheck property value. Indicate whether the script signature needs be checked
* @param value Value to set for the enforceSignatureCheck property.
public void setEnforceSignatureCheck(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final Boolean value) {
this.backingStore.set("enforceSignatureCheck", value);
* Sets the highestAvailableVersion property value. Highest available version for a Microsoft Proprietary script
* @param value Value to set for the highestAvailableVersion property.
public void setHighestAvailableVersion(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("highestAvailableVersion", value);
* Sets the isGlobalScript property value. Determines if this is Microsoft Proprietary Script. Proprietary scripts are read-only
* @param value Value to set for the isGlobalScript property.
public void setIsGlobalScript(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final Boolean value) {
this.backingStore.set("isGlobalScript", value);
* Sets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. The timestamp of when the device health script was modified. This property is read-only.
* @param value Value to set for the lastModifiedDateTime property.
public void setLastModifiedDateTime(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final OffsetDateTime value) {
this.backingStore.set("lastModifiedDateTime", value);
* Sets the publisher property value. Name of the device health script publisher
* @param value Value to set for the publisher property.
public void setPublisher(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("publisher", value);
* Sets the remediationScriptContent property value. The entire content of the remediation powershell script
* @param value Value to set for the remediationScriptContent property.
public void setRemediationScriptContent(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final byte[] value) {
this.backingStore.set("remediationScriptContent", value);
* Sets the remediationScriptParameters property value. List of ComplexType RemediationScriptParameters objects.
* @param value Value to set for the remediationScriptParameters property.
public void setRemediationScriptParameters(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("remediationScriptParameters", value);
* Sets the roleScopeTagIds property value. List of Scope Tag IDs for the device health script
* @param value Value to set for the roleScopeTagIds property.
public void setRoleScopeTagIds(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final java.util.List value) {
this.backingStore.set("roleScopeTagIds", value);
* Sets the runAs32Bit property value. Indicate whether PowerShell script(s) should run as 32-bit
* @param value Value to set for the runAs32Bit property.
public void setRunAs32Bit(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final Boolean value) {
this.backingStore.set("runAs32Bit", value);
* Sets the runAsAccount property value. Indicates the type of execution context the app runs in.
* @param value Value to set for the runAsAccount property.
public void setRunAsAccount(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final RunAsAccountType value) {
this.backingStore.set("runAsAccount", value);
* Sets the runSummary property value. High level run summary for device health script.
* @param value Value to set for the runSummary property.
public void setRunSummary(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final DeviceHealthScriptRunSummary value) {
this.backingStore.set("runSummary", value);
* Sets the version property value. Version of the device health script
* @param value Value to set for the version property.
public void setVersion(@jakarta.annotation.Nullable final String value) {
this.backingStore.set("version", value);
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