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import java.util.EnumSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
// **NOTE** This file was generated by a tool and any changes will be overwritten.
* The class for the Windows Phone81General Configuration.
public class WindowsPhone81GeneralConfiguration extends DeviceConfiguration implements IJsonBackedObject {
* The Apply Only To Windows Phone81.
* Value indicating whether this policy only applies to Windows Phone 8.1. This property is read-only.
@SerializedName(value = "applyOnlyToWindowsPhone81", alternate = {"ApplyOnlyToWindowsPhone81"})
public Boolean applyOnlyToWindowsPhone81;
* The Apps Block Copy Paste.
* Indicates whether or not to block copy paste.
@SerializedName(value = "appsBlockCopyPaste", alternate = {"AppsBlockCopyPaste"})
public Boolean appsBlockCopyPaste;
* The Bluetooth Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block bluetooth.
@SerializedName(value = "bluetoothBlocked", alternate = {"BluetoothBlocked"})
public Boolean bluetoothBlocked;
* The Camera Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block camera.
@SerializedName(value = "cameraBlocked", alternate = {"CameraBlocked"})
public Boolean cameraBlocked;
* The Cellular Block Wifi Tethering.
* Indicates whether or not to block Wi-Fi tethering. Has no impact if Wi-Fi is blocked.
@SerializedName(value = "cellularBlockWifiTethering", alternate = {"CellularBlockWifiTethering"})
public Boolean cellularBlockWifiTethering;
* The Compliant App List Type.
* List that is in the AppComplianceList. Possible values are: none, appsInListCompliant, appsNotInListCompliant.
@SerializedName(value = "compliantAppListType", alternate = {"CompliantAppListType"})
public AppListType compliantAppListType;
* The Compliant Apps List.
* List of apps in the compliance (either allow list or block list, controlled by CompliantAppListType). This collection can contain a maximum of 10000 elements.
@SerializedName(value = "compliantAppsList", alternate = {"CompliantAppsList"})
public java.util.List compliantAppsList;
* The Diagnostic Data Block Submission.
* Indicates whether or not to block diagnostic data submission.
@SerializedName(value = "diagnosticDataBlockSubmission", alternate = {"DiagnosticDataBlockSubmission"})
public Boolean diagnosticDataBlockSubmission;
* The Email Block Adding Accounts.
* Indicates whether or not to block custom email accounts.
@SerializedName(value = "emailBlockAddingAccounts", alternate = {"EmailBlockAddingAccounts"})
public Boolean emailBlockAddingAccounts;
* The Location Services Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block location services.
@SerializedName(value = "locationServicesBlocked", alternate = {"LocationServicesBlocked"})
public Boolean locationServicesBlocked;
* The Microsoft Account Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block using a Microsoft Account.
@SerializedName(value = "microsoftAccountBlocked", alternate = {"MicrosoftAccountBlocked"})
public Boolean microsoftAccountBlocked;
* The Nfc Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block Near-Field Communication.
@SerializedName(value = "nfcBlocked", alternate = {"NfcBlocked"})
public Boolean nfcBlocked;
* The Password Block Simple.
* Indicates whether or not to block syncing the calendar.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordBlockSimple", alternate = {"PasswordBlockSimple"})
public Boolean passwordBlockSimple;
* The Password Expiration Days.
* Number of days before the password expires.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordExpirationDays", alternate = {"PasswordExpirationDays"})
public Integer passwordExpirationDays;
* The Password Minimum Character Set Count.
* Number of character sets a password must contain.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordMinimumCharacterSetCount", alternate = {"PasswordMinimumCharacterSetCount"})
public Integer passwordMinimumCharacterSetCount;
* The Password Minimum Length.
* Minimum length of passwords.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordMinimumLength", alternate = {"PasswordMinimumLength"})
public Integer passwordMinimumLength;
* The Password Minutes Of Inactivity Before Screen Timeout.
* Minutes of inactivity before screen timeout.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout", alternate = {"PasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout"})
public Integer passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout;
* The Password Previous Password Block Count.
* Number of previous passwords to block. Valid values 0 to 24
@SerializedName(value = "passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount", alternate = {"PasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount"})
public Integer passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount;
* The Password Required.
* Indicates whether or not to require a password.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordRequired", alternate = {"PasswordRequired"})
public Boolean passwordRequired;
* The Password Required Type.
* Password type that is required. Possible values are: deviceDefault, alphanumeric, numeric.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordRequiredType", alternate = {"PasswordRequiredType"})
public RequiredPasswordType passwordRequiredType;
* The Password Sign In Failure Count Before Factory Reset.
* Number of sign in failures allowed before factory reset.
@SerializedName(value = "passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset", alternate = {"PasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset"})
public Integer passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset;
* The Screen Capture Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block screenshots.
@SerializedName(value = "screenCaptureBlocked", alternate = {"ScreenCaptureBlocked"})
public Boolean screenCaptureBlocked;
* The Storage Block Removable Storage.
* Indicates whether or not to block removable storage.
@SerializedName(value = "storageBlockRemovableStorage", alternate = {"StorageBlockRemovableStorage"})
public Boolean storageBlockRemovableStorage;
* The Storage Require Encryption.
* Indicates whether or not to require encryption.
@SerializedName(value = "storageRequireEncryption", alternate = {"StorageRequireEncryption"})
public Boolean storageRequireEncryption;
* The Web Browser Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block the web browser.
@SerializedName(value = "webBrowserBlocked", alternate = {"WebBrowserBlocked"})
public Boolean webBrowserBlocked;
* The Wifi Block Automatic Connect Hotspots.
* Indicates whether or not to block automatically connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots. Has no impact if Wi-Fi is blocked.
@SerializedName(value = "wifiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots", alternate = {"WifiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots"})
public Boolean wifiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots;
* The Wifi Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block Wi-Fi.
@SerializedName(value = "wifiBlocked", alternate = {"WifiBlocked"})
public Boolean wifiBlocked;
* The Wifi Block Hotspot Reporting.
* Indicates whether or not to block Wi-Fi hotspot reporting. Has no impact if Wi-Fi is blocked.
@SerializedName(value = "wifiBlockHotspotReporting", alternate = {"WifiBlockHotspotReporting"})
public Boolean wifiBlockHotspotReporting;
* The Windows Store Blocked.
* Indicates whether or not to block the Windows Store.
@SerializedName(value = "windowsStoreBlocked", alternate = {"WindowsStoreBlocked"})
public Boolean windowsStoreBlocked;
* Sets the raw JSON object
* @param serializer the serializer
* @param json the JSON object to set this object to
public void setRawObject(@Nonnull final ISerializer serializer, @Nonnull final JsonObject json) {