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import{ErrorUtils, SimpleHTTPTransformer}
import{FixedMiniBatchTransformer, HasBatchSize, Lambda}
import org.apache.http.Consts
import org.apache.http.entity.{AbstractHttpEntity, ContentType, StringEntity}
import org.apache.log4j.{LogManager, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.internal.{Logging => SLogging}
import{ComplexParamsReadable, NamespaceInjections, PipelineModel}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, collect_set, explode, struct, to_json, udf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamWriter
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, ForeachWriter, Row}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object AddDocuments extends ComplexParamsReadable[AddDocuments] with Serializable

trait HasActionCol extends HasServiceParams {

  val actionCol = new Param[String](this, "actionCol",
       |You can combine actions, such as an upload and a delete, in the same batch.
      |upload: An upload action is similar to an 'upsert'
       |where the document will be inserted if it is new and updated/replaced
       |if it exists. Note that all fields are replaced in the update case.
      |merge: Merge updates an existing document with the specified fields.
       |If the document doesn't exist, the merge will fail. Any field
       |you specify in a merge will replace the existing field in the document.
       |This includes fields of type Collection(Edm.String). For example, if
       |the document contains a field 'tags' with value ['budget'] and you execute
       |a merge with value ['economy', 'pool'] for 'tags', the final value
       |of the 'tags' field will be ['economy', 'pool'].
       | It will not be ['budget', 'economy', 'pool'].
      |mergeOrUpload: This action behaves like merge if a document
       | with the given key already exists in the index.
       | If the document does not exist, it behaves like upload with a new document.
      |delete: Delete removes the specified document from the index.
       | Note that any field you specify in a delete operation,
       | other than the key field, will be ignored. If you want to
       |  remove an individual field from a document, use merge
       |  instead and simply set the field explicitly to null.
    """.stripMargin.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " "))

  def setActionCol(v: String): this.type = set(actionCol, v)

  def getActionCol: String = $(actionCol)


trait HasIndexName extends HasServiceParams {

  val indexName = new Param[String](this, "indexName", "")

  def setIndexName(v: String): this.type = set(indexName, v)

  def getIndexName: String = $(indexName)


trait HasServiceName extends HasServiceParams {

  val serviceName = new Param[String](this, "serviceName", "")

  def setServiceName(v: String): this.type = set(serviceName, v)

  def getServiceName: String = $(serviceName)


class AddDocuments(override val uid: String) extends CognitiveServicesBase(uid)
  with HasCognitiveServiceInput with HasInternalJsonOutputParser
  with HasActionCol with HasServiceName with HasIndexName with HasBatchSize {

  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("AddDocuments"))

  setDefault(actionCol -> "@search.action")

  override val subscriptionKeyHeaderName = "api-key"

  setDefault(batchSize -> 100)

  override protected def getInternalTransformer(schema: StructType): PipelineModel = {
    val stages = Array(
      Lambda(df =>
        df.withColumnRenamed(getActionCol, "@search.action")
      new FixedMiniBatchTransformer().setBuffered(false).setBatchSize(getBatchSize),
      Lambda(df =>
          to_json(struct(col("arr").alias("value")), Map("charset" -> "UTF-8"))
      new SimpleHTTPTransformer()


  override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    if (get(url).isEmpty) {
      setUrl(s"https://$" +

  override def prepareEntity: Row => Option[AbstractHttpEntity] = row =>
    Some(new StringEntity(row.getString(0), ContentType.create("text/plain", Consts.UTF_8)))

  override def responseDataType: DataType = ASResponses.schema

object AzureSearchWriter extends IndexParser with SLogging {

  val Logger: Logger = LogManager.getRootLogger

  private def checkForErrors(fatal: Boolean)(errorRow: Row, inputRow: Row): Option[Row] = {
    Option(errorRow).map { r =>
      val message = s"Service Exception:\n\t ${r.toString()} \n for input:\n\t ${inputRow.toString()}"
      if (fatal) {
        throw new RuntimeException(message)
      } else {

  private def filterOutNulls(df: DataFrame, collectionColName: String): DataFrame = {
    def rmNull = udf[Seq[String], Seq[String]] {
      inputSeq => inputSeq.filter(_ != null)

    df.withColumn(collectionColName, rmNull(col(collectionColName)))

  private def prepareDF(df: DataFrame, options: Map[String, String] = Map()): DataFrame = {
    val applicableOptions = Set(
      "subscriptionKey", "actionCol", "serviceName", "indexName", "indexJson",
      "apiVersion", "batchSize", "fatalErrors", "filterNulls"

    options.keys.foreach(k =>
      assert(applicableOptions(k), s"$k not an applicable option ${applicableOptions.toList}"))

    val subscriptionKey = options("subscriptionKey")
    val actionCol = options.getOrElse("actionCol", "@search.action")
    val serviceName = options("serviceName")
    val indexJson = options("indexJson")
    val apiVersion = options.getOrElse("apiVersion", "2017-11-11")
    val indexName = parseIndexJson(indexJson).name.get
    val batchSize = options.getOrElse("batchSize", "100").toInt
    val fatalErrors = options.getOrElse("fatalErrors", "true").toBoolean
    val filterNulls = options.getOrElse("filterNulls", "false").toBoolean

    SearchIndex.createIfNoneExists(subscriptionKey, serviceName, indexJson, apiVersion)

    logInfo("checking schema parity")
    checkSchemaParity(df.schema, indexJson, actionCol)

    val df1 = if (filterNulls) {
      val collectionColumns = parseIndexJson(indexJson).fields
        .filter(_.`type` == "Collection(Edm.String)")
      collectionColumns.foldLeft(df) { (ndf, c) => filterOutNulls(ndf, c) }
    } else {

    new AddDocuments()
      .withColumn("error", udf(checkForErrors(fatalErrors) _, ErrorUtils.ErrorSchema)(col("error"), col("input")))

  private val EdmTypes = Map("Edm.String" -> StringType,
    "Collection(Edm.String)" -> ArrayType(StringType),
    "Edm.Boolean" -> BooleanType,
    "Edm.Int64" -> LongType,
    "Edm.Int32" -> IntegerType,
    "Edm.Double" -> DoubleType,
    "Edm.DateTimeOffset" -> StringType, //See if theres a way to use spark datetimes
    "Edm.GeographyPoint" -> StringType)

  private def checkSchemaParity(schema: StructType, indexJson: String, searchActionCol: String): Unit = {
    val indexInfo = parseIndexJson(indexJson)
    val indexFields = => (, EdmTypes(f.`type`))).toMap

    assert(schema(searchActionCol).dataType == StringType)
    schema.toList.filter( != searchActionCol).foreach { field =>

      val indexType = indexFields.getOrElse(, throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"${} not found in search index fields: ${indexFields.keys.toList}"))

      assert(indexType == field.dataType, s"field ${} requires type" +
        s" $indexType your dataframe column is of type ${field.dataType}")

  def stream(df: DataFrame, options: Map[String, String] = Map()): DataStreamWriter[Row] = {
    prepareDF(df, options).writeStream.foreach(new StreamMaterializer)

  def write(df: DataFrame, options: Map[String, String] = Map()): Unit = {
    prepareDF(df, options).foreachPartition(it => it.foreach(_ => ()))

  def stream(df: DataFrame, options: java.util.HashMap[String, String]): DataStreamWriter[Row] = {
    stream(df, options.asScala.toMap)

  def write(df: DataFrame, options: java.util.HashMap[String, String]): Unit = {
    write(df, options.asScala.toMap)


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