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import{ConstructorReadable, ConstructorWritable}
import{ProbabilisticClassificationModel, ProbabilisticClassifier}
import{DenseVector, SparseVector, Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{TypeTag, typeTag}

object LightGBMClassifier extends DefaultParamsReadable[LightGBMClassifier]

/** Trains a LightGBM Classification model, a fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting
  * framework based on decision tree algorithms.
  * For more information please see here:
  * For parameter information see here:
  * @param uid The unique ID.
class LightGBMClassifier(override val uid: String)
  extends ProbabilisticClassifier[Vector, LightGBMClassifier, LightGBMClassificationModel]
  with LightGBMBase[LightGBMClassificationModel] {
  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("LightGBMClassifier"))

  // Set default objective to be binary classification
  setDefault(objective -> LightGBMConstants.BinaryObjective)

  val isUnbalance = new BooleanParam(this, "isUnbalance",
    "Set to true if training data is unbalanced in binary classification scenario")
  setDefault(isUnbalance -> false)

  def getIsUnbalance: Boolean = $(isUnbalance)
  def setIsUnbalance(value: Boolean): this.type = set(isUnbalance, value)

  val generateMissingLabels = new BooleanParam(this, "generateMissingLabels",
    "Instead of failing in lightgbm, generates dummy rows with missing labels within partitions")
  setDefault(generateMissingLabels -> false)

  def getGenerateMissingLabels: Boolean = $(generateMissingLabels)
  def setGenerateMissingLabels(value: Boolean): this.type = set(generateMissingLabels, value)

  def getTrainParams(numWorkers: Int, categoricalIndexes: Array[Int], dataset: Dataset[_]): TrainParams = {
    /* The native code for getting numClasses is always 1 unless it is multiclass-classification problem
     * so we infer the actual numClasses from the dataset here
    val actualNumClasses = getNumClasses(dataset)
    val metric =
      if (getObjective == LightGBMConstants.BinaryObjective) "binary_logloss,auc"
      else LightGBMConstants.MulticlassObjective
    val modelStr = if (getModelString == null || getModelString.isEmpty) None else get(modelString)
    ClassifierTrainParams(getParallelism, getNumIterations, getLearningRate, getNumLeaves,
      getMaxBin, getBaggingFraction, getBaggingFreq, getBaggingSeed, getEarlyStoppingRound,
      getFeatureFraction, getMaxDepth, getMinSumHessianInLeaf, numWorkers, getObjective, modelStr,
      getIsUnbalance, getVerbosity, categoricalIndexes, actualNumClasses, metric, getBoostFromAverage,
      getBoostingType, getLambdaL1, getLambdaL2, getIsProvideTrainingMetric, getGenerateMissingLabels)

  def getModel(trainParams: TrainParams, lightGBMBooster: LightGBMBooster): LightGBMClassificationModel = {
    val classifierTrainParams = trainParams.asInstanceOf[ClassifierTrainParams]
    new LightGBMClassificationModel(uid, lightGBMBooster, getLabelCol, getFeaturesCol,
      getPredictionCol, getProbabilityCol, getRawPredictionCol,
      if (isDefined(thresholds)) Some(getThresholds) else None, classifierTrainParams.numClass)

  def stringFromTrainedModel(model: LightGBMClassificationModel): String = {

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): LightGBMClassifier = defaultCopy(extra)

/** Model produced by [[LightGBMClassifier]]. */
class LightGBMClassificationModel(
  override val uid: String, model: LightGBMBooster, labelColName: String,
  featuresColName: String, predictionColName: String, probColName: String,
  rawPredictionColName: String, thresholdValues: Option[Array[Double]],
  actualNumClasses: Int)
    extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel[Vector, LightGBMClassificationModel]
    with ConstructorWritable[LightGBMClassificationModel] {

  // Update the underlying Spark ML
  // (for proper serialization to work we put them on constructor instead of using copy as in Spark ML)
  set(labelCol, labelColName)
  set(featuresCol, featuresColName)
  set(predictionCol, predictionColName)
  set(probabilityCol, probColName)
  set(rawPredictionCol, rawPredictionColName)
  if (thresholdValues.isDefined) set(thresholds, thresholdValues.get)

    * Implementation based on ProbabilisticClassifier with slight modifications to
    * avoid calling raw2probabilityInPlace to defer the probability calculation
    * to lightgbm native code.
    * @param dataset input dataset
    * @return transformed dataset
  override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true)
    if (isDefined(thresholds)) {
      require(getThresholds.length == numClasses, this.getClass.getSimpleName +
        ".transform() called with non-matching numClasses and thresholds.length." +
        s" numClasses=$numClasses, but thresholds has length ${getThresholds.length}")

    // Output selected columns only.
    var outputData = dataset
    var numColsOutput = 0
    if (getRawPredictionCol.nonEmpty) {
      val predictRawUDF = udf(predictRaw _)
      outputData = outputData.withColumn(getRawPredictionCol, predictRawUDF(col(getFeaturesCol)))
      numColsOutput += 1
    if (getProbabilityCol.nonEmpty) {
      val probabilityUDF = udf(predictProbability _)
      outputData = outputData.withColumn(getProbabilityCol,  probabilityUDF(col(getFeaturesCol)))
      numColsOutput += 1
    if (getPredictionCol.nonEmpty) {
      val predUDF = if (getRawPredictionCol.nonEmpty && !isDefined(thresholds)) {
        // Note: Only call raw2prediction if thresholds not defined
        udf(raw2prediction _).apply(col(getRawPredictionCol))
      } else if (getProbabilityCol.nonEmpty) {
        udf(probability2prediction _).apply(col(getProbabilityCol))
      } else {
        udf(predict _).apply(col(getFeaturesCol))
      outputData = outputData.withColumn(getPredictionCol, predUDF)
      numColsOutput += 1

    if (numColsOutput == 0) {
      this.logWarning(s"$uid: LightGBMClassificationModel.transform() was called as NOOP" +
        " since no output columns were set.")

  override protected def raw2probabilityInPlace(rawPrediction: Vector): Vector = {
    throw new NotImplementedError("Unexpected error in LightGBMClassificationModel:" +
      " raw2probabilityInPlace should not be called!")

  override def numClasses: Int = this.actualNumClasses

  override protected def predictRaw(features: Vector): Vector = {
    Vectors.dense(model.score(features, true, true))

  override protected def predictProbability(features: Vector): Vector = {
    Vectors.dense(model.score(features, false, true))

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): LightGBMClassificationModel =
    new LightGBMClassificationModel(uid, model, labelColName, featuresColName, predictionColName, probColName,
      rawPredictionColName, thresholdValues, actualNumClasses)

  override val ttag: TypeTag[LightGBMClassificationModel] =

  override def objectsToSave: List[Any] =
    List(uid, model, getLabelCol, getFeaturesCol, getPredictionCol,
         getProbabilityCol, getRawPredictionCol, thresholdValues, actualNumClasses)

  def saveNativeModel(filename: String, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = {
    val session = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
    model.saveNativeModel(session, filename, overwrite)

  def getFeatureImportances(importanceType: String): Array[Double] = {

  def getModel: LightGBMBooster = this.model

object LightGBMClassificationModel extends ConstructorReadable[LightGBMClassificationModel] {
  def loadNativeModelFromFile(filename: String, labelColName: String = "label",
                              featuresColName: String = "features", predictionColName: String = "prediction",
                              probColName: String = "probability",
                              rawPredictionColName: String = "rawPrediction"): LightGBMClassificationModel = {
    val uid = Identifiable.randomUID("LightGBMClassifier")
    val session = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
    val textRdd =
    val text = textRdd.collect().map { row => row.getString(0) }.mkString("\n")
    val lightGBMBooster = new LightGBMBooster(text)
    val actualNumClasses = lightGBMBooster.getNumClasses()
    new LightGBMClassificationModel(uid, lightGBMBooster, labelColName, featuresColName,
      predictionColName, probColName, rawPredictionColName, None, actualNumClasses)

  def loadNativeModelFromString(model: String, labelColName: String = "label",
                                featuresColName: String = "features", predictionColName: String = "prediction",
                                probColName: String = "probability",
                                rawPredictionColName: String = "rawPrediction"): LightGBMClassificationModel = {
    val uid = Identifiable.randomUID("LightGBMClassifier")
    val lightGBMBooster = new LightGBMBooster(model)
    val actualNumClasses = lightGBMBooster.getNumClasses()
    new LightGBMClassificationModel(uid, lightGBMBooster, labelColName, featuresColName,
      predictionColName, probColName, rawPredictionColName, None, actualNumClasses)

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