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import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix => BDM, DenseVector => BDV}
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
import{HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, Wrappable}
import{DatasetExtensions, ImageSchemaUtils}
import org.apache.spark.internal.{Logging => SLogging}
import{MatrixType, VectorType}
import{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Row}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random

object LIMEUtils extends SLogging {

  def randomMasks(decInclude: Double, numSlots: Int): Iterator[Array[Boolean]] =
    new Iterator[Array[Boolean]] {

      override def hasNext: Boolean = true

      override def next(): Array[Boolean] = {
        Array.fill(numSlots) {
          Random.nextDouble() > decInclude

  def localAggregateBy(df: DataFrame, groupByCol: String, colsToSquish: Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
    val schema = new StructType( {
      case field if colsToSquish.contains( => StructField(, ArrayType(field.dataType))
      case f => f
    val encoder = RowEncoder(schema)
    val indiciesToSquish =
    df.mapPartitions { it =>
      val isEmpty = it.isEmpty
      if (isEmpty) {
        (Nil: Seq[Row]).toIterator
      } else {
        // Current Id, What we have accumulated, Previous Row
        val accumulator = mutable.ListBuffer[Seq[Any]]()
        var currentId: Option[Any] = None
        var prevRow: Option[Row] = None

        def returnState(accumulated: List[Seq[Any]], prevRow: Row): Row = {
          Row.fromSeq( {
            case (v, i) if indiciesToSquish.contains(i) =>
            case (v, i) => v

        def enqueueAndMaybeReturn(row: Row): Option[Row] = {
          val id = row.getAs[Any](groupByCol)
          if (currentId.isEmpty) {
            currentId = Some(id)
            prevRow = Some(row)
            accumulator +=[Any])
          } else if (id != currentId.get) {
            val accumulated = accumulator.toList
            accumulator +=[Any])
            val modified = returnState(accumulated, prevRow.get)
            currentId = Some(id)
            prevRow = Some(row)
          } else {
            prevRow = Some(row)
            accumulator +=[Any])

        val it1 = it
          .flatMap(row => enqueueAndMaybeReturn(row))
          .map(r => Left(r): Either[Row, Null]) //scalastyle:ignore null
          .++(Seq(Right(null): Either[Row, Null])) //scalastyle:ignore null

        val ret = {
          case Left(r) => r: Row
          case Right(_) => returnState(accumulator.toList, prevRow.getOrElse {
            logWarning("Could not get previous row in local aggregator, this is an error that should be fixed")
          }): Row


trait LIMEParams extends HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with HasPredictionCol {

  def setPredictionCol(v: String): this.type = set(predictionCol, v)

  val model = new TransformerParam(this, "model", "Model to try to locally approximate")

  def getModel: Transformer = $(model)

  def setModel(v: Transformer): this.type = set(model, v)

  val nSamples = new IntParam(this, "nSamples", "The number of samples to generate")

  def getNSamples: Int = $(nSamples)

  def setNSamples(v: Int): this.type = set(nSamples, v)

  val samplingFraction = new DoubleParam(this, "samplingFraction", "The fraction of superpixels to keep on")

  def getSamplingFraction: Double = $(samplingFraction)

  def setSamplingFraction(d: Double): this.type = set(samplingFraction, d)

  val regularization = new DoubleParam(this, "regularization", "regularization param for the lasso")

  def getRegularization: Double = $(regularization)

  def setRegularization(v: Double): this.type = set(regularization, v)

trait LIMEBase extends LIMEParams with ComplexParamsWritable {

  protected def getSamples(n: Int): Seq[Seq[Boolean]] = {
    LIMEUtils.randomMasks(getSamplingFraction, n)

  protected def arrToMat(dvs: Seq[DenseVector]): DenseMatrix = {
    val mat = BDM( _*)
    new DenseMatrix(mat.rows, mat.cols,

  protected val arrToMatUDF: UserDefinedFunction = udf(arrToMat _, MatrixType)

  protected def arrToVect(ds: Seq[Double]): DenseVector = {
    new DenseVector(ds.toArray)

  protected val arrToVectUDF: UserDefinedFunction = udf(arrToVect _, VectorType)

  protected val fitLassoUDF: UserDefinedFunction = udf(LimeNamespaceInjections.fitLasso _, VectorType)

  protected val getSampleUDF: UserDefinedFunction = udf(getSamples _, ArrayType(ArrayType(BooleanType)))


object TabularLIME extends ComplexParamsReadable[TabularLIME]

class TabularLIME(val uid: String) extends Estimator[TabularLIMEModel]
  with LIMEParams with Wrappable with ComplexParamsWritable {
  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("TabularLIME"))

  setDefault(nSamples -> 1000, regularization -> 0.0, samplingFraction -> 0.3)

  override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): TabularLIMEModel = {
    val fitScaler = new StandardScaler()

    extractParamMap().toSeq.foldLeft(new TabularLIMEModel()){ case (m, pp) =>
      m.set(m.getParam(, pp.value)}

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): TabularLIME = super.defaultCopy(extra)

  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    schema.add(getOutputCol, VectorType)


object TabularLIMEModel extends ComplexParamsReadable[TabularLIMEModel]

class TabularLIMEModel(val uid: String) extends Model[TabularLIMEModel]
  with LIMEBase with Wrappable {

  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("TabularLIMEModel"))

  val columnMeans = new DoubleArrayParam(this, "columnMeans", "the means of each of the columns for perturbation")

  def getColumnMeans: Array[Double] = $(columnMeans)

  def setColumnMeans(v: Array[Double]): this.type = set(columnMeans, v)

  val columnSTDs = new DoubleArrayParam(this, "columnSTDs",
    "the standard deviations of each of the columns for perturbation")

  def getColumnSTDs: Array[Double] = $(columnSTDs)

  def setColumnSTDs(v: Array[Double]): this.type = set(columnSTDs, v)

  private def perturbedDenseVectors(v: DenseVector): Seq[DenseVector] = {
    Seq.fill(getNSamples) {
      val perturbed = BDV.rand(v.size, Rand.gaussian) * BDV(getColumnSTDs) + BDV(getColumnMeans)
      new DenseVector(perturbed.toArray)

  private val perturbedDenseVectorsUDF: UserDefinedFunction =
    udf(perturbedDenseVectors _, ArrayType(VectorType, true))

  override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    val df = dataset.toDF
    val idCol = DatasetExtensions.findUnusedColumnName("id", df)
    val statesCol = DatasetExtensions.findUnusedColumnName("states", df)
    val inputCol2 = DatasetExtensions.findUnusedColumnName("inputCol2", df)

    val mapped = df.withColumn(idCol, monotonically_increasing_id())
      .withColumnRenamed(getInputCol, inputCol2)
      .withColumn(getInputCol, explode_outer(perturbedDenseVectorsUDF(col(inputCol2))))

   LIMEUtils.localAggregateBy(mapped, idCol, Seq(getInputCol, getPredictionCol))
      .withColumn(getInputCol, arrToMatUDF(col(getInputCol)))
      .withColumn(getPredictionCol, arrToVectUDF(col(getPredictionCol)))
      .withColumn(getOutputCol, fitLassoUDF(col(getInputCol), col(getPredictionCol), lit(getRegularization)))
      .drop(statesCol, getPredictionCol, idCol, getInputCol)
      .withColumnRenamed(inputCol2, getInputCol)

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): TabularLIMEModel = defaultCopy(extra)

  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    schema.add(getOutputCol, VectorType)


object ImageLIME extends ComplexParamsReadable[ImageLIME]

/** Distributed implementation of
  * Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME)
class ImageLIME(val uid: String) extends Transformer with LIMEBase
  with Wrappable with HasModifier with HasCellSize {

  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("ImageLIME"))

  val superpixelCol = new Param[String](this, "superpixelCol", "The column holding the superpixel decompositions")

  def getSuperpixelCol: String = $(superpixelCol)

  def setSuperpixelCol(v: String): this.type = set(superpixelCol, v)

  setDefault(nSamples -> 900, cellSize -> 16, modifier -> 130, regularization -> 0.0,
    samplingFraction -> 0.3, superpixelCol -> "superpixels")

  override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    val df = dataset.toDF
    val idCol = DatasetExtensions.findUnusedColumnName("id", df)
    val statesCol = DatasetExtensions.findUnusedColumnName("states", df)
    val inputCol2 = DatasetExtensions.findUnusedColumnName("inputCol2", df)

    // Data frame with new column containing superpixels (Array[Cluster]) for each row (image)
    val spt = new SuperpixelTransformer()

    val spDF = spt.transform(df)

    // Indices of the columns containing each image and image's superpixels
    val inputType = df.schema(getInputCol).dataType
    val maskUDF = inputType match {
      case BinaryType => Superpixel.MaskBinaryUDF
      case t if ImageSchemaUtils.isImage(t) => Superpixel.MaskImageUDF

    val mapped = spDF.withColumn(idCol, monotonically_increasing_id())
      .withColumnRenamed(getInputCol, inputCol2)
      .withColumn(statesCol, explode_outer(getSampleUDF(size(col(getSuperpixelCol).getField("clusters")))))
      .withColumn(getInputCol, maskUDF(col(inputCol2), col(spt.getOutputCol), col(statesCol)))
      .withColumn(statesCol, udf(
        { barr: Seq[Boolean] => new DenseVector( => if (b) 1.0 else 0.0).toArray) },

    LIMEUtils.localAggregateBy(mapped, idCol, Seq(statesCol, getPredictionCol))
      .withColumn(statesCol, arrToMatUDF(col(statesCol)))
      .withColumn(getPredictionCol, arrToVectUDF(col(getPredictionCol)))
      .withColumn(getOutputCol, fitLassoUDF(col(statesCol), col(getPredictionCol), lit(getRegularization)))
      .drop(statesCol, getPredictionCol)
      .withColumnRenamed(inputCol2, getInputCol)

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): Transformer = defaultCopy(extra)

  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    schema.add(getSuperpixelCol, SuperpixelData.Schema).add(getOutputCol, VectorType)


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