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import java.util.UUID

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import{DenseVector, SparseVector}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, struct, udf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Encoders, Row}
import org.apache.spark.internal._
import org.vowpalwabbit.spark.prediction.ScalarPrediction
import org.vowpalwabbit.spark.{ClusterSpanningTree, VowpalWabbitExample, VowpalWabbitMurmur, VowpalWabbitNative}
import{HasWeightCol, Wrappable}
import{InternalWrapper, StreamUtilities}

import scala.math.min

case class NamespaceInfo (hash: Int, featureGroup: Char, colIdx: Int)

  * VW support multiple input columns which are mapped to namespaces.
  * Note: when one wants to create quadratic features within VW you'd specify additionalFeatures.
  * Each feature column is treated as one namespace. Using -q 'uc' for columns 'user' and 'content'
  * you'd get all quadratics for features in user/content
  * (the first letter is called feature group and VW users are used to it... before somebody starts complaining ;)
trait HasAdditionalFeatures extends Wrappable {
  val additionalFeatures = new StringArrayParam(this, "additionalFeatures", "Additional feature columns")

  def getAdditionalFeatures: Array[String] = $(additionalFeatures)
  def setAdditionalFeatures(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(additionalFeatures, value)

  * Base implementation of VowpalWabbit learners.
  * @note parameters that regularly are swept through are exposed as proper parameters.
trait VowpalWabbitBase extends Wrappable
  with DefaultParamsWritable
  with HasWeightCol
  with HasAdditionalFeatures
  with Logging
  // can we switch to use meta programming (
  // to generate all the parameters?
  val args = new Param[String](this, "args", "VW command line arguments passed")
  setDefault(args -> "")

  def getArgs: String = $(args)
  def setArgs(value: String): this.type = set(args, value)

  setDefault(additionalFeatures -> Array())

  // to support Grid search we need to replicate the parameters here...
  val numPasses = new IntParam(this, "numPasses", "Number of passes over the data")
  setDefault(numPasses -> 1)
  def getNumPasses: Int = $(numPasses)
  def setNumPasses(value: Int): this.type = set(numPasses, value)

  // Note on parameters: default values are set in the C++ codebase. To avoid replication
  // and potentially introduce conflicting default values, the Scala exposed parameters
  // are only passed to the native side if they're set.

  val learningRate = new DoubleParam(this, "learningRate", "Learning rate")
  def getLearningRate: Double = $(learningRate)
  def setLearningRate(value: Double): this.type = set(learningRate, value)

  val powerT = new DoubleParam(this, "powerT", "t power value")
  def getPowerT: Double = $(powerT)
  def setPowerT(value: Double): this.type = set(powerT, value)

  val l1 = new DoubleParam(this, "l1", "l_1 lambda")
  def getL1: Double = $(l1)
  def setL1(value: Double): this.type = set(l1, value)

  val l2 = new DoubleParam(this, "l2", "l_2 lambda")
  def getL2: Double = $(l2)
  def setL2(value: Double): this.type = set(l2, value)

  val interactions = new StringArrayParam(this, "interactions", "Interaction terms as specified by -q")
  def getInteractions: Array[String] = $(interactions)
  def setInteractions(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(interactions, value)

  val ignoreNamespaces = new Param[String](this, "ignoreNamespaces", "Namespaces to be ignored (first letter only)")
  def getIgnoreNamespaces: String = $(ignoreNamespaces)
  def setIgnoreNamespaces(value: String): this.type = set(ignoreNamespaces, value)

  val initialModel = new ByteArrayParam(this, "initialModel", "Initial model to start from")
  def getInitialModel: Array[Byte] = $(initialModel)
  def setInitialModel(value: Array[Byte]): this.type = set(initialModel, value)

  // abstract methods that implementors need to provide (mixed in through Classifier,...)
  def getLabelCol: String
  def getFeaturesCol: String

  implicit class ParamStringBuilder(sb: StringBuilder) {
    def appendParamIfNotThere[T](optionShort: String, optionLong: String, param: Param[T]): StringBuilder = {
      if (get(param).isEmpty ||
        // boost allow space or =
          s"-${optionShort}[ =]".r.findAllIn(sb.toString).hasNext ||
          s"--${optionLong}[ =]".r.findAllIn(sb.toString).hasNext) {
      else {
        param match {
          case _: StringArrayParam => {
            for (q <- get(param).get)
              sb.append(s" $optionShort $q")
          case _ => sb.append(s" $optionShort ${get(param).get}")


  val hashSeed = new IntParam(this, "hashSeed", "Seed used for hashing")
  setDefault(hashSeed -> 0)

  def getHashSeed: Int = $(hashSeed)
  def setHashSeed(value: Int): this.type = set(hashSeed, value)

  val numBits = new IntParam(this, "numBits", "Number of bits used")
  setDefault(numBits -> 18)

  def getNumBits: Int = $(numBits)
  def setNumBits(value: Int): this.type = set(numBits, value)

  private def createLabelSetter(df: DataFrame) = {
    val labelColIdx = df.schema.fieldIndex(getLabelCol)

    if (get(weightCol).isDefined) {
      val weightColIdx = df.schema.fieldIndex(getWeightCol)
      (row: Row, ex: VowpalWabbitExample) =>
        ex.setLabel(row.getDouble(weightColIdx).toFloat, row.getDouble(labelColIdx).toFloat)
      (row: Row, ex: VowpalWabbitExample) => ex.setLabel(row.getDouble(labelColIdx).toFloat)

    * Generate namespace info (hash, feature group, field index) for supplied columns.
    * @param schema data frame schema to lookup column indices.
    * @return
  private def generateNamespaceInfos(schema: StructType): Array[NamespaceInfo] =
    (Seq(getFeaturesCol) ++ getAdditionalFeatures)
      .map(col => new NamespaceInfo(VowpalWabbitMurmur.hash(col, getHashSeed), col.charAt(0), schema.fieldIndex(col)))

  private def buildCommandLineArguments(vwArgs: String, contextArgs: => String = "") = {
    val args = new StringBuilder
      .append(" ").append(contextArgs)

    // have to pass to get multi-pass to work
    val noStdin = "--no_stdin"
    if (args.indexOf(noStdin) == -1)
      args.append(" ").append(noStdin)

    // need to keep reference around to prevent GC and subsequent file delete
    if (getNumPasses > 1) {
      val cacheFile ="vowpalwabbit", ".cache")

      args.append(s" -k --cache_file=${cacheFile.getAbsolutePath} --passes ${getNumPasses}")
    }"VowpalWabbit args: ${args}")


    * Internal training loop.
    * @param df the input data frame.
    * @param vwArgs vw command line arguments.
    * @param contextArgs This lambda returns command line arguments that are executed in the final execution context.
    *                    It is used to get the partition id.
  private def trainInternal(df: DataFrame, vwArgs: String, contextArgs: => String = "") = {
    val applyLabel = createLabelSetter(df)

    val featureColIndices = generateNamespaceInfos(df.schema)

    def trainIteration(inputRows: Iterator[Row],
                       localInitialModel: Option[Array[Byte]]): Iterator[Option[Array[Byte]]] = {

      // construct command line arguments
      val args = buildCommandLineArguments(vwArgs, contextArgs)

      StreamUtilities.using(if (localInitialModel.isEmpty) new VowpalWabbitNative(args)
        else new VowpalWabbitNative(args, localInitialModel.get)) { vw =>
        StreamUtilities.using(vw.createExample()) { ex =>
            // pass data to VW native part
            for (row <- inputRows) {
              // transfer label
              applyLabel(row, ex)

              // transfer features
              for (ns <- featureColIndices)
                row.get(ns.colIdx) match {
                  case dense: DenseVector => ex.addToNamespaceDense(ns.featureGroup,
                    ns.hash, dense.values)
                  case sparse: SparseVector => ex.addToNamespaceSparse(ns.featureGroup,
                    sparse.indices, sparse.values)



            if (getNumPasses > 1)

          // only export the model on the first partition
          Seq(if (TaskContext.get.partitionId == 0) Some(vw.getModel) else None).iterator
        }.get // this will throw if there was an exception

    val encoder = Encoders.kryo[Option[Array[Byte]]]

    // schedule multiple mapPartitions in
    var localInitialModel = if (isDefined(initialModel)) Some(getInitialModel) else None

    // dispatch to exectuors and collect the model of the first partition (everybody has the same at the end anyway)
    df.mapPartitions(inputRows => trainIteration(inputRows, localInitialModel))(encoder)
      .reduce((a, b) => if (a.isEmpty) b else a)

    * Setup spanning tree and invoke training.
    * @param df input data.
    * @param vwArgs VW command line arguments.
    * @param numWorkers number of target workers.
    * @return
  protected def trainInternalDistributed(df: DataFrame, vwArgs: StringBuilder, numWorkers: Int) = {
    // multiple partitions -> setup distributed coordination
    val spanningTree = new ClusterSpanningTree(0, getArgs.contains("--quiet"))

    try {

      val jobUniqueId = Math.abs(UUID.randomUUID.getLeastSignificantBits.toInt)
      val driverHostAddress = ClusterUtil.getDriverHost(df)
      val port = spanningTree.getPort

      --span_server specifies the network address of a little server that sets up spanning trees over the nodes.
      --unique_id should be a number that is the same for all nodes executing a particular job and
        different for all others.
      --total is the total number of nodes.
      --node should be unique for each node and range from {0,total-1}.
      --holdout_off should be included for distributed training
      vwArgs.append(s" --holdout_off --span_server $driverHostAddress --span_server_port $port ")
        .append(s"--unique_id $jobUniqueId --total $numWorkers ")

      trainInternal(df, vwArgs.result, s"--node ${TaskContext.get.partitionId}")
    } finally {

    * Main training loop
    * @param dataset input data.
    * @return binary VW model.
  protected def trainInternal(dataset: Dataset[_]): Array[Byte] = {
    // follow LightGBM pattern
    val numCoresPerExec = ClusterUtil.getNumCoresPerExecutor(dataset, log)
    val numExecutorCores = ClusterUtil.getNumExecutorCores(dataset, numCoresPerExec)
    val numWorkers = min(numExecutorCores, dataset.rdd.getNumPartitions)

    // Select needed columns, maybe get the weight column, keeps mem usage low
    val dfSubset = dataset.toDF().select((
        Seq(getFeaturesCol, getLabelCol) ++
        getAdditionalFeatures ++
      ).map(col): _*)

    // Reduce number of partitions to number of executor cores
    val df = if (dataset.rdd.getNumPartitions > numWorkers)

    // add exposed parameters to the final command line args
    val vwArgs = new StringBuilder()
      .append(s"${getArgs} --save_resume --preserve_performance_counters ")
      .appendParamIfNotThere("hash_seed", "hash_seed", hashSeed)
      .appendParamIfNotThere("b", "bit_precision", numBits)
      .appendParamIfNotThere("l", "learning_rate", learningRate)
      .appendParamIfNotThere("power_t", "power_t", powerT)
      .appendParamIfNotThere("l1", "l1", l1)
      .appendParamIfNotThere("l2", "l2", l2)
      .appendParamIfNotThere("ignore", "ignore", ignoreNamespaces)
      .appendParamIfNotThere("q", "quadratic", interactions)

    // call training
    val binaryModel = if (numWorkers == 1)
      trainInternal(df, vwArgs.result)
      trainInternalDistributed(df, vwArgs, numWorkers)


  * Base trait to wrap the model for prediction.
trait VowpalWabbitBaseModel extends
  with HasAdditionalFeatures
  with ComplexParamsWritable
  lazy val vw = new VowpalWabbitNative("--testonly --quiet", getModel)

  lazy val example = vw.createExample()

  lazy val vwArgs = vw.getArguments

  protected def transformImplInternal(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    val featureColIndices = (Seq(getFeaturesCol) ++ getAdditionalFeatures) { case (col, index) => new NamespaceInfo(
        VowpalWabbitMurmur.hash(col, vwArgs.getHashSeed),

    val predictUDF = udf { (namespaces: Row) => predictInternal(featureColIndices, namespaces) }

    val allCols = Seq(col($(featuresCol))) ++

    dataset.withColumn($(rawPredictionCol), predictUDF(struct(allCols: _*)))

  val model = new ByteArrayParam(this, "model", "The VW model....")

  def setModel(v: Array[Byte]): this.type = set(model, v)

  def getModel: Array[Byte] = $(model)

  protected def predictInternal(featureColIndices: Seq[NamespaceInfo], namespaces: Row): Double = {

    for (ns <- featureColIndices)
      namespaces.get(ns.colIdx) match {
        case dense: DenseVector => example.addToNamespaceDense(ns.featureGroup,
          ns.hash, dense.values)
        case sparse: SparseVector => example.addToNamespaceSparse(ns.featureGroup,
          sparse.indices, sparse.values)

    // TODO: surface prediction confidence

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