org.apache.spark.streaming.api.kafka.DynamicPartitionKafkaInputDStream.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
package org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka
import java.beans.Transient
import{BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, ScheduledExecutorService, TimeUnit}
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition
import kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata
import kafka.serializer.Decoder
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path, PathFilter}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{EmptyRDD, RDD, UnionRDD}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.api.csharp.{CSharpDStream, RddPreComputeProcessor, RddPreComputeRecord}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaCluster.LeaderOffset
import org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.StreamInputInfo
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Duration, StreamingContext, Time}
import org.apache.spark.util.{ThreadUtils, Utils}
import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkException}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* A stream of the new DynamicPartitionKafkaRDD to support where
* each given Kafka topic/partition can correspond to multiple RDD partitions
* calculated by numPartitions instead of a single RDD partition.
* also, new methods added to achieve better fault tolerance when reading kafka metadata
* Starting offsets are specified in advance,
* and this DStream is not responsible for committing offsets,
* so that you can control exactly-once semantics.
* For an easy interface to Kafka-managed offsets,
* see {@link org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaCluster}
* @param kafkaParams Kafka
* configuration parameters.
* Requires "" or "bootstrap.servers" to be set with Kafka broker(s),
* NOT zookeeper servers, specified in host1:port1,host2:port2 form.
* @param fromOffsets per-topic/partition Kafka offsets defining the (inclusive)
* starting point of the stream
* @param messageHandler function for translating each message into the desired type
* @param numPartitions user hint on how many RDD partitions to create instead of aligning with Kafka partitions
class DynamicPartitionKafkaInputDStream[
K: ClassTag,
V: ClassTag,
U <: Decoder[K]: ClassTag,
T <: Decoder[V]: ClassTag,
R: ClassTag](
ssc_ : StreamingContext,
val kafkaParams: Map[String, String],
topics: Set[String],
val fromOffsets: Map[TopicAndPartition, Long],
messageHandler: MessageAndMetadata[K, V] => R,
numPartitions: Int,
cSharpFunc: Array[Byte] = null,
serializationMode: String = null
) extends InputDStream[R](ssc_) with Logging {
val maxRetries = context.sparkContext.getConf.getInt(
"spark.streaming.kafka.maxRetries", 1)
// Keep this consistent with how other streams are named (e.g. "Flume polling stream [2]")
private[streaming] override def name: String = s"Dynamic partition Kafka direct stream [$id]"
protected[streaming] override val checkpointData =
new DynamicPartitionKafkaInputDStreamCheckpointData
protected val kc = new DynamicPartitionKafkaCluster(kafkaParams)
@transient protected[streaming] var currentOffsets = fromOffsets
private val autoOffsetReset: Option[String] =
private var hasFetchedAllPartitions: Boolean = false
private var hasFetchedAllFromOffsets: Boolean = false
@transient private[streaming] var topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition] = Set()
@transient private var refreshOffsetsScheduler: ScheduledExecutorService = null
// reading metadata of multiple topics from across multiple data centers takes long time to complete,
// which impacts DStream performance and causes UI steaming tab not responsive due to mutex held by DStream
// so a separate thread is introduced to refresh metadata (current offsets) asynchronously at below interval
// this unblocks DStream in above described situation but not quite in sync with batch timestamp,
// which is OK since batches are still generated at the same interval
// the default interval is set to half of the batch interval to make sure they're not in sync to block each other
private val fetchRate = context.sparkContext.getConf.getInt("spark.mobius.streaming.kafka.fetchRate", 2)
private val refreshOffsetsInterval = Math.max(slideDuration.milliseconds / fetchRate, 1)
// fromOffsets and untilOffsets for next batch
@transient @volatile var offsetsRangeForNextBatch:
Option[(Map[TopicAndPartition, Long], Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset])] = None
private val maxPendingJobs = context.sparkContext.getConf.getInt("spark.mobius.streaming.kafka.maxPendingJobs", 5 * fetchRate)
private val numReceivers = context.sparkContext.getConf.getInt("spark.mobius.streaming.kafka.numReceivers", 0)
// The pre-computed RDDs need to be un-persist to release memory. So we need to remember the pre-computed RDDs
// according to time it is referenced.
@transient private[streaming] var preComputeOutputMap: ConcurrentHashMap[Time, List[RddPreComputeRecord[R]]] = null
@transient private var rddPreComputeProcessor: RddPreComputeProcessor[R] = null
@transient private val dc = kafkaParams.getOrElse("", "unknown_cluster").replace(" ", "_")
@transient private val enableOffsetCheckpoint = context.sparkContext.getConf.getBoolean("spark.mobius.streaming.kafka.enableOffsetCheckpoint", false)
@transient private val offsetCheckpointDir: Path = if(enableOffsetCheckpoint && context.sparkContext.checkpointDir.isDefined) new Path(new Path(context.sparkContext.checkpointDir.get).getParent, "kafka-checkpoint") else null
@transient private lazy val fs: FileSystem = if(enableOffsetCheckpoint && offsetCheckpointDir != null) offsetCheckpointDir.getFileSystem(SparkHadoopUtil.get.conf) else null
@transient private val replayBatches = context.sparkContext.getConf.getInt("spark.mobius.streaming.kafka.replayBatches", 0)
@transient private val maxRetainedOffsetCheckpoints = context.sparkContext.getConf.getInt("spark.mobius.streaming.kafka.maxRetainedOffsetCheckpoints", 0) match {
case n if n > replayBatches => n
case _: Int => replayBatches
@transient private[streaming] var needToReplayOffsetRanges = false
if (enableOffsetCheckpoint && fs != null) {
if (!fs.exists(offsetCheckpointDir)) {
} else if (!fs.isDirectory(offsetCheckpointDir)) {
throw new SparkException("Offset checkpoint dir: " + offsetCheckpointDir + " is not a directory.")
import OffsetRangeCheckpointHandler._
private def refreshPartitions(): Unit = {
if (!hasFetchedAllPartitions) {
kc.getPartitions2(topics) match {
case (None, tps) =>
hasFetchedAllPartitions = true
topicAndPartitions = tps
logInfo(s"successfully get all partitions: $tps")
currentOffsets = currentOffsets.filterKeys(tp => topicAndPartitions.contains(tp)).map(identity)
case (Some(errs), tps) =>
topicAndPartitions = topicAndPartitions ++ tps
logInfo(s"get partial partitions: $tps, error info: $errs")
some partitions might fail to get fromOffsets at last batch
which will be bypassed instead of blocking and be retried at this batch
private def refreshFromOffsets(): Unit = {
if (!hasFetchedAllFromOffsets) {
var missing = topicAndPartitions.diff(currentOffsets.keySet)
if (missing.nonEmpty) {
currentOffsets = currentOffsets ++ getFromOffsets(missing)
if (hasFetchedAllPartitions) {
missing = topicAndPartitions.diff(currentOffsets.keySet)
if (missing.isEmpty) {
logInfo("successfully refreshFromOffsets for all partitions")
hasFetchedAllFromOffsets = true
private final def getEarliestLeaderOffsets(
tps: Set[TopicAndPartition],
retries: Int
): Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset] = {
var offsets: Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset] = Map()
if (retries <= 0) {
return offsets
kc.getEarliestLeaderOffsets2(tps) match {
case (None, ofs) =>
case (Some(err), ofs) =>
log.warn(s"getEarliestLeaderOffsets err: $err")
offsets = offsets ++ ofs
getEarliestLeaderOffsets(tps, retries - 1)
private final def getLatestLeaderOffsets(
tps: Set[TopicAndPartition],
retries: Int
): Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset] = {
var offsets: Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset] = Map()
if (retries <= 0) {
return offsets
kc.getLatestLeaderOffsets2(tps) match {
case (None, ofs) =>
case (Some(err), ofs) =>
log.warn(s"getLatestLeaderOffsets err: $err")
offsets = offsets ++ ofs
getLatestLeaderOffsets(tps, retries - 1)
private def getFromOffsets(tps: Set[TopicAndPartition]): Map[TopicAndPartition, Long] = {
val leaderOffsets = {
autoOffsetReset match {
case Some("smallest") =>
getEarliestLeaderOffsets(tps, maxRetries)
case _ =>
getLatestLeaderOffsets(tps, maxRetries)
} { case (tp, lo) =>
(tp, lo.offset)
new leader might fail to update with latest replica causing its offset lagging behind
not much can be done here for the lost offsets, just reset fromOffset to its most recent value
private def resetFromOffsets(
leaderOffsets: Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset]
): Map[TopicAndPartition, Long] = {
val fromOffsets: collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, Long] = collection.mutable.Map()
for ((tp, lo) <- leaderOffsets) {
if (currentOffsets.contains(tp)) {
val currentOffset = currentOffsets.get(tp).get
if (currentOffset > lo.offset) {
logWarning(s"currentOffset $currentOffset is larger than untilOffset ${lo.offset} " +
s"for partition $tp, will reset it")
currentOffsets = currentOffsets + (tp -> lo.offset)
fromOffsets += (tp -> lo.offset)
} else {
fromOffsets += (tp -> currentOffset)
private def setOffsetsRangeForNextBatch(): Unit = {
if (!hasFetchedAllPartitions) refreshPartitions()
if (!hasFetchedAllFromOffsets) refreshFromOffsets()
// do nothing if there exists offset range waiting to be processed
synchronized {
if (offsetsRangeForNextBatch.isDefined) {
val leaderOffsets = getLatestLeaderOffsets(topicAndPartitions, maxRetries)
logInfo(s"topicAndPartitions and leaderOffsets size for stream $id: ${topicAndPartitions.size} ${leaderOffsets.size}")
val fromOffsets = resetFromOffsets(leaderOffsets)
val untilOffsets = leaderOffsets
synchronized {
offsetsRangeForNextBatch = Some((fromOffsets, untilOffsets))
currentOffsets = currentOffsets ++ => kv._1 -> kv._2.offset)
def instantiateAndStartRefreshOffsetsScheduler(): Unit = {
// start a new thread to refresh offsets range asynchronously
if (refreshOffsetsScheduler == null) {
refreshOffsetsScheduler =
logInfo(s"Instantiated refreshOffsetsScheduler successfully for stream $id at rate of $refreshOffsetsInterval ms.")
refreshOffsetsScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
logInfo(s"starting setOffsetsRangeForNextBatch for stream$id")
logInfo(s"finished setOffsetsRangeForNextBatch for stream$id")
}, 0, refreshOffsetsInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
if (fromOffsets.nonEmpty) {
// use partitions and offsets passed from constructor
hasFetchedAllPartitions = true
hasFetchedAllFromOffsets = true
topicAndPartitions = fromOffsets.keySet
currentOffsets = fromOffsets
} else {
if (autoOffsetReset.isEmpty) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must set auto.offset.reset if fromOffsets is empty")
private def callCSharpTransform(rdd: DynamicPartitionKafkaRDD[K, V, U, T, R], validTime: Time): RDD[R] = {
if (cSharpFunc == null) {
} else {
val csharpRdd = CSharpDStream.callCSharpTransform(List(Some(rdd)), validTime, cSharpFunc, List(serializationMode)).asInstanceOf[Option[RDD[R]]]
if (csharpRdd.isEmpty) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"callCSharpTransform should return some rdd but get None!")
private def getOffsetRanges(rdd: RDD[R]): Array[OffsetRange] = {
val rdds = rdd match {
case emptyRdd: EmptyRDD[R] => Seq[RDD[R]]()
case unionRdd: UnionRDD[R] => unionRdd.rdds
case _ => Seq(rdd)
rdds.flatMap { rdd =>
val kafkaRdd: RDD[R] = { if (cSharpFunc == null) rdd else rdd.firstParent[R] }
kafkaRdd.asInstanceOf[DynamicPartitionKafkaRDD[K, V, U, T, R]].offsetRanges
private def doCompute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[R]] = {
val offsetsRange = synchronized {
val tmpOffsetsRange = offsetsRangeForNextBatch
offsetsRangeForNextBatch = None
case (from, until) =>
val rdd = DynamicPartitionKafkaRDD[K, V, U, T, R](
context.sparkContext, kafkaParams, from, until, messageHandler, numPartitions)
if(enableOffsetCheckpoint) {
val offsetRanges = { case (tp, fo) =>
val uo = until(tp)
OffsetRange(tp.topic, tp.partition, fo, uo.offset)
// Save offset ranges to staging directory
logInfo(s"Save offset range to HDFS, time: $validTime, topic: $topics, path: $offsetCheckpointDir")
offsetRanges.groupBy(_.topic).foreach{ case (topic, ranges) => writeCheckpoint(validTime, ranges.toList, topic, dc, offsetCheckpointDir, fs) }
Some(callCSharpTransform(rdd, validTime))
private def initializeReceiver(): Unit = {
if (numReceivers > 0) {
preComputeOutputMap = new ConcurrentHashMap()
rddPreComputeProcessor = new RddPreComputeProcessor[R](
context.sparkContext, s"dstream-$id", maxPendingJobs, numReceivers, fetchRate * 2,
StorageLevel(useDisk = false, useMemory = true, deserialized = true, 3))
private def doReceive(): Unit = {
if (numReceivers > 0) {
logInfo(s"starting doReceive for stream$id")
val rddOption = doCompute(new Time(0))
rddOption.foreach(rdd => rddPreComputeProcessor.put(rdd))
private def reportInputInfo(validTime: Time, offsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange]): Unit = {
// Report the record number and metadata of this batch interval to InputInfoTracker.
val description = offsetRanges.filter { offsetRange =>
// Don't display empty ranges.
offsetRange.fromOffset != offsetRange.untilOffset
}.map { offsetRange =>
s"topic: ${offsetRange.topic}\tpartition: ${offsetRange.partition}\t" +
s"offsets: ${offsetRange.fromOffset} to ${offsetRange.untilOffset}"
// Copy offsetRanges to immutable.List to prevent from being modified by the user
val metadata = Map(
"offsets" -> offsetRanges.toList,
StreamInputInfo.METADATA_KEY_DESCRIPTION -> description)
val count =
val inputInfo = StreamInputInfo(id, count, metadata)
ssc.scheduler.inputInfoTracker.reportInfo(validTime, inputInfo)
logInfo(s"finished reportInputInfo for stream$id of record count: $count")
override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[R]] = {
val rddOption = if (numReceivers > 0) {
val recordList = rddPreComputeProcessor.get()
preComputeOutputMap.put(validTime, recordList)
val rddList = { case RddPreComputeRecord(_, rdd) => rdd }
if (rddList.nonEmpty) Some(context.sparkContext.union(rddList)) else None
} else {
rddOption.foreach(rdd => reportInputInfo(validTime, getOffsetRanges(rdd)))
// override this method to un-persist precomputed RDDs that are no longer needed
override private[streaming] def clearMetadata(time: Time): Unit = {
if (numReceivers > 0) {
if (preComputeOutputMap.containsKey(time)) {
preComputeOutputMap.remove(time).foreach {
case RddPreComputeRecord(rddSeqNum, rdd) =>
if (enableOffsetCheckpoint && offsetCheckpointDir != null) {
// When offset ranges checkpoint enabled, the 1st batch is used to replay the checkpointed offsets,
// in this case don't need to commit the offsets
if (needToReplayOffsetRanges) {
needToReplayOffsetRanges = false
} else {
commitCheckpoint(offsetCheckpointDir, time, new Duration(replayBatches * slideDuration.milliseconds), maxRetainedOffsetCheckpoints, fs)
override def start(): Unit = {
if (enableOffsetCheckpoint && offsetCheckpointDir != null) {
logInfo("Offset range checkpoint is enabled.")
val offsetRanges = topics.flatMap(readCheckpoint(offsetCheckpointDir, new Duration(replayBatches * slideDuration.milliseconds), _, dc, fs))
.flatten.groupBy(range => range.topicAndPartition())
.map { case (tp, ranges) => tp ->(ranges.minBy(_.fromOffset).fromOffset, ranges.maxBy(_.untilOffset).untilOffset) }
logInfo("Find " + offsetRanges.size + " offset ranges for topics:" + topics + ", dc:" + dc)
if (!offsetRanges.isEmpty) {
val leaders = if (kafkaParams("").isEmpty)
Map[TopicAndPartition, (String, Int)]()
else if (kafkaParams.contains("metadata.leader.list")) // this piece of code is for test purpose only
kafkaParams("metadata.leader.list").split("\\|").map { l =>
val s = l.split(",")
TopicAndPartition(s(0), s(1).toInt) -> (s(2), s(3).toInt)
// remove those topics which don't have leaders
val filteredOffsetRanges = offsetRanges.filterKeys(leaders.contains(_))
offsetsRangeForNextBatch = Some( { case (tp, (minFromOffset, maxUntilOffset)) => tp -> minFromOffset }, { case (tp, (minFromOffset, maxUntilOffset)) => tp -> new LeaderOffset(leaders(tp)._1, leaders(tp)._2, maxUntilOffset)
logInfo(s"Loaded offset range from checkpoint, topics: $topics, dc: $dc")
needToReplayOffsetRanges = true
// remove all *staging directories
deleteUncommittedCheckpoint(offsetCheckpointDir, fs)
override def stop(): Unit = {
if (refreshOffsetsScheduler != null) {
class DynamicPartitionKafkaInputDStreamCheckpointData extends DStreamCheckpointData(this) {
def batchForTime: mutable.HashMap[Time, Array[(String, Int, Long, Long)]] = {
data.asInstanceOf[mutable.HashMap[Time, Array[OffsetRange.OffsetRangeTuple]]]
override def update(time: Time) {
generatedRDDs.foreach { case (k, v) =>
batchForTime += (k -> getOffsetRanges(v).map(_.toTuple))
override def cleanup(time: Time) { }
override def restore() {
currentOffsets = batchForTime(batchForTime.keys.max).groupBy {
case (topic, partition, _, _) => (topic, partition)
}.map {
case (k, vIter) => (TopicAndPartition(k._1, k._2), vIter.maxBy(_._4)._4)
// this is assuming that the topics don't change during execution, which is true currently
topicAndPartitions = currentOffsets.keySet
offsetsRangeForNextBatch = None
// for unit test purpose only, it will not get here in prod if broker list is empty
val leaders = if (kafkaParams("").isEmpty)
Map[TopicAndPartition, (String, Int)]()
val leaderCount = leaders.count(_ => true)
logInfo(s"Restoring DynamicPartitionKafkaRDD for leaders: $leaderCount $leaders")
batchForTime.toSeq.sortBy(_._1)(Time.ordering).foreach { case (t, b) =>
logInfo(s"Restoring DynamicPartitionKafkaRDD for id $id time $t ${b.mkString("[", ", ", "]")}")
val generatedRdd = callCSharpTransform(new DynamicPartitionKafkaRDD[K, V, U, T, R](
context.sparkContext, kafkaParams,, leaders, messageHandler, numPartitions), t)
generatedRDDs += t -> generatedRdd
private[streaming] object OffsetRangeCheckpointHandler extends Logging {
val LOCK = new Object()
val PREFIX = "offsets-"
val REGEX = (PREFIX + """([\d]+)$""").r
val STAGING_REGEX = (PREFIX + """([\d]+)\.staging$""").r
val SEP = "\t"
@Transient var lastCommittedBatchTim: Time = null
def checkpointDirForBatch(checkpointPath: Path, time: Time)(implicit staging: Boolean = false): Path = {
if (staging) new Path(checkpointPath, PREFIX + time.milliseconds + ".staging") else new Path(checkpointPath, PREFIX + time.milliseconds)
def checkpointPath(time: Time, topic: String, dc: String, checkpointDir: Path, staging: Boolean): Path = {
new Path(checkpointDirForBatch(checkpointDir, time)(staging), s"$dc-$topic")
def commitCheckpoint(checkpointDir: Path, batchTime: Time, replayDuration: Duration, maxRetainedCheckpoints: Int, fs: FileSystem): Unit = {
logInfo("Attempt to commit offsets checkpoint, batchTime:" + batchTime)
LOCK.synchronized {
Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
if (batchTime == lastCommittedBatchTim) {
val offsetsCheckpointDir = checkpointDirForBatch(checkpointDir, batchTime)
if (fs.exists(offsetsCheckpointDir)) {
logInfo(s"Checkpoint directory for time: $batchTime already exists: $offsetsCheckpointDir")
} else {
val stagingDir = checkpointDirForBatch(checkpointDir, batchTime)(true)
if (!fs.exists(stagingDir)) {
logError(s"Checkpoint staging directory for time: $batchTime does not exists, path: $stagingDir.")
} else {
fs.rename(stagingDir, offsetsCheckpointDir)
logInfo(s"Successfully commit offset ranges for time: $batchTime, path: $offsetsCheckpointDir")
} {
lastCommittedBatchTim = batchTime
//remove expired offset checkpoint
fs.listStatus(checkpointDir, new PathFilter() {
def accept(path: Path): Boolean = {
}).sortBy(_.getPath.getName).reverse.drop(maxRetainedCheckpoints).foreach(s => {
fs.delete(s.getPath, true)
logWarning("Deleted offset checkpoint: " + s.getPath)
def writeCheckpoint(batchTime: Time, offsetRanges: List[OffsetRange], topic: String, dc: String, checkpointDir: Path, fs: FileSystem): Path = {
// Remove existing staging directory first
val offsetCheckpointPath = checkpointPath(batchTime, topic, dc, checkpointDir, true)
// Write checkpoint file
if (fs.exists(offsetCheckpointPath)) {
logError("Offset checkpoint file " + offsetCheckpointPath.toString + "already exists, this should not happen, delete it.")
fs.delete(offsetCheckpointPath, true)
val bo = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(offsetCheckpointPath), "UTF-8"))
Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
offsetRanges.sortBy(_.fromOffset).foreach { range =>
//schema: {topic}\t{patition}\t{fromOffset}\t{untilOffset}
logInfo(s"Checkpointed offset ranges for dc $dc time $batchTime offsetRange ${offsetRanges.size}")
} {
def readOffsets(path: Path, fs: FileSystem): Seq[OffsetRange] = {
logInfo("Trying to read offsets from " + path)
val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-8"))
Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
val offsetRanges = Iterator.continually(br.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(_.split(SEP)).map(r => OffsetRange(r(0), r(1).toInt, r(2).toLong, r(3).toLong)).toSeq
logInfo(s"Read offset ranges from $path partitions ${offsetRanges.length}")
} {
def readCheckpoint(checkpointPath: Path, replayDuration: Duration, topic: String, dc: String, fs: FileSystem): Option[Seq[OffsetRange]] = {
// Try to find offset checkpoint files
val checkpointFiles = fs.listStatus(checkpointPath, new PathFilter() {
def accept(path: Path): Boolean = {
if (checkpointFiles.isEmpty) {
logInfo("Could not find any offset checkpoint files.")
return None
val offsetRanges = new ListBuffer[OffsetRange]()
val latestReplayBatchTime = new Time(checkpointFiles.head.getName.substring(PREFIX.length).toLong)
logInfo("Batch time for the latest offset checkpoint file is: " + latestReplayBatchTime.milliseconds)
val earliestReplayBatchTime = latestReplayBatchTime - replayDuration
logInfo("Batch time for the earliest offset checkpoint file is: " + earliestReplayBatchTime.milliseconds)
checkpointFiles.filter(p => new Time(p.getName.substring(PREFIX.length).toLong) > earliestReplayBatchTime).foreach(path => {
logInfo("Attempting to load checkpoint from directory " + path)
val statues = fs.listStatus(path)
if (statues != null) {
val paths ="$dc-$topic"))
paths.foreach(p => offsetRanges.appendAll(readOffsets(p, fs)))
} else {
logWarning("Listing " + path + "returned null")
logInfo(s"Read offsets with topic: $topic, dc: $dc, ranges: " + offsetRanges)
def deleteUncommittedCheckpoint(checkpointPath: Path, fs: FileSystem): Unit = {
LOCK.synchronized {
fs.listStatus(checkpointPath, new PathFilter() {
def accept(path: Path): Boolean = {
}).foreach { p =>
fs.delete(p.getPath, true)
logInfo("Delete staging directory: " + p.getPath)
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