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Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. The Azure Key Vault feature in Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server depends on Azure SDK for JAVA and Azure Active Directory Library For Java.

There is a newer version: 12.7.0.jre11-preview
Show newest version
 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
 * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
 * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.


import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.UUID;

public final class SQLServerDataTable {

    int rowCount = 0;
    int columnCount = 0;
    Map columnMetadata = null;
    Map rows = null;

    private String tvpName = null;

     * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to as a type code, that identifies the type TVP.
     * @throws SQLServerException
     *             when an error occurs
    // Name used in CREATE TYPE
    public SQLServerDataTable() throws SQLServerException {
        columnMetadata = new LinkedHashMap();
        rows = new HashMap();

     * Clears this data table.
    public synchronized void clear() {
        rowCount = 0;
        columnCount = 0;

     * Retrieves an iterator on the rows of the data table.
     * @return an iterator on the rows of the data table.
    public synchronized Iterator> getIterator() {
        if ((null != rows) && (null != rows.entrySet())) {
            return rows.entrySet().iterator();
        return null;

     * Adds meta data for the specified column
     * @param columnName
     *            the name of the column
     * @param sqlType
     *            the sql type of the column
     * @throws SQLServerException
     *             when an error occurs
    public synchronized void addColumnMetadata(String columnName,
            int sqlType) throws SQLServerException {
        // column names must be unique
        Util.checkDuplicateColumnName(columnName, columnMetadata);
        columnMetadata.put(columnCount++, new SQLServerDataColumn(columnName, sqlType));

     * Adds meta data for the specified column
     * @param column
     *            the name of the column
     * @throws SQLServerException
     *             when an error occurs
    public synchronized void addColumnMetadata(SQLServerDataColumn column) throws SQLServerException {
        // column names must be unique
        Util.checkDuplicateColumnName(column.columnName, columnMetadata);
        columnMetadata.put(columnCount++, column);

     * Adds one row of data to the data table.
     * @param values
     *            values to be added in one row of data to the data table.
     * @throws SQLServerException
     *             when an error occurs
    public synchronized void addRow(Object... values) throws SQLServerException {
        try {
            int columnCount = columnMetadata.size();

            if ((null != values) && values.length > columnCount) {
                MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_moreDataInRowThanColumnInTVP"));
                Object[] msgArgs = {};
                throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);

            Iterator> columnsIterator = columnMetadata.entrySet().iterator();
            Object[] rowValues = new Object[columnCount];
            int currentColumn = 0;
            while (columnsIterator.hasNext()) {
                Object val = null;

                if ((null != values) && (currentColumn < values.length) && (null != values[currentColumn]))
                    val = (null == values[currentColumn]) ? null : values[currentColumn];
                Map.Entry pair =;
                JDBCType jdbcType = JDBCType.of(pair.getValue().javaSqlType);
                internalAddrow(jdbcType, val, rowValues, pair);
            rows.put(rowCount++, rowValues);
        catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_TVPInvalidColumnValue"), e);
        catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_TVPInvalidColumnValue"), e);

     * Adding rows one row of data to data table.
     * @param jdbcType The jdbcType
     * @param val The data value
     * @param rowValues Row of data
     * @param pair pair to be added to data table
     * @throws SQLServerException
    private void internalAddrow(JDBCType jdbcType,
            Object val,
            Object[] rowValues,
            Map.Entry pair) throws SQLServerException {

        SQLServerDataColumn currentColumnMetadata = pair.getValue();
        boolean isColumnMetadataUpdated = false;
        boolean bValueNull;
        int nValueLen;
        switch (jdbcType) {
            case BIGINT:
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (null == val) ? null : Long.parseLong(val.toString());

            case BIT:
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (null == val) ? null : Boolean.parseBoolean(val.toString());

            case INTEGER:
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (null == val) ? null : Integer.parseInt(val.toString());

            case SMALLINT:
            case TINYINT:
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (null == val) ? null : Short.parseShort(val.toString());

            case DECIMAL:
            case NUMERIC:
                BigDecimal bd = null;
                if (null != val) {
                    bd = new BigDecimal(val.toString());
                    // BigDecimal#precision returns number of digits in the unscaled value.
                    // Say, for value 0.01, it returns 1 but the precision should be 3 for SQLServer
                    int precision = Util.getValueLengthBaseOnJavaType(bd, JavaType.of(bd), null, null, jdbcType);
                    if (bd.scale() > currentColumnMetadata.scale) {
                        currentColumnMetadata.scale = bd.scale();
                        isColumnMetadataUpdated = true;
                    if (precision > currentColumnMetadata.precision) {
                        currentColumnMetadata.precision = precision;
                        isColumnMetadataUpdated = true;

                    // precision equal: the maximum number of digits in integer part + the maximum scale
                    int numberOfDigitsIntegerPart = precision - bd.scale();
                    if (numberOfDigitsIntegerPart > currentColumnMetadata.numberOfDigitsIntegerPart) {
                        currentColumnMetadata.numberOfDigitsIntegerPart = numberOfDigitsIntegerPart;
                        isColumnMetadataUpdated = true;

                    if (isColumnMetadataUpdated) {
                        currentColumnMetadata.precision = currentColumnMetadata.scale + currentColumnMetadata.numberOfDigitsIntegerPart;
                        columnMetadata.put(pair.getKey(), currentColumnMetadata);
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = bd;

            case DOUBLE:
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (null == val) ? null : Double.parseDouble(val.toString());

            case FLOAT:
            case REAL:
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (null == val) ? null : Float.parseFloat(val.toString());

            case TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE:
            case DATE:
            case TIME:
            case TIMESTAMP:
            case DATETIMEOFFSET:
                // Sending temporal types as string. Error from database is thrown if parsing fails
                // no need to send precision for temporal types, string literal will never exceed DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES

                if (null == val)
                    rowValues[pair.getKey()] = null;
                // java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time and java.sql.Timestamp are subclass of java.util.Date
                else if (val instanceof java.util.Date)
                    rowValues[pair.getKey()] = val.toString();
                else if (val instanceof microsoft.sql.DateTimeOffset)
                    rowValues[pair.getKey()] = val.toString();
                else if (val instanceof OffsetDateTime)
                    rowValues[pair.getKey()] = val.toString();
                else if (val instanceof OffsetTime)
                    rowValues[pair.getKey()] = val.toString();
                    rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (null == val) ? null : (String) val;

            case BINARY:
            case VARBINARY:
            case LONGVARBINARY:
                bValueNull = (null == val);
                nValueLen = bValueNull ? 0 : ((byte[]) val).length;

                if (nValueLen > currentColumnMetadata.precision) {
                    currentColumnMetadata.precision = nValueLen;
                    columnMetadata.put(pair.getKey(), currentColumnMetadata);
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (bValueNull) ? null : (byte[]) val;


            case CHAR:
                if (val instanceof UUID && (val != null))
                    val = val.toString();
            case VARCHAR:
            case NCHAR:
            case NVARCHAR:
            case LONGVARCHAR:
            case LONGNVARCHAR:
            case SQLXML:
                bValueNull = (null == val);
                nValueLen = bValueNull ? 0 : (2 * ((String) val).length());

                if (nValueLen > currentColumnMetadata.precision) {
                    currentColumnMetadata.precision = nValueLen;
                    columnMetadata.put(pair.getKey(), currentColumnMetadata);
                rowValues[pair.getKey()] = (bValueNull) ? null : (String) val;
            case SQL_VARIANT:
                JDBCType internalJDBCType;
                if (null == val) { // TODO:Check this later
                    throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidValueForTVPWithSQLVariant"), null);
                JavaType javaType = JavaType.of(val);
                internalJDBCType = javaType.getJDBCType(SSType.UNKNOWN, jdbcType);
                internalAddrow(internalJDBCType, val, rowValues, pair);
                MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_unsupportedDataTypeTVP"));
                Object[] msgArgs = {jdbcType};
                throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);
    public synchronized Map getColumnMetadata() {
        return columnMetadata;

    public String getTvpName() {
        return tvpName;

     * Retrieves the column meta data of this data table.
     * @param tvpName
     *            the name of TVP
    public void setTvpName(String tvpName) {
        this.tvpName = tvpName;

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