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Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. The Azure Key Vault feature in Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server depends on Azure SDK for JAVA and Azure Active Directory Library For Java.

There is a newer version: 12.7.0.jre11-preview
Show newest version
 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
 * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
 * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.


import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetTime;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Locale;

 * Parameter represents a JDBC parameter value that is supplied with a prepared or callable statement or an updatable result set. Parameter is JDBC
 * type specific and is capable of representing any Java native type as well as a number of Java object types including binary and character streams.

final class Parameter {
    // Value type info for OUT parameters (excluding return status)
    private TypeInfo typeInfo;

    // For unencrypted paramters cryptometa will be null. For encrypted parameters it will hold encryption metadata.
    CryptoMetadata cryptoMeta = null;

    TypeInfo getTypeInfo() {
        return typeInfo;

    final CryptoMetadata getCryptoMetadata() {
        return cryptoMeta;

    private boolean shouldHonorAEForParameter = false;
    private boolean userProvidesPrecision = false;
    private boolean userProvidesScale = false;

    // The parameter type definition
    private String typeDefinition = null;
    boolean renewDefinition = false;

    // updated if sendStringParametersAsUnicode=true for setNString, setNCharacterStream, and setNClob methods
    private JDBCType jdbcTypeSetByUser = null;

    // set length of value for variable length type (String)
    private int valueLength = 0;

    private boolean forceEncryption = false;

    Parameter(boolean honorAE) {
        shouldHonorAEForParameter = honorAE;

    // Flag set to true if this is a registered OUTPUT parameter.
    boolean isOutput() {
        return null != registeredOutDTV;

    // Since a parameter can have only one type definition for both sending its value to the server (IN)
    // and getting its value from the server (OUT), we use the JDBC type of the IN parameter value if there
    // is one; otherwise we use the registered OUT param JDBC type.
    JDBCType getJdbcType() throws SQLServerException {
        return (null != inputDTV) ? inputDTV.getJdbcType() : JDBCType.UNKNOWN;

     * Used when sendStringParametersAsUnicode=true to derive the appropriate National Character Set JDBC type corresponding to the specified JDBC
     * type.
    private static JDBCType getSSPAUJDBCType(JDBCType jdbcType) {
        switch (jdbcType) {
            case CHAR:
                return JDBCType.NCHAR;
            case VARCHAR:
                return JDBCType.NVARCHAR;
            case LONGVARCHAR:
                return JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR;
            case CLOB:
                return JDBCType.NCLOB;
                return jdbcType;

    // For parameters whose underlying type is not represented by a JDBC type
    // the transport type reflects how the value is sent to the
    // server (e.g. JDBCType.CHAR for GUID parameters).
    void registerForOutput(JDBCType jdbcType,
            SQLServerConnection con) throws SQLServerException {
        // DateTimeOffset is not supported with SQL Server versions earlier than Katmai
        if (JDBCType.DATETIMEOFFSET == jdbcType && !con.isKatmaiOrLater()) {
            throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSupported"), SQLState.DATA_EXCEPTION_NOT_SPECIFIC, DriverError.NOT_SET,

        // sendStringParametersAsUnicode
        // If set to true, this connection property tells the driver to send textual parameters
        // to the server as Unicode rather than MBCS. This is accomplished here by re-tagging
        // the value with the appropriate corresponding Unicode type.
        if (con.sendStringParametersAsUnicode()) {

            if (shouldHonorAEForParameter) {

            jdbcType = getSSPAUJDBCType(jdbcType);

        registeredOutDTV = new DTV();

        if (null == setterDTV)
            inputDTV = registeredOutDTV;


    int scale = 0;

    // Scale requested for a DECIMAL and NUMERIC OUT parameter. If the OUT parameter
    // is also non-null IN parameter, the scale will be the larger of this value and
    // the value of the IN parameter's scale.
    private int outScale = 4;

    int getOutScale() {
        return outScale;

    void setOutScale(int outScale) {
        this.outScale = outScale;
        userProvidesScale = true;

    // The parameter name
    private String name;
    private String schemaName;

     * The different DTVs representing the parameter's value:
     * getterDTV - The OUT value, if set, of the parameter after execution. This is the value retrieved by CallableStatement getter methods.
     * registeredOutDTV - The "IN" value corresponding to a SQL NULL with a JDBC type that was passed to the CallableStatement.registerOutParameter
     * method. Since SQL Server does not directly support OUT-only parameters (just IN and IN/OUT), the driver sends a null IN value for an OUT
     * parameter, unless the application set an input value (setterDTV) as well.
     * setterDTV - The IN value, if set, of the parameter. This is the value set by PreparedStatement and CallableStatement setter methods.
     * inputDTV - If set, refers to either setterDTV or registeredOutDTV depending on whether the parameter is IN, IN/OUT, or OUT-only. If cleared
     * (i.e. set to null), it means that no value is set for the parameter and that execution of the PreparedStatement or CallableStatement should
     * throw a "parameter not set" exception.
     * Note that if the parameter value is a stream, the driver consumes its contents it at execution and clears inputDTV and setterDTV so that the
     * application must reset the parameter prior to the next execution to avoid getting a "parameter not set" exception.
    private DTV getterDTV;
    private DTV registeredOutDTV = null;
    private DTV setterDTV = null;
    private DTV inputDTV = null;

     * Clones this Parameter object for use in a batch.
     * The clone method creates a shallow clone of the Parameter object. That is, the cloned instance references all of the same internal objects and
     * state as the original.
     * Note: this method is purposely NOT the Object.clone() method, as that method has specific requirements and semantics that we don't need here.
    final Parameter cloneForBatch() {
        Parameter clonedParam = new Parameter(shouldHonorAEForParameter);
        clonedParam.typeInfo = typeInfo;
        clonedParam.typeDefinition = typeDefinition;
        clonedParam.outScale = outScale; = name;
        clonedParam.getterDTV = getterDTV;
        clonedParam.registeredOutDTV = registeredOutDTV;
        clonedParam.setterDTV = setterDTV;
        clonedParam.inputDTV = inputDTV;
        clonedParam.cryptoMeta = cryptoMeta;
        clonedParam.jdbcTypeSetByUser = jdbcTypeSetByUser;
        clonedParam.valueLength = valueLength;
        clonedParam.userProvidesPrecision = userProvidesPrecision;
        clonedParam.userProvidesScale = userProvidesScale;
        return clonedParam;

     * Skip value.
    final void skipValue(TDSReader tdsReader,
            boolean isDiscard) throws SQLServerException {
        if (null == getterDTV)
            getterDTV = new DTV();


        getterDTV.skipValue(typeInfo, tdsReader, isDiscard);

     * Skip value.
    final void skipRetValStatus(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {

        StreamRetValue srv = new StreamRetValue();

    // Clear an INPUT parameter value
    void clearInputValue() {
        setterDTV = null;
        inputDTV = registeredOutDTV;

    // reset output value for re -execution
    // if there was old value reset it to a new DTV
    void resetOutputValue() {
        getterDTV = null;
        typeInfo = null;

    void deriveTypeInfo(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
        if (null == typeInfo) {
            typeInfo = TypeInfo.getInstance(tdsReader, true);

            if (shouldHonorAEForParameter && typeInfo.isEncrypted()) {
                // In this case, method getCryptoMetadata(tdsReader) retrieves baseTypeInfo without cryptoMetadata,
                // so save cryptoMetadata first.
                CekTableEntry cekEntry = cryptoMeta.getCekTableEntry();
                cryptoMeta = (new StreamRetValue()).getCryptoMetadata(tdsReader);

    void setFromReturnStatus(int returnStatus,
            SQLServerConnection con) throws SQLServerException {
        if (null == getterDTV)
            getterDTV = new DTV();

        getterDTV.setValue(null, JDBCType.INTEGER, returnStatus, JavaType.INTEGER, null, null, null, con, getForceEncryption());

    void setValue(JDBCType jdbcType,
            Object value,
            JavaType javaType,
            StreamSetterArgs streamSetterArgs,
            Calendar calendar,
            Integer precision,
            Integer scale,
            SQLServerConnection con,
            boolean forceEncrypt,
            SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColumnEncriptionSetting,
            int parameterIndex,
            String userSQL,
            String tvpName) throws SQLServerException {

        if (shouldHonorAEForParameter) {
            userProvidesPrecision = false;
            userProvidesScale = false;

            if (null != precision) {
                userProvidesPrecision = true;

            if (null != scale) {
                userProvidesScale = true;

            // for encrypted tinyint, we need to convert short value to byte value,
            // otherwise it would be sent as smallint
            // Also, for setters, we are able to send tinyint to smallint
            // However, for output parameter, it might cause error.
            if (!isOutput()) {
                if ((JavaType.SHORT == javaType) && ((JDBCType.TINYINT == jdbcType) || (JDBCType.SMALLINT == jdbcType))) {
                    // value falls in the TINYINT range
                    if (((Short) value) >= 0 && ((Short) value) <= 255) {
                        value = ((Short) value).byteValue();
                        javaType = JavaType.of(value);
                        jdbcType = javaType.getJDBCType(SSType.UNKNOWN, jdbcType);
                    // value falls outside tinyint range. Throw an error if the user intends to send as tinyint.
                    else {
                        // This is for cases like setObject(1, Short.valueOf("-1"), java.sql.Types.TINYINT);
                        if (JDBCType.TINYINT == jdbcType) {
                            MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidDataForAE"));
                            Object[] msgArgs = {javaType.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), jdbcType.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)};
                            throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);

        // forceEncryption is true, shouldhonorae is false
        if ((true == forceEncrypt) && (false == Util.shouldHonorAEForParameters(stmtColumnEncriptionSetting, con))) {

            MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_ForceEncryptionTrue_HonorAEFalse"));
            Object[] msgArgs = {parameterIndex, userSQL};
            SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true);


        // DateTimeOffset is not supported with SQL Server versions earlier than Katmai
        if ((JDBCType.DATETIMEOFFSET == jdbcType || JavaType.DATETIMEOFFSET == javaType) && !con.isKatmaiOrLater()) {
            throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSupported"), SQLState.DATA_EXCEPTION_NOT_SPECIFIC, DriverError.NOT_SET,

        if (JavaType.TVP == javaType) {
            TVP tvpValue;
            if (null == value) {
                tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName);
            else if (value instanceof SQLServerDataTable) {
                tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName, (SQLServerDataTable) value);
            else if (value instanceof ResultSet) {
                tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName, (ResultSet) value);
            else if (value instanceof ISQLServerDataRecord) {
                tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName, (ISQLServerDataRecord) value);
            else {
                MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_TVPInvalidValue"));
                Object[] msgArgs = {parameterIndex};
                throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);

            if (!tvpValue.isNull() && (0 == tvpValue.getTVPColumnCount())) {
                throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_TVPEmptyMetadata"), null);
            name = (tvpValue).getTVPName();
            schemaName = tvpValue.getOwningSchemaNameTVP();

            value = tvpValue;

        // setting JDBCType and exact length needed for AE stored procedure
        if (shouldHonorAEForParameter) {

            // set it if it is not output parameter or jdbcTypeSetByUser is null
            if (!(this.isOutput() && this.jdbcTypeSetByUser != null)) {

            // skip it if is (character types or binary type) & is output parameter && value is already set,
            if ((!(jdbcType.isTextual() || jdbcType.isBinary())) || !(this.isOutput()) || (this.valueLength == 0)) {
                this.valueLength = Util.getValueLengthBaseOnJavaType(value, javaType, precision, scale, jdbcType);

            if (null != scale) {
                this.outScale = scale;

        // sendStringParametersAsUnicode
        // If set to true, this connection property tells the driver to send textual parameters
        // to the server as Unicode rather than MBCS. This is accomplished here by re-tagging
        // the value with the appropriate corresponding Unicode type.
        // JavaType.OBJECT == javaType when calling setNull()
        if (con.sendStringParametersAsUnicode()
                && (JavaType.STRING == javaType || JavaType.READER == javaType || JavaType.CLOB == javaType || JavaType.OBJECT == javaType)) {
            jdbcType = getSSPAUJDBCType(jdbcType);

        DTV newDTV = new DTV();
        newDTV.setValue(con.getDatabaseCollation(), jdbcType, value, javaType, streamSetterArgs, calendar, scale, con, forceEncrypt);

        if (!con.sendStringParametersAsUnicode()) {
            newDTV.sendStringParametersAsUnicode = false;

        inputDTV = setterDTV = newDTV;

    boolean isNull() {
        if (null != getterDTV)
            return getterDTV.isNull();

        return false;

    boolean isValueGotten() {
        return null != getterDTV;


    Object getValue(JDBCType jdbcType,
            InputStreamGetterArgs getterArgs,
            Calendar cal,
            TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
        if (null == getterDTV)
            getterDTV = new DTV();

        // If the parameter is not encrypted or column encryption is turned off (either at connection or
        // statement level), cryptoMeta would be null.
        return getterDTV.getValue(jdbcType, outScale, getterArgs, cal, typeInfo, cryptoMeta, tdsReader);

    int getInt(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
        Integer value = (Integer) getValue(JDBCType.INTEGER, null, null, tdsReader);
        return null != value ? value : 0;

     * DTV execute op to determine the parameter type definition.
    final class GetTypeDefinitionOp extends DTVExecuteOp {
        private static final String NVARCHAR_MAX = "nvarchar(max)";
        private static final String NVARCHAR_4K = "nvarchar(4000)";
        private static final String NTEXT = "ntext";

        private static final String VARCHAR_MAX = "varchar(max)";
        private static final String VARCHAR_8K = "varchar(8000)";
        private static final String TEXT = "text";

        private static final String VARBINARY_MAX = "varbinary(max)";
        private static final String VARBINARY_8K = "varbinary(8000)";
        private static final String IMAGE = "image";

        private final Parameter param;
        private final SQLServerConnection con;

        GetTypeDefinitionOp(Parameter param,
                SQLServerConnection con) {
            this.param = param;
            this.con = con;

        private void setTypeDefinition(DTV dtv) {
            switch (dtv.getJdbcType()) {
                case TINYINT:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.TINYINT.toString();

                case SMALLINT:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.SMALLINT.toString();

                case INTEGER:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.INTEGER.toString();

                case BIGINT:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.BIGINT.toString();

                case REAL:
                    // sp_describe_parameter_encryption must be queried as real for AE
                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser)
                            && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        param.typeDefinition = SSType.REAL.toString();
                    else {
                        // use FLOAT if column is not encrypted
                        param.typeDefinition = SSType.FLOAT.toString();
                case FLOAT:
                case DOUBLE:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.FLOAT.toString();

                case DECIMAL:
                case NUMERIC:
                    // First, bound the scale by the maximum allowed by SQL Server
                    if (scale > SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision)
                        scale = SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision;

                    // Next, prepare with the largest of:
                    // - the value's scale (initial value, as limited above)
                    // - the specified input scale (if any)
                    // - the registered output scale
                    Integer inScale = dtv.getScale();
                    if (null != inScale && scale < inScale)
                        scale = inScale;

                    if (param.isOutput() && scale < param.getOutScale())
                        scale = param.getOutScale();

                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser)
                            && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        if (0 == valueLength) {
                            // for prepared statement and callable statement, There are only two cases where valueLength is 0:
                            // 1. when the parameter is output parameter
                            // 2. for input parameter, the value is null
                            // so, here, if the decimal parameter is encrypted and it is null and it is not outparameter
                            // then we set precision as the default precision instead of max precision
                            if (!isOutput()) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision + ", " + scale + ")";
                        else {
                            if (SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision >= valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision + "," + scale + ")";

                                if (SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision < (valueLength + scale)) {
                                    param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + (SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision + scale) + "," + scale + ")";
                            else {
                                param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision + "," + scale + ")";

                        if (isOutput()) {
                            param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision + ", " + scale + ")";

                        if (userProvidesPrecision) {
                            param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + valueLength + "," + scale + ")";
                        param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision + "," + scale + ")";


                case MONEY:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.MONEY.toString();
                case SMALLMONEY:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.MONEY.toString();

                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                        param.typeDefinition = SSType.SMALLMONEY.toString();

                case BIT:
                case BOOLEAN:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.BIT.toString();

                case LONGVARBINARY:
                case BLOB:
                    param.typeDefinition = VARBINARY_MAX;

                case BINARY:
                case VARBINARY:
                    // To avoid the server side cost of re-preparing, once a "long" type, always a "long" type...
                    if (VARBINARY_MAX.equals(param.typeDefinition) || IMAGE.equals(param.typeDefinition))
                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser)
                            && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        if (0 == valueLength) {
                            param.typeDefinition = "varbinary";
                        else {
                            param.typeDefinition = "varbinary(" + valueLength + ")";

                        if (JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY == jdbcTypeSetByUser) {
                            param.typeDefinition = VARBINARY_MAX;
                        param.typeDefinition = VARBINARY_8K;

                case DATE:
                    // Bind DATE values to pre-Katmai servers as DATETIME (which has no DATE-only type).
                    param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? SSType.DATE.toString() : SSType.DATETIME.toString();

                case TIME:
                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {

                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.

                        if (userProvidesScale) {
                            param.typeDefinition = (SSType.TIME.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")");
                        else {
                            param.typeDefinition = param.typeDefinition = SSType.TIME.toString() + "(" + valueLength + ")";
                    else {
                        param.typeDefinition = con.getSendTimeAsDatetime() ? SSType.DATETIME.toString() : SSType.TIME.toString();

                case TIMESTAMP:
                    // Bind TIMESTAMP values to pre-Katmai servers as DATETIME. Bind TIMESTAMP values to
                    // Katmai and later servers as DATETIME2 to take advantage of increased precision.
                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        if (userProvidesScale) {
                            param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? (SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")")
                                    : (SSType.DATETIME.toString());
                        else {
                            param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? (SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + valueLength + ")")
                                    : SSType.DATETIME.toString();
                    else {
                        param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? SSType.DATETIME2.toString() : SSType.DATETIME.toString();

                case DATETIME:
                    // send as Datetime by default
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString();

                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                        param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME.toString();

                    if (!param.shouldHonorAEForParameter) {
                        // if AE is off and it is output parameter of stored procedure, sent it as datetime2(3)
                        // otherwise it returns incorrect milliseconds.
                        if (param.isOutput()) {
                            param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")";
                    else {
                        // when AE is on, set it to Datetime by default,
                        // However, if column is not encrypted and it is output parameter of stored procedure,
                        // renew it to datetime2(3)
                        if (null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition) {
                            if (param.isOutput()) {
                                param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")";

                case SMALLDATETIME:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString();

                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                        param.typeDefinition = SSType.SMALLDATETIME.toString();


                case TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE:
                case TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE:
                case DATETIMEOFFSET:
                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        if (userProvidesScale) {
                            param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIMEOFFSET.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")";
                        else {
                            param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIMEOFFSET.toString() + "(" + valueLength + ")";
                    else {
                        param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIMEOFFSET.toString();

                case LONGVARCHAR:
                case CLOB:
                    param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX;

                case CHAR:
                case VARCHAR:
                    // To avoid the server side cost of re-preparing, once a "long" type, always a "long" type...
                    if (VARCHAR_MAX.equals(param.typeDefinition) || TEXT.equals(param.typeDefinition))

                    // Adding for case useColumnEncryption=true & sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false
                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser)
                            && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        if (0 == valueLength) {
                            param.typeDefinition = "varchar";
                        else {
                            param.typeDefinition = "varchar(" + valueLength + ")";

                            if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX;
                        param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_8K;

                case LONGNVARCHAR:
                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && ((jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.VARCHAR) || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.CHAR)
                                || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR))) {
                            if (0 == valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "varchar";
                            else if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES < valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX;
                            else {
                                param.typeDefinition = "varchar(" + valueLength + ")";

                            if (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR) {
                                param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX;
                        else if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser)
                                && (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.NVARCHAR || jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR)) {
                            if (0 == valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar";
                            else if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS < valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;
                            else {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")";

                            if (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR) {
                                param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;
                        else { // used if setNull() is called with java.sql.Types.NCHAR
                            if (0 == valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar";
                            else {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")";

                                if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) {
                                    param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;
                        param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;

                case NCLOB:
                    // do not need to check if AE is enabled or not,
                    // because NCLOB does not work with it
                    param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;

                case NCHAR:
                case NVARCHAR:
                    // To avoid the server side cost of re-preparing, once a "long" type, always a "long" type...
                    if (NVARCHAR_MAX.equals(param.typeDefinition) || NTEXT.equals(param.typeDefinition))

                    if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) {
                         * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or
                         * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send
                         * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before.
                        if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && ((jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.VARCHAR) || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.CHAR)
                                || (JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser))) {
                            if (0 == valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "varchar";
                            else {
                                param.typeDefinition = "varchar(" + valueLength + ")";

                                if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES < valueLength) {
                                    param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX;

                            if (JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser) {
                                param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX;
                        else if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && ((jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.NVARCHAR) || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.NCHAR)
                                || (JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser))) {
                            if (0 == valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar";
                            else {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")";

                                if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) {
                                    param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;

                            if (JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser) {
                                param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;
                        else { // used if setNull() is called with java.sql.Types.NCHAR
                            if (0 == valueLength) {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar";
                            else {
                                param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")";

                                if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) {
                                    param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX;
                        param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_4K;
                case SQLXML:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.XML.toString();

                case TVP:
                    // definition should contain the TVP name and the keyword READONLY
                    String schema = param.schemaName;

                    if (null != schema) {
                        param.typeDefinition = "[" + schema + "].[" + + "] READONLY";
                    else {
                        param.typeDefinition = "[" + + "] READONLY";


                case GUID:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.GUID.toString();
                case SQL_VARIANT:
                    param.typeDefinition = SSType.SQL_VARIANT.toString();
                    assert false : "Unexpected JDBC type " + dtv.getJdbcType();

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                String strValue) throws SQLServerException {
            if (null != strValue && strValue.length() > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS)


        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Clob clobValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Byte byteValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Integer intValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                java.sql.Time timeValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                java.sql.Date dateValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                java.sql.Timestamp timestampValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                java.util.Date utildateValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                java.util.Calendar calendarValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                LocalDate localDateValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                LocalTime localTimeValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                LocalDateTime localDateTimeValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                OffsetTime offsetTimeValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                OffsetDateTime OffsetDateTimeValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                microsoft.sql.DateTimeOffset dtoValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Float floatValue) throws SQLServerException {
            scale = 4;

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Double doubleValue) throws SQLServerException {
            scale = 4;

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                BigDecimal bigDecimalValue) throws SQLServerException {
            if (null != bigDecimalValue) {
                scale = bigDecimalValue.scale();

                // BigDecimal in JRE 1.5 and later JVMs exposes an implementation detail
                // that allows representation of large values in small space by interpreting
                // a negative value for scale to imply scientific notation (e.g. 1 E 10^n)
                // would have a scale of -n. A BigDecimal value with a negative scale has
                // no fractional component.
                if (scale < 0)
                    scale = 0;


        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Long longValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                java.math.BigInteger bigIntegerValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Short shortValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Boolean booleanValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                byte[] byteArrayValue) throws SQLServerException {
            if (null != byteArrayValue && byteArrayValue.length > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES)
                dtv.setJdbcType(dtv.getJdbcType().isBinary() ? JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY : JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR);


        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Blob blobValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
                InputStream inputStreamValue) throws SQLServerException {
            StreamSetterArgs streamSetterArgs = dtv.getStreamSetterArgs();

            JDBCType jdbcType = dtv.getJdbcType();

            // If the JDBC type is currently a "short" type, then figure out if needs to be bumped up to a "long" type
            if (JDBCType.CHAR == jdbcType || JDBCType.VARCHAR == jdbcType || JDBCType.BINARY == jdbcType || JDBCType.VARBINARY == jdbcType) {
                // If we know the length is too long for a "short" type, then convert to a "long" type.
                if (streamSetterArgs.getLength() > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES)
                    dtv.setJdbcType(jdbcType.isBinary() ? JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY : JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR);

                // If the length of the value is unknown, then figure out whether it is at least longer
                // than what will fit into a "short" type.
                else if (DataTypes.UNKNOWN_STREAM_LENGTH == streamSetterArgs.getLength()) {
                    byte[] vartypeBytes = new byte[1 + DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES];
                    BufferedInputStream bufferedStream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStreamValue, vartypeBytes.length);

                    int bytesRead = 0;

                    try {

                        bytesRead =, 0, vartypeBytes.length);

                        if (-1 == bytesRead)
                            bytesRead = 0;

                    catch (IOException e) {
                        MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_errorReadingStream"));
                        Object[] msgArgs = {e.toString()};
                        SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, form.format(msgArgs), "", true);

                    dtv.setValue(bufferedStream, JavaType.INPUTSTREAM);

                    // If the stream is longer than what can fit into the "short" type, then use the "long" type instead.
                    // Otherwise, we know the exact stream length since we reached end of stream before reading SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES + 1
                    // bytes. So adjust the setter args to reflect the known length to avoid unnecessarily copying the
                    // stream again in SendByRPCOp.
                    if (bytesRead > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES)
                        dtv.setJdbcType(jdbcType.isBinary() ? JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY : JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR);


        void execute(DTV dtv,
                Reader readerValue) throws SQLServerException {
            // If the JDBC type is currently a "short" type, then figure out if needs to be bumped up to a "long" type
            if (JDBCType.NCHAR == dtv.getJdbcType() || JDBCType.NVARCHAR == dtv.getJdbcType()) {
                StreamSetterArgs streamSetterArgs = dtv.getStreamSetterArgs();

                // If we know the length is too long for a "short" type, then convert to a "long" type.
                if (streamSetterArgs.getLength() > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS)

                // If the length of the value is unknown, then figure out whether it is at least longer
                // than what will fit into a "short" type.
                else if (DataTypes.UNKNOWN_STREAM_LENGTH == streamSetterArgs.getLength()) {
                    char[] vartypeChars = new char[1 + DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS];
                    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(readerValue, vartypeChars.length);

                    int charsRead = 0;

                    try {

                        charsRead =, 0, vartypeChars.length);

                        if (-1 == charsRead)
                            charsRead = 0;

                    catch (IOException e) {
                        MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_errorReadingStream"));
                        Object[] msgArgs = {e.toString()};
                        SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, form.format(msgArgs), "", true);

                    dtv.setValue(bufferedReader, JavaType.READER);

                    if (charsRead > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS)


        void execute(DTV dtv,
                SQLServerSQLXML xmlValue) throws SQLServerException {

        void execute(DTV dtv,
       tvpValue) throws SQLServerException {

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see, microsoft.sql.SqlVariant)
        void execute(DTV dtv,
                SqlVariant SqlVariantValue) throws SQLServerException {


     * Returns a string used to define the parameter type for the server; null if no value for the parameter has been set or registered.
    String getTypeDefinition(SQLServerConnection con,
            TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
        if (null == inputDTV)
            return null;

        inputDTV.executeOp(new GetTypeDefinitionOp(this, con));
        return typeDefinition;

    void sendByRPC(TDSWriter tdsWriter,
            SQLServerConnection conn) throws SQLServerException {
        assert null != inputDTV : "Parameter was neither set nor registered";

        try {
            inputDTV.sendCryptoMetaData(this.cryptoMeta, tdsWriter);
            inputDTV.jdbcTypeSetByUser(getJdbcTypeSetByUser(), getValueLength());
            inputDTV.sendByRPC(name, null, conn.getDatabaseCollation(), valueLength, isOutput() ? outScale : scale, isOutput(), tdsWriter, conn);
        finally {
            // reset the cryptoMeta in IOBuffer
            inputDTV.sendCryptoMetaData(null, tdsWriter);
        // Per JDBC spec:
        // "If in the execution of a PreparedStatement object, the JDBC driver reads values set
        // for the parameter markers by the methods setAsciiStream, setBinaryStream, setCharacterStream,
        // setNCharacterStream, or setUnicodeStream, those parameters must be reset prior to the next
        // execution of the PreparedStatement object otherwise a SQLException will be thrown."
        // Clear the input and setter DTVs to relinquish their hold on the stream resource and ensure
        // that the next call to execute will throw a SQLException (from getTypeDefinitionOp).
        // Don't clear the registered output DTV so that the parameter will still be an OUT (IN/OUT) parameter.
        if (JavaType.INPUTSTREAM == inputDTV.getJavaType() || JavaType.READER == inputDTV.getJavaType()) {
            inputDTV = setterDTV = null;

    JDBCType getJdbcTypeSetByUser() {
        return jdbcTypeSetByUser;

    void setJdbcTypeSetByUser(JDBCType jdbcTypeSetByUser) {
        this.jdbcTypeSetByUser = jdbcTypeSetByUser;

    int getValueLength() {
        return valueLength;

    void setValueLength(int valueLength) {
        this.valueLength = valueLength;
        userProvidesPrecision = true;

    boolean getForceEncryption() {
        return forceEncryption;

    void setForceEncryption(boolean forceEncryption) {
        this.forceEncryption = forceEncryption;

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