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Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. The Azure Key Vault feature in Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server depends on Azure SDK for JAVA and Azure Active Directory Library For Java.

There is a newer version: 12.7.0.jre11-preview
Show newest version
 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
 * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
 * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.


import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE;

import java.text.MessageFormat;

 * Encryption key class which consist of following 4 keys : 1) root key - Main key which is used to derive following keys 2) encryption key - A
 * derived key that is used to encrypt the plain text and generate cipher text 3) mac_key - A derived key that is used to compute HMAC of the cipher
 * text 4) iv_key - A derived key that is used to generate a synthetic IV from plain text data.
class SQLServerAeadAes256CbcHmac256EncryptionKey extends SQLServerSymmetricKey {

    // This is the key size in the bits, since we are using AES256, it will 256
    static final int keySize = 256;
    // Name of algorithm associated with this key
    private final String algorithmName;
    // Salt used to derive encryption key
    private String encryptionKeySaltFormat;
    // Salt used to derive mac key
    private String macKeySaltFormat;
    // Salt used to derive iv key
    private String ivKeySaltFormat;
    private SQLServerSymmetricKey encryptionKey;
    private SQLServerSymmetricKey macKey;
    private SQLServerSymmetricKey ivKey;

     * Derive all the keys from the root key
     * @param rootKey
     *            key used to derive other keys
     * @param algorithmName
     *            name of the algorithm associated with keys
     * @throws SQLServerException
    SQLServerAeadAes256CbcHmac256EncryptionKey(byte[] rootKey,
            String algorithmName) throws SQLServerException {
        this.algorithmName = algorithmName;
        encryptionKeySaltFormat = "Microsoft SQL Server cell encryption key with encryption algorithm:" + this.algorithmName + " and key length:"
                + keySize;
        macKeySaltFormat = "Microsoft SQL Server cell MAC key with encryption algorithm:" + this.algorithmName + " and key length:" + keySize;
        ivKeySaltFormat = "Microsoft SQL Server cell IV key with encryption algorithm:" + this.algorithmName + " and key length:" + keySize;
        int keySizeInBytes = (keySize / 8);
        if (rootKey.length != keySizeInBytes) {
            MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidKeySize"));
            Object[] msgArgs = {rootKey.length, keySizeInBytes, this.algorithmName};
            throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);


        // Derive encryption key

        byte[] encKeyBuff = new byte[keySizeInBytes];
        try {
            // By default Java is big endian, we are getting bytes in little endian(LE in UTF-16LE)
            // to make it compatible with C# driver which is little endian
            encKeyBuff = SQLServerSecurityUtility.getHMACWithSHA256(encryptionKeySaltFormat.getBytes(UTF_16LE), rootKey, encKeyBuff.length);

            encryptionKey = new SQLServerSymmetricKey(encKeyBuff);

            // Derive mac key from root key
            byte[] macKeyBuff = new byte[keySizeInBytes];
            macKeyBuff = SQLServerSecurityUtility.getHMACWithSHA256(macKeySaltFormat.getBytes(UTF_16LE), rootKey, macKeyBuff.length);

            macKey = new SQLServerSymmetricKey(macKeyBuff);

            // Derive the initialization vector from root key
            byte[] ivKeyBuff = new byte[keySizeInBytes];
            ivKeyBuff = SQLServerSecurityUtility.getHMACWithSHA256(ivKeySaltFormat.getBytes(UTF_16LE), rootKey, ivKeyBuff.length);
            ivKey = new SQLServerSymmetricKey(ivKeyBuff);
        catch (InvalidKeyException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_KeyExtractionFailed"));
            Object[] msgArgs = {e.getMessage()};
            throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);


     * @return encryption key
    byte[] getEncryptionKey() {
        return encryptionKey.getRootKey();

     * @return mac key
    byte[] getMacKey() {
        return macKey.getRootKey();

     * @return iv key
    byte[] getIVKey() {
        return ivKey.getRootKey();


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