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Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. The Azure Key Vault feature in Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server depends on Azure SDK for JAVA and Azure Active Directory Library For Java.

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 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
 * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
 * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.


import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE;

import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import java.sql.SQLPermission;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Savepoint;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Struct;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.sql.XAConnection;

import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException;

import mssql.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap;
import mssql.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder;
import mssql.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.EvictionListener;

 * SQLServerConnection implements a JDBC connection to SQL Server. SQLServerConnections support JDBC connection pooling and may be either physical
 * JDBC connections or logical JDBC connections.

* SQLServerConnection manages transaction control for all statements that were created from it. SQLServerConnection may participate in XA distributed * transactions managed via an XAResource adapter. *

* SQLServerConnection instantiates a new TDSChannel object for use by itself and all statement objects that are created under this connection. * SQLServerConnection is thread safe. *

* SQLServerConnection manages a pool of prepared statement handles. Prepared statements are prepared once and typically executed many times with * different data values for their parameters. Prepared statements are also maintained across logical (pooled) connection closes. *

* SQLServerConnection is not thread safe, however multiple statements created from a single connection can be processing simultaneously in concurrent * threads. *

* This class's public functions need to be kept identical to the SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy's. *

* The API javadoc for JDBC API methods that this class implements are not repeated here. Please see Sun's JDBC API interfaces javadoc for those * details. */ // Note all the public functions in this class also need to be defined in SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy. public class SQLServerConnection implements ISQLServerConnection { long timerExpire; boolean attemptRefreshTokenLocked = false; // Threasholds related to when prepared statement handles are cleaned-up. 1 == immediately. /** * The default for the prepared statement clean-up action threshold (i.e. when sp_unprepare is called). */ static final int DEFAULT_SERVER_PREPARED_STATEMENT_DISCARD_THRESHOLD = 10; // Used to set the initial default, can be changed later. private int serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold = -1; // Current limit for this particular connection. /** * The default for if prepared statements should execute sp_executesql before following the prepare, unprepare pattern. */ static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_PREPARE_ON_FIRST_PREPARED_STATEMENT_CALL = false; // Used to set the initial default, can be changed later. false == use sp_executesql -> sp_prepexec -> sp_execute -> batched -> sp_unprepare pattern, true == skip sp_executesql part of pattern. private Boolean enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall = null; // Current limit for this particular connection. // Handle the actual queue of discarded prepared statements. private ConcurrentLinkedQueue discardedPreparedStatementHandles = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private AtomicInteger discardedPreparedStatementHandleCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private boolean fedAuthRequiredByUser = false; private boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = false; private boolean federatedAuthenticationAcknowledged = false; private boolean federatedAuthenticationRequested = false; private boolean federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested = false; // Keep this distinct from _federatedAuthenticationRequested, since some fedauth // library types may not need more info private FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData fedAuthFeatureExtensionData = null; private String authenticationString = null; private byte[] accessTokenInByte = null; private SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken = null; static class Sha1HashKey { private byte[] bytes; Sha1HashKey(String sql, String parametersDefinition, String dbName) { this(String.format("%s%s%s", sql, parametersDefinition, dbName)); } Sha1HashKey(String s) { bytes = getSha1Digest().digest(s.getBytes()); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Sha1HashKey)) return false; return java.util.Arrays.equals(bytes, ((Sha1HashKey)obj).bytes); } public int hashCode() { return java.util.Arrays.hashCode(bytes); } private getSha1Digest() { try { return"SHA-1"); } catch (final e) { // This is not theoretically possible, but we're forced to catch it anyway throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } /** * Used to keep track of an individual prepared statement handle. */ class PreparedStatementHandle { private int handle = 0; private final AtomicInteger handleRefCount = new AtomicInteger(); private boolean isDirectSql; private volatile boolean evictedFromCache; private volatile boolean explicitlyDiscarded; private Sha1HashKey key; PreparedStatementHandle(Sha1HashKey key, int handle, boolean isDirectSql, boolean isEvictedFromCache) { this.key = key; this.handle = handle; this.isDirectSql = isDirectSql; this.setIsEvictedFromCache(isEvictedFromCache); handleRefCount.set(1); } /** Has the statement been evicted from the statement handle cache. */ private boolean isEvictedFromCache() { return evictedFromCache; } /** Specify whether the statement been evicted from the statement handle cache. */ private void setIsEvictedFromCache(boolean isEvictedFromCache) { this.evictedFromCache = isEvictedFromCache; } /** Specify that this statement has been explicitly discarded from being used by the cache. */ void setIsExplicitlyDiscarded() { this.explicitlyDiscarded = true; evictCachedPreparedStatementHandle(this); } /** Has the statement been explicitly discarded. */ private boolean isExplicitlyDiscarded() { return explicitlyDiscarded; } /** Get the actual handle. */ int getHandle() { return handle; } /** Get the cache key. */ Sha1HashKey getKey() { return key; } boolean isDirectSql() { return isDirectSql; } /** Make sure handle cannot be re-used. * * @return * false: Handle could not be discarded, it is in use. * true: Handle was successfully put on path for discarding. */ private boolean tryDiscardHandle() { return handleRefCount.compareAndSet(0, -999); } /** Returns whether this statement has been discarded and can no longer be re-used. */ private boolean isDiscarded() { return 0 > handleRefCount.intValue(); } /** Adds a new reference to this handle, i.e. re-using it. * * @return * false: Reference could not be added, statement has been discarded or does not have a handle associated with it. * true: Reference was successfully added. */ boolean tryAddReference() { if (isDiscarded() || isExplicitlyDiscarded()) return false; else { int refCount = handleRefCount.incrementAndGet(); return refCount > 0; } } /** Remove a reference from this handle*/ void removeReference() { handleRefCount.decrementAndGet(); } } /** Size of the parsed SQL-text metadata cache */ static final private int PARSED_SQL_CACHE_SIZE = 100; /** Cache of parsed SQL meta data */ static private ConcurrentLinkedHashMap parsedSQLCache; static { parsedSQLCache = new Builder() .maximumWeightedCapacity(PARSED_SQL_CACHE_SIZE) .build(); } /** Get prepared statement cache entry if exists, if not parse and create a new one */ static ParsedSQLCacheItem getCachedParsedSQL(Sha1HashKey key) { return parsedSQLCache.get(key); } /** Parse and create a information about parsed SQL text */ static ParsedSQLCacheItem parseAndCacheSQL(Sha1HashKey key, String sql) throws SQLServerException { JDBCSyntaxTranslator translator = new JDBCSyntaxTranslator(); String parsedSql = translator.translate(sql); String procName = translator.getProcedureName(); // may return null boolean returnValueSyntax = translator.hasReturnValueSyntax(); int paramCount = countParams(parsedSql); ParsedSQLCacheItem cacheItem = new ParsedSQLCacheItem (parsedSql, paramCount, procName, returnValueSyntax); parsedSQLCache.putIfAbsent(key, cacheItem); return cacheItem; } /** Default size for prepared statement caches */ static final int DEFAULT_STATEMENT_POOLING_CACHE_SIZE = 0; /** Size of the prepared statement handle cache */ private int statementPoolingCacheSize = DEFAULT_STATEMENT_POOLING_CACHE_SIZE; /** Cache of prepared statement handles */ private ConcurrentLinkedHashMap preparedStatementHandleCache; /** Cache of prepared statement parameter metadata */ private ConcurrentLinkedHashMap parameterMetadataCache; /** * Checks whether statement pooling is enabled or disabled. The default is set to true; */ private boolean disableStatementPooling = true; /** * Find statement parameters. * * @param sql * SQL text to parse for number of parameters to intialize. */ private static int countParams(String sql) { int nParams = 0; // Figure out the expected number of parameters by counting the // parameter placeholders in the SQL string. int offset = -1; while ((offset = ParameterUtils.scanSQLForChar('?', sql, ++offset)) < sql.length()) ++nParams; return nParams; } SqlFedAuthToken getAuthenticationResult() { return fedAuthToken; } /** * Struct encapsulating the data to be sent to the server as part of Federated Authentication Feature Extension. */ class FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData { boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse; int libraryType = -1; byte[] accessToken = null; SqlAuthentication authentication = null; FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(int libraryType, String authenticationString, boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse) throws SQLServerException { this.libraryType = libraryType; this.fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse; switch (authenticationString.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim()) { case "ACTIVEDIRECTORYPASSWORD": this.authentication = SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword; break; case "ACTIVEDIRECTORYINTEGRATED": this.authentication = SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated; break; default: assert (false); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidConnectionSetting")); Object[] msgArgs = {"authentication", authenticationString}; throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } } FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(int libraryType, boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse, byte[] accessToken) { this.libraryType = libraryType; this.fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse; this.accessToken = accessToken; } } class SqlFedAuthInfo { String spn; String stsurl; @Override public String toString() { return "STSURL: " + stsurl + ", SPN: " + spn; } } class ActiveDirectoryAuthentication { static final String JDBC_FEDAUTH_CLIENT_ID = "7f98cb04-cd1e-40df-9140-3bf7e2cea4db"; static final String ADAL_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_NAME = "ADALGetAccessToken"; static final int GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_SUCCESS = 0; static final int GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID_GRANT = 1; static final int GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_TANSISENT_ERROR = 2; static final int GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_OTHER_ERROR = 3; } /** * denotes the state of the SqlServerConnection */ private enum State { Initialized,// default value on calling SQLServerConnection constructor Connected, // indicates that the TCP connection has completed Opened, // indicates that the prelogin, login have completed, the database session established and the connection is ready for use. Closed // indicates that the connection has been closed. } private final static float TIMEOUTSTEP = 0.08F; // fraction of timeout to use for fast failover connections private final static float TIMEOUTSTEP_TNIR = 0.125F; final static int TnirFirstAttemptTimeoutMs = 500; // fraction of timeout to use for fast failover connections /* * Connection state variables. NB If new state is added then logical connections derived from a physical connection must inherit the same state. * If state variables are added they must be added also in connection cloning method clone() */ private final static int INTERMITTENT_TLS_MAX_RETRY = 5; // Indicates if we received a routing ENVCHANGE in the current connection attempt private boolean isRoutedInCurrentAttempt = false; // Contains the routing info received from routing ENVCHANGE private ServerPortPlaceHolder routingInfo = null; ServerPortPlaceHolder getRoutingInfo() { return routingInfo; } // Permission targets private static final String callAbortPerm = "callAbort"; private static final String SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM = "setNetworkTimeout"; private boolean sendStringParametersAsUnicode = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_STRING_PARAMETERS_AS_UNICODE.getDefaultValue(); // see // connection // properties // doc // (default // is // false). private String hostName = null; boolean sendStringParametersAsUnicode() { return sendStringParametersAsUnicode; } private boolean lastUpdateCount; // see connection properties doc final boolean useLastUpdateCount() { return lastUpdateCount; } // Translates the serverName from Unicode to ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE), as defined by the ToASCII operation of RFC 3490 private boolean serverNameAsACE = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SERVER_NAME_AS_ACE.getDefaultValue(); boolean serverNameAsACE() { return serverNameAsACE; } // see feature_connection_director_multi_subnet_JDBC.docx private boolean multiSubnetFailover; final boolean getMultiSubnetFailover() { return multiSubnetFailover; } private boolean transparentNetworkIPResolution; final boolean getTransparentNetworkIPResolution() { return transparentNetworkIPResolution; } private ApplicationIntent applicationIntent = null; final ApplicationIntent getApplicationIntent() { return applicationIntent; } private int nLockTimeout; // see connection properties doc private String selectMethod; // see connection properties doc 4.0 new property final String getSelectMethod() { return selectMethod; } private String responseBuffering; final String getResponseBuffering() { return responseBuffering; } private int queryTimeoutSeconds; final int getQueryTimeoutSeconds() { return queryTimeoutSeconds; } private int socketTimeoutMilliseconds; final int getSocketTimeoutMilliseconds() { return socketTimeoutMilliseconds; } boolean userSetTNIR = true; private boolean sendTimeAsDatetime = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_TIME_AS_DATETIME.getDefaultValue(); /** * Checks the sendTimeAsDatetime property. * * @return boolean value of sendTimeAsDatetime */ public synchronized final boolean getSendTimeAsDatetime() { return !isKatmaiOrLater() || sendTimeAsDatetime; } final int baseYear() { return getSendTimeAsDatetime() ? TDS.BASE_YEAR_1970 : TDS.BASE_YEAR_1900; } private byte requestedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID; final byte getRequestedEncryptionLevel() { assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != requestedEncryptionLevel; return requestedEncryptionLevel; } private boolean trustServerCertificate; final boolean trustServerCertificate() { return trustServerCertificate; } private byte negotiatedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID; final byte getNegotiatedEncryptionLevel() { assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != negotiatedEncryptionLevel; return negotiatedEncryptionLevel; } private String trustManagerClass = null; final String getTrustManagerClass() { assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != requestedEncryptionLevel; return trustManagerClass; } private String trustManagerConstructorArg = null; final String getTrustManagerConstructorArg() { assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != requestedEncryptionLevel; return trustManagerConstructorArg; } static final String RESERVED_PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX = "MSSQL_"; String columnEncryptionSetting = null; boolean isColumnEncryptionSettingEnabled() { return (columnEncryptionSetting.equalsIgnoreCase(ColumnEncryptionSetting.Enabled.toString())); } String keyStoreAuthentication = null; String keyStoreSecret = null; String keyStoreLocation = null; private boolean serverSupportsColumnEncryption = false; boolean getServerSupportsColumnEncryption() { return serverSupportsColumnEncryption; } static boolean isWindows; static Map globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders = new HashMap<>(); static { if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("windows")) { isWindows = true; SQLServerColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider provider = new SQLServerColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider(); globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.put(provider.getName(), provider); } else { isWindows = false; } } static Map globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders = null; // This is a per-connection store provider. It can be JKS or AKV. Map systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider = new HashMap<>(); /** * Registers key store providers in the globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders. * * @param clientKeyStoreProviders * a map containing the store providers information. * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */ public static synchronized void registerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders( Map clientKeyStoreProviders) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "registerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders", "Registering Column Encryption Key Store Providers"); if (null == clientKeyStoreProviders) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CustomKeyStoreProviderMapNull"), null, 0, false); } if (null != globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CustomKeyStoreProviderSetOnce"), null, 0, false); } globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : clientKeyStoreProviders.entrySet()) { String providerName = entry.getKey(); if (null == providerName || 0 == providerName.length()) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_EmptyCustomKeyStoreProviderName"), null, 0, false); } if ((providerName.substring(0, 6).equalsIgnoreCase(RESERVED_PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX))) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidCustomKeyStoreProviderName")); Object[] msgArgs = {providerName, RESERVED_PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX}; throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } if (null == entry.getValue()) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CustomKeyStoreProviderValueNull")); Object[] msgArgs = {providerName, RESERVED_PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX}; throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "registerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders", "Number of Key store providers that are registered:" + globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.size()); } static synchronized SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider getGlobalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(String providerName) { if (null != globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders && globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.containsKey(providerName)) { return globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.get(providerName); } return null; } static synchronized String getAllGlobalCustomSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders() { if (null != globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders) return globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.keySet().toString(); else return null; } synchronized String getAllSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders() { String keyStores = ""; if (0 != systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.size()) keyStores = systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.keySet().toString(); if (0 != SQLServerConnection.globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.size()) keyStores += "," + SQLServerConnection.globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.keySet().toString(); return keyStores; } static synchronized SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider getGlobalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(String providerName) { if (null != globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders && globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.containsKey(providerName)) { return globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.get(providerName); } return null; } synchronized SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider getSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(String providerName) { if ((null != systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider) && (systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.containsKey(providerName))) { return systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.get(providerName); } else { return null; } } private String trustedServerNameAE = null; private static Map> columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths = new HashMap<>(); /** * Sets Trusted Master Key Paths in the columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths. * * @param trustedKeyPaths * all master key paths that are trusted */ public static synchronized void setColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(Map> trustedKeyPaths) { loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "setColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Setting Trusted Master Key Paths"); // Use upper case for server and instance names. columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.clear(); for (Map.Entry> entry : trustedKeyPaths.entrySet()) { columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.put(entry.getKey().toUpperCase(), entry.getValue()); } loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "setColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.size()); } /** * Updates the columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths with the new Server and trustedKeyPaths. * * @param server * String server name * @param trustedKeyPaths * all master key paths that are trusted */ public static synchronized void updateColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(String server, List trustedKeyPaths) { loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "updateColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Updating Trusted Master Key Paths"); // Use upper case for server and instance names. columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.put(server.toUpperCase(), trustedKeyPaths); loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "updateColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.size()); } /** * Removes the trusted Master key Path from the columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths. * * @param server * String server name */ public static synchronized void removeColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(String server) { loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "removeColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Removing Trusted Master Key Paths"); // Use upper case for server and instance names. columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.remove(server.toUpperCase()); loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "removeColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.size()); } /** * Retrieves the Trusted Master Key Paths. * * @return columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths. */ public static synchronized Map> getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths() { loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Getting Trusted Master Key Paths"); Map> masterKeyPathCopy = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.entrySet()) { masterKeyPathCopy.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths", "Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + masterKeyPathCopy.size()); return masterKeyPathCopy; } static synchronized List getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(String server, Boolean[] hasEntry) { if (columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.containsKey(server)) { hasEntry[0] = true; return columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.get(server); } else { hasEntry[0] = false; return null; } } Properties activeConnectionProperties; // the active set of connection properties private boolean integratedSecurity = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.INTEGRATED_SECURITY.getDefaultValue(); private AuthenticationScheme intAuthScheme = AuthenticationScheme.nativeAuthentication; private GSSCredential ImpersonatedUserCred ; // This is the current connect place holder this should point one of the primary or failover place holder ServerPortPlaceHolder currentConnectPlaceHolder = null; String sqlServerVersion; // SQL Server version string boolean xopenStates; // XOPEN or SQL 92 state codes? private boolean databaseAutoCommitMode; private boolean inXATransaction = false; // Set to true when in an XA transaction. private byte[] transactionDescriptor = new byte[8]; // Flag (Yukon and later) set to true whenever a transaction is rolled back. // The flag's value is reset to false when a new transaction starts or when the autoCommit mode changes. private boolean rolledBackTransaction; final boolean rolledBackTransaction() { return rolledBackTransaction; } private State state = State.Initialized; // connection state private void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } // This function actually represents whether a database session is not open. // The session is not available before the session is established and // after the session is closed. final boolean isSessionUnAvailable() { return !(state.equals(State.Opened)); } final static int maxDecimalPrecision = 38; // @@max_precision for SQL 2000 and 2005 is 38. final static int defaultDecimalPrecision = 18; final String traceID; /** Limit for the size of data (in bytes) returned for value on this connection */ private int maxFieldSize; // default: 0 --> no limit final void setMaxFieldSize(int limit) throws SQLServerException { // assert limit >= 0; if (maxFieldSize != limit) { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } // If no limit on field size, set text size to max (2147483647), NOT default (0 --> 4K) connectionCommand("SET TEXTSIZE " + ((0 == limit) ? 2147483647 : limit), "setMaxFieldSize"); maxFieldSize = limit; } } // This function is used both to init the values on creation of connection // and resetting the values after the connection is released to the pool for reuse. final void initResettableValues() { rolledBackTransaction = false; transactionIsolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;// default isolation level maxFieldSize = 0; // default: 0 --> no limit maxRows = 0; // default: 0 --> no limit nLockTimeout = -1; databaseAutoCommitMode = true;// auto commit mode holdability = ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT; sqlWarnings = null; sCatalog = originalCatalog; databaseMetaData = null; } /** Limit for the maximum number of rows returned from queries on this connection */ private int maxRows; // default: 0 --> no limit final void setMaxRows(int limit) throws SQLServerException { // assert limit >= 0; if (maxRows != limit) { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } connectionCommand("SET ROWCOUNT " + limit, "setMaxRows"); maxRows = limit; } } private SQLCollation databaseCollation; // Default database collation read from ENVCHANGE_SQLCOLLATION token. final SQLCollation getDatabaseCollation() { return databaseCollation; } static private final AtomicInteger baseConnectionID = new AtomicInteger(0); // connection id dispenser // This is the current catalog private String sCatalog = "master"; // the database catalog // This is the catalog immediately after login. private String originalCatalog = "master"; private int transactionIsolationLevel; private SQLServerPooledConnection pooledConnectionParent; private DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData; // the meta data for this connection private int nNextSavePointId = 10000; // first save point id static final private java.util.logging.Logger connectionlogger = java.util.logging.Logger .getLogger(""); static final private java.util.logging.Logger loggerExternal = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(""); private final String loggingClassName; // there are three ways to get a failover partner // connection string, from the failover map, the connecting server returned // the following variable only stores the serverReturned failver information. private String failoverPartnerServerProvided = null; private int holdability; final int getHoldabilityInternal() { return holdability; } // Default TDS packet size used after logon if no other value was set via // the packetSize connection property. The value was chosen to take maximum // advantage of SQL Server's default page size. private int tdsPacketSize = TDS.INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE; private int requestedPacketSize = TDS.DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE; final int getTDSPacketSize() { return tdsPacketSize; } private TDSChannel tdsChannel; private TDSCommand currentCommand = null; private int tdsVersion = TDS.VER_UNKNOWN; final boolean isKatmaiOrLater() { assert TDS.VER_UNKNOWN != tdsVersion; assert tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_YUKON; return tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_KATMAI; } final boolean isDenaliOrLater() { return tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_DENALI; } private int serverMajorVersion; int getServerMajorVersion() { return serverMajorVersion; } private SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy proxy; private UUID clientConnectionId = null; /** * Retrieves the clientConnectionID. * * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */ public UUID getClientConnectionId() throws SQLServerException { // If the connection is closed, we do not allow external application to get // ClientConnectionId. checkClosed(); return clientConnectionId; } // This function is called internally, e.g. when login process fails, we // need to append the ClientConnectionId to error string. final UUID getClientConIdInternal() { return clientConnectionId; } final boolean attachConnId() { return state.equals(State.Connected); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") SQLServerConnection(String parentInfo) throws SQLServerException { int connectionID = nextConnectionID(); // sequential connection id traceID = "ConnectionID:" + connectionID; loggingClassName = "" + connectionID; if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " created by (" + parentInfo + ")"); initResettableValues(); // JDBC 3 driver only works with 1.5 JRE if (3 == DriverJDBCVersion.major && !"1.5".equals(Util.SYSTEM_SPEC_VERSION)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_unsupportedJREVersion")); Object[] msgArgs = {Util.SYSTEM_SPEC_VERSION}; String message = form.format(msgArgs); connectionlogger.severe(message); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message); } // Caching turned on? if (!this.getDisableStatementPooling() && 0 < this.getStatementPoolingCacheSize()) { prepareCache(); } } void setFailoverPartnerServerProvided(String partner) { failoverPartnerServerProvided = partner; // after login this info should be added to the map } final void setAssociatedProxy(SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; } /* * This function is used by the functions that return a connection object to outside world. E.g. stmt.getConnection, these functions should return * the proxy not the actual physical connection when the physical connection is pooled and the user should be accessing the connection functions * via the proxy object. */ final Connection getConnection() { if (null != proxy) return proxy; else return this; } final void resetPooledConnection() { tdsChannel.resetPooledConnection(); initResettableValues(); } /** * Generate the next unique connection id. * * @return the next conn id */ /* L0 */ private static int nextConnectionID() { return baseConnectionID.incrementAndGet(); // 4.04 Ensure thread safe id allocation } java.util.logging.Logger getConnectionLogger() { return connectionlogger; } String getClassNameLogging() { return loggingClassName; } /** * This is a helper function to provide an ID string suitable for tracing. */ public String toString() { if (null != clientConnectionId) return traceID + " ClientConnectionId: " + clientConnectionId.toString(); else return traceID; } /** * Throw a not implemeneted exception. * * @throws SQLServerException */ /* L0 */ void NotImplemented() throws SQLServerException { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSupported"), null, false); } /** * Check if the connection is closed Create a new connection if it's a fedauth connection and the access token is going to expire. * * @throws SQLServerException */ /* L0 */ void checkClosed() throws SQLServerException { if (isSessionUnAvailable()) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_connectionIsClosed"), null, false); } if (null != fedAuthToken) { if (Util.checkIfNeedNewAccessToken(this)) { connect(this.activeConnectionProperties, null); } } } /** * Check if a string property is enabled. * * @param propName * the string property name * @param propValue * the string property value. * @return false if p == null (meaning take default). * @return true if p == "true" (case-insensitive). * @return false if p == "false" (case-insensitive). * @exception SQLServerException * thrown if value is not recognized. */ /* L0 */ private boolean booleanPropertyOn(String propName, String propValue) throws SQLServerException { // Null means take the default of false. if (null == propValue) return false; String lcpropValue = propValue.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if ("true".equals(lcpropValue)) return true; if ("false".equals(lcpropValue)) return false; MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidBooleanValue")); Object[] msgArgs = {propName}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); // Adding return false here for compiler's sake, this code is unreachable. return false; } // Maximum number of wide characters for a SQL login record name (such as instance name, application name, etc...). // See TDS specification, "Login Data Validation Rules" section. final static int MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS = 128; /** * Validates propName against maximum allowed length MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS. Throws exception if name length exceeded. * * @param propName * the name of the property. * @param propValue * the value of the property. * @throws SQLServerException */ void ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(String propName, String propValue) throws SQLServerException { if (propValue != null && propValue.length() > MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_propertyMaximumExceedsChars")); Object[] msgArgs = {propName, Integer.toString(MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } Connection connect(Properties propsIn, SQLServerPooledConnection pooledConnection) throws SQLServerException { int loginTimeoutSeconds = 0; // Will be set during the first retry attempt. long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int retryAttempt = 0;;) { try { return connectInternal(propsIn, pooledConnection); } catch (SQLServerException e) { // Catch only the TLS 1.2 specific intermittent error. if (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INTERMITTENT_TLS_FAILED != e.getDriverErrorCode()) { // Re-throw all other exceptions. throw e; } else { // Special handling of the retry logic for TLS 1.2 intermittent issue. // If timeout is not set yet, set it once. if (0 == retryAttempt) { // We do not need to check for exceptions here, as the connection properties are already // verified during the first try. Also, we would like to do this calculation // only for the TLS 1.2 exception case. loginTimeoutSeconds = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue(); // if the user does not specify a default // timeout, default is 15 per spec String sPropValue = propsIn.getProperty(SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.toString()); if (null != sPropValue && sPropValue.length() > 0) { int sPropValueInt = Integer.parseInt(sPropValue); if (0 != sPropValueInt) { // Use the default timeout in case of a zero value loginTimeoutSeconds = sPropValueInt; } } } retryAttempt++; long elapsedSeconds = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000L); if (INTERMITTENT_TLS_MAX_RETRY < retryAttempt) { // Re-throw the exception if we have reached the maximum retry attempts. if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { connectionlogger.fine( "Connection failed during SSL handshake. Maximum retry attempt (" + INTERMITTENT_TLS_MAX_RETRY + ") reached. "); } throw e; } else if (elapsedSeconds >= loginTimeoutSeconds) { // Re-throw the exception if we do not have any time left to retry. if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { connectionlogger.fine("Connection failed during SSL handshake. Not retrying as timeout expired."); } throw e; } else { // Retry the connection. if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { connectionlogger .fine("Connection failed during SSL handshake. Retrying due to an intermittent TLS 1.2 failure issue. Retry attempt = " + retryAttempt + "."); } } } } } } private void registerKeyStoreProviderOnConnection(String keyStoreAuth, String keyStoreSecret, String keyStoreLocation) throws SQLServerException { if (null == keyStoreAuth) { // secret and location must be null too. if ((null != keyStoreSecret)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_keyStoreAuthenticationNotSet")); Object[] msgArgs = {"keyStoreSecret"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } if (null != keyStoreLocation) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_keyStoreAuthenticationNotSet")); Object[] msgArgs = {"keyStoreLocation"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } } else { KeyStoreAuthentication keyStoreAuthentication = KeyStoreAuthentication.valueOfString(keyStoreAuth); switch (keyStoreAuthentication) { case JavaKeyStorePassword: // both secret and location must be set for JKS. if ((null == keyStoreSecret) || (null == keyStoreLocation)) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_keyStoreSecretOrLocationNotSet"), null); } else { SQLServerColumnEncryptionJavaKeyStoreProvider provider = new SQLServerColumnEncryptionJavaKeyStoreProvider(keyStoreLocation, keyStoreSecret.toCharArray()); systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.put(provider.getName(), provider); } break; default: // valueOfString would throw an exception if the keyStoreAuthentication is not valid. break; } } } /** * Establish a physical database connection based on the user specified connection properties. Logon to the database. * * @param propsIn * the connection properties * @param pooledConnection * a parent pooled connection if this is a logical connection * @throws SQLServerException * @return the database connection */ Connection connectInternal(Properties propsIn, SQLServerPooledConnection pooledConnection) throws SQLServerException { try { activeConnectionProperties = (Properties) propsIn.clone(); pooledConnectionParent = pooledConnection; String sPropKey; String sPropValue; sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.getDefaultValue(); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.getDefaultValue(); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue); int loginTimeoutSeconds = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue(); // if the user does not specify a default timeout, // default is 15 per spec sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.toString()); if (null != sPropValue && sPropValue.length() > 0) { try { loginTimeoutSeconds = Integer.parseInt(sPropValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTimeOut")); Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } if (loginTimeoutSeconds < 0 || loginTimeoutSeconds > 65535) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTimeOut")); Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } // Translates the serverName from Unicode to ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE), as defined by the ToASCII operation of RFC 3490. sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SERVER_NAME_AS_ACE.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SERVER_NAME_AS_ACE.getDefaultValue()); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } serverNameAsACE = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue); // get the server name from the properties if it has instance name in it, getProperty the instance name // if there is a port number specified do not get the port number from the instance name sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SERVER_NAME.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = "localhost"; } String sPropKeyPort = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PORT_NUMBER.toString(); String sPropValuePort = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKeyPort); int px = sPropValue.indexOf('\\'); String instanceValue = null; String instanceNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.INSTANCE_NAME.toString(); // found the instance name with the severname if (px >= 0) { instanceValue = sPropValue.substring(px + 1, sPropValue.length()); ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(instanceNameProperty, instanceValue); sPropValue = sPropValue.substring(0, px); } trustedServerNameAE = sPropValue; if (true == serverNameAsACE) { try { sPropValue = IDN.toASCII(sPropValue); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidConnectionSetting")); Object[] msgArgs = {"serverNameAsACE", sPropValue}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), ex); } } activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); String instanceValueFromProp = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(instanceNameProperty); // property takes precedence if (null != instanceValueFromProp) instanceValue = instanceValueFromProp; if (instanceValue != null) { ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(instanceNameProperty, instanceValue); // only get port if the port is not specified activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(instanceNameProperty, instanceValue); trustedServerNameAE += "\\" + instanceValue; } if (null != sPropValuePort) { trustedServerNameAE += ":" + sPropValuePort; } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.APPLICATION_NAME.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue != null) ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue); else activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, SQLServerDriver.DEFAULT_APP_NAME); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.LAST_UPDATE_COUNT.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.LAST_UPDATE_COUNT.getDefaultValue()); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.COLUMN_ENCRYPTION.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null == sPropValue) { sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.COLUMN_ENCRYPTION.getDefaultValue(); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } columnEncryptionSetting = ColumnEncryptionSetting.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString(); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_STORE_AUTHENTICATION.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != sPropValue) { keyStoreAuthentication = KeyStoreAuthentication.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString(); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_STORE_SECRET.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != sPropValue) { keyStoreSecret = sPropValue; } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_STORE_LOCATION.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != sPropValue) { keyStoreLocation = sPropValue; } registerKeyStoreProviderOnConnection(keyStoreAuthentication, keyStoreSecret, keyStoreLocation); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.MULTI_SUBNET_FAILOVER.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.MULTI_SUBNET_FAILOVER.getDefaultValue()); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } multiSubnetFailover = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.TRANSPARENT_NETWORK_IP_RESOLUTION.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { userSetTNIR = false; sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.TRANSPARENT_NETWORK_IP_RESOLUTION.getDefaultValue()); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } transparentNetworkIPResolution = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.ENCRYPT.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.ENCRYPT.getDefaultValue()); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } // Set requestedEncryptionLevel according to the value of the encrypt connection property requestedEncryptionLevel = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue) ? TDS.ENCRYPT_ON : TDS.ENCRYPT_OFF; sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE.getDefaultValue()); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } trustServerCertificate = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue); trustManagerClass = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.TRUST_MANAGER_CLASS.toString()); trustManagerConstructorArg = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.TRUST_MANAGER_CONSTRUCTOR_ARG.toString()); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SELECT_METHOD.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SELECT_METHOD.getDefaultValue(); if ("cursor".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue) || "direct".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue)) { activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidselectMethod")); Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.RESPONSE_BUFFERING.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.RESPONSE_BUFFERING.getDefaultValue(); if ("full".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue) || "adaptive".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue)) { activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidresponseBuffering")); Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.APPLICATION_INTENT.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.APPLICATION_INTENT.getDefaultValue(); applicationIntent = ApplicationIntent.valueOfString(sPropValue); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, applicationIntent.toString()); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_TIME_AS_DATETIME.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_TIME_AS_DATETIME.getDefaultValue()); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } sendTimeAsDatetime = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue); // Must be set before DISABLE_STATEMENT_POOLING sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.STATEMENT_POOLING_CACHE_SIZE.toString(); if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null && activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) { try { int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); this.setStatementPoolingCacheSize(n); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_statementPoolingCacheSize")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } // Must be set after STATEMENT_POOLING_CACHE_SIZE sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.DISABLE_STATEMENT_POOLING.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != sPropValue) { setDisableStatementPooling(booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue)); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.INTEGRATED_SECURITY.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue != null) { integratedSecurity = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue); } // Ignore authenticationScheme setting if integrated authentication not specified if (integratedSecurity) { sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue != null) { intAuthScheme = AuthenticationScheme.valueOfString(sPropValue); } } if(intAuthScheme == AuthenticationScheme.javaKerberos){ sPropKey = SQLServerDriverObjectProperty.GSS_CREDENTIAL.toString(); if(activeConnectionProperties.containsKey(sPropKey)) ImpersonatedUserCred = (GSSCredential) activeConnectionProperties.get(sPropKey); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.AUTHENTICATION.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (sPropValue == null) { sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.AUTHENTICATION.getDefaultValue(); } authenticationString = SqlAuthentication.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString(); if ((true == integratedSecurity) && (!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString()))) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAuthenticationWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAuthenticationWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue"), null); } if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString()) && ((!activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()).isEmpty()) || (!activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_IntegratedAuthenticationWithUserPassword")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_IntegratedAuthenticationWithUserPassword"), null); } if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword.toString()) && ((activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()).isEmpty()) || (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForActivePassword")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForActivePassword"), null); } if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.SqlPassword.toString()) && ((activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()).isEmpty()) || (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForSqlPassword")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForSqlPassword"), null); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.ACCESS_TOKEN.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != sPropValue) { accessTokenInByte = sPropValue.getBytes(UTF_16LE); } if ((null != accessTokenInByte) && 0 == accessTokenInByte.length) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenCannotBeEmpty")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenCannotBeEmpty"), null); } if ((true == integratedSecurity) && (null != accessTokenInByte)) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAccesstokenWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAccesstokenWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue"), null); } if ((!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString())) && (null != accessTokenInByte)) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetBothAuthenticationAndAccessToken")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetBothAuthenticationAndAccessToken"), null); } if ((null != accessTokenInByte) && ((!activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()).isEmpty()) || (!activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenWithUserPassword")); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenWithUserPassword"), null); } // Turn off TNIR for FedAuth if user does not set TNIR explicitly if (!userSetTNIR) { if ((!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString())) || (null != accessTokenInByte)) { transparentNetworkIPResolution = false; } } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.WORKSTATION_ID.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); ValidateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue); int nPort = 0; sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PORT_NUMBER.toString(); try { String strPort = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != strPort) { nPort = Integer.parseInt(strPort); if ((nPort < 0) || (nPort > 65535)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPortNumber")); Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(nPort)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPortNumber")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } // Handle optional packetSize property sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PACKET_SIZE.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != sPropValue && sPropValue.length() > 0) { try { requestedPacketSize = Integer.parseInt(sPropValue); // -1 --> Use server default if (-1 == requestedPacketSize) requestedPacketSize = TDS.SERVER_PACKET_SIZE; // 0 --> Use maximum size else if (0 == requestedPacketSize) requestedPacketSize = TDS.MAX_PACKET_SIZE; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Ensure that an invalid prop value results in an invalid packet size that // is not acceptable to the server. requestedPacketSize = TDS.INVALID_PACKET_SIZE; } if (TDS.SERVER_PACKET_SIZE != requestedPacketSize) { // Complain if the packet size is not in the range acceptable to the server. if (requestedPacketSize < TDS.MIN_PACKET_SIZE || requestedPacketSize > TDS.MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPacketSize")); Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } } // Note booleanPropertyOn will throw exception if parsed value is not valid. // have to check for null before calling booleanPropertyOn, because booleanPropertyOn // assumes that the null property defaults to false. sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_STRING_PARAMETERS_AS_UNICODE.toString(); if (null == activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)) { sendStringParametersAsUnicode = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_STRING_PARAMETERS_AS_UNICODE.getDefaultValue(); } else { sendStringParametersAsUnicode = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.LAST_UPDATE_COUNT.toString(); lastUpdateCount = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.XOPEN_STATES.toString(); xopenStates = booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SELECT_METHOD.toString(); selectMethod = null; if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null && activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) { selectMethod = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.RESPONSE_BUFFERING.toString(); responseBuffering = null; if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null && activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) { responseBuffering = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOCK_TIMEOUT.toString(); int defaultLockTimeOut = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOCK_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue(); nLockTimeout = defaultLockTimeOut; // Wait forever if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null && activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) { try { int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); if (n >= defaultLockTimeOut) nLockTimeout = n; else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidLockTimeOut")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidLockTimeOut")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.QUERY_TIMEOUT.toString(); int defaultQueryTimeout = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.QUERY_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue(); queryTimeoutSeconds = defaultQueryTimeout; // Wait forever if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null && activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) { try { int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); if (n >= defaultQueryTimeout) { queryTimeoutSeconds = n; } else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidQueryTimeout")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidQueryTimeout")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.SOCKET_TIMEOUT.toString(); int defaultSocketTimeout = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.SOCKET_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue(); socketTimeoutMilliseconds = defaultSocketTimeout; // Wait forever if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null && activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) { try { int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); if (n >= defaultSocketTimeout) { socketTimeoutMilliseconds = n; } else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidSocketTimeout")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidSocketTimeout")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.SERVER_PREPARED_STATEMENT_DISCARD_THRESHOLD.toString(); if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null && activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) { try { int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)); setServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(n); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.ENABLE_PREPARE_ON_FIRST_PREPARED_STATEMENT.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null != sPropValue) { setEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall(booleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue)); } sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SSL_PROTOCOL.toString(); sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey); if (null == sPropValue) { sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SSL_PROTOCOL.getDefaultValue(); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue); } else { activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, SSLProtocol.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString()); } FailoverInfo fo = null; String databaseNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString(); String serverNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SERVER_NAME.toString(); String failOverPartnerProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.FAILOVER_PARTNER.toString(); String failOverPartnerPropertyValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(failOverPartnerProperty); // failoverPartner and multiSubnetFailover=true cannot be used together if (multiSubnetFailover && failOverPartnerPropertyValue != null) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithMultiSubnetFailover"), null, false); } // transparentNetworkIPResolution is ignored if multiSubnetFailover or DBMirroring is true and user does not set TNIR explicitly if (multiSubnetFailover || (null != failOverPartnerPropertyValue)) { if (!userSetTNIR) { transparentNetworkIPResolution = false; } } // failoverPartner and applicationIntent=ReadOnly cannot be used together if ((applicationIntent != null) && applicationIntent.equals(ApplicationIntent.READ_ONLY) && failOverPartnerPropertyValue != null) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithReadOnlyIntent"), null, false); } // check to see failover specified without DB error here if not. if (null != activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(databaseNameProperty)) { // look to see if there exists a failover fo = FailoverMapSingleton.getFailoverInfo(this, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(serverNameProperty), activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(instanceNameProperty), activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(databaseNameProperty)); } else { // it is an error to specify failover without db. if (null != failOverPartnerPropertyValue) SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_failoverPartnerWithoutDB"), null, true); } String mirror = null; if (null == fo) mirror = failOverPartnerPropertyValue; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); login(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(serverNameProperty), instanceValue, nPort, mirror, fo, loginTimeoutSeconds, startTime); // If SSL is to be used for the duration of the connection, then make sure // that the final negotiated TDS packet size is no larger than the SSL record size. if (TDS.ENCRYPT_ON == negotiatedEncryptionLevel || TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ == negotiatedEncryptionLevel) { // IBM (Websphere) security provider uses 8K SSL record size. All others use 16K. int sslRecordSize = Util.isIBM() ? 8192 : 16384; if (tdsPacketSize > sslRecordSize) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Negotiated tdsPacketSize " + tdsPacketSize + " is too large for SSL with JRE " + Util.SYSTEM_JRE + " (max size is " + sslRecordSize + ")"); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_packetSizeTooBigForSSL")); Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(sslRecordSize)}; terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, form.format(msgArgs)); } } state = State.Opened; if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " End of connect"); } } finally { // once we exit the connect function, the connection can be only in one of two // states, Opened or Closed(if an exception occurred) if (!state.equals(State.Opened)) { // if connection is not closed, close it if (!state.equals(State.Closed)) this.close(); } } return this; } // This function is used by non failover and failover cases. Even when we make a standard connection the server can provide us with its // FO partner. // If no FO information is available a standard connection is made. // If the server returns a failover upon connection, we shall store the FO in our cache. // private void login(String primary, String primaryInstanceName, int primaryPortNumber, String mirror, FailoverInfo foActual, int timeout, long timerStart) throws SQLServerException { // standardLogin would be false only for db mirroring scenarios. It would be true // for all other cases, including multiSubnetFailover final boolean isDBMirroring = null != mirror || null != foActual; int sleepInterval = 100; // milliseconds to sleep (back off) between attempts. long timeoutUnitInterval; boolean useFailoverHost = false; FailoverInfo tempFailover = null; // This is the failover server info place holder ServerPortPlaceHolder currentFOPlaceHolder = null; // This is the primary server placeHolder ServerPortPlaceHolder currentPrimaryPlaceHolder = null; if (null != foActual) { tempFailover = foActual; useFailoverHost = foActual.getUseFailoverPartner(); } else { if (isDBMirroring) // Create a temporary class with the mirror info from the user tempFailover = new FailoverInfo(mirror, this, false); } // useParallel is set to true only for the first connection // when multiSubnetFailover is set to true. In all other cases, it is set // to false. boolean useParallel = getMultiSubnetFailover(); boolean useTnir = getTransparentNetworkIPResolution(); long intervalExpire; if (0 == timeout) { timeout = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue(); } long timerTimeout = timeout * 1000L; // ConnectTimeout is in seconds, we need timer millis timerExpire = timerStart + timerTimeout; // For non-dbmirroring, non-tnir and non-multisubnetfailover scenarios, full time out would be used as time slice. if (isDBMirroring || useParallel) { timeoutUnitInterval = (long) (TIMEOUTSTEP * timerTimeout); } else if (useTnir) { timeoutUnitInterval = (long) (TIMEOUTSTEP_TNIR * timerTimeout); } else { timeoutUnitInterval = timerTimeout; } intervalExpire = timerStart + timeoutUnitInterval; // This is needed when the host resolves to more than 64 IP addresses. In that case, TNIR is ignored // and the original timeout is used instead of the timeout slice. long intervalExpireFullTimeout = timerStart + timerTimeout; if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer( toString() + " Start time: " + timerStart + " Time out time: " + timerExpire + " Timeout Unit Interval: " + timeoutUnitInterval); } // Initialize loop variables int attemptNumber = 0; // indicates the no of times the connection was routed to a different server int noOfRedirections = 0; // Only three ways out of this loop: // 1) Successfully connected // 2) Parser threw exception while main timer was expired // 3) Parser threw logon failure-related exception (LOGON_FAILED, PASSWORD_EXPIRED, etc) // // Of these methods, only #1 exits normally. This preserves the call stack on the exception // back into the parser for the error cases. while (true) { clientConnectionId = null; state = State.Initialized; try { if (isDBMirroring && useFailoverHost) { if (null == currentFOPlaceHolder) { // integrated security flag passed here to verify that the linked dll can be loaded currentFOPlaceHolder = tempFailover.failoverPermissionCheck(this, integratedSecurity); } currentConnectPlaceHolder = currentFOPlaceHolder; } else { if (routingInfo != null) { currentPrimaryPlaceHolder = routingInfo; routingInfo = null; } else if (null == currentPrimaryPlaceHolder) { currentPrimaryPlaceHolder = primaryPermissionCheck(primary, primaryInstanceName, primaryPortNumber); } currentConnectPlaceHolder = currentPrimaryPlaceHolder; } // logging code if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " This attempt server name: " + currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName() + " port: " + currentConnectPlaceHolder.getPortNumber() + " InstanceName: " + currentConnectPlaceHolder.getInstanceName() + " useParallel: " + useParallel); connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " This attempt endtime: " + intervalExpire); connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " This attempt No: " + attemptNumber); } // end logging code // Attempt login. // use Place holder to make sure that the failoverdemand is done. connectHelper(currentConnectPlaceHolder, TimerRemaining(intervalExpire), timeout, useParallel, useTnir, (0 == attemptNumber), // Is // this // the // TNIR // first // attempt TimerRemaining(intervalExpireFullTimeout)); // Only used when host resolves to >64 IPs if (isRoutedInCurrentAttempt) { // we ignore the failoverpartner ENVCHANGE, if we got routed. // So, no error needs to be thrown for that case. if (isDBMirroring) { String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidRoutingInfo"); terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg); } noOfRedirections++; if (noOfRedirections > 1) { String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_multipleRedirections"); terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg); } // close tds channel if (tdsChannel != null) tdsChannel.close(); initResettableValues(); // reset all params that could have been changed due to ENVCHANGE tokens // to defaults, excluding those changed due to routing ENVCHANGE token resetNonRoutingEnvchangeValues(); // increase the attempt number. This is not really necessary // (in fact it does not matter whether we increase it or not) as // we do not use any timeslicing for multisubnetfailover. However, this // is done just to be consistent with the rest of the logic. attemptNumber++; // set isRoutedInCurrentAttempt to false for the next attempt isRoutedInCurrentAttempt = false; // useParallel and useTnir should be set to false once we get routed useParallel = false; useTnir = false; // When connection is routed for read only application, remaining timer duration is used as a one full interval intervalExpire = timerExpire; // if timeout expired, throw. if (timerHasExpired(timerExpire)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed")); Object[] msgArgs = {currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(), Integer.toString(currentConnectPlaceHolder.getPortNumber()), SQLServerException.getErrString("R_timedOutBeforeRouting")}; String msg = form.format(msgArgs); terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg); } else { continue; } } else break; // leave the while loop -- we've successfully connected } catch (SQLServerException sqlex) { if ((SQLServerException.LOGON_FAILED == sqlex.getErrorCode()) // actual logon failed, i.e. bad password || (SQLServerException.PASSWORD_EXPIRED == sqlex.getErrorCode()) // actual logon failed, i.e. password isExpired || (SQLServerException.USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED == sqlex.getErrorCode()) // actual logon failed, i.e. user account locked || (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // invalid TDS received from server || (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_SSL_FAILED == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // failure negotiating SSL || (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INTERMITTENT_TLS_FAILED == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // failure TLS1.2 || (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // unsupported configuration (e.g. // Sphinx, invalid packet size, etc.) || (SQLServerException.ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // socket timeout ocurred || timerHasExpired(timerExpire)// no more time to try again || (state.equals(State.Connected) && !isDBMirroring) // for non-dbmirroring cases, do not retry after tcp socket connection succeeds ) { // close the connection and throw the error back close(); throw sqlex; } else { // Close the TDS channel from the failed connection attempt so that we don't // hold onto network resources any longer than necessary. if (null != tdsChannel) tdsChannel.close(); } // For standard connections and MultiSubnetFailover connections, change the sleep interval after every attempt. // For DB Mirroring, we only sleep after every other attempt. if (!isDBMirroring || 1 == attemptNumber % 2) { // Check sleep interval to make sure we won't exceed the timeout // Do this in the catch block so we can re-throw the current exception long remainingMilliseconds = TimerRemaining(timerExpire); if (remainingMilliseconds <= sleepInterval) { throw sqlex; } } } // We only get here when we failed to connect, but are going to re-try // After trying to connect to both servers fails, sleep for a bit to prevent clogging // the network with requests, then update sleep interval for next iteration (max 1 second interval) // We have to sleep for every attempt in case of non-dbMirroring scenarios (including multisubnetfailover), // Whereas for dbMirroring, we sleep for every two attempts as each attempt is to a different server. if (!isDBMirroring || (1 == attemptNumber % 2)) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " sleeping milisec: " + sleepInterval); } try { Thread.sleep(sleepInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // re-interrupt the current thread, in order to restore the thread's interrupt status. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } sleepInterval = (sleepInterval < 500) ? sleepInterval * 2 : 1000; } // Update timeout interval (but no more than the point where we're supposed to fail: timerExpire) attemptNumber++; if (useParallel) { intervalExpire = System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeoutUnitInterval * (attemptNumber + 1)); } else if (isDBMirroring) { intervalExpire = System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeoutUnitInterval * ((attemptNumber / 2) + 1)); } else if (useTnir) { long timeSlice = timeoutUnitInterval * (1 << attemptNumber); // In case the timeout for the first slice is less than 500 ms then bump it up to 500 ms if ((1 == attemptNumber) && (500 > timeSlice)) { timeSlice = 500; } intervalExpire = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeSlice; } else intervalExpire = timerExpire; // Due to the below condition and the timerHasExpired check in catch block, // the multiSubnetFailover case or any other standardLogin case where timeOutInterval is full timeout would also be handled correctly. if (intervalExpire > timerExpire) { intervalExpire = timerExpire; } // try again, this time swapping primary/secondary servers if (isDBMirroring) useFailoverHost = !useFailoverHost; } // If we get here, connection/login succeeded! Just a few more checks & record-keeping // if connected to failover host, but said host doesn't have DbMirroring set up, throw an error if (useFailoverHost && null == failoverPartnerServerProvided) { String curserverinfo = currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(); if (null != currentFOPlaceHolder.getInstanceName()) { curserverinfo = curserverinfo + "\\"; curserverinfo = curserverinfo + currentFOPlaceHolder.getInstanceName(); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPartnerConfiguration")); Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString()), curserverinfo}; terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, form.format(msgArgs)); } if (null != failoverPartnerServerProvided) { // if server returns failoverPartner when multiSubnetFailover keyword is used, fail if (multiSubnetFailover) { String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithMultiSubnetFailover"); terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg); } // if server returns failoverPartner and applicationIntent=ReadOnly, fail if ((applicationIntent != null) && applicationIntent.equals(ApplicationIntent.READ_ONLY)) { String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithReadOnlyIntent"); terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg); } if (null == tempFailover) tempFailover = new FailoverInfo(failoverPartnerServerProvided, this, false); // if the failover is not from the map already out this in the map, if it is from the map just make sure that we change the if (null != foActual) { // We must wait for CompleteLogin to finish for to have the // env change from the server to know its designated failover // partner; saved in failoverPartnerServerProvided foActual.failoverAdd(this, useFailoverHost, failoverPartnerServerProvided); } else { String databaseNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString(); String instanceNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.INSTANCE_NAME.toString(); String serverNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SERVER_NAME.toString(); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { connectionlogger .fine(toString() + " adding new failover info server: " + activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(serverNameProperty) + " instance: " + activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(instanceNameProperty) + " database: " + activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(databaseNameProperty) + " server provided failover: " + failoverPartnerServerProvided); } tempFailover.failoverAdd(this, useFailoverHost, failoverPartnerServerProvided); FailoverMapSingleton.putFailoverInfo(this, primary, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(instanceNameProperty), activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(databaseNameProperty), tempFailover, useFailoverHost, failoverPartnerServerProvided); } } } // reset all params that could have been changed due to ENVCHANGE tokens to defaults, // excluding those changed due to routing ENVCHANGE token void resetNonRoutingEnvchangeValues() { tdsPacketSize = TDS.INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE; databaseCollation = null; rolledBackTransaction = false; Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0); sCatalog = originalCatalog; failoverPartnerServerProvided = null; } static final int DEFAULTPORT = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PORT_NUMBER.getDefaultValue(); // This code should be similar to the code in FailOverInfo class's failoverPermissionCheck // Only difference is that this gets the instance port if the port number is zero where as failover // does not have port number available. ServerPortPlaceHolder primaryPermissionCheck(String primary, String primaryInstanceName, int primaryPortNumber) throws SQLServerException { String instancePort; // look to see primary port number is specified if (0 == primaryPortNumber) { if (null != primaryInstanceName) { instancePort = getInstancePort(primary, primaryInstanceName); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " SQL Server port returned by SQL Browser: " + instancePort); try { if (null != instancePort) { primaryPortNumber = Integer.parseInt(instancePort); if ((primaryPortNumber < 0) || (primaryPortNumber > 65535)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPortNumber")); Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(primaryPortNumber)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } else primaryPortNumber = DEFAULTPORT; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPortNumber")); Object[] msgArgs = {primaryPortNumber}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } else primaryPortNumber = DEFAULTPORT; } // now we have determined the right port set the connection property back activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PORT_NUMBER.toString(), String.valueOf(primaryPortNumber)); return new ServerPortPlaceHolder(primary, primaryPortNumber, primaryInstanceName, integratedSecurity); } static boolean timerHasExpired(long timerExpire) { boolean result = System.currentTimeMillis() > timerExpire; return result; } static int TimerRemaining(long timerExpire) { long timerNow = System.currentTimeMillis(); long result = timerExpire - timerNow; // maximum timeout the socket takes is int max. if (result > Integer.MAX_VALUE) result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // we have to make sure that we return atleast one ms // we want atleast one attempt to happen with a positive timeout passed by the user. if (result <= 0) result = 1; return (int) result; } /** * This is a helper function to connect this gets the port of the server to connect and the server name to connect and the timeout This function * achieves one connection attempt Create a prepared statement for internal use by the driver. * * @param serverInfo * @param timeOutSliceInMillis * -timeout value in milli seconds for one try * @param timeOutFullInSeconds * - whole timeout value specified by the user in seconds * @param useParallel * - It is used to indicate whether a parallel algorithm should be tried or not for resolving a hostName. Note that useParallel is set * to false for a routed connection even if multiSubnetFailover is set to true. * @param useTnir * @param isTnirFirstAttempt * @param timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout * @throws SQLServerException */ private void connectHelper(ServerPortPlaceHolder serverInfo, int timeOutsliceInMillis, int timeOutFullInSeconds, boolean useParallel, boolean useTnir, boolean isTnirFirstAttempt, int timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout) throws SQLServerException { // Make the initial tcp-ip connection. if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Connecting with server: " + serverInfo.getServerName() + " port: " + serverInfo.getPortNumber() + " Timeout slice: " + timeOutsliceInMillis + " Timeout Full: " + timeOutFullInSeconds); } // Before opening the TDSChannel, calculate local hostname // as the InetAddress.getLocalHost() takes more than usual time in certain OS and JVM combination, it avoids connection loss hostName = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.WORKSTATION_ID.toString()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hostName)) { hostName = Util.lookupHostName(); } // if the timeout is infinite slices are infinite too. tdsChannel = new TDSChannel(this); if (0 == timeOutFullInSeconds), serverInfo.getPortNumber(), 0, useParallel, useTnir, isTnirFirstAttempt, timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout); else, serverInfo.getPortNumber(), timeOutsliceInMillis, useParallel, useTnir, isTnirFirstAttempt, timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout); setState(State.Connected); clientConnectionId = UUID.randomUUID(); assert null != clientConnectionId; Prelogin(serverInfo.getServerName(), serverInfo.getPortNumber()); // If prelogin negotiated SSL encryption then, enable it on the TDS channel. if (TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) { tdsChannel.enableSSL(serverInfo.getServerName(), serverInfo.getPortNumber()); } // We have successfully connected, now do the login. logon takes seconds timeout executeCommand(new LogonCommand()); } /** * Negotiates prelogin information with the server */ void Prelogin(String serverName, int portNumber) throws SQLServerException { // Build a TDS Pre-Login packet to send to the server. if ((!authenticationString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString())) || (null != accessTokenInByte)) { fedAuthRequiredByUser = true; } // Message length (incl. header) final byte messageLength; final byte fedAuthOffset; if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) { messageLength = TDS.B_PRELOGIN_MESSAGE_LENGTH_WITH_FEDAUTH; requestedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_ON; // since we added one more line for prelogin option with fedauth, // we also needed to modify the offsets above, by adding 5 to each offset, // since the data session of each option is push 5 bytes behind. fedAuthOffset = 5; } else { messageLength = TDS.B_PRELOGIN_MESSAGE_LENGTH; fedAuthOffset = 0; } final byte[] preloginRequest = new byte[messageLength]; int preloginRequestOffset = 0; byte[] bufferHeader = { // Buffer Header TDS.PKT_PRELOGIN, // Message Type TDS.STATUS_BIT_EOM, 0, messageLength, 0, 0, // SPID (not used) 0, // Packet (not used) 0, // Window (not used) }; System.arraycopy(bufferHeader, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset, bufferHeader.length); preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + bufferHeader.length; byte[] preloginOptionsBeforeFedAuth = { // OPTION_TOKEN (BYTE), OFFSET (USHORT), LENGTH (USHORT) TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_VERSION, 0, (byte) (16 + fedAuthOffset), 0, 6, // UL_VERSION + US_SUBBUILD TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_ENCRYPTION, 0, (byte) (22 + fedAuthOffset), 0, 1, // B_FENCRYPTION TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_TRACEID, 0, (byte) (23 + fedAuthOffset), 0, 36, // ClientConnectionId + ActivityId }; System.arraycopy(preloginOptionsBeforeFedAuth, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset, preloginOptionsBeforeFedAuth.length); preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + preloginOptionsBeforeFedAuth.length; if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) { byte[] preloginOptions2 = {TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_FEDAUTHREQUIRED, 0, 64, 0, 1,}; System.arraycopy(preloginOptions2, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset, preloginOptions2.length); preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + preloginOptions2.length; } preloginRequest[preloginRequestOffset] = TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_TERMINATOR; preloginRequestOffset++; // PL_OPTION_DATA byte[] preloginOptionData = { // - Server version - // (out param, filled in by the server in the prelogin response). 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // - Encryption - requestedEncryptionLevel, // TRACEID Data Session (ClientConnectionId + ActivityId) - Initialize to 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,}; System.arraycopy(preloginOptionData, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset, preloginOptionData.length); preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + preloginOptionData.length; // If the client’s PRELOGIN request message contains the FEDAUTHREQUIRED option, // the client MUST specify 0x01 as the B_FEDAUTHREQUIRED value if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) { preloginRequest[preloginRequestOffset] = 1; preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + 1; } final byte[] preloginResponse = new byte[TDS.INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE]; String preloginErrorLogString = " Prelogin error: host " + serverName + " port " + portNumber; ActivityId activityId = ActivityCorrelator.getNext(); final byte[] actIdByteArray = Util.asGuidByteArray(activityId.getId()); final byte[] conIdByteArray = Util.asGuidByteArray(clientConnectionId); int offset; if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) { offset = preloginRequest.length - 36 - 1; // point to the TRACEID Data Session (one more byte for fedauth data session) } else { offset = preloginRequest.length - 36; // point to the TRACEID Data Session } // copy ClientConnectionId System.arraycopy(conIdByteArray, 0, preloginRequest, offset, conIdByteArray.length); offset += conIdByteArray.length; // copy ActivityId System.arraycopy(actIdByteArray, 0, preloginRequest, offset, actIdByteArray.length); offset += actIdByteArray.length; long seqNum = activityId.getSequence(); Util.writeInt((int) seqNum, preloginRequest, offset); offset += 4; if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Requesting encryption level:" + TDS.getEncryptionLevel(requestedEncryptionLevel)); connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " ActivityId " + activityId.toString()); } // Write the entire prelogin request if (tdsChannel.isLoggingPackets()) tdsChannel.logPacket(preloginRequest, 0, preloginRequest.length, toString() + " Prelogin request"); try { tdsChannel.write(preloginRequest, 0, preloginRequest.length); tdsChannel.flush(); } catch (SQLServerException e) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Error sending prelogin request: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } ActivityCorrelator.setCurrentActivityIdSentFlag(); // indicate current ActivityId is sent // Read the entire prelogin response int responseLength = preloginResponse.length; int responseBytesRead = 0; boolean processedResponseHeader = false; while (responseBytesRead < responseLength) { int bytesRead; try { bytesRead =, responseBytesRead, responseLength - responseBytesRead); } catch (SQLServerException e) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Error reading prelogin response: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } // If we reached EOF before the end of the prelogin response then something is wrong. // // Special case: If there was no response at all (i.e. the server closed the connection), // then maybe we are just trying to talk to an older server that doesn't support prelogin // (and that we don't support with this driver). if (-1 == bytesRead) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning( toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Unexpected end of prelogin response after " + responseBytesRead + " bytes read"); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed")); Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber), SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSQLServer")}; terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs)); } // Otherwise, we must have read some bytes... assert bytesRead >= 0; assert bytesRead <= responseLength - responseBytesRead; if (tdsChannel.isLoggingPackets()) tdsChannel.logPacket(preloginResponse, responseBytesRead, bytesRead, toString() + " Prelogin response"); responseBytesRead += bytesRead; // Validate the response header if we haven't already done so and // we've read enough of the response to do it. if (!processedResponseHeader && responseBytesRead >= TDS.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) { // Verify that the response is actually a response... if (TDS.PKT_REPLY != preloginResponse[0]) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Unexpected response type:" + preloginResponse[0]); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed")); Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber), SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSQLServer")}; terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs)); } // Verify that the response claims to only be one TDS packet long. // In theory, it can be longer, but in current practice it isn't, as all of the // prelogin response items easily fit into a single 4K packet. if (TDS.STATUS_BIT_EOM != (TDS.STATUS_BIT_EOM & preloginResponse[1])) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Unexpected response status:" + preloginResponse[1]); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed")); Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber), SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSQLServer")}; terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs)); } // Verify that the length of the response claims to be small enough to fit in the allocated area responseLength = Util.readUnsignedShortBigEndian(preloginResponse, 2); assert responseLength >= 0; if (responseLength >= preloginResponse.length) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Response length:" + responseLength + " is greater than allowed length:" + preloginResponse.length); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed")); Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber), SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSQLServer")}; terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs)); } processedResponseHeader = true; } } // Walk the response for prelogin options received. We expect at least to get // back the server version and the encryption level. boolean receivedVersionOption = false; negotiatedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID; int responseIndex = TDS.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; while (true) { // Get the option token if (responseIndex >= responseLength) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Option token not found"); } throwInvalidTDS(); } byte optionToken = preloginResponse[responseIndex++]; // When we reach the option terminator, we're done processing option tokens if (TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_TERMINATOR == optionToken) break; // Get the offset and length that follows the option token if (responseIndex + 4 >= responseLength) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Offset/Length not found for option:" + optionToken); } throwInvalidTDS(); } int optionOffset = Util.readUnsignedShortBigEndian(preloginResponse, responseIndex) + TDS.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; responseIndex += 2; assert optionOffset >= 0; int optionLength = Util.readUnsignedShortBigEndian(preloginResponse, responseIndex); responseIndex += 2; assert optionLength >= 0; if (optionOffset + optionLength > responseLength) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning( toString() + " Offset:" + optionOffset + " and length:" + optionLength + " exceed response length:" + responseLength); } throwInvalidTDS(); } switch (optionToken) { case TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_VERSION: if (receivedVersionOption) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Version option already received"); } throwInvalidTDS(); } if (6 != optionLength) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Version option length:" + optionLength + " is incorrect. Correct value is 6."); } throwInvalidTDS(); } serverMajorVersion = preloginResponse[optionOffset]; if (serverMajorVersion < 9) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger .warning(toString() + " Server major version:" + serverMajorVersion + " is not supported by this driver."); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_unsupportedServerVersion")); Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(preloginResponse[optionOffset])}; terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, form.format(msgArgs)); } if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Server returned major version:" + preloginResponse[optionOffset]); receivedVersionOption = true; break; case TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_ENCRYPTION: if (TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Encryption option already received"); } throwInvalidTDS(); } if (1 != optionLength) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger .warning(toString() + " Encryption option length:" + optionLength + " is incorrect. Correct value is 1."); } throwInvalidTDS(); } negotiatedEncryptionLevel = preloginResponse[optionOffset]; // If the server did not return a valid encryption level, terminate the connection. if (TDS.ENCRYPT_OFF != negotiatedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_ON != negotiatedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ != negotiatedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Server returned " + TDS.getEncryptionLevel(negotiatedEncryptionLevel)); } throwInvalidTDS(); } if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Negotiated encryption level:" + TDS.getEncryptionLevel(negotiatedEncryptionLevel)); // If we requested SSL encryption and the server does not support it, then terminate the connection. if (TDS.ENCRYPT_ON == requestedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_ON != negotiatedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) { terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_SSL_FAILED, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_sslRequiredNoServerSupport")); } // If we say we don't support SSL and the server doesn't accept unencrypted connections, // then terminate the connection. if (TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP == requestedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) { // If the server required an encrypted connection then terminate with an appropriate error. if (TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ == negotiatedEncryptionLevel) terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_SSL_FAILED, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_sslRequiredByServer")); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger .warning(toString() + " Client requested encryption level: " + TDS.getEncryptionLevel(requestedEncryptionLevel) + " Server returned unexpected encryption level: " + TDS.getEncryptionLevel(negotiatedEncryptionLevel)); } throwInvalidTDS(); } break; case TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_FEDAUTHREQUIRED: // Only 0x00 and 0x01 are accepted values from the server. if (0 != preloginResponse[optionOffset] && 1 != preloginResponse[optionOffset]) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Server sent an unexpected value for FedAuthRequired PreLogin Option. Value was " + preloginResponse[optionOffset]); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponseInvalidValue")); throw new SQLServerException(form.format(new Object[] {preloginResponse[optionOffset]}), null); } // We must NOT use the response for the FEDAUTHREQUIRED PreLogin option, if the connection string option // was not using the new Authentication keyword or in other words, if Authentication=NotSpecified // Or AccessToken is not null, mean token based authentication is used. if (((null != authenticationString) && (!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString()))) || (null != accessTokenInByte)) { fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = (preloginResponse[optionOffset] == 1); } break; default: if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Ignoring prelogin response option:" + optionToken); break; } } if (!receivedVersionOption || TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID == negotiatedEncryptionLevel) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Prelogin response is missing version and/or encryption option."); } throwInvalidTDS(); } } final void throwInvalidTDS() throws SQLServerException { terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTDS")); } final void throwInvalidTDSToken(String tokenName) throws SQLServerException { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_unexpectedToken")); Object[] msgArgs = {tokenName}; String message = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTDS") + form.format(msgArgs); terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS, message); } /** * Terminates the connection and throws an exception detailing the reason for termination. * * This method is similar to SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError, except that it always terminates the connection, and does so with the * appropriate state code. */ final void terminate(int driverErrorCode, String message) throws SQLServerException { terminate(driverErrorCode, message, null); } final void terminate(int driverErrorCode, String message, Throwable throwable) throws SQLServerException { String state = this.state.equals(State.Opened) ? SQLServerException.EXCEPTION_XOPEN_CONNECTION_FAILURE : SQLServerException.EXCEPTION_XOPEN_CONNECTION_CANT_ESTABLISH; if (!xopenStates) state = SQLServerException.mapFromXopen(state); SQLServerException ex = new SQLServerException(this, SQLServerException.checkAndAppendClientConnId(message, this), state, // X/Open or SQL99 // SQLState 0, // database error number (0 -> driver error) true); // include stack trace in log if (null != throwable) ex.initCause(throwable); ex.setDriverErrorCode(driverErrorCode); notifyPooledConnection(ex); close(); throw ex; } private final Object schedulerLock = new Object(); /** * Executes a command through the scheduler. * * @param newCommand * the command to execute */ boolean executeCommand(TDSCommand newCommand) throws SQLServerException { synchronized (schedulerLock) { // Detach (buffer) the response from any previously executing // command so that we can execute the new command. // // Note that detaching the response does not process it. Detaching just // buffers the response off of the wire to clear the TDS channel. if (null != currentCommand) { currentCommand.detach(); currentCommand = null; } // The implementation of this scheduler is pretty simple... // Since only one command at a time may use a connection // (to avoid TDS protocol errors), just synchronize to // serialize command execution. boolean commandComplete = false; try { commandComplete = newCommand.execute(tdsChannel.getWriter(), tdsChannel.getReader(newCommand)); } finally { // We should never displace an existing currentCommand // assert null == currentCommand; // If execution of the new command left response bytes on the wire // (e.g. a large ResultSet or complex response with multiple results) // then remember it as the current command so that any subsequent call // to executeCommand will detach it before executing another new command. if (!commandComplete && !isSessionUnAvailable()) currentCommand = newCommand; } return commandComplete; } } void resetCurrentCommand() throws SQLServerException { if (null != currentCommand) { currentCommand.detach(); currentCommand = null; } } /* * Executes a connection-level command */ private void connectionCommand(String sql, String logContext) throws SQLServerException { final class ConnectionCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand { final String sql; ConnectionCommand(String sql, String logContext) { super(logContext); this.sql = sql; } final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException { startRequest(TDS.PKT_QUERY).writeString(sql); TDSParser.parse(startResponse(), getLogContext()); return true; } } executeCommand(new ConnectionCommand(sql, logContext)); } /** * Build the syntax to initialize the connection at the database side. * * @return the syntax string */ /* L0 */ private String sqlStatementToInitialize() { String s = null; if (nLockTimeout > -1) s = " set lock_timeout " + nLockTimeout; return s; } /** * Return the syntax to set the database calatog to use. * * @param sDB * the new catalog * @return the required syntax */ /* L0 */ void setCatalogName(String sDB) { if (sDB != null) { if (sDB.length() > 0) { sCatalog = sDB; } } } /** * Return the syntax to set the database isolation level. * * @return the required syntax */ /* L0 */ String sqlStatementToSetTransactionIsolationLevel() throws SQLServerException { String sql = "set transaction isolation level "; switch (transactionIsolationLevel) { case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED: { sql = sql + " read uncommitted "; break; } case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED: { sql = sql + " read committed "; break; } case Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ: { sql = sql + " repeatable read "; break; } case Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE: { sql = sql + " serializable "; break; } case SQLServerConnection.TRANSACTION_SNAPSHOT: { sql = sql + " snapshot "; break; } default: { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTransactionLevel")); Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(transactionIsolationLevel)}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } } return sql; } /** * Return the syntax to set the database commit mode. * * @return the required syntax */ static String sqlStatementToSetCommit(boolean autoCommit) { return (true == autoCommit) ? "set implicit_transactions off " : "set implicit_transactions on "; } /* L0 */ public Statement createStatement() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement"); Statement st = createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st); return st; } /* L0 */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", sql); PreparedStatement pst = prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", pst); return pst; } /* L0 */ public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", sql); CallableStatement st = prepareCall(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st); return st; } /* L0 */ public String nativeSQL(String sql) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "nativeSQL", sql); checkClosed(); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "nativeSQL", sql); return sql; } public void setAutoCommit(boolean newAutoCommitMode) throws SQLServerException { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setAutoCommit", newAutoCommitMode); if (Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } String commitPendingTransaction = ""; checkClosed(); if (newAutoCommitMode == databaseAutoCommitMode) // No Change return; // When changing to auto-commit from inside an existing transaction, // commit that transaction first. if (newAutoCommitMode == true) commitPendingTransaction = "IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN "; if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Autocommitmode current :" + databaseAutoCommitMode + " new: " + newAutoCommitMode); } rolledBackTransaction = false; connectionCommand(commitPendingTransaction + sqlStatementToSetCommit(newAutoCommitMode), "setAutoCommit"); databaseAutoCommitMode = newAutoCommitMode; loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setAutoCommit"); } /* L0 */ public boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getAutoCommit"); checkClosed(); boolean res = !inXATransaction && databaseAutoCommitMode; if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getAutoCommit", res); return res; } /* LO */ final byte[] getTransactionDescriptor() { return transactionDescriptor; } /** * Commit a transcation. Per our transaction spec, see also SDT#410729, a commit in autocommit mode = true is a NO-OP. * * @throws SQLServerException * if no transaction exists. */ public void commit() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "commit"); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } checkClosed(); if (!databaseAutoCommitMode) connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN", "Connection.commit"); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "commit"); } /** * Rollback a transcation. * * @throws SQLServerException * if no transaction exists or if the connection is in auto-commit mode. */ public void rollback() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback"); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } checkClosed(); if (databaseAutoCommitMode) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_cantInvokeRollback"), null, true); } else connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN", "Connection.rollback"); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback"); } public void abort(Executor executor) throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "abort", executor); // nop if connection is closed if (isClosed()) return; if (null == executor) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidArgument")); Object[] msgArgs = {"executor"}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } // check for callAbort permission SecurityManager secMgr = System.getSecurityManager(); if (secMgr != null) { try { SQLPermission perm = new SQLPermission(callAbortPerm); secMgr.checkPermission(perm); } catch (SecurityException ex) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_permissionDenied")); Object[] msgArgs = {callAbortPerm}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true); } } setState(State.Closed); executor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (null != tdsChannel) { tdsChannel.close(); } } }); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "abort"); } public void close() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "close"); // Always report the connection as closed for any further use, no matter // what happens when we try to clean up the physical resources associated // with the connection. setState(State.Closed); // Close the TDS channel. When the channel is closed, the server automatically // rolls back any pending transactions and closes associated resources like // prepared handles. if (null != tdsChannel) { tdsChannel.close(); } // Invalidate statement caches. if (null != preparedStatementHandleCache) preparedStatementHandleCache.clear(); if (null != parameterMetadataCache) parameterMetadataCache.clear(); // Clean-up queue etc. related to batching of prepared statement discard actions (sp_unprepare). cleanupPreparedStatementDiscardActions(); ActivityCorrelator.cleanupActivityId(); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "close"); } // This function is used by the proxy for notifying the pool manager that this connection proxy is closed // This event will pool the connection final void poolCloseEventNotify() throws SQLServerException { if (state.equals(State.Opened) && null != pooledConnectionParent) { // autocommit = true => nothing to do when app closes connection // XA = true => the transaction manager is the only one who can invoke transactional APIs // Non XA and autocommit off => // If there is a pending BEGIN TRAN from the last commit or rollback, dont propagate it to // the next allocated connection. // Also if the app closes a connection handle before committing or rolling back the uncompleted // transaction may lock other updates/queries so close the transaction now. if (!databaseAutoCommitMode && !(pooledConnectionParent instanceof XAConnection)) { connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN" /* +close connection */, "close connection"); } notifyPooledConnection(null); ActivityCorrelator.cleanupActivityId(); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Connection closed and returned to connection pool"); } } } /* L0 */ public boolean isClosed() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isClosed"); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isClosed", isSessionUnAvailable()); return isSessionUnAvailable(); } /* L0 */ public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getMetaData"); checkClosed(); if (databaseMetaData == null) { databaseMetaData = new SQLServerDatabaseMetaData(this); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getMetaData", databaseMetaData); return databaseMetaData; } /* L0 */ public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) throws SQLServerException { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setReadOnly", readOnly); checkClosed(); // do nothing per spec loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setReadOnly"); } /* L0 */ public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isReadOnly"); checkClosed(); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isReadOnly", Boolean.FALSE); return false; } /* L0 */ public void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setCatalog", catalog); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } checkClosed(); if (catalog != null) { connectionCommand("use " + Util.escapeSQLId(catalog), "setCatalog"); sCatalog = catalog; } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setCatalog"); } /* L0 */ public String getCatalog() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getCatalog"); checkClosed(); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getCatalog", sCatalog); return sCatalog; } String getSCatalog() throws SQLServerException { return sCatalog; } /* L0 */ public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLServerException { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setTransactionIsolation", level); if (Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } } checkClosed(); if (level == Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE) return; String sql; transactionIsolationLevel = level; sql = sqlStatementToSetTransactionIsolationLevel(); connectionCommand(sql, "setTransactionIsolation"); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setTransactionIsolation"); } /* L0 */ public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getTransactionIsolation"); checkClosed(); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getTransactionIsolation", transactionIsolationLevel); return transactionIsolationLevel; } volatile SQLWarning sqlWarnings; // the SQL warnings chain Object warningSynchronization = new Object(); // Think about returning a copy when we implement additional warnings. /* L0 */ public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getWarnings"); checkClosed(); // check null warn wont crash loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getWarnings", sqlWarnings); return sqlWarnings; } // Any changes to SQLWarnings should be synchronized. private void addWarning(String warningString) { synchronized (warningSynchronization) { SQLWarning warning = new SQLWarning(warningString); if (null == sqlWarnings) { sqlWarnings = warning; } else { sqlWarnings.setNextWarning(warning); } } } /* L2 */ public void clearWarnings() throws SQLServerException { synchronized (warningSynchronization) { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "clearWarnings"); checkClosed(); sqlWarnings = null; loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "clearWarnings"); } } // --------------------------JDBC 2.0----------------------------- public Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLServerException { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", new Object[] {resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency}); checkClosed(); Statement st = new SQLServerStatement(this, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st); return st; } public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLServerException { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency}); checkClosed(); PreparedStatement st; // Make sure SQLServerPreparedStatement42 is used for 4.2 and above. if (Util.use42Wrapper() || Util.use43Wrapper()) { st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement42(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); } else { st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st); return st; } private PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, stmtColEncSetting}); checkClosed(); PreparedStatement st; // Make sure SQLServerPreparedStatement42 is used for 4.2 and above. if (Util.use42Wrapper() || Util.use43Wrapper()) { st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement42(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, stmtColEncSetting); } else { st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, stmtColEncSetting); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st); return st; } public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLServerException { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", new Object[] {sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency}); checkClosed(); CallableStatement st; // Make sure SQLServerCallableStatement42 is used for 4.2 and above. if (Util.use42Wrapper() || Util.use43Wrapper()) { st = new SQLServerCallableStatement42(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); } else { st = new SQLServerCallableStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st); return st; } /* L2 */ public void setTypeMap(java.util.Map> map) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setTypeMap", map); checkClosed(); if (map != null && (map instanceof java.util.HashMap)) { // we return an empty Hash map if the user gives this back make sure we accept it. if (map.isEmpty()) { loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setTypeMap"); return; } } NotImplemented(); } public java.util.Map> getTypeMap() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getTypeMap"); checkClosed(); java.util.Map> mp = new java.util.HashMap<>(); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getTypeMap", mp); return mp; } /* ---------------------- Logon --------------------------- */ int writeAEFeatureRequest(boolean write, TDSWriter tdsWriter) throws SQLServerException /* if false just calculates the length */ { // This includes the length of the terminator byte. If there are other extension features, re-adjust accordingly. int len = 6; // (1byte = featureID, 4bytes = featureData length, 1 bytes = Version) if (write) { tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) TDS.TDS_FEATURE_EXT_AE); // FEATUREEXT_TCE tdsWriter.writeInt(1); tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) TDS.MAX_SUPPORTED_TCE_VERSION); } return len; } int writeFedAuthFeatureRequest(boolean write, TDSWriter tdsWriter, FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData fedAuthFeatureExtensionData) throws SQLServerException { /* * if false just calculates the * length */ assert (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType == TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL || fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType == TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN); int dataLen = 0; // set dataLen and totalLen switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) { case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL: dataLen = 2; // length of feature data = 1 byte for library and echo + 1 byte for workflow break; case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN: assert null != fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken; dataLen = 1 + 4 + fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken.length; // length of feature data = 1 byte for library and echo, security // token length and sizeof(int) for token lengh itself break; default: assert (false); // Unrecognized library type for fedauth feature extension request" break; } int totalLen = dataLen + 5; // length of feature id (1 byte), data length field (4 bytes), and feature data (dataLen) // write feature id if (write) { tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) TDS.TDS_FEATURE_EXT_FEDAUTH); // FEATUREEXT_TCE // set options byte options = 0x00; // set upper 7 bits of options to indicate fed auth library type switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) { case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL: assert federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested == true; options |= TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL << 1; break; case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN: assert federatedAuthenticationRequested == true; options |= TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN << 1; break; default: assert (false); // Unrecognized library type for fedauth feature extension request break; } options |= (byte) (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse == true ? 0x01 : 0x00); // write FeatureDataLen tdsWriter.writeInt(dataLen); // write FeatureData // write option tdsWriter.writeByte(options); // write workflow for FedAuthLibrary.ADAL // write accessToken for FedAuthLibrary.SecurityToken switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) { case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL: byte workflow = 0x00; switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.authentication) { case ActiveDirectoryPassword: workflow = TDS.ADALWORKFLOW_ACTIVEDIRECTORYPASSWORD; break; case ActiveDirectoryIntegrated: workflow = TDS.ADALWORKFLOW_ACTIVEDIRECTORYINTEGRATED; break; default: assert (false); // Unrecognized Authentication type for fedauth ADAL request break; } tdsWriter.writeByte(workflow); break; case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN: tdsWriter.writeInt(fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken.length); tdsWriter.writeBytes(fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken, 0, fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken.length); break; default: assert (false); // Unrecognized FedAuthLibrary type for feature extension request break; } } return totalLen; } private final class LogonCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand { LogonCommand() { super("logon"); } final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException { logon(this); return true; } } /* L0 */ private void logon(LogonCommand command) throws SQLServerException { SSPIAuthentication authentication = null; if (integratedSecurity && AuthenticationScheme.nativeAuthentication == intAuthScheme) authentication = new AuthenticationJNI(this, currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(), currentConnectPlaceHolder.getPortNumber()); if (integratedSecurity && AuthenticationScheme.javaKerberos == intAuthScheme) { if (null != ImpersonatedUserCred) authentication = new KerbAuthentication(this, currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(), currentConnectPlaceHolder.getPortNumber(), ImpersonatedUserCred); else authentication = new KerbAuthentication(this, currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(), currentConnectPlaceHolder.getPortNumber()); } // If the workflow being used is Active Directory Password or Active Directory Integrated and server's prelogin response // for FEDAUTHREQUIRED option indicates Federated Authentication is required, we have to insert FedAuth Feature Extension // in Login7, indicating the intent to use Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server. if (authenticationString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword.toString()) || (authenticationString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString()) && fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse)) { federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested = true; fedAuthFeatureExtensionData = new FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL, authenticationString, fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse); } if (null != accessTokenInByte) { fedAuthFeatureExtensionData = new FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN, fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse, accessTokenInByte); // No need any further info from the server for token based authentication. So set _federatedAuthenticationRequested to true federatedAuthenticationRequested = true; } try { sendLogon(command, authentication, fedAuthFeatureExtensionData); // If we got routed in the current attempt, // the server closes the connection. So, we should not // be sending anymore commands to the server in that case. if (!isRoutedInCurrentAttempt) { originalCatalog = sCatalog; String sqlStmt = sqlStatementToInitialize(); if (sqlStmt != null) { connectionCommand(sqlStmt, "Change Settings"); } } } finally { if (integratedSecurity) { if (null != authentication) authentication.ReleaseClientContext(); authentication = null; if (null != ImpersonatedUserCred) { try { ImpersonatedUserCred.dispose(); } catch (GSSException e) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Release of the credentials failed GSSException: " + e); } } } } } private static final int ENVCHANGE_DATABASE = 1; private static final int ENVCHANGE_LANGUAGE = 2; private static final int ENVCHANGE_CHARSET = 3; private static final int ENVCHANGE_PACKETSIZE = 4; private static final int ENVCHANGE_SORTLOCALEID = 5; private static final int ENVCHANGE_SORTFLAGS = 6; private static final int ENVCHANGE_SQLCOLLATION = 7; private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_BEGIN = 8; private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_COMMIT = 9; private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_ROLLBACK = 10; private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_ENLIST = 11; private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_DEFECT = 12; private static final int ENVCHANGE_CHANGE_MIRROR = 13; private static final int ENVCHANGE_UNUSED_14 = 14; private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_PROMOTE = 15; private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_MGR_ADDR = 16; private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_ENDED = 17; private static final int ENVCHANGE_RESET_COMPLETE = 18; private static final int ENVCHANGE_USER_INFO = 19; private static final int ENVCHANGE_ROUTING = 20; final void processEnvChange(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); // token type final int envValueLength = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort(); TDSReaderMark mark = tdsReader.mark(); int envchange = tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); switch (envchange) { case ENVCHANGE_PACKETSIZE: // Set NEW value as new TDS packet size try { tdsPacketSize = Integer.parseInt(tdsReader.readUnicodeString(tdsReader.readUnsignedByte())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { tdsReader.throwInvalidTDS(); } if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Network packet size is " + tdsPacketSize + " bytes"); break; case ENVCHANGE_SQLCOLLATION: if (SQLCollation.tdsLength() != tdsReader.readUnsignedByte()) tdsReader.throwInvalidTDS(); try { databaseCollation = new SQLCollation(tdsReader); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS, e.getMessage(), e); } break; case ENVCHANGE_DTC_ENLIST: case ENVCHANGE_XACT_BEGIN: rolledBackTransaction = false; byte[] transactionDescriptor = getTransactionDescriptor(); if (transactionDescriptor.length != tdsReader.readUnsignedByte()) tdsReader.throwInvalidTDS(); tdsReader.readBytes(transactionDescriptor, 0, transactionDescriptor.length); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { String op; if (ENVCHANGE_XACT_BEGIN == envchange) op = " started"; else op = " enlisted"; connectionlogger.finer(toString() + op); } break; case ENVCHANGE_XACT_ROLLBACK: rolledBackTransaction = true; if (inXATransaction) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " rolled back. (DTC)"); // Do not clear the transaction descriptor if the connection is in DT. // For a DTC transaction, a ENV_ROLLBACKTRAN token won't cleanup the xactID previously cached on the connection // because user is required to explicitly un-enlist/defect a connection from a DTC. // A ENV_DEFECTTRAN token though will clean the DTC xactID on the connection. } else { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " rolled back"); Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0); } break; case ENVCHANGE_XACT_COMMIT: if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " committed"); Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0); break; case ENVCHANGE_DTC_DEFECT: if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " defected"); Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0); break; case ENVCHANGE_DATABASE: setCatalogName(tdsReader.readUnicodeString(tdsReader.readUnsignedByte())); break; case ENVCHANGE_CHANGE_MIRROR: setFailoverPartnerServerProvided(tdsReader.readUnicodeString(tdsReader.readUnsignedByte())); break; // Skip unsupported, ENVCHANGES case ENVCHANGE_LANGUAGE: case ENVCHANGE_CHARSET: case ENVCHANGE_SORTLOCALEID: case ENVCHANGE_SORTFLAGS: case ENVCHANGE_DTC_PROMOTE: case ENVCHANGE_DTC_MGR_ADDR: case ENVCHANGE_XACT_ENDED: case ENVCHANGE_RESET_COMPLETE: case ENVCHANGE_USER_INFO: if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Ignored env change: " + envchange); break; case ENVCHANGE_ROUTING: // initialize to invalid values int routingDataValueLength, routingProtocol, routingPortNumber, routingServerNameLength; routingDataValueLength = routingProtocol = routingPortNumber = routingServerNameLength = -1; String routingServerName = null; try { routingDataValueLength = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort(); if (routingDataValueLength <= 5)// (5 is the no of bytes in protocol + port number+ length field of server name) { throwInvalidTDS(); } routingProtocol = tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); if (routingProtocol != 0) { throwInvalidTDS(); } routingPortNumber = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort(); if (routingPortNumber <= 0 || routingPortNumber > 65535) { throwInvalidTDS(); } routingServerNameLength = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort(); if (routingServerNameLength <= 0 || routingServerNameLength > 1024) { throwInvalidTDS(); } routingServerName = tdsReader.readUnicodeString(routingServerNameLength); assert routingServerName != null; } finally { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Received routing ENVCHANGE with the following values." + " routingDataValueLength:" + routingDataValueLength + " protocol:" + routingProtocol + " portNumber:" + routingPortNumber + " serverNameLength:" + routingServerNameLength + " serverName:" + ((routingServerName != null) ? routingServerName : "null")); } } // Check if the hostNameInCertificate needs to be updated to handle the rerouted subdomain in Azure String currentHostName = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty("hostNameInCertificate"); if (null != currentHostName && currentHostName.startsWith("*") && (null != routingServerName) /* skip the check for hostNameInCertificate if routingServerName is null */ && routingServerName.indexOf('.') != -1) { char[] currentHostNameCharArray = currentHostName.toCharArray(); char[] routingServerNameCharArray = routingServerName.toCharArray(); boolean hostNameNeedsUpdate = true; /* * Check if routingServerName and hostNameInCertificate are from same domain by verifying each character in currentHostName from * last until it reaches the character before the wildcard symbol (i.e. currentHostNameCharArray[1]) */ for (int i = currentHostName.length() - 1, j = routingServerName.length() - 1; i > 0 && j > 0; i--, j--) { if (routingServerNameCharArray[j] != currentHostNameCharArray[i]) { hostNameNeedsUpdate = false; break; } } if (hostNameNeedsUpdate) { String newHostName = "*" + routingServerName.substring(routingServerName.indexOf('.')); activeConnectionProperties.setProperty("hostNameInCertificate", newHostName); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer(toString() + "Using new host to validate the SSL certificate"); } } } isRoutedInCurrentAttempt = true; routingInfo = new ServerPortPlaceHolder(routingServerName, routingPortNumber, null, integratedSecurity); break; // Error on unrecognized, unused ENVCHANGES default: if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Unknown environment change: " + envchange); } throwInvalidTDS(); break; } // After extracting whatever value information we need, skip over whatever is left // that we're not interested in. tdsReader.reset(mark); tdsReader.readBytes(new byte[envValueLength], 0, envValueLength); } final void processFedAuthInfo(TDSReader tdsReader, TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) throws SQLServerException { SqlFedAuthInfo sqlFedAuthInfo = new SqlFedAuthInfo(); tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); // token type, 0xEE // TdsParser.TryGetTokenLength, for FEDAUTHINFO, it uses TryReadInt32() int tokenLen = tdsReader.readInt(); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " FEDAUTHINFO token stream length = " + tokenLen); } if (tokenLen < 4) { // the token must at least contain a DWORD(length is 4 bytes) indicating the number of info IDs if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "FEDAUTHINFO token stream length too short for CountOfInfoIDs."); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoLengthTooShortForCountOfInfoIds"), null); } // read how many FedAuthInfo options there are int optionsCount = tdsReader.readInt(); tokenLen = tokenLen - 4; // remaining length is shortened since we read optCount, 4 is the size of int if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " CountOfInfoIDs = " + optionsCount); } if (tokenLen > 0) { // read the rest of the token byte[] tokenData = new byte[tokenLen]; tdsReader.readBytes(tokenData, 0, tokenLen); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Read rest of FEDAUTHINFO token stream: " + Arrays.toString(tokenData)); } // each FedAuthInfoOpt is 9 bytes: // 1 byte for FedAuthInfoID // 4 bytes for FedAuthInfoDataLen // 4 bytes for FedAuthInfoDataOffset // So this is the index in tokenData for the i-th option final int optionSize = 9; // the total number of bytes for all FedAuthInfoOpts together int totalOptionsSize = optionsCount * optionSize; for (int i = 0; i < optionsCount; i++) { int currentOptionOffset = i * optionSize; byte id = tokenData[currentOptionOffset]; byte[] buffer = new byte[4]; buffer[3] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 1]; buffer[2] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 2]; buffer[1] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 3]; buffer[0] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 4]; java.nio.ByteBuffer wrapped = java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer); // big-endian by default int dataLen = wrapped.getInt(); buffer = new byte[4]; buffer[3] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 5]; buffer[2] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 6]; buffer[1] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 7]; buffer[0] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 8]; wrapped = java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer); // big-endian by default int dataOffset = wrapped.getInt(); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " FedAuthInfoOpt: ID=" + id + ", DataLen=" + dataLen + ", Offset=" + dataOffset); } // offset is measured from optCount, so subtract to make offset measured // from the beginning of tokenData, 4 is the size of int dataOffset = dataOffset - 4; // if dataOffset points to a region within FedAuthInfoOpt or after the end of the token, throw if (dataOffset < totalOptionsSize || dataOffset >= tokenLen) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "FedAuthInfoDataOffset points to an invalid location."); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoInvalidOffset")); throw new SQLServerException(form.format(new Object[] {dataOffset}), null); } // try to read data and throw if the arguments are bad, meaning the server sent us a bad token String data = null; try { byte[] dataArray = new byte[dataLen]; System.arraycopy(tokenData, dataOffset, dataArray, 0, dataLen); data = new String(dataArray, UTF_16LE); } catch (Exception e) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "Failed to read FedAuthInfoData."); throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoFailedToReadData"), e); } if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " FedAuthInfoData: " + data); } // store data in tempFedAuthInfo switch (id) { case TDS.FEDAUTH_INFO_ID_SPN: sqlFedAuthInfo.spn = data; break; case TDS.FEDAUTH_INFO_ID_STSURL: sqlFedAuthInfo.stsurl = data; break; default: if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Ignoring unknown federated authentication info option: " + id); } break; } } } else { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "FEDAUTHINFO token stream is not long enough to contain the data it claims to."); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoLengthTooShortForData")); throw new SQLServerException(form.format(new Object[] {tokenLen}), null); } if (null == sqlFedAuthInfo.spn || null == sqlFedAuthInfo.stsurl || sqlFedAuthInfo.spn.trim().isEmpty() || sqlFedAuthInfo.stsurl.trim().isEmpty()) { // We should be receiving both stsurl and spn if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "FEDAUTHINFO token stream does not contain both STSURL and SPN."); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoDoesNotContainStsurlAndSpn"), null); } onFedAuthInfo(sqlFedAuthInfo, tdsTokenHandler); } final class FedAuthTokenCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand { TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler = null; SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken = null; FedAuthTokenCommand(SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken, TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) { super("FedAuth"); this.tdsTokenHandler = tdsTokenHandler; this.fedAuthToken = fedAuthToken; } final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException { sendFedAuthToken(this, fedAuthToken, tdsTokenHandler); return true; } } /** * Generates (if appropriate) and sends a Federated Authentication Access token to the server, using the Federated Authentication Info. */ void onFedAuthInfo(SqlFedAuthInfo fedAuthInfo, TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) throws SQLServerException { assert (null != activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()) && null != activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString())) || ((authenticationString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString()) && fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse)); assert null != fedAuthInfo; attemptRefreshTokenLocked = true; fedAuthToken = getFedAuthToken(fedAuthInfo); attemptRefreshTokenLocked = false; // fedAuthToken cannot be null. assert null != fedAuthToken; TDSCommand fedAuthCommand = new FedAuthTokenCommand(fedAuthToken, tdsTokenHandler); fedAuthCommand.execute(tdsChannel.getWriter(), tdsChannel.getReader(fedAuthCommand)); } private SqlFedAuthToken getFedAuthToken(SqlFedAuthInfo fedAuthInfo) throws SQLServerException { SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken = null; // fedAuthInfo should not be null. assert null != fedAuthInfo; String user = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()); String password = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()); // No:of milliseconds to sleep for the inital back off. int sleepInterval = 100; while (true) { if (authenticationString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword.toString())) { fedAuthToken = SQLServerADAL4JUtils.getSqlFedAuthToken(fedAuthInfo, user, password, authenticationString); // Break out of the retry loop in successful case. break; } else if (authenticationString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString())) { // If operating system is windows and sqljdbc_auth is loaded then choose the DLL authentication. if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("windows") && AuthenticationJNI.isDllLoaded()) { try { long expirationFileTime = 0; FedAuthDllInfo dllInfo = AuthenticationJNI.getAccessTokenForWindowsIntegrated(fedAuthInfo.stsurl, fedAuthInfo.spn, clientConnectionId.toString(), ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.JDBC_FEDAUTH_CLIENT_ID, expirationFileTime); // AccessToken should not be null. assert null != dllInfo.accessTokenBytes; byte[] accessTokenFromDLL = dllInfo.accessTokenBytes; String accessToken = new String(accessTokenFromDLL, UTF_16LE); fedAuthToken = new SqlFedAuthToken(accessToken, dllInfo.expiresIn); // Break out of the retry loop in successful case. break; } catch (DLLException adalException) { // the sqljdbc_auth.dll return -1 for errorCategory, if unable to load the adalsql.dll int errorCategory = adalException.GetCategory(); if (-1 == errorCategory) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_UnableLoadADALSqlDll")); Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toHexString(adalException.GetState())}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } int millisecondsRemaining = TimerRemaining(timerExpire); if (ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_TANSISENT_ERROR != errorCategory || timerHasExpired(timerExpire) || (sleepInterval >= millisecondsRemaining)) { String errorStatus = Integer.toHexString(adalException.GetStatus()); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " SQLServerConnection.getFedAuthToken.AdalException category:" + errorCategory + " error: " + errorStatus); } MessageFormat form1 = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_ADALAuthenticationMiddleErrorMessage")); String errorCode = Integer.toHexString(adalException.GetStatus()).toUpperCase(); Object[] msgArgs1 = {errorCode, adalException.GetState()}; SQLServerException middleException = new SQLServerException(form1.format(msgArgs1), adalException); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_ADALExecution")); Object[] msgArgs = {user, authenticationString}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, middleException); } if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " SQLServerConnection.getFedAuthToken sleeping: " + sleepInterval + " milliseconds."); connectionlogger .fine(toString() + " SQLServerConnection.getFedAuthToken remaining: " + millisecondsRemaining + " milliseconds."); } try { Thread.sleep(sleepInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // re-interrupt the current thread, in order to restore the thread's interrupt status. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } sleepInterval = sleepInterval * 2; } } // else choose ADAL4J for integrated authentication. This option is supported for both windows and unix, so we don't need to check the // OS version here. else { fedAuthToken = SQLServerADAL4JUtils.getSqlFedAuthTokenIntegrated(fedAuthInfo, authenticationString); } // Break out of the retry loop in successful case. break; } } return fedAuthToken; } /** * Send the access token to the server. */ private void sendFedAuthToken(FedAuthTokenCommand fedAuthCommand, SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken, TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) throws SQLServerException { assert null != fedAuthToken; assert null != fedAuthToken.accessToken; if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Sending federated authentication token."); } TDSWriter tdsWriter = fedAuthCommand.startRequest(TDS.PKT_FEDAUTH_TOKEN_MESSAGE); byte[] accessToken = fedAuthToken.accessToken.getBytes(UTF_16LE); // Send total length (length of token plus 4 bytes for the token length field) // If we were sending a nonce, this would include that length as well tdsWriter.writeInt(accessToken.length + 4); // Send length of token tdsWriter.writeInt(accessToken.length); // Send federated authentication access token. tdsWriter.writeBytes(accessToken, 0, accessToken.length); TDSReader tdsReader; tdsReader = fedAuthCommand.startResponse(); federatedAuthenticationRequested = true; TDSParser.parse(tdsReader, tdsTokenHandler); } final void processFeatureExtAck(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); // Reading FEATUREEXTACK_TOKEN 0xAE // read feature ID byte featureId; do { featureId = (byte) tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); if (featureId != TDS.FEATURE_EXT_TERMINATOR) { int dataLen; dataLen = tdsReader.readInt(); byte[] data = new byte[dataLen]; if (dataLen > 0) { tdsReader.readBytes(data, 0, dataLen); } onFeatureExtAck(featureId, data); } } while (featureId != TDS.FEATURE_EXT_TERMINATOR); } private void onFeatureExtAck(int featureId, byte[] data) throws SQLServerException { if (null != routingInfo) { return; } switch (featureId) { case TDS.TDS_FEATURE_EXT_FEDAUTH: { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Received feature extension acknowledgement for federated authentication."); } if (!federatedAuthenticationRequested) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Did not request federated authentication."); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_UnrequestedFeatureAckReceived")); Object[] msgArgs = {featureId}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } // _fedAuthFeatureExtensionData must not be null when _federatedAuthenticatonRequested == true assert null != fedAuthFeatureExtensionData; switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) { case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL: case TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN: // The server shouldn't have sent any additional data with the ack (like a nonce) if (0 != data.length) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Federated authentication feature extension ack for ADAL and Security Token includes extra data."); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthFeatureAckContainsExtraData"), null); } break; default: assert false; // Unknown _fedAuthLibrary type if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Attempting to use unknown federated authentication library."); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthFeatureAckUnknownLibraryType")); Object[] msgArgs = {fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } federatedAuthenticationAcknowledged = true; break; } case TDS.TDS_FEATURE_EXT_AE: { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Received feature extension acknowledgement for AE."); } if (1 > data.length) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Unknown version number for AE."); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidAEVersionNumber"), null); } byte supportedTceVersion = data[0]; if (0 == supportedTceVersion || supportedTceVersion > TDS.MAX_SUPPORTED_TCE_VERSION) { if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Invalid version number for AE."); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidAEVersionNumber"), null); } assert supportedTceVersion == TDS.MAX_SUPPORTED_TCE_VERSION; // Client support TCE version 1 serverSupportsColumnEncryption = true; break; } default: { // Unknown feature ack if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) { connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Unknown feature ack."); } throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_UnknownFeatureAck"), null); } } } /* * Executes a DTC command */ private void executeDTCCommand(int requestType, byte[] payload, String logContext) throws SQLServerException { final class DTCCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand { private final int requestType; private final byte[] payload; DTCCommand(int requestType, byte[] payload, String logContext) { super(logContext); this.requestType = requestType; this.payload = payload; } final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException { TDSWriter tdsWriter = startRequest(TDS.PKT_DTC); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) requestType); if (null == payload) { tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); } else { assert payload.length <= Short.MAX_VALUE; tdsWriter.writeShort((short) payload.length); tdsWriter.writeBytes(payload); } TDSParser.parse(startResponse(), getLogContext()); return true; } } executeCommand(new DTCCommand(requestType, payload, logContext)); } /** * Unenlist the local transaction with DTC. * * @throws SQLServerException */ final void JTAUnenlistConnection() throws SQLServerException { // Unenlist the connection executeDTCCommand(TDS.TM_PROPAGATE_XACT, null, "MS_DTC unenlist connection"); inXATransaction = false; } /** * Enlist this connection's local transaction with MS DTC * * @param cookie * the cookie identifying the transaction * @throws SQLServerException */ final void JTAEnlistConnection(byte cookie[]) throws SQLServerException { // Enlist the connection executeDTCCommand(TDS.TM_PROPAGATE_XACT, cookie, "MS_DTC enlist connection"); // DTC sets the enlisted connection's isolation level to SERIALIZABLE by default. // Set the isolation level the way the app wants it. connectionCommand(sqlStatementToSetTransactionIsolationLevel(), "JTAEnlistConnection"); inXATransaction = true; } /** * Convert to a String UCS16 encoding. * * @param s * the string * @throws SQLServerException * @return the encoded data */ /* L0 */ private byte[] toUCS16(String s) throws SQLServerException { if (s == null) return new byte[0]; int l = s.length(); byte data[] = new byte[l * 2]; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { int c = s.charAt(i); byte b1 = (byte) (c & 0xFF); data[offset++] = b1; data[offset++] = (byte) ((c >> 8) & 0xFF); // Unicode MSB } return data; } /** * Encrypt a password for the SQL Server logon. * * @param pwd * the password * @return the encryption */ /* L0 */ private byte[] encryptPassword(String pwd) { // Changed to handle non ascii passwords if (pwd == null) pwd = ""; int len = pwd.length(); byte data[] = new byte[len * 2]; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < len; i1++) { int j1 = pwd.charAt(i1) ^ 0x5a5a; j1 = (j1 & 0xf) << 4 | (j1 & 0xf0) >> 4 | (j1 & 0xf00) << 4 | (j1 & 0xf000) >> 4; byte b1 = (byte) ((j1 & 0xFF00) >> 8); data[(i1 * 2) + 1] = b1; byte b2 = (byte) ((j1 & 0x00FF)); data[(i1 * 2) + 0] = b2; } return data; } /** * Send a TDS 7.x logon packet. * * @param secsTimeout * (optional) if non-zero, seconds to wait for logon to be sent. * @throws SQLServerException */ private void sendLogon(LogonCommand logonCommand, SSPIAuthentication authentication, FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData fedAuthFeatureExtensionData) throws SQLServerException { // TDS token handler class for processing logon responses. // // Note: // As a local inner class, LogonProcessor implicitly has access to private // members of SQLServerConnection. Certain JVM implementations generate // package scope accessors to any private members touched by this class, // effectively changing visibility of such members from private to package. // Therefore, it is IMPORTANT then for this class not to touch private // member variables in SQLServerConnection that contain secure information. final class LogonProcessor extends TDSTokenHandler { private final SSPIAuthentication auth; private byte[] secBlobOut = null; StreamLoginAck loginAckToken; LogonProcessor(SSPIAuthentication auth) { super("logon"); this.auth = auth; this.loginAckToken = null; } boolean onSSPI(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { StreamSSPI ack = new StreamSSPI(); ack.setFromTDS(tdsReader); // Extract SSPI data from the response. If another round trip is // required then we will start it after we finish processing the // rest of this response. boolean[] done = {false}; secBlobOut = auth.GenerateClientContext(ack.sspiBlob, done); return true; } boolean onLoginAck(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { loginAckToken = new StreamLoginAck(); loginAckToken.setFromTDS(tdsReader); sqlServerVersion = loginAckToken.sSQLServerVersion; tdsVersion = loginAckToken.tdsVersion; return true; } final boolean complete(LogonCommand logonCommand, TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { // If we have the login ack already then we're done processing. if (null != loginAckToken) return true; // No login ack yet. Check if there is more SSPI handshake to do... if (null != secBlobOut && 0 != secBlobOut.length) { // Yes, there is. So start the next SSPI round trip and indicate to // our caller that it needs to keep the processing loop going. logonCommand.startRequest(TDS.PKT_SSPI).writeBytes(secBlobOut, 0, secBlobOut.length); return false; } // The login ack comes in its own complete TDS response message. // So integrated auth effectively receives more response messages from // the server than it sends request messages from the driver. // To ensure that the rest of the response can be read, fake another // request to the server so that the channel sees int auth login // as a symmetric conversation. logonCommand.startRequest(TDS.PKT_SSPI); logonCommand.onRequestComplete(); ++tdsChannel.numMsgsSent; TDSParser.parse(tdsReader, this); return true; } } // Cannot use SSPI when server has responded 0x01 for FedAuthRequired PreLogin Option. assert !(integratedSecurity && fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse); // Cannot use both SSPI and FedAuth assert (!integratedSecurity) || !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested); // fedAuthFeatureExtensionData provided without fed auth feature request assert (null == fedAuthFeatureExtensionData) || (federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested); // Fed Auth feature requested without specifying fedAuthFeatureExtensionData. assert (null != fedAuthFeatureExtensionData || !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested)); String sUser = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()); String sPwd = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()); String appName = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.APPLICATION_NAME.toString()); String interfaceLibName = "Microsoft JDBC Driver " + SQLJdbcVersion.major + "." + SQLJdbcVersion.minor; String databaseName = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString()); String serverName; // currentConnectPlaceHolder should not be null here. Still doing the check for extra security. if (null != currentConnectPlaceHolder) { serverName = currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(); } else { serverName = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SERVER_NAME.toString()); } if (serverName != null && serverName.length() > 128) serverName = serverName.substring(0, 128); byte[] secBlob = new byte[0]; boolean[] done = {false}; if (null != authentication) { secBlob = authentication.GenerateClientContext(secBlob, done); sUser = null; sPwd = null; } byte hostnameBytes[] = toUCS16(hostName); byte userBytes[] = toUCS16(sUser); byte passwordBytes[] = encryptPassword(sPwd); int passwordLen = passwordBytes != null ? passwordBytes.length : 0; byte appNameBytes[] = toUCS16(appName); byte serverNameBytes[] = toUCS16(serverName); byte interfaceLibNameBytes[] = toUCS16(interfaceLibName); byte interfaceLibVersionBytes[] = {(byte), (byte) SQLJdbcVersion.patch, (byte) SQLJdbcVersion.minor, (byte) SQLJdbcVersion.major}; byte databaseNameBytes[] = toUCS16(databaseName); byte netAddress[] = new byte[6]; int dataLen = 0; final int TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN = 94; if (serverMajorVersion >= 11) // Denali --> TDS 7.4 { tdsVersion = TDS.VER_DENALI; } else if (serverMajorVersion >= 10) // Katmai (10.0) & later 7.3B { tdsVersion = TDS.VER_KATMAI; } else if (serverMajorVersion >= 9) // Yukon (9.0) --> TDS 7.2 // Prelogin disconnects anything older { tdsVersion = TDS.VER_YUKON; } else // Shiloh (8.x) --> TDS 7.1 { assert false : "prelogin did not disconnect for the old version: " + serverMajorVersion; } TDSWriter tdsWriter = logonCommand.startRequest(TDS.PKT_LOGON70); int len2 = TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + hostnameBytes.length + appNameBytes.length + serverNameBytes.length + interfaceLibNameBytes.length + databaseNameBytes.length + secBlob.length + 4;// AE is always on; // only add lengths of password and username if not using SSPI or requesting federated authentication info if (!integratedSecurity && !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested)) { len2 = len2 + passwordLen + userBytes.length; } int aeOffset = len2; // AE is always ON len2 += writeAEFeatureRequest(false, tdsWriter); if (federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested) { len2 = len2 + writeFedAuthFeatureRequest(false, tdsWriter, fedAuthFeatureExtensionData); } len2 = len2 + 1; // add 1 to length becaue of FeatureEx terminator // Length of entire Login 7 packet tdsWriter.writeInt(len2); tdsWriter.writeInt(tdsVersion); tdsWriter.writeInt(requestedPacketSize); tdsWriter.writeBytes(interfaceLibVersionBytes); // writeBytes() is little endian tdsWriter.writeInt(0); // Client process ID (0 = ??) tdsWriter.writeInt(0); // Primary server connection ID tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) ( // OptionFlags1: TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_ORDER_X86 | // X86 byte order for numeric & datetime types TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_CHARSET_ASCII | // ASCII character set TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_FLOAT_IEEE_754 | // IEEE 754 floating point representation TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_DUMPLOAD_ON | // Require dump/load BCP capabilities TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_USE_DB_OFF | // No ENVCHANGE after USE DATABASE TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_INIT_DB_FATAL | // Fail connection if initial database change fails TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_SET_LANG_ON // Warn on SET LANGUAGE stmt )); tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) ( // OptionFlags2: TDS.LOGIN_OPTION2_INIT_LANG_FATAL | // Fail connection if initial language change fails TDS.LOGIN_OPTION2_ODBC_ON | // Use ODBC defaults (ANSI_DEFAULTS ON, IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF, TEXTSIZE inf, ROWCOUNT inf) (integratedSecurity ? // Use integrated security if requested TDS.LOGIN_OPTION2_INTEGRATED_SECURITY_ON : TDS.LOGIN_OPTION2_INTEGRATED_SECURITY_OFF))); // TypeFlags tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) (TDS.LOGIN_SQLTYPE_DEFAULT | (applicationIntent != null && applicationIntent.equals(ApplicationIntent.READ_ONLY) ? TDS.LOGIN_READ_ONLY_INTENT : TDS.LOGIN_READ_WRITE_INTENT))); // OptionFlags3 byte colEncSetting; // AE is always ON { colEncSetting = TDS.LOGIN_OPTION3_FEATURE_EXTENSION; } tdsWriter.writeByte( (byte) (TDS.LOGIN_OPTION3_DEFAULT | colEncSetting | ((serverMajorVersion >= 10) ? TDS.LOGIN_OPTION3_UNKNOWN_COLLATION_HANDLING : 0) // Accept // unknown // collations // from // Katmai // & // later // servers )); tdsWriter.writeInt((byte) 0); // Client time zone tdsWriter.writeInt((byte) 0); // Client LCID tdsWriter.writeShort((short) TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN); // Hostname tdsWriter.writeShort((short) ((hostName != null && !hostName.isEmpty()) ? hostName.length() : 0)); dataLen += hostnameBytes.length; // Only send user/password over if not fSSPI or fed auth ADAL... If both user/password and SSPI are in login // rec, only SSPI is used. if (!integratedSecurity && !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested)) { // User and Password tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (sUser == null ? 0 : sUser.length())); dataLen += userBytes.length; tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (sPwd == null ? 0 : sPwd.length())); dataLen += passwordLen; } else { // User and Password are null tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0)); } // App name tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (appName == null ? 0 : appName.length())); dataLen += appNameBytes.length; // Server name tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (serverName == null ? 0 : serverName.length())); dataLen += serverNameBytes.length; // Unused tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); // AE is always ON { tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 4); dataLen += 4; } // Interface library name assert null != interfaceLibName; tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (interfaceLibName.length())); dataLen += interfaceLibNameBytes.length; // Language tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); // Database tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (databaseName == null ? 0 : databaseName.length())); dataLen += databaseNameBytes.length; // Client ID (from MAC addr) tdsWriter.writeBytes(netAddress); final int USHRT_MAX = 65535; // SSPI data if (!integratedSecurity) { tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); } else { tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (TDS_LOGIN_REQUEST_BASE_LEN + dataLen)); if (USHRT_MAX <= secBlob.length) { tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (USHRT_MAX)); } else tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (secBlob.length)); } // Database to attach during connection process tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); if (tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_YUKON) { // TDS 7.2: Password change tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0); // TDS 7.2: 32-bit SSPI byte count (used if 16 bits above were not sufficient) if (USHRT_MAX <= secBlob.length) tdsWriter.writeInt(secBlob.length); else tdsWriter.writeInt((short) 0); } tdsWriter.writeBytes(hostnameBytes); // Don't allow user credentials to be logged tdsWriter.setDataLoggable(false); // if we are using SSPI or fed auth ADAL, do not send over username/password, since we will use SSPI instead if (!integratedSecurity && !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested)) { tdsWriter.writeBytes(userBytes); // Username tdsWriter.writeBytes(passwordBytes); // Password (encrapted) } tdsWriter.setDataLoggable(true); tdsWriter.writeBytes(appNameBytes); // application name tdsWriter.writeBytes(serverNameBytes); // server name // AE is always ON { tdsWriter.writeInt(aeOffset); } tdsWriter.writeBytes(interfaceLibNameBytes); // interfaceLibName tdsWriter.writeBytes(databaseNameBytes); // databaseName // Don't allow user credentials to be logged tdsWriter.setDataLoggable(false); if (integratedSecurity) tdsWriter.writeBytes(secBlob, 0, secBlob.length); // AE is always ON { writeAEFeatureRequest(true, tdsWriter); } if (federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested) { writeFedAuthFeatureRequest(true, tdsWriter, fedAuthFeatureExtensionData); } tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) TDS.FEATURE_EXT_TERMINATOR); tdsWriter.setDataLoggable(true); LogonProcessor logonProcessor = new LogonProcessor(authentication); TDSReader tdsReader; do { tdsReader = logonCommand.startResponse(); TDSParser.parse(tdsReader, logonProcessor); } while (!logonProcessor.complete(logonCommand, tdsReader)); } /* --------------- JDBC 3.0 ------------- */ /** * Checks that the holdability argument is one of the values allowed by the JDBC spec and by this driver. */ private void checkValidHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLServerException { if (holdability != ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT && holdability != ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidHoldability")); SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(new Object[] {holdability}), null, true); } } /** * Checks that the proposed statement holdability matches this connection's current holdability. * * SQL Server doesn't support per-statement holdability, so the statement's proposed holdability must match its parent connection's. Note that * this doesn't stop anyone from changing the holdability of the connection after creating the statement. Apps should always call * Statement.getResultSetHoldability to check the holdability of ResultSets that would be created, and/or ResultSet.getHoldability to check the * holdability of an existing ResultSet. */ private void checkMatchesCurrentHoldability(int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException { if (resultSetHoldability != this.holdability) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_sqlServerHoldability"), null, false); } } public Statement createStatement(int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability}); Statement st = createStatement(nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st); return st; } public Statement createStatement(int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, stmtColEncSetting}); checkClosed(); checkValidHoldability(resultSetHoldability); checkMatchesCurrentHoldability(resultSetHoldability); Statement st = new SQLServerStatement(this, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st); return st; } /* L3 */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql, int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability}); PreparedStatement st = prepareStatement(sql, nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st); return st; } /** * Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and * holdability. *

* This method is the same as the prepareStatement method above, but it allows the default result set type, concurrency, and * holdability to be overridden. * * @param sql * a String object that is the SQL statement to be sent to the database; may contain one or more '?' IN parameters * @param nType * one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, * ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE * @param nConcur * one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or * ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE * @param resultSetHoldability * one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT or * ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT * @param stmtColEncSetting * Specifies how data will be sent and received when reading and writing encrypted columns. * @return a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled SQL statement, that will generate ResultSet * objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability * @throws SQLServerException * if a database access error occurs, this method is called on a closed connection or the given parameters are not * ResultSet constants indicating type, concurrency, and holdability */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql, int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, stmtColEncSetting}); checkClosed(); checkValidHoldability(resultSetHoldability); checkMatchesCurrentHoldability(resultSetHoldability); PreparedStatement st; // Make sure SQLServerPreparedStatement42 is used for 4.2 and above. if (Util.use42Wrapper() || Util.use43Wrapper()) { st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement42(this, sql, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetting); } else { st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement(this, sql, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetting); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st); return st; } /* L3 */ public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability}); CallableStatement st = prepareCall(sql, nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st); return st; } public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetiing) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, stmtColEncSetiing}); checkClosed(); checkValidHoldability(resultSetHoldability); checkMatchesCurrentHoldability(resultSetHoldability); CallableStatement st; // Make sure SQLServerCallableStatement42 is used for 4.2 and above if (Util.use42Wrapper() || Util.use43Wrapper()) { st = new SQLServerCallableStatement42(this, sql, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetiing); } else { st = new SQLServerCallableStatement(this, sql, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetiing); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st); return st; } /* JDBC 3.0 Auto generated keys */ /* L3 */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int flag) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, flag}); SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, flag, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps); return ps; } /** * Creates a default PreparedStatement object that has the capability to retrieve auto-generated keys. The given constant tells the * driver whether it should make auto-generated keys available for retrieval. This parameter is ignored if the SQL statement is not an * INSERT statement, or an SQL statement able to return auto-generated keys (the list of such statements is vendor-specific). *

* Note: This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from precompilation. If the driver supports * precompilation, the method prepareStatement will send the statement to the database for precompilation. Some drivers may not * support precompilation. In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the PreparedStatement object is * executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions. *

* Result sets created using the returned PreparedStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a * concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling * {@link #getHoldability}. * * @param sql * an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders * @param flag * a flag indicating whether auto-generated keys should be returned; one of Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS or * Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS * @param stmtColEncSetting * Specifies how data will be sent and received when reading and writing encrypted columns. * @return a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled SQL statement, that will have the capability of returning * auto-generated keys * @throws SQLServerException * if a database access error occurs, this method is called on a closed connection or the given parameter is not a * Statement constant indicating whether auto-generated keys should be returned */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int flag, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, flag, stmtColEncSetting}); checkClosed(); SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, stmtColEncSetting); ps.bRequestedGeneratedKeys = (flag == Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps); return ps; } /* L3 */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, columnIndexes}); SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, columnIndexes, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps); return ps; } /** * Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. This array * contains the indexes of the columns in the target table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be made available. The driver will * ignore the array if the SQL statement is not an INSERT statement, or an SQL statement able to return auto-generated keys (the list * of such statements is vendor-specific). *

* An SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be pre-compiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object. This object can then * be used to efficiently execute this statement multiple times. *

* Note: This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from precompilation. If the driver supports * precompilation, the method prepareStatement will send the statement to the database for precompilation. Some drivers may not * support precompilation. In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the PreparedStatement object is * executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions. *

* Result sets created using the returned PreparedStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a * concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling * {@link #getHoldability}. * * @param sql * an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders * @param columnIndexes * an array of column indexes indicating the columns that should be returned from the inserted row or rows * @param stmtColEncSetting * Specifies how data will be sent and received when reading and writing encrypted columns. * @return a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled statement, that is capable of returning the auto-generated * keys designated by the given array of column indexes * @throws SQLServerException * if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed connection */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, columnIndexes, stmtColEncSetting}); checkClosed(); if (columnIndexes == null || columnIndexes.length != 1) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidColumnArrayLength"), null, false); } SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, stmtColEncSetting); ps.bRequestedGeneratedKeys = true; loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps); return ps; } /* L3 */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, columnNames}); SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, columnNames, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps); return ps; } /** * Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. This array * contains the names of the columns in the target table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be returned. The driver will ignore the * array if the SQL statement is not an INSERT statement, or an SQL statement able to return auto-generated keys (the list of such * statements is vendor-specific). *

* An SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be pre-compiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object. This object can then * be used to efficiently execute this statement multiple times. *

* Note: This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from precompilation. If the driver supports * precompilation, the method prepareStatement will send the statement to the database for precompilation. Some drivers may not * support precompilation. In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the PreparedStatement object is * executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions. *

* Result sets created using the returned PreparedStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a * concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling * {@link #getHoldability}. * * @param sql * an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders * @param columnNames * an array of column names indicating the columns that should be returned from the inserted row or rows * @param stmtColEncSetting * Specifies how data will be sent and received when reading and writing encrypted columns. * @return a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled statement, that is capable of returning the auto-generated * keys designated by the given array of column names * @throws SQLServerException * if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed connection */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, columnNames, stmtColEncSetting}); checkClosed(); if (columnNames == null || columnNames.length != 1) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidColumnArrayLength"), null, false); } SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, stmtColEncSetting); ps.bRequestedGeneratedKeys = true; loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps); return ps; } /* JDBC 3.0 Savepoints */ public void releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "releaseSavepoint", savepoint); NotImplemented(); } final private Savepoint setNamedSavepoint(String sName) throws SQLServerException { if (true == databaseAutoCommitMode) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_cantSetSavepoint"), null, false); } SQLServerSavepoint s = new SQLServerSavepoint(this, sName); // Create the named savepoint. Note that we explicitly start a transaction if we // are not already in one. This is to allow the savepoint to be created even if // setSavepoint() is called before executing any other implicit-transaction-starting // statements. Also note that the way we create this transaction is rather weird. // This is because the server creates a nested transaction (@@TRANCOUNT = 2) rather // than just the outer transaction (@@TRANCOUNT = 1). Should this limitation ever // change, the T-SQL below should still work. connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN BEGIN TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 2 COMMIT TRAN END SAVE TRAN " + Util.escapeSQLId(s.getLabel()), "setSavepoint"); return s; } /* L3 */ public Savepoint setSavepoint(String sName) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint", sName); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } checkClosed(); Savepoint pt = setNamedSavepoint(sName); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint", pt); return pt; } /* L3 */ public Savepoint setSavepoint() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint"); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } checkClosed(); Savepoint pt = setNamedSavepoint(null); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint", pt); return pt; } /* L3 */ public void rollback(Savepoint s) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback", s); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } checkClosed(); if (true == databaseAutoCommitMode) { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_cantInvokeRollback"), null, false); } connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN " + Util.escapeSQLId(((SQLServerSavepoint) s).getLabel()), "rollbackSavepoint"); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback"); } /* L3 */ public int getHoldability() throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getHoldability"); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getHoldability", holdability); return holdability; } public void setHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLServerException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setHoldability", holdability); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.IsActivityTraceOn()) { loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString()); } checkValidHoldability(holdability); checkClosed(); if (this.holdability != holdability) { assert ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT == holdability || ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT == holdability : "invalid holdability " + holdability; connectionCommand((holdability == ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT) ? "SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT ON" : "SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF", "setHoldability"); this.holdability = holdability; } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setHoldability"); } public int getNetworkTimeout() throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getNetworkTimeout"); checkClosed(); int timeout = 0; try { timeout = tdsChannel.getNetworkTimeout(); } catch (IOException ioe) { terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getNetworkTimeout"); return timeout; } public void setNetworkTimeout(Executor executor, int timeout) throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setNetworkTimeout", timeout); if (timeout < 0) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidSocketTimeout")); Object[] msgArgs = {timeout}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false); } checkClosed(); // check for setNetworkTimeout permission SecurityManager secMgr = System.getSecurityManager(); if (secMgr != null) { try { SQLPermission perm = new SQLPermission(SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM); secMgr.checkPermission(perm); } catch (SecurityException ex) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_permissionDenied")); Object[] msgArgs = {SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true); } } try { tdsChannel.setNetworkTimeout(timeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setNetworkTimeout"); } public String getSchema() throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getSchema"); checkClosed(); SQLServerStatement stmt = null; SQLServerResultSet resultSet = null; try { stmt = (SQLServerStatement) this.createStatement(); resultSet = stmt.executeQueryInternal("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME()"); if (resultSet != null) {; return resultSet.getString(1); } else { SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_getSchemaError"), null, true); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (isSessionUnAvailable()) { throw e; } SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_getSchemaError"), null, true); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getSchema"); return null; } public void setSchema(String schema) throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setSchema", schema); checkClosed(); addWarning(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_setSchemaWarning")); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setSchema"); } /** * Modifies the setting of the sendTimeAsDatetime connection property. When true, java.sql.Time values will be sent to the server as SQL * Serverdatetime values. When false, java.sql.Time values will be sent to the server as SQL Servertime values. sendTimeAsDatetime can also be * modified programmatically with SQLServerDataSource.setSendTimeAsDatetime. The default value for this property may change in a future release. * * @param sendTimeAsDateTimeValue * enables/disables setting the sendTimeAsDatetime connection property. For more information about how the Microsoft JDBC Driver for * SQL Server configures java.sql.Time values before sending them to the server, see * Configuring How java.sql.Time Values are Sent to the * Server. */ public synchronized void setSendTimeAsDatetime(boolean sendTimeAsDateTimeValue) { sendTimeAsDatetime = sendTimeAsDateTimeValue; } public java.sql.Array createArrayOf(String typeName, Object[] elements) throws SQLException { // Not implemented throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSupported")); } public Blob createBlob() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new SQLServerBlob(this); } public Clob createClob() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new SQLServerClob(this); } public NClob createNClob() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new SQLServerNClob(this); } public SQLXML createSQLXML() throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createSQLXML"); SQLXML sqlxml = new SQLServerSQLXML(this); if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createSQLXML", sqlxml); return sqlxml; } public Struct createStruct(String typeName, Object[] attributes) throws SQLException { // Not implemented throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSupported")); } String getTrustedServerNameAE() throws SQLServerException { return trustedServerNameAE.toUpperCase(); } public Properties getClientInfo() throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo"); checkClosed(); Properties p = new Properties(); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo", p); return p; } public String getClientInfo(String name) throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo", name); checkClosed(); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo", null); return null; } public void setClientInfo(Properties properties) throws SQLClientInfoException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo", properties); // This function is only marked as throwing only SQLClientInfoException so the conversion is necessary try { checkClosed(); } catch (SQLServerException ex) { SQLClientInfoException info = new SQLClientInfoException(); info.initCause(ex); throw info; } if (!properties.isEmpty()) { Enumeration e = properties.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidProperty")); Object[] msgArgs = {e.nextElement()}; addWarning(form.format(msgArgs)); } } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo"); } public void setClientInfo(String name, String value) throws SQLClientInfoException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo", new Object[] {name, value}); // This function is only marked as throwing only SQLClientInfoException so the conversion is necessary try { checkClosed(); } catch (SQLServerException ex) { SQLClientInfoException info = new SQLClientInfoException(); info.initCause(ex); throw info; } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidProperty")); Object[] msgArgs = {name}; addWarning(form.format(msgArgs)); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo"); } /** * Determine whether the connection is still valid. * * The driver shall submit a query on the connection or use some other mechanism that positively verifies the connection is still valid when this * method is called. * * The query submitted by the driver to validate the connection shall be executed in the context of the current transaction. * * @param timeout * The time in seconds to wait for the database operation used to validate the connection to complete. If the timeout period expires * before the operation completes, this method returns false. A value of 0 indicates a timeout is not applied to the database * operation. Note that if the value is 0, the call to isValid may block indefinitely if the connection is not valid... * * @return true if the connection has not been closed and is still valid. * * @throws SQLException * if the value supplied for the timeout is less than 0. */ public boolean isValid(int timeout) throws SQLException { boolean isValid = false; loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isValid", timeout); // Throw an exception if the timeout is invalid if (timeout < 0) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidQueryTimeOutValue")); Object[] msgArgs = {timeout}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true); } // Return false if the connection is closed if (isSessionUnAvailable()) return false; try { SQLServerStatement stmt = new SQLServerStatement(this, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting); // If asked, limit the time to wait for the query to complete. if (0 != timeout) stmt.setQueryTimeout(timeout); // Try to execute the query. If this succeeds, then the connection is valid. // If it fails (throws an exception), then the connection is not valid. // If a timeout was provided, execution throws an "query timed out" exception // if the query fails to execute in that time. stmt.executeQueryInternal("SELECT 1"); stmt.close(); isValid = true; } catch (SQLException e) { // Do not propagate SQLExceptions from query execution or statement closure. // The connection is considered to be invalid if the statement fails to close, // even though query execution succeeded. connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Exception checking connection validity: " + e.getMessage()); } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isValid", isValid); return isValid; } public boolean isWrapperFor(Class iface) throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isWrapperFor", iface); boolean f = iface.isInstance(this); loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isWrapperFor", f); return f; } public T unwrap(Class iface) throws SQLException { loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "unwrap", iface); T t; try { t = iface.cast(this); } catch (ClassCastException e) { SQLServerException newe = new SQLServerException(e.getMessage(), e); throw newe; } loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "unwrap", t); return t; } public void beginRequest() throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException { DriverJDBCVersion.checkSupportsJDBC43(); throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("beginRequest not implemented"); } public void endRequest() throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException { DriverJDBCVersion.checkSupportsJDBC43(); throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("endRequest not implemented"); } /** * Replace JDBC syntax parameter markets '?' with SQL Server paramter markers @p1, @p2 etc... * * @param sql * the user's SQL * @throws SQLServerException * @return the returned syntax */ static final char[] OUT = {' ', 'O', 'U', 'T'}; /* L0 */ String replaceParameterMarkers(String sqlSrc, Parameter[] params, boolean isReturnValueSyntax) throws SQLServerException { final int MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN = 6; char[] sqlDst = new char[sqlSrc.length() + params.length * (MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN + OUT.length)]; int dstBegin = 0; int srcBegin = 0; int nParam = 0; int paramIndex = 0; while (true) { int srcEnd = ParameterUtils.scanSQLForChar('?', sqlSrc, srcBegin); sqlSrc.getChars(srcBegin, srcEnd, sqlDst, dstBegin); dstBegin += srcEnd - srcBegin; if (sqlSrc.length() == srcEnd) break; dstBegin += makeParamName(nParam++, sqlDst, dstBegin); srcBegin = srcEnd + 1; if (params[paramIndex++].isOutput()) { if (!isReturnValueSyntax || paramIndex > 1) { System.arraycopy(OUT, 0, sqlDst, dstBegin, OUT.length); dstBegin += OUT.length; } } } while (dstBegin < sqlDst.length) sqlDst[dstBegin++] = ' '; return new String(sqlDst); } /** * Make a SQL Server style parameter name. * * @param nParam * the parameter number * @param name * the paramter name * @param offset * @return int */ /* L0 */ static int makeParamName(int nParam, char[] name, int offset) { name[offset + 0] = '@'; name[offset + 1] = 'P'; if (nParam < 10) { name[offset + 2] = (char) ('0' + nParam); return 3; } else { if (nParam < 100) { int nBase = 2; while (true) { // make a char[] representation of the param number 2.26 if (nParam < nBase * 10) { name[offset + 2] = (char) ('0' + (nBase - 1)); name[offset + 3] = (char) ('0' + (nParam - ((nBase - 1) * 10))); return 4; } nBase++; } } else { String sParam = "" + nParam; sParam.getChars(0, sParam.length(), name, offset + 2); return 2 + sParam.length(); } } } // Notify any interested parties (e.g. pooling managers) of a ConnectionEvent activity // on the connection. Calling notifyPooledConnection with null event will place this // connection back in the pool. Calling notifyPooledConnection with a non-null event is // used to notify the pooling manager that the connection is bad and should be removed // from the pool. void notifyPooledConnection(SQLServerException e) { synchronized (this) { if (null != pooledConnectionParent) { pooledConnectionParent.notifyEvent(e); } } } // Detaches this connection from connection pool. void DetachFromPool() { synchronized (this) { pooledConnectionParent = null; } } /** * Determine the listening port of a named SQL Server instance. * * @param server * the server name * @param instanceName * the instance * @throws SQLServerException * @return the instance's port */ private static final int BROWSER_PORT = 1434; String getInstancePort(String server, String instanceName) throws SQLServerException { String browserResult = null; DatagramSocket datagramSocket = null; String lastErrorMessage = null; try { lastErrorMessage = "Failed to determine instance for the : " + server + " instance:" + instanceName; // First we create a datagram socket try { datagramSocket = new DatagramSocket(); datagramSocket.setSoTimeout(1000); } catch (SocketException socketException) { // Errors creating a local socket // Log the error and bail. lastErrorMessage = "Unable to create local datagram socket"; throw socketException; } // Second, we need to get the IP address of the server to which we'll send the UDP request. // This may require a DNS lookup, which may fail due to transient conditions, so retry after logging the first time. // send UDP packet assert null != datagramSocket; try { if (multiSubnetFailover) { // If instance name is specified along with multiSubnetFailover, we get all IPs resolved by server name InetAddress[] inetAddrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(server); assert null != inetAddrs; for (InetAddress inetAddr : inetAddrs) { // Send the UDP request try { byte sendBuffer[] = (" " + instanceName).getBytes(); sendBuffer[0] = 4; DatagramPacket udpRequest = new DatagramPacket(sendBuffer, sendBuffer.length, inetAddr, BROWSER_PORT); datagramSocket.send(udpRequest); } catch (IOException ioException) { lastErrorMessage = "Error sending SQL Server Browser Service UDP request to address: " + inetAddr + ", port: " + BROWSER_PORT; throw ioException; } } } else { // If instance name is not specified along with multiSubnetFailover, we resolve only the first IP for server name InetAddress inetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(server); assert null != inetAddr; // Send the UDP request try { byte sendBuffer[] = (" " + instanceName).getBytes(); sendBuffer[0] = 4; DatagramPacket udpRequest = new DatagramPacket(sendBuffer, sendBuffer.length, inetAddr, BROWSER_PORT); datagramSocket.send(udpRequest); } catch (IOException ioException) { lastErrorMessage = "Error sending SQL Server Browser Service UDP request to address: " + inetAddr + ", port: " + BROWSER_PORT; throw ioException; } } } catch (UnknownHostException unknownHostException) { lastErrorMessage = "Unable to determine IP address of host: " + server; throw unknownHostException; } // Receive the UDP response try { byte receiveBuffer[] = new byte[4096]; DatagramPacket udpResponse = new DatagramPacket(receiveBuffer, receiveBuffer.length); datagramSocket.receive(udpResponse); browserResult = new String(receiveBuffer, 3, receiveBuffer.length - 3); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) connectionlogger.fine( toString() + " Received SSRP UDP response from IP address: " + udpResponse.getAddress().getHostAddress()); } catch (IOException ioException) { // Warn and retry lastErrorMessage = "Error receiving SQL Server Browser Service UDP response from server: " + server; throw ioException; } } catch (IOException ioException) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_sqlBrowserFailed")); Object[] msgArgs = {server, instanceName, ioException.toString()}; connectionlogger.log(Level.FINE, toString() + " " + lastErrorMessage, ioException); SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), SQLServerException.EXCEPTION_XOPEN_CONNECTION_CANT_ESTABLISH, false); } finally { if (null != datagramSocket) datagramSocket.close(); } assert null != browserResult; // If the server isn't configured for TCP then say so and fail int p = browserResult.indexOf("tcp;"); if (-1 == p) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notConfiguredToListentcpip")); Object[] msgArgs = {instanceName}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), SQLServerException.EXCEPTION_XOPEN_CONNECTION_CANT_ESTABLISH, false); } // All went well, so return the TCP port of the SQL Server instance int p1 = p + 4; int p2 = browserResult.indexOf(';', p1); return browserResult.substring(p1, p2); } /* L0 */ int getNextSavepointId() { nNextSavePointId++; // Make them unique for this connection return nNextSavePointId; } // Returns this connection's SQLServerConnectionSecurityManager class to caller. // Used by SQLServerPooledConnection to verify security when passing out Connection objects. void doSecurityCheck() { assert null != currentConnectPlaceHolder; currentConnectPlaceHolder.doSecurityCheck(); } // ColumnEncryptionKeyCache sets time-to-live for column encryption key entries in // the column encryption key cache for the Always Encrypted feature. The default value is 2 hours. // This variable holds the value in seconds. private static long columnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(2, TimeUnit.HOURS); /** * Sets time-to-live for column encryption key entries in the column encryption key cache for the Always Encrypted feature. The default value is 2 * hours. This variable holds the value in seconds. * * @param columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL * The timeunit in seconds * @param unit * The Timeunit. * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */ public static synchronized void setColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl(int columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL, TimeUnit unit) throws SQLServerException { if (columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL < 0 || unit.equals(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) || unit.equals(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) || unit.equals(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidCEKCacheTtl"), null, 0, false); } columnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL, unit); } static synchronized long getColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl() { return columnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl; } /** * Enqueue a discarded prepared statement handle to be clean-up on the server. * * @param statementHandle * The prepared statement handle that should be scheduled for unprepare. */ final void enqueueUnprepareStatementHandle(PreparedStatementHandle statementHandle) { if(null == statementHandle) return; if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.finer(this + ": Adding PreparedHandle to queue for un-prepare:" + statementHandle.getHandle()); // Add the new handle to the discarding queue and find out current # enqueued. this.discardedPreparedStatementHandles.add(statementHandle); this.discardedPreparedStatementHandleCount.incrementAndGet(); } /** * Returns the number of currently outstanding prepared statement un-prepare actions. * * @return Returns the current value per the description. */ public int getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount() { return this.discardedPreparedStatementHandleCount.get(); } /** * Forces the un-prepare requests for any outstanding discarded prepared statements to be executed. */ public void closeUnreferencedPreparedStatementHandles() { this.unprepareUnreferencedPreparedStatementHandles(true); } /** * Remove references to outstanding un-prepare requests. Should be run when connection is closed. */ private final void cleanupPreparedStatementDiscardActions() { discardedPreparedStatementHandles.clear(); discardedPreparedStatementHandleCount.set(0); } /** * Returns the behavior for a specific connection instance. If false the first execution will call sp_executesql and not prepare * a statement, once the second execution happens it will call sp_prepexec and actually setup a prepared statement handle. Following * executions will call sp_execute. This relieves the need for sp_unprepare on prepared statement close if the statement is only * executed once. The default for this option can be changed by calling setDefaultEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall(). * * @return Returns the current setting per the description. */ public boolean getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall() { if(null == this.enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall) return DEFAULT_ENABLE_PREPARE_ON_FIRST_PREPARED_STATEMENT_CALL; else return this.enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall; } /** * Specifies the behavior for a specific connection instance. If value is false the first execution will call sp_executesql and not prepare * a statement, once the second execution happens it will call sp_prepexec and actually setup a prepared statement handle. Following * executions will call sp_execute. This relieves the need for sp_unprepare on prepared statement close if the statement is only * executed once. * * @param value * Changes the setting per the description. */ public void setEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall(boolean value) { this.enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall = value; } /** * Returns the behavior for a specific connection instance. This setting controls how many outstanding prepared statement discard actions * (sp_unprepare) can be outstanding per connection before a call to clean-up the outstanding handles on the server is executed. If the setting is * {@literal <=} 1, unprepare actions will be executed immedietely on prepared statement close. If it is set to {@literal >} 1, these calls * will be batched together to avoid overhead of calling sp_unprepare too often. The default for this option can be changed by calling * getDefaultServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(). * * @return Returns the current setting per the description. */ public int getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold() { if (0 > this.serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold) return DEFAULT_SERVER_PREPARED_STATEMENT_DISCARD_THRESHOLD; else return this.serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold; } /** * Specifies the behavior for a specific connection instance. This setting controls how many outstanding prepared statement discard actions * (sp_unprepare) can be outstanding per connection before a call to clean-up the outstanding handles on the server is executed. If the setting is * {@literal <=} 1 unprepare actions will be executed immedietely on prepared statement close. If it is set to {@literal >} 1 these calls will be * batched together to avoid overhead of calling sp_unprepare too often. * * @param value * Changes the setting per the description. */ public void setServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(int value) { this.serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold = Math.max(0, value); } final boolean isPreparedStatementUnprepareBatchingEnabled() { return 1 < getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(); } /** * Cleans-up discarded prepared statement handles on the server using batched un-prepare actions if the batching threshold has been reached. * * @param force * When force is set to true we ignore the current threshold for if the discard actions should run and run them anyway. */ final void unprepareUnreferencedPreparedStatementHandles(boolean force) { // Skip out if session is unavailable to adhere to previous non-batched behavior. if (isSessionUnAvailable()) return; final int threshold = getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(); // Met threshold to clean-up? if (force || threshold < getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount()) { // Create batch of sp_unprepare statements. StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(threshold * 32/*EXEC sp_cursorunprepare++;*/); // Build the string containing no more than the # of handles to remove. // Note that sp_unprepare can fail if the statement is already removed. // However, the server will only abort that statement and continue with // the remaining clean-up. int handlesRemoved = 0; PreparedStatementHandle statementHandle = null; while (null != (statementHandle = discardedPreparedStatementHandles.poll())){ ++handlesRemoved; sql.append(statementHandle.isDirectSql() ? "EXEC sp_unprepare " : "EXEC sp_cursorunprepare ") .append(statementHandle.getHandle()) .append(';'); } try { // Execute the batched set. try(Statement stmt = this.createStatement()) { stmt.execute(sql.toString()); } if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.finer(this + ": Finished un-preparing handle count:" + handlesRemoved); } catch(SQLException e) { if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) loggerExternal.log(Level.FINER, this + ": Error batch-closing at least one prepared handle", e); } // Decrement threshold counter discardedPreparedStatementHandleCount.addAndGet(-handlesRemoved); } } /** * Returns true if statement pooling is disabled. * * @return */ public boolean getDisableStatementPooling() { return this.disableStatementPooling; } /** * Sets statement pooling to true or false; * * @param value */ public void setDisableStatementPooling(boolean value) { this.disableStatementPooling = value; if (!value && 0 < this.getStatementPoolingCacheSize()) { prepareCache(); } } /** * Returns the size of the prepared statement cache for this connection. A value less than 1 means no cache. * @return Returns the current setting per the description. */ public int getStatementPoolingCacheSize() { return statementPoolingCacheSize; } /** * Returns the current number of pooled prepared statement handles. * @return Returns the current setting per the description. */ public int getStatementHandleCacheEntryCount() { if(!isStatementPoolingEnabled()) return 0; else return this.preparedStatementHandleCache.size(); } /** * Whether statement pooling is enabled or not for this connection. * @return Returns the current setting per the description. */ public boolean isStatementPoolingEnabled() { return null != preparedStatementHandleCache && 0 < this.getStatementPoolingCacheSize() && !this.getDisableStatementPooling(); } /** * Specifies the size of the prepared statement cache for this connection. A value less than 1 means no cache. * * @param value * The new cache size. * */ public void setStatementPoolingCacheSize(int value) { value = Math.max(0, value); statementPoolingCacheSize = value; if (!this.disableStatementPooling && value > 0) { prepareCache(); } if (null != preparedStatementHandleCache) preparedStatementHandleCache.setCapacity(value); if (null != parameterMetadataCache) parameterMetadataCache.setCapacity(value); } /** * Internal method to prepare the cache handle * @param value */ private void prepareCache() { preparedStatementHandleCache = new Builder().maximumWeightedCapacity(getStatementPoolingCacheSize()) .listener(new PreparedStatementCacheEvictionListener()).build(); parameterMetadataCache = new Builder().maximumWeightedCapacity(getStatementPoolingCacheSize()) .build(); } /** Get a parameter metadata cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */ final SQLServerParameterMetaData getCachedParameterMetadata(Sha1HashKey key) { if(!isStatementPoolingEnabled()) return null; return parameterMetadataCache.get(key); } /** Register a parameter metadata cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */ final void registerCachedParameterMetadata(Sha1HashKey key, SQLServerParameterMetaData pmd) { if(!isStatementPoolingEnabled() || null == pmd) return; parameterMetadataCache.put(key, pmd); } /** Get or create prepared statement handle cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */ final PreparedStatementHandle getCachedPreparedStatementHandle(Sha1HashKey key) { if(!isStatementPoolingEnabled()) return null; return preparedStatementHandleCache.get(key); } /** Get or create prepared statement handle cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */ final PreparedStatementHandle registerCachedPreparedStatementHandle(Sha1HashKey key, int handle, boolean isDirectSql) { if(!isStatementPoolingEnabled() || null == key) return null; PreparedStatementHandle cacheItem = new PreparedStatementHandle(key, handle, isDirectSql, false); preparedStatementHandleCache.putIfAbsent(key, cacheItem); return cacheItem; } /** Return prepared statement handle cache entry so it can be un-prepared. */ final void returnCachedPreparedStatementHandle(PreparedStatementHandle handle) { handle.removeReference(); if (handle.isEvictedFromCache() && handle.tryDiscardHandle()) enqueueUnprepareStatementHandle(handle); } /** Force eviction of prepared statement handle cache entry. */ final void evictCachedPreparedStatementHandle(PreparedStatementHandle handle) { if(null == handle || null == handle.getKey()) return; preparedStatementHandleCache.remove(handle.getKey()); } // Handle closing handles when removed from cache. final class PreparedStatementCacheEvictionListener implements EvictionListener { public void onEviction(Sha1HashKey key, PreparedStatementHandle handle) { if(null != handle) { handle.setIsEvictedFromCache(true); // Mark as evicted from cache. // Only discard if not referenced. if(handle.tryDiscardHandle()) { enqueueUnprepareStatementHandle(handle); // Do not run discard actions here! Can interfere with executing statement. } } } } } // Helper class for security manager functions used by SQLServerConnection class. final class SQLServerConnectionSecurityManager { static final String dllName = "sqljdbc_auth.dll"; String serverName; int portNumber; SQLServerConnectionSecurityManager(String serverName, int portNumber) { this.serverName = serverName; this.portNumber = portNumber; } /** * checkConnect will throws a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to open a socket connection to the specified serverName and * portNumber. * * @throws SecurityException * when an error occurs */ public void checkConnect() throws SecurityException { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (null != security) { security.checkConnect(serverName, portNumber); } } /** * Throws a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to dynamic link the library code. * * @throws SecurityException * when an error occurs */ public void checkLink() throws SecurityException { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (null != security) { security.checkLink(dllName); } } }

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