com.miguno.akka.testing.MockScheduler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.miguno.akka.testing
import{Cancellable, Scheduler}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* A scheduler whose `tick` can be triggered manually, which is helpful for testing purposes.
* Tasks are executed synchronously when `tick` is called.
* Typically this scheduler is used indirectly via a [[VirtualTime]] instance.
class MockScheduler(time: VirtualTime) extends Scheduler {
private[this] var id = 0L
// Tasks are sorted descendingly by execution priority, i.e. head is the largest element and thus executed next.
private[this] var tasks = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Task]()
* Runs any tasks that are due at this point in time. This includes running recurring tasks multiple times if needed.
* The execution of tasks happens synchronously in the calling thread.
* Tasks are executed in order based on their scheduled execution time. We do not define the execution ordering of
* tasks that are scheduled for the same time.
* Implementation detail: If you are using this scheduler indirectly via a [[VirtualTime]] instance, then this method
* will be called automatically by the [[VirtualTime]] instance, and you should not manually call it.
def tick(): Unit = {
time.lock synchronized {
while (tasks.nonEmpty && tasks.head.delay <= time.elapsed) {
val head = tasks.dequeue()
head.interval match {
case Some(interval) => tasks += new Task(head.delay + interval,, head.runnable, head.interval)
case None =>
override def scheduleOnce(delay: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)
(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
addToTasks(delay, runnable, None)
override def schedule(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, interval: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)
(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
addToTasks(initialDelay, runnable, Option(interval))
private def addToTasks(delay: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable, interval: Option[FiniteDuration]): Cancellable =
time.lock synchronized {
id += 1
val startTime = time.elapsed + delay
val task = new Task(startTime, id, runnable, interval)
tasks += task
MockCancellable(this, task)
private[testing] def cancelTask(task: Task): Unit = {
time.lock synchronized {
tasks = tasks.filterNot { x => == }
override val maxFrequency: Double = 1.second / 1.millis