si2712fix.MonkeyPatchedTypes.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala.reflect.internal
import scala.tools.nsc.Global
import scala.reflect.internal.Depth.AnyDepth
import scala.reflect.internal.util.FreshNameCreator
class MonkeyPatchedTypes(val global: Global) {
import global._
import definitions._
lazy val unifyRightToLeftClass = rootMirror.getClassIfDefined("scala.annotation.unifyRightToLeft")
trait SI2712Unifier { self: TypeVar =>
/** Called when a TypeVar is involved in a subtyping check. Result is whether
* this TypeVar could plausibly be a [super/sub]type of argument `tp` and if so,
* tracks tp as a [lower/upper] bound of this TypeVar.
* if (isLowerBound) this typevar could be a subtype, track tp as a lower bound
* if (!isLowerBound) this typevar could be a supertype, track tp as an upper bound
* If isNumericBound is true, the subtype check is performed with weak_<:< instead of <:<.
override def registerBound(tp: Type, isLowerBound: Boolean, isNumericBound: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
// println("regBound: "+(safeToString, debugString(tp), isLowerBound)) //@MDEBUG
if (isLowerBound)
assert(tp != this)
// side effect: adds the type to upper or lower bounds
def addBound(tp: Type) {
if (isLowerBound) addLoBound(tp, isNumericBound)
else addHiBound(tp, isNumericBound)
// swaps the arguments if it's an upper bound
def checkSubtype(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = {
val lhs = if (isLowerBound) tp1 else tp2
val rhs = if (isLowerBound) tp2 else tp1
if (isNumericBound) lhs weak_<:< rhs
else lhs <:< rhs
/* Simple case: type arguments can be ignored, because either this typevar has
* no type parameters, or we are comparing to Any/Nothing.
* The latter condition is needed because HK unification is limited to constraints of the shape
* {{{
* TC1[T1,..., TN] <: TC2[T'1,...,T'N]
* }}}
* which would preclude the following important constraints:
* {{{
* Nothing <: ?TC[?T]
* ?TC[?T] <: Any
* }}}
def unifySimple = {
val sym = tp.typeSymbol
if (sym == NothingClass || sym == AnyClass) { // kind-polymorphic
// SI-7126 if we register some type alias `T=Any`, we can later end
// with malformed types like `T[T]` during type inference in
// `handlePolymorphicCall`. No such problem if we register `Any`.
} else if (params.isEmpty) {
} else false
/* Full case: involving a check of the form
* {{{
* TC1[T1,..., TN] <: TC2[T'1,...,T'N]
* }}}
* Checks subtyping of higher-order type vars, and uses variances as defined in the
* type parameter we're trying to infer (the result will be sanity-checked later).
def unifyFull(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
def unifySpecific(tp: Type) = {
if(sameLength(typeArgs, tp.typeArgs)) {
val lhs = if (isLowerBound) tp.typeArgs else typeArgs
val rhs = if (isLowerBound) typeArgs else tp.typeArgs
// This is a higher-kinded type var with same arity as tp.
// If so (see SI-7517), side effect: adds the type constructor itself as a bound.
isSubArgs(lhs, rhs, params, AnyDepth) && { addBound(tp.typeConstructor); true }
} else if(/*settings.YhigherOrderUnification &&*/ typeArgs.lengthCompare(0) > 0 && compareLengths(typeArgs, tp.typeArgs) < 0) {
// Simple algorithm as suggested by Paul Chiusano in the comments on SI-2712
// https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-2712?focusedCommentId=61270
// Treat the type constructor as curried and partially applied, we treat a prefix
// as constants and solve for the suffix. For the example in the ticket, unifying
// M[A] with Int => Int this unifies as,
// M[t] = [t][Int => t]
// A = Int
// A more "natural" unifier might be M[t] = [t][t => t]. There's lots of scope for
// experimenting with alternatives here.
val tpSym = tp.typeSymbolDirect
val rightToLeft = tpSym.annotations.exists(_ matches unifyRightToLeftClass)
val numAbstracted = typeArgs.length
val numCaptured = tp.typeArgs.length-numAbstracted
val (captured, abstracted) =
if(rightToLeft) tp.typeArgs.splitAt(numAbstracted).swap
else tp.typeArgs.splitAt(numCaptured)
val lhs = if (isLowerBound) abstracted else typeArgs
val rhs = if (isLowerBound) typeArgs else abstracted
// This is a higher-kinded type var with same arity as tp.
// If so (see SI-7517), side effect: adds the type constructor itself as a bound.
isSubArgs(lhs, rhs, params, AnyDepth) && {
val absSyms =
if(rightToLeft) tpSym.typeParams.take(numAbstracted)
else tpSym.typeParams.drop(numCaptured)
val freeSyms = absSyms.map(_.cloneSymbol(tpSym))
val args =
if(rightToLeft) freeSyms.map(_.tpeHK) ++ captured
else captured ++ freeSyms.map(_.tpeHK)
val poly = PolyType(freeSyms, appliedType(tp.typeConstructor, args))
} else
// The type with which we can successfully unify can be hidden
// behind singleton types and type aliases.
tpe.dealiasWidenChain exists unifySpecific
// There's a <: test taking place right now, where tp is a concrete type and this is a typevar
// attempting to satisfy that test. Either the test will be unsatisfiable, in which case
// registerBound will return false; or the upper or lower bounds of this type var will be
// supplemented with the type being tested against.
// Eventually the types which have accumulated in the upper and lower bounds will be lubbed
// (resp. glbbed) to instantiate the typevar.
// The only types which are eligible for unification are those with the same number of
// typeArgs as this typevar, or Any/Nothing, which are kind-polymorphic. For the upper bound,
// any parent or base type of `tp` may be tested here (leading to a corresponding relaxation
// in the upper bound.) The universe of possible glbs, being somewhat more infinite, is not
// addressed here: all lower bounds are retained and their intersection calculated when the
// bounds are solved.
// In a side-effect free universe, checking tp and tp.parents before checking tp.baseTypeSeq
// would be pointless. In this case, each check we perform causes us to lose specificity: in
// the end the best we'll do is the least specific type we tested against, since the typevar
// does not see these checks as "probes" but as requirements to fulfill.
// TODO: can the `suspended` flag be used to poke around without leaving a trace?
// So the strategy used here is to test first the type, then the direct parents, and finally
// to fall back on the individual base types. This warrants eventual re-examination.
// AM: I think we could use the `suspended` flag to avoid side-effecting during unification
if (suspended) // constraint accumulation is disabled
checkSubtype(tp, origin)
else if (instValid) // type var is already set
checkSubtype(tp, inst)
else isRelatable(tp) && {
unifySimple || unifyFull(tp) || (
// only look harder if our gaze is oriented toward Any
isLowerBound && (
(tp.parents exists unifyFull) || (
// @PP: Is it going to be faster to filter out the parents we just checked?
// That's what's done here but I'm not sure it matters.
tp.baseTypeSeq.toList.tail filterNot (tp.parents contains _) exists unifyFull
val sm = classOf[TypeVar].getDeclaredMethod("scala$reflect$internal$Types$$suspended")
def suspended: Boolean = sm.invoke(this).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
val tm = classOf[Types].getDeclaredMethod("scala$reflect$internal$Types$$traceTypeVars")
def traceTypeVars: Boolean = tm.invoke(global).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
val pm = classOf[Types].getDeclaredMethod("scala$reflect$internal$Types$$propagateParameterBoundsToTypeVars")
def propagateParameterBoundsToTypeVars: Boolean = pm.invoke(global).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
// a TypeVar used to be a case class with only an origin and a constr
// then, constr became mutable (to support UndoLog, I guess),
// but pattern-matching returned the original constr0 (a bug)
// now, pattern-matching returns the most recent constr
object TypeVar {
@inline final def trace[T](action: String, msg: => String)(value: T): T = {
if (traceTypeVars) {
val s = msg match {
case "" => ""
case str => "( " + str + " )"
Console.err.println("[%10s] %-25s%s".format(action, value, s))
/** Create a new TypeConstraint based on the given symbol.
private def deriveConstraint(tparam: Symbol): TypeConstraint = {
/** Must force the type parameter's info at this point
* or things don't end well for higher-order type params.
* See SI-5359.
val bounds = tparam.info.bounds
/* We can seed the type constraint with the type parameter
* bounds as long as the types are concrete. This should lower
* the complexity of the search even if it doesn't improve
* any results.
if (propagateParameterBoundsToTypeVars) {
val exclude = bounds.isEmptyBounds || (bounds exists typeIsNonClassType)
if (exclude) new TypeConstraint
else TypeVar.trace("constraint", "For " + tparam.fullLocationString)(new TypeConstraint(bounds))
else new TypeConstraint
def untouchable(tparam: Symbol): TypeVar = createTypeVar(tparam, untouchable = true)
def apply(tparam: Symbol): TypeVar = createTypeVar(tparam, untouchable = false)
def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint): TypeVar = apply(origin, constr, Nil, Nil)
def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint, args: List[Type], params: List[Symbol]): TypeVar =
createTypeVar(origin, constr, args, params, untouchable = false)
/** This is the only place TypeVars should be instantiated.
def createTypeVar(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint, args: List[Type], params: List[Symbol], untouchable: Boolean): TypeVar = {
val tv = (
if (args.isEmpty && params.isEmpty) {
if (untouchable) new TypeVar(origin, constr) with UntouchableTypeVar with SI2712Unifier
else new TypeVar(origin, constr) with SI2712Unifier
else if (args.size == params.size) {
if (untouchable) new AppliedTypeVar(origin, constr, params zip args) with UntouchableTypeVar with SI2712Unifier
else new AppliedTypeVar(origin, constr, params zip args) with SI2712Unifier
else if (args.isEmpty) {
if (untouchable) new HKTypeVar(origin, constr, params) with UntouchableTypeVar with SI2712Unifier
else new HKTypeVar(origin, constr, params) with SI2712Unifier
else throw new Error("Invalid TypeVar construction: " + ((origin, constr, args, params)))
trace("create", "In " + tv.originLocation)(tv)
def createTypeVar(tparam: Symbol, untouchable: Boolean): TypeVar =
createTypeVar(tparam.tpeHK, deriveConstraint(tparam), Nil, tparam.typeParams, untouchable)
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