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com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.JNAeratorConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.JNAeratorCommandLineArgs.OptionDef;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bridj.ann.Array;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.JNAeratorConfigUtils.FileExtensionFilter;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.parser.Element;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.parser.ElementsHelper;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.parser.Function;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.parser.Identifier;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.parser.TypeRef;
import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.parser.TypeRef.SimpleTypeRef;
import com.ochafik.util.CompoundCollection;
import com.ochafik.util.listenable.Adapter;
import com.ochafik.util.listenable.Filter;
import com.ochafik.util.listenable.Pair;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import static com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.parser.ElementsHelper.*;
public class JNAeratorConfig {
public enum Compiler {
public enum Architecture {
x86_64, i386, PowerPC
public enum Platform {
Windows, Linux, MacOSX
public enum Runtime {
JNA(false , true , false ,
com.sun.jna.Callback.class ,
com.sun.jna.Pointer.class ,
com.sun.jna.Memory.class ,
com.sun.jna.Structure.class ,
com.sun.jna.Union.class ,
null ,
null ,
com.sun.jna.Library.class ,
null ,
"jna-runtime.jar.files" ),
JNAerator(false , true , true ,
com.sun.jna.Callback.class ,
com.sun.jna.Pointer.class ,
com.sun.jna.Memory.class ,
com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.Structure.class ,
com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.Union.class ,
null ,
null ,
com.sun.jna.Library.class ,
com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.Bits.class ,
"jnaerator-runtime.jar.files" ) {
public String toString() {
return "JNAerator (based on JNA)" ;
BridJ(true , false , true ,
org.bridj.Callback.class ,
org.bridj.Pointer.class ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
org.bridj.Pointer.class ,
null ,
org.bridj.ann.Bits.class ,
"bridj.jar.files" ) {
public String toString() {
return "BridJ (faster runtime that supports C++)" ;
public static final Runtime DEFAULT = BridJ;
public enum Ann {
Runtime(boolean hasFastStructs,
boolean hasJNA,
boolean hasBitFields,
Class callbackClass,
Class pointerClass,
Class memoryClass,
Class structClass,
Class unionClass,
Class structIOClass,
Class arrayClass,
Class libraryClass,
Class someAnnotationClass,
String runtimeFilesListFileName)
this .hasFastStructs = hasFastStructs;
this .hasBitFields = hasBitFields;
this .hasJNA = hasJNA;
this .callbackClass = callbackClass;
this .pointerClass = pointerClass;
this .memoryClass = memoryClass;
this .structClass = structClass;
this .libraryClass = libraryClass;
this .unionClass = unionClass;
this .structIOClass = structIOClass;
this .arrayClass = arrayClass;
this .runtimeFilesListFileName = runtimeFilesListFileName;
annotationPackage = someAnnotationClass == null ? null : someAnnotationClass.getPackage().getName();
public final String runtimeFilesListFileName;
private String annotationPackage;
public SimpleTypeRef typeRef(Ann ann) {
if (annotationPackage == null )
return null ;
String n = ann.toString();
if (this == BridJ) {
if (ann == Ann.Length)
n = Array.class .getSimpleName();
else if (ann == Ann.IID)
return ElementsHelper.typeRef(ident(IID.class ));
List elts = new ArrayList();
elts.addAll(Arrays.asList(annotationPackage.split("\\." )));
return annotationPackage == null ? null : ElementsHelper.typeRef(ident(elts.toArray(new String[elts.size()])));
public final Class callbackClass, pointerClass, memoryClass, structClass, unionClass, structIOClass, arrayClass, libraryClass;
public final boolean hasFastStructs;
public final boolean hasJNA;
public final boolean hasBitFields;
public String generateMavenProjectModel(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) throws IOException {
String res = "com/ochafik/lang/jnaerator/" + name() + "-pom.xml" ;
String pom = ReadText.readText(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(res));
if (pom == null )
throw new FileNotFoundException(res);
pom = pom.
replaceAll("%groupId%" , groupId).
replaceAll("%artifactId%" , artifactId).
replaceAll("%version%" , version);
return pom;
public enum GenFeatures {
public enum OutputMode {
Jar("JAR with bindings only" ),
StandaloneJar("JAR with bindings and runtime dependencies" ),
Directory("Bindings sources in simple file hierarchy" ),
Maven("Bindings sources in Maven project ready to build" ),
AutoGeneratedMaven("Maven project that automatically regenerates its bindings" );
private final String desc;
OutputMode(String desc) {
this .desc = desc;
public String getDescription() {
return desc;
public String toString() {
return "'" + name() + "' : " + desc;
boolean isJar() {
return this == Jar || this == StandaloneJar;
boolean isDirectory() {
return this == Directory || isMaven();
boolean isMaven() {
return this == Maven || this == AutoGeneratedMaven;
boolean generatesSources() {
return this != AutoGeneratedMaven;
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_EXTENSIONS = "h:hpp:hxx" ;
public static final String DEFAULT_IMPLEMS_EXTENSIONS = "cpp:c:cxx:m:mm" ;
public final EnumSet features = EnumSet.allOf(GenFeatures.class );
public Runtime runtime = Runtime.DEFAULT;
public static class PreprocessorConfig {
public boolean WORKAROUND_PP_BUGS = true ;
public final List includes = new ArrayList();
public final Map macros = new LinkedHashMap();
public final List frameworksPath = new ArrayList();
public List includeStrings = new ArrayList();
public boolean preprocess = true ;
public long fullParsingTimeout = 5000 , sliceParsingTimeout = 1000 ;
public final JNAeratorConfig.PreprocessorConfig preprocessorConfig = new JNAeratorConfig.PreprocessorConfig();
public boolean followIncludes;
boolean microsoftCOM;
public File preprocessingOutFile, macrosOutFile;
public File choicesOutFile, choicesInputFile;
public boolean useJNADirectCalls;
public boolean limitComments, noComments;
public boolean putTopStructsInSeparateFiles = true ;
public boolean beautifyNames;
public boolean treatEmptyStructsAsForwardDecls;
public String[] libraryNamingPrefixes;
public boolean extractLibSymbols;
public List> onlineDocumentationURLFormats = new ArrayList>();
public String entryName;
public int maxConstructedFields = 10 ;
public boolean beanStructs;
public boolean reification;
public boolean convertBodies;
public boolean removeInlineAsm;
public Map extraJavaSourceFilesContents = new LinkedHashMap();
public Set frameworks = new LinkedHashSet();
boolean skipIncludedFrameworks;
public FileFilter fileFilter = new FileExtensionFilter(DEFAULT_HEADER_EXTENSIONS.split("[:;]" ));
public Map> libraryFilesByArch = new LinkedHashMap>();
public List libraryFiles = new ArrayList();
public final Map libraryByDirectory = new HashMap();
public Map libraryByFile = new LinkedHashMap();
public void addLibraryFile(File file, NativePlatform arch) {
List others = libraryFilesByArch.get(arch);
if (others == null )
libraryFilesByArch.put(arch, others = new ArrayList());
String fn = file.getName();
int i = fn.lastIndexOf('.' );
if (i > 0 )
fn = fn.substring(0 , i);
libraryByFile.put(file, fn);
public void addSourceFile(File file, String library, boolean applyFilters, boolean retainAsTarget) throws IOException {
if (file.isFile()) {
if (fileFilter == null || !applyFilters || fileFilter.accept(file)) {
file = file.getCanonicalFile();
if (library == null && fileToLibrary != null )
library = fileToLibrary.adapt(file);
if (retainAsTarget) {
libraryByFile.put(file, library);
File directory = file.getParentFile().getAbsoluteFile();
String oldLib = libraryByDirectory.put(directory, library);
if (oldLib != null && !oldLib.equals(library)) {
JNAerator.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Directory " + directory + " contains files from different libraries, so there won't be any default library for its files (symbols defined in files from that library that were included but not explicitly listed will not be JNAerated)." );
libraryByDirectory.put(directory, "" );
} else {
File[] fs = file.listFiles();
if (fs != null ) {
for (File f : fs) {
addSourceFile(f, library, true , retainAsTarget);
public JNAeratorConfig() {
public boolean verbose;
boolean parseInChunks;
public File outputDir, sourcesOutputDir, resourcesOutputDir;
public List rootDirectoriesPrefixesForSourceComments = new ArrayList();
public Adapter functionsAccepter;
public String packageName = null , rootPackageName = null ;
public String defaultLibrary;
public Map libraryProjectSources = new LinkedHashMap();
public Adapter fileToLibrary = new Adapter() {
public String adapt(File file) {
String libraryName = null ;
try {
file = file.getCanonicalFile();
libraryName = libraryByFile.get(file);
if (libraryName == null ) {
libraryName = libraryByDirectory.get(file.getParentFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
return libraryName == null ? defaultLibrary : libraryName;
public void addRootDir(File dir) throws IOException {
if (!dir.exists())
return ;
String str = dir.getCanonicalPath();
if (!str.endsWith(File.separator))
str += File.separator;
if (!rootDirectoriesPrefixesForSourceComments.contains(str))
public Filter symbolsAccepter = new Filter() {
public boolean accept(Element value) {
String s = Element.getFileOfAscendency(value);
if (s == null )
return false ;
File f = new File(s);
try {
f = f.getCanonicalFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
return libraryByFile.containsKey(f);
public Set getLibraries() {
Set ret = new HashSet();
for (Map.Entry e : libraryByFile.entrySet())
if (e.getValue() != null )
return ret;
public String libraryForElementsInNullFile;
public String cPlusPlusNameSpaceSeparator = "_" ;
public boolean preferJavac;
public Set bridgeSupportFiles = new LinkedHashSet();
public File outputJar;
public File cacheDir;
public boolean autoConf = true ;
public boolean forceOverwrite;
public Set undefines = new HashSet();
public boolean gccLong, sizeAsLong;
public OutputMode outputMode;
public boolean legacyNoJar;
public boolean legacyNoCompile;
public boolean noAutoImports;
public boolean bundleSources = true ;
public boolean noCPlusPlus;
public String mavenGroupId = "com.mycompany" , mavenArtifactId = "my-native-bindings" , mavenVersion = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" ;
public String getLibrary(String elementFile) {
if (elementFile == null )
return libraryForElementsInNullFile;
return fileToLibrary == null ?
defaultLibrary :
fileToLibrary.adapt(new File(elementFile));
Set sourceFiles = new LinkedHashSet();
public boolean bundleLibraries = true ;
public boolean wcharAsShort;
public boolean charPtrAsString;
public boolean genCPlusPlus;
public File extractedSymbolsOut;
public boolean stringifyConstCStringReturnValues = true ;
public File bridgesupportOutFile;
public boolean scalaStructSetters;
public boolean noPrimitiveArrays;
public boolean synchronizedMethods;
public File scalaOut;
public boolean skipPrivateMembers = true ;
public boolean castConstants = true ;
public File rawParsedSourcesOutFile, normalizedParsedSourcesOutFile;
public List>> parsedArgs;
public boolean skipLibraryInstanceDeclarations;
public String callbackInvokeMethodName = "apply" ;
public Collection getFiles() {
return sourceFiles;
public String relativizeFileForSourceComments(String path) {
if (path == null )
return null ;
for (String pref : rootDirectoriesPrefixesForSourceComments) {
if (path.startsWith(pref)) {
path = path.substring(pref.length());
break ;
return path;
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked" )
public Collection getInputFiles() {
return new CompoundCollection(sourceFiles, bridgeSupportFiles, libraryFiles);