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scalaxy.loops.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scalaxy

import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.language.implicitConversions

import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer.encode

/** Scala loops compilation optimizations.
 *  Currently limited to Range foreach loops (no support for yield / map yet).
 *  Requires "inline" ranges (so the macro can extract start, end and optional step),
 *  and step must be a constant.
 *  General syntax:
 *  for (i <- start [to/until] end [by step]) { ... }
 *  Examples:

 *    import scalaxy.loops._
 *    val n = 1000000
 *    for (i <- 0 until n optimized) { ... }
 *    for (i <- n to 10 by -3 optimized) { ... }
*/ package object loops { // TODO: optimize // TODO: optimize Array.foreach, // TODO: optimize Array.tabulate. // TODO: optimize ArrayBuffer.foreach, // TODO: optimize (List/Seq).apply(...).foreach (replace with Array.apply + while loop) implicit def rangeExtensions(range: Range) = new RangeExtensions(range) private[loops] class RangeExtensions(range: Range) { /** Ensures a Range's foreach loop is compiled as an optimized while loop. * Failure to optimize the loop will result in a compilation error. */ def optimized: OptimizedRange = ??? } private[loops] class OptimizedRange { /** Optimized foreach method. * Only works if `range` is an inline Range with a constant step. */ def foreach[U](f: Int => U): Unit = macro impl.rangeForeachImpl[U] def withFilter(f: Int => Boolean): OptimizedRange = ??? def filter(f: Int => Boolean): OptimizedRange = ??? /** This must not be executed at runtime * (should be rewritten away by the foreach macro during compilation). */ ??? } } package loops { package object impl { lazy val disabled = System.getenv("SCALAXY_LOOPS_OPTIMIZED") == "0" || System.getProperty("scalaxy.loops.optimized") == "false" // This needs to be public and statically accessible. def rangeForeachImpl[U] (c: Context) (f: c.Expr[Int => U]): c.Expr[Unit] = { import c.universe._ import definitions._ import Flag._ case class InlineRange( start: Tree, end: Tree, stepOpt: Option[Tree], isInclusive: Boolean, filters: List[Function]) object N { def unapply(name: Name): Option[String] = Option(name).map(_.toString) } object StartEndInclusive { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree, Boolean)] = Option(tree) collect { case Apply( Select( Apply( Select(_, N("intWrapper")), List(start)), N(junctionName @ ("to" | "until"))), List(end)) => (start, end, junctionName == "to") } } object StartEndStepInclusive { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree, Tree, Boolean)] = Option(tree) collect { case Apply( Select( StartEndInclusive(start, end, isInclusive), N("by")), List(step)) => (start, end, step, isInclusive) } } def ifInstanceOf[A: TypeTag](tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = if (tree != null && tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe <:< typeTag[A].tpe) Some(tree) else None object InlineRangeTree { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[InlineRange] = Option(tree) collect { case StartEndInclusive(start, end, isInclusive) => InlineRange(start, end, None, isInclusive, Nil) case StartEndStepInclusive(start, end, step, isInclusive) => InlineRange(start, end, Some(step), isInclusive, Nil) } } object OptimizedRange { lazy val RangeType: Type = rootMirror.staticClass("scala.collection.immutable.Range").asType.toType // lazy val OptimizedRangeType: Type = rootMirror.staticModule("scalaxy.loops.OptimizedRange").asType.toType def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, InlineRange)] = Option(tree) collect { case Select(Apply(_, List(rangeTree @ InlineRangeTree(range))), N("optimized")) if rangeTree.tpe <:< RangeType => //&& tree.tpe <:< OptimizedRangeType => (rangeTree, range) case Apply(Select(OptimizedRange(rangeTree, range), N(n @ ("filter" | "withFilter"))), List(filter @ Function(_, _))) => ( Apply(Select(rangeTree, n: TermName), List(filter.duplicate)), range.copy(filters = range.filters :+ filter) ) } } def newInlineAnnotation = { Apply( Select( New(Ident(typeOf[scala.inline].typeSymbol)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil) } c.typeCheck(c.prefix.tree) match { case OptimizedRange(rangeTree, range) => if (disabled) {, "Loop optimizations are disabled.", true) c.Expr[Unit](Apply(Select(rangeTree, newTermName("foreach")), List(f.tree))) } else { // import range._ val step: Int = range.stepOpt match { case Some(Literal(Constant(step: Int))) => step case None => 1 case Some(step) => c.error(step.pos, "Range step must be a non-null constant!") 0 } c.typeCheck(f.tree) match { case Function(List(param), body) => def newIntVal(name: TermName, rhs: Tree) = ValDef(NoMods, name, TypeTree(IntTpe), rhs) def newIntVar(name: TermName, rhs: Tree) = ValDef(Modifiers(MUTABLE), name, TypeTree(IntTpe), rhs) // Body expects a local constant: create a var outside the loop + a val inside it. val iVar = newIntVar(c.fresh("i"), range.start) val iVal = newIntVal(, Ident( val filterDefs = { case Function(vparams, body) => DefDef( NoMods.mapAnnotations(list => newInlineAnnotation :: list), c.fresh("filter"): TermName, Nil, List(vparams), TypeTree(NoType), body) // ValDef(NoMods, c.fresh("filter"): TermName, TypeTree(typeOf[Int => Boolean]), filter) } val stepVal = newIntVal(c.fresh("step"), Literal(Constant(step))) val endVal = newIntVal(c.fresh("end"), range.end) val loopCondition = Apply( Select( Ident(, newTermName( encode( if (step > 0) { if (range.isInclusive) "<=" else "<" } else { if (range.isInclusive) ">=" else ">" } ) ) ), List(Ident( ) val iValExpr = c.Expr[Unit](iVal) val loopConditionExpr = c.Expr[Boolean](loopCondition) // Body still refers to old function param symbol (which has same name as iVal). // We must wipe it out (alas, it's not local, so we must reset all symbols). // TODO: be less extreme, replacing only the param symbol (see branch replaceParamSymbols). val bodyExpr = c.Expr[Unit](c.resetAllAttrs(body)) val incrExpr = c.Expr[Unit]( Assign( Ident(, Apply( Select( Ident(, encode("+"): TermName ), List(Ident( ) ) ) val iVarRef = c.Expr[Int](Ident( val stepValRef = c.Expr[Int](Ident( val loop = if (filterDefs.isEmpty) { reify { while (loopConditionExpr.splice) { iValExpr.splice bodyExpr.splice incrExpr.splice } } } else { val filterApplies: List[Tree] = => { Apply( Ident(, // Select(Ident(, "apply": TermName), List( Ident( ) ) }) val filterConditionExpr = c.Expr[Boolean]( filterApplies.reduceLeft((a: Tree, b: Tree) => Apply( Select(a, encode("&&"): TermName), List(b) ) ) ) reify { while (loopConditionExpr.splice) { if (filterConditionExpr.splice) { iValExpr.splice bodyExpr.splice } incrExpr.splice } } } val res = c.Expr[Unit]( Block( (iVar :: endVal :: stepVal :: filterDefs) :+ loop.tree: _*) ) // println("res = " + res) res case _ => c.error(f.tree.pos, s"Unsupported function: $f") null } } case _ => c.error(c.prefix.tree.pos, s"Expression not recognized by the ranges macro: ${c.prefix.tree}") null } } } }

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