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com.nedap.archie.rmobjectvalidator.RMObjectValidator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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tools that operate on the archie reference models and archetype object model

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package com.nedap.archie.rmobjectvalidator;

import com.nedap.archie.adlparser.modelconstraints.ReflectionConstraintImposer;
import com.nedap.archie.aom.*;
import com.nedap.archie.aom.utils.AOMUtils;
import com.nedap.archie.flattener.OperationalTemplateProvider;
import com.nedap.archie.query.RMObjectWithPath;
import com.nedap.archie.query.RMPathQuery;
import com.nedap.archie.rminfo.InvariantMethod;
import com.nedap.archie.rminfo.MetaModel;
import com.nedap.archie.rminfo.ModelInfoLookup;
import com.nedap.archie.rminfo.RMTypeInfo;
import org.openehr.utils.message.I18n;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * Validates a created reference model object, both against an Operational Template and against all model constraints.
 * If no archetype is given, validates against the model constraints only.
 * Created by pieter.bos on 15/02/16.
public class RMObjectValidator extends RMObjectValidatingProcessor {

    private final MetaModel metaModel;
    private final OperationalTemplateProvider operationalTemplateProvider;
    private APathQueryCache queryCache = new APathQueryCache();
    private ModelInfoLookup lookup;
    private ReflectionConstraintImposer constraintImposer;
    private final ValidationConfiguration validationConfiguration;
    private boolean validateInvariants = true;
    private final RmOccurrenceValidator rmOccurrenceValidator;
    private final RmPrimitiveObjectValidator rmPrimitiveObjectValidator;
    private final RmTupleValidator rmTupleValidator;
    private final RmMultiplicityValidator rmMultiplicityValidator;

     * Creates an RM Object Validator with the given ModelInfoLook class, and the given OperationalTemplateProvider
     * The ModelInfoLookup is used for model access, and model specific constructions.
     * The OperationalTemplateProvider is used to retrieve other referenced archetypes in case of ArchetypeSlots.
     * @param lookup
     * @param provider
     * @deprecated Use {@link #RMObjectValidator(ModelInfoLookup, OperationalTemplateProvider, ValidationConfiguration)} instead.
    public RMObjectValidator(ModelInfoLookup lookup, OperationalTemplateProvider provider) {
        this.lookup = lookup;
        this.metaModel = new MetaModel(lookup, null);
        constraintImposer = new ReflectionConstraintImposer(lookup);
        this.operationalTemplateProvider = provider;

        this.validationConfiguration = null; // Leave this null to indicate that no ValidationConfiguration was provided
        ValidationConfiguration dummyValidationConfiguration = new ValidationConfiguration.Builder()
        ValidationHelper validationHelper = new ValidationHelper(this.lookup, dummyValidationConfiguration);
        rmOccurrenceValidator = new RmOccurrenceValidator();
        rmPrimitiveObjectValidator = new RmPrimitiveObjectValidator(validationHelper);
        rmTupleValidator = new RmTupleValidator(this.lookup, validationHelper, rmPrimitiveObjectValidator);
        rmMultiplicityValidator = new RmMultiplicityValidator();

     * Creates an RM Object Validator with the given ModelInfoLook class, and the given OperationalTemplateProvider
     * The ModelInfoLookup is used for model access, and model specific constructions.
     * The OperationalTemplateProvider is used to retrieve other referenced archetypes in case of ArchetypeSlots.
    public RMObjectValidator(ModelInfoLookup lookup, OperationalTemplateProvider provider, ValidationConfiguration validationConfiguration) {
        this.lookup = lookup;
        this.metaModel = new MetaModel(lookup, null);
        constraintImposer = new ReflectionConstraintImposer(lookup);
        this.operationalTemplateProvider = provider;

        this.validationConfiguration = validationConfiguration;
        ValidationHelper validationHelper = new ValidationHelper(this.lookup, validationConfiguration);
        validateInvariants = validationConfiguration.isValidateInvariants();
        rmOccurrenceValidator = new RmOccurrenceValidator();
        rmPrimitiveObjectValidator = new RmPrimitiveObjectValidator(validationHelper);
        rmTupleValidator = new RmTupleValidator(this.lookup, validationHelper, rmPrimitiveObjectValidator);
        rmMultiplicityValidator = new RmMultiplicityValidator();

     * @deprecated Use {@link ValidationConfiguration.Builder#validateInvariants(boolean)} instead.
    public void setRunInvariantChecks(boolean validateInvariants) {
        if(this.validationConfiguration != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("validateInvariants is already set via validationConfiguration, cannot set it again via setRunInvariantChecks");
        this.validateInvariants = validateInvariants;

    public List validate(OperationalTemplate template, Object rmObject) {
        List objects = Lists.newArrayList(new RMObjectWithPath(rmObject, ""));
        addAllMessages(runArchetypeValidations(objects, "", template.getDefinition()));
        return getMessages();

    public List validate(Object rmObject) {
        List objects = Lists.newArrayList(new RMObjectWithPath(rmObject, "/"));
        addAllMessages(runArchetypeValidations(objects, "", null));
        return getMessages();

    private List runArchetypeValidations(List rmObjects, String path, CObject cobject) {
        List result = new ArrayList<>(rmOccurrenceValidator.validate(metaModel, rmObjects, path, cobject));
        if (rmObjects.isEmpty()) {
            //if this branch of the archetype tree is null in the reference model, we're done validating
            //this has to be done after validateOccurrences(), or required fields do not get validated
            return result;
        for (RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath : rmObjects) {
            result.addAll(validateInvariants(objectWithPath, path));
        if(cobject == null) {
            //add default validations
            for (RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath : rmObjects) {
                validateUnconstrainedObjectWithPath(result, path, objectWithPath);
        else if (cobject instanceof CPrimitiveObject) {
            result.addAll(rmPrimitiveObjectValidator.validate(rmObjects, path, (CPrimitiveObject) cobject));
        } else if (cobject instanceof ArchetypeSlot) {
            validateArchetypeSlot(rmObjects, path, cobject, result);
        } else {
            if (cobject instanceof CComplexObject) {
                CComplexObject cComplexObject = (CComplexObject) cobject;
                for (CAttributeTuple tuple : cComplexObject.getAttributeTuples()) {
                    result.addAll(rmTupleValidator.validate(cobject, path, rmObjects, tuple));
            for (RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath : rmObjects) {
                validateConstrainedObjectWithPath(result, cobject, path, objectWithPath);
        return result;

    private List validateInvariants(RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath, String pathSoFar) {
        if (!validateInvariants) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        //pathSoFar ends with an attribute, but objectWithPath contains it, so remove that.
        pathSoFar = RMObjectValidationUtil.stripLastPathSegment(pathSoFar);
        List result = new ArrayList<>();
        Object rmObject = objectWithPath.getObject();
        if (rmObject != null) {
            RMTypeInfo typeInfo = lookup.getTypeInfo(rmObject.getClass());
            if (typeInfo != null) {
                for (InvariantMethod invariantMethod : typeInfo.getInvariants()) {
                    if (!invariantMethod.getAnnotation().ignored()) {
                        try {
                            boolean passed = (boolean) invariantMethod.getMethod().invoke(rmObject);
                            if (!passed) {
                                result.add(new RMObjectValidationMessage(null, joinPaths(pathSoFar, objectWithPath.getPath()),
                                        I18n.t("Invariant {0} failed on type " + typeInfo.getRmName(), invariantMethod.getAnnotation().value()),
                        } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
                            result.add(new RMObjectValidationMessage(null, joinPaths(pathSoFar, objectWithPath.getPath()),
                                    I18n.t("Exception {0} invoking invariant {1} on {2}: {3}\n{4}",
                                            e.getCause() == null ? e.getClass().getSimpleName() : e.getCause().getClass().getSimpleName(),
                                            e.getCause() == null ? e.getMessage() : e.getCause().getMessage(),
        return result;

    private void validateUnconstrainedObjectWithPath(List result, String path, RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath) {
        Object rmObject = objectWithPath.getObject();
        String archetypeId = lookup.getArchetypeIdFromArchetypedRmObject(rmObject);
        if (archetypeId != null) {
            validateArchetypedObject(result, null, path, objectWithPath, archetypeId);
        } else {
            validateObjectAttributes(result, null, path, objectWithPath);

    private void validateArchetypeSlot(List rmObjects, String path, CObject cobject, List result) {
        ArchetypeSlot slot = (ArchetypeSlot) cobject;
        for (RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath : rmObjects) {

            Object object = objectWithPath.getObject();

            String archetypeId =  metaModel.getSelectedModel().getArchetypeIdFromArchetypedRmObject(object);

            if(archetypeId != null) {
                if(!AOMUtils.archetypeRefMatchesSlotExpression(archetypeId, slot)) {
                    //invalid archetype id, add message
                    this.addMessage(slot, objectWithPath.getPath(),
                //but do continue validation!
                validateArchetypedObject(result, cobject, path, objectWithPath, archetypeId);
            } else {
                this.addMessage(slot, objectWithPath.getPath(),
                //but continue validating the RM Objects, of course
                validateConstrainedObjectWithPath(result, cobject, path, objectWithPath);

    private void validateArchetypedObject(List result, CObject cobject, String path, RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath, String archetypeId) {
        OperationalTemplate operationalTemplate = operationalTemplateProvider.getOperationalTemplate(archetypeId);
        if (operationalTemplate != null) {
            //occurrences already validated, so nothing left to validate from the archetyepe root
            //from now on, validate from the root of the found OPT
            CObject newRoot = operationalTemplate.getDefinition();
            validateConstrainedObjectWithPath(result, newRoot, path, objectWithPath);
        } else {
            this.addMessage(cobject, objectWithPath.getPath(),
            //but continue validating the RM Objects, of course
            if (cobject != null) {
                validateConstrainedObjectWithPath(result, cobject, path, objectWithPath);
            } else {
                validateObjectAttributes(result, null, path, objectWithPath);

    private void validateConstrainedObjectWithPath(List result, CObject cobject, String path, RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath) {
        Class classInConstraint = this.lookup.getClass(cobject.getRmTypeName());
        if (!classInConstraint.isAssignableFrom(objectWithPath.getObject().getClass())) {
            //not a matching constraint. Cannot validate. add error message and stop validating.
            //If another constraint is present, that one will succeed
            result.add(new RMObjectValidationMessage(
                    RMObjectValidationMessageIds.rm_INCORRECT_TYPE.getMessage(cobject.getRmTypeName(), objectWithPath.getObject().getClass().getSimpleName()),
        } else {
            validateObjectAttributes(result, cobject, path, objectWithPath);

    private void validateObjectAttributes(List result, CObject cobject, String path, RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath) {
        Object rmObject = objectWithPath.getObject();
        List attributes;
        if (cobject == null) {
            RMTypeInfo typeInfo = lookup.getTypeInfo(rmObject.getClass());
            if (typeInfo != null) {
                attributes = RMObjectValidationUtil.getDefaultAttributeConstraints(typeInfo.getRmName(), Lists.newArrayList(), lookup, constraintImposer);
            } else {
                return; // Type unknown, nothing to validate
        } else {
            attributes = new ArrayList<>(cobject.getAttributes());
            attributes.addAll(RMObjectValidationUtil.getDefaultAttributeConstraints(cobject, attributes, lookup, constraintImposer));
        validateCAttributes(result, path, objectWithPath, rmObject, cobject, attributes);

    private void validateCAttributes(List result, String path, RMObjectWithPath objectWithPath, Object rmObject, CObject cObject, List attributes) {
        //the path contains an attribute, but is missing the [idx] part. So strip the attribute, and add the attribute plus the [idx] part.
        String pathSoFar = joinPaths(RMObjectValidationUtil.stripLastPathSegment(path), objectWithPath.getPath());
        for (CAttribute attribute : attributes) {
            validateAttributes(result, attribute, cObject, rmObject, pathSoFar);

    private void validateAttributes(List result, CAttribute attribute, CObject cobject, Object rmObject, String pathSoFar) {
        String rmAttributeName = attribute.getRmAttributeName();
        RMPathQuery aPathQuery = queryCache.getApathQuery("/" + attribute.getRmAttributeName());
        Object attributeValue = aPathQuery.find(lookup, rmObject);
        List emptyObservationErrors = isObservationEmpty(attribute, rmAttributeName, attributeValue, pathSoFar, cobject);

        if (emptyObservationErrors.isEmpty()) {

            result.addAll(rmMultiplicityValidator.validate(attribute, joinPaths(pathSoFar, "/", rmAttributeName), attributeValue));

            if(attribute.getChildren() == null || attribute.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
                //no child CObjects. Cardinality/existence has already been validated. Run default RM validations
                String query = "/" + rmAttributeName;
                aPathQuery = queryCache.getApathQuery(query);
                List childRmObjects = aPathQuery.findList(lookup, rmObject);
                result.addAll(runArchetypeValidations(childRmObjects, joinPaths(pathSoFar, query), null));
            else if (attribute.isSingle()) {
                validateSingleAttribute(result, attribute, rmObject, pathSoFar);
            } else {

                for (CObject childCObject : attribute.getChildren()) {
                    String query = "/" + rmAttributeName + "[" + childCObject.getNodeId() + "]";
                    aPathQuery = queryCache.getApathQuery(query);
                    List childRmObjects = aPathQuery.findList(lookup, rmObject);
                    result.addAll(runArchetypeValidations(childRmObjects, joinPaths(pathSoFar, query), childCObject));
                    //TODO: find all other child RM Objects that don't match with a given node id (eg unconstraint in archetype) and
                    //run default validations against them!

    private void validateSingleAttribute(List result, CAttribute attribute, Object rmObject, String pathSoFar) {
        List> subResults = new ArrayList<>();

        for (CObject childCObject : attribute.getChildren()) {
            String query = "/" + attribute.getRmAttributeName() + "[" + childCObject.getNodeId() + "]";
            RMPathQuery aPathQuery = queryCache.getApathQuery(query);
            List childNodes = aPathQuery.findList(lookup, rmObject);
            List subResult = runArchetypeValidations(childNodes, joinPaths(pathSoFar, query), childCObject);
        //a single attribute with multiple CObjects means you can choose which CObject you use
        //for example, a data value can be a string or an integer.
        //in this case, only one of the CObjects will validate to a correct value
        //so as soon as one is correct, so is the data!
        boolean cObjectWithoutErrorsFound =;
        boolean atLeastOneWithoutWrongTypeFound =;

        if (!cObjectWithoutErrorsFound) {
            if (atLeastOneWithoutWrongTypeFound) {
                for (List subResult : subResults) {
                    //at least one has the correct type, we can filter out all others
                    result.addAll( -> message.getType() != RMObjectValidationMessageType.WRONG_TYPE).collect(Collectors.toList()));
            } else {
                for (List subResult : subResults) {

     * Check if an observation is empty. This is the case if its event contains an empty data attribute.
     * @param attribute       The attribute that is checked
     * @param rmAttributeName The name of the attribute
     * @param attributeValue  The value of the attribute
     * @param pathSoFar       The path of the attribute
     * @param cobject         The constraints that the attribute is checked against
    private List isObservationEmpty(CAttribute attribute, String rmAttributeName, Object attributeValue, String pathSoFar, CObject cobject) {
        List result = new ArrayList<>();
        CObject parent = attribute.getParent();
        boolean parentIsEvent = parent != null && parent.getRmTypeName().contains("EVENT");
        boolean attributeIsData = rmAttributeName.equals("data");
        boolean attributeIsEmpty = attributeValue == null;
        boolean attributeShouldNotBeEmpty = attribute.getExistence() != null && !attribute.getExistence().has(0);

        if (parentIsEvent && attributeIsData && attributeIsEmpty && attributeShouldNotBeEmpty) {
            String message = "Observation " + RMObjectValidationUtil.getParentObservationTerm(attribute) + " contains no results";
            result.add(new RMObjectValidationMessage(cobject == null ? null : cobject.getParent().getParent(), pathSoFar, message, RMObjectValidationMessageType.EMPTY_OBSERVATION));
        return result;

    private static String joinPaths(String... pathElements) {
        if(pathElements.length == 0) {
            return "/";
        if(pathElements.length == 1) {
            String path =  pathElements[0];
            if(path.isEmpty()) {
                return "/";
            return path;
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        boolean lastCharacterWasSlash = false;
        for(String pathElement:pathElements) {
            if(lastCharacterWasSlash && pathElement.startsWith("/")) {
            } else {
            if(!pathElement.isEmpty()) {
                lastCharacterWasSlash = pathElement.charAt(pathElement.length() - 1) == '/';
        return result.toString();


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