Download the Arctic Optimizer Jar File
Welcome to the Arctic Optimizer Jar File Download page. Here, you can download the latest version of Arctic Optimizer – a powerful tool designed to optimize your code and improve the overall performance of your software applications. Whether you are a developer looking to enhance your code's efficiency or an enthusiast eager to experience faster application performance, Arctic Optimizer is here to assist you. Simply click on the download button below to get your hands on the Arctic Optimizer jar file and start optimizing your code today! Enjoy the benefits of faster execution, reduced resource consumption, and improved application responsiveness. Start optimizing now with the Arctic Optimizer jar file download!
Files of the artifact arctic-optimizer version 0.4.0 from the group com.netease.arctic.
Group com.netease.arctic
Version 0.4.0
Last update 09. December 2022
Organization not specified
URL https://arctic.netease.com
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies arctic-core, arctic-hive, hadoop-hdfs, hadoop-mapreduce-client-common, hadoop-client, fastjson, avro, args4j, flink-metrics-influxdb_${scala.binary.version},
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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