com.netflix.atlas.webapi.GraphApi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2015 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.atlas.webapi
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.ZoneId
import akka.actor.ActorRefFactory
import akka.actor.Props
import com.netflix.atlas.akka.WebApi
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.GraphDef
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.GraphEngine
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.VisionType
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.DataExpr
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.EvalContext
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.Extractors
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.StyleExpr
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.StyleVocabulary
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.TimeSeries
import com.netflix.atlas.core.stacklang.Interpreter
import com.netflix.atlas.core.stacklang.StandardVocabulary
import com.netflix.atlas.core.util.Step
import com.netflix.atlas.core.util.Strings
import spray.http.HttpRequest
import spray.http.MediaType
import spray.http.Uri
import spray.routing.RequestContext
class GraphApi(implicit val actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory) extends WebApi {
import com.netflix.atlas.webapi.GraphApi._
def routes: RequestContext => Unit = {
path("api" / "v1" / "graph") {
get { ctx =>
try {
val reqHandler = actorRefFactory.actorOf(Props(new GraphRequestActor))
reqHandler.tell(toRequest(ctx.request), ctx.responder)
} catch handleException(ctx)
private def toRequest(req: HttpRequest): Request = {
val params = req.uri.query
val id = "default"
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.GraphConstants._
val axes = (0 to MaxYAxis).map(i => i -> newAxis(params, i)).toMap
val vision = params.get("vision").map(v => VisionType.valueOf(v))
val flags = ImageFlags(
title = params.get("title"),
fontSize = params.get("font_size").map(_.toInt),
width = params.get("w").fold(ApiSettings.width)(_.toInt),
height = params.get("h").fold(ApiSettings.height)(_.toInt),
axes = axes,
axisPerLine = params.get("axis_per_line").contains("1"),
showLegend = !params.get("no_legend").contains("1"),
showLegendStats = !params.get("no_legend_stats").contains("1"),
showBorder = !params.get("no_border").contains("1"),
showOnlyGraph = params.get("only_graph").contains("1"),
vision = vision.getOrElse(VisionType.normal),
palette = params.get("palette").getOrElse(ApiSettings.palette)
val q = params.get("q")
if (!q.isDefined) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing required parameter 'q'")
query = q.get,
start = params.get("s"),
end = params.get("e"),
timezone = params.get("tz"),
step = params.get("step"),
flags = flags,
format = params.get("format").getOrElse("png"),
numberFormat = params.get("number_format").getOrElse("%f"),
id = id,
isBrowser = false,
isAllowedFromBrowser = true)
private def newAxis(params: Uri.Query, id: Int): Axis = {
upper = params.get(s"u.$id").orElse(params.get("u")).map(_.toDouble),
lower = params.get(s"l.$id").orElse(params.get("l")).map(_.toDouble),
logarithmic = params.get(s"o.$id").orElse(params.get("o")) == Some("1"),
stack = params.get(s"stack.$id").orElse(params.get("stack")) == Some("1"),
ylabel = params.get(s"ylabel.$id").orElse(params.get("ylabel")))
object GraphApi {
private val interpreter = new Interpreter(StyleVocabulary.allWords ::: StandardVocabulary.allWords)
private val engines = ApiSettings.engines.map(e => e.name -> e).toMap
private val contentTypes = engines.map { case (k, e) =>
k -> MediaType.custom(e.contentType)
case class Request(
query: String,
start: Option[String],
end: Option[String],
timezone: Option[String],
step: Option[String],
flags: ImageFlags,
format: String,
numberFormat: String,
id: String,
isBrowser: Boolean,
isAllowedFromBrowser: Boolean) {
def shouldOutputImage: Boolean = (format == "png")
val tz: ZoneId = ZoneId.of(timezone.getOrElse(ApiSettings.timezone))
// Resolved start and end time
val (resStart, resEnd) = timeRange(
start.getOrElse(ApiSettings.startTime), end.getOrElse(ApiSettings.endTime), tz)
val stepSize = {
val datapointWidth = math.min(ApiSettings.maxDatapoints, flags.width)
val stepDuration = step.map(Strings.parseDuration)
val stepMillis = ApiSettings.stepSize
val stepParam = stepDuration.fold(stepMillis)(s => Step.round(stepMillis, s.toMillis))
Step.compute(stepParam, datapointWidth, resStart.toEpochMilli, resEnd.toEpochMilli)
// Final start and end time rounded to step boundaries
val fstart = roundToStep(resStart)
val fend = roundToStep(resEnd)
private def timeRange(s: String, e: String, tz: ZoneId): (Instant, Instant) = {
if (Strings.isRelativeDate(s, true)) {
require(!Strings.isRelativeDate(e, true), "start and end are both relative")
val end = Strings.parseDate(e, tz)
val start = Strings.parseDate(end, s, tz)
start.toInstant -> end.toInstant
} else {
val start = Strings.parseDate(s, tz)
val end = Strings.parseDate(start, e, tz)
start.toInstant -> end.toInstant
private def roundToStep(t: (Instant, Instant)): (Instant, Instant) = {
roundToStep(t._1) -> roundToStep(t._2)
private def roundToStep(i: Instant): Instant = {
Instant.ofEpochMilli(i.toEpochMilli / stepSize * stepSize)
def engine: GraphEngine = engines(format)
def contentType: MediaType = contentTypes(format)
val evalContext: EvalContext = {
EvalContext(fstart.toEpochMilli, fend.toEpochMilli + stepSize, stepSize)
def exprs: List[StyleExpr] = {
interpreter.execute(query).stack.reverse.flatMap {
case Extractors.PresentationType(s) => s.perOffset
def toDbRequest: DataRequest = {
val dataExprs = exprs.flatMap(_.expr.dataExprs)
val deduped = dataExprs.toSet.toList
DataRequest(evalContext, deduped)
def newGraphDef: GraphDef = {
val graphDef = new GraphDef
graphDef.title = flags.title
graphDef.timezone = tz
graphDef.startTime = fstart
graphDef.endTime = fend
graphDef.step = stepSize
graphDef.width = flags.width
graphDef.height = flags.height
graphDef.axisPerLine = flags.axisPerLine
graphDef.showLegend = flags.showLegend
graphDef.showLegendStats = flags.showLegendStats
graphDef.showBorder = flags.showBorder
graphDef.onlyGraph = flags.showOnlyGraph
graphDef.fontSize = flags.fontSize
graphDef.numberFormat = numberFormat
graphDef.visionType = flags.vision
case class DataRequest(context: EvalContext, exprs: List[DataExpr])
case class DataResponse(ts: Map[DataExpr, List[TimeSeries]])
case class Axis(
upper: Option[Double] = None,
lower: Option[Double] = None,
logarithmic: Boolean = false,
stack: Boolean = false,
ylabel: Option[String] = None)
case class ImageFlags(
title: Option[String],
fontSize: Option[Int],
width: Int,
height: Int,
axes: Map[Int, Axis],
axisPerLine: Boolean,
showLegend: Boolean,
showLegendStats: Boolean,
showBorder: Boolean,
showOnlyGraph: Boolean,
vision: VisionType,
palette: String)
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