com.netflix.atlas.webapi.GraphRequestActor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2015 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.atlas.webapi
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.time.Duration
import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.ActorLogging
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import com.netflix.atlas.akka.DiagnosticMessage
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.AxisDef
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.LineStyle
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.PlotDef
import com.netflix.atlas.chart.SeriesDef
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model._
import com.netflix.atlas.core.stacklang.Interpreter
import com.netflix.atlas.core.stacklang.StandardVocabulary
import com.netflix.atlas.core.util.PngImage
import com.netflix.atlas.core.util.Strings
import com.netflix.atlas.json.Json
import com.netflix.spectator.api.Spectator
import spray.can.Http
import spray.http.MediaTypes._
import spray.http._
class GraphRequestActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import com.netflix.atlas.webapi.GraphApi._
private def queryInterpreter = new Interpreter(QueryVocabulary.allWords ::: StandardVocabulary.allWords)
private val errorId = Spectator.registry().createId("atlas.graph.errorImages")
private val dbRef = context.actorSelection("/user/db")
private var request: Request = _
private var responseRef: ActorRef = _
def receive = {
case v => try innerReceive(v) catch {
case t: Exception if request != null && request.shouldOutputImage =>
// When viewing a page in a browser an error response is not rendered. To make it more
// clear to the user we return a 200 with the error information encoded into an image.
sendErrorImage(t, request.flags.width, request.flags.height, sender())
case t: Throwable =>
def innerReceive: Receive = {
case req: Request =>
request = req
responseRef = sender()
dbRef.tell(req.toDbRequest, self)
case DataResponse(data) => sendImage(data)
case ev: Http.ConnectionClosed =>
log.info("connection closed")
private def sendErrorImage(t: Throwable, w: Int, h: Int, responder: ActorRef) {
val simpleName = t.getClass.getSimpleName
Spectator.registry().counter(errorId.withTag("error", simpleName)).increment()
val msg = s"$simpleName: ${t.getMessage}"
val image = HttpEntity(`image/png`, PngImage.error(msg, w, h).toByteArray)
responder ! HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.OK, entity = image)
private def sendImage(data: Map[DataExpr, List[TimeSeries]]): Unit = {
val seriesList = request.exprs.flatMap { s =>
val ts = s.expr.eval(request.evalContext, data).data
val exprStr = s.expr.toString
val tmp = ts.map { t =>
val offset = Strings.toString(Duration.ofMillis(s.offset))
val newT = t.withTags(t.tags + (TagKey.offset -> offset))
val series = new SeriesDef
series.data = newT
series.query = exprStr
series.label = s.legend(newT)
series.axis = s.axis
series.color = s.color
series.alpha = s.alpha
series.style = s.lineStyle.fold(LineStyle.LINE)(s => LineStyle.valueOf(s.toUpperCase))
series.lineWidth = s.lineWidth
series.palette = if (s.offset > 0L) "bw" else request.flags.palette
tmp.sortWith(_.label < _.label)
val graphDef = request.newGraphDef
//default axis
val axisDef = new AxisDef
graphDef.axis = Map(0 -> axisDef)
//add default axis definitions on the right side of the graph for any
//series which specified axis but did not specify a corresponding axis definition
seriesList.foreach { seriesDef =>
val yaxis = seriesDef.axis.getOrElse(0)
if (!graphDef.axis.contains(yaxis)) {
val ax = new AxisDef
ax.rightSide = true
graphDef.axis += (yaxis -> ax)
for ((yax, axdef) <- graphDef.axis) {
val axis = request.flags.axes(yax)
axdef.min = axis.lower
axdef.max = axis.upper
axdef.label = axis.ylabel
axdef.logarithmic = axis.logarithmic
axdef.stack = axis.stack
val plotDef = new PlotDef
plotDef.series = seriesList
graphDef.plots = List(plotDef)
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
request.engine.write(graphDef, baos)
val entity = HttpEntity(request.contentType, baos.toByteArray)
responseRef ! HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity)
private def sendJson(data: AnyRef): Unit = {
val entity = HttpEntity(`application/json`, Json.encode(data))
responseRef ! HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity)
private def sendText(data: String): Unit = {
val entity = HttpEntity(`text/plain`, data)
responseRef ! HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity)
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