com.netflix.atlas.webapi.PublishApi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2015 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.atlas.webapi
import akka.actor.ActorRefFactory
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser
import com.netflix.atlas.akka.WebApi
import com.netflix.atlas.config.ConfigManager
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.Datapoint
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.DefaultSettings
import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.TaggedItem
import com.netflix.atlas.core.util.Interner
import com.netflix.atlas.core.util.SmallHashMap
import com.netflix.atlas.core.util.Streams
import com.netflix.atlas.json.Json
import spray.http.HttpResponse
import spray.http.StatusCodes
import spray.routing.RequestContext
class PublishApi(implicit val actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory) extends WebApi {
import com.netflix.atlas.webapi.PublishApi._
private val publishRef = actorRefFactory.actorSelection("/user/publish")
private val config = ConfigManager.current.getConfig("atlas.webapi.publish")
private val internWhileParsing = config.getBoolean("intern-while-parsing")
def routes: RequestContext => Unit = {
post {
path("api" / "v1" / "publish") { ctx =>
} ~
path("api" / "v1" / "publish-fast") { ctx =>
// Legacy path from when there was more than one publish mode
private def handleReq(ctx: RequestContext): Unit = {
try {
getJsonParser(ctx.request) match {
case Some(parser) =>
val data = decodeBatch(parser, internWhileParsing)
publishRef.tell(PublishRequest(data), ctx.responder)
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty request body")
} catch handleException(ctx)
private def validate(vs: List[Datapoint]): Unit = {
// Temporary until rules get moved to oss. Just include basic sanity check on timestamps
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
val step = DefaultSettings.stepSize
vs.foreach { v =>
val diff = now - v.timestamp
if (diff > step)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("data is too old")
object PublishApi {
private final val step = DefaultSettings.stepSize
import com.netflix.atlas.json.JsonParserHelper._
type TagMap = Map[String, String]
private final val maxPermittedTags = 30
private def decodeTags(parser: JsonParser, commonTags: TagMap, intern: Boolean): TagMap = {
val strInterner = Interner.forStrings
val b = new SmallHashMap.Builder[String, String](2 * maxPermittedTags)
if (commonTags != null) b.addAll(commonTags)
foreachField(parser) { case key =>
val value = parser.nextTextValue()
if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
val loc = parser.getCurrentLocation
val line = loc.getLineNr
val col = loc.getColumnNr
val msg = s"tag value cannot be null or empty (key=$key, line=$line, col=$col)"
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg)
if (intern)
b.add(strInterner.intern(key), strInterner.intern(value))
b.add(key, value)
if (intern) TaggedItem.internTagsShallow(b.compact) else b.result
private def getValue(parser: JsonParser): Double = {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken._
parser.nextToken() match {
case START_ARRAY => nextDouble(parser)
case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT => parser.getValueAsDouble()
case VALUE_STRING => java.lang.Double.valueOf(parser.getText())
case t => fail(parser, s"expected VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT but received $t")
private def decode(parser: JsonParser, commonTags: TagMap, intern: Boolean): Datapoint = {
var tags: TagMap = null
var timestamp: Long = -1L
var value: Double = Double.NaN
foreachField(parser) {
case "tags" => tags = decodeTags(parser, commonTags, intern)
case "timestamp" => timestamp = nextLong(parser)
case "value" => value = nextDouble(parser)
case "start" => timestamp = nextLong(parser) // Legacy support
case "values" => value = getValue(parser)
case _ => // Ignore unknown fields
Datapoint(tags, timestamp, value)
def decodeDatapoint(parser: JsonParser, intern: Boolean = false): Datapoint = {
decode(parser, null, intern)
def decodeDatapoint(json: String): Datapoint = {
val parser = Json.newJsonParser(json)
try decodeDatapoint(parser, false) finally parser.close()
def decodeBatch(parser: JsonParser, intern: Boolean = false): List[Datapoint] = {
var tags: Map[String, String] = null
var metrics: List[Datapoint] = null
var tagsLoadedFirst = false
foreachField(parser) {
case "tags" => tags = decodeTags(parser, null, intern)
case "metrics" =>
tagsLoadedFirst = (tags != null)
val builder = List.newBuilder[Datapoint]
foreachItem(parser) { builder += decode(parser, tags, intern) }
metrics = builder.result
// If the tags were loaded first they got merged with the datapoints while parsing. Otherwise
// they need to be merged here.
if (tagsLoadedFirst || tags == null) {
if (metrics == null) Nil else metrics
} else {
metrics.map(d => d.copy(tags = d.tags ++ tags))
def decodeBatch(json: String): List[Datapoint] = {
val parser = Json.newJsonParser(json)
try decodeBatch(parser, false) finally parser.close()
def decodeList(parser: JsonParser, intern: Boolean = false): List[Datapoint] = {
val builder = List.newBuilder[Datapoint]
foreachItem(parser) {
builder += decode(parser, null, intern)
def decodeList(json: String): List[Datapoint] = {
val parser = Json.newJsonParser(json)
try decodeList(parser, false) finally parser.close()
private def encodeTags(gen: JsonGenerator, tags: Map[String, String]) {
tags match {
case m: SmallHashMap[String, String] => m.foreachItem { (k, v) => gen.writeStringField(k, v) }
case m: Map[String, String] => m.foreach { t => gen.writeStringField(t._1, t._2) }
def encodeDatapoint(gen: JsonGenerator, d: Datapoint) {
encodeTags(gen, d.tags)
gen.writeNumberField("timestamp", d.timestamp)
gen.writeNumberField("value", d.value)
def encodeDatapoint(d: Datapoint): String = {
Streams.string { w =>
Streams.scope(Json.newJsonGenerator(w)) { gen => encodeDatapoint(gen, d) }
def encodeBatch(gen: JsonGenerator, tags: Map[String, String], values: List[Datapoint]) {
encodeTags(gen, tags)
values.foreach(v => encodeDatapoint(gen, v))
def encodeBatch(tags: Map[String, String], values: List[Datapoint]): String = {
Streams.string { w =>
Streams.scope(Json.newJsonGenerator(w)) { gen => encodeBatch(gen, tags, values) }
case class PublishRequest(values: List[Datapoint])
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