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* Copyright 2014-2024 Netflix, Inc.
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* Helper functions for creating the scales to map data values and times to the
* pixel location for the image.
object Scales {
* Factory for creating a value scale based on the min and max values for the input
* data and the min and max pixel location.
type DoubleFactory = (Double, Double, Int, Int) => DoubleScale
type InvertedFactory = (Double, Double, Int, Int) => InvertedScale
/** Maps a double value to a pixel location. Typically used for the value scales. */
type DoubleScale = Double => Int
/** Maps a long value to a pixel location. Typically used for time scales. */
type LongScale = Long => Int
/** Maps a pixel location to the max value covered by that pixel. */
type InvertedScale = Int => Double
/** Returns the appropriate Y-value scale factory for the scale enum type. */
def factory(s: Scale): DoubleFactory = s match {
case Scale.LINEAR => yscale(linear)
case Scale.LOGARITHMIC => yscale(logarithmic)
case Scale.LOG_LINEAR => yscale(logLinear)
case Scale.POWER_2 => yscale(power(2.0))
case Scale.SQRT => yscale(power(0.5))
/** Factory for a linear mapping. */
def linear(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): DoubleScale = {
val pixelSpan = (d2 - d1) / (r2 - r1)
v => ((v - d1) / pixelSpan).toInt + r1
private def log10(value: Double): Double = {
value match {
case v if v > 0.0 => math.log10(v + 1.0)
case v if v < 0.0 => -math.log10(-(v - 1.0))
case _ => 0.0
* Factory for a logarithmic mapping. This is using logarithm for the purposes of
* visualization, so `vizlog(0) == 0` and for `v < 0`, `vizlog(v) == -log(-v)`.
def logarithmic(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): DoubleScale = {
val lg1 = log10(d1)
val lg2 = log10(d2)
val scale = linear(lg1, lg2, r1, r2)
v => scale(log10(v))
* Factory for a log linear mapping. It does a logarithmic behavior for powers of 10 and
* is linear in between them. This helps spread out smaller values if there is a big range
* on the data set.
def logLinear(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): DoubleScale = {
val b1 = LogLinear.bucketIndex(d1) - 1
val b2 = LogLinear.bucketIndex(d2)
if (b1 == b2) {
linear(d1, d2, r1, r2)
} else {
val pixelsPerBucket = (r2 - r1).toDouble / math.abs(b2 - b1).toDouble
v => LogLinear.position(v, b1, pixelsPerBucket).toInt + r1
private def pow(value: Double, exp: Double): Double = {
value match {
case v if v > 0.0 => math.pow(v, exp)
case v if v < 0.0 => -math.pow(-v, exp)
case _ => 0.0
/** Factory for a power mapping. */
def power(exp: Double)(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): DoubleScale = {
val p1 = pow(d1, exp)
val p2 = pow(d2, exp)
val scale = linear(p1, p2, r1, r2)
v => scale(pow(v, exp))
* Converts a value scale to what is needed for the Y-Axis. Takes into account that
* the pixel coordinates increase in the opposite direction from the view needed for
* showing to the user.
def yscale(s: DoubleFactory)(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): DoubleScale = {
val std = s(d1, d2, r1, r2)
v => r2 - std(v) + r1
/** Factory for creating a mapping for time values. */
def time(t1: Long, t2: Long, step: Long, r1: Int, r2: Int): LongScale = {
val d1 = t1.toDouble
val d2 = t2.toDouble
val dr = (d2 - d1) / step
val pixelsPerStep = (r2 - r1) / dr
v => ((v - d1) / step * pixelsPerStep).toInt + r1
/** Returns the appropriate inverted scale factory for the scale enum type. */
def inverted(s: Scale): InvertedFactory = s match {
case Scale.LINEAR => invertedScale(invertedLinear)
case Scale.LOGARITHMIC => invertedScale(invertedLogarithmic)
case Scale.LOG_LINEAR => invertedScale(invertedLogLinear)
case Scale.POWER_2 => invertedScale(invertedPower(2.0))
case Scale.SQRT => invertedScale(invertedPower(0.5))
/** Factory for an inverted linear mapping. */
def invertedLinear(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): InvertedScale = {
val pixelSpan = (d2 - d1) / (r2 - r1)
v => (v - r1) * pixelSpan + d1
/** Invert the log10 operation. */
private def pow10(value: Double): Double = {
value match {
case v if v > 0.0 => math.pow(10, v) + 1.0
case v if v < 0.0 => -math.pow(10, -v) - 1.0
case _ => 0.0
/** Factory for an inverted logarithmic mapping. */
def invertedLogarithmic(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): InvertedScale = {
val lg1 = log10(d1)
val lg2 = log10(d2)
val scale = invertedLinear(lg1, lg2, r1, r2)
v => pow10(scale(v))
/** Factory for an inverted log-linear mapping. */
def invertedLogLinear(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): InvertedScale = {
val b1 =
if (d1 >= 0.0)
math.max(0, LogLinear.bucketIndex(d1) - 1)
LogLinear.bucketIndex(d1) - 1
val b2 = LogLinear.bucketIndex(d2)
if (b1 == b2) {
invertedLinear(d1, d2, r1, r2)
} else {
val pixelsPerBucket = (r2 - r1).toDouble / math.abs(b2 - b1).toDouble
v => LogLinear.bucket(((v - r1) / pixelsPerBucket).toInt + b1)
/** Factory for an inverted power mapping. */
def invertedPower(exp: Double)(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): InvertedScale = {
val p1 = pow(d1, exp)
val p2 = pow(d2, exp)
val scale = invertedLinear(p1, p2, r1, r2)
v => pow(scale(v), 1.0 / exp)
* Inverts the logic of the normal scales to map from a pixel location to a position on
* the value range. This is typically used for finding ticks based on a discrete set like
* a set of colors.
def invertedScale(s: InvertedFactory)(d1: Double, d2: Double, r1: Int, r2: Int): InvertedScale = {
s(d1, d2, r1, r2)