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* Copyright 2014-2024 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* limitations under the License.
import java.awt.Graphics2D
sealed trait ValueAxis extends Element with FixedWidth {
import ValueAxis.*
override def width: Int = labelHeight + tickLabelWidth + tickMarkLength + 1
def plotDef: PlotDef
def min: Double
def max: Double
def styles: Styles
val style: Style = {
val axisColor = plotDef.getAxisColor(styles.line.color)
styles.line.copy(color = axisColor)
val label: Option[Text] = { str =>
Text(str, style = style)
val valueScale: Scales.DoubleFactory = Scales.factory(plotDef.scale)
def scale(y1: Int, y2: Int): Scales.DoubleScale = valueScale(min, max, y1, y2)
def ticks(y1: Int, y2: Int): List[ValueTick] = {
val numTicks = (y2 - y1) / minTickLabelHeight
plotDef.tickLabelMode match {
case TickLabelMode.BINARY => Ticks.binary(min, max, numTicks)
case TickLabelMode.DURATION => Ticks.duration(min, max, numTicks)
case _ => Ticks.value(min, max, numTicks, plotDef.scale)
protected def angle: Double
protected def drawLabel(text: Text, g: Graphics2D, x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int): Unit = {
val transform = g.getTransform
val centerX = (x2 - x1) / 2 + x1
val centerY = (y2 - y1) / 2 + y1
val width = y2 - y1
val truncated = text.truncate(width)
val height = truncated.computeHeight(g, width)
g.rotate(angle, centerX, centerY)
centerX - width / 2,
centerY - height / 2,
centerX + width / 2,
centerY + height / 2
protected def tickPrefix(v: Double): UnitPrefix = {
plotDef.tickLabelMode match {
case TickLabelMode.OFF =>
case TickLabelMode.DECIMAL => UnitPrefix.decimal(v)
case TickLabelMode.BINARY => UnitPrefix.binary(v)
case TickLabelMode.DURATION => UnitPrefix.duration(v)
protected def tickLabelFmt: String = {
plotDef.tickLabelMode match {
case TickLabelMode.OFF => ""
case TickLabelMode.DECIMAL => "%.1f%s"
case TickLabelMode.BINARY => "%.0f%s"
case TickLabelMode.DURATION => "%.1f%s"
case class LeftValueAxis(plotDef: PlotDef, styles: Styles, min: Double, max: Double)
extends ValueAxis {
import ValueAxis.*
protected def angle: Double = -Math.PI / 2.0
def draw(g: Graphics2D, x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int): Unit = {
g.drawLine(x2, y1, x2, y2)
val majorTicks = ticks(y1, y2).filter(_.major)
val offset = if (majorTicks.isEmpty) 0.0 else majorTicks.head.offset
if (offset == 0.0 || !plotDef.showTickLabels) {
drawNormal(majorTicks, g, x1, y1, x2, y2)
} else {
drawWithOffset(majorTicks, g, x1, y1, x2, y2)
label.foreach { t =>
drawLabel(t, g, x1, y1, x1 + labelHeight, y2)
private def drawNormal(
ticks: List[ValueTick],
g: Graphics2D,
x1: Int,
y1: Int,
x2: Int,
y2: Int
): Unit = {
val yscale = scale(y1, y2)
ticks.foreach { tick =>
val py = yscale(tick.v)
g.drawLine(x2, py, x2 - tickMarkLength, py)
if (plotDef.showTickLabels) {
val txt = Text(
font = ChartSettings.smallFont,
alignment = TextAlignment.RIGHT,
style = style
val txtH = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.height
val ty = py - txtH / 2
txt.draw(g, x1, ty, x2 - tickMarkLength - 1, ty + txtH)
private def drawWithOffset(
ticks: List[ValueTick],
g: Graphics2D,
x1: Int,
y1: Int,
x2: Int,
y2: Int
): Unit = {
val offset = ticks.head.v
val prefix = tickPrefix(ticks.last.v - offset)
val offsetStr = prefix.format(offset, tickLabelFmt)
val offsetTxt =
Text(offsetStr, font = ChartSettings.smallFont, alignment = TextAlignment.LEFT, style = style)
val offsetH = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.height * 2
val offsetW = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.width * (offsetStr.length + 3)
val yscale = scale(y1, y2)
val oy = yscale(offset)
val otop = oy - offsetW - tickMarkLength
val obottom = oy - tickMarkLength
drawLabel(offsetTxt, g, x2 - offsetH - tickMarkLength, otop, x2 - tickMarkLength, obottom)
g.drawLine(x2, oy, x2 - offsetH - tickMarkLength, oy)
ticks.tail.foreach { tick =>
val py = yscale(tick.v)
g.drawLine(x2, py, x2 - tickMarkLength, py)
if (plotDef.showTickLabels) {
val label = s"+${prefix.format(tick.v - offset, tickLabelFmt)}"
val txt =
font = ChartSettings.smallFont,
alignment = TextAlignment.RIGHT,
style = style
val txtH = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.height
val ty = py - txtH / 2
if (ty + txtH < otop)
txt.draw(g, x1, ty, x2 - tickMarkLength - 1, ty + txtH)
case class RightValueAxis(plotDef: PlotDef, styles: Styles, min: Double, max: Double)
extends ValueAxis {
import ValueAxis.*
protected def angle: Double = Math.PI / 2.0
def draw(g: Graphics2D, x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int): Unit = {
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2)
val majorTicks = ticks(y1, y2).filter(_.major)
val offset = if (majorTicks.isEmpty) 0.0 else majorTicks.head.offset
if (offset == 0.0 || !plotDef.showTickLabels) {
drawNormal(majorTicks, g, x1, y1, x2, y2)
} else {
drawWithOffset(majorTicks, g, x1, y1, x2, y2)
label.foreach { t =>
drawLabel(t, g, x2 - labelHeight, y1, x2, y2)
def drawNormal(
ticks: List[ValueTick],
g: Graphics2D,
x1: Int,
y1: Int,
x2: Int,
y2: Int
): Unit = {
val yscale = scale(y1, y2)
ticks.foreach { tick =>
val py = yscale(tick.v)
g.drawLine(x1, py, x1 + tickMarkLength, py)
if (plotDef.showTickLabels) {
val txt = Text(
font = ChartSettings.smallFont,
alignment = TextAlignment.LEFT,
style = style
val txtH = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.height
val ty = py - txtH / 2
txt.draw(g, x1 + tickMarkLength + 1, ty, x2, ty + txtH)
private def drawWithOffset(
ticks: List[ValueTick],
g: Graphics2D,
x1: Int,
y1: Int,
x2: Int,
y2: Int
): Unit = {
val offset = ticks.head.v
val prefix = tickPrefix(ticks.last.v - offset)
val offsetStr = prefix.format(offset, tickLabelFmt)
val offsetTxt =
font = ChartSettings.smallFont,
alignment = TextAlignment.RIGHT,
style = style
val offsetH = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.height * 2
val offsetW = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.width * (offsetStr.length + 3)
val yscale = scale(y1, y2)
val oy = yscale(offset)
val otop = oy - offsetW - tickMarkLength
val obottom = oy - tickMarkLength
drawLabel(offsetTxt, g, x1 + tickMarkLength, otop, x1 + offsetH + tickMarkLength, obottom)
g.drawLine(x1 + offsetH + tickMarkLength, oy, x1, oy)
ticks.tail.foreach { tick =>
val py = yscale(tick.v)
g.drawLine(x1, py, x1 + tickMarkLength, py)
if (plotDef.showTickLabels) {
val label = s"+${prefix.format(tick.v - offset, tickLabelFmt)}"
val txt =
Text(label, font = ChartSettings.smallFont, alignment = TextAlignment.LEFT, style = style)
val txtH = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.height
val ty = py - txtH / 2
if (ty + txtH < otop)
txt.draw(g, x1 + tickMarkLength + 1, ty, x2, ty + txtH)
object ValueAxis {
val labelHeight: Int = ChartSettings.normalFontDims.height
* Width of value tick labels. The assumption is a monospace font with 7 characters. The 7 is
* for:
* - `[sign][3digits][decimal point][1digit][suffix]`: e.g., `-102.3K`
* - `-1.0e-5`
val tickLabelWidth: Int = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.width * 7
val tickMarkLength = 4
val minTickLabelHeight: Int = ChartSettings.smallFontDims.height * 3