Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014-2024 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
* Manages the set of streams and associated subscriptions. There are two basic concepts:
* - register/unregister: informs the manager about a stream and the associated handler. The
* handler is just an object that can be used by the caller to interact with whatever is
* responsible for processing the results. A common example is an ActorRef.
* - subscribe/unsubscribe: informs the manager that a given stream should receive or stop
* receiving data for a given expression.
class SubscriptionManager[T](registry: Registry) extends StrictLogging {
import SubscriptionManager.*
private val registrations = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, StreamInfo[T]]()
private val subHandlers = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, ConcurrentSet[T]]()
@volatile private var subscriptionsList = List.empty[Subscription]
@volatile private var queryListChanged = false
private val queryIndex = QueryIndex.newInstance[Subscription](registry)
// Background process for updating the query index. It is not done inline because rebuilding
// the index can be computationally expensive.
private val ex =
new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, ThreadPools.threadFactory("ExpressionDatabase"))
ex.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() => updateQueryIndex(), 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
ex.scheduleAtFixedRate(() => updateGauges(), 1, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
/** Rebuild the query index if there have been changes since it was last created. */
private[lwcapi] def updateQueryIndex(): Unit = {
if (queryListChanged) {
queryListChanged = false
val previous = subscriptionsList.toSet
subscriptionsList = registrations
val current = subscriptionsList.toSet
val added = current.diff(previous)
val removed = previous.diff(current)
added.foreach(s => queryIndex.add(s.query, s))
removed.foreach(s => queryIndex.remove(s.query, s))
* Update basic stats to allow tracking number and percentage of streams that are
* dropping data.
private[lwcapi] def updateGauges(): Unit = {
val summaries = streamSummaries
val numOverall = summaries.size
val numDropping = summaries.count(_.metadata.droppedMessages.poll() > 0)
val baseId = Id.create("atlas.lwcapi.currentStreams")
registry.gauge(baseId.withTag("state", "ok")).set(numOverall - numDropping)
registry.gauge(baseId.withTag("state", "dropping")).set(numDropping)
* Add handler that should receive data for a given subscription. The update is synchronized
* to coordinate with the deletion of the handlers set when it is empty. Reads will just
* access the concurrent map without synchronization. Returns true if a new handler was added.
private def addHandler(subId: String, handler: T): Boolean = {
subHandlers.synchronized {
val handlers = subHandlers.computeIfAbsent(subId, _ => new ConcurrentSet[T])
val added = handlers.add(handler)
if (added) {
logger.debug(s"added handler for $subId: $handler")
* Remove a handler from the set that should receive data for a given subscription. The
* is empty check and removal are synchronized to coordinate with the updates adding
* new handlers to the set.
private def removeHandler(subId: String, handler: T): Boolean = {
val handlers = subHandlers.get(subId)
(handlers != null) && {
val removed = handlers.remove(handler)
if (removed) {
logger.debug(s"removed handler for $subId: $handler")
subHandlers.synchronized {
if (handlers.isEmpty) {
logger.debug(s"removing $subId, no more active handlers")
* Register a new stream with the provided id. The `handler` is used by the caller to
* interact with the stream. The caller can use `handlersForSubscription()` to get a
* list of handlers that should be called for a given subscription.
* Returns true if it is a new registration.
def register(streamMeta: StreamMetadata, handler: T): Boolean = {
val id = streamMeta.streamId
val registered = registrations.putIfAbsent(id, new StreamInfo[T](streamMeta, handler)) == null
if (registered) {
logger.debug(s"registered $id")
* Cleanup all resources associated with the provided stream id. If it is the last stream
* associated with a particular subscription, then the subscription will automatically be
* removed.
def unregister(streamId: String): Option[T] = {
val result = Option(registrations.remove(streamId)).map { info =>
logger.debug(s"unregistered $streamId")
info.subscriptions.foreach { sub =>
removeHandler(, info.handler)
queryListChanged = true
private def getInfo(streamId: String): StreamInfo[T] = {
val info = registrations.get(streamId)
if (info == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"stream with id '$streamId' has not been registered")
* Start sending data for the subscription to the given stream id.
private[lwcapi] def subscribe(streamId: String, sub: Subscription): T = {
subscribe(streamId, List(sub))._1
* Start sending data for the subscription to the given stream id. Returns the handler
* along with a list of newly added subscriptions.
def subscribe(streamId: String, subs: List[Subscription]): (T, List[Subscription]) = {
logger.debug(s"updating subscriptions for $streamId")
val info = getInfo(streamId)
val addedSubs = List.newBuilder[Subscription]
subs.foreach { sub =>
if (info.subs.putIfAbsent(, sub) == null) {
logger.debug(s"subscribed $streamId to $sub")
addedSubs += sub
queryListChanged |= addHandler(, info.handler)
info.handler -> addedSubs.result()
* Stop sending data for the subscription to the given stream id.
def unsubscribe(streamId: String, subId: String): Unit = {
val info = getInfo(streamId)
if (info.subs.remove(subId) != null) {
logger.debug(s"unsubscribed $streamId from $subId")
queryListChanged = removeHandler(subId, info.handler)
* Return a summary of information about all current streams.
def streamSummaries: List[StreamSummary] = {
.map { info =>
* Return a summary of information about a particular stream.
def streamSummary(streamId: String): Option[StreamSummary] = {
Option(registrations.get(streamId)).map { info =>
* Return the set of all current subscriptions across all streams.
def subscriptions: List[Subscription] = {
* Return the set of subscriptions that can potentially match the provided cluster. This
* is typically used by clients running as part of a cluster to limit the set of expressions
* that are checked locally on the node.
def subscriptionsForCluster(cluster: String): List[Subscription] = {
val group = ServerGroup.parse(cluster)
val tags = new java.util.HashMap[String, String]
addIfNotNull(tags, "nf.cluster", group.cluster)
addIfNotNull(tags, "",
addIfNotNull(tags, "nf.stack", group.stack)
addIfNotNull(tags, "nf.shard1", group.shard1)
addIfNotNull(tags, "nf.shard2", group.shard2)
val builder = List.newBuilder[Subscription]
queryIndex.forEachMatch(k => tags.get(k), sub => builder.addOne(sub))
private def addIfNotNull(
builder: java.util.HashMap[String, String],
key: String,
value: String
): Unit = {
if (value != null)
builder.put(key, value)
* Return all of the subscriptions that are in use for a given stream.
def subscriptionsForStream(streamId: String): List[Subscription] = {
* Return the set of handlers that should receive data for a given subscription id. This
* method should be assumed to be on a hot path that will be called regularly as data is
* flowing through.
def handlersForSubscription(subId: String): List[T] = {
val vs = subHandlers.get(subId)
if (vs == null) Nil else vs.values
def clear(): Unit = {
logger.debug("clearing all subscriptions")
queryListChanged = true
object SubscriptionManager {
case class StreamSummary(metadata: StreamMetadata, subscriptions: List[ExpressionMetadata])
class StreamInfo[T](
val metadata: StreamMetadata,
val handler: T,
val subs: ConcurrentHashMap[String, Subscription] =
new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Subscription]()
) {
def subscriptions: List[Subscription] = {
class ConcurrentSet[T] {
private val data = new ConcurrentHashMap[T, T]()
def add(value: T): Boolean = {
data.put(value, value) == null
def remove(value: T): Boolean = {
data.remove(value) != null
def isEmpty: Boolean = {
def values: List[T] = {
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*