com.netflix.eureka.cluster.PeerEurekaNode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.eureka.cluster;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import com.netflix.appinfo.InstanceInfo;
import com.netflix.appinfo.InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus;
import com.netflix.discovery.shared.transport.EurekaHttpResponse;
import com.netflix.eureka.EurekaServerConfig;
import com.netflix.eureka.lease.Lease;
import com.netflix.eureka.registry.PeerAwareInstanceRegistry;
import com.netflix.eureka.registry.PeerAwareInstanceRegistryImpl.Action;
import com.netflix.eureka.resources.ASGResource.ASGStatus;
import com.netflix.eureka.util.batcher.TaskDispatcher;
import com.netflix.eureka.util.batcher.TaskDispatchers;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The PeerEurekaNode
represents a peer node to which information
* should be shared from this node.
* This class handles replicating all update operations like
* Register,Renew,Cancel,Expiration and Status Changes to the eureka
* node it represents.
* @author Karthik Ranganathan, Greg Kim
public class PeerEurekaNode {
* A time to wait before continuing work if there is network level error.
private static final long RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_MS = 100;
* A time to wait before continuing work if there is congestion on the server side.
private static final long SERVER_UNAVAILABLE_SLEEP_TIME_MS = 1000;
* Maximum amount of time in ms to wait for new items prior to dispatching a batch of tasks.
private static final long MAX_BATCHING_DELAY_MS = 500;
* Maximum batch size for batched requests.
private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 250;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PeerEurekaNode.class);
public static final String BATCH_URL_PATH = "peerreplication/batch/";
public static final String HEADER_REPLICATION = "x-netflix-discovery-replication";
private final String serviceUrl;
private final EurekaServerConfig config;
private final long maxProcessingDelayMs;
private final PeerAwareInstanceRegistry registry;
private final String targetHost;
private final HttpReplicationClient replicationClient;
private final TaskDispatcher batchingDispatcher;
private final TaskDispatcher nonBatchingDispatcher;
public PeerEurekaNode(PeerAwareInstanceRegistry registry, String targetHost, String serviceUrl, HttpReplicationClient replicationClient, EurekaServerConfig config) {
this(registry, targetHost, serviceUrl, replicationClient, config, BATCH_SIZE, MAX_BATCHING_DELAY_MS, RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_MS, SERVER_UNAVAILABLE_SLEEP_TIME_MS);
/* For testing */ PeerEurekaNode(PeerAwareInstanceRegistry registry, String targetHost, String serviceUrl,
HttpReplicationClient replicationClient, EurekaServerConfig config,
int batchSize, long maxBatchingDelayMs,
long retrySleepTimeMs, long serverUnavailableSleepTimeMs) {
this.registry = registry;
this.targetHost = targetHost;
this.replicationClient = replicationClient;
this.serviceUrl = serviceUrl;
this.config = config;
this.maxProcessingDelayMs = config.getMaxTimeForReplication();
String batcherName = getBatcherName();
ReplicationTaskProcessor taskProcessor = new ReplicationTaskProcessor(targetHost, replicationClient);
this.batchingDispatcher = TaskDispatchers.createBatchingTaskDispatcher(
this.nonBatchingDispatcher = TaskDispatchers.createNonBatchingTaskDispatcher(
* Sends the registration information of {@link InstanceInfo} receiving by
* this node to the peer node represented by this class.
* @param info
* the instance information {@link InstanceInfo} of any instance
* that is send to this instance.
* @throws Exception
public void register(final InstanceInfo info) throws Exception {
long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + getLeaseRenewalOf(info);
taskId("register", info),
new InstanceReplicationTask(targetHost, Action.Register, info, null, true) {
public EurekaHttpResponse execute() {
return replicationClient.register(info);
* Send the cancellation information of an instance to the node represented
* by this class.
* @param appName
* the application name of the instance.
* @param id
* the unique identifier of the instance.
* @throws Exception
public void cancel(final String appName, final String id) throws Exception {
long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxProcessingDelayMs;
taskId("cancel", appName, id),
new InstanceReplicationTask(targetHost, Action.Cancel, appName, id) {
public EurekaHttpResponse execute() {
return replicationClient.cancel(appName, id);
public void handleFailure(int statusCode, Object responseEntity) throws Throwable {
super.handleFailure(statusCode, responseEntity);
if (statusCode == 404) {
logger.warn("{}: missing entry.", getTaskName());
* Send the heartbeat information of an instance to the node represented by
* this class. If the instance does not exist the node, the instance
* registration information is sent again to the peer node.
* @param appName
* the application name of the instance.
* @param id
* the unique identifier of the instance.
* @param info
* the instance info {@link InstanceInfo} of the instance.
* @param overriddenStatus
* the overridden status information if any of the instance.
* @throws Throwable
public void heartbeat(final String appName, final String id,
final InstanceInfo info, final InstanceStatus overriddenStatus,
boolean primeConnection) throws Throwable {
if (primeConnection) {
// We do not care about the result for priming request.
replicationClient.sendHeartBeat(appName, id, info, overriddenStatus);
ReplicationTask replicationTask = new InstanceReplicationTask(targetHost, Action.Heartbeat, info, overriddenStatus, false) {
public EurekaHttpResponse execute() throws Throwable {
return replicationClient.sendHeartBeat(appName, id, info, overriddenStatus);
public void handleFailure(int statusCode, Object responseEntity) throws Throwable {
super.handleFailure(statusCode, responseEntity);
if (statusCode == 404) {
logger.warn("{}: missing entry.", getTaskName());
if (info != null) {
logger.warn("{}: cannot find instance id {} and hence replicating the instance with status {}",
getTaskName(), info.getId(), info.getStatus());
} else if (config.shouldSyncWhenTimestampDiffers()) {
InstanceInfo peerInstanceInfo = (InstanceInfo) responseEntity;
if (peerInstanceInfo != null) {
syncInstancesIfTimestampDiffers(appName, id, info, peerInstanceInfo);
long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + getLeaseRenewalOf(info);
batchingDispatcher.process(taskId("heartbeat", info), replicationTask, expiryTime);
* Send the status information of of the ASG represented by the instance.
* ASG (Autoscaling group) names are available for instances in AWS and the
* ASG information is used for determining if the instance should be
* registered as {@link InstanceStatus#DOWN} or {@link InstanceStatus#UP}.
* @param asgName
* the asg name if any of this instance.
* @param newStatus
* the new status of the ASG.
public void statusUpdate(final String asgName, final ASGStatus newStatus) {
long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxProcessingDelayMs;
new AsgReplicationTask(targetHost, Action.StatusUpdate, asgName, newStatus) {
public EurekaHttpResponse> execute() {
return replicationClient.statusUpdate(asgName, newStatus);
* Send the status update of the instance.
* @param appName
* the application name of the instance.
* @param id
* the unique identifier of the instance.
* @param newStatus
* the new status of the instance.
* @param info
* the instance information of the instance.
public void statusUpdate(final String appName, final String id,
final InstanceStatus newStatus, final InstanceInfo info) {
long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxProcessingDelayMs;
taskId("statusUpdate", appName, id),
new InstanceReplicationTask(targetHost, Action.StatusUpdate, info, null, false) {
public EurekaHttpResponse execute() {
return replicationClient.statusUpdate(appName, id, newStatus, info);
* Delete instance status override.
* @param appName
* the application name of the instance.
* @param id
* the unique identifier of the instance.
* @param info
* the instance information of the instance.
public void deleteStatusOverride(final String appName, final String id, final InstanceInfo info) {
long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxProcessingDelayMs;
taskId("deleteStatusOverride", appName, id),
new InstanceReplicationTask(targetHost, Action.DeleteStatusOverride, info, null, false) {
public EurekaHttpResponse execute() {
return replicationClient.deleteStatusOverride(appName, id, info);
* Get the service Url of the peer eureka node.
* @return the service Url of the peer eureka node.
public String getServiceUrl() {
return serviceUrl;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((serviceUrl == null) ? 0 : serviceUrl.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
PeerEurekaNode other = (PeerEurekaNode) obj;
if (serviceUrl == null) {
if (other.serviceUrl != null) {
return false;
} else if (!serviceUrl.equals(other.serviceUrl)) {
return false;
return true;
* Shuts down all resources used for peer replication.
public void shutDown() {
* Synchronize {@link InstanceInfo} information if the timestamp between
* this node and the peer eureka nodes vary.
private void syncInstancesIfTimestampDiffers(String appName, String id, InstanceInfo info, InstanceInfo infoFromPeer) {
try {
if (infoFromPeer != null) {
logger.warn("Peer wants us to take the instance information from it, since the timestamp differs,"
+ "Id : {} My Timestamp : {}, Peer's timestamp: {}", id, info.getLastDirtyTimestamp(), infoFromPeer.getLastDirtyTimestamp());
if (infoFromPeer.getOverriddenStatus() != null && !InstanceStatus.UNKNOWN.equals(infoFromPeer.getOverriddenStatus())) {
logger.warn("Overridden Status info -id {}, mine {}, peer's {}", id, info.getOverriddenStatus(), infoFromPeer.getOverriddenStatus());
registry.storeOverriddenStatusIfRequired(appName, id, infoFromPeer.getOverriddenStatus());
registry.register(infoFromPeer, true);
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.warn("Exception when trying to set information from peer :", e);
public String getBatcherName() {
String batcherName;
try {
batcherName = new URL(serviceUrl).getHost();
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
batcherName = serviceUrl;
return "target_" + batcherName;
private static String taskId(String requestType, String appName, String id) {
return requestType + '#' + appName + '/' + id;
private static String taskId(String requestType, InstanceInfo info) {
return taskId(requestType, info.getAppName(), info.getId());
private static int getLeaseRenewalOf(InstanceInfo info) {
return (info.getLeaseInfo() == null ? Lease.DEFAULT_DURATION_IN_SECS : info.getLeaseInfo().getRenewalIntervalInSecs()) * 1000;