Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* * Copyright 2015 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import rx.Observable; import rx.functions.Action1; import rx.functions.Action2; import rx.functions.Func1; import rx.schedulers.Schedulers; import rx.subjects.PublishSubject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** *
but not tracked by this class. Tracking assigned tasks * is useful for optimizing future assignments for such purposes as task locality with other tasks, etc. If such * optimization is desired, the caller ofTaskScheduler
provides a scheduling service for assigning resources to tasks. User calls the method *scheduleOnce()
with a list of task requests and a list of new resource lease offers. Any unused lease * offers are stored for use in future calls toscheduleOnce()
until a time transpires, defined by the * lease offer expiry time that is set when building the TaskScheduler. The default is 10 seconds. * Upon reaching the expiry time, resource lease offers are rejected by invoking the action supplied with the builder. ** TaskScheduler can be used in two modes: *
* *- * Simple mode with no optimizations: In this mode, after building the TaskScheduler object, only the *
method need be called. *- * Optimizations mode: In this mode, TaskScheduler attempts to optimize the placement of tasks on * resources by using the optimization functions (To be added). This requires that the user not only call *
method but also the task assigner and task un-assigner actions available from * the methodsgetTaskAssigner()
. These actions make the * TaskScheduler keep track of tasks already assigned. Tracked tasks are then made available to optimization * functions. ** The scheduler cannot be called concurrently. Task assignment proceeds in the order of the tasks received in * given list. Each task is checked against available resources until a match is found. *
* The builder provides other methods to set autoscaling rules and fitness calculators, etc. *
* */ public class TaskScheduler { private static final int PARALLEL_SCHED_EVAL_MIN_BATCH_SIZE = 30; public final static class Builder { private Action1
leaseRejectAction=null; private final PublishSubject assignmentResultSubject = PublishSubject.create(); private final PublishSubject idleResourcesSubject = PublishSubject.create(); private long leaseOfferExpirySecs=120; private VMTaskFitnessCalculator fitnessCalculator = new DefaultFitnessCalculator(); private String autoScaleByAttributeName=null; private String autoScalerMapHostnameAttributeName=null; private String autoScaleDownBalancedByAttributeName =null; private List autoScaleRules=new ArrayList<>(); private Func1 isFitnessGoodEnoughFunction = new Func1 () { @Override public Boolean call(Double f) { return f>1.0; } }; private boolean disableShortfallEvaluation=false; public Builder withLeaseRejectAction(Action1 leaseRejectAction) { this.leaseRejectAction = leaseRejectAction; return this; } public Builder withLeaseOfferExpirySecs(long leaseOfferExpirySecs) { this.leaseOfferExpirySecs = leaseOfferExpirySecs; return this; } public Builder withFitnessCalculator(VMTaskFitnessCalculator fitnessCalculator) { this.fitnessCalculator = fitnessCalculator; return this; } public Builder withAutoScaleByAttributeName(String name) { this.autoScaleByAttributeName = name; return this; } public Builder withAutoScalerMapHostnameAttributeName(String name) { this.autoScalerMapHostnameAttributeName = name; return this; } public Builder withAutoScaleDownBalancedByAttributeName(String name) { this.autoScaleDownBalancedByAttributeName = name; return this; } public Builder withFitnessGoodEnoughFunction(Func1 f) { this.isFitnessGoodEnoughFunction = f; return this; } public Builder disableShortfallEvaluation() { disableShortfallEvaluation = true; return this; } public Builder withAutoScaleRule(AutoScaleRule rule) { if(autoScaleByAttributeName==null || autoScaleByAttributeName.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Auto scale by attribute name must be set before setting rules"); if(rule.getMinIdleHostsToKeep()<1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min Idle must be >0"); if(rule.getMinIdleHostsToKeep()>rule.getMaxIdleHostsToKeep()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min Idle must be <= Max Idle hosts"); this.autoScaleRules.add(rule); return this; } public TaskScheduler build() { return new TaskScheduler(this); } } private static class EvalResult { List assignmentResults; TaskAssignmentResult result; int numAllocationTrials; Exception exception; private EvalResult(List assignmentResults, TaskAssignmentResult result, int numAllocationTrials, Exception e) { this.assignmentResults = assignmentResults; this.result = result; this.numAllocationTrials = numAllocationTrials; this.exception = e; } } private final AssignableVMs assignableVMs; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TaskScheduler.class); private static final long purgeVMsIntervalSecs = 60; private long lastVMPurgeAt=System.currentTimeMillis(); private final Builder builder; private final StateMonitor stateMonitor; private final Observable assignmentResultObservable; private final Observable autoScalerInputObservable; private final AutoScaler autoScaler; private final int EXEC_SVC_THREADS=Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); private final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(EXEC_SVC_THREADS); private TaskScheduler(Builder builder) { if(builder.leaseRejectAction ==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lease reject action must be non-null"); this.builder = builder; this.stateMonitor = new StateMonitor(); assignableVMs = new AssignableVMs(builder.leaseRejectAction, builder.leaseOfferExpirySecs, builder.autoScaleByAttributeName); assignmentResultObservable = builder .assignmentResultSubject .onBackpressureDrop() .observeOn(Schedulers.computation()); autoScalerInputObservable = builder .idleResourcesSubject .onBackpressureDrop() .observeOn(Schedulers.computation()); if(!builder.autoScaleRules.isEmpty()) { AutoScaleRules autoScaleRules = new AutoScaleRules(); for(AutoScaleRule rule: builder.autoScaleRules) autoScaleRules.addRule(rule); autoScaler = new AutoScaler(builder.autoScaleByAttributeName, builder.autoScalerMapHostnameAttributeName, builder.autoScaleDownBalancedByAttributeName, autoScaleRules, assignableVMs, null, builder.disableShortfallEvaluation, assignableVMs.getActiveVmGroups()); } else { autoScaler=null; } } public void setAutoscalerCallback(AutoscalerCallback callback) { if(autoScaler==null) throw new IllegalStateException("No autoScale rules setup"); autoScaler.setCallback(callback); } private void sendAssignmentFailures(TaskRequest request, List results) { if(results.isEmpty()) // no VM available to run it on builder.assignmentResultSubject.onNext(new TaskAssignmentResult(null, request, false, Arrays.asList(new AssignmentFailure(VMResource.VirtualMachine, 1, 0, 0)), null, 0.0)); for(TaskAssignmentResult result: results) if(result != null && !result.isSuccessful()) builder.assignmentResultSubject.onNext(result); } private TaskAssignmentResult getSuccessfulResult(List results) { double bestFitness=0.0; TaskAssignmentResult bestResult=null; for(int r=results.size()-1; r>=0; r--) { // change to using fitness value from assignment result TaskAssignmentResult res = results.get(r); if(res!=null && res.isSuccessful()) { if(bestResult==null || res.getFitness()>bestFitness) { bestFitness = res.getFitness(); bestResult = res; } } } return bestResult; } private boolean isGoodEnough(TaskAssignmentResult result) { return; } public Observable getAssignmentResultsObservable() { return assignmentResultObservable; } public Observable > getIdleResourcesObservable() { return Func1
>() { @Override public List call(AutoScalerInput autoScalerInput) { return autoScalerInput.getIdleResourcesList(); } }); } /** * Schedule given task requests using newly added resource leases in addition to previously unused leases. * This is the main scheduling method that attempts to assign resources to the given task requests. Resource * leases are associated with a host name. A host can have zero or more leases. Leases unused in this scheduling * run are stored for later use until they expire. Attempt to add a lease object with an Id equal to that of a * stored lease object is disallowed by throwing IllegalStateException
. * Upon throwing this exception, if multiple leases were given in thenewLeases
argument, * the state of internally maintained list of unused leases is unknown - some of the leases may have been * successfully added. ** Any expired leases are rejected before scheduling begins. Then, all leases of a host are combined to * determine total available resources on the host. Each task request, in the order that they appear in * the given list, is then tried for assignment against the available hosts until successful. For each * task, either a successful assignment result is returned, or, the set of assignment failures is sent to * the assignment results observer. *
* * @param requests List of requests to schedule, in the given order. * @param newLeases New resource leases for hosts to be used in addition to any previously ununsed leases. * @return Task assignment results map, a tuple of host name and its assignment result * @throws IllegalStateException If called concurrently or if an existing lease is added again. */ public SchedulingResult scheduleOnce( List extends TaskRequest> requests, ListnewLeases) throws IllegalStateException { try (AutoCloseable ac = stateMonitor.enter()) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final SchedulingResult schedulingResult = doSchedule(requests, newLeases); if((lastVMPurgeAt + purgeVMsIntervalSecs*1000) < System.currentTimeMillis()) { lastVMPurgeAt = System.currentTimeMillis();"Purging inactive VMs"); assignableVMs.purgeInactiveVMs(); } schedulingResult.setRuntime(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); return schedulingResult; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error with scheduling run: " + e.getMessage(), e); if(e instanceof IllegalStateException) throw (IllegalStateException)e; else { logger.warn("Unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } } private SchedulingResult doSchedule( List extends TaskRequest> requests, List newLeases) { AtomicInteger rejectedCount = new AtomicInteger(assignableVMs.addLeases(newLeases)); List avms = assignableVMs.prepareAndGetOrderedVMs(); //"Got " + avms.size() + " AVMs to schedule on"); int totalNumAllocations=0; Set failedTasks = new HashSet<>(requests); Map resultMap = new HashMap<>(avms.size()); final SchedulingResult schedulingResult = new SchedulingResult(resultMap); if(!avms.isEmpty()) { for(final TaskRequest task: requests) { final AssignmentFailure maxResourceFailure = assignableVMs.getFailedMaxResource(null, task); if(maxResourceFailure != null) { final List failures = Arrays.asList(new TaskAssignmentResult(assignableVMs.getDummyVM(), task, false, Arrays.asList(maxResourceFailure), null, 0.0)); sendAssignmentFailures(task, failures); schedulingResult.addFailures(task, failures); continue; } final BlockingQueue virtualMachines = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(avms.size(), false, avms); int nThreads = (int)Math.ceil((double)avms.size()/ PARALLEL_SCHED_EVAL_MIN_BATCH_SIZE); List > futures = new ArrayList<>(); for(int b=0; b () { @Override public EvalResult call() throws Exception { return evalAssignments(task, virtualMachines); } })); } List results = new ArrayList<>(); List bestResults = new ArrayList<>(); for(Future f: futures) { try { EvalResult evalResult = f.get(); if(evalResult.exception!=null) logger.error("Error during concurrent task assignment eval - " + evalResult.exception.getMessage(), evalResult.exception); else { results.add(evalResult); bestResults.add(evalResult.result); totalNumAllocations += evalResult.numAllocationTrials; } } catch (InterruptedException|ExecutionException e) { logger.error("Unexpected during concurrent task assignment eval - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } TaskAssignmentResult successfulResult = getSuccessfulResult(bestResults); List failures = new ArrayList<>(); if(successfulResult == null) { for(EvalResult er: results) failures.addAll(er.assignmentResults); sendAssignmentFailures(task, failures); schedulingResult.addFailures(task, failures); } else { successfulResult.assignResult(); failedTasks.remove(task); } } } rejectedCount.addAndGet(assignableVMs.cleanup()); List idleResourcesList = new ArrayList<>(); for(AssignableVirtualMachine avm: avms) { VMAssignmentResult assignmentResult = avm.resetAndGetSuccessfullyAssignedRequests(); if(assignmentResult==null) { if(!avm.hasPreviouslyAssignedTasks()) idleResourcesList.add(avm.getCurrTotalLease()); } else { resultMap.put(avm.getHostname(), assignmentResult); } } final AutoScalerInput autoScalerInput = new AutoScalerInput(idleResourcesList, failedTasks); builder.idleResourcesSubject.onNext(autoScalerInput); if(autoScaler!=null) autoScaler.scheduleAutoscale(autoScalerInput); schedulingResult.setLeasesAdded(newLeases.size()); schedulingResult.setLeasesRejected(rejectedCount.get()); schedulingResult.setNumAllocations(totalNumAllocations); schedulingResult.setTotalVMsCount(assignableVMs.getTotalNumVMs()); schedulingResult.setIdleVMsCount(idleResourcesList.size()); return schedulingResult; } /** * Returns state of resources on all known hosts. This is expected to be used for debugging or informational * purposes only, and occasionally at that. Calling this obtains and holds a lock for the duration of creating the * state information. Scheduling runs are blocked around the lock. * @return Map of state information with hostname as key and a Map of resource state. The resource state Map contains * resource as the key and a two element Double array - first contains used value and the second element contains * available value (available does not include used). */ public Map > getResourceStatus() { try (AutoCloseable ac = stateMonitor.enter()) { return assignableVMs.getResourceStatus(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected error from state monitor: " + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Returns current state of all known hosts. This is expected to be used for debugging or informational * purposes only, and occasionally at that. Calling this obtains and holds a lock for the duration of creating the * state information. Scheduling runs are blocked around the lock. * @return List of current state of all known VMs */ public List getVmCurrentStates() { try (AutoCloseable ac = stateMonitor.enter()) { return assignableVMs.getVmCurrentStates(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected error from state monitor: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private EvalResult evalAssignments(TaskRequest task, BlockingQueue virtualMachines) { // This number below sort of controls minimum machines to eval, choose carefully. // Having it too small increases overhead of getting next machine to evaluate on. // Having it too high increases latency of thread before it returns when done try { int N=10; List buf = new ArrayList<>(N); List results = new ArrayList<>(); while(true) { buf.clear(); int n = virtualMachines.drainTo(buf, N); if(n == 0) return new EvalResult(results, getSuccessfulResult(results), results.size(), null); for(int m=0; m scheduleOnce() scheduleOnce()
must invoke the taskAssigner from this method * once for each task assignment actually used by the caller. Later, when that task terminates, the un-assigner from *getTaskUnAssigner()
must be called as well. *Note that calling the task assigner action concurrently with
* @return Task assigner action */ public Action2scheduleOnce()
is disallowed. The * task assigner action will throwIllegalStateException
in such a case.getTaskAssigner() { return new Action2 () { @Override public void call(TaskRequest request, String hostname) { try (AutoCloseable ac = stateMonitor.enter()) { assignableVMs.setTaskAssigned(request, hostname); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected error from state monitor: " + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; } /** * The previously set assignment is removed when this action is called. The * un-assigner must be called for all corresponding task completions for * @return The task un-assigner action. */ public Action2 getTaskUnAssigner() { return new Action2 () { @Override public void call(String taskId, String hostname) { assignableVMs.unAssignTask(taskId, hostname); } }; } /** * Disable a VM with the given hostname. If the hostname is not known yet, a new object for it is created and * therefore, the disabling is remembered when offers come in later. * @param hostname Name of the host to disable. * @param durationMillis duration, in mSec, from now until which to disable */ public void disableVM(String hostname, long durationMillis) {"Disable VM " + hostname + " for " + durationMillis + " millis"); assignableVMs.disableUntil(hostname, System.currentTimeMillis()+durationMillis); } /** * Disable a VM given it's ID. * @param vmID The VM ID * @param durationMillis duration, in mSec, from now until which to disable * @return True if VM ID was found and disabled, false otherwise. */ public boolean disableVMByVMId(String vmID, long durationMillis) { final String hostname = assignableVMs.getHostnameFromVMId(vmID); if(hostname == null) return false; disableVM(hostname, durationMillis); return true; } public void enableVM(String hostname) {"Enabling VM " + hostname); assignableVMs.enableVM(hostname); } public void setActiveVmGroupAttributeName(String attributeName) { assignableVMs.setActiveVmGroupAttributeName(attributeName); } public void setActiveVmGroups(List vmGroups) { assignableVMs.setActiveVmGroups(vmGroups); } }