com.netflix.hollow.core.index.HollowUniqueKeyIndex Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016-2019 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.hollow.core.index;
import static com.netflix.hollow.core.HollowConstants.ORDINAL_NONE;
import static java.util.Arrays.stream;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import com.netflix.hollow.api.consumer.HollowConsumer;
import com.netflix.hollow.api.custom.HollowAPI;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.index.HollowHashIndexField.FieldPathSegment;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.index.HollowPrimaryKeyIndex.PrimaryKeyIndexHashTable;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.index.key.HollowPrimaryKeyValueDeriver;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.index.key.PrimaryKey;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.memory.encoding.FixedLengthElementArray;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.memory.encoding.HashCodes;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.memory.pool.ArraySegmentRecycler;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.memory.pool.WastefulRecycler;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.read.HollowReadFieldUtils;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.read.dataaccess.HollowDataAccess;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.read.dataaccess.HollowObjectTypeDataAccess;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.read.engine.HollowTypeStateListener;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.read.engine.object.HollowObjectTypeReadState;
import com.netflix.hollow.core.schema.HollowObjectSchema.FieldType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* A HollowUniqueKeyIndex is a helper class for indexing and querying data in a Hollow Blob.
* A primary key index can be used to index and query a type by a {@link PrimaryKey}. The provided {@link PrimaryKey} does
* not have to be the same as declared as the default in the data model.
* This class differs from {@link HollowPrimaryKeyIndex} in that it supports object longevity. HollowPrimaryKeyIndex can
* be created when object longevity is enabled, but the index will become unusable after 2 or more deltas.
* HollowUniqueKeyIndex serves the same purpose as HollowPrimaryKeyIndex, but will remain valid beyond 2 or more deltas
* as long as object longevity is enabled. The primary difference between these two classes is the use of data accessors
* vs. state engines.
* WARNING: The HollowUniqueKeyIndex must be created from the current version. It cannot be created from an
* a data accessor of an outdated version. This limitation is caused by the getPopulatedOrdinals method that does not
* work against old versions.
public class HollowUniqueKeyIndex implements HollowTypeStateListener, TestableUniqueKeyIndex {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HollowUniqueKeyIndex.class.getName());
* Data access object for the type being indexed. This must be a {@link HollowDataAccess} rather than
* a {@link com.netflix.hollow.core.HollowStateEngine} to participate in object longevity.
private final HollowObjectTypeDataAccess objectTypeDataAccess;
* Each field that is part of this index.
private final HollowHashIndexField[] fields;
private final PrimaryKey primaryKey;
private final ArraySegmentRecycler memoryRecycler;
private final BitSet specificOrdinalsToIndex;
private volatile PrimaryKeyIndexHashTable hashTableVolatile;
* To support object longevity, the {@code HollowDataAccess} object must come from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}.
* If the index is being built from a {@link HollowConsumer.RefreshListener} method, be sure to use passed in HollowAPI's accessor
* rather than the state engine. The state engine will change over time rendering this index invalid unless
* {@link #listenForDeltaUpdates()} is enabled.
* @param hollowDataAccess hollow data access. For object longevity, this must be from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}
* @param type type of object being indexed
* @param fieldPaths paths to fields being indexed
public HollowUniqueKeyIndex(HollowDataAccess hollowDataAccess, String type, String... fieldPaths) {
this(hollowDataAccess, WastefulRecycler.DEFAULT_INSTANCE, type, fieldPaths);
* To support object longevity, the {@code HollowDataAccess} object must come from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}.
* If the index is being built from a {@link HollowConsumer.RefreshListener} method, be sure to use passed in HollowAPI's accessor
* rather than the state engine. The state engine will change over time rendering this index invalid unless
* {@link #listenForDeltaUpdates()} is enabled.
* @param hollowDataAccess hollow data access. For object longevity, this must be from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}
* @param primaryKey primary key definition. This does not have to match the primary key defined in the type.
public HollowUniqueKeyIndex(HollowDataAccess hollowDataAccess, PrimaryKey primaryKey) {
this(hollowDataAccess, primaryKey, WastefulRecycler.DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
* To support object longevity, the {@code HollowDataAccess} object must come from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}.
* If the index is being built from a {@link HollowConsumer.RefreshListener} method, be sure to use passed in HollowAPI's accessor
* rather than the state engine. The state engine will change over time rendering this index invalid unless
* {@link #listenForDeltaUpdates()} is enabled.
* @param hollowDataAccess hollow data access. For object longevity, this must be from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}
* @param type type of object being indexed
* @param fieldPaths paths to fields being indexed
* @param memoryRecycler memory recycler implementation
public HollowUniqueKeyIndex(HollowDataAccess hollowDataAccess, ArraySegmentRecycler memoryRecycler, String type, String... fieldPaths) {
this(hollowDataAccess, PrimaryKey.create(hollowDataAccess, type, fieldPaths), memoryRecycler);
* To support object longevity, the {@code HollowDataAccess} object must come from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}.
* If the index is being built from a {@link HollowConsumer.RefreshListener} method, be sure to use passed in HollowAPI's accessor
* rather than the state engine. The state engine will change over time rendering this index invalid unless
* {@link #listenForDeltaUpdates()} is enabled.
* @param hollowDataAccess hollow data access. For object longevity, this must be from {@link HollowAPI#getDataAccess()}
* @param primaryKey primary key definition. This does not have to match the primary key defined in the type.
* @param memoryRecycler memory recycler implementation
public HollowUniqueKeyIndex(HollowDataAccess hollowDataAccess, PrimaryKey primaryKey, ArraySegmentRecycler memoryRecycler) {
this(hollowDataAccess, primaryKey, memoryRecycler, null);
* This initializer can be used to create a HollowUniqueKeyIndex which will only index a subset of the records in the specified type.
* @param hollowDataAccess the read state engine
* @param primaryKey the primary key
* @param memoryRecycler the memory recycler
* @param specificOrdinalsToIndex the bit set
public HollowUniqueKeyIndex(HollowDataAccess hollowDataAccess, PrimaryKey primaryKey, ArraySegmentRecycler memoryRecycler, BitSet specificOrdinalsToIndex) {
requireNonNull(primaryKey, "Hollow Primary Key Index creation failed because primaryKey was null");
requireNonNull(hollowDataAccess, "Hollow Primary Key Index creation for type [" + primaryKey.getType()
+ "] failed because read state wasn't initialized");
this.primaryKey = primaryKey;
//Obviously, the type we're indexing must be an object... no point in indexing primitives, etc.
this.objectTypeDataAccess = (HollowObjectTypeDataAccess) hollowDataAccess.getTypeDataAccess(primaryKey.getType());
this.fields = new HollowHashIndexField[primaryKey.numFields()];
this.memoryRecycler = memoryRecycler;
for (int fieldIdx = 0; fieldIdx < primaryKey.numFields(); fieldIdx++) {
//This is the field type of the final item on the path.
FieldType fieldType = primaryKey.getFieldType(hollowDataAccess, fieldIdx);
//This always starts at the "root" object that's being indexed
HollowObjectTypeDataAccess currentDataAccess = this.objectTypeDataAccess;
//For each segment of the path, this returns the field position relative within the containing object.
//The 0th position is relative to primaryKey.getType().
int[] fieldPathPositions = primaryKey.getFieldPathIndex(hollowDataAccess, fieldIdx);
FieldPathSegment[] fieldPathElements = new FieldPathSegment[fieldPathPositions.length];
for (int posIdx = 0; posIdx < fieldPathPositions.length; posIdx++) {
if (currentDataAccess == null) {
//This gets set to null if the previous segment was a non-reference type (i.e. we can't traverse a primitive, etc).
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path " + primaryKey.getFieldPath(fieldIdx) + " traverses a non-reference type. Non-reference types must be the last element of the path.");
int fieldPosition = fieldPathPositions[posIdx];
fieldPathElements[posIdx] = new FieldPathSegment(fieldPosition, currentDataAccess);
//Using schema.getReferencedTypeState(...) will always use the *current* version and not necessarily
//the version associated with the hollowDataAccess used to create this. This will break object longevity.
//As such, we have to do this indirect lookup that reaches data access objects through
//hollowDataAccess. There is a non-zero cost to performing these lookups so we do them here rather than
//at the place where we access the data.
String referencedType = currentDataAccess.getSchema().getReferencedType(fieldPosition);
if (referencedType != null) {
//This is instead of currentDataAccess.getSchema().getReferencedTypeState()
currentDataAccess = (HollowObjectTypeDataAccess) hollowDataAccess.getTypeDataAccess(referencedType);
} else {
currentDataAccess = null;
fields[fieldIdx] = new HollowHashIndexField(fieldIdx, fieldPathElements, currentDataAccess, fieldType);
this.specificOrdinalsToIndex = specificOrdinalsToIndex;
* Once called, this HollowUniqueKeyIndex will be kept up-to-date when deltas are applied to the indexed state engine.
* This method should be called before any subsequent deltas occur after the index is created.
* In order to prevent memory leaks, if this method is called and the index is no longer needed, call detachFromDeltaUpdates() before
* discarding the index.
public void listenForDeltaUpdates() {
if (specificOrdinalsToIndex != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot listen for delta updates when indexing only specified ordinals!");
if (!(objectTypeDataAccess instanceof HollowObjectTypeReadState))
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot listen for delta updates when objectTypeDataAccess is a "
+ objectTypeDataAccess.getClass().getSimpleName() + ". You may have created this index from a Data Access instance that has object longevity enabled.");
((HollowObjectTypeReadState) objectTypeDataAccess).addListener(this);
* Once called, this HollowUniqueKeyIndex will no longer be kept up-to-date when deltas are applied to the indexed state engine.
* Call this method before discarding indexes which are currently listening for delta updates.
public void detachFromDeltaUpdates() {
//We won't throw here. Just silently fail since it's unlikely this class was ever successfully added as a listener.
if (objectTypeDataAccess instanceof HollowObjectTypeReadState)
((HollowObjectTypeReadState) objectTypeDataAccess).removeListener(this);
public HollowObjectTypeDataAccess getObjectTypeDataAccess() {
return objectTypeDataAccess;
public PrimaryKey getPrimaryKey() {
return primaryKey;
public List getFieldTypes() {
return stream(fields).map(HollowHashIndexField::getFieldType).collect(toList());
* Query an index with a single specified field. The returned value with be the ordinal of the matching record.
* Use a generated API or the Generic Object API to use the returned ordinal.
* @param key the field key
* @return the matching ordinal for the key, otherwise -1 if the key is not present
public int getMatchingOrdinal(Object key) {
if (isProvidedKeyCountNotEqualToIndexedFieldsCount(1))
return getMatchingOrdinalImpl(key, null, null);
* Query an index with two specified fields. The returned value with be the ordinal of the matching record.
* Use a generated API or the Generic Object API to use the returned ordinal.
* @param key0 the first field key
* @param key1 the second field key
* @return the matching ordinal for the two keys, otherwise -1 if the key is not present
public int getMatchingOrdinal(Object key0, Object key1) {
if (isProvidedKeyCountNotEqualToIndexedFieldsCount(2))
return getMatchingOrdinalImpl(key0, key1, null);
* Query an index with three specified fields. The returned value with be the ordinal of the matching record.
* Use a generated API or the Generic Object API to use the returned ordinal.
* @param key0 the first field key
* @param key1 the second field key
* @param key2 the third field key
* @return the matching ordinal for the three keys, otherwise -1 if the key is not present
public int getMatchingOrdinal(Object key0, Object key1, Object key2) {
if (isProvidedKeyCountNotEqualToIndexedFieldsCount(3))
return getMatchingOrdinalImpl(key0, key1, key2);
* Single implementation for up to 3 fields. There is a very tiny null array length check to determine whether to
* use fields 1 and 2.
* @param key0 key for field 0
* @param key1 key for field 1
* @param key2 key for field 2
* @return ordinal or {@link com.netflix.hollow.core.HollowConstants#ORDINAL_NONE}
private int getMatchingOrdinalImpl(
Object key0,
Object key1,
Object key2) {
int fieldCount = fields.length;
int hashCode = generateKeyHashCode(key0, fields[0].getFieldType());
if (fieldCount >= 2) {
hashCode ^= generateKeyHashCode(key1, fields[1].getFieldType());
if (fieldCount == 3) {
hashCode ^= generateKeyHashCode(key2, fields[2].getFieldType());
PrimaryKeyIndexHashTable hashTable;
int ordinal;
do {
hashTable = this.hashTableVolatile;
int bucket = hashCode & hashTable.hashMask;
ordinal = readOrdinal(hashTable, bucket);
while (ordinal != ORDINAL_NONE) {
if (keyMatches(key0, ordinal, 0)
&& (fieldCount < 2 || keyMatches(key1, ordinal, 1))
&& (fieldCount < 3 || keyMatches(key2, ordinal, 2))) {
//This is a match. Break and return the ordinal.
bucket &= hashTable.hashMask;
ordinal = readOrdinal(hashTable, bucket);
} while (this.hashTableVolatile != hashTable);
return ordinal;
* Query an index with four or more specified fields. The returned value with be the ordinal of the matching record.
* Use a generated API or the Generic Object API to use the returned ordinal.
* @param keys the field keys
* @return the matching ordinal for the keys, otherwise -1 if the key is not present
public int getMatchingOrdinal(Object... keys) {
if (isProvidedKeyCountNotEqualToIndexedFieldsCount(keys.length))
int hashCode = 0;
for (int fieldIdx = 0; fieldIdx < keys.length; fieldIdx++)
hashCode ^= generateKeyHashCode(keys[fieldIdx], fields[fieldIdx].getFieldType());
PrimaryKeyIndexHashTable hashTable;
int ordinal;
do {
hashTable = this.hashTableVolatile;
int bucket = hashCode & hashTable.hashMask;
ordinal = readOrdinal(hashTable, bucket);
while (ordinal != -1) {
if (keysAllMatch(ordinal, keys))
bucket &= hashTable.hashMask;
ordinal = readOrdinal(hashTable, bucket);
} while (hashTableVolatile != hashTable);
return ordinal;
private boolean isProvidedKeyCountNotEqualToIndexedFieldsCount(int keyCount) {
// mismatched number of fields or the table is empty
return this.fields.length != keyCount || this.hashTableVolatile.bitsPerElement == 0;
private int readOrdinal(PrimaryKeyIndexHashTable hashTable, int bucket) {
return (int) hashTable.hashTable.getElementValue((long) hashTable.bitsPerElement * (long) bucket, hashTable.bitsPerElement) - 1;
private static int generateKeyHashCode(Object key, FieldType fieldType) {
switch (fieldType) {
return HashCodes.hashInt(HollowReadFieldUtils.booleanHashCode((Boolean) key));
case DOUBLE:
return HashCodes.hashInt(HollowReadFieldUtils.doubleHashCode(((Double) key).doubleValue()));
case FLOAT:
return HashCodes.hashInt(HollowReadFieldUtils.floatHashCode(((Float) key).floatValue()));
case INT:
return HashCodes.hashInt(HollowReadFieldUtils.intHashCode(((Integer) key).intValue()));
case LONG:
return HashCodes.hashInt(HollowReadFieldUtils.longHashCode(((Long) key).longValue()));
return HashCodes.hashInt(((Integer) key).intValue());
case BYTES:
return HashCodes.hashCode((byte[]) key);
case STRING:
return HashCodes.hashCode((String) key);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("I don't know how to hash a " + fieldType);
private void setHashTable(PrimaryKeyIndexHashTable hashTable) {
this.hashTableVolatile = hashTable;
* @return whether this index contains duplicate records (two or more records mapping to a single primary key).
public boolean containsDuplicates() {
return !getDuplicateKeys().isEmpty();
public synchronized Collection