com.netflix.hystrix.AbstractCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.hystrix;
import com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixCircuitBreaker.NoOpCircuitBreaker;
import com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixCommandProperties.ExecutionIsolationStrategy;
import com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixBadRequestException;
import com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixRuntimeException;
import com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixRuntimeException.FailureType;
import com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixTimeoutException;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.HystrixPlugins;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.concurrency.HystrixConcurrencyStrategy;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.concurrency.HystrixContextRunnable;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.concurrency.HystrixRequestContext;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.eventnotifier.HystrixEventNotifier;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.executionhook.HystrixCommandExecutionHook;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.metrics.HystrixMetricsPublisherFactory;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.properties.HystrixPropertiesFactory;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.properties.HystrixPropertiesStrategy;
import com.netflix.hystrix.strategy.properties.HystrixProperty;
import com.netflix.hystrix.util.HystrixTimer;
import com.netflix.hystrix.util.HystrixTimer.TimerListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import rx.Notification;
import rx.Observable;
import rx.Observable.Operator;
import rx.Subscriber;
import rx.Subscription;
import rx.functions.Action0;
import rx.functions.Action1;
import rx.functions.Func0;
import rx.functions.Func1;
import rx.subjects.ReplaySubject;
import rx.subscriptions.CompositeSubscription;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
/* package */abstract class AbstractCommand implements HystrixInvokableInfo, HystrixObservable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractCommand.class);
protected final HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker;
protected final HystrixThreadPool threadPool;
protected final HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey;
protected final HystrixCommandProperties properties;
protected enum TimedOutStatus {
protected enum CommandState {
protected enum ThreadState {
protected final HystrixCommandMetrics metrics;
protected final HystrixCommandKey commandKey;
protected final HystrixCommandGroupKey commandGroup;
* Plugin implementations
protected final HystrixEventNotifier eventNotifier;
protected final HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy;
protected final HystrixCommandExecutionHook executionHook;
/* FALLBACK Semaphore */
protected final TryableSemaphore fallbackSemaphoreOverride;
/* each circuit has a semaphore to restrict concurrent fallback execution */
protected static final ConcurrentHashMap fallbackSemaphorePerCircuit = new ConcurrentHashMap();
/* END FALLBACK Semaphore */
/* EXECUTION Semaphore */
protected final TryableSemaphore executionSemaphoreOverride;
/* each circuit has a semaphore to restrict concurrent fallback execution */
protected static final ConcurrentHashMap executionSemaphorePerCircuit = new ConcurrentHashMap();
/* END EXECUTION Semaphore */
protected final AtomicReference> timeoutTimer = new AtomicReference>();
protected AtomicReference commandState = new AtomicReference(CommandState.NOT_STARTED);
protected AtomicReference threadState = new AtomicReference(ThreadState.NOT_USING_THREAD);
* {@link ExecutionResult} refers to what happened as the user-provided code ran. If request-caching is used,
* then multiple command instances will have a reference to the same {@link ExecutionResult}. So all values there
* should be the same, even in the presence of request-caching.
* If some values are not properly shareable, then they belong on the command instance, so they are not visible to
* other commands.
* Examples: RESPONSE_FROM_CACHE, CANCELLED HystrixEventTypes
protected volatile ExecutionResult executionResult = ExecutionResult.EMPTY; //state on shared execution
protected volatile boolean isResponseFromCache = false;
protected volatile ExecutionResult executionResultAtTimeOfCancellation;
protected volatile long commandStartTimestamp = -1L;
/* If this command executed and timed-out */
protected final AtomicReference isCommandTimedOut = new AtomicReference(TimedOutStatus.NOT_EXECUTED);
protected volatile Action0 endCurrentThreadExecutingCommand;
* Instance of RequestCache logic
protected final HystrixRequestCache requestCache;
protected final HystrixRequestLog currentRequestLog;
// this is a micro-optimization but saves about 1-2microseconds (on 2011 MacBook Pro)
// on the repetitive string processing that will occur on the same classes over and over again
private static ConcurrentHashMap, String> defaultNameCache = new ConcurrentHashMap, String>();
private static ConcurrentHashMap commandContainsFallback = new ConcurrentHashMap();
/* package */static String getDefaultNameFromClass(Class> cls) {
String fromCache = defaultNameCache.get(cls);
if (fromCache != null) {
return fromCache;
// generate the default
// default HystrixCommandKey to use if the method is not overridden
String name = cls.getSimpleName();
if (name.equals("")) {
// we don't have a SimpleName (anonymous inner class) so use the full class name
name = cls.getName();
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, name.length());
defaultNameCache.put(cls, name);
return name;
protected AbstractCommand(HystrixCommandGroupKey group, HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker, HystrixThreadPool threadPool,
HystrixCommandProperties.Setter commandPropertiesDefaults, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter threadPoolPropertiesDefaults,
HystrixCommandMetrics metrics, TryableSemaphore fallbackSemaphore, TryableSemaphore executionSemaphore,
HystrixPropertiesStrategy propertiesStrategy, HystrixCommandExecutionHook executionHook) {
this.commandGroup = initGroupKey(group);
this.commandKey = initCommandKey(key, getClass());
this.properties = initCommandProperties(this.commandKey, propertiesStrategy, commandPropertiesDefaults);
this.threadPoolKey = initThreadPoolKey(threadPoolKey, this.commandGroup, this.properties.executionIsolationThreadPoolKeyOverride().get());
this.metrics = initMetrics(metrics, this.commandGroup, this.threadPoolKey, this.commandKey, this.properties);
this.circuitBreaker = initCircuitBreaker(this.properties.circuitBreakerEnabled().get(), circuitBreaker, this.commandGroup, this.commandKey, this.properties, this.metrics);
this.threadPool = initThreadPool(threadPool, this.threadPoolKey, threadPoolPropertiesDefaults);
//Strategies from plugins
this.eventNotifier = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getEventNotifier();
this.concurrencyStrategy = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getConcurrencyStrategy();
HystrixMetricsPublisherFactory.createOrRetrievePublisherForCommand(this.commandKey, this.commandGroup, this.metrics, this.circuitBreaker, this.properties);
this.executionHook = initExecutionHook(executionHook);
this.requestCache = HystrixRequestCache.getInstance(this.commandKey, this.concurrencyStrategy);
this.currentRequestLog = initRequestLog(this.properties.requestLogEnabled().get(), this.concurrencyStrategy);
/* fallback semaphore override if applicable */
this.fallbackSemaphoreOverride = fallbackSemaphore;
/* execution semaphore override if applicable */
this.executionSemaphoreOverride = executionSemaphore;
private static HystrixCommandGroupKey initGroupKey(final HystrixCommandGroupKey fromConstructor) {
if (fromConstructor == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("HystrixCommandGroup can not be NULL");
} else {
return fromConstructor;
private static HystrixCommandKey initCommandKey(final HystrixCommandKey fromConstructor, Class> clazz) {
if (fromConstructor == null || fromConstructor.name().trim().equals("")) {
final String keyName = getDefaultNameFromClass(clazz);
return HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey(keyName);
} else {
return fromConstructor;
private static HystrixCommandProperties initCommandProperties(HystrixCommandKey commandKey, HystrixPropertiesStrategy propertiesStrategy, HystrixCommandProperties.Setter commandPropertiesDefaults) {
if (propertiesStrategy == null) {
return HystrixPropertiesFactory.getCommandProperties(commandKey, commandPropertiesDefaults);
} else {
// used for unit testing
return propertiesStrategy.getCommandProperties(commandKey, commandPropertiesDefaults);
* ThreadPoolKey
* This defines which thread-pool this command should run on.
* It uses the HystrixThreadPoolKey if provided, then defaults to use HystrixCommandGroup.
* It can then be overridden by a property if defined so it can be changed at runtime.
private static HystrixThreadPoolKey initThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCommandGroupKey groupKey, String threadPoolKeyOverride) {
if (threadPoolKeyOverride == null) {
// we don't have a property overriding the value so use either HystrixThreadPoolKey or HystrixCommandGroup
if (threadPoolKey == null) {
/* use HystrixCommandGroup if HystrixThreadPoolKey is null */
return HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey(groupKey.name());
} else {
return threadPoolKey;
} else {
// we have a property defining the thread-pool so use it instead
return HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey(threadPoolKeyOverride);
private static HystrixCommandMetrics initMetrics(HystrixCommandMetrics fromConstructor, HystrixCommandGroupKey groupKey,
HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCommandKey commandKey,
HystrixCommandProperties properties) {
if (fromConstructor == null) {
return HystrixCommandMetrics.getInstance(commandKey, groupKey, threadPoolKey, properties);
} else {
return fromConstructor;
private static HystrixCircuitBreaker initCircuitBreaker(boolean enabled, HystrixCircuitBreaker fromConstructor,
HystrixCommandGroupKey groupKey, HystrixCommandKey commandKey,
HystrixCommandProperties properties, HystrixCommandMetrics metrics) {
if (enabled) {
if (fromConstructor == null) {
// get the default implementation of HystrixCircuitBreaker
return HystrixCircuitBreaker.Factory.getInstance(commandKey, groupKey, properties, metrics);
} else {
return fromConstructor;
} else {
return new NoOpCircuitBreaker();
private static HystrixCommandExecutionHook initExecutionHook(HystrixCommandExecutionHook fromConstructor) {
if (fromConstructor == null) {
return new ExecutionHookDeprecationWrapper(HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getCommandExecutionHook());
} else {
// used for unit testing
if (fromConstructor instanceof ExecutionHookDeprecationWrapper) {
return fromConstructor;
} else {
return new ExecutionHookDeprecationWrapper(fromConstructor);
private static HystrixThreadPool initThreadPool(HystrixThreadPool fromConstructor, HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter threadPoolPropertiesDefaults) {
if (fromConstructor == null) {
// get the default implementation of HystrixThreadPool
return HystrixThreadPool.Factory.getInstance(threadPoolKey, threadPoolPropertiesDefaults);
} else {
return fromConstructor;
private static HystrixRequestLog initRequestLog(boolean enabled, HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy) {
if (enabled) {
/* store reference to request log regardless of which thread later hits it */
return HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest(concurrencyStrategy);
} else {
return null;
* Allow the Collapser to mark this command instance as being used for a collapsed request and how many requests were collapsed.
* @param sizeOfBatch number of commands in request batch
/* package */void markAsCollapsedCommand(HystrixCollapserKey collapserKey, int sizeOfBatch) {
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.COLLAPSED, this.commandKey);
executionResult = executionResult.markCollapsed(collapserKey, sizeOfBatch);
* Used for asynchronous execution of command with a callback by subscribing to the {@link Observable}.
* This eagerly starts execution of the command the same as {@link HystrixCommand#queue()} and {@link HystrixCommand#execute()}.
* A lazy {@link Observable} can be obtained from {@link #toObservable()}.
* See https://github.com/Netflix/RxJava/wiki for more information.
* @return {@code Observable} that executes and calls back with the result of command execution or a fallback if the command fails for any reason.
* @throws HystrixRuntimeException
* if a fallback does not exist
* - via {@code Observer#onError} if a failure occurs
* - or immediately if the command can not be queued (such as short-circuited, thread-pool/semaphore rejected)
* @throws HystrixBadRequestException
* via {@code Observer#onError} if invalid arguments or state were used representing a user failure, not a system failure
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if invoked more than once
public Observable observe() {
// us a ReplaySubject to buffer the eagerly subscribed-to Observable
ReplaySubject subject = ReplaySubject.create();
// eagerly kick off subscription
final Subscription sourceSubscription = toObservable().subscribe(subject);
// return the subject that can be subscribed to later while the execution has already started
return subject.doOnUnsubscribe(new Action0() {
public void call() {
protected abstract Observable getExecutionObservable();
protected abstract Observable getFallbackObservable();
* Used for asynchronous execution of command with a callback by subscribing to the {@link Observable}.
* This lazily starts execution of the command once the {@link Observable} is subscribed to.
* An eager {@link Observable} can be obtained from {@link #observe()}.
* See https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki for more information.
* @return {@code Observable} that executes and calls back with the result of command execution or a fallback if the command fails for any reason.
* @throws HystrixRuntimeException
* if a fallback does not exist
* - via {@code Observer#onError} if a failure occurs
* - or immediately if the command can not be queued (such as short-circuited, thread-pool/semaphore rejected)
* @throws HystrixBadRequestException
* via {@code Observer#onError} if invalid arguments or state were used representing a user failure, not a system failure
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if invoked more than once
public Observable toObservable() {
/* this is a stateful object so can only be used once */
if (!commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.NOT_STARTED, CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This instance can only be executed once. Please instantiate a new instance.");
commandStartTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (properties.requestLogEnabled().get()) {
// log this command execution regardless of what happened
if (currentRequestLog != null) {
final boolean requestCacheEnabled = isRequestCachingEnabled();
final String cacheKey = getCacheKey();
final AbstractCommand _cmd = this;
/* try from cache first */
if (requestCacheEnabled) {
HystrixCommandResponseFromCache fromCache = (HystrixCommandResponseFromCache) requestCache.get(cacheKey);
if (fromCache != null) {
isResponseFromCache = true;
return handleRequestCacheHitAndEmitValues(fromCache, _cmd);
//doOnCompleted handler already did all of the SUCCESS work
//doOnError handler already did all of the FAILURE/TIMEOUT/REJECTION/BAD_REQUEST work
final Action0 terminateCommandCleanup = new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (_cmd.commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED, CommandState.TERMINAL)) {
handleCommandEnd(_cmd, false); //user code never ran
} else if (_cmd.commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.USER_CODE_EXECUTED, CommandState.TERMINAL)) {
handleCommandEnd(_cmd, true); //user code did run
//mark the command as CANCELLED and store the latency (in addition to standard cleanup)
final Action0 unsubscribeCommandCleanup = new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (_cmd.commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED, CommandState.UNSUBSCRIBED)) {
_cmd.eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.CANCELLED, _cmd.commandKey);
_cmd.executionResultAtTimeOfCancellation = _cmd.executionResult
.addEvent((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - _cmd.commandStartTimestamp), HystrixEventType.CANCELLED);
handleCommandEnd(_cmd, false); //user code never ran
} else if (_cmd.commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.USER_CODE_EXECUTED, CommandState.UNSUBSCRIBED)) {
_cmd.eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.CANCELLED, _cmd.commandKey);
_cmd.executionResultAtTimeOfCancellation = _cmd.executionResult
.addEvent((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - _cmd.commandStartTimestamp), HystrixEventType.CANCELLED);
handleCommandEnd(_cmd, true); //user code did run
final Func0> applyHystrixSemantics = new Func0>() {
public Observable call() {
return applyHystrixSemantics(_cmd);
final Func1 wrapWithAllOnNextHooks = new Func1() {
public R call(R r) {
R afterFirstApplication = r;
try {
afterFirstApplication = executionHook.onComplete(_cmd, r);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onComplete", hookEx);
try {
return executionHook.onEmit(_cmd, afterFirstApplication);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onEmit", hookEx);
return afterFirstApplication;
final Action0 fireOnCompletedHook = new Action0() {
public void call() {
try {
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onSuccess", hookEx);
Observable hystrixObservable =
Observable afterCache;
// put in cache
if (requestCacheEnabled && cacheKey != null) {
// wrap it for caching
HystrixCachedObservable toCache = HystrixCachedObservable.from(hystrixObservable, this);
HystrixCommandResponseFromCache fromCache = (HystrixCommandResponseFromCache) requestCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, toCache);
if (fromCache != null) {
// another thread beat us so we'll use the cached value instead
isResponseFromCache = true;
return handleRequestCacheHitAndEmitValues(fromCache, _cmd);
} else {
// we just created an ObservableCommand so we cast and return it
afterCache = toCache.toObservable();
} else {
afterCache = hystrixObservable;
return afterCache
.doOnTerminate(terminateCommandCleanup) // perform cleanup once (either on normal terminal state (this line), or unsubscribe (next line))
.doOnUnsubscribe(unsubscribeCommandCleanup) // perform cleanup once
private Observable applyHystrixSemantics(final AbstractCommand _cmd) {
// mark that we're starting execution on the ExecutionHook
// if this hook throws an exception, then a fast-fail occurs with no fallback. No state is left inconsistent
/* determine if we're allowed to execute */
if (circuitBreaker.allowRequest()) {
final TryableSemaphore executionSemaphore = getExecutionSemaphore();
final AtomicBoolean semaphoreHasBeenReleased = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final Action0 singleSemaphoreRelease = new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (semaphoreHasBeenReleased.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
final Action1 markExceptionThrown = new Action1() {
public void call(Throwable t) {
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.EXCEPTION_THROWN, commandKey);
if (executionSemaphore.tryAcquire()) {
try {
/* used to track userThreadExecutionTime */
executionResult = executionResult.setInvocationStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis());
return executeCommandAndObserve(_cmd)
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return Observable.error(e);
} else {
return handleSemaphoreRejectionViaFallback();
} else {
return handleShortCircuitViaFallback();
* This decorates "Hystrix" functionality around the run() Observable.
* @return R
private Observable executeCommandAndObserve(final AbstractCommand _cmd) {
final HystrixRequestContext currentRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();
final Action1 markEmits = new Action1() {
public void call(R r) {
if (shouldOutputOnNextEvents()) {
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent(HystrixEventType.EMIT);
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.EMIT, commandKey);
final Action0 markCompleted = new Action0() {
public void call() {
long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionResult.getStartTimestamp();
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.SUCCESS, commandKey);
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent((int) latency, HystrixEventType.SUCCESS);
eventNotifier.markCommandExecution(getCommandKey(), properties.executionIsolationStrategy().get(), (int) latency, executionResult.getOrderedList());
final Func1> handleFallback = new Func1>() {
public Observable call(Throwable t) {
Exception e = getExceptionFromThrowable(t);
executionResult = executionResult.setExecutionException(e);
if (e instanceof RejectedExecutionException) {
return handleThreadPoolRejectionViaFallback(e);
} else if (t instanceof HystrixTimeoutException) {
return handleTimeoutViaFallback();
} else if (t instanceof HystrixBadRequestException) {
return handleBadRequestByEmittingError(e);
} else {
* Treat HystrixBadRequestException from ExecutionHook like a plain HystrixBadRequestException.
if (e instanceof HystrixBadRequestException) {
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.BAD_REQUEST, commandKey);
return Observable.error(e);
return handleFailureViaFallback(e);
final Action1> setRequestContext = new Action1>() {
public void call(Notification super R> rNotification) {
Observable execution;
if (properties.executionTimeoutEnabled().get()) {
execution = executeCommandWithSpecifiedIsolation(_cmd)
.lift(new HystrixObservableTimeoutOperator(_cmd));
} else {
execution = executeCommandWithSpecifiedIsolation(_cmd);
return execution.doOnNext(markEmits)
private Observable executeCommandWithSpecifiedIsolation(final AbstractCommand _cmd) {
if (properties.executionIsolationStrategy().get().equals(ExecutionIsolationStrategy.THREAD)) {
// mark that we are executing in a thread (even if we end up being rejected we still were a THREAD execution and not SEMAPHORE)
return Observable.defer(new Func0>() {
public Observable call() {
executionResult = executionResult.setExecutionOccurred();
if (!commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED, CommandState.USER_CODE_EXECUTED)) {
return Observable.error(new IllegalStateException("execution attempted while in state : " + commandState.get().name()));
metrics.markCommandStart(commandKey, threadPoolKey, ExecutionIsolationStrategy.THREAD);
if (isCommandTimedOut.get() == TimedOutStatus.TIMED_OUT) {
// the command timed out in the wrapping thread so we will return immediately
// and not increment any of the counters below or other such logic
return Observable.error(new RuntimeException("timed out before executing run()"));
if (threadState.compareAndSet(ThreadState.NOT_USING_THREAD, ThreadState.STARTED)) {
//we have not been unsubscribed, so should proceed
// store the command that is being run
endCurrentThreadExecutingCommand = Hystrix.startCurrentThreadExecutingCommand(getCommandKey());
executionResult = executionResult.setExecutedInThread();
* If any of these hooks throw an exception, then it appears as if the actual execution threw an error
try {
return getUserExecutionObservable(_cmd);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return Observable.error(ex);
} else {
//command has already been unsubscribed, so return immediately
return Observable.error(new RuntimeException("unsubscribed before executing run()"));
}).doOnTerminate(new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (threadState.compareAndSet(ThreadState.STARTED, ThreadState.TERMINAL)) {
if (threadState.compareAndSet(ThreadState.NOT_USING_THREAD, ThreadState.TERMINAL)) {
//if it was never started and received terminal, then no need to clean up (I don't think this is possible)
//if it was unsubscribed, then other cleanup handled it
}).doOnUnsubscribe(new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (threadState.compareAndSet(ThreadState.STARTED, ThreadState.UNSUBSCRIBED)) {
if (threadState.compareAndSet(ThreadState.NOT_USING_THREAD, ThreadState.UNSUBSCRIBED)) {
//if it was never started and was cancelled, then no need to clean up
//if it was terminal, then other cleanup handled it
}).subscribeOn(threadPool.getScheduler(new Func0() {
public Boolean call() {
return properties.executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout().get() && _cmd.isCommandTimedOut.get().equals(TimedOutStatus.TIMED_OUT);
} else {
return Observable.defer(new Func0>() {
public Observable call() {
executionResult = executionResult.setExecutionOccurred();
if (!commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED, CommandState.USER_CODE_EXECUTED)) {
return Observable.error(new IllegalStateException("execution attempted while in state : " + commandState.get().name()));
metrics.markCommandStart(commandKey, threadPoolKey, ExecutionIsolationStrategy.SEMAPHORE);
// semaphore isolated
// store the command that is being run
endCurrentThreadExecutingCommand = Hystrix.startCurrentThreadExecutingCommand(getCommandKey());
try {
return getUserExecutionObservable(_cmd); //the getUserExecutionObservable method already wraps sync exceptions, so this shouldn't throw
} catch (Throwable ex) {
//If the above hooks throw, then use that as the result of the run method
return Observable.error(ex);
* Execute getFallback()
within protection of a semaphore that limits number of concurrent executions.
* Fallback implementations shouldn't perform anything that can be blocking, but we protect against it anyways in case someone doesn't abide by the contract.
* If something in the getFallback()
implementation is latent (such as a network call) then the semaphore will cause us to start rejecting requests rather than allowing potentially
* all threads to pile up and block.
* @return K
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if getFallback() not implemented
* @throws HystrixRuntimeException
* if getFallback() fails (throws an Exception) or is rejected by the semaphore
private Observable getFallbackOrThrowException(final AbstractCommand _cmd, final HystrixEventType eventType, final FailureType failureType, final String message, final Exception originalException) {
final HystrixRequestContext requestContext = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();
long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionResult.getStartTimestamp();
// record the executionResult
// do this before executing fallback so it can be queried from within getFallback (see See https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/pull/144)
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent((int) latency, eventType);
if (isUnrecoverable(originalException)) {
Exception e = originalException;
logger.error("Unrecoverable Error for HystrixCommand so will throw HystrixRuntimeException and not apply fallback. ", e);
/* executionHook for all errors */
e = wrapWithOnErrorHook(failureType, e);
return Observable.error(new HystrixRuntimeException(failureType, this.getClass(), getLogMessagePrefix() + " " + message + " and encountered unrecoverable error.", e, null));
} else {
if (isRecoverableError(originalException)) {
logger.warn("Recovered from java.lang.Error by serving Hystrix fallback", originalException);
if (properties.fallbackEnabled().get()) {
/* fallback behavior is permitted so attempt */
final Action1> setRequestContext = new Action1>() {
public void call(Notification super R> rNotification) {
final Action1 markFallbackEmit = new Action1() {
public void call(R r) {
if (shouldOutputOnNextEvents()) {
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_EMIT);
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_EMIT, commandKey);
final Action0 markFallbackCompleted = new Action0() {
public void call() {
long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionResult.getStartTimestamp();
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_SUCCESS, commandKey);
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent((int) latency, HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_SUCCESS);
final Func1> handleFallbackError = new Func1>() {
public Observable call(Throwable t) {
Exception e = originalException;
Exception fe = getExceptionFromThrowable(t);
if (fe instanceof UnsupportedOperationException) {
long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionResult.getStartTimestamp();
logger.debug("No fallback for HystrixCommand. ", fe); // debug only since we're throwing the exception and someone higher will do something with it
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_MISSING, commandKey);
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent((int) latency, HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_MISSING);
/* executionHook for all errors */
e = wrapWithOnErrorHook(failureType, e);
return Observable.error(new HystrixRuntimeException(failureType, _cmd.getClass(), getLogMessagePrefix() + " " + message + " and no fallback available.", e, fe));
} else {
long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionResult.getStartTimestamp();
logger.debug("HystrixCommand execution " + failureType.name() + " and fallback failed.", fe);
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_FAILURE, commandKey);
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent((int) latency, HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_FAILURE);
/* executionHook for all errors */
e = wrapWithOnErrorHook(failureType, e);
return Observable.error(new HystrixRuntimeException(failureType, _cmd.getClass(), getLogMessagePrefix() + " " + message + " and fallback failed.", e, fe));
final TryableSemaphore fallbackSemaphore = getFallbackSemaphore();
final AtomicBoolean semaphoreHasBeenReleased = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final Action0 singleSemaphoreRelease = new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (semaphoreHasBeenReleased.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
Observable fallbackExecutionChain;
// acquire a permit
if (fallbackSemaphore.tryAcquire()) {
try {
if (isFallbackUserSupplied(this)) {
fallbackExecutionChain = getFallbackObservable();
} else {
//same logic as above without the hook invocation
fallbackExecutionChain = getFallbackObservable();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
//If hook or user-fallback throws, then use that as the result of the fallback lookup
fallbackExecutionChain = Observable.error(ex);
return fallbackExecutionChain
.lift(new FallbackHookApplication(_cmd))
.lift(new DeprecatedOnFallbackHookApplication(_cmd))
} else {
return handleFallbackRejectionByEmittingError();
} else {
return handleFallbackDisabledByEmittingError(originalException, failureType, message);
private Observable getUserExecutionObservable(final AbstractCommand _cmd) {
Observable userObservable;
try {
userObservable = getExecutionObservable();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
// the run() method is a user provided implementation so can throw instead of using Observable.onError
// so we catch it here and turn it into Observable.error
userObservable = Observable.error(ex);
return userObservable
.lift(new ExecutionHookApplication(_cmd))
.lift(new DeprecatedOnRunHookApplication(_cmd));
private Observable handleRequestCacheHitAndEmitValues(final HystrixCommandResponseFromCache fromCache, final AbstractCommand _cmd) {
try {
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onCacheHit", hookEx);
return fromCache.toObservableWithStateCopiedInto(this)
.doOnTerminate(new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED, CommandState.TERMINAL)) {
cleanUpAfterResponseFromCache(_cmd, false); //user code never ran
} else if (commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.USER_CODE_EXECUTED, CommandState.TERMINAL)) {
cleanUpAfterResponseFromCache(_cmd, true); //user code did run
.doOnUnsubscribe(new Action0() {
public void call() {
if (commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED, CommandState.UNSUBSCRIBED)) {
cleanUpAfterResponseFromCache(_cmd, false); //user code never ran
} else if (commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.USER_CODE_EXECUTED, CommandState.UNSUBSCRIBED)) {
cleanUpAfterResponseFromCache(_cmd, true); //user code did run
private void cleanUpAfterResponseFromCache(final AbstractCommand _cmd, boolean commandExecutionStarted) {
Reference tl = timeoutTimer.get();
if (tl != null) {
final long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - commandStartTimestamp;
executionResult = executionResult
.addEvent(-1, HystrixEventType.RESPONSE_FROM_CACHE)
ExecutionResult cacheOnlyForMetrics = ExecutionResult.from(HystrixEventType.RESPONSE_FROM_CACHE)
metrics.markCommandDone(cacheOnlyForMetrics, commandKey, threadPoolKey, commandExecutionStarted);
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.RESPONSE_FROM_CACHE, commandKey);
private void handleCommandEnd(final AbstractCommand _cmd, boolean commandExecutionStarted) {
Reference tl = timeoutTimer.get();
if (tl != null) {
long userThreadLatency = System.currentTimeMillis() - commandStartTimestamp;
executionResult = executionResult.markUserThreadCompletion((int) userThreadLatency);
if (executionResultAtTimeOfCancellation == null) {
metrics.markCommandDone(executionResult, commandKey, threadPoolKey, commandExecutionStarted);
} else {
metrics.markCommandDone(executionResultAtTimeOfCancellation, commandKey, threadPoolKey, commandExecutionStarted);
if (endCurrentThreadExecutingCommand != null) {
private Observable handleSemaphoreRejectionViaFallback() {
Exception semaphoreRejectionException = new RuntimeException("could not acquire a semaphore for execution");
executionResult = executionResult.setExecutionException(semaphoreRejectionException);
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.SEMAPHORE_REJECTED, commandKey);
logger.debug("HystrixCommand Execution Rejection by Semaphore."); // debug only since we're throwing the exception and someone higher will do something with it
// retrieve a fallback or throw an exception if no fallback available
return getFallbackOrThrowException(this, HystrixEventType.SEMAPHORE_REJECTED, FailureType.REJECTED_SEMAPHORE_EXECUTION,
"could not acquire a semaphore for execution", semaphoreRejectionException);
private Observable handleShortCircuitViaFallback() {
// record that we are returning a short-circuited fallback
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.SHORT_CIRCUITED, commandKey);
// short-circuit and go directly to fallback (or throw an exception if no fallback implemented)
Exception shortCircuitException = new RuntimeException("Hystrix circuit short-circuited and is OPEN");
executionResult = executionResult.setExecutionException(shortCircuitException);
try {
return getFallbackOrThrowException(this, HystrixEventType.SHORT_CIRCUITED, FailureType.SHORTCIRCUIT,
"short-circuited", shortCircuitException);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Observable.error(e);
private Observable handleThreadPoolRejectionViaFallback(Exception underlying) {
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.THREAD_POOL_REJECTED, commandKey);
// use a fallback instead (or throw exception if not implemented)
return getFallbackOrThrowException(this, HystrixEventType.THREAD_POOL_REJECTED, FailureType.REJECTED_THREAD_EXECUTION, "could not be queued for execution", underlying);
private Observable handleTimeoutViaFallback() {
return getFallbackOrThrowException(this, HystrixEventType.TIMEOUT, FailureType.TIMEOUT, "timed-out", new TimeoutException());
private Observable handleBadRequestByEmittingError(Exception underlying) {
Exception toEmit = underlying;
try {
long executionLatency = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionResult.getStartTimestamp();
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.BAD_REQUEST, commandKey);
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent((int) executionLatency, HystrixEventType.BAD_REQUEST);
Exception decorated = executionHook.onError(this, FailureType.BAD_REQUEST_EXCEPTION, underlying);
if (decorated instanceof HystrixBadRequestException) {
toEmit = decorated;
} else {
logger.warn("ExecutionHook.onError returned an exception that was not an instance of HystrixBadRequestException so will be ignored.", decorated);
} catch (Exception hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onError", hookEx);
* HystrixBadRequestException is treated differently and allowed to propagate without any stats tracking or fallback logic
return Observable.error(toEmit);
private Observable handleFailureViaFallback(Exception underlying) {
* All other error handling
logger.debug("Error executing HystrixCommand.run(). Proceeding to fallback logic ...", underlying);
// report failure
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.FAILURE, commandKey);
// record the exception
executionResult = executionResult.setException(underlying);
return getFallbackOrThrowException(this, HystrixEventType.FAILURE, FailureType.COMMAND_EXCEPTION, "failed", underlying);
private Observable handleFallbackRejectionByEmittingError() {
long latencyWithFallback = System.currentTimeMillis() - executionResult.getStartTimestamp();
eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_REJECTION, commandKey);
executionResult = executionResult.addEvent((int) latencyWithFallback, HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_REJECTION);
logger.debug("HystrixCommand Fallback Rejection."); // debug only since we're throwing the exception and someone higher will do something with it
// if we couldn't acquire a permit, we "fail fast" by throwing an exception
return Observable.error(new HystrixRuntimeException(FailureType.REJECTED_SEMAPHORE_FALLBACK, this.getClass(), getLogMessagePrefix() + " fallback execution rejected.", null, null));
private Observable handleFallbackDisabledByEmittingError(Exception underlying, FailureType failureType, String message) {
/* fallback is disabled so throw HystrixRuntimeException */
logger.debug("Fallback disabled for HystrixCommand so will throw HystrixRuntimeException. ", underlying); // debug only since we're throwing the exception and someone higher will do something with it
/* executionHook for all errors */
Exception wrapped = wrapWithOnErrorHook(failureType, underlying);
return Observable.error(new HystrixRuntimeException(failureType, this.getClass(), getLogMessagePrefix() + " " + message + " and fallback disabled.", wrapped, null));
* Returns true iff the t was caused by a java.lang.Error that is unrecoverable. Note: not all java.lang.Errors are unrecoverable.
* @see for more context
* Solution taken from
* The specific set of Error that are considered unrecoverable are:
* - {@code StackOverflowError}
* - {@code VirtualMachineError}
* - {@code ThreadDeath}
* - {@code LinkageError}
* @param t throwable to check
* @return true iff the t was caused by a java.lang.Error that is unrecoverable
private boolean isUnrecoverable(Throwable t) {
if (t != null && t.getCause() != null) {
Throwable cause = t.getCause();
if (cause instanceof StackOverflowError) {
return true;
} else if (cause instanceof VirtualMachineError) {
return true;
} else if (cause instanceof ThreadDeath) {
return true;
} else if (cause instanceof LinkageError) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isRecoverableError(Throwable t) {
if (t != null && t.getCause() != null) {
Throwable cause = t.getCause();
if (cause instanceof java.lang.Error) {
return !isUnrecoverable(t);
return false;
protected void handleThreadEnd(AbstractCommand _cmd) {
try {
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onThreadComplete", hookEx);
* @return if onNext events should be reported on
* This affects {@link HystrixRequestLog}, and {@link HystrixEventNotifier} currently.
protected boolean shouldOutputOnNextEvents() {
return false;
private static class HystrixObservableTimeoutOperator implements Operator {
final AbstractCommand originalCommand;
public HystrixObservableTimeoutOperator(final AbstractCommand originalCommand) {
this.originalCommand = originalCommand;
public Subscriber super R> call(final Subscriber super R> child) {
final CompositeSubscription s = new CompositeSubscription();
// if the child unsubscribes we unsubscribe our parent as well
* Define the action to perform on timeout outside of the TimerListener to it can capture the HystrixRequestContext
* of the calling thread which doesn't exist on the Timer thread.
final HystrixContextRunnable timeoutRunnable = new HystrixContextRunnable(originalCommand.concurrencyStrategy, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
child.onError(new HystrixTimeoutException());
TimerListener listener = new TimerListener() {
public void tick() {
// if we can go from NOT_EXECUTED to TIMED_OUT then we do the timeout codepath
// otherwise it means we lost a race and the run() execution completed or did not start
if (originalCommand.isCommandTimedOut.compareAndSet(TimedOutStatus.NOT_EXECUTED, TimedOutStatus.TIMED_OUT)) {
// report timeout failure
originalCommand.eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.TIMEOUT, originalCommand.commandKey);
// shut down the original request
//if it did not start, then we need to mark a command start for concurrency metrics, and then issue the timeout
public int getIntervalTimeInMilliseconds() {
return originalCommand.properties.executionTimeoutInMilliseconds().get();
final Reference tl = HystrixTimer.getInstance().addTimerListener(listener);
// set externally so execute/queue can see this
* If this subscriber receives values it means the parent succeeded/completed
Subscriber parent = new Subscriber() {
public void onCompleted() {
if (isNotTimedOut()) {
// stop timer and pass notification through
public void onError(Throwable e) {
if (isNotTimedOut()) {
// stop timer and pass notification through
public void onNext(R v) {
if (isNotTimedOut()) {
private boolean isNotTimedOut() {
// if already marked COMPLETED (by onNext) or succeeds in setting to COMPLETED
return originalCommand.isCommandTimedOut.get() == TimedOutStatus.COMPLETED ||
originalCommand.isCommandTimedOut.compareAndSet(TimedOutStatus.NOT_EXECUTED, TimedOutStatus.COMPLETED);
// if s is unsubscribed we want to unsubscribe the parent
return parent;
private static void setRequestContextIfNeeded(final HystrixRequestContext currentRequestContext) {
if (!HystrixRequestContext.isCurrentThreadInitialized()) {
// even if the user Observable doesn't have context we want it set for chained operators
* Get the TryableSemaphore this HystrixCommand should use if a fallback occurs.
* @return TryableSemaphore
protected TryableSemaphore getFallbackSemaphore() {
if (fallbackSemaphoreOverride == null) {
TryableSemaphore _s = fallbackSemaphorePerCircuit.get(commandKey.name());
if (_s == null) {
// we didn't find one cache so setup
fallbackSemaphorePerCircuit.putIfAbsent(commandKey.name(), new TryableSemaphoreActual(properties.fallbackIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests()));
// assign whatever got set (this or another thread)
return fallbackSemaphorePerCircuit.get(commandKey.name());
} else {
return _s;
} else {
return fallbackSemaphoreOverride;
* Get the TryableSemaphore this HystrixCommand should use for execution if not running in a separate thread.
* @return TryableSemaphore
protected TryableSemaphore getExecutionSemaphore() {
if (properties.executionIsolationStrategy().get().equals(ExecutionIsolationStrategy.SEMAPHORE)) {
if (executionSemaphoreOverride == null) {
TryableSemaphore _s = executionSemaphorePerCircuit.get(commandKey.name());
if (_s == null) {
// we didn't find one cache so setup
executionSemaphorePerCircuit.putIfAbsent(commandKey.name(), new TryableSemaphoreActual(properties.executionIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests()));
// assign whatever got set (this or another thread)
return executionSemaphorePerCircuit.get(commandKey.name());
} else {
return _s;
} else {
return executionSemaphoreOverride;
} else {
// return NoOp implementation since we're not using SEMAPHORE isolation
return TryableSemaphoreNoOp.DEFAULT;
* Each concrete implementation of AbstractCommand should return the name of the fallback method as a String
* This will be used to determine if the fallback "exists" for firing the onFallbackStart/onFallbackError hooks
* @return method name of fallback
protected abstract String getFallbackMethodName();
* For the given command instance, does it define an actual fallback method?
* @param cmd command instance
* @return true iff there is a user-supplied fallback method on the given command instance
/*package-private*/ static boolean isFallbackUserSupplied(final AbstractCommand> cmd) {
HystrixCommandKey commandKey = cmd.commandKey;
Boolean containsFromMap = commandContainsFallback.get(commandKey);
if (containsFromMap != null) {
return containsFromMap;
} else {
Boolean toInsertIntoMap;
try {
toInsertIntoMap = true;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
toInsertIntoMap = false;
commandContainsFallback.put(commandKey, toInsertIntoMap);
return toInsertIntoMap;
* @return {@link HystrixCommandGroupKey} used to group together multiple {@link AbstractCommand} objects.
* The {@link HystrixCommandGroupKey} is used to represent a common relationship between commands. For example, a library or team name, the system all related commands interace with,
* common business purpose etc.
public HystrixCommandGroupKey getCommandGroup() {
return commandGroup;
* @return {@link HystrixCommandKey} identifying this command instance for statistics, circuit-breaker, properties, etc.
public HystrixCommandKey getCommandKey() {
return commandKey;
* @return {@link HystrixThreadPoolKey} identifying which thread-pool this command uses (when configured to run on separate threads via
* {@link HystrixCommandProperties#executionIsolationStrategy()}).
public HystrixThreadPoolKey getThreadPoolKey() {
return threadPoolKey;
/* package */HystrixCircuitBreaker getCircuitBreaker() {
return circuitBreaker;
* The {@link HystrixCommandMetrics} associated with this {@link AbstractCommand} instance.
* @return HystrixCommandMetrics
public HystrixCommandMetrics getMetrics() {
return metrics;
* The {@link HystrixCommandProperties} associated with this {@link AbstractCommand} instance.
* @return HystrixCommandProperties
public HystrixCommandProperties getProperties() {
return properties;
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* Operators that implement hook application */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
private class ExecutionHookApplication implements Operator {
private final HystrixInvokable cmd;
ExecutionHookApplication(HystrixInvokable cmd) {
this.cmd = cmd;
public Subscriber super R> call(final Subscriber super R> subscriber) {
return new Subscriber(subscriber) {
public void onCompleted() {
try {
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onExecutionSuccess", hookEx);
public void onError(Throwable e) {
Exception wrappedEx = wrapWithOnExecutionErrorHook(e);
public void onNext(R r) {
R wrappedValue = wrapWithOnExecutionEmitHook(r);
private class FallbackHookApplication implements Operator {
private final HystrixInvokable cmd;
FallbackHookApplication(HystrixInvokable cmd) {
this.cmd = cmd;
public Subscriber super R> call(final Subscriber super R> subscriber) {
return new Subscriber(subscriber) {
public void onCompleted() {
try {
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onFallbackSuccess", hookEx);
public void onError(Throwable e) {
Exception wrappedEx = wrapWithOnFallbackErrorHook(e);
public void onNext(R r) {
R wrappedValue = wrapWithOnFallbackEmitHook(r);
@Deprecated //separated out to make it cleanly removable
private class DeprecatedOnRunHookApplication implements Operator {
private final HystrixInvokable cmd;
DeprecatedOnRunHookApplication(HystrixInvokable cmd) {
this.cmd = cmd;
public Subscriber super R> call(final Subscriber super R> subscriber) {
return new Subscriber(subscriber) {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
Exception e = getExceptionFromThrowable(t);
try {
Exception wrappedEx = executionHook.onRunError(cmd, e);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onRunError", hookEx);
public void onNext(R r) {
try {
R wrappedValue = executionHook.onRunSuccess(cmd, r);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onRunSuccess", hookEx);
@Deprecated //separated out to make it cleanly removable
private class DeprecatedOnFallbackHookApplication implements Operator {
private final HystrixInvokable cmd;
DeprecatedOnFallbackHookApplication(HystrixInvokable cmd) {
this.cmd = cmd;
public Subscriber super R> call(final Subscriber super R> subscriber) {
return new Subscriber(subscriber) {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
//no need to call a hook here. FallbackHookApplication is already calling the proper and non-deprecated hook
public void onNext(R r) {
try {
R wrappedValue = executionHook.onFallbackSuccess(cmd, r);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onFallbackSuccess", hookEx);
private Exception wrapWithOnExecutionErrorHook(Throwable t) {
Exception e = getExceptionFromThrowable(t);
try {
return executionHook.onExecutionError(this, e);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onExecutionError", hookEx);
return e;
private Exception wrapWithOnFallbackErrorHook(Throwable t) {
Exception e = getExceptionFromThrowable(t);
try {
if (isFallbackUserSupplied(this)) {
return executionHook.onFallbackError(this, e);
} else {
return e;
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onFallbackError", hookEx);
return e;
private Exception wrapWithOnErrorHook(FailureType failureType, Throwable t) {
Exception e = getExceptionFromThrowable(t);
try {
return executionHook.onError(this, failureType, e);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onError", hookEx);
return e;
private R wrapWithOnExecutionEmitHook(R r) {
try {
return executionHook.onExecutionEmit(this, r);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onExecutionEmit", hookEx);
return r;
private R wrapWithOnFallbackEmitHook(R r) {
try {
return executionHook.onFallbackEmit(this, r);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onFallbackEmit", hookEx);
return r;
private R wrapWithOnEmitHook(R r) {
try {
return executionHook.onEmit(this, r);
} catch (Throwable hookEx) {
logger.warn("Error calling HystrixCommandExecutionHook.onEmit", hookEx);
return r;
* Take an Exception and determine whether to throw it, its cause or a new HystrixRuntimeException.
* This will only throw an HystrixRuntimeException, HystrixBadRequestException or IllegalStateException
* @param e initial exception
* @return HystrixRuntimeException, HystrixBadRequestException or IllegalStateException
protected RuntimeException decomposeException(Exception e) {
if (e instanceof IllegalStateException) {
return (IllegalStateException) e;
if (e instanceof HystrixBadRequestException) {
return (HystrixBadRequestException) e;
if (e.getCause() instanceof HystrixBadRequestException) {
return (HystrixBadRequestException) e.getCause();
if (e instanceof HystrixRuntimeException) {
return (HystrixRuntimeException) e;
// if we have an exception we know about we'll throw it directly without the wrapper exception
if (e.getCause() instanceof HystrixRuntimeException) {
return (HystrixRuntimeException) e.getCause();
// we don't know what kind of exception this is so create a generic message and throw a new HystrixRuntimeException
String message = getLogMessagePrefix() + " failed while executing.";
logger.debug(message, e); // debug only since we're throwing the exception and someone higher will do something with it
return new HystrixRuntimeException(FailureType.COMMAND_EXCEPTION, this.getClass(), message, e, null);
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* TryableSemaphore */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
* Semaphore that only supports tryAcquire and never blocks and that supports a dynamic permit count.
* Using AtomicInteger increment/decrement instead of java.util.concurrent.Semaphore since we don't need blocking and need a custom implementation to get the dynamic permit count and since
* AtomicInteger achieves the same behavior and performance without the more complex implementation of the actual Semaphore class using AbstractQueueSynchronizer.
/* package */static class TryableSemaphoreActual implements TryableSemaphore {
protected final HystrixProperty numberOfPermits;
private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
public TryableSemaphoreActual(HystrixProperty numberOfPermits) {
this.numberOfPermits = numberOfPermits;
public boolean tryAcquire() {
int currentCount = count.incrementAndGet();
if (currentCount > numberOfPermits.get()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public void release() {
public int getNumberOfPermitsUsed() {
return count.get();
/* package */static class TryableSemaphoreNoOp implements TryableSemaphore {
public static final TryableSemaphore DEFAULT = new TryableSemaphoreNoOp();
public boolean tryAcquire() {
return true;
public void release() {
public int getNumberOfPermitsUsed() {
return 0;
/* package */static interface TryableSemaphore {
* Use like this:
* if (s.tryAcquire()) {
* try {
* // do work that is protected by 's'
* } finally {
* s.release();
* }
* }
* @return boolean
public abstract boolean tryAcquire();
* ONLY call release if tryAcquire returned true.
* if (s.tryAcquire()) {
* try {
* // do work that is protected by 's'
* } finally {
* s.release();
* }
* }
public abstract void release();
public abstract int getNumberOfPermitsUsed();
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* RequestCache */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
* Key to be used for request caching.
* By default this returns null which means "do not cache".
* To enable caching override this method and return a string key uniquely representing the state of a command instance.
* If multiple command instances in the same request scope match keys then only the first will be executed and all others returned from cache.
* @return cacheKey
protected String getCacheKey() {
return null;
public String getPublicCacheKey() {
return getCacheKey();
protected boolean isRequestCachingEnabled() {
return properties.requestCacheEnabled().get() && getCacheKey() != null;
protected String getLogMessagePrefix() {
return getCommandKey().name();
* Whether the 'circuit-breaker' is open meaning that execute()
will immediately return
* the getFallback()
response and not attempt a HystrixCommand execution.
* 4 columns are ForcedOpen | ForcedClosed | CircuitBreaker open due to health ||| Expected Result
* T | T | T ||| OPEN (true)
* T | T | F ||| OPEN (true)
* T | F | T ||| OPEN (true)
* T | F | F ||| OPEN (true)
* F | T | T ||| CLOSED (false)
* F | T | F ||| CLOSED (false)
* F | F | T ||| OPEN (true)
* F | F | F ||| CLOSED (false)
* @return boolean
public boolean isCircuitBreakerOpen() {
return properties.circuitBreakerForceOpen().get() || (!properties.circuitBreakerForceClosed().get() && circuitBreaker.isOpen());
* If this command has completed execution either successfully, via fallback or failure.
* @return boolean
public boolean isExecutionComplete() {
return commandState.get().equals(CommandState.TERMINAL);
* Whether the execution occurred in a separate thread.
* This should be called only once execute()/queue()/fireOrForget() are called otherwise it will always return false.
* This specifies if a thread execution actually occurred, not just if it is configured to be executed in a thread.
* @return boolean
public boolean isExecutedInThread() {
return getCommandResult().isExecutedInThread();
* Whether the response was returned successfully either by executing run()
or from cache.
* @return boolean
public boolean isSuccessfulExecution() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().contains(HystrixEventType.SUCCESS);
* Whether the run()
resulted in a failure (exception).
* @return boolean
public boolean isFailedExecution() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().contains(HystrixEventType.FAILURE);
* Get the Throwable/Exception thrown that caused the failure.
* If isFailedExecution() == true
then this would represent the Exception thrown by the run()
* If isFailedExecution() == false
then this would return null.
* @return Throwable or null
public Throwable getFailedExecutionException() {
return executionResult.getException();
* Get the Throwable/Exception emitted by this command instance prior to checking the fallback.
* This exception instance may have been generated via a number of mechanisms:
* 1) failed execution (in this case, same result as {@link #getFailedExecutionException()}.
* 2) timeout
* 3) short-circuit
* 4) rejection
* 5) bad request
* If the command execution was successful, then this exception instance is null (there was no exception)
* Note that the caller of the command may not receive this exception, as fallbacks may be served as a response to
* the exception.
* @return Throwable or null
public Throwable getExecutionException() {
return executionResult.getExecutionException();
* Whether the response received from was the result of some type of failure
* and getFallback()
being called.
* @return boolean
public boolean isResponseFromFallback() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().contains(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_SUCCESS);
* Whether the response received was the result of a timeout
* and getFallback()
being called.
* @return boolean
public boolean isResponseTimedOut() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().contains(HystrixEventType.TIMEOUT);
* Whether the response received was a fallback as result of being
* short-circuited (meaning isCircuitBreakerOpen() == true
) and getFallback()
being called.
* @return boolean
public boolean isResponseShortCircuited() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().contains(HystrixEventType.SHORT_CIRCUITED);
* Whether the response is from cache and run()
was not invoked.
* @return boolean
public boolean isResponseFromCache() {
return isResponseFromCache;
* Whether the response received was a fallback as result of being rejected via sempahore
* @return boolean
public boolean isResponseSemaphoreRejected() {
return getCommandResult().isResponseSemaphoreRejected();
* Whether the response received was a fallback as result of being rejected via threadpool
* @return boolean
public boolean isResponseThreadPoolRejected() {
return getCommandResult().isResponseThreadPoolRejected();
* Whether the response received was a fallback as result of being rejected (either via threadpool or semaphore)
* @return boolean
public boolean isResponseRejected() {
return getCommandResult().isResponseRejected();
* List of HystrixCommandEventType enums representing events that occurred during execution.
* @return {@code List}
public List getExecutionEvents() {
return getCommandResult().getOrderedList();
private ExecutionResult getCommandResult() {
ExecutionResult resultToReturn;
if (executionResultAtTimeOfCancellation == null) {
resultToReturn = executionResult;
} else {
resultToReturn = executionResultAtTimeOfCancellation;
if (isResponseFromCache) {
resultToReturn = resultToReturn.addEvent(HystrixEventType.RESPONSE_FROM_CACHE);
return resultToReturn;
* Number of emissions of the execution of a command. Only interesting in the streaming case.
* @return number of OnNext
emissions by a streaming command
public int getNumberEmissions() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().getCount(HystrixEventType.EMIT);
* Number of emissions of the execution of a fallback. Only interesting in the streaming case.
* @return number of OnNext
emissions by a streaming fallback
public int getNumberFallbackEmissions() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().getCount(HystrixEventType.FALLBACK_EMIT);
public int getNumberCollapsed() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts().getCount(HystrixEventType.COLLAPSED);
public HystrixCollapserKey getOriginatingCollapserKey() {
return executionResult.getCollapserKey();
* The execution time of this command instance in milliseconds, or -1 if not executed.
* @return int
public int getExecutionTimeInMilliseconds() {
return getCommandResult().getExecutionLatency();
* Time in Nanos when this command instance's run method was called, or -1 if not executed
* for e.g., command threw an exception
* @return long
public long getCommandRunStartTimeInNanos() {
return executionResult.getCommandRunStartTimeInNanos();
public ExecutionResult.EventCounts getEventCounts() {
return getCommandResult().getEventCounts();
protected Exception getExceptionFromThrowable(Throwable t) {
Exception e;
if (t instanceof Exception) {
e = (Exception) t;
} else {
// Hystrix 1.x uses Exception, not Throwable so to prevent a breaking change Throwable will be wrapped in Exception
e = new Exception("Throwable caught while executing.", t);
return e;
private static class ExecutionHookDeprecationWrapper extends HystrixCommandExecutionHook {
private final HystrixCommandExecutionHook actual;
ExecutionHookDeprecationWrapper(HystrixCommandExecutionHook actual) {
this.actual = actual;
public T onEmit(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, T value) {
return actual.onEmit(commandInstance, value);
public void onSuccess(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
public void onExecutionStart(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
public T onExecutionEmit(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, T value) {
return actual.onExecutionEmit(commandInstance, value);
public Exception onExecutionError(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, Exception e) {
return actual.onExecutionError(commandInstance, e);
public void onExecutionSuccess(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
public T onFallbackEmit(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, T value) {
return actual.onFallbackEmit(commandInstance, value);
public void onFallbackSuccess(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
public void onRunStart(HystrixCommand commandInstance) {
public void onRunStart(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
public T onRunSuccess(HystrixCommand commandInstance, T response) {
return actual.onRunSuccess(commandInstance, response);
public T onRunSuccess(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, T response) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
response = onRunSuccess(c, response);
return actual.onRunSuccess(commandInstance, response);
public Exception onRunError(HystrixCommand commandInstance, Exception e) {
return actual.onRunError(commandInstance, e);
public Exception onRunError(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, Exception e) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
e = onRunError(c, e);
return actual.onRunError(commandInstance, e);
public void onFallbackStart(HystrixCommand commandInstance) {
public void onFallbackStart(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
public T onFallbackSuccess(HystrixCommand commandInstance, T fallbackResponse) {
return actual.onFallbackSuccess(commandInstance, fallbackResponse);
public T onFallbackSuccess(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, T fallbackResponse) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
fallbackResponse = onFallbackSuccess(c, fallbackResponse);
return actual.onFallbackSuccess(commandInstance, fallbackResponse);
public Exception onFallbackError(HystrixCommand commandInstance, Exception e) {
return actual.onFallbackError(commandInstance, e);
public Exception onFallbackError(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, Exception e) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
e = onFallbackError(c, e);
return actual.onFallbackError(commandInstance, e);
public void onStart(HystrixCommand commandInstance) {
public void onStart(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
public T onComplete(HystrixCommand commandInstance, T response) {
return actual.onComplete(commandInstance, response);
public T onComplete(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, T response) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
response = onComplete(c, response);
return actual.onComplete(commandInstance, response);
public Exception onError(HystrixCommand commandInstance, FailureType failureType, Exception e) {
return actual.onError(commandInstance, failureType, e);
public Exception onError(HystrixInvokable commandInstance, FailureType failureType, Exception e) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
e = onError(c, failureType, e);
return actual.onError(commandInstance, failureType, e);
public void onThreadStart(HystrixCommand commandInstance) {
public void onThreadStart(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
public void onThreadComplete(HystrixCommand commandInstance) {
public void onThreadComplete(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
HystrixCommand c = getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(commandInstance);
if (c != null) {
public void onCacheHit(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private HystrixCommand getHystrixCommandFromAbstractIfApplicable(HystrixInvokable commandInstance) {
if (commandInstance instanceof HystrixCommand) {
return (HystrixCommand) commandInstance;
} else {
return null;