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Style Guide


Color Fundamentals

For tooling within Netflix, we've chosen a simple palette. Using gray for general structure elements such as nav bars and borders allows you to highlight important elements or warnings with little to no effort. In addition, a light gray body background allows white elements to pop when used as containers.

  • Black #000000 R 0 G 0 B 0 @black
  • Mine Shaft #333333 R 51 G 51 B 51 @mine-shaft
  • Dove Gray #5B5B5B R 91 G 91 B 91 @dove-gray
  • Concrete #6A6A6A R 106 G 106 B 106 @concrete
  • Boulder #777777 R 119 G 119 B 119 @boulder
  • Silver #C4C4C4 R 196 G 196 B 196 @silver
  • Alto #D9D9D9 R 217 G 217 B 217 @alto
  • Seashell #F1F1F1 R 241 G 241 B 241 @seashell
  • Alabaster #F8F8F8 R 248 G 248 B 248 @alabaster
  • Flush Mahogany #B6272B R 182 G 39 B 43 @flush-mahogany
  • Danube #478CC8 R 71 G 140 B 200 @danube
  • Asparagus #8DAC71 R 141 G 172 B 113 @asparagus
  • Sprout #C0D7A0 R 192 G 215 B 160 @sprout



The default typeface is Source Sans Pro. It is a sans serif typeface intended to work well in user interfaces. In order to use this web font you will need to add the following snippet into the header of your HTML code.


Font Weight

Weight is a strong element when displaying type. Overuse of heavy weights diminishes their effectiveness. Consider using it for key elements or labels, less for paragraph type.


The weight or boldness of the font can be specified by using the corresponding class. Please note that the web font Source Sans Pro is not available in all weights (unlike old traditional fonts where bold is an algorithm to augment a typeface) For this reason you must choose a font weight within the provided scale: .nf-bold, .nf-normal(default), .nf-light

  • The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog | font-weight:600

  • The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog | font-weight:400

  • The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog | font-weight:300


Text Alignment

Easily set the correct text alignment declaratively by using one of the following classes: txt-left, txt-center, txt-right

  • .txt-left

    This text is left aligned

  • .txt-center

    This text is center aligned

  • .txt-right

    This text is right aligned



Headings are one of the strongest visual elements in this guide. They're best used to visually describe sections and groups of data. Generally, a page should have a single h1 for the app name. h2 is generally used for page title. From there, you can use different headings to create differing visual impact and organize your screen. Given their weight and size, headings shouldn't be colored.


HTML headings, <h1> through <h6> are styled as appropriate. Corresponding classnames are also available .h1 through .h6 for when you want to match the font styling of a heading but still want your text to be displayed inline. In order to maintain a consistent visual hierarchy using font sizes outside of the provided font-size scale is discouraged.

  • Header H1 36px

  • Header H2 30px

  • Header H3 24px

  • Header H4 18px

  • Header H5 14px
  • Header H6 12px


The global default font-size is 14px.



Buttons are action elements. In their simplest form they allows users to submit forms or start a process. Consider using a single primary style as the default action for a given view. Secondary actions should be visually less important, hence their white coloring. Destructive or dangerous actions can be suggested with a red button. Icons supplement these actions well.

In addition to simple buttons, menu buttons present several options on which users can act without using a lot of space in a layout.


To create a default button, add the .pure-button classname to any <a> or <button> element.

Netflix Button


Disabled Buttons

To mark a button as disabled, either add the disabled attribute or add the .is-disabled classname.

A Disabled Button


Buttons Types

To customize the style of a button, simply add one of the following classnames to the button/link .btn-primary, .btn-error, .btn-success, .btn-classic



Group a collection of buttons together simply by putting them into a grouped tag or any tag with the .nf-group classname


Grouping Radio Inputs

Group a collection of radio inputs together (and automatically make them look like buttons) simply by putting them into a grouped tag or any tag with the .nf-group classname


Grouping Checkbox Inputs

Group a collection of checkbox inputs together (and automatically make them look like buttons) simply by putting them into a grouped tag or any tag with the .nf-group classname



Pills are small labels often used to display status, tags or system health. Their small size allows for flexible placement while the reversed text creates substantial visual impact. Be careful not to overuse in a view as they can create a lot of visual noise. Consider using pills as an element within a single column. In their simple white or gray state, they make excellent tags or category indicators.


In order to create a pill simply use the custom pill element tag, alternatively you can also use the .nf-pill classname

info info



To customize the style of a pill, simply add one of the following classnames to the relevant tag .pill-ok, .pill-marginal, .pill-failed or if you prefer one of the following attributes: ok, marginal, failed

ok marginal failed primary



Default Badge

In order to create a badge simply use the custom badge element tag, alternatively you can also use the .nf-badge classname

info info


Badge types

To customize the style of a badge, simply add one of the following classnames to the relevant tag .badge-ok, .badge-marginal, .badge-failed or if you prefer one of the following attributes: ok, marginal, failed

ok marginal FAIL



There is no need for special classes, or markup. Form elements should match match design out of the box.



Focused Input

A blue outline will indicate the user when an input element is focused. It's possible to visually force this state by using the is-focused classname in the (rare) case you need to force this pragmatically


Invalid Input

HTML5 has native validation when using the following attributes: required, pattern and maxlength, type(e.g. email, range, tel, time, url, etc). for more information:

Alternatively is also possible to programmatically trigger this state simply by adding the .is-invalid classname.



Default Table

There is no need for special classes, or markup. Table elements should match match design out of the box.

# Make Model Year
1 Honda Accord 2009
2 Toyota Camry 2012
3 Hyundai Elantra 2010
4 Ford Focus 2008


Striped Table

Large tables can be easier to read if rows are easily distinguishable. Adding the .is-striped classname can be added to the <table> element and the zebra-styled striping will be applied automatically.

# Make Model Year
1 Honda Accord 2009
2 Toyota Camry 2012
3 Hyundai Elantra 2010
4 Ford Focus 2008






A panel element represents a section of a page which aims to outline sections of your page. This aids with page sections and when adding emphasis to a page section

This is a panel section


Panel with Heading

Add a heading container to your panel simply by adding the heading tag.

This is a panel header
This is a panel section


Panel with Footer

Add a footer container to your panel simply by adding the footer tag.

This is a panel section
This is a panel footer


Panel with Tables

Add a table to your panel simply by adding a table tag into it.

Now with 100% more table
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Given Name Last Name Handle
John Tregoning @tregoning
Peter Smith @Smithy
Lisa Tabs @taby




Grid systems are used for creating page layouts through a series of rows and columns that house your content.

  1. .nf-1
  2. .nf-2
  3. .nf-3
  4. .nf-4
  5. .nf-5
  6. .nf-6
  7. .nf-7
  8. .nf-8
  9. .nf-9
  10. .nf-10
  11. .nf-11
  12. .nf-12
  13. .nf-13
  14. .nf-14
  15. .nf-15
  16. .nf-16


Neflix default grid is a 16th based grid. This means that the maximum total allowed (using .nf-x classes) is 16. Here is an example of how said classes can be combined:

1/4 of available space (16/4 == 4) thus .nf-4
1/8 of available space (16/8 == 2) thus .nf-2
take all the remaining space (16 - (4 + 2)) == 10 thus .nf-10

Note: you can use the text alignment classes (e.g: .txt-center, .txt-left, .txt-right) on nf-grid in order to set the text alignment


Vertically centering content

If you need to vertically center the content, you can do so by switching to .nf-grid-centered.
Note: You will need to add an extra container as shown in the sample code.

1/4 of available space (16/4 == 4) thus .nf-4
1/8 of available space (16/8 == 2) thus .nf-2
take all the remaining space (16 - (4 + 2)) == 10 thus .nf-10



Hiding Elements

Add the hidden attribute to an HTML element to hide it from the screen, alternatively you can also use the .is-hidden classname



Contain floats without resorting to using presentational markup. Easily clear floats by adding the .clearfix classname to the container element.

Web Components


Web Components is a W3C standard that enables web development based on encapsulated and interoperable custom elements that extend HTML itself.

If you want to learn how to use it please refer to the getting started section


nf-table extends a table by automatically making it sortable (by clicking on the relevant header it toggles the sorting order ascending/descending). in order to upgrade a native table into nf-table simply add the following to the table tag: is="nf-table"

Column content will be sorted alphabetically by default, You can override the column data type (and how it gets sorted) more details here

Header content 1 Header content 2 Numeric content Date content
Body content 1 Body content 2 1% 1426703449787
Body content 3 Body content 4 55% 2012-08-18T18:30:49.787Z
Body content 2 Body content 3 15% 1379529049787


  • sort

    Fired when a column is sorted.

    Event Details: e.detail.index contains the index of the column that triggered the sort event.


  • getData

    Returns a JSON object containing the table's data.

  • sortTable

    This method allows you to programmatically sort from nf-table.
    Note: the first call will sort the relevant column in an ascending order and a subsequent call to the same column will change the sort order to descending.

    • index: indicates what column should be sorted by index.

Column Data Types & Formats

  • num

    To specify that a given column should be sorted by its numeric value simply add the num attribute to the relevant th. Note that the column content can also include non numeric values (e.g. '100$', '30%', etc).
    You can also modify the number of decimal places displayed by giving the num attribute a value (e.g. num=3 will round to 3 decimal places)

  • date

    To specify that a given column should be sorted by its date value simply add the date attribute to the relevant th. You can also modify the how dates in this column are displayed by setting the value of the date attribute (e.g. date='YYYY-MM-DD' ) default is 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm'.
    The actual values in the table cells can be anything that instanciate a javascript Date object (e.g. "2015-03-18T18:30:49.787Z", 1426703465107, etc).

nf-table is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-table without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-table-search introduces the ability to search/filter a nf-table

Header content 1 Header content 2
Body content 1 Body content 2
Body content 3 Body content 4

If you need to search in multiple tables simultaneously, there is a component for that nf-tables-search you can find more about it here


  • placeholder

    Sets the placeholder text in the search input box.

    default: no placeholder text

  • table

    Sets what nf-table the search/filtering should be applied to. This attribute value should be set the the ID of the relevant nf-table

    default: fetches the first nf-table available in the page.


  • update

    Fired when the filter/search query changes.

nf-table-search is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-table-search without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-table-paginate introduces the ability to paginate through a nf-table results.

This pagination is also aware of the table 'filter' state (e.g. the table is being filtered by nf-table-search)

Number Title
1 a
2 a
3 a
4 a
5 a
6 b
7 b
8 b
9 b
10 c
11 ab
12 cd

There is also a similar pagination component available nf-table-pagination-toggle that toggles between a full table and a truncated one, you can find out more about it here


  • table

    Sets what nf-table the pagination should be applied to. This attribute value should be set to the the ID of the relevant nf-table

    default: fetches the first nf-table available in the page.

  • page

    Sets what size of the pagination (i.e. how many rows to show per page)

    default: 5

nf-table-pagination is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-table-pagination without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-table-live-count is a helper component that displays the current number of filtered rows on a table. This might be useful to display number of search results in the UI.

Total live count is:

First name Last name Completed
John Tregoning 9%
Lisa Tabs 13%
Alex Treg 1%


  • table

    Sets what nf-table the live count should be applied to. This attribute value should be set to the the ID of the relevant nf-table

    default: fetches the first nf-table available in the page.


  • change

    Fired when the live count changes

    Event Details: e.detail.length contains the total number of rows available in the table

nf-table-live-count is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-table-live-count without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-switch introduces the ability to easily and declaratively toggle content by clicking on it

See more...

See less...


  • switched

    Boolean attribute, indicating whether nf-switch should be on or off (presence indicates 'on'). This attribute is 'reflected' (kept up to date with the state) so it can be used to style nf-switch's content.

    default: false

  • persist

    Indicates whether the state of the switch should be persisted into local storage. Its value should be a unique string that will used as the localStorage key (e.g. persist="turbo-switch")

    default: false


  • switched

    Fired when nf-switch is toggled

    Event Details: e.detail.switched contains the current state of nf-switch

nf-switch is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-switch without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-select is a replacement for the native option (with multiple select enabled). It provides a fully searchable, keyboard friendly, upgraded option dropdown component

Use: In order to work around this bug, you will have to wrap your native select tag with a nf-select tag, as shown in the sample code.

If you need to adjust the dimentions of this component (like all other components) you can simply set with and height via CSS and nf-select will automatically adjust.

Note: If you are using Angular/Ember/Other you should bind to the native 'select' not the wrapper 'nf-select' value/selectedOptions/change-events/etc.

Finally if you would like a component like nf-select but at a lower level of abstraction nf-input might be what you are looking for. (all it does is set style and keyboard navigation for you)


  • placeholder

    Sets the placeholder text in the search input box.

    default: no placeholder text

  • regex

    Indicates whether the search query should be treated as a regex.

    default: true

  • disabled

    Boolean attribute, indicating whether nf-select is disabled or not. (when disabled the user will be unabled to interact with the component)

    default: false


Note: Please note that the underlying native select will also trigger native events such as change, etc. when elements are selected in nf-select

  • querychanged

    Fired when the search/filter query is changed

nf-select is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-select without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-icon provides a standard collection of SVG icons (styleable using CSS)

You can customize each icon simply by using CSS to set the width and height in order to change the icon size or by setting color.


  • name

    the name identifies the icon that should be displayed.

nf-icon is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-icon without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-submenu should normally be placed inside the header component.

reports configuration advanced settings


  • selected

    Sets the selected tab by index

    default: 0 (first tab)

  • noslide

    boolean property that if present will removes the bottom bar animation when switching tabs

    default: by default the bottom bar will animate/slide


  • submenuchanged

    Fired when a the selected submenu changes

    Event Details:

    • e.detail.selectedIndex: contains the index of the tab that triggered the event.
    • e.detail.selectedItem: contains reference to the nf-tab element.

nf-submenu is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-submenu without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-submenu-pages is a component designed to be use in conjunction with nf-submenu. In essence nf-submenu-pages is used to selectively/programmatically show one of its children/pages at a time.

Note: In order for the page sliding animation to work you will need to set the height (via CSS) on the relevant nf-submenu-page tag, otherwise it will still work but without the transition animation.


  • submenu

    Sets which nf-submenu should linked with. This attribute value should be set the the ID of the relevant nf-submenu

    default: fetches the first nf-submenu available in the page.

nf-submenu-pages is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-submenu-pages without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-accordion is a component to easily fulfill a common pattern found in websites where content is alternatively show/hidden by clicking on a toggle.

The component is divided into two sections: the first section is always displayed regardless of whether the component is opened or closed. You can set this section either by using a header tag (or any tag with the .nf-accordion-header classname).

In this first section you will also need to set the toggler by using the .nf-toggler classname (please note that the whole first section could be the toggler or an element within it).

The second section is anything that's not in the first section, this content will either be shown or not depending on the state of the component.

Here is an example of using nf-accordion together with the nf-switch component. Also check the standalone demo source code for more examples.

see more... see less...
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


  • closed

    Boolean attribute, indicating whether nf-accordion should be opened or closed (the attribute presence indicates 'closed').

    default: false (opened)

  • persist

    Indicates whether the state of the accordion should be persisted into local storage. Its value should be a unique string that will used as the localStorage key (e.g. persist="admin-options")

    default: false

nf-accordion is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-accordion without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-tags introduces the ability to easily add/remove tag/tokens via this simple tag editing component.

Note: As all components you can set its width/height via CSS and the component will adjust itself. below an example nf-tags with its width set to 400px.


  • tags

    Array indicating which tags should be pre-polulated.

    default: []

  • placeholder

    Sets the placeholder text in the tag input box.

    default: no placeholder text


  • setTags

    This method allows you to programmatically set the tags in nf-tags.

    • tagsArray: array with the tags to be set.
  • addTag

    This method allows you to programmatically set the tags.

    • tag: the tag to be added.
  • removeTag

    This method allows you to programmatically removea a tag.

    • tag: the tag to be removed.

nf-tags is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-tags without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-lightbox introduces the ability to easily and declaratively use a lightbox in your web application.

nf-lightbox automatically includes a close (x) button on the top right, also pressing the 'esc' key will close the lightbox. You can also set any element to close the lightbox simply by giving it the .nf-lightbox-close classname.

Hello There


  • state

    This attribute is 'reflected' (kept up to date with the state of the component). if state anything other than 'hidden' the lightbox will be displayed.

    default: 'hidden'

  • width

    Sets the width of the lightbox.

    default: it defaults to the width of the content


  • hideLightbox

    This method allows you to set the state of the lightbox to 'hidden'

  • showLightbox

    This method allows you to set the state of the lightbox to 'visible'

nf-lightbox is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-lightbox without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-date-picker introduces the ability to easily and declaratively create a date/time selector.


  • input

    This should be the 'id' of the 'proxy input'.
    this proxy input will be populated with the selected value (so submitting a native form will work as expected) also nf-date-picker will automatically trigger the required events on this 'proxy input' ('change/keydown/input/etc') so binding to the proxy input from Angular 1x/Ember should work out of the box.

    default: none

  • format

    String that sets how the date is visually represented

    default: 'MM/DD/YY h:mm A'

  • placeholder

    Sets the placeholder text in the date input box.

    default: no placeholder text

  • value

    Sets the initial value of the nf-date-picker component

    default: null

  • epoch

    Changes the output value return the numeric value of the selected date as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.

    default: string following the ISO 8601 Extended Format.


  • change

    Fired when a date is set

    Event Details: contains the newly set Date.

nf-date-picker is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-date-picker without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



nf-autosuggest introduces the ability to easily and declaratively create an autosuggest component


  • input

    This should be the 'id' of the 'proxy input'.
    this proxy input will be populated with the autosuggest value (so submitting a native form will work as expected) also nf-autosuggest will automatically trigger the required events on this 'proxy input' ('change/keydown/input/etc') so binding to the proxy input from Angular 1x/Ember should work out of the box.

    default: none

  • placeholder

    Sets the placeholder text in the autosuggest input box.

    default: no placeholder text

  • disabled

    Boolean attribute that disables the autosuggest component.

    default: false

  • suggestions

    Array of possible suggestions

    default: []

  • maxSize

    Number of items to display in the drop down

    default: 8


  • querychanged

    Fired when the search/filter query is changed

nf-autosuggest is automatically available when importing netflix.html. If you wish to import nf-autosuggest without importing the whole Netflix library, you can do so. Here is a standalone example



The nf-json enables you to easily deal with JSON. This component has two different modes:


Simply inline JSON inside the nf-json tags, and the component will render said JSON as 'pretty' JSON (with search, minimize and color highlighting features)


By setting a REST endpoint as a url attribute this components becomes a very powerful JSON editor that can persist changes to the endpoint if desired.

Example of editable REST endpoint

Note: Feel free to make changes and persist them by clicking on the cloud-arrow icon (in this example the REST endpoint is couchdb), just please don't trash the demo so other people can use it

Example inline pretty JSON

{ "a": "hello there", "b": [1,2,3,4,5], "c": { "z": "abcdefg", "y": 789.23 }, "d": "last one" }


  • url

    Endpoint of a REST interface that returns valid JSON via HTTP 'GET'

    default: none

  • updatable

    boolean attribute that indicates to the component that the REST endpoint accepts updates via HTTP 'PUT' posts.

    default: false

nf-json is not automatically available when importing netflix.html. Here is a standalone example


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