Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Netflix, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* A user ID token provides proof of user identity. While there can be
* multiple versions of a user ID token, this class should encapsulate support
* for all of those versions.
* User ID tokens are bound to a specific master token by the master token's
* serial number.
* The renewal window indicates the time after which the user ID token will
* be renewed if requested by the entity. The expiration is the time after
* which the user ID token will be renewed no matter what.
* User ID tokens are represented as
* {@code
* useridtoken = {
* "#mandatory" : [ "tokendata", "signature" ],
* "tokendata" : "binary",
* "signature" : "binary"
* }} where:
* - {@code tokendata} is the user ID token data (usertokendata)
* - {@code signature} is the verification data of the user ID token data
* The token data is represented as
* {@code
* usertokendata = {
* "#mandatory" : [ "renewalwindow", "expiration", "mtserialnumber", "serialnumber", "userdata" ],
* "renewalwindow" : "int64(0,-)",
* "expiration" : "int64(0,-)",
* "mtserialnumber" : "int64(0,2^53^)",
* "serialnumber" : "int64(0,2^53^)",
* "userdata" : "binary"
* }} where:
* - {@code renewalwindow} is when the renewal window opens in seconds since the epoch
* - {@code expiration} is the expiration timestamp in seconds since the epoch
* - {@code mtserialnumber} is the master token serial number
* - {@code serialnumber} is the user ID token serial number
* - {@code userdata} is the encrypted user data (userdata)
* The decrypted user data is represented as
* {@code
* userdata = {
* "#mandatory" : [ "identity" ],
* "issuerdata" : object,
* "identity" : "string"
* }}
* where:
* - {@code issuerdata} is the user ID token issuer data
* - {@code identity} is the encoded user identity data
* @author Wesley Miaw
public class UserIdToken implements MslEncodable {
/** Milliseconds per second. */
private static final long MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
/** Key token data. */
private static final String KEY_TOKENDATA = "tokendata";
/** Key signature. */
private static final String KEY_SIGNATURE = "signature";
// tokendata
/** Key renewal window timestamp. */
private static final String KEY_RENEWAL_WINDOW = "renewalwindow";
/** Key expiration timestamp. */
private static final String KEY_EXPIRATION = "expiration";
/** Key master token serial number. */
private static final String KEY_MASTER_TOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER = "mtserialnumber";
/** Key user ID token serial number. */
private static final String KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER = "serialnumber";
/** Key token user data. */
private static final String KEY_USERDATA = "userdata";
// userdata
/** Key issuer data. */
private static final String KEY_ISSUER_DATA = "issuerdata";
/** Key identity. */
private static final String KEY_IDENTITY = "identity";
* Create a new user ID token with the specified user.
* @param ctx MSL context.
* @param renewalWindow the renewal window.
* @param expiration the expiration.
* @param masterToken the master token.
* @param serialNumber the user ID token serial number.
* @param issuerData the issuer data. May be null.
* @param user the MSL user.
* @throws MslEncodingException if there is an error encoding the data.
* @throws MslCryptoException if there is an error encrypting or signing
* the token data.
public UserIdToken(final MslContext ctx, final Date renewalWindow, final Date expiration, final MasterToken masterToken, final long serialNumber, final MslObject issuerData, final MslUser user) throws MslEncodingException, MslCryptoException {
// The expiration must appear after the renewal window.
if (expiration.before(renewalWindow))
throw new MslInternalException("Cannot construct a user ID token that expires before its renewal window opens.");
// A master token must be provided.
if (masterToken == null)
throw new MslInternalException("Cannot construct a user ID token without a master token.");
// The serial number must be within range.
if (serialNumber < 0 || serialNumber > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
throw new MslInternalException("Serial number " + serialNumber + " is outside the valid range.");
this.ctx = ctx;
this.renewalWindow = renewalWindow.getTime() / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
this.expiration = expiration.getTime() / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
this.mtSerialNumber = masterToken.getSerialNumber();
this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
this.issuerdata = issuerData;
this.user = user;
// Construct the user data.
final MslEncoderFactory encoder = this.ctx.getMslEncoderFactory();
this.userdata = encoder.createObject();
if (this.issuerdata != null)
this.userdata.put(KEY_ISSUER_DATA, this.issuerdata);
this.userdata.put(KEY_IDENTITY, user.getEncoded());
this.tokendataBytes = null;
this.signatureBytes = null;
this.verified = true;
* Create a new user ID token from the provided MSL object. The associated
* master token must be provided to verify the user ID token.
* @param ctx MSL context.
* @param userIdTokenMo user ID token MSL object.
* @param masterToken the master token.
* @throws MslEncodingException if there is an error parsing the data, the
* token data is missing or invalid, or the signature is invalid.
* @throws MslCryptoException if there is an error verifying the token
* data.
* @throws MslException if the user ID token master token serial number
* does not match the master token serial number, or the expiration
* timestamp occurs before the renewal window, or the user data is
* missing or invalid, or the user ID token master token serial
* number is out of range, or the user ID token serial number is
* out of range.
public UserIdToken(final MslContext ctx, final MslObject userIdTokenMo, final MasterToken masterToken) throws MslEncodingException, MslCryptoException, MslException {
this.ctx = ctx;
// Grab the crypto context and encoder.
final ICryptoContext cryptoContext = ctx.getMslCryptoContext();
final MslEncoderFactory encoder = ctx.getMslEncoderFactory();
// Verify the encoding.
try {
tokendataBytes = userIdTokenMo.getBytes(KEY_TOKENDATA);
if (tokendataBytes.length == 0)
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_TOKENDATA_MISSING, "useridtoken " + userIdTokenMo).setMasterToken(masterToken);
signatureBytes = userIdTokenMo.getBytes(KEY_SIGNATURE);
verified = cryptoContext.verify(tokendataBytes, signatureBytes, encoder);
} catch (final MslEncoderException e) {
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.MSL_PARSE_ERROR, "useridtoken " + userIdTokenMo, e).setMasterToken(masterToken);
// Pull the token data.
final byte[] plaintext;
try {
final MslObject tokendata = encoder.parseObject(tokendataBytes);
renewalWindow = tokendata.getLong(KEY_RENEWAL_WINDOW);
expiration = tokendata.getLong(KEY_EXPIRATION);
if (expiration < renewalWindow)
throw new MslException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_EXPIRES_BEFORE_RENEWAL, "usertokendata " + tokendata).setMasterToken(masterToken);
mtSerialNumber = tokendata.getLong(KEY_MASTER_TOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER);
if (mtSerialNumber < 0 || mtSerialNumber > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
throw new MslException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_MASTERTOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE, "usertokendata " + tokendata).setMasterToken(masterToken);
serialNumber = tokendata.getLong(KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER);
if (serialNumber < 0 || serialNumber > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
throw new MslException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE, "usertokendata " + tokendata).setMasterToken(masterToken);
final byte[] ciphertext = tokendata.getBytes(KEY_USERDATA);
if (ciphertext.length == 0)
throw new MslException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_USERDATA_MISSING).setMasterToken(masterToken);
plaintext = (verified) ? cryptoContext.decrypt(ciphertext, encoder) : null;
} catch (final MslEncoderException e) {
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_TOKENDATA_PARSE_ERROR, "usertokendata " + Base64.encode(tokendataBytes), e).setMasterToken(masterToken);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw e;
// Pull the user data.
if (plaintext != null) {
try {
userdata = encoder.parseObject(plaintext);
issuerdata = (userdata.has(KEY_ISSUER_DATA)) ? userdata.getMslObject(KEY_ISSUER_DATA, encoder) : null;
final String identity = userdata.getString(KEY_IDENTITY);
if (identity == null || identity.length() == 0)
throw new MslException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_IDENTITY_INVALID, "userdata " + userdata).setMasterToken(masterToken);
final TokenFactory factory = ctx.getTokenFactory();
user = factory.createUser(ctx, identity);
if (user == null)
throw new MslInternalException("TokenFactory.createUser() returned null in violation of the interface contract.");
} catch (final MslEncoderException e) {
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_USERDATA_PARSE_ERROR, "userdata " + Base64.encode(plaintext), e).setMasterToken(masterToken);
} else {
userdata = null;
issuerdata = null;
user = null;
// Verify serial numbers.
if (masterToken == null || this.mtSerialNumber != masterToken.getSerialNumber())
throw new MslException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_MASTERTOKEN_MISMATCH, "uit mtserialnumber " + this.mtSerialNumber + "; mt " + masterToken).setMasterToken(masterToken);
* @return true if the decrypted content is available. (Implies verified.)
public boolean isDecrypted() {
return user != null;
* @return true if the token has been verified.
public boolean isVerified() {
return verified;
* @return the start of the renewal window.
public Date getRenewalWindow() {
return new Date(renewalWindow * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);
* Returns true if the user ID token renewal window has been entered.
* - If a time is provided the renewal window value will be compared
* against the provided time.
* - If the user ID token was issued by the local entity the renewal
* window value will be compared against the local entity time. We assume
* its clock at the time of issuance is in sync with the clock now.
* - Otherwise the user ID token is considered renewable under the
* assumption that the local time is not synchronized with the master token
* issuing entity time.
* @param now the time to compare against.
* @return true if the renewal window has been entered.
public boolean isRenewable(final Date now) {
if (now != null)
return renewalWindow * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND <= now.getTime();
if (isVerified())
return renewalWindow * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND <= ctx.getTime();
return true;
* @return the expiration.
public Date getExpiration() {
return new Date(expiration * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);
* Returns true if the user ID token is expired.
* - If a time is provided the expiration value will be compared against
* the provided time.
* - If the user ID token was issued by the local entity the expiration
* value will be compared against the local entity time. We assume
* its clock at the time of issuance is in sync with the clock now.
* - Otherwise the user ID token is considered not expired under the
* assumption that the local time is not synchronized with the token-
* issuing entity time.
* @param now the time to compare against.
* @return true if expired.
public boolean isExpired(final Date now) {
if (now != null)
return expiration * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND <= now.getTime();
if (isVerified())
return expiration * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND <= ctx.getTime();
return false;
* @return the user ID token issuer data or null if there is none or it is
* unknown (user data could not be decrypted).
public MslObject getIssuerData() {
return issuerdata;
* @return the MSL user, or null if unknown (user data could not be
* decrypted).
public MslUser getUser() {
return user;
* @return the user ID token serial number.
public long getSerialNumber() {
return serialNumber;
* Return the serial number of the master token this user ID token is bound
* to.
* @return the master token serial number.
public long getMasterTokenSerialNumber() {
return mtSerialNumber;
* @param masterToken master token. May be null.
* @return true if this token is bound to the provided master token.
public boolean isBoundTo(final MasterToken masterToken) {
return masterToken != null && masterToken.getSerialNumber() == mtSerialNumber;
/** MSL context. */
private final MslContext ctx;
/** User ID token renewal window in seconds since the epoch. */
private final long renewalWindow;
/** User ID token expiration in seconds since the epoch. */
private final long expiration;
/** Master token serial number. */
private final long mtSerialNumber;
/** Serial number. */
private final long serialNumber;
/** User data. */
private final MslObject userdata;
/** Issuer data. */
private final MslObject issuerdata;
/** MSL user. */
private final MslUser user;
/** Token data bytes. */
private final byte[] tokendataBytes;
/** Signature bytes. */
private final byte[] signatureBytes;
/** Token is verified. */
private final boolean verified;
/** Cached encodings. */
private final Map encodings = new HashMap();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see,
public byte[] toMslEncoding(final MslEncoderFactory encoder, final MslEncoderFormat format) throws MslEncoderException {
// Return any cached encoding.
if (encodings.containsKey(format))
return encodings.get(format);
// If we parsed this token (i.e. did not create it from scratch) then
// we should not re-encrypt or re-sign as there is no guarantee out MSL
// crypto context is capable of encrypting and signing with the same
// keys, even if it is capable of decrypting and verifying.
final byte[] data, signature;
if (tokendataBytes != null || signatureBytes != null) {
data = tokendataBytes;
signature = signatureBytes;
// Otherwise create the token data and signature.
else {
// Grab the MSL token crypto context.
final ICryptoContext cryptoContext;
try {
cryptoContext = ctx.getMslCryptoContext();
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw new MslEncoderException("Error creating the MSL crypto context.", e);
// Encrypt the user data.
final byte[] plaintext = encoder.encodeObject(userdata, format);
final byte[] ciphertext;
try {
ciphertext = cryptoContext.encrypt(plaintext, encoder, format);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw new MslEncoderException("Error encrypting the user data.", e);
// Construct the token data.
final MslObject tokendata = encoder.createObject();
tokendata.put(KEY_RENEWAL_WINDOW, this.renewalWindow);
tokendata.put(KEY_EXPIRATION, this.expiration);
tokendata.put(KEY_MASTER_TOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER, this.mtSerialNumber);
tokendata.put(KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER, this.serialNumber);
tokendata.put(KEY_USERDATA, ciphertext);
// Sign the token data.
data = encoder.encodeObject(tokendata, format);
try {
signature = cryptoContext.sign(data, encoder, format);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw new MslEncoderException("Error signing the token data.", e);
// Encode the token.
final MslObject token = encoder.createObject();
token.put(KEY_TOKENDATA, data);
token.put(KEY_SIGNATURE, signature);
final byte[] encoding = encoder.encodeObject(token, format);
// Cache and return the encoding.
encodings.put(format, encoding);
return encoding;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
final MslEncoderFactory encoder = ctx.getMslEncoderFactory();
final MslObject tokendataMo = encoder.createObject();
tokendataMo.put(KEY_RENEWAL_WINDOW, renewalWindow);
tokendataMo.put(KEY_EXPIRATION, expiration);
tokendataMo.put(KEY_MASTER_TOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER, mtSerialNumber);
tokendataMo.put(KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER, serialNumber);
tokendataMo.put(KEY_USERDATA, "(redacted)");
final MslObject mslObj = encoder.createObject();
mslObj.put(KEY_TOKENDATA, tokendataMo);
mslObj.put(KEY_SIGNATURE, (signatureBytes != null) ? signatureBytes : "(null)");
return mslObj.toString();
* Returns true if the other object is a user ID token with the same
* serial number bound to the same master token.
* This function is designed for use with sets and maps to guarantee
* uniqueness of individual user ID tokens.
* @param obj the reference object with which to compare.
* @return true if the other object is a user ID token with the same serial
* number bound to the same master token.
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj instanceof UserIdToken) {
final UserIdToken that = (UserIdToken)obj;
return this.serialNumber == that.serialNumber &&
this.mtSerialNumber == that.mtSerialNumber;
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return (String.valueOf(serialNumber) + ":" + String.valueOf(mtSerialNumber)).hashCode();