com.netflix.msl.msg.MessageHeader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Netflix, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.msl.msg;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.netflix.msl.MslConstants;
import com.netflix.msl.MslCryptoException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslEncodingException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslEntityAuthException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslError;
import com.netflix.msl.MslException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslInternalException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslKeyExchangeException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslMasterTokenException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslMessageException;
import com.netflix.msl.MslUserAuthException;
import com.netflix.msl.crypto.ICryptoContext;
import com.netflix.msl.crypto.SessionCryptoContext;
import com.netflix.msl.entityauth.EntityAuthenticationData;
import com.netflix.msl.entityauth.EntityAuthenticationFactory;
import com.netflix.msl.entityauth.EntityAuthenticationScheme;
import com.netflix.msl.io.MslArray;
import com.netflix.msl.io.MslEncoderException;
import com.netflix.msl.io.MslEncoderFactory;
import com.netflix.msl.io.MslEncoderFormat;
import com.netflix.msl.io.MslEncoderUtils;
import com.netflix.msl.io.MslObject;
import com.netflix.msl.keyx.KeyRequestData;
import com.netflix.msl.keyx.KeyResponseData;
import com.netflix.msl.tokens.MasterToken;
import com.netflix.msl.tokens.MslUser;
import com.netflix.msl.tokens.ServiceToken;
import com.netflix.msl.tokens.UserIdToken;
import com.netflix.msl.userauth.UserAuthenticationData;
import com.netflix.msl.userauth.UserAuthenticationFactory;
import com.netflix.msl.userauth.UserAuthenticationScheme;
import com.netflix.msl.util.Base64;
import com.netflix.msl.util.MslContext;
* If a master token exists, the header data chunks will be encrypted and
* verified using the master token. If no master token exists, the header data
* will be verified and encrypted based on the entity authentication
* scheme.
* If peer tokens exist, the message recipient is expected to use the peer
* master token to secure its response and send the peer user ID token and peer
* service tokens back in the header data. The request's tokens should be
* included as the response's peer tokens.
* If key response data exists, it applies to the token set the receiving
* entity uses to identify itself. In a trusted services network the key
* response data applies to the primary tokens. In a peer-to-peer network the
* key response data applies to the peer tokens.
* The header data is represented as
* {@code
* headerdata = {
* "#mandatory" : [ "messageid", "renewable", "handshake" ],
* "timestamp" : "int64(0,2^53^)",
* "messageid" : "int64(0,2^53^)",
* "nonreplayableid" : "int64(0,2^53^)",
* "renewable" : "boolean",
* "handshake" : "boolean",
* "capabilities" : capabilities,
* "keyrequestdata" : [ keyrequestdata ],
* "keyresponsedata" : keyresponsedata,
* "userauthdata" : userauthdata,
* "useridtoken" : useridtoken,
* "servicetokens" : [ servicetoken ],
* "peermastertoken" : mastertoken,
* "peeruseridtoken" : useridtoken,
* "peerservicetokens" : [ servicetoken ]
* }} where:
* - {@code timestamp} is the sender time when the header is created in seconds since the UNIX epoch
* - {@code messageid} is the message ID
* - {@code nonreplayableid} is the non-replayable ID
* - {@code renewable} indicates if the master token and user ID are renewable
* - {@code handshake} indicates a handshake message
* - {@code capabilities} lists the sender's message capabilities
* - {@code keyrequestdata} is session key request data
* - {@code keyresponsedata} is the session key response data
* - {@code userauthdata} is the user authentication data
* - {@code useridtoken} is the user ID token
* - {@code servicetokens} are the service tokens
* - {@code peermastertoken} is the peer master token
* - {@code peeruseridtoken} is the peer user ID token
* - {@code peerservicetokens} are the peer service tokens
* @author Wesley Miaw
public class MessageHeader extends Header {
/** Milliseconds per second. */
private static final long MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
// Message header data.
/** Key sender. */
private static final String KEY_SENDER = "sender";
/** Key timestamp. */
private static final String KEY_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
/** Key message ID. */
private static final String KEY_MESSAGE_ID = "messageid";
/** Key non-replayable ID. */
private static final String KEY_NON_REPLAYABLE_ID = "nonreplayableid";
/** Key non-replayable flag. */
private static final String KEY_NON_REPLAYABLE = "nonreplayable";
/** Key renewable flag. */
private static final String KEY_RENEWABLE = "renewable";
/** Key handshake flag */
private static final String KEY_HANDSHAKE = "handshake";
/** Key capabilities. */
private static final String KEY_CAPABILITIES = "capabilities";
/** Key key exchange request. */
private static final String KEY_KEY_REQUEST_DATA = "keyrequestdata";
/** Key key exchange response. */
private static final String KEY_KEY_RESPONSE_DATA = "keyresponsedata";
/** Key user authentication data. */
private static final String KEY_USER_AUTHENTICATION_DATA = "userauthdata";
/** Key user ID token. */
private static final String KEY_USER_ID_TOKEN = "useridtoken";
/** Key service tokens. */
private static final String KEY_SERVICE_TOKENS = "servicetokens";
// Message header peer data.
/** Key peer master token. */
private static final String KEY_PEER_MASTER_TOKEN = "peermastertoken";
/** Key peer user ID token. */
private static final String KEY_PEER_USER_ID_TOKEN = "peeruseridtoken";
/** Key peer service tokens. */
private static final String KEY_PEER_SERVICE_TOKENS = "peerservicetokens";
* Container struct for message header data.
public static class HeaderData {
* @param messageId the message ID.
* @param nonReplayableId the message's non-replayable ID. May be null.
* @param renewable the message's renewable flag.
* @param handshake the message's handshake flag.
* @param capabilities the sender's message capabilities.
* @param keyRequestData session key request data. May be null or
* empty.
* @param keyResponseData session key response data. May be null.
* @param userAuthData the user authentication data. May be null if a
* user ID token is provided or there is no user authentication
* for this message.
* @param userIdToken the user ID token. May be null if user
* authentication data is provided or there is no user
* authentication for this message.
* @param serviceTokens the service tokens. May be null or empty.
public HeaderData(final long messageId, final Long nonReplayableId,
final boolean renewable, final boolean handshake,
final MessageCapabilities capabilities,
final Set keyRequestData, final KeyResponseData keyResponseData,
final UserAuthenticationData userAuthData, final UserIdToken userIdToken,
final Set serviceTokens)
this.messageId = messageId;
this.nonReplayableId = nonReplayableId;
this.renewable = renewable;
this.handshake = handshake;
this.capabilities = capabilities;
this.keyRequestData = keyRequestData;
this.keyResponseData = keyResponseData;
this.userAuthData = userAuthData;
this.userIdToken = userIdToken;
this.serviceTokens = serviceTokens;
public final long messageId;
public final Long nonReplayableId;
public final boolean renewable;
public final boolean handshake;
public final MessageCapabilities capabilities;
public final Set keyRequestData;
public final KeyResponseData keyResponseData;
public final UserAuthenticationData userAuthData;
public final UserIdToken userIdToken;
public final Set serviceTokens;
* Container struct for header peer data.
public static class HeaderPeerData {
* @param peerMasterToken peer master token. May be null.
* @param peerUserIdToken peer user ID token. May be null if there is
* no user authentication for the peer.
* @param peerServiceTokens peer service tokens. May be empty.
public HeaderPeerData(final MasterToken peerMasterToken, final UserIdToken peerUserIdToken,
final Set peerServiceTokens)
this.peerMasterToken = peerMasterToken;
this.peerUserIdToken = peerUserIdToken;
this.peerServiceTokens = peerServiceTokens;
public final MasterToken peerMasterToken;
public final UserIdToken peerUserIdToken;
public final Set peerServiceTokens;
* Construct a new message header with the provided message data.
* Headers are encrypted and signed. If a master token is provided, it
* will be used for this purpose. Otherwise the crypto context appropriate
* for the entity authentication scheme will be used. N.B. Either the
* entity authentication data or the master token must be provided.
* Peer tokens are only processed if operating in peer-to-peer mode.
* @param ctx MSL context.
* @param entityAuthData the entity authentication data. May be null if a
* master token is provided.
* @param masterToken the master token. May be null if entity
* authentication data is provided.
* @param headerData message header data container.
* @param peerData message header peer data container.
* @throws MslEncodingException if there is an error encoding the data.
* @throws MslCryptoException if there is an error encrypting or signing
* the message.
* @throws MslMasterTokenException if the header master token is not
* trusted and needs to be to accept this message header.
* @throws MslEntityAuthException if there is an error with the entity
* authentication data.
public MessageHeader(final MslContext ctx, final EntityAuthenticationData entityAuthData, final MasterToken masterToken, final HeaderData headerData, final HeaderPeerData peerData) throws MslCryptoException, MslEncodingException, MslMasterTokenException, MslEntityAuthException {
// Message ID must be within range.
if (headerData.messageId < 0 || headerData.messageId > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
throw new MslInternalException("Message ID " + headerData.messageId + " is out of range.");
// Message entity must be provided.
if (entityAuthData == null && masterToken == null)
throw new MslInternalException("Message entity authentication data or master token must be provided.");
// Do not allow user authentication data to be included if the message
// will not be encrypted.
final boolean encrypted;
if (masterToken != null) {
encrypted = true;
} else {
final EntityAuthenticationScheme scheme = entityAuthData.getScheme();
encrypted = scheme.encrypts();
if (!encrypted && headerData.userAuthData != null)
throw new MslInternalException("User authentication data cannot be included if the message is not encrypted.");
// Older MSL stacks expect the sender if a master token is being used.
// If the local entity does not know its entity identity, then use the
// empty string. This will work except for the case where the old MSL
// stack is receiving a message for which it is also the issuer of the
// master token. That scenario will continue to fail.
final String sender;
if (masterToken != null) {
final String localIdentity = ctx.getEntityAuthenticationData(null).getIdentity();
sender = (localIdentity != null) ? localIdentity : "";
} else {
sender = null;
this.entityAuthData = (masterToken == null) ? entityAuthData : null;
this.masterToken = masterToken;
this.nonReplayableId = headerData.nonReplayableId;
this.renewable = headerData.renewable;
this.handshake = headerData.handshake;
this.capabilities = headerData.capabilities;
this.timestamp = ctx.getTime() / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
this.messageId = headerData.messageId;
this.keyRequestData = Collections.unmodifiableSet((headerData.keyRequestData != null) ? headerData.keyRequestData : new HashSet());
this.keyResponseData = headerData.keyResponseData;
this.userAuthData = headerData.userAuthData;
this.userIdToken = headerData.userIdToken;
this.serviceTokens = Collections.unmodifiableSet((headerData.serviceTokens != null) ? headerData.serviceTokens : new HashSet());
if (ctx.isPeerToPeer()) {
this.peerMasterToken = peerData.peerMasterToken;
this.peerUserIdToken = peerData.peerUserIdToken;
this.peerServiceTokens = Collections.unmodifiableSet((peerData.peerServiceTokens != null) ? peerData.peerServiceTokens : new HashSet());
} else {
this.peerMasterToken = null;
this.peerUserIdToken = null;
this.peerServiceTokens = Collections.emptySet();
// Grab token verification master tokens.
final MasterToken tokenVerificationMasterToken, peerTokenVerificationMasterToken;
if (this.keyResponseData != null) {
// The key response data is used for token verification in a
// trusted services network and peer token verification in a peer-
// to-peer network.
if (!ctx.isPeerToPeer()) {
tokenVerificationMasterToken = this.keyResponseData.getMasterToken();
peerTokenVerificationMasterToken = this.peerMasterToken;
} else {
tokenVerificationMasterToken = this.masterToken;
peerTokenVerificationMasterToken = this.keyResponseData.getMasterToken();
} else {
tokenVerificationMasterToken = this.masterToken;
peerTokenVerificationMasterToken = this.peerMasterToken;
// Check token combinations.
if (this.userIdToken != null && (tokenVerificationMasterToken == null || !this.userIdToken.isBoundTo(tokenVerificationMasterToken)))
throw new MslInternalException("User ID token must be bound to a master token.");
if (this.peerUserIdToken != null && (peerTokenVerificationMasterToken == null || !this.peerUserIdToken.isBoundTo(peerTokenVerificationMasterToken)))
throw new MslInternalException("Peer user ID token must be bound to a peer master token.");
// Grab the user.
if (this.userIdToken != null)
this.user = this.userIdToken.getUser();
this.user = null;
// All service tokens must be unbound or if bound, bound to the
// provided tokens.
for (final ServiceToken serviceToken : this.serviceTokens) {
if (serviceToken.isMasterTokenBound() && (tokenVerificationMasterToken == null || !serviceToken.isBoundTo(tokenVerificationMasterToken)))
throw new MslInternalException("Master token bound service tokens must be bound to the provided master token.");
if (serviceToken.isUserIdTokenBound() && (this.userIdToken == null || !serviceToken.isBoundTo(this.userIdToken)))
throw new MslInternalException("User ID token bound service tokens must be bound to the provided user ID token.");
for (final ServiceToken peerServiceToken : this.peerServiceTokens) {
if (peerServiceToken.isMasterTokenBound() && (peerTokenVerificationMasterToken == null || !peerServiceToken.isBoundTo(peerTokenVerificationMasterToken)))
throw new MslInternalException("Master token bound peer service tokens must be bound to the provided peer master token.");
if (peerServiceToken.isUserIdTokenBound() && (this.peerUserIdToken == null || !peerServiceToken.isBoundTo(this.peerUserIdToken)))
throw new MslInternalException("User ID token bound peer service tokens must be bound to the provided peer user ID token.");
// Construct the header data.
try {
final MslEncoderFactory encoder = ctx.getMslEncoderFactory();
headerdata = encoder.createObject();
if (sender != null) headerdata.put(KEY_SENDER, sender);
headerdata.put(KEY_TIMESTAMP, this.timestamp);
headerdata.put(KEY_MESSAGE_ID, this.messageId);
headerdata.put(KEY_NON_REPLAYABLE, this.nonReplayableId != null);
if (this.nonReplayableId != null) headerdata.put(KEY_NON_REPLAYABLE_ID, this.nonReplayableId);
headerdata.put(KEY_RENEWABLE, this.renewable);
headerdata.put(KEY_HANDSHAKE, this.handshake);
if (this.capabilities != null) headerdata.put(KEY_CAPABILITIES, this.capabilities);
if (this.keyRequestData.size() > 0) headerdata.put(KEY_KEY_REQUEST_DATA, MslEncoderUtils.createArray(ctx, this.keyRequestData));
if (this.keyResponseData != null) headerdata.put(KEY_KEY_RESPONSE_DATA, this.keyResponseData);
if (this.userAuthData != null) headerdata.put(KEY_USER_AUTHENTICATION_DATA, this.userAuthData);
if (this.userIdToken != null) headerdata.put(KEY_USER_ID_TOKEN, this.userIdToken);
if (this.serviceTokens.size() > 0) headerdata.put(KEY_SERVICE_TOKENS, MslEncoderUtils.createArray(ctx, this.serviceTokens));
if (this.peerMasterToken != null) headerdata.put(KEY_PEER_MASTER_TOKEN, this.peerMasterToken);
if (this.peerUserIdToken != null) headerdata.put(KEY_PEER_USER_ID_TOKEN, this.peerUserIdToken);
if (this.peerServiceTokens.size() > 0) headerdata.put(KEY_PEER_SERVICE_TOKENS, MslEncoderUtils.createArray(ctx, this.peerServiceTokens));
} catch (final MslEncoderException e) {
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.MSL_ENCODE_ERROR, "headerdata", e)
// Create the correct crypto context.
if (this.masterToken != null) {
// Use a stored master token crypto context if we have one.
final ICryptoContext cachedCryptoContext = ctx.getMslStore().getCryptoContext(this.masterToken);
// If there was no stored crypto context try making one from
// the master token. We can only do this if we can open up the
// master token.
if (cachedCryptoContext == null) {
if (!this.masterToken.isVerified() || !this.masterToken.isDecrypted())
throw new MslMasterTokenException(MslError.MASTERTOKEN_UNTRUSTED, this.masterToken).setUserIdToken(this.userIdToken).setUserAuthenticationData(this.userAuthData).setMessageId(this.messageId);
this.messageCryptoContext = new SessionCryptoContext(ctx, this.masterToken);
} else {
this.messageCryptoContext = cachedCryptoContext;
} else {
try {
final EntityAuthenticationScheme scheme = this.entityAuthData.getScheme();
final EntityAuthenticationFactory factory = ctx.getEntityAuthenticationFactory(scheme);
if (factory == null)
throw new MslEntityAuthException(MslError.ENTITYAUTH_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND, scheme.name());
this.messageCryptoContext = factory.getCryptoContext(ctx, this.entityAuthData);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw e;
} catch (final MslEntityAuthException e) {
throw e;
* Construct a new message from the provided JSON object.
* Headers are encrypted and signed. If a master token is found, it will
* be used for this purpose. Otherwise the crypto context appropriate for
* the entity authentication scheme will be used. Either the master token
* or entity authentication data must be found.
* If user authentication data is included user authentication will be
* performed. If a user ID token is included then its user information is
* considered to be trusted.
* Service tokens will be decrypted and verified with the provided crypto
* contexts identified by token name. A default crypto context may be
* provided by using the empty string as the token name; if a token name is
* not explicitly mapped onto a crypto context, the default crypto context
* will be used.
* @param ctx MSL context.
* @param headerdataBytes encoded header data.
* @param entityAuthData the entity authentication data. May be null if a
* master token is provided.
* @param masterToken the master token. May be null if entity
* authentication data is provided.
* @param signature the header signature.
* @param cryptoContexts the map of service token names onto crypto
* contexts used to decrypt and verify service tokens.
* @throws MslEncodingException if there is an error parsing the JSON.
* @throws MslCryptoException if there is an error decrypting or verifying
* the header or creating the key exchange crypto context.
* @throws MslEntityAuthException if unable to create the entity
* authentication data or there is an error with the entity
* authentication data.
* @throws MslKeyExchangeException if unable to create the key request data
* or key response data.
* @throws MslUserAuthException if unable to create the user authentication
* data or authenticate the user.
* @throws MslMasterTokenException if the header master token is not
* trusted and needs to be to accept this message header.
* @throws MslMessageException if the message does not contain an entity
* authentication data or a master token, the header data is
* missing or invalid, or the message ID is negative, or the
* message is not encrypted and contains user authentication data.
* @throws MslException if a token is improperly bound to another token.
protected MessageHeader(final MslContext ctx, final byte[] headerdataBytes, final EntityAuthenticationData entityAuthData, final MasterToken masterToken, final byte[] signature, final Map cryptoContexts) throws MslEncodingException, MslCryptoException, MslKeyExchangeException, MslUserAuthException, MslMasterTokenException, MslMessageException, MslEntityAuthException, MslException {
final MslEncoderFactory encoder = ctx.getMslEncoderFactory();
final byte[] plaintext;
try {
this.entityAuthData = (masterToken == null) ? entityAuthData : null;
this.masterToken = masterToken;
if (entityAuthData == null && masterToken == null)
throw new MslMessageException(MslError.MESSAGE_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND);
// Create the correct crypto context.
if (masterToken != null) {
// Use a stored master token crypto context if we have one.
final ICryptoContext cachedCryptoContext = ctx.getMslStore().getCryptoContext(masterToken);
// If there was no stored crypto context try making one from
// the master token. We can only do this if we can open up the
// master token.
if (cachedCryptoContext == null) {
if (!masterToken.isVerified() || !masterToken.isDecrypted())
throw new MslMasterTokenException(MslError.MASTERTOKEN_UNTRUSTED, masterToken);
this.messageCryptoContext = new SessionCryptoContext(ctx, masterToken);
} else {
this.messageCryptoContext = cachedCryptoContext;
} else {
try {
final EntityAuthenticationScheme scheme = entityAuthData.getScheme();
final EntityAuthenticationFactory factory = ctx.getEntityAuthenticationFactory(scheme);
if (factory == null)
throw new MslEntityAuthException(MslError.ENTITYAUTH_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND, scheme.name());
this.messageCryptoContext = factory.getCryptoContext(ctx, entityAuthData);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw e;
} catch (final MslEntityAuthException e) {
throw e;
// Verify and decrypt the header data.
// Throw different errors depending on whether or not a master
// token was used.
if (!this.messageCryptoContext.verify(headerdataBytes, signature, encoder)) {
if (masterToken != null)
plaintext = this.messageCryptoContext.decrypt(headerdataBytes, encoder);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw e;
} catch (final MslEntityAuthException e) {
throw e;
try {
headerdata = encoder.parseObject(plaintext);
// Pull the message ID first because any error responses need to
// use it.
this.messageId = headerdata.getLong(KEY_MESSAGE_ID);
if (this.messageId < 0 || this.messageId > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
throw new MslMessageException(MslError.MESSAGE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE, "headerdata " + headerdata).setMasterToken(masterToken).setEntityAuthenticationData(entityAuthData);
} catch (final MslEncoderException e) {
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.MSL_PARSE_ERROR, "headerdata " + Base64.encode(plaintext), e).setMasterToken(masterToken).setEntityAuthenticationData(entityAuthData);
try {
this.timestamp = (headerdata.has(KEY_TIMESTAMP)) ? headerdata.getLong(KEY_TIMESTAMP) : null;
// Pull key response data.
final MasterToken tokenVerificationMasterToken;
if (headerdata.has(KEY_KEY_RESPONSE_DATA)) {
this.keyResponseData = KeyResponseData.create(ctx, headerdata.getMslObject(KEY_KEY_RESPONSE_DATA, encoder));
// The key response data master token is used for token
// verification in a trusted services network. Otherwise it
// will be used for peer token verification, which is handled
// below.
tokenVerificationMasterToken = (!ctx.isPeerToPeer())
? this.keyResponseData.getMasterToken()
: masterToken;
} else {
this.keyResponseData = null;
tokenVerificationMasterToken = masterToken;
// User ID tokens are always authenticated by a master token.
this.userIdToken = (headerdata.has(KEY_USER_ID_TOKEN))
? new UserIdToken(ctx, headerdata.getMslObject(KEY_USER_ID_TOKEN, encoder), tokenVerificationMasterToken)
: null;
// Pull user authentication data.
this.userAuthData = (headerdata.has(KEY_USER_AUTHENTICATION_DATA))
? UserAuthenticationData.create(ctx, tokenVerificationMasterToken, headerdata.getMslObject(KEY_USER_AUTHENTICATION_DATA, encoder))
: null;
// Identify the user if any.
if (this.userAuthData != null) {
// Reject unencrypted messages containing user authentication data.
final boolean encrypted = (masterToken != null) ? true : entityAuthData.getScheme().encrypts();
if (!encrypted)
throw new MslMessageException(MslError.UNENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_WITH_USERAUTHDATA).setUserIdToken(userIdToken).setUserAuthenticationData(userAuthData);
// Verify the user authentication data.
final UserAuthenticationScheme scheme = this.userAuthData.getScheme();
final UserAuthenticationFactory factory = ctx.getUserAuthenticationFactory(scheme);
if (factory == null)
throw new MslUserAuthException(MslError.USERAUTH_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND, scheme.name()).setUserIdToken(userIdToken).setUserAuthenticationData(userAuthData);
final String identity = (this.masterToken != null) ? this.masterToken.getIdentity() : this.entityAuthData.getIdentity();
this.user = factory.authenticate(ctx, identity, this.userAuthData, this.userIdToken);
} else if (this.userIdToken != null) {
this.user = this.userIdToken.getUser();
} else {
this.user = null;
// Service tokens are authenticated by the master token if it
// exists or by the application crypto context.
final Set serviceTokens = new HashSet();
if (headerdata.has(KEY_SERVICE_TOKENS)) {
final MslArray tokens = headerdata.getMslArray(KEY_SERVICE_TOKENS);
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) {
try {
serviceTokens.add(new ServiceToken(ctx, tokens.getMslObject(i, encoder), tokenVerificationMasterToken, this.userIdToken, cryptoContexts));
} catch (final MslException e) {
throw e;
this.serviceTokens = Collections.unmodifiableSet(serviceTokens);
} catch (final MslEncoderException e) {
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.MSL_PARSE_ERROR, "headerdata " + headerdata, e).setMasterToken(masterToken).setEntityAuthenticationData(entityAuthData).setMessageId(this.messageId);
} catch (final MslException e) {
throw e;
try {
this.nonReplayableId = (headerdata.has(KEY_NON_REPLAYABLE_ID)) ? headerdata.getLong(KEY_NON_REPLAYABLE_ID) : null;
this.renewable = headerdata.getBoolean(KEY_RENEWABLE);
// FIXME: Make handshake required once all MSL stacks are updated.
this.handshake = (headerdata.has(KEY_HANDSHAKE)) ? headerdata.getBoolean(KEY_HANDSHAKE) : false;
// Verify values.
if (nonReplayableId != null && (nonReplayableId < 0 || nonReplayableId > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE))
throw new MslMessageException(MslError.NONREPLAYABLE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE, "headerdata " + headerdata);
// Pull message capabilities.
if (headerdata.has(KEY_CAPABILITIES)) {
final MslObject capabilitiesMo = headerdata.getMslObject(KEY_CAPABILITIES, encoder);
this.capabilities = new MessageCapabilities(capabilitiesMo);
} else {
this.capabilities = null;
// Pull key request data containers.
final Set keyRequestData = new HashSet();
if (headerdata.has(KEY_KEY_REQUEST_DATA)) {
final MslArray keyRequests = headerdata.getMslArray(KEY_KEY_REQUEST_DATA);
for (int i = 0; i < keyRequests.size(); ++i) {
keyRequestData.add(KeyRequestData.create(ctx, keyRequests.getMslObject(i, encoder)));
this.keyRequestData = Collections.unmodifiableSet(keyRequestData);
// Only process peer-to-peer tokens if in peer-to-peer mode.
if (ctx.isPeerToPeer()) {
// Pull peer master token.
this.peerMasterToken = (headerdata.has(KEY_PEER_MASTER_TOKEN))
? new MasterToken(ctx, headerdata.getMslObject(KEY_PEER_MASTER_TOKEN, encoder))
: null;
// The key response data master token is used for peer token
// verification if in peer-to-peer mode.
final MasterToken peerVerificationMasterToken;
if (this.keyResponseData != null)
peerVerificationMasterToken = this.keyResponseData.getMasterToken();
peerVerificationMasterToken = this.peerMasterToken;
// Pull peer user ID token. User ID tokens are always
// authenticated by a master token.
try {
this.peerUserIdToken = (headerdata.has(KEY_PEER_USER_ID_TOKEN))
? new UserIdToken(ctx, headerdata.getMslObject(KEY_PEER_USER_ID_TOKEN, encoder), peerVerificationMasterToken)
: null;
} catch (final MslException e) {
throw e;
// Peer service tokens are authenticated by the peer master
// token if it exists or by the application crypto context.
final Set peerServiceTokens = new HashSet();
if (headerdata.has(KEY_PEER_SERVICE_TOKENS)) {
final MslArray tokens = headerdata.getMslArray(KEY_PEER_SERVICE_TOKENS);
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) {
try {
peerServiceTokens.add(new ServiceToken(ctx, tokens.getMslObject(i, encoder), peerVerificationMasterToken, this.peerUserIdToken, cryptoContexts));
} catch (final MslException e) {
throw e;
this.peerServiceTokens = Collections.unmodifiableSet(peerServiceTokens);
} else {
this.peerMasterToken = null;
this.peerUserIdToken = null;
this.peerServiceTokens = Collections.emptySet();
} catch (final MslEncoderException e) {
throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.MSL_PARSE_ERROR, "headerdata " + headerdata.toString(), e)
} catch (final MslException e) {
throw e;
* @return true if the message header crypto context provides encryption.
* @see #getCryptoContext()
public boolean isEncrypting() {
return masterToken != null || entityAuthData.getScheme().encrypts();
* Returns the crypto context that was used to process the header data.
* This crypto context should also be used to process the payload data if
* no key response data is included in the message.
* @return the header data crypto context.
* @see #isEncrypting()
public ICryptoContext getCryptoContext() {
return messageCryptoContext;
* Returns the user if the user has been authenticated or a user ID token
* was provided.
* @return the user. May be null.
public MslUser getUser() {
return user;
* Returns the entity authentication data. May be null if the entity has
* already been authenticated and is using a master token instead.
* @return the entity authentication data.
public EntityAuthenticationData getEntityAuthenticationData() {
return entityAuthData;
* Returns the primary master token identifying the entity and containing
* the session keys. May be null if the entity has not been authenticated.
* @return the master token. May be null.
public MasterToken getMasterToken() {
return masterToken;
* @return the timestamp. May be null.
public Date getTimestamp() {
return (timestamp != null) ? new Date(timestamp * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND) : null;
* @return the message ID.
public long getMessageId() {
return messageId;
* @return the non-replayable ID. May be null.
public Long getNonReplayableId() {
return nonReplayableId;
* @return true if the message renewable flag is set.
public boolean isRenewable() {
return renewable;
* @return true if the message handshake flag is set.
public boolean isHandshake() {
return handshake;
* @return the message capabilities. May be null.
public MessageCapabilities getMessageCapabilities() {
return capabilities;
* @return key request data. May be empty.
public Set getKeyRequestData() {
return keyRequestData;
* @return key response data. May be null.
public KeyResponseData getKeyResponseData() {
return keyResponseData;
* Returns the user authentication data. May be null if the user has
* already been authenticated and is using a user ID token or if there is
* no user authentication requested.
* @return the user authentication data. May be null.
public UserAuthenticationData getUserAuthenticationData() {
return userAuthData;
* Returns the primary user ID token identifying the user. May be null if
* the user has not been authenticated.
* @return the user ID token. May be null.
public UserIdToken getUserIdToken() {
return userIdToken;
* Returns the primary service tokens included in this message.
* The returned list is immutable.
* @return the service tokens. May be empty if no there are no service
* tokens.
public Set getServiceTokens() {
return serviceTokens;
* Returns the master token that should be used by an entity responding to
* this message. Will be null if the responding entity should use its own
* entity authentication data or the primary master token.
* @return the peer master token. May be null.
public MasterToken getPeerMasterToken() {
return peerMasterToken;
* Returns the user ID token that must be used by an entity responding to
* this message if an peer master token is provided. May be null if peer
* user authentication has not occurred. Will be null if there is no peer
* master token.
* @return the peer user ID token. May be null.
public UserIdToken getPeerUserIdToken() {
return peerUserIdToken;
* Returns the service tokens that must be used by an entity responding
* to this message. May be null if the responding entity should use the
* primary service tokens.
* The returned list is immutable.
* @return the peer service tokens. May be empty if no there are no peer
* service tokens.
public Set getPeerServiceTokens() {
return peerServiceTokens;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.netflix.msl.io.MslEncodable#toMslEncoding(com.netflix.msl.io.MslEncoderFactory, com.netflix.msl.io.MslEncoderFormat)
public byte[] toMslEncoding(final MslEncoderFactory encoder, final MslEncoderFormat format) throws MslEncoderException {
// Return any cached encoding.
if (encodings.containsKey(format))
return encodings.get(format);
// Encrypt and sign the header data.
final byte[] plaintext = encoder.encodeObject(headerdata, format);
final byte[] ciphertext;
try {
ciphertext = this.messageCryptoContext.encrypt(plaintext, encoder, format);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw new MslEncoderException("Error encrypting the header data.", e);
final byte[] signature;
try {
signature = this.messageCryptoContext.sign(ciphertext, encoder, format);
} catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
throw new MslEncoderException("Error signging the header data.", e);
// Create the encoding.
final MslObject header = encoder.createObject();
if (masterToken != null)
header.put(Header.KEY_MASTER_TOKEN, masterToken);
header.put(Header.KEY_ENTITY_AUTHENTICATION_DATA, entityAuthData);
header.put(Header.KEY_HEADERDATA, ciphertext);
header.put(Header.KEY_SIGNATURE, signature);
final byte[] encoding = encoder.encodeObject(header, format);
// Cache and return the encoding.
encodings.put(format, encoding);
return encoding;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof MessageHeader)) return false;
final MessageHeader that = (MessageHeader) obj;
return (masterToken != null && masterToken.equals(that.masterToken) ||
entityAuthData != null && entityAuthData.equals(that.entityAuthData)) &&
(timestamp != null && timestamp.equals(that.timestamp) ||
timestamp == null && that.timestamp == null) &&
messageId == that.messageId &&
(nonReplayableId != null && nonReplayableId.equals(that.nonReplayableId) ||
nonReplayableId == null && that.nonReplayableId == null) &&
renewable == that.renewable &&
handshake == that.handshake &&
(capabilities != null && capabilities.equals(that.capabilities) ||
capabilities == that.capabilities) &&
keyRequestData.equals(that.keyRequestData) &&
(keyResponseData != null && keyResponseData.equals(that.keyResponseData) ||
keyResponseData == that.keyResponseData) &&
(userAuthData != null && userAuthData.equals(that.userAuthData) ||
userAuthData == that.userAuthData) &&
(userIdToken != null && userIdToken.equals(that.userIdToken) ||
userIdToken == that.userIdToken) &&
serviceTokens.equals(that.serviceTokens) &&
(peerMasterToken != null && peerMasterToken.equals(that.peerMasterToken) ||
peerMasterToken == that.peerMasterToken) &&
(peerUserIdToken != null && peerUserIdToken.equals(that.peerUserIdToken) ||
peerUserIdToken == that.peerUserIdToken) &&
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return ((masterToken != null) ? masterToken.hashCode() : entityAuthData.hashCode()) ^
((timestamp != null) ? timestamp.hashCode() : 0) ^
Long.valueOf(messageId).hashCode() ^
((nonReplayableId != null) ? nonReplayableId.hashCode() : 0) ^
Boolean.valueOf(renewable).hashCode() ^
Boolean.valueOf(handshake).hashCode() ^
((capabilities != null) ? capabilities.hashCode() : 0) ^
keyRequestData.hashCode() ^
((keyResponseData != null) ? keyResponseData.hashCode() : 0) ^
((userAuthData != null) ? userAuthData.hashCode() : 0) ^
((userIdToken != null) ? userIdToken.hashCode() : 0) ^
serviceTokens.hashCode() ^
((peerMasterToken != null) ? peerMasterToken.hashCode() : 0) ^
((peerUserIdToken != null) ? peerUserIdToken.hashCode() : 0) ^
/** Entity authentication data. */
private final EntityAuthenticationData entityAuthData;
/** Master token. */
private final MasterToken masterToken;
/** Header data. */
private final MslObject headerdata;
/** Timestamp in seconds since the epoch. */
private final Long timestamp;
/** Message ID. */
private final long messageId;
/** Non-replayable ID. */
private final Long nonReplayableId;
/** Renewable. */
private final boolean renewable;
/** Handshake message. */
private final boolean handshake;
/** Message capabilities. */
private final MessageCapabilities capabilities;
/** Key request data. */
private final Set keyRequestData;
/** Key response data. */
private final KeyResponseData keyResponseData;
/** User authentication data. */
private final UserAuthenticationData userAuthData;
/** User ID token. */
private final UserIdToken userIdToken;
/** Service tokens (immutable). */
private final Set serviceTokens;
/** Peer master token. */
private final MasterToken peerMasterToken;
/** Peer user ID token. */
private final UserIdToken peerUserIdToken;
/** Peer service tokens (immutable). */
private final Set peerServiceTokens;
/** User (if authenticated). */
private final MslUser user;
/** Message crypto context. */
private final ICryptoContext messageCryptoContext;
/** Cached encodings. */
private final Map encodings = new HashMap();