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Pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns of misuse or deprecations in Gradle scripts

There is a newer version: 20.2.2
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 * Copyright 2015-2019 Netflix, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import groovy.transform.Canonical
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
import org.gradle.api.Project

import static FileMode.Symlink
import static*
import static java.nio.file.Files.readSymbolicLink

class GradleLintPatchAction extends GradleLintViolationAction {
    Project project

    static final String PATCH_NAME = 'lint.patch'

    void lintFinished(Collection violations) {
        File buildDir = project.layout.buildDirectory.asFile.getOrElse(new File(project.projectDir, "build"))
        new File(buildDir, PATCH_NAME).withWriter { w ->
            def patch = patch(violations*.fixes.flatten() as List)

    private static determinePatchType(List patchFixes) {
        if (patchFixes.size() == 1 && patchFixes.get(0) instanceof GradleLintDeleteFile)
            return Delete
        else if (patchFixes.size() == 1 && patchFixes.get(0) instanceof GradleLintCreateFile) {
            return Create
        } else {
            return Update

    private static readFileOrSymlink(File file, FileMode mode) {
        return mode == Symlink ? [readSymbolicLink(file.toPath()).toString()] :
                // careful, because file.readLines() strips carriage returns
                // limit -1 preserves trailing empty lines
                file.text.isEmpty() ? [] : file.text.split('\n', -1).toList()

    private static diffHintsWithMargin(String relativePath, PatchType patchType, FileMode fileMode) {
        def headers = ["diff --git a/$relativePath b/$relativePath"]
        switch (patchType) {
            case Create:
                headers += "new file mode ${fileMode.mode}"
            case Delete:
                headers += "deleted file mode ${fileMode.mode}"
            case Update:
                if(fileMode == FileMode.Executable) {
                    headers += "new mode ${fileMode.mode}"
        return headers.collect { "|$it" }.join('\n')

    String patch(List fixes) {
        List> patchSets = []

            .unique { f1, f2 -> ? 0 : 1 }
            .groupBy { it.affectedFile }.each { file, fileFixes ->  // internal ordering of fixes per file is maintained (file order does not)
                def (individualFixes, combinedFixes) = fileFixes.split { it instanceof RequiresOwnPatchset }
                individualFixes.each {
                    patchSets.add([it] as List)

                    patchSets.add((combinedFixes as List).sort { it.from() })

        for(patchSet in patchSets) {
            boolean overlap = true
            while(overlap) {
                patchSet.eachWithIndex { fix, i ->
                    if (i < patchSet.size() - 1) {
                        def next = patchSet[i + 1]
                        def involvesAnInsertion = fix.from() > || next.from() >

                        if ((fix.from() <= next.from() && >= ||
                                next.from() <= fix.from() && >= &&
                                !involvesAnInsertion) {
                            markFixesFromTheSameViolation(patchSet, next)
                overlap = patchSet.retainAll { it.reasonForNotFixing == null }

        patchSets.removeAll { it.isEmpty() }

        String combinedPatch = ''

        def lastPathDeleted = null
        patchSets.eachWithIndex { patchFixes, i ->
            def patchType = determinePatchType(patchFixes)

            def file = patchFixes[0].affectedFile
            def fileMode = patchType == Create ? (patchFixes[0] as GradleLintCreateFile).fileMode : FileMode.fromFile(file)
            def emptyFile = file.exists() ? (lastPathDeleted == file.absolutePath || patchType == Create ||
                    readFileOrSymlink(file, fileMode).size() == 0) : true
            def newlineAtEndOfOriginal = emptyFile ? false : fileMode != Symlink && file.text[-1] == '\n'

            def firstLineOfContext = 1

            def beforeLineCount = 0
            def afterLineCount = 0

            // generate just this patch
            def lines = [''] // the extra empty line is so we don't have to do a bunch of zero-based conversions for line arithmetic
            if (!emptyFile) lines += readFileOrSymlink(file, fileMode)

            def patch = []
            patchFixes.sort { f1, f2 -> f1.from().compareTo(f2.from()) ?: }.eachWithIndex { fix, j ->
                def lastFix = j == patchFixes.size() - 1

                // 'before' context
                if (fix.from() > 0) {
                    def beforeContext
                    if(j == 0) {
                        def firstLine = Math.max(fix.from() - 3, 1)
                        beforeContext = lines.subList(firstLine, fix.from())
                    else {
                        try {
                            beforeContext = lines.subList(patchFixes[j - 1].to() + 1, fix.from())
                        } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("tried to overlay patches with ranges [${patchFixes[j-1].from()}, ${patchFixes[j-1].to()}], [${fix.from()}, ${}]", e)

                    beforeContext = beforeContext
                            .collect { line -> ' ' + line }
                            .dropWhile { String line -> j == 0 && StringUtils.isBlank(line) }

                    if(j == 0) {
                        firstLineOfContext = fix.from() - beforeContext.size()

                    beforeLineCount += beforeContext.size()
                    afterLineCount += beforeContext.size()
                    patch += beforeContext

                firstLineOfContext = Math.min(firstLineOfContext, fix.from())

                // - lines (lines being replaced, deleted)
                if (fix instanceof GradleLintMultilineFix) {
                    def changed = lines.subList(fix.from(), + 1).collect { line -> '-' + line }
                    patch += changed
                    beforeLineCount += changed.size()

                    if (j == 0 && + 1 == lines.size() && !newlineAtEndOfOriginal && changed[-1] != '\n') {
                        patch += /\ No newline at end of file/
                } else if (fix instanceof GradleLintInsertAfter && fix.afterLine == lines.size() - 1 && !newlineAtEndOfOriginal && !emptyFile) {
                    patch = patch.dropRight(1)
                    patch.addAll(['-' + lines[-1], /\ No newline at end of file/, '+' + lines[-1]])

                // + lines (to be included in new file)
                if (fix instanceof GradleLintReplaceWith) {
                    def replace = (GradleLintReplaceWith) fix
                    def changeLines = replace.changes.split('\n').toList()
                    def changes = changeLines.withIndex().collect { line, k ->
                        if (k == 0) {
                            def affected = lines[fix.from()]
                            line = affected.substring(0, replace.fromColumn < 0 ? affected.length() + replace.fromColumn + 1 : replace.fromColumn - 1) + line
                        if (k == changeLines.size() - 1) {
                            def affected = lines[]
                            line += affected.substring(replace.toColumn < 0 ? affected.length() + replace.toColumn + 1 : replace.toColumn - 1)
                        StringUtils.isNotBlank(line) ? '+' + line : null
                    .findAll { it }

                    patch += changes
                    afterLineCount += changes.size()
                } else if (fix instanceof GradleLintInsertBefore || fix instanceof GradleLintInsertAfter) {
                    def insertions = (fix.changes as String).split('\n').collect { line -> '+' + line }
                    patch += insertions
                    afterLineCount += insertions.size()

                // 'after' context
                if ( < lines.size() - 1 && lastFix) {
                    def lastLineOfContext = Math.min( + 3 + 1, lines.size())
                    def afterContext = lines.subList( + 1, lastLineOfContext)
                            .collect { line -> ' ' + line }
                            .dropWhile { String line -> lastFix && StringUtils.isBlank(line) }

                    beforeLineCount += afterContext.size()
                    afterLineCount += afterContext.size()

                    patch += afterContext

                    if (lastLineOfContext == lines.size() && !newlineAtEndOfOriginal) {
                        patch += /\ No newline at end of file/
                } else if (lastFix && fix.changes() && fix.changes()[-1] != '\n' && !newlineAtEndOfOriginal) {
                    patch += /\ No newline at end of file/

            // combine it with all the other patches
            if (i > 0)
                combinedPatch += '\n'

            def relativePath = project.rootDir.toPath().relativize(file.toPath()).toString()
            def diffHeader = """\
                ${diffHintsWithMargin(relativePath, patchType, fileMode)}
                |--- ${patchType == Create ? '/dev/null' : 'a/' + relativePath}
                |+++ ${patchType == Delete ? '/dev/null' : 'b/' + relativePath}
                |@@ -${emptyFile ? 0 : firstLineOfContext},$beforeLineCount +${afterLineCount == 0 ? 0 : firstLineOfContext},$afterLineCount @@

            combinedPatch += diffHeader + patch.join('\n')

            lastPathDeleted = patchType == Delete ? file.absolutePath : null

        combinedPatch + '\n'

    //we want to ensure that the all fixes from violation are applied if one of them is marked as overlapped we mark
    //the rest as overlapped too to avoid partial rule application
    private List markFixesFromTheSameViolation(List patchSet, next) {
        patchSet.each {
            if (it.violation == next.violation) {

enum PatchType {
    Update, Create, Delete

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